
A criteria-based methodology for determining the mechanism of transverse drainage development, with application to the southwestern United States

John Douglass† Department of Geography, Paradise Community College, 18401 N. 32nd Street, Phoenix, 85032, USA Norman Meek Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, State University, San Bernardino, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, California 92407, USA Ronald I. Dorn Mark W. Schmeeckle School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University, P.O. Box 870104, Tempe, Arizona 85287-0104, USA

ABSTRACT (4) T ributaries eroding headward, in response Since at least the eighteenth century, a number to the integration of two or more closed of scholars have described and debated causes The study of how cross obstructing basins, can capture and redirect drainage; of transverse drainage (Hutton, 1795; Playfair, , once popular in the early twenti- this permits transverse drainage through 1802; Powell, 1875; Gilbert, 1877; Dutton, eth century, has seen a dramatic resurgence both piracy and superimposition upstream 1882; Davis, 1898b; Lane, 1899; Thornbury, in the last decade. Since Hutton’s scholarly of the capture event. Because extant criteria 1957; Oberlander, 1965; Twidale, 1966; McKee introduction to a possible cause for trans- use nominal and ordinal data almost entirely, et al., 1967; Hunt, 1969). Transverse drainages verse drainage, however, no single study has considerable potential exists to refi ne this have also been termed gaps, transverse valleys, compiled all of the various criteria that can approach through future strategies that transverse gorges, water gaps, transverse be used to discriminate among the four pos- incorporate interval data. Future use of a gorges, drainage anomalies, transverse trunk sible mechanisms of antecedence, superimpo- criteria-based method has the potential to valleys, and boxes. In the past decade there sition, overfl ow, and piracy. This paper pres- inform on prior geomorphic studies by pro- has been a resurgence of interest in transverse ents the fi rst such compilation and related viding a new perspective with which to study drainage (Young and Spamer, 2001; Mayer et methodology to apply these criteria both in how basins evolve in active tectonic regions, al., 2003; Nesci and Savelli, 2003; Stokes and tabular and graphical formats, as well as an the analysis of related basin sedimentation, Mather, 2003; Twidale, 2004), aided by the online interactive tool in the data repository. the hydrological and biological aspects of desire to link fundamental research on such Combining nominal and ordinal data sources, drainage evolution, and transverse drainage diverse topics as the genetic distribution of this methodology generates an objective, found in Martian crater fi elds. freshwater species (Bishop, 1995; Burridge et reproducible assessment for the mechanism al., 2006; Craw et al., 2007), and possible drain- most likely to have established the trans- Keywords: antecedence, basin analysis, drain- age in crater fi elds on (Irwin et al., 2002). verse drainage at fi ve ordinal levels of con- age evolution, overfl ow, piracy, superimposi- Often, transverse drainage develops during or fi dence. When applied to southwestern U.S. tion, tectonic , planetary geo- following a period of signifi cant tectonic activ- sites, randomly selected through an objec- morphology, transverse drainage. ity. Thus, knowledge of the mechanism and tim- tive spatial procedure, four general observa- ing of the inception of transverse drainage can tions emerged on the relationship between INTRODUCTION be useful in exploring links between tectonics, the development of transverse drainage and climate, and surface processes (Humphrey and landscape evolution. (1) persisting Rivers fl ow downhill. The only exceptions Konrad, 2000; Marshall et al., 2003; Clark et through lengthy periods of extension develop to this rule occur over relatively short distances al., 2004; Simpson, 2004; Brocard et al., 2005; antecedent . (2) In order to reestab- where the ’s momentum may allow it to Bishop, 2007). A number of numerical land- lish through-fl owing channels, streams over- fl ow over a local high spot, or where a stream’s scape evolution models have been developed fl ow closed basins as active extension wanes. water surface slopes opposite to its bed. Except that are able to reproduce many signifi cant (3) Following a drop in related to in the case of very small bed slopes, these con- landscape features such as morphometrically the newly developed trunk channels, streams ditions cannot extend very far downstream. Yet realistic drainage networks, river concavity, and to the trunk channels incise into many transverse streams incise unexpectedly hilltop convexity (e.g., Willgoose et al., 1991; basin-fi ll deposits—sometimes leading to the across highlands such as anticlines, upwarps, Howard, 1994; Tucker et al., 2001). With the development of superimposed drainages. cuestas, or horsts. Many of the world’s largest possible exception of antecedence, however, river systems have incised gorges across struc- none of these landscape evolution models has †E-mail: @gmail.com tural and topographic highs (Fig. 1). yet simulated the development of transverse

GSA Bulletin; March/April 2009; v. 121; no. 3/4; p. 586–598; doi: 10.1130/B26131.1; 6 fi gures; 5 tables; Data Repository item 2008163.

586 For permission to copy, contact [email protected] © 2008 Geological Society of America Criterion approach to transverse drainage mechanisms, southwestern United States

and Konrad, 2000; Simpson, 2004) and stream experiments (Ouchi, 1983, 1985; Doug- lass and Schmeeckle, 2007). These numerical and experimental models show that anteced- ence takes place when a has the capac- ity to erode into a rising bedrock structure and continue to transport downstream without periods of prolonged . Humphrey and Konrad (2000) showed that must retreat across the rising bed- rock structure at a rate that prevents aggradation upstream of the bedrock structure. Otherwise, the channel upstream of the bedrock structure could be diverted to a new path. Ouchi’s (1983, 1985) experiments demonstrate that aggrada- tion also occurs downstream of a rising struc- ture. Downstream aggradation develops when a stream lacks the capacity to erode through a rising structure and transport the eroded bedrock material downstream. In the experi- ments of Douglass and Schmeeckle (2007), aggradation downstream of the rising structure reduced channel gradient to such an extent that the channel’s erosive capacity was insuffi cient to maintain its path across the rising structure. As a result, the channel was defl ected to a new Figure 1. Examples of transverse streams in the United States (A–C) location upstream of the rising structure. and the world (D–F). Images are courtesy of National Aeronautics and Because an antecedent stream drains across Space Administration and the authors. (A) The Columbia River crosses a rising structure, highlands where the stream the bedrock highland of the Cascade Mountains through the narrow originates must predate surface exposure of the of the , - border. uplifting range, an important method (B) The where the River incises into the Kai- to estimate the relative ages of mountain ranges bab , Arizona. (C) Streams that across the Wasatch Range (Schumm et al., 2000). As rivers fl ow across between Provo and Salt Lake City, . (D) The McDonnell Ranges rising mountain ranges they develop offset and in Australia host transverse drainages. (E) of a covermass of fl exed fl uvial terraces. Using offset and fl exed volcanic superimposes transverse drainages across folds in terraces, Lavé and Avouac (2000) quantifi ed the Altiplano, northern Chile. (F) The Ugab River cuts across resistant the rate of active faulting in the Siwaliks Hills, hogbacks in . central Nepal. Not all streams that cross a ris- ing mountain can maintain their course, and the stream’s course is either defl ected or ponded drainage. This is not surprising, because land- mechanisms in detail and briefl y describe the by the rising mountain. Higher order channels, scape evolution models remain unable to simu- relevance of transverse drainage development with greater discharges, should be more likely late many dynamic features of landscapes. For to the broader topic of landscape evolution. We to develop and maintain antecedent canyons. As example, ridges migrate even under relatively then explain our methodology and results for streams erode into rising mountains, accelerated steady-state climatic and tectonic conditions 20 randomly selected sites in a portion of the removal of rock from the antecedent canyon (Hasbargen and Paola, 2000; Mudd and Furbish, southwestern United States. Lastly, we interpret causes the crust to respond isostatically, result- 2005), and ridge migration may be an important southwestern U.S. drainage development from a ing in further rock uplift and curious double- factor in the formation of transverse drainage transverse drainage perspective, where regional plunging anticlines bisected by rivers (Simpson, by piracy (Davis, 1898a). A methodology that tectonic history infl uences the mechanism of 2004). Thus, antecedent streams both infl uence is able to correctly and effi ciently determine the transverse drainage development. and are infl uenced by active tectonic processes basic mechanism of transverse drainage over and landscape evolution (Tables 1 and 2). large areas thus has the potential to provide MECHANISMS clues about the evolution of a landscape and, Superimposition therefore, to improve landscape models. Antecedence Early scholars proposed four general mecha- Superimposed streams can also be associ- nisms to explain the formation of transverse For antecedence to take place, a stream ated with active tectonics. Superimposition drainage: antecedence, superimposition, over- must drain across and erode a channel into an requires that a stream fl ow atop a covermass fl ow, and piracy (Hutton, 1795; Newberry, 1861; uplifting bedrock structure (Fig. 2). Research- that buries a comparatively resistant bedrock Medlicott, 1864; Gilbert, 1877; Davis, 1898a). ers have studied the basic mechanics of ante- structure (Fig. 2). The covermass can con- In this paper we fi rst introduce the different cedence with numerical modeling (Humphrey sist of , erodible bedrock, marine

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 587 Douglass et al.

Antecedence Time Step 1 Time Step 2 Bedrock high Upstream of the bedrock high Downstream of the bedrock high

Active uplift Superimposition Time Step 1 Time Step 2 Bedrock high Covermass Upstream of the bedrock high Downstream of the bedrock high

Overflow Time Step 1 Time Step 2 Bedrock high Upstream of the bedrock high Downstream of the bedrock high

Piracy Time Step 1 Time Step 2 Bedrock high Upstream of the bedrock high Downstream of the bedrock high

Figure 2. Simplifi ed diagrams of how different processes develop transverse drainage.

588 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 Criterion approach to transverse drainage mechanisms, southwestern United States

TABLE 1. BASIC DESCRIPTIONS OF THE TRANSVERSE DR AINAGE MECHANISMS AND THEIR RELATION SHIP TO ACTIVE TECTONICS Mechanism Generally located where: Suggests mode of active tectonics that: Relationship to stream order: Antecedence Streams flow across active or formerly active Uplifts bedrock across the path of a through- Tend to be higher stream order channels highlands with a capacity for erosion greater flowing river. because they require the capacity to than the rock uplift rate. erode through rising bedrock. Superimposition Streams develop transverse to resistant Exposes strata, develop active mountain fronts Any stream order channel can be bedrock outcrops buried by nonresistant flanked by alluvial fans, or disrupt fluvial superimposed if the stream develops strata, alluvium, or lacustrine deposits and systems and form interior-drained basins, transverse to resistant bedrock buried by later become exposed following prolonged which then experience extensive an erodible covermass. erosion. sedimentation. Piracy Streams flow in an indirect pattern with respect Disrupts drainage patterns such that streams Any stream order channels can be pirated to regional topography and become captured have lower gradients than other potential as a drainage network becomes across interfluves by channels with steeper stream paths. reorganized. gradients. Overflow Streams become ponded in interior-drained Aggressively disrupts the regional drainage Tend to be higher stream order channels basins and eventually overspill at the lowest patterns so that formerly through-flowing because they form newly developed trunk point of the basin rim. channels become ponded in interior-drained channels that drain formerly interior- basins. drained basins.

sediments, or lacustrine deposits. In a tectoni- of the time necessary for superimposition to piracy happens when the soon-to-be captured cally active setting, rising mountains can shed take place, superimposed transverse drainage stream erodes, infi ltrates, or fl ows over an inter- alluvium that buries structures in the piedmont can rarely inform upon bedrock uplift rates. vening interfl uve into a with a regions, forming a covermass. Following rock Modeling of superimposition remains a chal- steeper gradient. In rare cases, stream piracy uplift, erosion of an exposed weak bedrock lenge, and many of the detailed erosional and may also happen when a stream in a steeper layer may bury folds of more resistant bedrock depositional details are unknown (Douglass basin erodes headward across the drainage and facilitate superimposed transverse drain- and Schmeeckle, 2007) (Tables 1 and 2). divide and captures the of a stream age (Oberlander, 1965). In regions dominated Antecedence and superimposition are simi- on the other side of the topographic obstruction by extension, rivers can become disorganized lar in that the river must predate the uplift or (Fig. 2). The newly captured stream, now fl ow- and pond for extended periods of time. Lacus- most recent exposure of the bedrock highland. ing along a steeper gradient, erodes through the trine sedimentation in a topographically closed An antecedent drainage cuts through a rising newly breached interfl uve via knickpoints that basin may then bury resistant bedrock struc- structure and a superimposed channel cuts into propagate upstream (Davis, 1898a). tures. Later, when the basin integrates into an a buried resistant structure. In both cases, the external drainage network, a drop in base level river that now passes through today’s elevated Overfl ow can cause local streams to be superimposed structure existed before the elevated structure across the buried structures. was fi rst exposed. A river must have been ponded in a lake For superimposition to develop, the stream prior to the formation of an overfl ow transverse needs to transport both the bedrock eroded Piracy drainage. A lake spilling across a resistant from the transverse gorge and the alluvial, structure allows a drainage network to rede- lacustrine, marine, or unconformable bedrock The “piracy” or “capture” of a stream occurs velop following tectonic activity, or some other material that once buried the bedrock struc- when part of a channel’s previous course type of disruption (Fig. 2). Overfl ow resembles ture. Superimposition, therefore, typically changes to that of another stream. The point piracy in that both require the through-going requires more time to develop than the other of capture can occur across a topographic high stream to postdate exposure of the bedrock three mechanisms, with the possible excep- dividing two drainage systems, therefore result- structure. Unlike piracy, however, overfl ow tion of piracy via . Because ing in a pirated transverse drainage. Stream involves a more severe disruption to the drain- age pattern. Instead of redirecting a stream into a steeper channel, overfl ow requires that

TABLE 2. BASIC RELEVANCE OF THE TRANSVERSE DRAINAGE the drainage end in a closed basin before spill- MECHANISMS TO STUDIES OF LANDS CAPE EVOLUTION ing across the lowest divide of the basin rim. Mechanism Relevance to landscape evolution In extensional tectonic settings, several trans- Antecedence must have been tectonically active during transverse stream incision. verse gorges can develop along the same river Relative age of mountains estimated by the presence or lack of transverse gorges. Minimum rock uplift rates measured by the erosive capacity of deflected streams. through overfl ow, developing a through-fl ow channel in several stages (Meek and Douglass, Superimposition Extensive erosional period associated with a drop in base level. 2001; House et al., 2005). Alluvial covermass generated by prolonged period of aggradation. Bedrock covermass signifies the presence of easily erodible layers. Douglass and Schmeeckle (2007) physically Lacustrine covermass associated with tectonic disruption of regional drainage. modeled both the overfl ow and piracy mecha-

Piracy Drainage basin undergoing reorganization, possibly from active tectonics. nisms, including the four subtypes of piracy: Abrupt changes to the sediment budgets of the impacted drainage systems. aggradation, headward erosion, lateral erosion, Instigates a drop in base level, which increases hillslope production upstream. and sapping. For both overfl ow and piracy, Major change in flow regime associated with the redirection of a pirated channel. regardless of type, channel slope is the key vari- Overflow Trunk channel length and drainage basin size increase after overflow. able in determining the likelihood of transverse Abrupt changes to the sediment budget of the elongated stream. drainage incision. When slope is suffi cient, mul- Causes a drop in base level, which increases basinwide hillslope sediment production. Near catastrophic flooding possible based on lake size and depth, drainage discharge, tiple knickpoints develop during an overfl ow or and rock strength of the confining sill. piracy event along the altered stream channel.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 589 Douglass et al.

The retreat of one or more knickpoints allows a In order to assess the utility of the decision- mine the most likely mechanism responsible for newly integrated channel to degrade, and in the tree methodology (Fig. 3), 20 transverse drain- the transverse drainage. process erodes a transverse gorge. An important age systems were selected through a spatial The criteria with supporting evidence at each difference between overfl ow and piracy is that random sampling scheme in the southwestern site were highlighted on separate copies of Fig- once a lake overspills and a knickpoint begins to United States (Fig. 4), a region that covers three ure 3. This graphical method is presented in the lower the lake outlet, a dramatic release of lake physiographic provinces with distinct geologic GSA Data Repository.1 Once shaded, the dia- water can rapidly increase discharge, allowing histories (Fig. 5). The has grams provide an important gauge in assessing a transverse gorge to erode much more rapidly experienced mild tectonic activity since the Lar- the supporting evidence. Since the input data than via piracy (Tables 1 and 2). amide Orogeny, and it is characterized by mostly represent a mix of nominal, ordinal, and interval The rapid onset of fl ow from an overfl ow- fl at-lying Paleozoic and younger strata at eleva- data, the ranking represents a conservative strat- ing lake or a capture event will have a sud- tions substantially above sea level. The Basin egy for generalizing conclusions. den impact on the regional sedimentological and Range underwent a change from regional We introduce here, as a part of the method, regime. In overfl ow, sediment is stored in a compression to regional extension in the past fi ve different levels of confi dence. closed basin until the basin is breached by an 30 Ma (Eaton, 1982). Between the Basin and (1) Very low: Unable to distinguish whether overfl owing lake. The drop in base level that Range and the Colorado Plateau is a Transi- the drainage is older or younger than uplift or propagates headward upstream of the breach tion Zone with characteristics of both, that also most recent exposure of the bedrock high; very forces the trunk channel and its to experienced a major drainage reversal begin- limited or confl icting evidence; proposed mech- incise into the accumulated fi ll, rapidly trans- ning ca. 20 Ma (Potochnick, 2001). Streams anism highly speculative. ferring sediment downstream (Meek, 1989; that once fl owed from highlands in the south to (2) Low: Unable to distinguish whether the House et al., 2005). Arrival of the basin sedi- northern lowlands on the Colorado Plateau later drainage is older or younger than uplift or most ment downstream fundamentally alters the pre- reversed fl ow directions when Basin and Range recent exposure of the bedrock high; limited and overfl ow landscape. The same is true for piracy. extension created new basins with much lower partially confl icting evidence; proposed mecha- However, a key difference between overfl ow base levels to the south. nism speculative. and piracy is that in overfl ow the sediment is A spatially random sampling scheme for the (3) Moderate: Some ability to distinguish stored and then mobilized from within a closed southwestern United States controlled the selec- whether the drainage is older or younger than basin. In piracy, the fl ow of sediment changes tion of specifi c study sites in the 18,650 km2 uplift or most recent exposure of the bedrock from one stream channel to another without the study area divided into 20 equal grids (Fig. 4; high; moderate available evidence, but alterna- long-term storage of sediment (Clift and Busz- Table 3). Within each grid square, the proce- tive interpretations are possible. tajn, 2005). Alterations in climate and tectonics dure identifi ed transverse drainages in a specifi c (4) High: Whether the drainage is older or are common explanations for rapid changes in sequence: (a) the largest transverse drainage younger than uplift or most recent exposure of sediment production. Understanding the tim- evident on 1:250,000-scale maps of topography the bedrock high is distinguishable; moderate ing and mechanisms responsible for regional and ; (b) if a transverse drainage was not available evidence with few alternative explana- transverse drainage can greatly improve a sedi- identifi ed, the scale was increased to 1:100,000 tions possible. ment budget analysis by also accounting for maps and the largest transverse drainage in the (5) Very high: Near certainty on whether the drainage reorganization. grid square was selected; and (c) if a transverse drainage is older or younger than uplift or most drainage was not identifi ed at the 1:100,000 recent exposure of the bedrock high; substan- METHODS scale, the map scale increased to 1:24,000. At tial supporting evidence with no reasonable all scales, where multiple transverse drainage alternatives. The methodology employed here involves lines were detected, the one with the highest The level of confi dence is a function, fi rst several steps, starting with the compilation of estimated discharge was selected. and foremost, of whether clear evidence exists criteria into a process that resolves competing Digital elevation model (DEM) analysis, fi eld on the relative ages of the bedrock high and the transverse drainage mechanisms (Fig. 3). This reconnaissance, and geologic fi eld work were crossing transverse drainage. If this fork in the compilation is a decision tree that starts with used to decipher the mechanism responsible decision tree is clear, further confi dence comes deciphering whether a transverse stream devel- for each transverse drainage. In this study, ten- from the type and amount of evidence related to oped before or after the bedrock structure that the meter-resolution DEMs were used to measure the other criteria in Figure 3. stream crosses was uplifted or exhumed. Thus, gorge length, depth, slope, and the number of The exact procedure by which the quality and the fi rst step in the decision tree divides possible transverse streams crossing a bedrock highland. quantity of available evidence translates into a transverse drainage mechanisms into two mutu- DEMs also provided a means to assess whether level of confi dence is best visualized graphically ally exclusive categories: “older” (antecedence a transverse stream incised across a saddle or in Figure 6 and through the interactive graphical and superimposition) and “younger” (overfl ow along a fl ank of the bedrock high. Geologic method presented in GSA Data Repository (see and piracy). Figure 3 then presents a set of crite- mapping (Cooley et al., 1969; Bohannon, 1984; footnote 1). Figure 6 illustrates how ordinal- ria associated solely with antecedence and a set Reynolds, 1988; Doelling et al., 2000; Steven- scale results display for the low, moderate, and of criteria associated solely with super imposition son, 2000; Billingsley and Workman, 2001) high confi dence sites of the Gorge, stemming from the “older” box. The “younger” and other data extracted from site-specifi c eastern Grand Canyon, and Canyon de Chelly, box in Figure 3 then specifi es criteria associated publications (Blackwelder, 1934; Bohannon, solely with overfl ow, and criteria associated 1984; Buren, 1992; Spencer and Patchett, 1997; solely with piracy. The decision-tree organiza- Faulds et al., 2001) provided data on uplift his- 1GSA Data Repository Item 2008163, the data and analysis of the 20 fi eld sites investigated in tion of Figure 3 employs fi eld, map, and other tory, sedimentological analyses, and other site- this study, is available at www.geosociety.org/pubs/ empirical observations to discriminate mecha- specifi c information. Field work at each of the ft2008.htm. Requests may also be sent to editing@ nisms responsible for a transverse stream. 20 sites focused on a criterion approach to deter- geosociety.org.

590 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 Criterion approach to transverse drainage mechanisms, southwestern United States

Criteria to distinguish between the four transverse drainage mechanisms

Drainage OLDER or YOUNGER than uplift or most recent exposure of the BEDROCK HIGH


2.1 Sediments associated with the drainage basin that develops into 1.1Sediments downstream of the a transverse drainage dated bedrock high that record the PRIOR to the most recent exposure RAPID arrival of the transverse or uplift of the bedrock high drainage 2.2 TOPOGRAPHY of the bedrock 1.2 TOPOGRAPHY of the bedrock high TENDS NOT to CONTROL high CONTROLS the location of location of transverse drainage transverse drainage incision into incision into low level saddles along low level saddles along the crest of the crest of the bedrock high the bedrock high 2.3 Presence of WIND GAPS and 1.3 Evidence of regional drainage MULTIPLE* transverse drainages PROLONGATION or across the bedrock high 2.4 REORGANIZATION GRAVELS from the transverse drainage preserved ATOP the bedrock high

OVERFLOW PIRACY SUPERIMPOSITION ANTECEDENCE 1.4 2.5 2.8 Topographic indication 1.8Possible different GRAVELS from the GRAVELS from the of a PALEOBASIN PALEOFLOW DIRECTION transverse drainage transverse drainage preserved upstream of the for the transverse preserved ATOP the crest ATOP the crest of the bedrock bedrock high drainage upstream of the bedrock high that high and confined to paleochannels 1.5 PONDED DEPOSITS and of the bedrock high served as a COVERMASS PALEOSHORELINES 2.9 2.6 An EASILY ERODIBLE OFFSET or FLEXED upstream of the bedrock 1.9 Gravels from the FORMATION that once or depositional TERRACES formed just prior to transverse drainage that outcropped along the along the bedrock high transverse drainage cap a DRAINAGE DIVIDE bedrock highland and incision upstream of the 2.10 could have acted DEFLECTED TRIBUTARIES bedrock high along 1.6 Rapid arrival of WATER as a COVERMASS upstream of the bedrock high the paleoflow direction than SEDIMENT 2.7 Transverse drainage downstream of the 2.11Local PONDED DEPOSITS incision associated bedrock high from upstream 1.10 found near the transverse ELBOW of capture with a REGIONAL DROP of the bedrock high gorge upstream of the just upstream of the in BASE LEVEL and pro- bedrock high bedrock high 1.7 Development of the longed denudation transverse drainage across 2.12 FAULT SCARPS or other the LOWEST elevation * Piracy can occasionally recent tectonic topographic saddle generate multiple near the of the bedrock high transverse drainages bedrock high

Figure 3. This decision tree details the criteria for each mechanism and is subdivided fi rst by whether criteria associated with a transverse drainage are younger or older than the bedrock high.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 591 Douglass et al.

1 2 3 4 NVN UT N 100 km

5 6 7 8

AZA Site Names: 1. Virgin River Gorge 2. Hurricane Canyon 11 9 10 12 3. Escalante Canyon Colorolooradoado 4. Goosenecks of the San Juan River 5. Boulder Canyon Plateau 6. Park Canyon 7. Eastern Grand Canyon CA 8. Canyon De Chelly 9. Topock Gorge 13 14 15 16 10. Upper Verde River Canyon 11. Lower Verde River Canyon Basin anda 12. Black Creek Canyon 13. Parker Canyon Rangee 14. Hassayampa River Canyon 15. Roosevelt Dam Canyon 17 18 19 20 16. Willow Creek Canyon 17. Dome Canyon 18. Growler Canyon Transitionn 19. Coolidge Dam Canyon Zone 20. Gila River Box

Figure 4. Twenty randomly selected transverse drainages in the southwestern United States. The states and physiographic provinces are labeled. Circles highlight the location of the individual transverse drainage within the numbered grid cell. Digital elevation model (DEM) data are courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey.

Nevada Basin and Range nyon Colorado Plateau d Ca Gran

Figure 5. The southwestern United States, centered in this Moogollongo R llon Riimm image in Arizona, offers a region with three contrasting PhPhooeeniix,x, AAZZ Transition Zone physiographic provinces: exten- sional Basin and Range; mostly stable Colorado Plateau; and Transition Zone between the Arizona Basin and Range two. The image is courtesy of Dr. William Bowen.

592 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 Criterion approach to transverse drainage mechanisms, southwestern United States

TABLE 3. SUMMARY ANALYSIS O F TRANSVERSE DRAI NAGE MECHAN ISMS FOR THE RANDOMLY SELECTED FIELD SITES Site and map scale used in Mechanism Level of Criteria Identified key research need(s) selection* confidence (see Fig. 3) Basin and Range transverse drainages (1) Virgin River Gorge–Virgin Antecedence Low 1.4, 2.2, Age of the Virgin and Beaver Dam River (1:250,000) 2.10, 2.12 Mountains versus the Virgin River (5) Boulder Canyon–Colorado Overflow Moderate 1.2, 1.4, Evidence that suggests post–5.5 Ma uplift River (1:250,000) 1.5, 1.6 of the Black Mountains (9) Topock Gorge– Overflow Moderate 1.1, 1.3, Late Cenozoic bedrock erosion rates for (1:250,000) 1.5, 1.6 the Needles Mountains (13) Parker Dam Canyon– Overflow High 1.1, 1.2, Better age constraints on bedrock high Colorado River (1:100,000) 1.3, 1.4, uplift 1.5, 1.7 (17) Dome Canyon–Gila River Superimposition Low 2.3, 1.2, 1.4 Evidence that suggests post–5.5 Ma uplift (1:100,000) of the bedrock high or sea level lowering since 5.5 Ma (18) Growler Canyon (1:24,000) Superimposition Very low 2.3, 2.2 Faulting history, rates of scarp retreat, transverse drainage gravels atop the scarp northwest of Growler Canyon but within speculated paleochannels Transition Zone transverse drainages (10) Upper Verde River Canyon– Antecedence Very low 2.2, 1.4, Timing of uplift of Antelope Hills; Verde River (1:250,000) 1.5, 2.12 sedimentological study of Perkinsville Formation (11) Lower Verde River Canyon– Antecedence Very low 2.2, 1.4, Timing of relief building between Verde Verde River (1:250,000) 1.5, 2.12 basin and adjacent ; depositional center of paleo-Verde River; downstream sedimentological evidence (14) Hassayampa River Canyon– Overflow Low 1.4, 1.5, 2.6 Downstream sedimentological evidence; Wagoner (1:100,000) Gila River history (15) Roosevelt Dam–Lower Salt Overflow Moderate 1.1, 1.2, The overflow process predicts downstream River Canyon (1:250,000) 1.3, 1.4, sedimentological evidence of an 1.5, 1.7, aggradational event. We concomitantly 1.8, 1.10 located previously unrecorded Salt River gravels 151 m above the present river level and 72 m above the oldest previously mapped river terrace (Péwé, 1978). (16) Willow Creek Canyon–Willow Superimposition High 2.4, 2.5, Timing of Willow Mountain uplift Creek (1:100,000) 2.7, 1.4 (19) Coolidge Dam Canyon–Gila Overflow Moderate 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 Erosion rate of topographic low near River (1:250,000) Globe, Arizona; age of lacustrine sediments; downstream sedimentological evidence (20) Gila Box Canyon–Gila River Overflow Very low 1.2, 1.3, Timing of bedrock uplift; age of lacustrine (1:250,000) 1.4, 1.5, sediments; downstream 1.7, 2.12 sedimentological evidence Colorado Plateau transverse drainages (2) Hurricane Canyon–Virgin Antecedence Very high 2.2, 2.3, More detail on timing of uplift of (1:100,000) 2.4, 2.8, high 2.10, 2.12 (3) Escalante Canyon–Escalante Superimposition Low 2.2, 2.6, 2.7 Better constraints on scarp retreat rates River (1:100,000)

(4) Goosenecks–San Juan River Superimposition Low 2.2, 2.6, 1.4 Better data on rates of scarp retreat in the (1:250,000) area (6) Granite Park Canyon–Granite Piracy Very high 1.2, 1.3, Cosmogenic nuclide accumulation to Park Wash (1:24,000) 1.8, 1.10 estimate timing of transverse drainage capture (7) Eastern Grand Canyon– Overflow Moderate 1.1, 1.2, More detailed analysis of the Bidahochi Colorado River (1:250,000) 1.3, 1.4, Formation’s upper member to distinguish 1.5, 1.6, overflow from piracy 1.8, 1.10 (8) Canyon De Chelly–Chinle Superimposition High 2.3, 2.4, Further analysis of Quaternary gravels Wash (1:100,000) 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 atop the bedrock high to better constrain provenance (12) Black Creek Canyon–Black Superimposition Very low 2.2, 2.6, Rates of scarp retreat; evidence of Creek (1:100,000) 2.7, 1.8, covermass gravels 1.10 *Site numbers correspond to Fig. 4, and the ratio indicates the map scale needed to identify the site in the stratified random selecting method.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 593 Douglass et al.

Criteria to distinguish between the four transverse drainage mechanisms

Drainage OLDER or YOUNGER than uplift or most recent exposure of the BEDROCK HIGH


2.1 Sediments associated with the drainage basin that develops into 1.1Sediments downstream ofof the Criteria associated with: a transverse drainage dated bedrbedrockock highhigh thatthat reeccoorrd thethe PRIOR to the most recent exposure Virgin River Gorge RAPID aarrivrrivalal ofof the transverse or uplift of the bedrock high (confidence: low) drainage 2.2 TOPOGRAPHY of the bedrockock 1.21.2 Grand Canyon TOPOGROPOGRAPHY ooff tthehe bbedredroockck hhighigh TTENDSENDS NOT to CONTROL (confidence: moderate) hhighigh CONTRNTROLS tthehe llocationocation of location ooff transverse drainagainagee transverse drdrainage incision into iincisionncision into low level saddles along Canyon De Chelly low level saddles along the crest ooff tthehe crest of the bedrock hihighgh (confidence: high) ththee bbedredroockck highhigh 2.3 Presence off WIND GAPS and 1.31.3 Evidence of regionalegional drainageainage MULTIPLE* ttrransverse ddrrainageainagess PRPROLOLOONGANGATITIONON or across tthehe bbedredroockck highhigh 2.2.44 REORGANIZREORGANIZATTIONION GRAVELSVELS ffrrom the transverse drainagainagee preserved ATOP the bedrock high

OVERFLOW PIRACY SUPERIMPOSITION ANTECEDENCE 1.4 2.52.5 2.8 Topographic indication 1.8 Possible different GRGRAVELS frfrom the GRAVELS from the of a PALEOBASIN PALEOFLOW DIRECTION trtransverse drdrainageainage transverse drainage preserved upstream of the for the transverse prpresereserveded ATOP thethe crestest ATOP the crest of the bedrock bedrock high drainage upstream of the bedrock high that high and confined to paleochannels 1.51.5 PONDED DEPOSITS andand of the bedrock high served as a COVERMASSVERMASS PALEOSHORELINES 2.9 2.62.6 An EASILEASILY ERODIBLEERODIBLE OFFSET or FLEXED strath upstrupstream ofof the bedrock 1.9 Gravels from the FORMAFORMATIONTION thatthat ooncnce or depositional TERRACES formed just prior to transverse drainage that outcroppedopped alongalong thethe along the bedrock high transverse drainage cap a DRAINAGE DIVIDE bedrbedrockock highlandhighland andand incisionincision upstream of the 22.10.10 could hahave acteded DEFLECTEDDEFLECTED TRIBUTARIES bedrock high along 1.6 Rapid arrival of WATTERER as a COVERMASSVERMASS upstrupstream ofof the bedrock high the paleoflow direction tthanhan SSEDIMENTEDIMENT 2.7 Transverse drainageainage ddoownstream ooff the 2.11Local PONDED DEPOSITS incisionincision associatassociateded bedrock highhigh from upstreaeamm 11.10.10 found near the transverse ELBOELBOW of capture withwith a REGIONALREGIONAL DDRROOPP of the bedrock hihighgh gorge upstream of the justjust upstream of the in BASEBASE LEVELEVELL and prpro-o- bedrbedrock highhigh bedrock high 1.7 Development of the longedlonged denudationdenudation transverse drainage across 22.12.12 FAULULT SCARPSARPS or otherother the LOWEST elevation * Piracy can occasionally reeccenentt teecctoonicnic topographic saddle generate multiple landflandfoormsrms nearnear thethe of the bedrock high transverse drainages bedrock highhigh

Figure 6. Three sites provide examples of transverse drainage mechanisms discriminated at low, medium, and high levels of confi dence. Criteria associated with the Virgin River Gorge (1 in Table 3) are shaded the lightest. The available evidence only supports a low confi - dence for antecedence. The next darkest shaded criteria are associated with the eastern Grand Canyon (7 in Table 3). The accumulated criteria generally support overfl ow, but some evidence offers support for piracy and superimposition. Criteria associated with Canyon de Chelly (8 in Table 3) are shaded the darkest. Transverse drainage gravels atop the bedrock high clearly indicate the drainage predates the most recent exposure of the bedrock high. The available evidence supports superimposition with a high level of confi dence.

594 Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 Criterion approach to transverse drainage mechanisms, southwestern United States respectively. By organizing criteria graphically, of overfl ow, seven of superimposition, four of southwestern United States are presented in the researchers can more accurately identify criti- antecedence, and one of piracy. However, when GSA Data Repository (footnote 1). cal evidence needed to decipher the mechanism the study area is further subdivided into its three responsible for a transverse drainage. component physiographic provinces, overfl ow DISCUSSION In summary, the procedure for each site anal- is concentrated in the extensional Basin and ysis includes the compilation of data from DEM Range and Transition areas, and superimposi- The northern Colorado Plateau experienced analyses, literature-based fi ndings, and fi eld tion in the tectonically stable and incised Colo- compression between 70 and 40 Ma (Huntoon, observations cross-referenced to the criteria dis- rado Plateau. Our analysis suggests that piracy 1990) and the middle Transition Zone and played in Figure 3 and exemplifi ed in Figure 6. is relatively uncommon in the southwestern southern Basin and Range switched from com- Empirical data for each site, prior to evaluation United States in comparison to the other mecha- pression to extension ca. 30 Ma (Fig. 5) (Eaton, by the decision-tree method (Fig. 3), is available nisms, a conclusion consistent with Bishop’s 1982). Prior to extension, the Transition Zone’s for each site in the GSA Data Repository (see (1995) judgment that piracy may be a relatively Mogollon Highlands drained northeastward onto footnote 1). Table 4 provides a single example uncommon phenomenon. the Colorado Plateau. The rivers and streams of the use of these data for the Grand Canyon Our attempt to systematically understand drained into several closed basins, depositing fi eld site, and the data for the other 19 sites are transverse drainage incision resulted in two very now-lithifi ed sediments (e.g., Utah’s Claron presented in the Data Repository. This proce- high, three high, fi ve moderate, fi ve low, and fi ve Formation and Flagstaff ). Exten- dure results in the identifi cation of the most very low confi dence rankings. With this qualita- sional faulting subsequently lowered the former likely mechanism, with a qualitative estimate of tive ranking system, the mechanism responsible highlands, reversing the regional drainage, and confi dence. Moreover, the method identifi es key for the development of transverse drainage could disrupting most of the drainage in the process. missing information needed to increase the level be identifi ed with high or very high confi dence Only two rivers studied in this paper appear to of confi dence. at only 25% of the study sites. Half of the trans- have maintained through-fl owing channels dur- verse drainage lines were readily identifi ed on ing this tectonic activity. Because antecedence is RESULTS 1:250,000-scale DEMs, eight at the 1:100,000 the only mechanism that allows transverse drain- scale, and two at the 1:24,000 scale. Those age to predate the active uplift of a bedrock high, When considering all 20 randomly selected transverse streams assigned to a mechanism the upper Verde River’s two transverse gorges sites in the study area (Fig. 4) as a whole, there with either high or very high confi dence were are probably antecedent in origin (Sites 10 and did not appear to be a dominant formative mech- all evaluated at scales of 1:24,000 or 1:100,000. 11 in Fig. 4). This supports an earlier assertion anism (Table 3). The results show eight cases Details of the results for each case study in the that the upper Verde River may be Oligo cene in

TABLE 4. EXAMPLE OF TRANSVERSE DRAINAGE CRITERIA AND EVIDE NCE FOR THE EASTERN GRAND CANYON (SITE 7 IN FIG. 4) Transverse drainage criteria Evidence Faulting or uplift age of the bedrock high Uplift of the is Laramide in age (70 to 40 Ma) (Huntoon, 1990). The Colorado River developed after 20 Ma (Larson et al., 1975). Evidence of a covermass None observed, although the presence of Red south of the Kaibab Plateau likely represents a remnant erosional scarp that retreated off the Kaibab Plateau (Strahler, 1945) and could have provided a sediment ramp for the Colorado River across the Kaibab Plateau. Multiple transverse drainages across the bedrock high (including the presence of None observed. wind gaps along the bedrock high) Topographic control of transverse drainage incision into the bedrock high The Colorado River makes a big sweeping bend to the south across the Kaibab (accounting for deflected and ponded antecedent drainages and partial burial of Plateau. An erosional scarp controlled the Colorado River’s curved path across the bedrock high for superimposed drainages) the Kaibab Plateau (Strahler, 1948; Lucchitta, 1984; Douglass, 1999), indicating the Colorado River followed an erosional scarp during initial canyon incision. Offset or flexed depositional or strath terraces along the bedrock high (assuming None observed. no post-transverse drainage incision deformation) Sediments associated with the transverse stream deposited atop the bedrock None observed. high Ponded deposits upstream and below the rim of the bedrock high Lacustrine sediments associated with the late Cenozoic Bidahochi Formation outcrop upstream of the bedrock high (Cooley et al., 1969). Timing of last at ca. 6 Ma roughly correlates with the arrival of the Colorado River downstream of the Grand Canyon 5.5 Ma (Spencer et al., 2001). Paleoshorelines upstream of the bedrock high None observed. Fluvial sediments downstream of the bedrock high that record rapid arrival of the Colorado River gravels conformably overlie the Hualapai Limestone downstream upstream drainage or continually deposited gravels that record erosion into the of the Grand Canyon, suggesting that interior drainage was followed by the bedrock high rapid arrival and throughflow of the Colorado River (Howard and Bohannon, 2001). Sedimentological evidence that water flowed downstream of the bedrock high The Hualapai Limestone deposited from calcium-rich water is speculated to be prior to fluvial sediments sourced upstream of the bedrock high from the Colorado Plateau, and could have come from a ponded Colorado River either upstream or downstream of the Kaibab Plateau (Howard and Bohannon, 2001). Presence of fault scarps or other related tectonic landforms along the bedrock None observed. high (assuming no post-transverse drainage incision deformation) Topographic indication of a paleobasin upstream of the bedrock high The broad north-south Bidahochi paleobasin extends parallel along the upstream portion of the Kaibab Plateau. The basin possibly contained a lake with an area of 30,000 km2 (Dallege et al., 2001). Elbow of capture just upstream of the bedrock high None observed. A gravel-capped drainage divide or wind gap, with a paleoflow direction A gravel-capped drainage divide or wind gap immediately upstream of the immediately upstream and roughly parallel to the bedrock high bedrock high has not been observed, but a paleoflow direction exists to the south and parallel to the Kaibab Plateau, allowing possible drainage into the Bidahochi Basin.

Geological Society of America Bulletin, March/April 2009 595 Douglass et al. age (Peirce et al., 1979). In addition, the Virgin within Grand Canyon, that redirected a portion the type of tectonics (i.e., compression or exten- River incised two canyons across fault-block of Prospect Wash. Other transverse drainages sion) and the waning of tectonic activity. Tec- mountains and allowed the river to maintain an are classifi ed as superimposed with low levels of tonic activity disrupts regional drainage basins, antecedent path during at least the latter stage of confi dence; however, they might also be the result and then rivers and streams either maintain their extensional tectonism (Sites 1 and 2 in Fig. 4) of piracy. Because trunk channel integration via channel through antecedence or reorganize (Hatfi eld et al., 2000). overfl ow has occurred mostly since the Miocene through overfl ow and piracy. In the process, Following breakup and of the in the southwestern United States, the number superimposed drainage may also develop. Mogollon Highlands, interior drainage domi- of piracy events could increase in the future as In our study of transverse drainage, we uti- nated much of the southwestern United States. the drainage networks continue to evolve. Also, lized the literature, fi eldwork, and DEMs. Field- Even though portions of the Verde and Virgin piracy events lower the base level locally, which work mostly involves the analysis of related Rivers apparently survived the extensional can lead to additional piracy or superimposed sedimentological or structural evidence. DEMs upheaval, there is no evidence to indicate that transverse gorges farther upstream. provide a means of remotely accounting for either river was through-fl owing to an ocean In summary, using a transverse drainage per- morphological evidence (i.e., topographic dip basin. It is therefore likely that both may have spective, we propose the following generaliza- of the bedrock high). Irwin et al. (2002) show emptied into closed basins. Integration of these tions for southwestern U.S. drainage develop- that in the analysis of a transverse drainage, and other closed basins (i.e., Bidahochi, Tonto, ment: DEMs are sometimes suffi cient to discriminate and Muddy Creek basins) into a through-fl owing (1) Drainages that persist through extensional the overfl ow mechanism (Table 5). However, a drainage network may have involved a series of tectonism often cut antecedent canyons. superimposed transverse gorge requires a cov- lake spillover events. Several breached basins (2) In dry climatic regions, trunk channels ermass, and fi eldwork is therefore necessary to along the lower Colorado River corridor exem- integrate multiple closed basins through over- determine reliably the existence, characteristics, plify this process (Fig. 4) (House et al., 2005). fl ow to establish a through-fl owing drainage and extent of a possible covermass. An impor- The Colorado, Salt, Gila, and Hassayampa Riv- network as active tectonism wanes. tant next strategy would be to isolate what trans- ers all exhibit one or more overfl ow-generated (3) Following a drop in base level related to verse drainage mechanisms and related criteria transverse gorges. The fi eld evidence indicates the newly developed trunk channels, streams can be utilized with just DEMs, thus narrowing that several of the regional trunk rivers devel- tributary to the trunk channels incise into basin- the tool set required for studying remote sites. oped at least a portion of their channel through fi ll deposits, which sometimes leads to the the integration of closed basins, most likely by development of superimposed canyons. CONCLUSION overfl ow. The Grand Canyon is the oldest known (4) Tributaries that incise following the inte- transverse gorge in the study area associated with gration of two or more closed basins can cap- The past decade has witnessed a sharp overfl ow and developed after 5.9 Ma (Spencer ture and redirect lower gradient streams, which increase in transverse drainage research mostly and Pearthree, 2001). The Mio-Pliocene age of can involve sapping, lateral erosion, aggrada- focused on their relevance to the study of oro- the Grand Canyon suggests that drainage inte- tional redirection, or headward erosion pro- gens and landscape evolution (Marshall et gration of closed basins through overfl ow fol- cesses. A pirated stream can cause additional al., 2003; Clark et al., 2004; Simpson, 2004). lowed the waning of the most active tectonism. piracy or superimposition farther upstream fol- Concomitantly, we present here criteria and However, in wetter climates the integration of lowing the local drop in base level associated a methodology that can be used to distinguish closed basins through overfl ow probably does with a capture event. systematically among the four mechanisms of not depend on the cessation of active tectonism. Our analysis of the southwestern United transverse drainage development. Since the When overfl ow results in a newly integrated States suggests that the frequency of a particu- quality and quantity of available data often vary drainage network, there is sometimes a near lar transverse drainage mechanism is related to widely between study sites, a combined tabular instantaneous and dramatic drop in base level, which causes the trunk channel to incise into basin fi ll that accumulated prior to lake-spill- over and basin integration (e.g., Meek, 1989). TABLE 5. SUMMARY OF THE CRITERIA ASSOCIATED WITH FIVE SITES OF TRANSVERSE DRAINAGE FROM THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AND MARS As the trunk channel incises, the gradients of the Transverse drainage Associated criteria tributary channels also increase over time, lead- (Numbers correspond to Fig. 3) ing to erosion throughout the breached basin. Siwaliks Hills, India 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12 Resistant bedrock that was buried during basin (Lavé and Avouac, 2000) Antecedence (High) infi lling becomes exposed. Streams that cross the emergent bedrock eventually develop into Susquehanna River, USA 1.3, 2.2, 2.3, 2.6 superimposed transverse gorges. The transverse (Strahler, 1945) Superimposition gorges would then postdate basin integration. (Low) We hypothesize that post–basin-infi lling inci- Río Almanzora, Spain 1.3, 1.8, 1.10, 1.4, 2.2 sion explains all of the superimposed fi eld sites (Stokes and Mather, 2003) except Dome Canyon (Site 17 in Fig. 4). Piracy (Low) Channels formerly entering a closed basin may Ma’adim Vallis, Mars 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.7 experience headward growth. This headward (Irwin et al., 2002) extension can lead to transverse drainage forma- Overflow (High) tion by piracy. The only piracy transverse drain- Dadu River, China 1.2, 1.3, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 age examined in the study area developed from (Clark et al., 2004) the headward growth of Granite Park Canyon, Piracy (High)

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