William M. Murray Page 1 Curriculum Vitae WILLIAM M. MURRAY Mary and Gus Stathis Endowed Assoc. Prof. of Greek History Executive Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Hellenic Studies University of South Florida 4202 E Fowler Ave., SOC 107, Tampa, FL 33620-8100
[email protected] __________ EDUCATION 1970-74: B.A. (with highest distinction, ΦBK) in History, The Pennsylvania State University. 1973: Summer Session II, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece. 1978-80: Regular Member and Vanderpool Fellow, American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Greece. 1974-82: Ph.D. in Ancient History, University of Pennsylvania (Doctoral Dissertation: The Coastal Sites of Western Akarnania: A Topographical-Historical Survey; Readers: A.J. Graham, N.G.L. Hammond, J.D. Muhly). __________ TEACHING/RESEARCH APPOINTMENTS Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania: 1977, 1981-82. Assistant Professor, University of South Florida: 1982-86. Gertrude Smith Professor (Director of Summer Session), American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 1986. Associate Professor, University of South Florida: 1987-present. Whitehead Visiting Professor, American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 1995-96. Maurice Hatter Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Haifa: 1997 (summer). Mary and Gus Stathis Endowed Associate Professor of Greek History: 2000 to present. __________ AREAS OF SPECIALIZATION Greek History and Archaeology, the History and Archaeology of Northwestern Greece, Ancient Greek and Roman Naval History, Ancient Seafaring, Nautical Archaeology. __________ PUBLICATIONS: Monographs and Major Research Tools 1. Octavian's Campsite Memorial for the Actian War, Vol. 79, part 4 of Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (Philadelphia, 1989). 2. "Epirus-Acarnania," in R.J.A.