1 Master Scholastic Journalism Bibliographical Listing
Master Scholastic Journalism Bibliographical Listing: Books/Pamphlets/Topic Papers/Reports/Resources/Guides and Journals/Periodical Articles Compiled by Bruce E. Konkle, Ed.D., University of South Carolina- Columbia Key words: Advertising, annual, censorship, convergence, desktop publishing, educational reform, English curriculum, extra-curricular activities, First Amendment, handbook, Hazelwood, high school journalism, high school publications, journalism, journalism careers, journalism certification, journalism curriculum, journalism education, journalism teachers, journalism workshops, Kuhlmeier, literary magazine, literary magazine adviser, magazine, magazine adviser, mass communications, mass media, new media, news bureaus, newspaper, newspaper adviser, photography, prior restraint, private school journalism, public relations, publication advisers, publication sponsors, publications, radio, radio curriculum, scholastic journalism, scholastic press associations, school newspaper, school publications, school yearbook, secondary school journalism, student handbook, student media, student newspaper, student photography, student freedom of expression, student press law, student press rights, television, television curriculum, television production, Tinker, yearbook, yearbook adviser, video, video curriculum, video production Abbott, A. (1910). High school journalism. School Review, 18 (10), 657-666. Abbott, C.M. (1969). The student press: Some first impressions. Wayne Law Review, 16, 1. Abrams, J.M. (1985). The curious case of the student press. Update on Law-related Education, 9 (3), 10-12. Abrams, J.M. & S.M. Goodman. (1988, Summer). End of an era?: The decline of student press rights in the wake of Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier. Duke Law Journal, 1988 (4), 706-732. Abrams, J.M. & M. Simpson. (1985). Law of the Student Press. Iowa City, Iowa: Quill & Scroll Foundation. Abrams, M.E. (1986). Computer design on a budget for college and high school journalism teachers.
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