Transylvania Symphony Orchestra

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Transylvania Symphony Orchestra PROGRAM NUMBER ONE BREVARD MUSIC CENTER Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium Saturday, June 19 7:30PM gehorah lten8on-Conanf Jazz Harpist and Entertainer Selections will be announced from the stage by Ms. Henson-Conant. SpeciaJ thanks to Billi and Bernie Marcus for sponsoring this evening's event. Cover: 'The Conductor - by Ale=ndra Nechita Ms. Henson-Conant was recently featured on PBS's "Celtic Harpestry" andjust returned from a solo European tour and four nights with Marvin Hamlisch and the Baltimore Symphony. This July, Ms. Henson-Conant will present the world premiere of her double harp concerto with the Radio Prague Symphony Orchestra in the Czech Republic. Proceeds from the show benefit the Brevard Music Center's educational programs. **"'*********'" Please Note: Latecomers .... ill be scated at the head usher's discretion. No cameras, tape recorders, smoking. or food in the auditorium, please. Refreshments arc available before the performance and during intermission. The refreshment stand is located across the walkway from the auditorium. Coffee. icc-cream, soft drinks and candy are available for sale. Tonight's perfonnancc is sponsored in part by radio stttions WMYI and WHLC. The Brevard Music Center is grateful for the suppon received. from the North Carolina General Assembly, the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources and the North Carolina Arts Council. BALDWIN is the official piano of tile Brevard Music Center. All pianos are moisture-protected. by DAMPP-CHASER dehumidifiers. Please join us for the following perfonnances next week: June 24, 7:30 PM Manon, Dress Rehearsal June 25, 7:30 PM Broadway Spectacular Pops Concert June 26, 7:30 PM Manon, Perfonnance June 27, 3:00 PM Tenor Gary Lakes with the BMC Festival Orchestra PROGRAM NlJMBER FORTY-FOlJR BREVARD MUSIC CENTER Whittington-Pfohl Auditorium Friday. June 23. 1999 7:30 PM TRANSYLVANIA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Thomas Joiner, Conductor with RHYTHM & BRASS Bruce Schoonmaker, Narrator Barbara Howse-Diemer, Choreographer Suppo rt lor Brevard Music f'esti va l" s 1449 program notes is provided by The Utley Foundation. Firebird Suite (1919) .......... • . •.. • . .• . •.... Igor Stravinsky Introduction Dance of the Firebird Dance of the Princesses Infernal Dance of King Kastchei Berceuse Finale with dancers from the Jonfee Opera Company Barbara Howse·Diemer as the Firebird Sean David Cooper, Aleksey Vodyanitskiy, Aaron Guckian, Brian Osborne, Dan Hershey. Mark Craig, Juan Ibarra, Jesse Blumberg A Place Where It Would Always Be Spring (1995) ................... Fred Sturm I. From Altitude. The Diamond 2. The Miracle of Light 3. A Place Where It Would Always Be Spring 4. When The Grass Was Real 5. Night Game 6. Time is or The Essence . .. 7. The Green Fields Of The Mind 8. The Empty Playing Field 9. Baseball's Time Rhythm and Brass Bruce Schoonmaker, narrator -INTERMISSION- Lord ofthe Dance Ronan Hardiman arr.Larry Moore with dancers Sher Shepherd, Heidi Snyder, Courtney Whittemore, Claire Brown Pat's School of Dance, Hendersonville, NC Pat Shepherd, choreographer * •• * ••• * Selections by Rhythm & Brass • • • • • • • • Beatles Medley .............. ... ..... .......•...... .. LennonIMcCartney Across the Universe arr. David Gluck And I Love Her Sitting In An English Garden A Place Where It Would Always Be Spring Fred Stwm Baseball and music have intertwined throughout my life. Dad was a Chicago Symphony cellist with a knuckleball that fooled me until I was seventeen and Mom - a professional contralto - could hit a softball a country mile. My boyhood home was filled with the sounds of string quartets, CSOlReiner recordings, voice lessons and Cub games on Channel 9; as the folks tried to pave the way for my life in music, I dreamed of batting Mantle, Maris, Berra, Ford and Kubek in the World Series. Years later, long after I realized that my address was going to he somewhere in music education rather than at Wrigley Field, my wife and ] built a backyard diamond for our two bonus babies and coached boys and girls baseball in the summertime. I now find a night in the stand at Rochester's Silver Stadium the perfect way to cap a day of teaching at the Eastman School of Music. A Place Where It Would Always Be Spring incorporates music, poetry and prose to capture the universal magic of America's fields of dreams. Richard Hugo's From Altitude, The Diamond provides a nostalgic view of the game from above. A citation from Thomas Wolfe's Of Time and the River portrays the majesty of the major league stadium in The Miracle ofLight . Douglas Wallop'S Baseball: An Informal History recalls a boy's Saturday morning games and describes A Place Where It Would Always Be Spring. Baseball great Pete Reiser's sweetest memories, preserved by writer Donald Honig, are quoted in When the Grass Was Real. The poetry of Rolfe Humphries describes the mood, tempo and rhythm of baseball in Night Game and Time is ofthe Essence . ..fonner Baseball Commissioner A. Bartlett Giamatti's The Green Field o/the Mind promotes the playing of the game in the only place it will last. The Empty Playing Field accompanies W.P. Kindella's loving recollections ofan empty ball stadium (from Shoeless Joe). Roger Angel's The Summer Game delivers a plan to keep the rally alive forever in Baseball's Time . Fonner New York Yankee shortstop and NBC sportscaster Tony Kubek was the narrator for the first performance of this work. Thanks to Tony, Mickey Mantle had a recording of A Place Where It Would Always Be Spring in the hospital room during his final weeks of life. My Dad died two months after the 1995 premiere and I later found the score that I had sent on his dresser - with his umpire's counter from my childhood. -Fred Stwm RHYTHM & BRASS Tom Brantley, trombone Alex Shuhan, horn/piano David Gluck, percussion Wiff Rudd, trumpet Rex Richardson, trumpet Charles Villarrubia, tuba Members of Rhythm & Brass are Yamaha performing artists. Six virtuosi performing on trumpets, hom, piano, trombone, tuba and percussion speak as one unique voice in Rhythm & Brass. These six internationally acclaimed artists bring to the stage an extraordinarily diverse range oflalent and expertise, with an extensive repertoire from the pristine baroque tradition to chamber jazz and beyond, resulting in a concert experience to set them apart from the rest. Since its founding in 1993, Rhythm & Brass has performed over 100 concerts annually including three tours of Japan, two Middle-Eastern tours, and concerts in Canada and the Virgin Islands. Rhythm & Brass has recorded three albums on the d'Note label: Time in September (Jazz); Song & Dance (classical/jazz); and Christmas Time is Here. Their most recent project, More Money Jungle . Ellington Explorations, will be distributed on the Koch World label. Rhythm & Brass is committed to working with aspiring musicians of all ages through student concerts, clinics, master classes, and publications. Universal Editions (Austria) has just released a new method book by Rhythm & Brass titled Team Play: The Art of Making Chamber Music Together. As talented perfonners, composers, arrangers, publishers and innovative educators with tremendous outreach capabilities, Rhythm & Brass is the complete ensemble for the times. ABOUT THE PERFORMERS Thomas Joiner (Education: 8M-Furman University, MM-Southern Baptist Thological Seminary, OM-Florida State University; Studies: Elaine Ri chey, Dan Boda, Guido Lamcll, Gerardo Ribiero) has appeared as a soloist, chamber pl ayer, conductor, and teacher in over 20 slates and 9 foreign countries. He has performed at Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Ccnter as a principal player with the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra and has been a member of the Louisville, Aspen, Charlotte, Charl eston, and Savannah Orchestras. As a 1996 US Information Agency Artistic Ambassador, he presented seventeen recitals in Western Africa and the Middle East with pianist Douglas Weeks. He is professor of violin and orchestral studies at Furman University and music director of the Hendersonville, (NC) Symphony Orchestra. At Brevard Music Center he holds the Dr. and Mrs. William J. Pendergrast, Sr. Artist Chair, conducts the Transylvania Symphony Orchestra, and serves as co-concertmaster of the Brevard Music Center Festival Orchestra. Bruce Schoonmaker teaches voice and directs opera at Furman Un iversity. A native of Charlotte, he attended Davidson College, Furman University, and Northwestern University where he forged a reputation in the Chicago area as one of the region's best singing actors. Bruce was a well-known fixture at the Brevard Music Center for many years where he sang leading roles in Madame Butterfly, Rigo/etto, La Traviata, Don Giovanni, Marriage of Figaro, Fiddler on the Roofand The Fantastiks. We welcome him back as narrator in A Place Where It Would Always Be Spring. Barbara Howse-Diemer (Education: Boston Conservatory, BS-State University of New York-Brockport) is a dance instructor at Wilson Middle School in Charlotte, North Carolina, where she was awarded "Teacher of the Year" in 1992-93; she is also artistic director and co-founder of «Catch in' On," a thirteen year-old Charlotte-based dance company. Her studies include African, jazz, modem and ballet. Actively involved with Theatre Charlotte and the North Carolina Dance Theatre, she serves on both boards. Ms. Howse-Diemer is the Brevard Music Center choreographer. TRANSYLVANIA SYMPHONY ORC HESTRA VIQL I ~ I VIOLA DO!.!ULE BASS BA SSQQ~ Caroline Shaw, eM OJ Engrav Laura Spiller, Jonathan Siccum Byron Tauchi* princi pal principal Sara Scurry David Edwards Thomas Kluge· Dan Swaim· HORN James Harvey Stephanie Kauten Manhcw Brancheau Nancy Cooper Matthew Watts Ann Pimal Matthew Cory Allyson Partin Heather Fig; Kale I-Icdin Reginald Lamb David Renfro Karla Smart Armando Sardinas Phillip Suzuk i Aaron Brant Bill Terwilliger· Ryan Kucera Palricia Priester James Boldin Megan McClendon Allyson Flcckli Amber Holder TRUj\l~F.I Richard Hsiung Maggie Stan ley Matthew Waid Doug Clarke Lindsay Pruett Rachel Ward Martin Houghtaling Brandon Craswell Allyson Slack Cindy Irish FLUTE Jennifer Cr.lwford Diane Kline Herman Jones Suzanne Buerkle Bill Withem Daniel Thigpen CELl.O Melissa Healey TRQMBQI'!E Jaya Varma Samuel Nordlund.
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