



NOTICE OF DISCT-AIiIIER MESSAGE FROM THE RECIOR MESSAGE FROM TIIE CILA.IRNI{\ CONTENTS ihe Effcci of Intellecmdl Ca!it!I, OleauiaLional L.ami!g, ud IlfomaLioh Tecnaologv @ the Pdfomnce of State-Otrred trnteryfts (BUMN) AbEr Amri (Ind,,e$idJ, Islahuddrn (rd,,a'ra), and Muhamd Arlan (/,do,c!,J Imllenating High Pe&mance Worlings Systcm tu Hisher trducaLion (A Llieratues Riiew) Aliida Yalya (/ado,aria) and Nudaila Da6ono (./rdanata) Thc Wisdom non Eherging Econohies: Creafirg Socidl Value Throlgh Frusal Tnnouliot 3 AnthonY Klo (rard,l P&rnershi! BBildins aDd Stlive for Excellence Police Petforrr@ce in Acl Province Trusl ald 25 Betuv Guawu lrdrr.sia) The hfl\cnce oI Thid Pady lur4 Olei.iions Expe6e 1o Olcrations Incohe, and Irter$t Raie Toward Bdn< 5 33 Loans: A Sludy on Bankrg Coredics Lisiing at The tudonesia Stdk Exchdgc MxtamsEd Arfan (/nd, rsia) and Chairon N'isa (Irdoresia) TIe ksting oflnvestor Overeactim Behavior: An Eopirical Study on Sectoftl Slores Index in Indoncsia 6 40 Faisal rldarerul and tunita Mda&i (rid.r.sir) Ulde6t ndils the Role of Audjti,rg in tnhocing AccountablLily 7 48 ilasaD Bdri al,dorerra). Dhian Wah\lhi (1nda,6a) al1d Cituli Paamita FcbruEi (.and,,dra) TIe Etrects olNl kcr lnteglalion dn tuce Market Pdfomarcc ddIt\ Imlli.alion d siaple Food 8 55 MuhamEad Addl (l,d,,erid) dd Mira Talrei (/ndrx.ria) The Inilueme ofProfit biliryardFnr cidl trveras. oh cashDividcnd e fts Eft-ect on Stock P.icerA Study 6 C{nsumer Goods Compmies Lisiins at lhe lidotresia Stock Ercherse 9 64 Rahmah Yulieri (hda,esia), Mt r.]mad Arfa! (I,/on.rial. Said Musadi (I?d,,er,a), ed Muhaunad Pnth ADtullah td,r"ria) Beh,.en Hunran Developnena and Econonlic Crowt} iu t\ovince OI Aceh l0 The Clusaljty Mnhammad Nasir li,ddnss,a) m/ Nabil Ondotresia) Implcmentins Ciry Ma.keting and CityBranding for'rourish in Bandd A.eh tl 78 Nnrdasila Ddsom rlnd,,6ir) and Rizkl ,{mnlia (/rlon.ria) Developing CompetiLive Advanragc wih lnnovation and Strengths Markel Accc$ in Small B!-sinss 12 Fishermedr ALheoriiiel App.oach 8i Nr'ila { r"1,,nara) d d Iham Fa\ tt t]ad-aeto\ Rual Tonristu in Acch : An AlteroaLiae Route Odt oI?overiy t3 a'n,l Ri*i Amalia (1do,er,al md S\rifah Evi Zuh.a {1rdon"rn) The A1)Irlicaiion of Gliding Inquiry Model-Based Mini tiborarory to Improte Studenl Scientilic Attitudc 1.1 nr fie Subj ect Mattc! ofLisht 99 Sohibun (lrddrer,a). Johu Nlaknu (rd,,dstd), ud Wawo Sciiawan g,lorar,a) sruting a Bui0e$ is nol ad EasyB!sine$: Rclatioship betwed Resilience and EDlrcpron$rial IJ W.n! H.u Ran rltlz,i Influencc of L$de6hlp and work eNir.mert io iob sarisfactiotr dd ituplicarioD to emplolte I5 performance (study ol Aceh Gorerme ifl Posl-Tsu@i) 125 Zubir S}thDltrz {/do aru)&dYL edl (lrdoraia) Enpowement ro Perfomance, Reladdsbip of] eamwolk and C.mFeleDcy'Based Approach in tt- Mdasedent of Ch.nge (Siudy on Aceb BPN i! Post Tsuuui) ttl and7$ir sufinut a l/,do,6id Relatio$hip between Bank Loans dnd Cdpary valutiotrs ti The Uniqu€ 111 ruMaini (1d,reria). Said Mu$.di t ,ddr"$al and Fais.l (1d,,"s,4) -Ih; Disiorted Perccltion and In*Be of Islami. Barts (A stldy based on @rketin8 apProach) 141 HalasNddin (InLDalia) Capins and lost Trauna Groeth n Commun iry ExPosed to Acell Conil ict 155 Mery Ma{&?ury (1do,dsia) ndMna Qh.tonesia) ,""",,""..**,._","1ii,1.#li;"."1,;j:_f#Tiig:-T,i:ll;;1:T:n:.,j;:,",:*:N:J?::ftXi,::HlU:il

o"roo.. ::-:a, zo r a. a..a. r _r.. r"i""l,,li RURAL l oURrSM rN ACEE : AN ALTERNATIYE ROU,I.E OUT OF PO\,TRTY

Rizki Amatia, SyarifahEv]I Zuhra

facl lt1. of F conum ics. Kuala Un jrcrsiry_ Corrdpondhls _Syialr Aceh, lndoncsi,r authors. ruzkr.amaita@unsfi",r.*.ia, .rl^i,iOlln* *l,,

Indoresia,s rourism has grorr,r we ,,tilt?jj an economic inrpodan, rolc for rhe Indonesiat de\ elopmenr and its lherform"nce tu, roT.'lOO"u. "ontr;Uui"i ,r" big four ia tn.ton..ro"ii'iua"in"g' .iu,,in,". ::l:"J:i::T,lJ ;":j;:.T i:!'".",o."r'lu8e pou",,y ;ilf";:'uls nolcn'ial lourism should bccone ,".a,.,." th" po riny ;r' 63i11516; 16 ,rri.'..rrr* papcl we u irr dr(cuss u. about |ow nral rourism can "rr.,,u'ii. ,oiJr,on i;;;"#;;" ;: 'l': especially in Aceh Ac"h to muk. dereloprnent of tourisr'a"uj."i# i#"''y 'ced a st utegi" ;; i;;r.' ;::'ililJl:':J Rura, o.rri,m l::-.1::r:", ;Iil1,,:H:.j,XJ,l"',"TjJ; :J,::lu\!rcomc po\er1) e

l. -{ceh Tourism Development In 20lJ s tourisn or"w quite wc,,. accor,ling crearivc Io the Vrn.srcr of luurism irnd I conomy Mari Ltka pan'pesru Lh. nu,no., 5hous ,o or"ro...;ir";r;.; ;i;i rn rhis veal 7..1 growrh. loreign erchinge income t-ln rorri"Ix in...".lir*;,;,;";,. loun.m hds reach J47.45 Or, biliion. increa.e orcr 2012 rvhich ha, ..u"t ,:.0.:i O,,i;;,::a:;]",, sector employlnent reached r0.I I -;tr;"" lolal ional o.,rr. ie.al _1ll;;;;" ; fi;l 8.89% of n worktLrce {Republika. ZOt:,. Li, growlh "r rndrcates is predicted to increa\e rn 2014 lhc tourism industrv has a greatr oppollunity Iu.iorr""iao c.oro-rr " and can be uscd strcngthefl thc WJreu compa.ed wirh national tourisr gro*h, tourism growth Iluctuati.g.^ in Aceh flom 2005 to 2012 is The dcvelopment anrt gr outliin r'.al"i, *."ii*,0","l", "*," "i.ii ", "ir"#',n

Social Scienrc 91 Proce.dings ol T!. 46 Aeul Inlehalional C.Dlirmce Syial Kuala Univelsity (AlC UByian) 2014 Io conjuction *ith 9r Amud InE@iional $br&shop dd Exlo on Sunalrx 'tsumi Disdld .nd Rftovcry - AnVEST'DR 2014 Ocrobd 22-2,1, 2014, Bmda Aceh. lndoDesia

Chart I - Tourist Arival in Aceh

N u m ber of tourist Arriva I a n nually (person)

Souce : Aceh Tourism, 2014

The chart shows that in 2006-2007 the total number of tourists who carne to Aceh experienced a sharp growth itr the amount of35.190% in 2006 and' 49 65y. in 2007 Itisrot independent of the oondilion ofAceh after the tsunami disaster, which led to the inclusion of various kinds reco[ciliadon and recot$tructio[ programs tkough govefflnent and non- govemmental organizations both trationally and intemationally. In 2009, reconciliation and recoiNtruction program in Aceh ended, so the impact orl the grov.th of tourist arrivals declining. However, i[ 2011, giowth in tourist arivals experience regtowth of approxirnately 33.3Yo and the fluchration of the trext year's gowth in 2012 is equal to 6.917o. With this fluctuate go.n4h causing it difiicuit to make prediction and work plan for the Aceh tourism developmealt, and also have impact oII local revcnue. Hence, Aceh need to make a shategic developmel1t of tonrist destination that can athact tourist with various option. To enhance the athactiveness for tourists to visit Aceh calr be donc in larious ways. among which fix the area that become a tou:rist destinatio[ so that comforlable, extended infrastrxcture and adequate facilities, or thc creation of exciting even[s and cultural evcnt.s could qeate a tou.ris[ attraction Aceh-

2. Poverty problem in Acch Poverty is still become the main problem in Aceh, based or statistical data percentage of poor pcople in Aceh as shovn in following data :

p r n

Social Science 92 . Proceedinss of TIE 4e -48!al Inleftalio&l Coni'eroce Syial Klala Uii!fllny {AIC U6yia,\) 2014 In conluciion *ith 9!'Annul Iliemtional Workshop ed Exro on Sumln Tsuami iiesror and Recovery AJWtrsI-DR20t1 October 2l-24,2014, Bmda Acelr. lDdonesia

Cha.rt 2. Percentage Poverty in Aceh 2007-2011

Poverty in -.\.ceh (i\ o/o)

ET &

Source:B?S,20i4 Irom data its shown above that even poverty i[ Aceh is declining from 2007-201l, the percefltage of poor people is still erormous, pafticularly in rura1 area, whichis still above firenty percert. This ligh povedy is become a govemment homework that obliged to Iook for solution.

3. Rulal Tourism Concept According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10, 2009, tourjsm definite as a wide range of tourist activities and suppoded a lvide range of facilities and services provided by thc public, employeB, Goveffment, and Local Govemment. Tourisrn is air activity of a joumcy undcrtaken by a person or group ofpeople by visiting a particulal placc for the purpose ofrccreation, personal development, or lcam thc unique tourist attraction that is lisited in a period oftcmporary (Republik Indonesia, 2009). Toudst atkaction is anything that has the uniquencss, bcauty, and value of diveNity in thc form of natural resourccs, cultlue: and the result of man-madc tfiget or destination of toudsts visit (Republik Indonesia, 2009). Tourism destination lrereioafter refelaed to as Tourism Dcstinations are geographical areas that are within one or morc administative regions in which there is a tourist athaction, public facilities, ,rurism facilitics, acccssibility, and coinmunity are irtenelated and complemontaty realization of tourism (Rcpublik Indonesia, 2009). Ruml toudsm is a folm ofintegration bctwocn attractioft, accornmodatjon and support facilities are presented in a cornrn\.rrlity life strucfur'e that integrates with the procedures and traditions prevailing @emenbudpar, 2011). Rural tourism is one citculating form of motivation tourism and represents toudsm businesses in rural areas, where the motive of the tour is the village commurity activities with recreational attdbutes of atmosph€ric conservaiion, lack of pollution and very large gteen space (Randelovi6, Stefanovi6, & Azemovid, 2012 ). Ruml toudsm is usually an extra holiday and lasts between three and a maximum of 10 days, has a seasonal character, with the peak season in the spring (March-May) and autumn (September-October) aDd the types tourism t aveller are generally well educaied, aged 40 to 50 years and living in urban areas (Randelovii, Stefanovii, & Azemovii, 2012 ). Ruml tourism development stategies undertaken. should include three aspects: social (reducing the gap betlveen mral and urban in tenns of population as well as motivation), environmental aspects (including cotrsciousness about the valucs held nature and the need to presene the nral environment), and economical aspects (additional revenue for local and regional economic development, and reverse the process of rural depopu]ation and rosurrection) (Randelovii, Stefanovi6, & Azemovid, 2012 ). Rural touristn depend on rural things that offer, heritage, activilies and firal life (WTO,

Sociul Scient:e 9u b . ftnceedngs oi nE a {tuutt Int@ationrt Caitatdce Sv.at rnak U,iyersiE ( AIC Uffyiall) 2otl tn c@ructian w& aL A ual t'tmrLouat wotkshop t) Expo oi sutuata rs@a@i tis.ater a,d R:";;c#Hr;3r:#:

2004). Rural tourish concept build ofl cominudties, ruml nature, heritage, rural iife and rural activites (WTO, 2004). Figue l.Rural Toudsm Concept

tLt{ rallllca

tt-,--/r"** *" rr,,ur r *r,r, o, t I c ( !

.--,-_l_--"" 6 Sottce :World Tourism Orgahi2atio , 2004 N, Rural toudsm depend on va ous natue and cultural tesoulces owned, related inftastructure, and intrepretative facilities, also the provision of acomodation, food, and at goods. (Cawl€y & Giltmor, 2008). at

4. Could rural tourism reduce poyerty ? to According to the research that conduct by Donaldson (2007) rural tourism has the direct at effect to reducing povefty ill local area. He conduct research by compadng tourism in Yunrall thl a[d Guizhou province, China. Ir 1990s Yunan's economic growih is bigger than Guizhou's, but Guizhou's rural povefy rate decline faster that Yunnat's. In Guizhou the distribution and 5. struchre ofthe tourism irldushy are cofltributed directly to reducifig rural povelty, in conh?st Yrunan's rapid groE'th in tourism industly surprisingly co tributing very little for reducing an, poverty- bo Yumao has laxge touism indusfuy, inliastruchrre, large scale rcads atrd fine restaualt, riv good hotels and resfoom. Hight leve1 of tourist visit, large-scale of development and pouring sut investment contribute.d to Yunnan economic development. But, this development are oftenly reg excluded poor people participatioa. Soon after the destination becarne populax in the foregn div backpackers, the goverment are stepped in to piovide basic infratructue such as roads, hotels,and restaurant that needed by othcr type oftourist. Starting in mid 1980s the much of (De the profit that gain ftom torism indushy doesn't benefit local communiry The ofiicial estimate 15-40 pereent supplies used for tourism industry were impoted from or.rtside the Bsp prefecture (Wen & TisdetL,2001 cited in Donaldson, 2007). In the eariy 1990s the scale of imp infrastruchrre of Yunnao's pdmary tourist are a was large moved fiom backpacker-ied tourist to more fomalized and struchfe tourist indushy, while loca1 contiNe to serve as resc cooks,waite$ and cleaners in some restaurant or hotels @onaldson, 2007). As the tourism industry grew even biggeq it demanded more skills, further excluding rural people from jobs, CO, although most of Yr.rnnan tourist destination are in ruml area. h contrast to Yunnan, Guizhou goverment is linked the tourism industry to povety (Tel rcduction in rural area. Guizhou becatne China's first province explicitly tie tourjsm with deve po\ erty reducrion (Dondldson. 2007r. ecoa With fle developmetrt oftourist altenative style known as "nongjiale"Guizhou strive to

Social Science 94 SociL

- Proceedirgs ofThe 4!'AftulI €ha1io@l CoiGrence SyiahKuala Uiivrsily (AIC Unsyiah) 2014 :rconiuncrionwirre!'AnnuallnrerorionalworksrroplndExpomsuoattursu,*Dc6astmlffi.J.S;fJ:il;?ff:,":

:,1!tce poverty in rural area wiftout abandoning its local value. The provhce goverment ::claled that the development of tourism in 648 etlrnic villages, increasing incornes .-iftciently to brimng learly 100.000 household and 330.000 people out of poverty Zhongguo Loyou Nianjian Biarjibu (ed.), 1997 cited in Donaldson, 2007). Ias reported that a : rusehold in Heitu can eamed estimate RMB 571 from tourism, increasing vilJage's average rir capita income dramatically from RMB 167 in 1991 to RMB 670 in 1993, while tourism ::es alore profited anolher household in Changlinggang villlage RMB 1.746 on arerage in .993 (Oakes, 1998 cited in Donaldson, 2007). The Chinese Academy of Science noles tltat :.r1ual average per capita ircome rose from RMB 200 ilr 1992 to RMB 1.200 by 1994 in :lanhetan village while taxes fiom tourism at Wuyang dver make-up one-third of the enlire :;dget of Shibin cou:rtrf (Wang & Zhang, 2003 cited itr Donaldson. 2007). ln other part of thc world, is becan to launch a reducillg poverfy pro$aor :.lrough tourism in the ninth Malaysia Plan for year 2006 io 2010. ltr 1991, the Maiaysian \linister ofAgriculture, announced the notio[ of Aglo-tour:is1n, a term which has never been :oined and trsed befote (Muhammad, 1994). This foilow by arr intemational Conferetrce lrom Gemrany, Creat Bdtain, Australia and Malaysia was held in in 1992 \,luhammad, 1994). In Malaysia's economy, tourism is the second largest i[dusrry .ontributing to the country alter manufacturjng industry (Muhammad, 1994), tolaling RM 55.44 billion in tetms ol foreign tounsi anivals of 25.72 million people ir 2013 (Tourism Malaysia, 2014). Thc Malaysian govemment also emphasizes the local conlmunity. pafticulaily in rural areas to participate and equally involved in the toudsm industry in order to enjoy these attractive economic retums which would increase their houseirold income (Yusof, Muda, Arnin. & Ibrahim, 2013). According to (Loganathan & Ibrahim, 2010) 15 % oftotal foregn tourist that came to Malaysia chose to live in tural areas. Ecotou.ism and rural toulism grows at arate of 3070 per year and Malaysia is known as one ofthe best ecotou.ism destinalions in the region (Ljng, Abidin, Nai., Ramachadran, & Shuib, 2011)

5- Rural tourism potential in Aceh Aceh Province is the nodheo tip province oflndonesia, Iocated at 2 " - 6 ' north latitude and 95 ' - 98 ' south tatitude with an average elevation of 125 meters above sea level, bordering the lndian Ocean and the Strajt of Malacca. The province has I 19 islands, 73 majo. rivers and 21akes, 35 mountains, and alot ofbeach, consisting of 1E districts and 5 cities, 284 sub-disrricts, 755 Mukim and 6450 Mllage iDcphut, 2013). In Aceh, there are eighl tribes, 13 regional languagcs, and aproximatcly 854 113 acres natural reseryos a1ld recreatlonal forests, diverse endemic flora and fauna, captivate culiiary itcluding tjmphaq duck curr,v, delicious , pliek u cufl), , melinjo chips, Sabang sweet and unique art (Dephut,2013). With aburdant totrism potcntial, Aceh should bc a the mainstay oftourjst dcstinations. Espcoially after the Aceh tsutlami, there is a new tlpe of tourisnthat is tsunami tourism itrpLcmented by looking at traces of the tsunami in Aceh. The concept of a toul-ist village i[ Acch should be implemcnted coNidedlg the tourism potcntial emd to ucserve natural resotuccs.

CONCLUSION Thc number of dcvcloping countdes that secking benefits fionl tourism are ilcreasing (Telfer & Shapley, 2008). Rural tourism has become an inlpoflani iourist conccpl not only in developing countlies but also in developcd countlies, bccause it is a \iin-win solution betwecn economic interests and environmental intorests. and ca.n bo a sustainable activity This kind of

Sotidl Science 95 6 fio.trarg,"r ftE i r , Atrur ]l kr oa, ionqt aonls.enc. s\.dn ("J.a Ud\sJ.v,AJ( U-sj4an)20t4 ,n con,uoc,,on q,.h !- An ,udrr0,ena,:om.uo.{.rop ,-d L\oom sur ra r,uJm,oD-ffiJtiT*1, "r\iii|il"jl]l sustainable tourism that can[ot be menaced by massive tourism, tl]at allows native population tolive in latural la[dscap€s, that they love and care, where theycould host educated and patino, responsible tourists (Fons, Moseng & 20ll). Sustaiflable tourismis the only type of toudsm that can offer authentic countryside life-sryle, where they can relax themselves and elljoy.Nature andcountry lifestyle, not in ariificial tourism theatre ;reated for exploitation, but a real scmario, where life is realistic and Nafure can bepreserveil by- the same local inhabitants and hosts at the sametime (Fons, Mosene, & patino;2011). Community-based tou sm aims to create a sustainable tourism industry with a focus on the local conlmunity in plannirg and maintaining tourism developrnenl (Kayat, 2010). Local people are not only closely affected by tourisrn, but they are expected to be paft ofthe touris product (Schcyvens, 1999 ; Simmons, 1994). Many local communities are awaro of the advantages of the tourism indushl,, which could provide oppotunities for them to improve thet economic stafus ard create awareness about the importance of environmental preselation (Yusofl Muda, Amin, & Ibrahih, 2013). This tJpe ofrural tourism is giving the local population a good rcason for slaying there instead of moving ro cities. Ruml houses owners do know thatin a g1oba1 worid. where all fhe prcducts and services are similar inmosi cities and countries around the pianet, that the authentic atnosphere ofrural areas is an differcntiatior oppor.tunity that hai to beexploited and developed in orde. to offer a different prcduct for customers that are looking for unique expedeflces (Fons, Mosene, & Patino,20ll). Rural tourism houses and businesses are still experie[cing the fuend of bettereconomic times, unlike what happened to mass tourism that fellsharply (Fons, Mosene, & Patino, 2011). So, the rural tourism is the best rray of preservingNatuae, landscape ard environment as well as imptoving humanstate ofhealthiness (Fons, Mosene, & Patho, 2011). Based on the analysjs prese[ted by Barke (2004), In 1960, the rural tounsm is an essential catalyst for ffal development, where the development impact depends on the [ature of rural activities, such as farmers fiust continue agrarian activities to support lourisl accornmodatiofl, so toudsm is seen as a diversification, not a replacement . llowevet Barke further explained, in the rnid-1990s, there were more integrated encouragement of rwal tou.ism is developed that \^,i11 promote biodiversity of the coultryside, iespecting their cultural identiry helping to increase tevenue and overall standard of living of the rwal population and prornote local design, ownership and management of infiistrochre arl

SocialScience 96 _ Pr"ceedLnes ot the 4d Analal LrteEalioffl Coniir@ce Syian (uala Unirdsiry (AIC UNyial, 201,{ r, cotrruucrron qrrh a. /ltruar Lrkmrionar u/orkihop and E$o @ sunals rsbabi pci*s1daiffiI3;flHr;3rl?#

Fublic. Basic toudsh amenities too should be available, such as local transportations, Jinfortable accommodations and catering facilities_ Finally, there should be an acceptance :mong the population: the local people must be ifl favour of fourism (Said, Azjz, & Adlan, :012). Itr conclusion, firral tourism developme[t in aceh has its potential and should be ::nplemented in order to overcome poverty especially iI1 rural area. However rural tourish should be plan and executed prudefltly. Govement support is important fo. educaling rural ,..ople aod planning rura1 activjties.

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97 Pro.eedio8s otTha 46Amlal Int@lional Con&ence Syiah Klata Unile6ity ( ICUsyialr)20t4 rn cooiurcr,on wtr erArnur rmerMr,onarworkhop aldExpo u suoarra rsuaoiprsasr.rondiffJis;fJ:ff*fi::],i

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