FROM: Eddie Eastes, Director of Parks and Recreation

MEETING: March 3, 2020

SUBJECT: Natural

PRESENTERS: Eddie Eastes, Director of Parks and Recreation Mike Mohler, Sexton


At the September 18, 2014, Cemetery Board meeting, Mr. Wynn Butler asked the Board to consider alternative burials such as Natural Burials, indicating other cities have begun the practice of Natural Burials. The Board discussed how this type of could occur, be maintained, and placement, as well as future use were the main topics of the discussion. After a lengthy discussion it was suggested that more research be conducted before a decision was made.

During the October 23, 2014, Cemetery Board meeting, the Board voted 6-0 for Mike Mohler, Cemetery Sexton, to review Sunrise Cemetery to see if a Natural Burial area could be located within Sunrise Cemetery.

At the June 18, 2015, Cemetery Board meeting, Katie Jackson, City Attorney, presented proposed revisions to the City of Manhattan Cemetery Ordinances to remove administrative rules and regulations from the ordinance and develop Cemetery Rules and Regulations that are not typically held in ordinances but rather administered and enforced by the Cemetery Sexton.

At the September 24, 2015, Cemetery Board meeting, the Board reviewed a final draft of the revised ordinance that removed administrative rules and regulations and the new Cemetery Rules and Regulations to be administered by the Cemetery Sexton. At the August 1, 2017, City Commission meeting, the Commission approved the removal of the administrative rules and regulations from the ordinance as recommended by the Cemetery Board.

At the July 18, 2019, Cemetery Board meeting, the Board voted 4-1 to approve a Natural Burial section at Sunrise Cemetery and adopt Cemetery Rules and Regulations to include Natural Burials as recommended by the Cemetery Sexton, for recommendation to the City Commission. DISCUSSION

Currently, the City of Manhattan Code of Ordinances language pertaining to does not allow Natural Burials in either of the two City cemeteries. Sunrise Cemetery has available space to develop a Natural Burial section.

The Cemetery Sexton has compiled a list of rules and regulations regarding a Natural Burial section. This list of rules and regulations was reviewed and approved by the Cemetery Board at the July 18, 2019, meeting.

The Natural Burials section would not allow any bodies to be interred that have been embalmed or interred in burial vaults. Bodies may be interred in a cardboard box carrier, or wood carriers but the wood must be natural and biodegradable. The Natural Burial section would be maintained as a natural native grass area and burial spaces would be identified by steel number plates and pins following the same grid number system utilized for all other burial spaces at Sunrise Cemetery and Sunset Cemetery. The costs for Natural Burial spaces would be the same as the cost of burial spaces at Sunrise Cemetery and Sunset Cemetery. Further, memorials would not be allowed in the Natural Burial section and disinterment shall only occur following the City’s receipt of an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or the judge thereof, for the exhumation of the body of a deceased person.

Current City of Manhattan Code of Ordinances pertaining to Cemeteries would need to be amended to allow natural burials.

Proposed ordinance amendments include:

Amending Sec. 9-1. – Definitions to include the term Natural Burials.

Amending Sec. 9-16. - Conditions of space purchases (b) memorials are not permitted for Natural Burials.

Amending Sec. 9-22. - Reopening grave; disinterment (a) shall state that the reopening of any Natural Burial grave space pursuant to this Section, by any person other than the city pursuant to subsection (f), shall only occur following the City’s receipt of an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or the judge thereof, for the exhumation of the body of a deceased person.

The proposed ordinance amendments to the cemetery provisions in the Code of Ordinances would allow Natural Burials to occur in Sunrise Cemetery.

Cemetery Rules and Regulations, administered by the Cemetery Sexton, authorize the Cemetery Sexton to enforce the rules and regulations regarding the Natural Burial section. This is a common approach in city-run cemeteries.

The Cemetery Board recommends the City Commission amend the City Code of Ordinances pertaining to Cemeteries to allow Natural Burials.


There is no financing aspect to the amendments to Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the City-owned and operated cemeteries addressing cemetery definitions, condition of grave spaces, and disinterment.


It appears that the Commission has the following alternatives concerning the issue at hand. The Commission may:

1. Approve first reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the City-owned and operated cemeteries regarding cemetery definitions, condition of grave spaces, and disinterment, to allow natural burials as recommended by the Cemetery Board. 2. Do not approve an ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances regarding cemetery definitions, condition of grave spaces, and disinterment. 3. Modify to meet the needs of the Commission. 4. Table the request.


City Administration recommends approval of an ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the City-owned and operated cemeteries, regarding cemetery definitions, condition of grave spaces, and disinterment to allow natural burials as recommended by the Cemetery Board.


Approve first reading of an ordinance amending Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the City-owned and operated cemeteries, regarding cemetery definitions (Section 9-1), condition of grave spaces (Section 9-16), and disinterment (Section 9-22).

Enclosures: 1. Draft Ordinance 2. Draft Cemetery Rules and Regulations 3. Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes 7/18/2019 ORDINANCE NO. ______



Section 1. That Section 9-1 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Manhattan, Kansas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 9-1. – Definitions. The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall mean as follows:

Cemetery includes a city-owned and/or city-operated burial park for earth interments, community mausoleum for vault or crypt interments, a crematory or crematorium, or columbarium for cinerary interments, or a combination of one or more than one.

Columbarium means a grave space that is an above-ground structure designed to contain cinerary and inurnments.

Grave marker means a concrete post or other object used by the cemetery to locate a corner of a grave space.

Grave space means a lot of sufficient size, located in a cemetery, designated to accommodate interment.

Immediate family member shall mean a person's surviving spouse, child, grandchild, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, parent, grandparent, or sibling.

Interment shall mean the permanent disposition of the remains of a deceased person by burial, entombment, or inurnment.

Inurnment means an interment of ashes or crematory remains.

Marker means a memorial that is flush with the ground.

Memorial means a structure to commemorate or identify a family or individual interred in the grave space upon which it is located; memorial includes a marker, monument, tablet, tombstone, lot enclosure, crypt or similar structure.

Monument means a memorial which extends above the surface of the ground.

Natural burial means the grave space or an interment, as applicable, in the cemeteries’ designated natural burial sections.

Section 2. That Section 9-16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Manhattan, Kansas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 9-16. - Conditions of grave space purchases. (a) All grave space(s) shall be sold subject to this chapter and the certificates of title shall so state. Upon receipt of payment for a grave space, the city shall issue to the purchaser a certificate under the seal of the city. Upon purchase, the grave owner(s) shall specify on a form provided by the city, filed with the cemetery sexton, the names of the individuals other than the owner(s) who may be interred in the grave space. The grave owner may amend or change the list on the form provided by the city by filing the updated form with the cemetery sexton. If the grave owner has not submitted written consent or the city form specifying who may be interred in the grave space other than the owners, only members of the grave owner's immediate family may be interred within the grave space. (b) No grave space(s) shall be used for any purpose other than the interment of human remains and the placement of appropriate memorials. Provided that, memorials are not permitted for natural burials. (c) No mortgage or other encumbrance shall be given on any grave space(s).

Section 3. That Section 9-22 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Manhattan, Kansas, is hereby amended to read as follows:

Sec. 9-22. Reopening grave; disinterment. (a) Any person desiring to reopen any grave space in the cemetery to disinter or remove any body therefrom, or for any other purpose, shall first obtain a disinterment permit from the Kansas State Board of Health when required by law, and second, a disinterment permit from the cemetery sexton to be issued upon proper application and the payment of the fee. In addition, an interment must be obtained if the remains are to be placed back in another location within the cemetery. The reopening of any natural burial grave space pursuant to this Section, by any person other than the city pursuant to subsection (f), shall only occur following the City’s receipt of an order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or the judge thereof, for the exhumation of the body of a deceased person. (b) The application for disinterment may be made by an owner of the grave space or his/her duly authorized agent or representative; or the director or authorized person in charge of disinterment. (c) A member of the decedent's family shall sign the permit, or when there is no family, it shall be signed by the next of kin desiring to reopen the grave. The city reserves the right to require the applicant and the family members to verify their authority to disinter the remains, or to require the applicant or the family members to provide notice to other family members or next of kin; such requirements shall be in the form acceptable to the city. An order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or the judge thereof, for the exhumation of the body of a deceased person, shall be a sufficient application for a disinterment hereunder and no further application shall be required. The disinterment application must include the following information:

(1) Description of the block, section (if any), lot and grave space; (2) Full name of deceased; (3) Date of ; (4) Reason for disinterment; (5) Date and time of disinterment; (6) Date, time and location of reinterment; (7) Type of vault or and urn size; (8) Name of firm and address; (9) Signature of applicant; and (10) Other information as may reasonably be required to permit the application to be considered and acted on. (d) The disinterment application shall contain a stipulation that the holder of the permit agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the city and its officers, agents and employees from any expense or liability that may be incurred in the event the disinterment proves to be unauthorized or is at an incorrect location. (e) Upon approval of such application, the applicant must pay a fee of $800.00 to the city prior to the disinterment. Unless prohibited by law, the fee set forth above shall be assessed to the party requesting disinterment pursuant to a court order in lieu of application. If the remains are to be reinterred in the city cemetery, the interment fee shall be paid as set forth in this chapter. (f) In addition to the process provided herein, the city may remove and reinter any remains if it is discovered that the remains were interred at the incorrect location.

Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect upon publication in the official city newspaper.


______Usha Reddi, Mayor


______Brenda K. Wolf, CMC, City Clerk

MICHAEL C. MOHLER Cemetery Sexton 1101 Poyntz Ave. / Manhattan KS 66502 Office: 785-587-2780 / Fax: 785-587-2727 / Cell: 785-313-5855 Email: [email protected] /


Permission from the cemetery sexton shall be necessary before any grave space(s) holder or other person shall be allowed to set a monument or marker in a city-owned cemetery. No material except granite, with the exception that marble may be used in Sunset Cemetery for matching existing memorials from recognized monument quarries, shall be used for memorials except bronze may be used on markers if firmly attached to a granite or concrete base. Each space shall allow one full burial or 2 . MONUMENT SECTION INCLUDES SECTIONS A, C, D & J For rules regarding decoration in these sections see page nne ()

Sections A, C and J: The monument shall be so placed that the inscription thereon may be read from the nearest road or pathway at the back of grave space(s) and not to exceed 30 inches by 14 inches per grave space.




Section D: The monument shall be restricted to not to exceed 30 inches by 14 inches per grave space.


3 LOW MONUMENT SECTION INCLUDES SECTIONS B & E: For rules regarding decoration in these sections see page nne ()

The low-monument shall be a maximum of eight (8) inches in height, and not to exceed 30 inches by 14 inches per grave space.




MARKER SECTION INCLUDES SECTIONS F, G, H & I For rules regarding decoration in these sections see page ten (10)

Sections F & G: Markers shall not to exceed 30 inches by 14 inches per grave space and flush with lawn surface.





Sections H & I: Shall be a section sold as two burials. Grave space(s) size is 4x5 memorial, not to exceed 30 inches by 14 inches per grave space(s), and flush with lawn surface. (Map of Section H see page four (4) and map of Section I see above)

5 INDIVIDUAL COLUMBARIUM SECTION SECTION K-O: For rules in this section see page nine (10)

Individual columbarium grave space(s) shall be approximately 30”x 60”. Individual columbariums can be a maximum of 52”x22” with a height not to exceed 48”. (Maximum 4 urns.)


NATURAL BURIAL SECTION For rules in this section see page eleven (11)

Bodies may be interred in a cardboard carrier. Top of carrier may be left off with the immediate families’ approval. Wood carriers may be used but they must be made of natural, biodegradable materials (such as cardboard, hardwood). No particle board made with adhesive will be accepted. A biodegradable 1” x 12” x 6’ flat board will be provided by the City to place under the carrier.

7 MICHAEL C. MOHLER Cemetery Sexton 1101 Poyntz Ave. / Manhattan KS 66502 Office: 785-587-2780 / Fax: 785-587-2727 / Cell: 785-313-5855 Email: [email protected] /

PURCHASE PROCEDURE The purchase of a grave space(s) shall be evidenced by the issuance of a cemetery certificate describing the grave space(s) and stating the purchase price. Upon the presentation to the city clerk of the purchase money, there shall be issued to the purchaser, a certificate of such purchase, under the seal of the city, which certificate shall be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the clerk. Such certificate, so signed as aforesaid, shall convey the estate. No grave space(s) shall be used as a burial place until the full purchase price has been paid and the purchaser shall have received a certificate therefore. No grave space(s) shall be placed on hold for purchase longer than 60 days after the request is made to the cemetery sexton. After the 60-day holding period, the grave space(s) shall be paid in full or placed back on file for sale with no notice given of said action.

BURIALS The cemetery sexton must have a minimum of eight (8) working hours notice to prepare for a burial.

PERMANENT OUTSIDE CONTAINERS In all interments, the casket shall be enclosed in a permanent outside container. The following are considered permanent outside containers: Nonsectional concrete vaults, copper or steel burial vaults and burial vaults constructed of fiberglass reinforced polyesters of a type approved by the city. Provided that, in the cemeteries’ natural burial sections, no vaults are allowed, as written in City Code Sec. 9-16.

MONUMENTS AND MARKERS a) Permission from the cemetery sexton shall be necessary before any grave space(s) holder or other person shall be allowed to set a monument or marker in a city-owned cemetery. No material except granite, with the exception that marble may be used in Sunset Cemetery for matching existing memorials from recognized monument quarries, shall be used for memorials except bronze may be used on markers if firmly attached to a granite or concrete base. Ledgers or grave covers, if made of granite and installed flush with the ground, will be permitted except in flush marker sections where they are prohibited. Provided that, in the cemeteries’ natural burial sections, no monument or marker is allowed, as written in City Code Sec. 9-16. b) No marker or monument shall be placed nearer than four inches to a grave space(s) line. Markers and monuments shall be so placed that the inscription thereon may be read from the nearest path or road. The family monument shall be placed at the back of the grave space(s) and the individual monument or marker shall be placed at the front of the grave space(s). All inscriptions and designs on memorial shall either be sunk or raised at least one-eighth inch from the surface. Markers with raised letters shall be protected with a raised panel at least one inch in width. No coloring, painting, enameling or lacquering shall be permitted on any memorial. Dealer's or manufacturer's cards or advertisements shall not be cut nor marked on any stone, nor placed anywhere within the cemetery. This prohibition does not include copyright notices, but such notices must be small, and must be engraved inconspicuously on the memorial. Provided that, in the cemeteries’ natural burial sections, no marker or monument is

8 allowed, as written in City Code Sec. 9-16. c) No person shall place a monument or marker upon any grave space(s) in the municipal cemeteries without first securing permission from the cemetery sexton. The design, specifications and locations of monuments and markers shall be subject to approval of the sexton in accordance with the provisions of this article. Monuments or markers shall not be set by the city but shall be set under the supervision of the sexton.

MAUSOLEUMS Before work on any private or community mausoleum is begun, the location and complete plans and specifications shall be approved by the governing body. Mausoleums shall not be located in marker sections. Before construction of a mausoleum, a sum of money equal to not less than 15 percent of the estimated cost of such mausoleum shall be deposited with the city clerk. Income from the investment of this sum shall be used for perpetual maintenance of the mausoleum. Mausoleum construction and maintenance shall conform to state law.


The following rules shall be observed with regard to the decoration of cemetery grave space(s) in monument sections:

1. Copings, fences, curbs, structures of wood, or other equally perishable material are prohibited. These structures or enclosures established on any grave space(s) previous to the adoption of these regulations which have, in the judgment of the cemetery management, become unsightly by reason of neglect or age shall be removed. 2. No elevated mounds shall be built over and no grave space(s) shall be filled above the grade established by the city. 3. Approved receptacles for cut or artificial flowers will be permitted if installed within six (6) inches of the memorial. 4. Toys, unsightly objects, glass jars, glass vases, and unapproved containers will not be permitted as grave decorations; and when used, they will be removed without notice. 5. No plantings shall be made by anyone without the permission from the cemetery sexton in the monument sections and placed within six (6) inches of the memorial. 6. The planting of hedges is strictly prohibited. Existing hedges will be removed whenever they become unsightly or encroach upon an adjoining grave space(s) or path. 7. The city will remove all flowers, trees, and shrubs which have become diseased, unsightly, or dangerous. 8. Artificial flowers and fresh cut flowers will be permitted during the grass mowing season (approximately April 1st until October 31st) and shall be placed in an approved permanent receptacle. 9. Plants are permitted for Memorial Day, with four (4) days allowed before Memorial Day for decorating and four (4) days after, for picking up plants or decorations before removal by cemetery staff. 10. Potted plants and other decorations are permitted for Memorial Day. You may have such decoration four (4) days before and four (4) days after the holiday. Once that time has passed decoration must be picked up, otherwise will be removed by cemetery staff. 11. From November 1st through April 1st, wreaths and artificial decorations are permitted and shall be placed within six (6) inches of the memorial and will be removed when faded or during spring clean up after April 1st. 12. Flags and veteran’s emblems will be permitted on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. 13. No ground cover other than grass will be permitted.


The following rules shall be observed with regard to decoration of grave space(s) in marker sections:

1. Copings, fences, curbs, structures of wood, or other equally perishable material are prohibited. These structures or enclosures established on any grave space(s) previous to the adoption of these regulations which have, in the judgment of the cemetery management, become unsightly by reason of neglect or age shall be removed. 2. No elevated mounds shall be built over graves and no grave space(s) shall be filled above the grade established by the city. 3. Approved receptacles for cut or artificial flowers will be permitted if installed within six (6) inches of the memorial. 4. Toys, unsightly objects, glass jars, glass vases, and unapproved containers will not be permitted as grave decorations; and when used, they will be removed without notice. 5. No plantings shall be made by anyone other than cemetery employees. Such plantings that may be installed by cemetery employees will be limited to areas set aside for that purpose. 6. The planting of hedges is strictly prohibited. Existing hedges will be removed whenever they become unsightly or encroach upon an adjoining grave space(s) or path. 7. The city will remove all flowers, trees, and shrubs which have become diseased, unsightly, or dangerous. 8. Artificial flowers and fresh cut flowers will be permitted during the grass mowing season (April 1st until October 31st) and shall be placed in an approved permanent receptacle. 9. Potted plants and other decorations are permitted for Memorial Day. You may have such decoration four (4) days before and four (4) days after the holiday. Once that time has passed decoration must be picked up, otherwise will be removed by cemetery staff. 10. From November 1st through April 1st, wreaths and artificial decorations are permitted and shall be placed within six (6) inches of the memorial and will be removed when faded or during spring clean up after April 1st. 11. Flags and veteran’s emblems will be permitted on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day. 12. No ground cover other than grass will be permitted

INDIVIDUAL COLUMBARIUM (Not available at Sunset Cemetery)

The following rules shall be observed with regard to the columbarium section.

1. Grave space(s) size is 60”x30” poured concrete. 2. Columbarium size can be 52”x22” maximum with a height not to exceed 48” maximum height. 3. No in-ground burials will be permitted in this section. 4. No more than four cremations per grave space(s). 5. City will pour cement foundations and grave space(s) will be sold in succession (i.e. next in line). 6. No plantings will be permitted. 7. Decoration of grave space(s) will coincide with the rules for marker section G & F of the Sunrise Cemetery rules and regulations and will be strictly enforced. 8. Burials will be performed by or under the direction of cemetery staff. If a monument company is required to complete burial process, all charges incurred will be the responsibility of family. 9. Final engraving of columbarium will be the family’s responsibility. The City will not be responsible for making these arrangements.

10 NATURAL BURIALS (Only available at Sunrise Cemetery)

The following rules and regulations shall be observed with regard to the natural burial section.

1. Metal, concrete, plastic, other synthetic materials may not be used for interment. Incidental metals (body implants or replacements) are allowed. 2. Deceased bodies that are embalmed or otherwise chemically preserved may not be interred in the natural burial area. 3. Burial vaults of any kind are not permitted. 4. Burial space markers or monuments of any kind are not permitted. 5. Burial space decorations of any kind are not permitted (i.e. artificial flowers, wreaths, tree chimes and/or other types of decorations). 6. Shepherd hooks, or ceramic, glass and/or other type of figurines are not permitted. 7. The natural burial area will be maintained as a natural native grass area. 8. All work in the Natural Burial Cemetery will be performed by City staff. 9. All graves will be mechanically excavated to a depth no less than 4 feet. 10. Modern machinery will complete the process of burial. If family requests to assist in the interment of the grave, shovels will be provided by cemetery staff. 11. Lowering device will be used and provided by the City to lower the deceased into the ground. City staff will lower the deceased into the ground. No other equipment will be used (i.e. tent, chairs, and carpets). 12. This section will be mowed twice annually. Burning may be used as an optional weed control. 13. Burial spaces may take several years to settle back to the original ground level. Cemetery staff will adjust the ground around uneven graves periodically throughout the year. 14. Burial spaces will be identified by steel number plates and pins following the same grid number system utilized for burial spaces at Sunrise Cemetery and Sunset Cemetery. 15. Burial space sizes will be 4’x9’ allowing for one burial. Two cremations will be allowed on a single space. Cremations will be interred directly or utilizing biodegradable urn. 16. The price for a natural burial space shall be the same as the purchase price for a cemetery grave space set forth in City Code Section 9-17. Lots will be sold in succession (i.e. next in line). All requirements, fees and permits set forth in Chapter 9 shall apply to natural burials.

11 Conduct in Cemetery Rules and regulations pertaining to conduct in cemeteries shall be as follows. No persons, without specific authority from the city, shall: 1. Enter a cemetery, except through an established gate; 2. Behave in a manner not consistent with the solemn nature of a public burial ground; 3. Deposit rubbish or debris on any part of the cemetery grounds, except in receptacles provided; 4. Pick or mutilate any flowers, either wild or domestic, or disturb any tree, shrubs or other plant material; 5. Post, paste, fasten, paint, write, draw, tack or affix any placard, bill, notice, sign advertisement or any inscription upon any structure, tree, stone, fence or enclosure on cemetery premises; 6. No person of 14 years of age shall enter a cemetery unless attended by an adult responsible for their conduct or until permission to enter has been obtained at the cemetery office.

Conduct During Service The following rules shall apply in the vicinity where a funeral service is being conducted: 1. All persons who are not friends or acquaintances or are not immediately connected with the family of the deceased, are forbidden to loiter in the vicinity of an open grave. 2. No cars or pedestrians may pass during a funeral service. 3. All work in the vicinity of a funeral service shall cease during the service.



The following members of the Cemetery Advisory Board were present: Ms. Deb Saroff, Mr. Richard Akins, Ms. Melanie Nord, Mr. Mike Carlson, Mr. Pat Gormely and also present was Mr. Mike Mohler, Cemetery Sexton.

Absent: Mr. Nicholas Dyer and Mr. Brian Waddington.

A. MINUTES It was moved by Ms. Saroff, seconded by Ms. Nord, to approve the April 18, 2019, minutes. On 4-0 vote, motion carried. Mr. Akins arrived after the vote was cast.


C. SEXTON’S REPORT Mr. Mohler stated that revenue for the current year were as follows: Sunrise Cemetery $43,975 to include sales and burials; Sunset Cemetery $7,350 to include sales and burials. Mr. Mohler provided an annual report for January – June 2019 burials.

D. OLD BUSINESS Ms. Nord stated the board is voting on the Natural Burial Section to offer another option to the City of Manhattan and that this board is not the final deciding vote. It was moved by Ms. Saroff, seconded by Mr. Gormely, to approve the Natural Burial Section at Sunrise Cemetery and adopt the natural burial rules as recommended by the Cemetery Sexton. On vote, motioned carried 4-1. This item will be forwarded to the City Commission.

E. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Mohler stated that due to utilities and permits, he is not able to move the gates of the entrance to Sunrise Cemetery closer to the road. He mentioned he has looked at cleaning up the corner near the street to possibly make the entrance more visible. Ms. Nord commented that maybe the board could do a virtual video or add pictures of the Cemetery on the City’s website so people know where to find it. It was mentioned by several members of the board that they’ve heard from the public that Sunrise Cemetery is difficult to find. Mr. Akins mentioned it would be nice to add a rock wall to make the entrance more noticeable. Ms. Saroff stated that what is already there needs to be maintained first before building new or adding on. Mr. Mohler stated he would look into and explore City regulations and signage.

Meeting adjourned.