asas thethe airair warmswarms fromfrom thethe extendedextended presencepresence ofof thethe sunsun wewe openopen intointo aa new,new, yetyet rememberedremembered beautybeauty GREEN ANARCHY fromfrom thethe crackscracks ofof thethe city,city, GREEN ANARCHY inin thethe manicuredmanicured suburbs,suburbs, ISSUEISSUE ## 17/SUMMER17/SUMMER 20042004 andand onon thethe edgesedges ofof wildness,wildness, $4$4 USA,USA, $5$5 CANADA,CANADA, wewe wakewake upup fromfrom ourour slumberslumber $6$6 EUROPE,EUROPE, $7$7 WORLDWORLD FREEFREE TOTO PRISONERSPRISONERS somesome callcall usus weedsweeds andand trytry toto eradicateeradicate ourour unwantedunwanted bodiesbodies becausebecause ofof ourour perseveranceperseverance andand ourour abilityability toto spread,spread, toto bebe wherewhere thethe civilizedcivilized wantwant usus leastleast andand toto purifypurify thethe toxifiedtoxified wewe willwill alwaysalways continuecontinue toto grow...grow... thethe revengerevenge ofof thethe ...we...we areare outout ofof theirtheir controlcontrol dandelionsdandelions ...we...we...we...we areareareare goinggoinggoinggoing wild!wild!wild!wild! GREEN ANARCHY PO BOX 11331 Eugene, OR 97440
[email protected] AnAn Anti-CivilizationAnti-Civilization JournalJournal ofof TTheoryheory andand ActionAction JeffreyJeffrey LuersLuers isis inin forfor torchingtorching SUVsSUVs at a dealership in Eugene. The Walls HeHe gotgot twenty-twotwenty-two years.years. KillersKillers oftenoften getget Come Tumbling On Judgement Day, the judge in this case willwill