CAN YOU HELP? On 9th December John Morison placed in Church, his three volumes of “Hallaton in the Great War , Service and Sacrifice” for filming by ITV and when he went to collect them several days later they had gone. If any villager has borrowed them to read could he/she please return them to John at 8 Churchgate, Tel: 01858 555416. Or any information would be much appreciated.

Photo by Miranda Roberts

Monthly photo competition...this could be your photo next month, see editor‘s notes for details... January Issue 160 HALLATON PARISH COUNCIL

CAN YOU HELP? On 9th December John Morison placed in Hallaton Church, his three volumes of “Hallaton in the Great War , Service and Sacrifice” for filming by ITV and when he went to collect them several days later they had gone. If any villager has borrowed them to read could he/she please return them to John at 8 Churchgate, Tel: 01858 555416. Or any information would be much appreciated. HALLATON PARISH COUNCIL                                 Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan                       !           Council has advised that approval has been given for Regulation 16          "           Consultation on the Submission Hallaton Neighbourhood Plan by the Portfolio Holder and                 Head of Planning, to commence on Wednesday 22 Jan 2020 to Wednesday 4 March           2020.     #$%%%%%$&&'(   )   $%%   *                # * Consultation packs will be available in the following locations: 

- The School between the hours of 3-3.45 weekdays in term-time

- The Church when open during the day

- The Green Room at the Stenning Hall between 3 - 4pm each Monday

- The Bewicke Arms

- The Fox Inn

All relevant documents are also available on the County Council Communities website: https://www.leicestershirecommunities.org.uk/np/hallatonnp.html

Once the consultation period is completed, Harborough District Council will send the Plan, all related documents, and the comments received to an External Examiner. Additional changes are then likely to be made, before all Parishioners who are registered to vote will get the chance to vote in favour or against the final version of the Neighbourhood Plan. This is likely to be in the middle of 2020.

If you require any further information, please contact: Linda Jones, Chair of the Advisory Committee on [email protected] or 01858 555249            %+ ,       -          .        /    0  1.  23 

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WEDNESDAY 8TH JANUARY 2020 7.30 pm Stenning Hall ‘Cycling across America’ with Rachel Lundy ……………………………………………….. Wednesday 12th February BASIC LIFE SUPPORT TRAINING with Professor Guy Rutty

Information about the WI: Pat Wood 555739 or Elaine Kilby 555313


Would like to say a big thank you to Diamond Mowers for our Christmas lunch, also to Mass for the drinks. Enjoyed by all. Our first meeting in 2020

Feb Thursday 6th The Fox Inn 12 - 12:30 + Raffle

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year To you all !"##"$%&'("#)&$*&)'+%%,-"&'./"0*$1' '' 2/%'"0)'3)4' !%3'5"&'3)'/)#6'1%74'


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VILLAGE DIARY JANUARY 25th – Bottle Kicking Burns night

FEBRUARY 8th - Film Night at the Stenning Hall (screening Yesterday) 29th – Race Night with a difference MARCH 13th - Quiz Night 20th – Museum AGM, Stenning Hall APRIL 2020 Museum Exhibition Opening. More details of the 2020 exhibition will follow shortly MAY 8th – VE Celebrations at the Recreation Ground JUNE 20th – Hoe Down, Cross Farm. More details to follow SEPTEMBER 5th – Hallaton Fair at the Recreation Ground VISITING SERVICES The mobile library comes to Hallaton once a month. It will be on Eastgate between 12.30pm and 12.55pm on the following dates:

- 6th January - 3rd February - 2nd March - 6th April - 4th May - 1st June - 6th July - 3rd August - 7th September - 5th October - 2nd November - 7th December

The post office van comes to Hallaton twice a week. It is on North End between 9.30am and 10.30am every Wednesday and Friday.



MURPHY TAXIS Tuesday 9:45 am - Bus Stop East Gate Hallaton Drop off at Square Mkt Harborough

Return from opposite side of the road from Square by Boots Optitions and The Carphone Wearhouse Shop bus stop 1:00 pm. Phone day before to book a place - 01858 410210

M & E TAXIS Friday 10:30 am - bus stop East Gate Hallaton arrange with driver for dropping off at Mkt Harborough. Return from TESCO Car park Taxi Rank Arrange with driver for picking up time. Phone day before for place on Taxi Mkt Harborough. 01858 446570

It is possible to get a Taxi to Leicester on a Thursday. Phone M & E TAXIS Day before 01858 446570 MEASOM’S MIRTH

My friend asked me where I see myself in the new year. How would I know? I don't have 2020 vision.

Advertising Rates Half Page - £15.00 Full Page - £30.00

Discount available on a years commitment. 12 Half Pages £150 / 12 Full Pages £300.00

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at the Stenning Hall, 7:30 p.m. Saturday 25th January 2020

The band is booked, the whiskey is maturing quietly and the haggis have been rounded up and are being fattened for the event! Now is the time to book your place and have a fun and festive party in the cold dark days that will arrive in the New Year. Bottle Kicking Fund Raiser There will be the usual Burn’s night staples, with food, music, drinking, pipes and dancing. This will be a fun, village event, open to all.

Tickets are £240 for a table of 8 or £35 individually; see if you can gather up your family and friends to make up your own table. If you are interested in coming contact Steve for tickets!

Keeping Bottle Kicking going requires a flow of money each year, typically about £3,500. The aim of the Bottle Kicking Committee is to try and raise more than that and then distribute any extra to local causes in Hallaton and Medbourne, but sadly there has been no surplus for some years. Let’s make this year a good one for both Bottle Kicking and other village organisations. This is the second Bottle Kicking Burns Night; there were many good things about last year’s event, but also some things that could be improved. This year we have increased the availability of tickets, have a different band and hopefully will increase the profitability of the event.

Steve Wickham – Treasurer [email protected] 01858 555476

Come along and enjoy . . . What: A Big Quiz Night

Who: Hosted by the Uppingham and District Twinning Association

When:13th March 2020 at 7:00pm

Where: The Stenning Hall

Tickets: £10.00pp with tables of 8.

Food: A seriously serious Ploughman’s supper included

Wine and soft drinks available

Book a table with: Jan Geere 555100 Sue Horsley 555748 Liz Wilson 55588 LIVING ART AND BASKETRY CLASSES Living art and basketry classes combine the love of plants, found wood, and ancient basketry techniques. They are an exciting and creative way to learn a new craft. In these classes we'll use homegrown willow from my beloved Brikkle in Hallaton, local fleece, and materials gathered from the Leicestershire hedgerows. Here are the classes arranged for the Spring in Hallaton.

MACRAME - the art of creative knotting, using sustainable fleece and grasses to make a variety of hanging baskets for trailing plants. January 25th pm

KOKEDAMA - a form of Japenese garden art, using peat free compost and moss to make Kokedama moss balls. These are living planters which can be fixed to a piece of found wood, suspended on hand made string of fleece and grasses, or nestled in a glass container. February 22nd pm

WILLOW WEAVING - using sustainable willow and hedgerow materials to make plant supports, baskets and bird sculpture. March 14th all day

Rush and cane chair seating restoration. To be arranged

For more details of these or other classes in Leicestershire Art Galleries please contact Jean, 8 High Street, Hallaton [email protected] 07751242898 (this is NOT video racing)

Saturday 29th February 2020

Stenning Hall, Hallaton

Stables open at 6pm Supper served at 6.30pm Racing starts at 7.15pm promptly

To raise funds for Hallaton Museum and the PSPA (Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Associa�on - and to have a great evening out

…with a difference! Tickets cost £10 per person (£5 for 10-15 year-olds) and include entry to the paddock, the Trainers’ Bar and the Stewards’ Lounge

You may think you’ve experienced a race night before, but we can guarantee something very different! Ac�ve par�cipa�on essen�al

Tickets available from: Linda Jones Beggars Roost, Eastgate - 01858 555249 - [email protected] The Museum Committee would like to thank everyone who supported the museum during the 2019 season. Whether you visited the museum, helped out as a curator, are a friend of Hallaton Museum, attended any of our fundraising events, or supported the work of the museum in any way—THANK YOU! We couldn’t operate without you all.

We hope that you all had a very merry Christmas, and would like to wish you a happy and healthy 2020.

We’ve got some up and coming events for you to put into your diary: This year’s AGM is being held at the Stenning Hall on Friday 20th March.

 Saturday Race Night Further details will be advised next month, but tickets 29th February: with a Difference will be limited so if you would like to reserve your Stenning Hall place now, please contact:  Friday Museum AGM 20th March: Stenning Hall Linda Jones, on 555249 or [email protected].  April 2020 Museum Exhibition Opening Details of the 2020 exhibition will follow soon

 Saturday Hoe Down 20th June: Cross Farm Well, now’s your chance—and it’ll only cost you £5 per Details to follow horse. We have 36 horses racing at our Race Night...with a Difference! event on 29th February, and they all need a sponsor. You can name your own horse (clean, printable We are extremely lucky to have a museum in the village names only, please!) and you as sponsor will also be but, as with every village organisation, we rely on named in the race card. 6 lucky owners will receive volunteers to run the exhibitions and the more of us there winnings equivalent to double their sponsorship if their are, the easier the whole thing becomes! horse wins! We’re a friendly bunch of busy amateurs, and we’d love a If you’d like to take up this opportunity, please complete bit more help with producing the annual exhibitions and the the form below and return it, with your £5 sponsorship, to upkeep and running of the museum. So, if you’re willing to Linda McGillivary at 18 Churchgate by 31st January. give up one night per month for committee meetings, or have a few additional spare hours for research, fundraising and other museum business, and want to play a part in Name of Horse: preserving the history of the village and our valuable village resource, we’d love to hear from you. If the thought of a regular commitment doesn’t work for Name of Sponsor(s): you, we’d be more than happy to talk to you about how we can use your skills to best effect specific or one-off projects Contact Telephone or events. Number:

Pease contact our secretary, Linda Jones, on 555249 Contact Email: or [email protected] for more details. Wednesday 29th January 2020 7pm Conference Room of The Stenning Hall

Introducing the ALL NEW Events Committee!

Come and join us at our AGM and find out what being part of the committee is all about. HIST Trustees would love for new members from our community to join so why not pop along completely obligation free to see if you are interested in offering your support to this brilliant charity.

No matter how much or little time you feel you can offer it all makes a difference.

HIST is committed to diversity and welcomes people of all ages (over 18), backgrounds and walks of life.

For more information, contact Jane Aaron on 07399 326889 or email [email protected]


STENNING HALL Doors open th FRIDAY 7 HORN LANE 6:15pm FEBRUARY 2020 HALLATON Film starts 7pm LE16 8UG

Tickets: £6 for tickets bought in advance £7 on the door (if available) Rating 12

To book your ticket, call 01858 555728 BALLOTSor email WILL k . flavell@ BE AVAILABLEhallatontrus AT THEt .org.uk PARTYtICKETSt HALLATON PCC

News from the PCC

As we write this, we are all in full swing for prepara�ons for Christmas. There are so many people to thank who work extra hard to make Christmas happen in Hallaton. Our par�cular thanks to: HIST for the beau�ful Christmas tree All those who arrange flowers and have cleaned with a special men�on to Pat Wood and Gail Spiers who did a lot of the cleaning. The school children for the gorgeous lanterns that have added to the Christmas decora�ons To the Youth Theatre for their performance at the Carol Service and to all the readers All those who have contributed and helped with the drinks and mince pies a�er the Carol Service

The pub quiz night at the Bewicke was a great success. Thanks to the generous support of Ruth and Phil Ca�erall who provided the food for free and to Tom Brucciani who wrote and compered, we succeeded in raising over £600 for the church. Thank very much to all who supported the evening.

On 4th January, Rev. Canon Cynthia marries Andrew Thompson in Hallaton Church at midday. Everyone is welcome to the church. Our huge congratula�ons to Cynthia and Andrew. Pictures to follow!

For all Bookings: telephone 01572 717254 [email protected]

Literature Lecture: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 7th February 2020, 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm £22 including lunch. Part of a series of literature lectures exploring great writers, their lives and their books, followed by a delicious Launde Lunch. Presented by renowned speaker Dr Jane Mackay. The lecture lasts for approximately one hour and is followed by further discussion over a two course lunch in the dining room Classical Concert and Cream Tea: Duo Azure featuring Becki McIroy on the harp and violin, 23 February 2020, 3pm to 5pm. £16 per person.

Hallaton Group Mothers' Union Our AGM will be held on Tuesday 14th January, 7.30pm at Silva House, East Norton. In keeping with a long established tradi�on, members are asked to bring along a few of their favourite Christmas cards. SERVICES FOR JANUARY-FEBRUARY 8.30am East 10.00am 5.00pm 5 Jan Norton Hallaton Tugby 10.00am 4.30pm Hallaton 12 Jan 10.00am Tugby Slawston Tea�me Service 19 Jan 9.30am Hallaton 11.00am Tugby 11.30am 26 Jan 10.00am Tugby Horninghold 8.30am East 10.00am 5.00pm 2 Feb Norton Hallaton Tugby 10.00am 4.30pm Hallaton 9 Feb 10.00am Tugby Slawston Tea�me Service 16 Feb 9.30am Hallaton 11.00am Tugby 11.30am 23 Feb 10.00am Tugby Horninghold

Instagram: Hallaton_Tea�me_Service Website: ourbenefice.btck.co.uk Informa�on: [email protected], 555284 FOOD FOR

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- Please send all artwork or content in via PDF - We encourage the various groups in Hallaton to put content in the newsletter each month. - Please consider using the Trade, Important Dates and Notice Board sections: - The Trade section is to enable villagers to buy and sell unwanted items. - Village Diary is a quick reference to show upcoming events.

Thank you to everyone who has been sending their photos in, we have received some lovely pictures, unfortunately we only have one front cover each month! Please keep sending in your photos as we will print a picture gallery in the coming months. Please note; if your photo is submitted as landscape, it will be cropped to fit the portrait magazine.

Useful Contacts

The Rev. Canon Cynthia Hebden Tel: 0116 224 2761 Email: [email protected] Parish Council: [email protected] Stenning Hall & Rec bookings: Jane Aaron Tel:07399 326889 Email:[email protected] HIST Clerk: Jane Aaron Tel:07399 326889 Email:[email protected] Goodman Charity Grant Applications Victoria Buckingham Tel:555284 Email:[email protected] Hallaton Cemetery: TBC Hallaton Cricket enquiries (Rob Mobsby) Tel:07889 923 001 Email:[email protected] Hallaton Field walking group: Debbie Frearson Email:[email protected] Hallaton Museum Secretary, Linda Jones, Tel: 01858 555249, Email: [email protected] Evergreens (Muriel Noble) Tel:01858 555 611 (Joyce Eales) Tel:01858 555 762 Hallaton Primary School Tel:01858 555 629 Email:[email protected] District Councillor Michael Rickman: Email: [email protected] Hare Pie Advertising: Email: [email protected] HIST Premises Officer Pete Simons:Tel:07929 977231

Hare Pie Newsletter is edited and printed on behalf of Hallaton Parish Council. Edited, produced, designed and printed on behalf of Hallaton Parish Council by GG DESIGNS & PRINTERS LTD © Copyright 2017 Hallaton Parish Council. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. While every eort has been made to ensure that the information in this publication is accurate and up-to- date, Hallaton Parish Council, the editor and publishers take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Opinions expressed in editorial contributions to this publication are those of their respective authors and are not necessarily shared by either Hallaton Parish Council, the editor or Publishers. The Rev. Canon Cynthia Hebden Tel: 0116 224 2761 Email: [email protected] Parish Council: [email protected] Stenning Hall & Rec bookings: Jane Aaron Tel:07399 326889 Email:[email protected] HIST Clerk: Jane Aaron Tel:07399 326889 Email:[email protected] Goodman Charity Grant Applications Victoria Buckingham Tel:555284 Email:[email protected] Hallaton Cemetery: TBC Hallaton Cricket enquiries (Rob Mobsby) Tel:07889 923 001 Email:[email protected] Hallaton Field walking group: Debbie Frearson Email:[email protected] Hallaton Museum Secretary, Linda Jones, Tel: 01858 555249, Email: [email protected] Evergreens (Muriel Noble) Tel:01858 555 611 (Joyce Eales) Tel:01858 555 762 Hallaton Primary School Tel:01858 555 629 Email:[email protected] District Councillor Michael Rickman: Email: [email protected] Hare Pie Advertising: Email: [email protected] HIST Premises Officer Pete Simons:Tel:07929 977231

Photo by: Diana Dudley