2019 Kiwikiu Conservation Translocation Report

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2019 Kiwikiu Conservation Translocation Report 2019 Kiwikiu Conservation Translocation Report Christopher C. Warren1, Laura K. Berthold1, Hanna L. Mounce1, Peter Luscomb2, Bryce Masuda3, Lainie Berry4 2020 Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project1 Pacific Bird Conservation2 San Diego Zoo Global3 State of Hawaiʻi, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife4 Suggested citation – Warren, C.C., L.K. Berthold, H.L. Mounce, P. Luscomb, B. Masuda. L. Berry. 2020. Kiwikiu Translocation Report 2019. Internal Report. Pages 1–101. Cover photo by Bret Mossman. Translocated female, WILD11, in Kahikinui Hawaiian Homelands. Photo credits – Photographs were supplied by Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project (MFBRP) staff, members of the press, and volunteers. Photographer credit is given for those not taken by MFBRP staff. The 2019 kiwikiu translocation was a joint operation conducted by member organizations of the Maui Forest Bird Working Group. Organizations that conducted the translocation included American Bird Conservancy, Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project, National Park Service, Pacific Bird Conservation, San Diego Zoo Global, State of Hawaiʻi Department of Land and Natural Resources – Division of Forestry and Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy of Hawai‘i, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and U.S. Geological Survey. In addition to representatives of these organizations, six community volunteers aided in these efforts. This does not include the dozens of volunteers and other organizations involved in planning for the translocation and preparing the release site through restoration and other activities. These efforts were greatly supported by the skilled pilots at Windward Aviation. i Table of Contents 1. Summary of 2019 Reintroduction ......................................................................................................... 1 2. Background of the Reintroduction ....................................................................................................... 1 2.1. Natural history of kiwikiu .............................................................................................................. 1 2.2. Reintroduction Plan ........................................................................................................................... 2 3. Reintroduction Site Preparations .......................................................................................................... 3 3.1. Prey Availability .................................................................................................................................. 3 3.2. Restoration in Nakula NAR ................................................................................................................. 4 3.3. Predator Management in Nakula NAR ............................................................................................... 5 Threat mitigation during reintroduction............................................................................................... 5 Recommendations for future predator control .................................................................................... 7 3.4. Mosquito Mitigation in Nakula NAR .................................................................................................. 8 Background research ............................................................................................................................ 8 Threat minimization during reintroduction .......................................................................................... 9 Recommendations for the future mosquito control .......................................................................... 10 4. Infrastructure in Nakula NAR .............................................................................................................. 11 4.1. Camp and Transportation ................................................................................................................ 11 4.2. Aviary Construction .......................................................................................................................... 12 Recommendations for the future ....................................................................................................... 14 4.3. Feeder Design .................................................................................................................................. 18 Recommendations for the future ....................................................................................................... 20 5. Obtaining Wild Kiwikiu for Translocation ........................................................................................... 21 5.1. Capture site preparation and personnel .......................................................................................... 21 5.2. Kiwikiu captures and strategies ....................................................................................................... 21 Kiwikiu observations ........................................................................................................................... 26 Recommendations for future captures .............................................................................................. 26 5.3. Holding birds in Hanawī NAR ........................................................................................................... 28 Bird room setup and cage design ....................................................................................................... 28 Management of birds in holding ......................................................................................................... 31 Bird behavior in holding ...................................................................................................................... 32 Eligibility for translocation .................................................................................................................. 33 6. Preparing Kiwikiu from the Conservation Breeding Facility for Release ................................................ 36 6.1. Background on conservation breeding ............................................................................................ 36 ii 6.2. Preparations prior to release ........................................................................................................... 36 7. Wild Kiwikiu Translocation ...................................................................................................................... 39 Recommendations for future soft releases ........................................................................................ 43 8. Transmitter attachment .......................................................................................................................... 44 8.1. Determining best practices for transmitters ................................................................................... 44 Transmitter trials ................................................................................................................................ 45 8.2.Transmitter attachment in Nakula NAR ............................................................................................ 49 Transmitter selection per individual ................................................................................................... 49 Harness attachment procedure .......................................................................................................... 49 Response of birds to transmitters ....................................................................................................... 53 Transmitter lifespans .......................................................................................................................... 54 Recommendations for future transmitter use .................................................................................... 56 9. Release into Nakula NAR ......................................................................................................................... 59 Release timeline .................................................................................................................................. 59 Recommendations for future releases ............................................................................................... 59 10. Post-release Monitoring ....................................................................................................................... 63 10.1. Tracking Kiwikiu in Nakula NAR ..................................................................................................... 63 Monitoring protocols .......................................................................................................................... 63 Tracking challenges ............................................................................................................................. 64 Activity budgets .................................................................................................................................. 68 Core area metrics ................................................................................................................................ 72 10.2. Foraging and other behaviors ........................................................................................................ 72 Foraging behavior ............................................................................................................................... 72 Vocalizations ......................................................................................................................................
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