CANADA’S For further Our natural The Taiga Plains – DempsterDempster taiga, a Russian word, information... regions refers to the northern Please contact: One of the most edge of the great boreal Tourism and Parks – appealing aspects of the forest and describes Highway...Highway... Industry, Tourism and Investment, trip up the Dempster is much of the Mackenzie Government of the Northwest Territories, the contrast between the Weber Wolfgang River watershed, Northwest Territories Bag Service #1 DEM, Inuvik NT X0E 0T0 Canada natural regions encountered. Canada’s largest. The e-mail:
[email protected] Mountains, valleys, plateaus river valley acts as Phone: (867) 777-7196 Fax: (867) 777-7321 and plains and the arctic a migratory corridor for the hundreds of thousands of Northwest Territories Campground Reservations – tundra are all to be waterfowl that breed along the arctic coast in summer. discovered along the way. Typical animals found include moose, wolf, black bear, Community Information – We have identified the marten and lynx. The barren ground caribou that migrate five principal natural regions onto the tundra to the north in the summer months, retreat or “ecozones” by colour on to the taiga forest to over-winter. NWT Arctic Tourism – the map for you: The Southern Arctic – Phone Toll Free: 1-800-661-0788 The Boreal Cordillera – labelled as the ’Barren mountain ranges with Lands’ by early European National Parks – numerous high peaks visitors, because of the Canadian Heritage, Parks Canada, and extensive plateaus, lack of trees. Trees do Western Arctic District Office, separated by wide valleys in fact grow here, but Box 1840, Inuvik NT X0E 0T0 and lowlands.