Indonesian Journal on Geoscience Vol. 7 No. 2 August 2020: 215-224

INDONESIAN JOURNAL ON GEOSCIENCE Geological Agency Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources

Journal homepage: hp:// ISSN 2355-9314, e-ISSN 2355-9306

Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulnerability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Groundwater Basin,

Thomas Triadi Putranto, Tri Winarno, and Axel Prima Agita Susanta

Department of Geological Engineering, Diponegoro University Jln. Prof. H. Soedharto,S.H., Tembalang - , Indonesia 50275

Corresponding author: [email protected] Manuscript received: April, 4, 2019; revised: September, 19, 2019; approved: January, 23, 2020; available online: July, 16, 2020

Abstract - Salatiga Groundwater Basin (SGB) is located in Java Island, Indonesia. Administratively, it covers Se- marang , Salatiga City, and . Industry and community use groundwater to fulfil their daily need. Increasing number of deep wells that extract groundwater will cause some environmental problems, such as lowering groundwater level and subsidence at SGB. Thus, there is a need to assess the adverse impacts of groundwater abstraction. Risk assessment of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is the goal of this study. The research method was taking account of weighting of geological parameters, such as response characteristics of the aquifers, characteristics of aquifer storage, aquifer thickness, piezometric depth, and distance from the shoreline to conduct the groundwater vulnerability mapping. It was then overlaid on a map of regional spatial plan to develop the map of vulnerability risk due to abstraction. The groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is categorized in the medium level. After being overlaid by the land use map, the risk of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is classified into three kinds, which are low, medium, and high. Regions with a low class can be neglected. Areas with moder- ate risk require an exhaustive review of technical requirements of the use of borewell. Areas with high-risk need a comprehensive consideration to use artesian wells by monitoring wells with drill licenses, tightening the permit to add new production wells, and conducting periodic review of groundwater monitoring. Keywords: risk assessment, groundwater, vulnerability, abstraction, aquifer, Salatiga Groundwater Basin © IJOG - 2020. All right reserved

How to cite this article: Putranto, T.T., Winarno, T., and Susanta, A.P.A., 2020. Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulner- ability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Salatiga Groundwater Basin, Indonesia. Indo­nesian Journal on Geoscience, 7 (2), p.215-224. DOI: 10.17014/ijog.7.2.215-224

Introduction (Witkowski et al., 2007). The risk assessment of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is The term of groundwater vulnerability was developed by aggregating some major vulner- introduced by a French hydrogeologist, Mar- ability parameters to one vulnerability index, gat, in 1968, and IJOGthe first vulnerability map involving various steps of selection, transform- was constructed in France by Albined in 1970. ing some parameters into raster data, rating, Since the early 1980s, more complex methods and weighting. In this research, groundwater of groundwater vulnerability assessment have vulnerability is mainly formulated as an intrin- been developed, and a considerable number of sic property of the aquifer system that relies on vulnerability maps of various scales and objec- the sensitivity of the system to human and/or tives have been produced throughout the world natural impact.

Accredited by: RISTEKDIKTI (1st grade), valid August 2016 - April 2020 Indexed by: SCOPUS (Q3) 215 Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, Vol. 7 No. 2 August 2020: 215-224

Salatiga groundwater basin/SGB is located in locally spread in the south-west of SGB. Payung Java Island, Indonesia. It covers Semarang Re- Formation is of Pleistocene age. gency, Salatiga City, and Boyolali Regency (Figure Merbabu Volcanic Rock Formation (Qme) 1) with a total number of industry, both small and contains volcanic breccia, lava, tuff, and laharic big,was around 2.981 in 2011 and increased up to breccia. They entirely spread at the SGB area. 3.030 in 2013. In this basin, there were 249.081 Merbabu volcanic rocks are of Holocene age. inhabitants in 2011, and became 253.297 people in Sumbing Lava Formation (Qls) consists of lava 2013 (Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Boyolali, flow, and the dome consists ofaugite-hornblende 2004; Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Semarang, andesite. They spread at the south-west of SGB, 2004; Badan Pusat Statistik Kota Salatiga, 2014). i.e. belowMount Merbabu. This formation is Both industry and community use groundwater of the Holocene age. Basalt (Qba) is composed to fulfil their daily need. They withdraw ground- of volcanic rocks which are grey, dense, sco- water through deep wells in confined aquifers. The riaceous, and porphyritic. The alluvium (Qa) is number of deep wells that extract groundwater formed by river and lake deposits which consist will cause some environmental problems, such of pebble, cobble, sand, and silt with the thick- as lowering groundwater level, subsidence, and ness ranging of 1 - 3 m. seawater intrusion if the groundwater extraction is Based on the results of the study of groundwa- over its potency. Thus, there is a need to assess the ter potency by Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi adverse impacts of groundwater extraction at SGB. Provinsi Jawa Tengah (2005) as shown in Figure Based on the regional geological map of 3, SGB has moderately and low groundwater po- -Semarang and Salatiga (Sukardi and tency in both unconfined and confined aquifers, Budhitrisna, 1992; Thanden et al., 1996) SGB, respectively. The aquifers consist of young vol- from old to young, consists of some formationsas canic products of , and ground- shown in Figure 2. Payung Formation (Qp) con- water flows through fissures and interstices. The sists of lahar, claystone, breccia, and tuff. They medium potency has groundwater discharge from


0 95 km Indonesia Java Sea


Java Island 0 550 km Indian Ocean a 43000 440000 450000 460000 b N

0 4.5 9 km Bawen

9200000 9200000 Tuntang Bringin Bancak

Rawapening Lake Sidorejo Pabelan Wonosegoro Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 9190000 Salatiga City Argomulyo Suruh

IJOGGetasan Tengaran Susukan 9180000 Ampel Legend 9180000 Regency/City Boundary Boyolali Regency Sub-District Boundary River Elevation (masl) High: 3.061 Low: 91.5 43000 440000 450000 460000 c

Figure 1. Locality map of studied area of SGB.

216 Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulnerability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Salatiga Groundwater Basin, Indonesia (T. Putranto et al.)

43000 440000 450000 460000

N Grobogan Regency Bawen Qba 0 4.5 9 km

9200000 Semarang Regency 9200000

Tuntang Bringin

Qp Bancak Rawapening Lake

Sidorejo Pabelan Qa Wonosegoro Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 9190000 Salatiga City Qmc Suruh Argomulyo

Getasan Tengaran Susukan Qls 9180000 Legend 9180000 Ampel Regency/City Boundary Sub-District Boundary Magelang Regency Boyolali Regency Qa Qba Qls Qmc Qp Lineament Thrust Fault (Indicated)

43000 440000 450000 460000

Figure 2. Regional geological map of Salatiga Groundwater Basin.

440000 45000 460000

Bergas Pringapus Grobogan Regency Kedungjati Bringin SB-31 Bawen 9200000 SB-26 Bancak 9200000 SB-20 SB-16 SB-25 Ambarawa Tuntang SB-15

Wonosegoro Sidorejo SB-9 Pabelan Banyubiru SB-8 SB-11 9190000 N Sidomukti SB-1 Tingkir 9190000 Salatiga City SB-34 SB-35 SB-18 SB-32 Suruh SB-29 SB-30 0 5 km Argomulyo SB-7 SB-3 SB-33 Karanggede SB-5 SB-6 Legend Getasan SB-28 Lake SB-27 Deep Well SB-22 Susukan Pakis Tengaran Non Groundwater Basin 9180000 SB-21 Magelang Regency Groundwater Potency Low (<2 L/d) Ampel Boyolali Regency Sawangan Kaliwungu Medium (2-10 L/d)

Musuk Selo Cepogo Recharge - Discharge Boundary IJOG440000 45000 Figure 3. Locality map of deep wells at the SGB.

2 to 10 l/sec, located in the centre to the north of Materials and Method SGB. While the low potency is distributed in the south of SGB. These areas have groundwater There were thirty-five deep wells located discharge of up to 2 l/sec. at SGB (Figure 3). Table 1 provides the total

217 Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, Vol. 7 No. 2 August 2020: 215-224 depth of wells, the aquifer thickness, and the vulnerability due to abstraction can be classified piezometric levels measuredon May 2015. (Table 3). Four wells did not identify piezometric level Figure 4 shows the cross-section of the due to the maintenance of the piezometer on the subsurface setting based on the borehole and wells. To assess the groundwater vulnerability, georesistivity measurement. aprevious study applied spatial analysis to There were two cross-sections, i.e. the cross- construct some thematic maps using Geographic section in A - A’ from the south to the north Information System/GIS (Ghayoumianet al., and B - B’ depicted from the west to the east. 2006; Baker et al., 2007; Jhaet al., 2007; Al- The lithology consists of topsoil, clay, and tuff, Quadah and Abu-Jaber, 2009; Chowdary et al. in some parts it comprises andesite, breccia, 2009; Cheniniet al., 2010). The groundwater sandstone, and claystone. vulnerability to abstraction in the groundwater To assess the risk of groundwater vul­ basin involves the class and score of relevant nerability due to abstraction, the result of an overlying parameters (Putra and Indrawan, 2014) intrinsic groundwater vulnerability map was in raster GIS format (Table 2). overlaid on the land use map (Figure 5). The The highest score represents the highest land use map in the studied area is classed based vulnerability of the parameters due to ab­ on its risk to groundwater abstraction (Table 4). straction.All parameters were transformed The highest score of land use represents the into raster images,then calculated by using highest groundwater used. The result of the risk araster calculator in the spatial analysis tool in of groundwater abstraction was classified in Table ArcGIS. The sum of the total score parameters 5 (Putra and Indrawan, 2014). was 5 to 25. Thus, the intrinsic groundwater Table 2. Parameters of Groundwater Vulnerability due to Abstraction Table 1. Deep Wells in the SGB Parameter Symbol Unit Class Score Total Aquifer Well Elevation Piezometric depth thickness <10 1 Code (masl) Level (masl) Characteristic 10 - 100 2 (m) (m) of respond T/S m2/day 100 - 1.000 3 SB-1 620 135 28 20 aquifer 1.000 - 100.000 4 SB-2 733 90 20 10 >100.000 5 SB-3 719 90 20 10 <0.0001 1 SB-4 734 90 20 10 Characteristic 0.0001 - 0.001 2 SB-5 728 90 20 10 of aquifer S/R yr/mm 0.001 - 0.01 3 SB-6 746 90 20 10 storage 0.01 - 0.1 4 SB-7 735 90 20 10 >0.1 5 SB-8 540 100 12 20 >100 1 SB-9 551 100 12 20 Aquifer 50 - 100 2 SB-10 551 100 12 20 s m 20 - 50 3 SB-11 551 100 12 20 thickness 10 - 20 4 SB-12 740 90 23 10 <10 5 SB-13 745 90 23 10 >50 1 SB-14 644 90 25 20 Piezometric 20 - 50 2 SB-15 412 81 34 10 H m 10 - 20 3 SB-16 458 81 34 20 depth 5 - 10 4 SB-17 509 15 10 5 0 - 5 5 SB-18 652 90 25 20 >100 1 SB-19 651 100 25 10 Coastline 10 - 100 2 SB-20 386 75 18 20 L km 1 - 10 3 SB-21 717 90 13 20 distance 0.1 - 1 4 SB-22 717 120 18 20 <0.1 5 SB-23 722 70 12 10 Note: T: Transmissivity; S: Storativity; R: Recharge; H: piezometric SB-24 720 115 10 10 SB-25 400 100 IJOG15 20 depth; L: Coastline distance SB-26 433 100 17 20 SB-27 765 100 10 10 SB-28 762 100 10 10 SB-29 692 96 12 5 Table 3.Class of GroundwaterVulnerabilityDue to Abstraction SB-30 689 120 42 7 SB-31 143 56 ni 5 Class of vulnerability Total score SB-32 676 80 39 20 SB-33 534 70 ni 5 Extremely high 20 - 25 SB-34 651 110 ni 14 High 15 - 20 SB-35 667 90 ni 13 Moderate 10 - 15 Note: ni (not identified) Low 5 - 10

218 Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulnerability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Salatiga Groundwater Basin, Indonesia (T. Putranto et al.)

Index Map

South North 435000 440000 445000 450000 455000 460000 Grobogan Regency Legend: Klepu Kedungjati Top Soil 9200000 Argomulyo SB-15 9200000 A SB-3 Clay Bawen Bringin Elevation Cebongan SB-61 Tuff Ambarawa Tuntang (masl) Sidorejo GL-3 Timatex GL-2 Breccia GL-1 Pabelan 9195000 9195000 GL-1 Sandstone Semarang Regency 600 Sarirejo Banyubiru Sidorejo Wonosegoro Claystone Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 9190000 Salatiga City Suruh Boyolali Regency Lithology Boundary SB-61 SB-17 SB-66 SB-3 SB-6 GL-4 (Approximately) Argomulyo SB-59 A’ 9185000 Pabelan Profile Getasan 9185000 A GL-5

Tengaran 9180000 400 Susukan 9180000 Magelang Regency N GL-2 Bancak A’ Ampel 9175000 Banding GL-3 9175000 Boyolali Regency Selo 0 1.5 3 6 km Pucung Cepogo 435000 440000 445000 450000 455000 460000 200

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Distance (km)

Index Map 435000 440000 445000 450000 455000 460000 Grobogan Regency Legend: Klepu Kedungjati West East Top Soil 9200000 SB-15 9200000 Clay Bawen Bringin Argomulyo Andesite (fractured) B SB-3 Ambarawa Tuntang SB-6 GL-3 Cebongan SB-17 Tuff GL-2 Elevation Kradenan SB-66 GL-1 Pabelan 9195000 SB-61 9195000 Tegalsari Semarang Regency (masl) Timatex Tongaran Breccia Wonosegoro Sandstone Banyubiru Sidorejo Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 600 Suruh Claystone 9190000 Salatiga City Suruh Boyolali Regency SB-59 GL-5 SB-61 SB-17 SB-66 SB-3 SB-6 GL-4 Suruh Lithology Boundary Argomulyo SB-59 Suruh Purworejo (Approximately) 9185000 B’ Getasan 9185000 GL-5 B Profile Tengaran 9180000 Susukan 9180000 B’ GL-4 Magelang Regency N 400 Sukorejo Suruh Ampel 9175000 9175000 Boyolali Regency

Selo 0 1.5 3 6 km Cepogo 435000 440000 445000 450000 455000 460000


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Distance (km)

Figure 4. Geological cross-section based on borehole and geoelectricity measurement.

Table 4. Land Use Index Characteristic of respond aquifer Groundwater vulnerability map due to abstraction Land use Score Protected forest areas, catchment areas, Merbabu national Characteristic of 1 aquifer storage park Production forest areas, limited production forest areas 2 Wet land, dry land 3 Aquifer thickness Settlement, industrial zone 4

Land use index assessment

Piezometric depth Results and Discussion

Coastline distance Groundwater Vulnerability to Abstraction

Risk of groundwater The parameter of respond aquifer represents vulnerability Groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction two groups related to the transmissivity and its map due to abstraction storativity values (Figure 6). The thickness of the Figure 5. Spatial analysis processes to define the risk of confined aquifer is 2 - 32.3 m with the hydraulic groundwater vulnerabilityIJOG to abstraction. conductivity of 6.2 - 100.1 m2/day. The value of Table 5. Classification of the Risk of Groundwater Vulnerability Due to Abstraction

Relative groundwater exploitation yield (RGOV) Negative impact of groundwater abstraction Risk group = RGOV + AQS Extremely High/EH (4) M (5) H (6) H (7) EH (8) High/H (3) M (4) M (5) H (6) H (7) Moderate/M (2) L (3) M (4) M (5) H (6) Low/L (1) L (2) L (3) M (4) M (5) Low/L (1) Moderate/M (2) High/H (3) Extremely High/EH (4) Aquifer Susceptibility Class (AQS)

219 Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, Vol. 7 No. 2 August 2020: 215-224

storativity (27%) is derived from the value of divided into three groups. The score of this specific yield of unconfined aquifer composition parameter is from 3 to 5 based on its class values. (medium sandstone) due to vertical compression of Several deep well data describe that the associated aquitard which is not considered in this piezometric levels at SGB are 10.1 - 41.1 m study. Thus, the scores of this parameter are on 2 depth. Thus, this parameter can be classed into and 3 with the class values of 10 - 100 m2/day and two groups based on the piezometric depth level 100.1 - 1.000 m2/day. Based on the meteoric water (Figure 9). The scores of this parameter are 2 and balance calculation, the recharge of SGB is 1.777 3 based on their classes to the piezometric level. mm/yr, and the storativity is up to 27%. Thus, the Meanwhile, the SGB is located on 30 - 50 characteristic of aquifer storage is around 1.5 x km away from the Java Sea representing the 10 - 4mm/yr (Figure 7). This value is on the score parameter of coastline distance as shown in of 2 of the class which is 0.0001 - 0.001. Figure 10. Thus, the score of this parameter is 2 Figure 8 shows that the thickness of the confined with the class value is 10 - 100 km away from aquifers is 2 - 32.3 m. Thus, this parameter is the coastline (Figure 10).

43000 440000 450000 460000 43000 440000 450000 460000

N N Grobogan Regency Grobogan Regency

Bawen 0 4.5 9 km Bawen 0 4.5 9 km 9200000 9200000 9200000 Semarang Regency Semarang Regency 9200000 Tuntang Bringin Tuntang Bringin Bancak Bancak Rawapening Lake Rawapening Lake Sidorejo Pabelan Sidorejo Pabelan

Wonosegoro Wonosegoro

9190000 Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 9190000

Salatiga City Salatiga City

Suruh Suruh Argomulyo Argomulyo

Tengaran Getasan Susukan Getasan Tengaran Susukan

Magelang Regency Magelang Regency 9180000 9180000 9180000 Ampel 9180000 Ampel Legend Regency/City Boundary Legend Boyolali Regency Boyolali Regency Sub-District Boundary Regency/City Boundary 3 (20.1 - 50 m) Sub-District Boundary 4 (10.1 - 20 m) 2 (0.0001 - 0.001 year/mm) 5 (<10 m)

43000 440000 450000 460000 43000 440000 450000 460000

Figure 6. Respond aquifer. Figure 8. Aquifer thickness.

43000 440000 450000 460000 43000 440000 450000 460000 N N Grobogan Regency Grobogan Regency Bawen Bawen 0 4.5 9 km 0 4.5 9 km 9200000 Semarang Regency 9200000 9200000 9200000 Semarang Regency Tuntang Bringin Tuntang Bringin Bancak Bancak Rawapening Lake Rawapening Lake Sidorejo Sidorejo Pabelan Pabelan

Wonosegoro Wonosegoro Sidomukti Tingkir Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 9190000 9190000 9190000 Salatiga City Salatiga City Suruh Suruh Argomulyo Argomulyo

Getasan TengaranIJOGSusukan Tengaran Getasan Susukan Magelang Regency 9180000 9180000

9180000 Magelang Regency 9180000 Ampel Ampel

Legend Boyolali Regency Legend Regency/City Boundary Boyolali Regency Regency/City Boundary Sub-District Boundary Sub-District Boundary 2 (10 - 100 m2/day 2 (10 - 100 m2/day 2 3 (100.1 - 1.000 m2/day) 3 (100.1 - 1.000 m /day)

43000 440000 450000 460000 43000 440000 450000 460000

Figure 7. Aquifer storage. Figure 9. Piezometric depths.

220 Risk Assessment of Groundwater Abstraction Vulnerability Using Spatial Analysis: Case Study at Salatiga Groundwater Basin, Indonesia (T. Putranto et al.)

43000 440000 450000 460000 the intrinsic parameter of groundwater vulner- N Grobogan Regency Bawen ability. Thus, it is necessary to overlay the land 0 4.5 9 km 9200000 Semarang Regency 9200000 use map (BAPPEDA Kabupaten Boyolali, 2010; Tuntang Bringin BAPPEDA Kota Salatiga, 2010) to conduct a risk Bancak Rawapening Lake mapping showing an adverse effect of groundwa- Sidorejo Pabelan ter abstraction at SGB. Wonosegoro Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 9190000 The land use of SGB (Figure 12) area is clas- Salatiga City

Argomulyo Suruh sified into four groups based on Table 4. Protected

forest, catchment area, and Merbabu National Getasan Tengaran Susukan Park representing the lowest level, have score 9180000 Magelang Regency 9180000 Ampel 1 of groundwater used. While the highest level, Boyolali Regency Legend Regency/City Boundary score 4 of groundwater used, occurs in settlement Sub-District Boundary 2 (10 - 100 m2/day and industrial zones. Production forest, wetlands, 43000 440000 450000 460000 and drylands represent the moderate level, scores Figure 10. Coastline distance. 2 and 3 of groundwater used. For the assessment risk of groundwater The results of overlying five parameters of vulnerability due to abstraction, the map of intrinsic groundwater show the total scores of groundwater vulnerability is converted as rela- 12 - 15. Thus, the vulnerability due to abstraction tive groundwater exploitation yield (RGOV) as depicted at SGB is moderately vulnerable in all shown in Table 5. regions (Figure 11). This moderate vulnerability The vulnerability map is in moderate class class reflects that the impact of groundwater having a score of 2. While the scores of land use abstraction at SGB would appear when the map represent aquifer susceptibility class (AQS). groundwater exploitation exceeds its potency. Finally, the total score of the risk of groundwater vulnerability due to abstraction is represented by Risk of Groundwater Vulnerability to Abstrac- summing up RGOV and AQS scores, respectively. tion Figure 13 depicts the risk of groundwater The groundwater vulnerability map due to vulnerability to abstraction which is divided into abstraction as shown in Figure 11 represents three zones which are low (score 3), moderate (score 4 - 5), and high (score 6).

43000 440000 450000 460000 N Grobogan Regency 43000 440000 450000 460000 Bawen N 0 4.5 9 km Grobogan Regency Bawen 9200000 Semarang Regency 9200000 0 4.5 9 km

Tuntang Bringin 9200000 Semarang Regency 9200000 Bancak Tuntang Bringin Rawapening Lake Bancak Sidorejo Pabelan Rawapening Lake

Wonosegoro Sidorejo Pabelan 9190000 9190000 Sidomukti Tingkir Wonosegoro Salatiga City

9190000 Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 Suruh Salatiga City Argomulyo Suruh Argomulyo

Getasan Tengaran Susukan Susukan IJOGGetasan Tengaran 9180000 9180000 Magelang Regency Legend Ampel Regency/City Boundary Magelang Regency

9180000 Sub-District Boundary Legend Ampel 1 (Protection Forest, Boyolali Regency Regency/City Boundary Catchment Area, and Sub-District Boundary Boyolali Regency Merbabu National Park) 12 - 15 (Moderate Vulnerability) Boyolali Regency 2 (Production Forest) 3 (Wetlands and Drylands) 4 (Settlement and Industries) 43000 440000 450000 460000

43000 440000 450000 460000 Figure 11. Map of groundwater vulnerability to abstraction at SGB. Figure 12. Land use map of SGB area.

221 Indonesian Journal on Geoscience, Vol. 7 No. 2 August 2020: 215-224

43000 440000 450000 460000 100 - 1.000 m following the groundwater potency N Grobogan Regency Bawen study (Dinas Pertambangan dan Energi Provinsi 0 4.5 9 km Jawa Tengah, 2005). 9200000 Semarang Regency 9200000 Tuntang Bringin In the low-risk areas, the negative impact Bancak Rawapening Lake of groundwater used can be neglected, because Sidorejo Pabelan these regions are recharge zones of groundwater Wonosegoro

9190000 Sidomukti Tingkir 9190000 as shown in Figure 3. These areas are mainly Salatiga City Suruh Argomulyo protected areas to preserve groundwater storage and its sustainability. Therefore, no deep wells Getasan Tengaran Susukan

Magelang Regency are available in these areas. Springs are primarily 9180000 9180000 Ampel Legend Regency/City Boundary fulfiling the water need in this region. Boyolali Regency Sub-District Boundary 3 (Low Risk) Groundwater is a crucial and valuable re- 4 - 5 (Moderate Risk) 6 (High Risk) source for human activities which represents the 43000 440000 450000 460000 most fundamental source of fresh potable water Figure 13. Map of groundwater vulnerability risk to (Howard, 2007). The presence and demand for abstraction at SGB. groundwater that has a fundamental impact on society and environment are consequently of criti- The moderate-risk zones are dominantly situ- cal concern (Putranto et al., 2016). The pressures ated at the SGB area, while the high-risk zones are are on population concentration, industrial zone, located in the settlement and industrial zones in water efficiency, and environmental necessity Salatiga City, in the centre of SGB. Another zone (Arnell, 1999). The risk assessment of ground- that is the low-risk zone is situated in the south- water vulnerability due to abstraction is a valu- west of SGB, especially in the protected forest, able approach for sustainable urban groundwater catchment area, and Merbabu National Park. management to fulfil fundamental needs for the The highest risk zones represent the immediate inhabitants (Pardo, 2009). impact to become a part due to extensive use of groundwater through deep wells. In the high-risk zone, it is mandatory to have Conclusions a continuous evaluation and data record related to groundwater abstraction through deep wells. A spatial analysis is the most fascinating and Moreover, there should be a strict control on new astonishing aspect of Geographic Information permits as well as on the existing deep wells. System. Using a spatial analysis, information from Regular monitoring of groundwater quality and many geological and hydrogeological parameters measuring of groundwater level are essential to can be combined, and new sets of results can be manage the groundwater use. The local govern- derived by applying a sophisticated set of spatial ment is also recommended to develop monitor- calculation. Moreover, new modified data sets ing wells in the industrial zones and at industrial can be useful to obtain new results related to the companies which have three to five wells in one evaluation of current environmental setting. production area (GW- MATE, 2005). In this research, intrinsic groundwater Groundwater use inIJOG the moderate risk areas is vulnerability at SGB has the moderate class which still feasible for abstraction through deep wells, means that the impacts of groundwater used has but in the implementation, monitoring should be a minor or less impact on the aquifer properties. done regularly related to the groundwater dis- The evaluation of an intrinsic vulnerability charge as well as groundwater level. The limit map which is overlaid by a land use map of discharge of deep wells must be in the range conducts the risk of groundwater vulnerability of 2 - 10 L/sec with the deep well distance of map due to abstraction that can be classified

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