Sociological Perspective on the Elimination of Karanganyar Regency As an Impact of the 1930S Economic Depression

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Sociological Perspective on the Elimination of Karanganyar Regency As an Impact of the 1930S Economic Depression Volume 3, Issue 1, June 2020 Page 81–94 Sociological perspective on the elimination of Karanganyar Regency as an impact of the 1930s economic depression Teguh Hindarto1*, Chusni Ansori2 1Braindilog Sosiologi Indonesia, Indonesia 2Puslit Geoteknologi – LIPI, Indonesia *Corresponding author E-mail address: [email protected] DOI: Article Info Abstract Keywords: The 1930s economic crisis in the United States had spread throughout Economic crisis the world and caused a number of social, economic, political and cultural impacts, including for the Dutch East Indies colonies. Karanganyar Regency, Social-economical- cultural-political which was in the Bagelen Residency territory since 1901, had experienced impact the effects of the economic shock as well. Karanganyar was a district in the Social change Kebumen Regency area. Before becoming a sub-district, Karanganyar was an independent regency and had its head of government from 1832 until 1936. Through literature studies, this paper intended to thoroughly analyze the existence of Karanganyar Regency in the colonial era, find out the background of its elimination, and the process of social change that occurred. To obtain the main variables that cause the elimination of Karanganyar Regency, the researcher utilized the historical comparative method. From the analysis, we concluded that the Economic Depression centred in the United States affected the Dutch East Indies colonies, particularly on the management of the government bureaucracy. This situation demanded the Dutch East Indies government to adapt to social change by removing a number of Regency, including Karanganyar Regency. Citation suggestion: Hindarto, T., & Ansori, C. (2020). Sociological perspective on the elimination of Karanganyar Regency as an impact of the 1930s economic depression. Simulacra, 3(1), 81–94. Received 6 May 2020; Received in revised form 23 May 2020; Accepted 29 May 2020; Published online 25 June 2020. Teguh Hindarto, Chusni Ansori Introduction descriptions and analyzes related to the impact of the Economic Depression in the The Great Depression of 1929-1938 Dutch East Indies, especially Karanganyar centered in the United States. It not only Regency, which has been part of the Bagelen brought social, political, economic and Residency territory since 1901. cultural impact domestically but on all countries economically connected with the United States. It produces an effect akin Method to ocean floor earthquake that triggers Given that the topic of discussion tsunamis in some coastal areas close to examines an event that triggered social the epicenter. The United States Economic impacts and changes across countries, Depression was an economic earthquake the most suitable methodology used epicenter that triggered a tsunami effect in to study the problem is the historical- a number of countries. Indeed, the United comparative approach to get a comprehensive States experienced the most severe shocks understanding. As stated by W. Lawrence as the centre of the Economic Depression. Neuwan, the historical comparative is suitable In 1929, as many as 600 banks closed. In the for examining various combinations of social following, the 1000 followed suit (McNesse, factors that give certain results (for example, 2010: 39). In 1932, as many as 2000 banks civil war, taxation system, and religion). This in the United States went out of business approach is also appropriate to compare the (McNesse, 2010: 39). Shocks were experienced social system as a whole, to find issues that in other business sectors, not only business commonly found in all communities as well people and bankers. Farmers felt similar as unique ones, and to study the long-term economic shocks. In 1929, a bushel was changes that occur in society (Neuman, 2013: valued at $ 1.03. It fell drastically to 36 cents 513). in 1931 (McNesse, 2010: 39). Unemployment The steps of the historical-comparative increased dramatically. However, there approach are composed of conceptualizing was no accurate record from the federal the object of study, finding evidence, government. In 1932, industrial workers’ evaluating the quality of evidence, compiling wages fell by 50% since 1928 (McNesse, 2010: evidence, synthesizing, and writing reports 39). (Neuwan, 2013: 522-526). We took several The economic depression which affected methodological steps to obtain a general the United States and several other countries description of the Economic Depression that disrupt not only industrial and economic hit the world. It was described and analyzed activities but also political and government through a number of historical data in the policies. It also affected a number of colonies, form of works of literature that capture the including the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia). economic shocks. Meanwhile, the impact Budget cuts and elimination of certain of the depression on the Dutch East Indies administrative regions was a part of a policy territories was be presented and analyzed to respond to the Economic Depression. through a number of historical data from From a sociological perspective, the Dutch-language newspapers that reported Economic Depression of 1929-1938 gave rise the removal and reaction of local officials in to several unplanned and unintended changes the Bagelen Residency and the Banyumas in various sectors, including social, political, Residency. cultural, and primarily economic. This paper The authors attempted to find the would provide a number of sociological main factors that lead to the elimination of 82 Simulacra 3(1), June 2020 Karanganyar Regency to be merged into Macionis described four characteristics that Kebumen Regency. After collecting several mark a process of social change, namely: (1) Dutch newspaper articles, the writer found Social change that occurs over time. Change a number of reasons for the elimination of is part of the dynamics of the life of a society; many districts in the Bagelen and Banyumas, (2) social change often occurs continuously including Karanganyar Regency. To but sometimes unplanned. A deviation ensure the accuracy of colonial-era Dutch- can occur from the original plan; (3) social language newspaper articles’ translations, change causes controversy. Every social the author utilized several physical and change is not necessarily accepted and can virtual dictionaries and encyclopedias. experience a reaction of rejection because of Because this study examined the situation unpreparedness; (4) social change becomes a of an area that has undergone socio-cultural problem for other parties. On the one hand, and socio-political and socio-economic social change brings benefits, but for other changes, a historical review was necessary. groups, it becomes a loss (Macionis, 2014: We analyzed several reports from the Dutch- 697). language newspaper. Historical studies were To understand the complex problem of conducted to understand the socio-historical social change, a typology of social change process behind an event, in this case, is the is necessary. Piotr Sztompka defined the six elimination of Karanganyar Regency and its typologies: (1) the form of occurring social incorporation into Kebumen Regency. processes, (2) the results of a social change processes, (3) the community members’ awareness of social change process, (4) the Results and Discussion driving forces of the process of change, (5) Anatomy of Social Change the reality level of a social change, (6) and the time of the social change (Sztompka, According to August Comte, social life 2004: 13). Of the five typologies of social is like an organism. It has both static and change, two things need to be highlighted as dynamic aspects. Static aspects include a theoretical foundation for social analysis in elements that remain in society, such this article, namely ‘awareness of the social as social structures and social systems. change processes’ and ‘the driving forces of Conversely, dynamic aspects include various the social change process.’ The process of developments or changes that support social social change involves several actors/agents life (Turner, 2014: 8). Social change that who are aware of said process. It includes occurs in a society is a dynamic aspect of the awareness of the results generated by social community itself. change. Robert Merton differentiated the Social change is not just an event that ‘processes that manifest (visible) or processes shows a shift or change from one state to that are expected and realized’ and ‘latent another. Instead, it has several anatomies that processes’ or processes that are not expected include factors that cause social change, the and are not realized (Merton, 1968: 73). He impact caused by social change, the direction added a third process, which is ‘boomerang of a social change, and some typologies that processes’ or processes that are realized and characterize a social transformation. Social expected happened but missed (Merton, change can be defined as a change that occurs 1968: 105). in society, including behavior patterns, Some sociologists termed differently: social relations, as well as institutions and ‘intended change’ (planned change) and social structures at a specified period. John J. ‘unintended change’, or ‘unplanned change’ 83 Teguh Hindarto, Chusni Ansori (Soekanto, 2014: 272-273). Ram Ahuja’s book, technological systems and structures (Perry, “Social Problems in India” (1992), presented 2017: 10). Likewise, Max Weber believed an
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