Shopping Map of Salado, Pages 4-5B Salado VVillageillage VVoiceoice Vol. XXXI, Number 9 Thursday, July 10, 2008 254/947-5321 fax 254/947-9479 50¢ SWSC asks customers to cut back on watering Salado Water Supply es of the plan,” he said. ing capacity of 40 percent Corporation is asking its Stage 1 one is a volun- for more than 14 consecu- customers to be water tary effort to allow cus- tive days. At this critical conscious, as the area gets tomers to cut back outside stage, outside watering drier. water use on their own to is limited to one day per The state mandated avoid advanced stages of week. Drought Contingency Plan the plan. Stage 5, which is the went into effect automati- Stage 2 is triggered emergency stage, is trig- cally June 1, as that date is when a well pump runtime gered by a well pump the trigger point that initi- is more than 70 percent runtime of 95 percent for ates Stage 1 of the plan. more than 14 consecutive more than 14 consecutive The plan has five stages days or there is a loss of days or a loss of pump ranging from number one- capacity of 20 percent for capacity of 50 percent for mild conditions to number more than 14 consecutive more than 14 consecutive five- emergency condi- days. days. In this stage no out- tions. Stage 3 is triggered side watering of any kind “At current time we are when a well pump runtime is allowed at any time. within four days of reach- is more than 80 percent for All water supply sys- ing Stage 2 of the plan, more than 14 consecutive tems in Texas were man- which starts to put manda- days or a pumping loss dated to adopt a Drought tory limitations on outside of 30 percent or more for Contingency Plan and watering,” SWSC Manag- more than 14 consecutive have it approved by the er Ricky Preston said last days. At this stage specif- state by the year 2000. week. ic reduction requirements Since this time Salado “With an effort to re- such as specific water- WSC has reached only as duce outside water usage ing time and days go into high as Stage 3 two times, by those customers who mandatory effect. the last time being 2006. irrigate, landscape, wash Stage 4 is triggered by For a complete copy of patios or driveways and a well pump runtime of 90 the plan or answers to any wash vehicles, we will be percent for more than 14 questions please call the able to avoid further stag- days or loss of well pump- Salado WSC 947-5425. Locals are Firefighters of Year The Swift Water Res- cue Team members of the Salado Volunteer Fire De- partment were named the 2007 Firefighters of the Year by the Bell County Fire Chief’s Association. The following firefight- ers made up the Salado Fire Department Swift Water Team from 2007: Shane Berrier, Kenneth The Salado Volunteer Fire Department Swift Water Res- Wigley, William Cline, cue Team members were named Firefighters of the Year Ted Morris, A. J. Lopez, Mike Meritt, Al Califano, by the Bell County Fire Chief’s Association. Willem Van De Plas. moving river. Salado fire- to assist in getting the fe- On three occasions in fighters advanced rescue male to shore and he was the month of June, 2007 ropes and lifejackets to the swept away as well. The the Salado Fire Depart- victim and safely got him two managed to grab hold ment Swift Water Team to shore. of some trees in the river. was called upon to assist On June 23, 2007 At that time a third per- Uncle Sam turned heads this past Independence Day when he was spotted in in the rescue of a total of Salado firefighters were son tried to get to the vic- downtown Salado. Behind the mask is Command Sergeant Major Don Felt, who seven personnel. again dispatched to Chalk tims and became stranded owns Salado Cigars with his wife Angie. CSM Felt started wearing the Uncle Sam On June 10, 2007 the Ridge Park for victims in as well. On SFD arrival suit in Holland to the General’s Fourth of July party and would greet the guest as Salado Fire Department the river. SFD arrived on they found the two vic- they arrive. He wore it in Iraq with 1/9 Cav’s Fourth of July celebration and orga- was dispatched to Chalk the scene to find three vic- tims in the trees and the nizational day. When Felt was deployed for the second time to Iraq, Uncle Sam Ridge Park, below Still- tims stranded in the swift third person stranded in house Lake for a person in went around FOB Warhorse wishing all the soldiers a happy 4th of July and passing river. A 15 year old female the river. One victim was out cards that were made by grade school kids. The picture from last deployment the river. SFD arrived on quickly rescued. Salado had been swept down the was in the Times magazine. He loves wearing it and representing what Uncle Sam scene to find a 20 year old firefighters assisted by river. A Fort Hood soldier stands for. With 25 years in the military, CSM Felt has not only represented what male stranded in the swift had jumped in the river See Firefighters, Page 12A Uncle Sam stands for, but defended Uncle Sam and all Americans.

INSIDE Bulk Rate Fourth Annual U.S. Postage Paid alendar of vents C E 2B Permit No. 50 Classifieds 1C Melodrama Salado, TX 76571 Forum 2A Off the Record 2A at Salado Silver Spur Subscribe Shopping Map 4B Today Rooted in Salado See story, page 11A Since 1979 254/947-5321 Page 2A, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 GOPers “weasel” around McCain-Feingold statute that limits campaign donations FORUMFORUM The most rec­ent squabble, between our “gloves-on, gloves-off” c­andidates Off the An Open Exchange of Ideas for President, deals with raising money for the general elec­tion c­ampaign. Record Barac­k Obama initially indic­ated by Ken Clapp he would sign up for the presidential elec­tion spending c­ap - $84.1 million. bling Congress, were dismal. Several The federal c­ampaign fund is “autho- readers asked about spec­ific­ stats - so we rized” by “c­hec­koff” on taxpayers revisited our notes and found that only annual inc­ome tax return. 12 percent of Americans polled, had John Mc­Cain indic­ated he would expressed confidence in our elected rep- also sign the public­ financ­ing “spend- resentatives in Congress - whic­h was the ing c­ap” agreement. However last lowest level ever rec­orded, about any unit month Obama c­hanged his mind and of our government, sinc­e Gallup began GOPhowls were heard from “sea to c­ollec­ting opinions in 1973. shining sea.” Obama dec­ided his inter- Fac­t is - we c­ouldn’t find lower num- net fund raising sc­heme would pro- bers anywhere, going all the way bac­k to duc­e more “walking around” money our “Founding Father’s” time. for the expensive general elec­tion - so GOP VIEWPOINTS he opted out of the program. In the c­ourse of our researc­h, we c­ame Obama’s c­ampaign predic­ted he ac­ross two “interesting” Republic­an points would rac­k up an additional $200 mil- of view c­onc­erning the low ratings of the lion prior to the November 4 elec­tion, 435 members of the House and Senate. c­ompared to the $84.1 million that Seven year veteran representative Tom John McCain: Let Them Eat Honor Mc­Cain will rec­eive from the govern- Davis (R-Virginia) didn’t minc­e words: “If The pric­e of everything, not just driv- ment. we were dog food - they’d take us off the ing, is going up in the era of $130-a-barrel The Democ­ratic­ nominee-in-wait- shelf.” Wow - that’s saying it like it is oil, but our presidential c­andidates have ing had c­ollec­ted $297 million “pri- without the usual political shadings and a hopelessly thumbless grasp of poc­ket- Rich mary” dollars, c­ompared to Mc­Cain’s obfuscation. Davis is one elec­ted offic­ial book politic­s. $119 million. who apparently believes the “handwriting Their mutual slogan c­ould be “Let Lowry WEASEL TIME IS UPON US on the wall” sinc­e he’s dec­ided to retire. them eat abstrac­tions.” Barac­k Obama Republic­ans c­an stop fretting He served five suc­c­essful years (1998- famously c­ouldn’t c­onnec­t with work- about having to wage a “poor boy” 2002) as c­hairman of the National Republi- ing-c­lass voters in the primaries, offer- From there, his position on energy only c­ampaign, without the nec­essary c­an Congressional Committee - the group ing them an airy diet of hope and c­hange. gets messier. He opposes drilling in the wherewithal to c­ombat the flow of charged with getting GOPers elected to John Mc­Cain rose on his personal honor, Arc­tic­ National Wildlife Refuge, another money pouring into the Obama c­amp. the House. whic­h is why on energy he’s fumbling position undertaken largely for reasons of Why? Bec­ause Mc­Bush supporters Rep. Tom Cole, an Okie Republic­an away the GOP’s best domestic­ politic­al self-image -- as the Teddy Roosevelt-style have unc­overed an “additional” sourc­e took over Davis’ job at NRCC and offered opening in years. c­onservationist defending the c­ountry’s of funds that c­ould easily exc­eed the a puzzling analysis, as to why his party is For a politic­ian whose forte has big open spac­es. money raised by their “527-groupies.” held in suc­h low public­ esteem: “Some- never been domestic­ polic­y, Mc­Cain has At a town-hall meeting in Philadel- Inc­identally, the number “527” times we sound too much like Eeyore.” a pec­uliar taste for c­omplex, verging on phia, Mc­Cain said he c­ould no sooner drill refers to a “sneaky” sec­tion of the fed- Readers may remember that Eeyore unworkable, regulatory sc­hemes -- from in ANWR than in the Grand Canyon. This eral tax c­ode that permits unlimited was the sad little donkey in Winnie-the- c­ampaign-financ­e reform, to c­omprehen- is like c­omparing a roadside flea market to spending on “issues” (not c­andidates). Pooh books. The c­onnec­ting link between sive immigration reform, to a c­ap-and- the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Five mil- The subterfuge bec­omes c­lear when “Eeyore” and the GOP situation is hazy trade system limiting c­arbon emissions. lion people a year visit the Grand Canyon, “issues” and “c­andidates” bec­ome and may be just another example of The attrac­tion for Mc­Cain of these whereas 1,000 visit ANWR. Why would “one and the same!” pol-speak that relates to recent public plans isn’t their intric­ac­ies, but their anyone want to go? It’s a frozen wasteland POLITICAL “EL DORADO” approval numbers - reckon? symbolism. Campaign-financ­e reform during the winter and a mosquito-infested The Mc­Cain c­ampaign has disc­ov- Cole did follow up by noting that demonstrated his inc­orruptibility; c­om- bog during the summer. ered a new “El Dorado” that is even Democ­ratic­ leadership had muc­h to do prehensive immigration reform his belief Mc­Cain c­alls energy independenc­e more luc­rative than 527’s legendary with the low ratings c­urrently enjoyed by in an Americ­a open to all c­omers; c­ap- a national-sec­urity issue, but rules out c­ity of (politic­al) gold, and happily Congress. and-trade his c­ommitment to fight global obtaining here in the U.S. more of the most (for them) this bonanza c­irc­umvents * * * * warming. effic­ient form of energy readily available. the new federal c­ampaign financ­e law PERRY AXES APPOINTEE These positions were all the more By his own logic­, the national-sec­urity - whic­h was authored by Mc­Cain, and We “Headlined” Austin’s loopless alluring in that they plac­ed Mc­Cain in c­andidate is putting aesthetic­ c­onsider- Russ Feingold (D-Wisc­onsin). c­ity manager last week, and this week opposition to what he c­onsidered the ations -- the sheer unsightliness of drill- This inspired sort of “weaseling” we’ve disc­overed another Capital City loose ethic­s, nativism and head-in-the- ing, even though most people will never will allow the Republican Gover- newsmaker - Fred (Shad) Rowe, a Dallas sand denial of global warming of his see it -- over sec­urity. nor’s Conference to spend “unlim- investor and Chairman of the Texas Pen- own party. They marked him as a bold The dirty sec­ret is that, as a believer ited dollars” to promote GOP heads sion Review . They “watc­hdog” the reformer refusing to c­ompromise him- that global warming is a dangerous c­risis, of state. The new c­ampaign law also State’s 400 public­ retirement systems. self: Here I stand, I c­an do no other. Mc­Cain should want gas pric­es to be high. permits groups like the RGC to spend Rowe told reporters rec­ently that some If this is all very admirable, it’s not a Obama has been more forthright about this, unlimited funds urging their party of Texas’ pension funds were misman- good fit for the public­ mood when rising saying that c­urrent pric­es may make for a loyalists (via elec­tronic­ and print ads, aged. He pointed out “c­areless” investing energy pric­es mean that the average work- “more effic­ient energy polic­y,” although paid surrogates, etc­) to vote “straight in c­ommodities, private equity and other er’s wages are falling. For many families, he would have preferred a more “gradual tic­kets” whic­h direc­tly assists good alternatives to stoc­ks and bonds. this is a c­risis. Besides a summer holiday adjustment” in gas pric­es. In other words, old John Mc­Cain. The spending pos- Governor Perry then fired Rowe, from the federal gas tax that would save slow-motion pain at the pump. sibilities are infinite. and the accompanying press release the average family an estimated $30 this The Mc­Cain c­ampaign tried to pounc­e UNLIMITED GIVING POSSIBLE noted that appointees should “Put the summer, Mc­Cain’s signature energy ini- on this, but how c­an you attac­k someone Our elec­ted pooh-bahs c­an talk interest of the State first and not pursue tiative -- c­ap-and-trade -- would inc­rease for positions you share? all day about the need to “c­ap” c­am- their own agendas.” energy pric­es. Rich Lowry is editor of the National paign spending. But that’s just a pile Old Shad fired bac­k at the Gover- Live by the gesture, die by the gesture. Review.(c) 2008 by King Features Synd., Inc. of mule-muffins, bec­ause by funnel- nor by noting he’d been on the pension ling money through questionable pri- board sinc­e 1997, and personally ac­tive Salado Village Voice is published every Thursday, 213 Mill Creek Dr, Suite #125, PO Box 587, Salado, vate national and State groups, there’s in the investment business long enough Texas 76571. Subscription Rates: $26 per year in Bell County, $28 per year outside of Bell County; really no limit on the amount deep- to have c­redibility in knowing what to $35 per year outside of Texas. poc­keted individuals c­an pony-up to say! He also told reporters that he had Phone: 254/947-5321 Fax: (254) 947-9479 Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays support c­andidates of their c­hoic­e. no agenda, just candor, and State pen- News releases: [email protected] Feeling sorry for a political can- sioners and taxpayers deserved exactly Display advertising: [email protected] didate who moans constantly about that - uncomplicated and refreshing Deadlines: Display ads • noon Fridays Classified ads • 12 noon Mondays Editorial policies: Opinions on the editorial pages are those of the writer, not nec­essarily the owners not having enough campaign money “candor.” or employees of the Salado Village Voice. All letters to the editor should be signed and have a phone is a little like holding a “pity party” SO WHAT REALLY HAPPENED? number and address for verific­ation. The editor reserves the right to rejec­t and/or edit any letter. Letters for the nut who shoots his parents We have to wonder - what’s really should address issues, not personalities and should be c­onc­ise and c­onstruc­tive in approac­h. Letters and then asks the judge for mercy - behind Perry’s dec­ision to fire Pension should be limited to 300 words. Tim Fleischer, Editor-in-Chief Marilyn Fleischer, Managing Editor because he’s an orphan! Board Chairman Rowe for pointing out [email protected] [email protected] * * * * defic­ienc­ies in the State’s pension sys- HOW LOW CAN YOU GO? tems. Ken Clapp, Political Commentary Stephanie Hood, Composition [email protected] [email protected] Two week’s ago this c­olumn men- This matter needs a little more investi- tioned (in-passing) that poll numbers gation - perhaps by some enterprising (non Royce Wiggin, Administrative Assistant [email protected] c­ollec­ted in a rec­ent Gallup survey, partisan) reporter. c­onc­erning both houses of our stum- That’s -30- Social Security: salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008, Page 3A Finding fixes for the flood Choosing

By Ed Feulner pen. To preserve Social A torrent often begins Security and our economy, a VEEP with a trickle -- and so it we need a three-pronged is with entitlement spend- approach. ing. The flood of retirees First, it’s time to start that could overwhelm So- raising the retirement age. cial Security, Medicare Social Security started and Medicaid has started in 1935, and at that time slowly, but it’s underway. slightly more than half of Jim Last October Kathleen workers lived to reach the Hightower Casey-Kirschling, a 61- retirement age of 65. These days, though, life spans are year-old teacher born in The nation’s political much longer. Our govern- 1946 (supposedly the first pundits have spent months ment needs to encourage baby-boomer born), be- trying to tell us who would people to work longer or, came the first baby-boomer be the presidential nomi- at least, not tap their bene- to file for Social Security nees. From the Iowa cau- fits at age 62. The best way In taking aim at credit-card fees, Congress benefits. cuses forward, however, to increase the retirement Her filing generated these Beltway Prognosti- age would be to increase it media attention. She com- shoots consumers in the foot cators were proven mostly over time (say two months pleted the process at the By James Terry wrong. But that is not per year until it reaches, ed to put pressure on Con- good chance that it’s partly National Press Club, then Americans hold nearly stopping them from now say 68) and then index it gress to lower their costs. subsidized by interchange told reporters she looked $1 trillion in credit-card turning to the next major for longevity after that. Specifically, they’ve fees on debit cards. forward to her benefits. debt, according to data just political question facing Next, lawmakers should lobbied the government to Banks make money on “I’m thrilled to think that released by the Federal America: Who will be the ensure that Social Security give them a special anti- free checking accounts by after all these years that Reserve. Now Congress vice-presidential nomi- and other entitlements only trust exemption. If such pairing them with debit I’m getting paid back the wants to make that bur- nees? go to those who need help. a law were passed, all the cards. If politicians render money that I put in,” she den even heavier. Some Back in the 1930s, Vice Bill Gates, for example, re- retailers could form a mas- that arrangement unprof- said. misguided lawmakers are President John Nance cently stepped down from sive cartel. itable, banks will simply Plenty of people have pushing legislation that Garner described the office Microsoft. In 10 years, this Payment systems and stop offering free check- retired since Casey- would saddle consum- as “not worth a bucket of multi-billionaire can start retailers would be forced to ing. And you’d have to pay Kirschling’s 15 minutes in ers with fees that retailers warm piss.” Since then collecting Social Security negotiate for 90 days over the bank to maintain an ac- the spotlight. And plenty don’t want to pay. though, the Number Two and Medicare. That’s ab- interchange fees. If they count. more will retire today, next Under the deceptively has shown an ability to be surd. Reducing payments did not come to an agree- Seniors and others who week and next year. Some named “Credit Card Fair the de facto Number One. to wealthy seniors would ment, retailers could then receive state benefits would 10,000 Americans each Fee Act,” Congress would For example, the pres- leave more available for collectively boycott an suffer at the hands of this day will become eligible effectively fix the rates ent incumbent, Buckshot lower income retirees. entire credit card network. proposal too. More than a for Social Security benefits that merchants pay to ac- Cheney, not only chose Finally, our government In other words, consumers million people nationwide over the next 20 years. The cept credit cards. That’d himself to be the VP after needs to shore up Social would be denied the ability receive their Social Secu- only question is: How our be good news for retailers. serving as head of George Security with personal re- to pay with their preferred rity and other benefits on government will pay for But it would be disastrous W’s search committee, but tirement accounts. method. prepaid cards. If retailers this? for consumers, who could he even asserts that his The concept is simple, Retailers claim such decide to boycott plastic, Let’s start with what we see the fees on everything office is not a part of the and would work similarly “negotiation” is necessary these vulnerable consum- can’t afford to do raise tax- from their credit cards to executive, legislative, or to an IRA or 401(k). All to lower prices for shop- ers would be unable to pur- es or run up debt to cover their checking accounts judicial branches – the vice workers would be able pers, who supposedly pay chase necessary items like the shortfall. rise. presidency, he claims, is to invest a small percent- higher prices at the check- groceries or medication. Recently Rep. Paul To see why congres- it’s own branch of govern- age of their Social Secu- out counter to offset inter- This measure would Ryan, a Republican bud- sional intervention would ment! rity taxes in an account change fees. also hurt those without get-hawk from Wisconsin, harm consumers, it’s im- So pundits are on the that they would own. The But that’s a mislead- bank accounts. At low- asked the Congressional portant to understand how prowl, trying to be the first money would go into a few ing argument. In truth, if wage jobs, it’s increasingly Budget Office to deter- credit- and debit-card to uncover the next Dan simple, low-cost invest- retailers collude to negoti- popular for employers to mine how much Washing- transactions work. Quayle. There are obvi- ments that would grow ate lower interchange fees, issue paychecks on pre- ton would need to increase When you swipe a card ous suggestions, such as over time, just as other re- consumers won’t see any paid debit cards. These marginal tax rates to pay at the local store, the stor- Mr. Huckabee. But, does a tirement plans do. These savings. Instead, retailers “payroll cards” provide for entitlement spending eowner typically keeps just McHuck ticket really sing? accounts would not replace will simply pocket the dif- enormous benefits. They over the coming decades. over 98 percent of the pur- Probably not harmoniously. employer-sponsored retire- ference. eliminate hefty check- The answer was sobering. chase price. The remaining What about governors? ment plans, but increase the Just look at what’s hap- cashing fees, reduce the The CBO says marginal 2 percent goes from the The problem there is the ability of Social Security to pened in other countries. need to carry cash, and of- tax rates for every bracket - retailer’s bank to the bank “Who Test.” Names like pay benefits to them. Australia recently capped fer employees the ability to - along with corporate tax that issued your card, or Pawlenty, Sanford, Crist, In 1940, Ida May Fuller interchange fees, just as make purchases just about rates -- would have to more perhaps your local bank or and Daniels have been received the first monthly the current congressional anywhere. than double. Doing so, the credit union. It’s called an run up the flagpole, only retirement check sent by proposal would effectively It’s understandable that CBO determined, “would “interchange fee.” to be met with a chorus of the Social Security Ad- do. The cap had no dis- Congress wants to help significantly reduce eco- Why do retailers accept “Who?” Or Sonny Perdue ministration. The program cernible impact on prices Americans in debt. But nomic activity and create this cost? – is he the chicken guy or served her well; she paid paid by consumers. our politicians have com- serious problems with tax For starters, credit card a governor? in a total of $24.75 and Not only would shop- pletely misdiagnosed the avoidance and tax eva- transactions are guaranteed On the Democratic side, collected $22,888.92 from pers miss any savings, they problem -- which isn’t sion.” Simply put, the CBO and secure. Storeowners I suggest a woman VP. No, Social Security over 35 could also be saddled with credit card companies, but warned, such rates “would don’t have to worry about not that woman – the one years. higher fees and lose some people living beyond their probably not be economi- a consumer’s check bounc- who has most impressed That sort of math simply great perks. means. Giving retailers cally feasible.” ing, extending credit, or me is Michelle Obama doesn’t add up anymore. With retailers getting a more money through regu- If our government tries having huge sums of cash – savvy, levelheaded, elo- Our country needs funda- free ride courtesy of Uncle lation of interchange fees to borrow money to pay on hand. quent. “Obama-Obama in mental entitlement reform. Sam, card-issuing banks won’t solve this. for entitlements, the CBO Credit cards also reduce 08” has a lyrical ring to it. And quickly -- before the would need to recoup their Allowing retailers to says, we’ll run up unsus- labor costs. Clerks don’t Better yet, let’s have a growing tide of retirees losses elsewhere -- by ei- form a cartel is special-in- tainable debt by 2050. In have to waste time count- national lottery. Anyone overwhelms our budget. ther raising fees on credit- terest politics at its worst. short, we’d destroy our ing change or tabulating re- who can comb their own card owners or ditching And shifting fees from nation’s economy. Income ceipts. Transaction records hair pretty much meets Ed Feulner is president of carrots like frequent-flyer merchants to consumers would stop growing and, are automatically stored on the qualifications for VP. The Heritage Foundation rewards. Shoppers could will do nothing but drive by the late 2040s, actually a computer system, mak- Besides, here’s a chance for ( say goodbye to no-annual- shoppers further into debt. start to contract. ing accounting a breeze. just a regular American to fee cards. Simply put, there’s nothing We can’t let that hap- And credit cards are get a seat at the table. That’s That’s exactly what fair about the Credit Card popular with consumers. more likely to improve the happened in Australia. Fair Fee Act. About 40 percent of all national political dynamic Letters to the editor are accepted and encouraged, but Consumers there now pay James Terry is the Chief transactions are conducted that anyone the pundits can must be signed for publication. Your letter can be: extra fees at the register Public Advocate of the using plastic. name. delivered to the Salado Village Voice newspaper office when they use a card. Consumers Rights League, Despite all the advan- For information on Jim at 213 Mill Creek Dr, Suite #125 (Salado Plaza Shopping Ordinary banking cus- a non-profit, non-partisan, tages of credit cards, stor- Hightower’s work – and to Center) mailed to P.O. Box 587, Salado, TX 76571, tomers would also suffer. educational organization eowners would obviously dedicated to preserving subscribe to his award-win- faxed to 254-947-9479 e-mailed to news@saladovillage- Do you have a free check- ning monthly newsletter, The prefer to avoid that 2 per- consumer choice in the All letters must include a phone number cent fee. So they’ve decid- ing account? If so, there’s a Hightower Lowdown, visit (for verification, not for publication). marketplace. Page 4A, Salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 Pay attention to parent’s investment strategies If your parents are get- may want to raise with ting older, you may have your parents: How much to assist them in various Financial should they take out each aspects of daily life - one year from their 401(k) and of which may be their Focus IRA? It’s essential that investment strategies. by Allen Mantanona they neither withdraw so And by being “proac- much that they deplete tive,” you may be able to their accounts nor so little make things much easier tively, they might not be For example, suppose that they can’t afford the for Mom and Dad in their able to afford the lifestyle your parents’ total cost of things they enjoy. Yet, retirement years. they’ve chosen, given the living is currently $80,000 because the ideal with- One of the best things importance of two factors: per year. If inflation were drawal rate depends on you can do for your parents longevity and inflation. to average three percent several factors - invest- is to find out if they are Let’s consider longev- annually over the next 20 ment mix, risk tolerance, investing in a way that’s ity first. The average 65- years, your parents would life expectancy, other appropriate for their situ- year-old man is expected then need more than sources of income - it’s not ation. When many people to live 16.5 more years, $144,000 per year just to always easy to determine get older, they tend to get while the average 65-year- maintain the same stan- the appropriate amount. more financially conserva- old woman has 19.1 more dard of living that they You might not have tive, choosing investments years of life expectancy, enjoy today. the expertise to help your that offer significant pres- according to the Social So, given the possibil- parents address these ervation of principal, such Security Administration. ity of a long retirement two issues - choosing the as certificates of deposit And these figures, as combined with the cumu- right investments during Allen Mantanona (CDs) and U.S. Treasury noted, are averages, which lative effects of infla- their retirement years Financial Advisor securities. And of course, means that half of all men tion, your parents will and taking out the right 213 Mill Creek Drive, Suite 120 this is understandable, and half of all women can likely need at least some amounts from their 401(k) Salado, TX 76571 because your parents, like expect to live longer than growth potential in their and IRA. And that’s why 254-947-5128 many people at their stage 81.5 years and 84.1 years, investment portfolio. A you may want to encour- of life, probably don’t want respectively. reasonable percentage of age your parents to work to take too many financial Consequently, your quality stocks may be able with a professional finan- risks. And yet, by “taking parents could easily spend to provide them with that cial advisor, if they don’t no chances” with their two or three decades in potential, but their mix of already have one. At their money, they could actu- retirement. And if they’re investments really depends stage of life, they really ally be taking on more risk investing predominantly on their individual needs, need to make the right than they think. in fixed-income vehicles, lifestyle choices and risk moves with their money - Why? Because by their returns may not even tolerance. so do all you can to help. investing too conserva- keep up with inflation. Here’s one other invest- You’ll be glad you made ment-related question you the effort. THE PERSONAL WEALTH COACH© SEC Registered Investment Advisor Jump-start your 918 N. Main St., Salado, Texas 76571 home’s heart 947-1111 or 1-800-914-PLAN (76526) Buying and Selling Objective Independent Investment Advice Jeffery W. McClure CFP® By Ryan Hodge Highly Personalized Portfolio As a seller in the cur- those wishes come true. Design and Management rent real estate climate History shows that the (or any market, for that kitchen is the best place to matter), you know that make your impression, and Listen to our radio show on KTEM 1040 AM your home’s features must it can be done for less than every Saturday from 10 till noon stand out against those of a king’s ransom. Got old the competition. First you linoleum, vinyl or chipped Jacob A. McClure need to understand what tiles on your kitchen floor? buyers are looking for, and You can install laminate then you must decide how that looks like new tile, In jurisdictions where security licenses are held, securities may be offered much money and elbow stone or wood for just $1 through NEXT Financial Group, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC. grease to invest to make to $5 per square foot! You can show off your flooring with updated light fixtures. Under-cabinet lighting is easily installed, and a gorgeous overhead JOHN HALL light will brighten things KNOW WHO TO CALL Insurance and Financial Services Agent up for less than $100. WHEN YOUR BONDS ARE CALLED. 3317 PECAN VALLEY DR A coat of fresh paint TEMPLE TX 76502 and some new hardware (254) 947-3151 are very reasonable ways To reinvest the proceeds from to go if you want your old our bonds, call today. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED cabinets to impress new • AUTOMOBILE • MUTUAL FUNDS * homeowners, and chipped Cars--Trucks--Motorcycles--Motor Homes--Trailers Nationally Recognized Fund Families appliances can be re- • HOMEOWNERS enameled to their original Renters--Condos--Landlord Protectors • RETIREMENT PLANS * luster. It may cost just a 401(k)* Plans for Groups and Individuals Course of Construction--Mobile Homes Traditional and Roth IRAs* few hundred dollars, but • LIFE INSURANCE SEP and SIMPLE Plans* you’d be well advised to Term--Whole Life--Flexible Universal Life hire a professional for this Variable Universal Life--Juvenile Policies • COLLEGE FUNDING * 529 College Savings Plans* kind of refinishing. • BOAT OWNERS Coverdell Education Savings Accounts* Pleasure--Yachts--Jet Skis For more budget-wise Dune Buggies--Snowmobiles--Campers--Tent Trailers • UMBRELLA LIABILITY suggestions, ask a real es- Personal--Commercial Michael K. Gunter Matthew C. Gunter • COMMERCIAL PACKAGES tate agent to do a “walk Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Surety Bonds--Business--Retail • VALUE ADDED SERVICES through” of your home Resturant--Contractors Home Warranty Protection before the first potential Vacation Discounts • ANNUITIES buyers come through that Fixed Equity Indexed Annuities front door! 300 E. Central Variable* * Securities offered through Farmers Financial Solutions, LLC Belton 30801 Agoura Rd. Bldg. 1 Agoura Hills, CA 91301 939-5824 (818) 584-0200 Supporting Healthy salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008, Page 5A Lifestyles for Texas’ Youth

Summer in Texas is now in full bloom. Unfortu- Capitol nately, many children will spend their free time not Comment on swings at playgrounds Kay Bailey Hutchison but in front of televisions U.S. Senator at home, consuming hours of programming full of advertisements for un- 40 S. Main, Suite B • Salado healthy foods. Others will spend time on the Internet promotions that market Finally, a foundation instead of playing outside unhealthy products, and for healthy habits must be with their friends. This it is developing shows that reinforced at home. In the lack of physical activity demonstrate the benefits 2008 Farm Bill, I created Belton Chiropractic among our youth is con- of exercising and eating an elementary school pilot Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique (AMCT) tributing to an American well. Nickelodeon, one of program that invites par- evolved from nearly 40 years of study healthcare crisis: child- the national networks for ents to become involved hood obesity. We must youth, has an initiative in nutritional education and 15 years of clinical research. work together to reduce called “Let’s Just Play,” along with their children. Cofounded by Arlan Fuhr, DC, the harmful influence that which inspires young This initiative is modeled AMCT uses specific protocols and the inactivity can have on our viewers to be more active. after the very successful kids, and promote healthy On the network’s annual Coordinated Approach to Activator Adjusting Instrument to deliver living that is vital to their “Worldwide Day of Play,” Child Health (CATCH) consistent low force, high speed adjustments long-term well-being. it suspends programming Program which helped used to correct joint dysfunction of the spine Texas ranks sixth na- for a block of time so kids significantly reduce the and extremities. tionally in the percentage can go outside and run number of overweight AMCT is the most widely used low force technique worldwide. of obese youth (ages 10 around. I hope that Texas fifth graders in El Paso. – 17), and many of these parents will help me sup- By using the major in- children are at risk of sig- port the continuation and fluences in a child’s life -- Cheryl Lipton DC nificant health problems, expansion of these efforts. from parents, to teachers, including Type 2 Diabe- Broadcasters in our to their favorite television 933-2273 tes. Since 1990, the num- state are also creating characters -- we can help ber of children diagnosed initiatives that nurture childhood obesity. Dr Lipton is Advanced Proficiency Rated with Type 2 diabetes in wholesome living. Many We can all be part of a na- our country has jumped of these endeavors are tional movement to culti- in Activator methods. 15-fold. This is extremely community-based and ad- vate positive lifestyles and troubling because diabet- dress physical, nutritional, good health that young Call to schedule ic children face lifelong and mental health. Americans can carry into your free medical problems. This is a good start, adulthood. consultation. Fortunately, a number but there is much more of broadcasters and cor- that can be done to curb porations are taking steps the epidemic of childhood to foster healthy and ac- obesity. We can help shape tive lifestyles. They are the content of the shows demonstrating that they our children listen to and are willing to be part of watch by encouraging me- ALL YOU WANT TO KNOW the solution. dia companies, broadcast- The Walt Disney Com- ers, and marketers to air pany is phasing out the responsible programs and ABOUT REVERSE MORTGAGES use of its characters in advertisements. A Seminar for understanding Reverse Mortgage Loans FREE TO THE PUBLIC Saturday – July 26, 2008 THE Salado Specialist 10:00 a.m. – Noon 254.947.9700 office 301 N. Main Street 254.947.9706 fax Rita Oden P.O. Box 1344 254.718.7956 cell Realtor© /Owner Salado, TX 76571 [email protected] Location: First State Bank Central Texas


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NARISSA ANN MOHAMMED REALTOR© (512) 771-1164 [email protected] 3305 Northland Dr. Suite 208-B 1701 Williams Drive Austin, TX 78731 Georgetown, TX 78628 Matt Heaton Texas Mortgage Brokers License #47798 Page 6A salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008

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Salado Legends features performers of all ages. Linda Rountree Pritchard-Egg, R.N. LASTOVICA Licensed Massage Therapist Fine Jewelers, Inc. Salado Legends “Known for Service” Therapeutic Massage Prompt In-Store Jewelry Repairs slates 16th season Salado Legends, will Killeen will appear in the Stress Management Diamond Sales • Custom Casting • Diamond begin it’s 16th season on role of Angus McDougal Appraisal • Watch Repair • Diamond Setting For Appointment, Call July 19, with subsequent and Geneva Bamsch of Jar- Jewelry Repair performances on July 26 rell will appear in the role 947-HAND (4263) 1202 S 31st St. & Ave. L • Temple and Aug. 2. Tablerock’s of Dora McDougal. Tony 773-5772 Goodnight Amphitheater Blisard will play Malcom is located on Royal Street Ross and Jared Yost 6 year- Monday - Wednesday Special in Salado, Texas. old from Salado is playing Teravista Golf Club History, legend and Douglas McDougal. Taryn plus tax Only a short drive to the most $40 per person memories are brought to Kornegay from Salado, is the stage in the epic mu- cast as Emmaline McDou- beautiful drives in Texas Over 55 $35 per person plus tax sical-drama, Salado Leg- gal for the first two perfor- This coupon good for up to 4333 Teravista Club Drive ends, written by Salado mances and Morgan Bird 4 players and must be Round Rock playwright Jackie Mills. of Salado will portray Em- mentioned when the tee-time One of the original songs, maline for the August 2nd is booked and must be “Be Careful What You performance. (512) 686-5701 presented at check-in Wish For,” weaves the Dr. Howard Horton, who legends of the Tonkawa lives in Bartlett will appear Indians, the dreams of for the 11th season as Sam the Spanish explorers and Houston. Sara Sanderford the hopes of the Scottish of Belton will make her settlers into a panoramic debut as “Texas.” Erin tale. Salado Legends is Sanderford from Belton the only outdoor musical- will play Bonnie Belle drama in Texas chosen by Posey. Jon McHaney from the Library of Congress to Dallas will play Tonweya serve as a record of life in and Andy Anderson, Chief America at the end of the Meteorologist from Chan- 19th century. nel 6, will play a Spanish Actors, crew, compos- explorer and a Civil War ers, sponsors and helpers soldier. number over 150. They Dinner reservations range in ages from 5 to for the catered meal are 78 years-old and live all required: $8 for adult or over Central Texas. Rob- child. Adult show tickets ert Pierce of Belton will are $17. Child (4-12) show play the lead role of An- tickets are $5. drew McIver. Krista Ash Tickets may be pur- of Belton, will play the chased in Salado at lead role of Lucy McDou- Fletcher’s Antiques, First gal. Stephanie Bielss of State Bank and Compass Temple plays Sadie Lou Bank. To charge tickets on Chalk; Brian Sanderford line through TIX: www. from Belton will play Cam McDougal. Jim Woodul of Leigh’s Necessities Sebti graduates BHS Sara Sebti of Salado graduated Magna Cum Floral Creations Laude from Belton High on Pace Park Dr. School June 5 at the Bell & Exp Center. She was in the 10 per- cent of her class and was 947-0222 awarded two year-end accolades in French and Web Mastering. Sara Sebti She was also awarded at Austin in the Honors a scholarship from the Program in the College of Belton Chapter of Texas Liberal Arts. Sara is the Classroom Teachers Asso- daughter of Lisa M. Volle ciation. Sara will attend and the granddaughter of The University of Texas Robert & Adva Volle from Salado. SALADO CLEANERS Laundry • Dry Cleaning • Alterations 1209 N. Stagecoach 254-947-7299 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Mon - Fri • 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. Sat

1-Day Service (Next to the new Library) New show lineup at Planetarium salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008, Page 7A The new lineup of ena. Filled with many im- children age seven and over Wyoming’s Medicine WE BUY SCRAP GOLD and SILVER shows at the Mayborn ages from NASA and the under investigate the night Wheel. Planetarium and Space Hubble Space Telescope, sky, the names of the plan- The show will make Theater is now showing. the film will captivate the ets, reasons for the seasons audiences laugh and tug at Lone Star Coins Friday and Saturday audience as the Mayborn’s and stars all from their heart strings — all the 1805 Florence Rd, Suite 5 in Killeen evenings feature the large 60-foot dome takes on the the safety and comfort of while teaching about the format film “Wired to appearance of the galaxies, the backyard. universe and humanity’s Buy * Sell * Trade Win: Surviving the Tour nebulae and views of the At 2 p.m. Cowboy relationship with the stars. Gold, Silver, Coins, Currency and Jewelry de France.” The show is a cosmos that will expand poet and humorist Baxter “Dinosaurs: Giants of spellbinding ride chroni- the imagination and let you Black narrates a variety Patagonia” airs at 3 p.m. 254-699-2646 Locally Owned - Salado Resident cling the legendary Tour de engage in one of the great- of mythological stories, The documentary-style France bike race. It seam- est quests of all time. Native American starlore film focuses on the history, lessly melds state-of-the- The all-digital Laser- and other tales in “Cow- the evolution and extinc- art computer animation of dome laser light shows boy Astronomer.” Known tion of dinosaurs while the human brain with the begin with “Laser Pop” for his commentary on providing a unique oppor- first-ever giant film at 9 p.m. This 30-minute National Public Radio’s tunity to get a true experi- footage of this grueling musical feast is an indoor “Morning Edition,” or TV ence of the incredible size athletic event, thus bring- fireworks display of its performances and NBC’s and strength of these crea- ing together the excitement own with bright colors and “Tonight Show,” Black is tures that roamed the Earth of world-class sport and unique abstract imagery set a first-rate storyteller. He 65 million years ago. The the frontiers of science. to some of today’s biggest shares how blue stars are audience gets a first-hand Show time is 7 p.m. songs from today’s hottest hotter than red stars by the look at the lives of these Following at 8 p.m. is artists. Then at 9:45 p.m. chili pepper ratings be- two superb creatures with the return of the popular it’s “Laser Rock.” This neath them. He’ll point out never-before-seen com- planetarium show “Search laser light show features the Andromeda Galaxy by puter-generated footage. for Life in the Universe.” hits from the Red Hot Chili hitting a first-base foul out The matinee ends on a Narrated by Leonard Ni- Peppers, OK Go, Nickel- of the park of the “Great musical note with the laser moy of “Star Trek” fame, back, U2, the Foo Fight- Baseball Diamond in the show “Space Laser” featur- the show explores the ers and many others. The Sky.” Also along the way, ing some of the best known chances life might exist lineup concludes with “La- the audience learns about space and science fiction- We offer elsewhere in the universe, ser Hip Hop” at 10:30 p.m. young stars, supernovae themed pop songs by art- based on what we know Hits from Kanye West, the and what various cultures ists such as Will Smith, Chairside Whitening System about how life began on Black-Eyed Peas, Lloyd called the Pleiades. the B-52s and “Weird” Al Earth, and how we might and Timbaland highlight The audience will also Yankovich. Also showing be able to find that life. this unique show. be rapt with two Native is “How Lasers Work” – This fascinating jour- The child-friendly Sat- American star tales: the nine-minute piece on how ney from the edge of the urday matinee kicks off at Fisher story about the cruel lasers work, how they are MetLife provider mysterious to the realm 1 p.m. with “In My Back- chieftain holding the birds created and their applica- of reality lets the audience yard.” Children’s enter- of summer captive and the tions in medicine and tech- Douglas B. Willingham, D.D.S. eavesdrop on signals from tainer Fred Penner leads a Devil’s Tower tale about 254-947-5242 nology. Office Hours by Appointment space, delve into emerg- lighthearted exploration of the Seven Indian Maidens A complete show sched- 2 North Main Street at Thomas Arnold Road ing solar systems and learn things large and small from and the Bear. Other attrac- ule and show descriptions in the historic Armstrong Adams House how scientists and amateur the colors of the rainbow to tions include the Anasazi can be found online at (c. 1868) Salado, Texas. astronomers explain mys- the counting of ladybugs pictographs of the 1054 su- Fellow, American College of Dentists or by Fellow, International College of Dentists terious cosmic phenom- on a rose. Families with pernova and Sirius rising calling 254-526-1800. Dentist of the Year, Central Texas Dental Society, 1988


-ERCEDES "ENZOF'EORGETOWNs)( AT7ESTINGHOUSE2OADs'EORGETOWNs   'ARLYN3HELTON#ADILLAC-AZDA"-76OLVOs37(+$ODGEN,OOPs4EMPLE    'ARLYN3HELTON.ISSANs-IDWAY$RIVEs4EMPLEs   GARLYNSHELTONCOM Page 8A salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 First State Bank Eagles hardballers Lobby Hours: Monday -Thursday 9 a.m.-3p.m. • Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. namedThe Texas High to All State Drive-in: School Baseball Coaches Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m. • Friday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. Association and Texas Saturday 9 a.m.-12 noon Sports Writers Associa- tion all-state teams were "Where full banking services are traditional" released recently and several Salado Eagles Main St. at Thomas Arnold Rd. Salado were honored for their 254/947-5852 • Member FDIC outstanding season. The Eagles, who won the AA state champi- onship, had five play- ers honored and Coach Melvin Bates was named Walt Tollefson the Coach of the Year by • P.C. Repair Texas Sports Writers As- ter Se sociation. pu rv • Data Recovery m i Kevin Jackson was o c named to the first team e • Networking C s as a pitcher. He finished • Custom Computers the year with an 11-2 W • Business Solutions record and threw a no- Hours 10 am - 7 pm hitter at the state tour- T nament. He pitched two Coach Melvin Bates was named as the 2A Coach of the Year After hours by appointment no-hitters during the sea- by the Texas Sports Writers Association. He has coached son. Kevin struck out 94 the Salado Eagles for over two decades and the Eagles Cell: (254) 291-6354 batters in 69 innings. He were the University Interscholastic League 2A State Cham- also led the Eagles with pions. Salado finished the year at 32-6. He is shown above saying a prayer after the Eagles won the State semi-final. [email protected] a .463 batting average on this year. on the second team was named Coach Melvin Justin Schiller was Johnny Nix. Nix finished Bates as the 2A Coach of honored as the first team the year with a .435 aver- the Year. catcher. Schiller set age. He collected 16 dou- The Eagles had three school records with 11 bles and four homeruns players named to the home runs and 56 rbi’s on the year. Johnny Sports Writers Associa- on the year. He also tied scored 53 runs on the tion First Team. Jackson for the team lead with 55 year. was named First Team as runs scored. Salado centerfielder the first baseman. Schil- On the second team Seth Collins was named ler was named First Team Matt Fritsch was named to the third team. Col- as the catcher. Collins as the third baseman. He lins hit .427 on the year. was named First Team as hit .434 on the year with He led the team with an outfielder. three homeruns, had four triples and 25 stolen Two Eagles were forty rbi’s and 21 stolen bases. He also had nine named to the Second bases. He set a school re- doubles, scored 48 runs Team. Jackson was cord with 19 rbi’s. He tied and was hit by a pitch 16 named to the Second Schiller in runs scored times. Team as a pitcher. Nix with 55. The Texas Sports was named to the second The shortstop honored Writers Association team as the short stop.

Kevin Jackson was named to the Texas Coaches Association 2A All State Team as the First Team Pitcher. He was named to the Texas Sports Writers Association 2A All State Team as the First Team First Baseman and the Second Team Pitcher. He is shown above pitching a no-hitter in the state Semi-Final game. salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008, Page 9A

Catcher Justin Schiller was named to the First Team on both the Texas Sports Writers Asso- ciation and the Texas State Coaches Association 2A All State Teams.

Eagles outfield Seth Collins was named to the First Team Sports Writers Association All State squad. He was also named to the Third Team Texas Coaches Association All State squad.

Johnny Nix was named to the Second Team as Shortstop on both the Texas Sports Writers Association and the Texas Coaches Association All State Teams.

Third baseman Matt Fritsch was named to the Second Team of the Texas Coaches Association 2A All State Team. Page 10A, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008

Jack Oliver was awarded the Melvin Jones Fellowship during the June 24 Salado Lions Club banquet. The Melvin Jones Fellowship is the highest hon- or awarded by Lions Club International and represents humanitarian quali- ties such as generosity, compassion, and concern for the less fortunate. Salado Volunteer Fire Department Not all Nursing Homes Report for Month of June 2008 Date Time Type are alike 6/1 12:36 A.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/1 3:17 A.M Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/1 9:14 A.M. Fire in mobile prop. used as a fixed struc., other At WILL-O-BELL 6/2 6:58 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/2 7:02 P.M. Outside rubbish fire, other We offer Adult Day Services 6/3 10:14 A.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/3 1:45 P.M. Rescue, emergency medical call (EMS) call, other • Available from 7 a.m. to 6 p. m. 6/3 7:35 P.M. Good intent call, other 6/4 1:29 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew • An opportunity to interact socially 6/5 1:35 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew with peers 6/5 2:16 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew • Three hot meals a day 6/5 2:33 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/5 6:36 P.M. Brush, or brush and grass mixture fire • Share in stimulating activities 6/5 7:33 P.M. Extrication of victim(s) from machinery • Receive Physical Therapy if needed 6/5 11:36 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/6 10:54 A.M. Good intent call, other • Receive assistance with the activities 6/6 11:13 A.M. Vehicle accident with injuries of daily living with dignity. 6/6 10:09 P.M. Malicious, mischievous false call, other • Access to beauty & barber shop 6/6 5:52 P.M. Natural vegetation fire, other 6/7 7:54 A.M. Motor vehicle accident with injuries • Personal laundry 6/7 12:38 P.M. Rescue, emergency medical call (EMS) call, other • Free Van pick up and delivery 6/7 7:19 P.M. Vehicle accident with injuries 6/8 2:46 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew within 20 miles. 6/9 6:44 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew Call for a free evaluation of your needs 6/10 1:03 P.M. Grass fire 6/10 3:45 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/11 2:04 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew ill-O-Bel 6/11 2:58 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew W l 6/12 3:01 A.M. Motor vehicle accident with no inuries 6/12 1:38 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew Nursing Home 6/13 9:46 A.M. Public service assistance, other 6/13 12:50 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 412 N. Dalton (Hwy 95) • Bartlett 6/13 6:40 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 254-527-3371 6/14 11:01 A.M. Good intent call, other 6/14 3:58 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/15 4:30 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/16 2:27 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew The 6/17 2:55 P.M. Grass fire Newspaper: 6/17 8:36 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew Make it your 6/18 8:54 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew business. 6/19 9:31 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew We’re committed to keeping you informed 6/20 10:57 A.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew of developments that affect your commu- 6/20 11:02 A.M. Gas leak (natural gas or LPG) nity. From business and economic news to 6/21 12:40 P.M. Rescue or EMS standby social and political changes, the newspaper 6/21 12:56 P.M. Rescue, emergency medical call (EMS) call, other keeps you on 6/21 6:46 P.M. Building fire top of what’s happening 6/21 7:08 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew in Salado. It’s an essential 6/23 12:06 P.M. Vehicle accident with injuries component of our free, 6/23 4:56 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew democratic society, 6/23 5:27 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew delivering balanced 6/24 3:42 P.M. Dispatched & canceled en route information that lets you 6/24 6:54 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew develop informed opinions and decisions. If you’re not reading the 6/25 8:57 P.M. Good intent call, other newspaper, you’re missing out on a lot. 6/27 1:16 P.M. Vehicle accident with injuries Make a commitment to be informed start- 6/27 9:11 P.M. Passenger vehicle fire ing today with a subscription to 6/28 12:15 A.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew the Salado Village Voice. 6/28 5:39 P.M. Mobile property (vehicle) fire, other 6/28 8:26 P.M. Assist invalid 6/28 9:23 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 12 months mailed to your home $26. 6/29 2:30 A.M. Building fire 6/29 8:33 A.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew Salado Village Voice 6/29 10:42 A.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew 6/30 4:53 A.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew Call 254-947-5321 to subscribe! 6/30 8:15 P.M. Medical assist, assist EMS crew salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008, Page 11A Johnnie’s Cleaners & Tailors @ Brookshire Brothers Pharmacy Fourth annual melodrama plays at Salado Silver Spur Tailor that new outfit to perfection The Silver Spur The- Alterations completed quickly atre’s Fourth Annual Melo- drama, “Perry’s Hatter is 778-2408 or 770-0355 up the Creek” was greeted with a chorus of Boos from Don’t wait till it’s to late... the audience assembled at Alterations & Dry Cleaning the local theatre last week and the writer and director Gary D. Askins couldn’t have been more pleased. Mattress World off HK Dodgen Loop 363, next to Hancock “This is what live the- atre is supposed to be all Simmons, Spring Air, Sleeptronics, about,” he said, “I love it Futons, Taylor Bedding Waterbed Supplies that our village and theatre “We Guarantee the guests are so involved in Lowest Prices” this year’s show.” It helps to understand this appar- ent contradiction when we were informed that house 254-770-3325 • 2825 Thornton Lane • Temple manager and Foley artist, Ben Milligan, had urged the Snidely (Kevin C. Carr) has Miss Goody (Rebekah Grayson) in his clutches as Tex crowd to boo, hiss and oth- (Grainger Esh) comes to save her. erwise audibly participate in this almost traditional The hilarious cast is lead right comedic touch to his the kind of dignity usually melodrama that plays each by the very funny Kevin C. role of Deputy Justin Time. reserved for a Marx Broth- weekend through August Carr as the main villain Karen Ewton, a Salado ers movie. This entire en- 23. “I would like to point Snidely H. Whiplash who teacher (when she’s not on semble is ably assisted and out that the jeers turned is unwittingly assisted by the Spur stage), once again complemented by the piano to cheers by the end of Billy Bob McMuggle, a steals several scenes with stylings of Nelda Milligan, the play.” added Grainger singing cowboy that only her shrewd observations the Spur’s resident musical Esch, owner of Salado’s Tony Blackman could pos- and comedy one liners as genius, who not only scores sibly portray. Miss Goody Miss Katrina Love. Me- the play but also the locally only indoor theatre and heroic star of the show. Goody is a wonder of in- lissa Kemp brings her en- filmed twenty minute silent “I think this show is one nocence as she is profes- thusiastic energy into the movie chase scenes which of the best Gary’s written sionally performed and mix as Ms. Bertha Bovine. are sandwiched between and our cast has, as usual, joyfully interpreted by Re- Tonkawa Tom, Great Chief the First and Second Acts. In taken it to it’s maximum bekah Grayson. Douglas of the Lost Tribe, is played “Perry’s Hatter is up Historic level of serious silliness.” Mackie, another local act- by Tom Rolls, another the Creek” continues its he concluded. ing veteran, brings just the Spuradical Player, with hilarious satiric look at life Salado and contemporary culture Artist of the month Denise Nichols work on display in the Village of Salado, (254) 947-4663 Denise Nichols, is the Texas, USA through the Right Next Door To Salado Village Artist, Art- prism of an almost tradi- Custom Menus Available ist for the months of July tional melodrama. Come and August. prepared to boo the vil- Denise Nichols began lain, cheer for the heroes painting portraits profes- as they attempt to save the sionally at the age of sev- damsels in distress and enteen. In the 1970s, af- ter studying with John Z. protect the innocent villag- Thomas at TCU, landscape, ers from the clutches of the still life, and life drawing evildoers (Director’s note: became her interests. She guilty villagers will not be also studied painting and protected.) Performances life drawing at Laguna Glo- are Fridays 7:30 pm, Sat- ria Art School in the 1980s. urdays 2 pm and 7:30 pm She has studied with pas- through August 23 at the tel artist Lorenzo Chavez of Salado Silver Spur The- Oregon, the late Walter Mc- atre, 108 Royal Street. Cowan, Jo Anna Arnett of Tickets $15-$8. Student, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Judi senior, military & group Betts, Bill Zaner of Boerne, discounts available. Call and numerous other art- (254) 947-3456 or visit ists. In 2007, she had the either or privilege of studying under for Gregg Kreutz from the Art more information and/or Student’s League. A week Denise Nichols named Village Artist of the Month reservations. later her workshop with Zaner included demonstrat- ing plein air in Big Bend. Recently, Denise has been It is said that the floors of Cleopatra’s palace accepted in two national competitions. were carpeted with delicate rose petals .... In 2004 she was awarded Best of Show, First and Sec- Indulge yourself in a little Royal Treatment ond Place in pastel by the Salado Village Art League: in 2007, Second Place in pastel. Also in 2007, she received the Peoples Choice Award at the Tejas Art Fes- tival. She now works in pas- tels, oils, water media, and collage. She maintains D.K.’s Art Studio in Rock- dale, Texas, where she teaches abstract design and color (all media) and in pas- tel. Denise’s work has been promoted as “Art which Serenityat the Stagestop Spa stirs the senses.” Visit local banks and 947-8833 the library to view Nichols work on display. Page 12A, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008

Exit 280 947-4007 Haircuts • Color Perms • Hi-Lites • Facials Waxing • Manicures Tues - Sat

9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Salado Chamber of Commerce initiated National Roper Supply with a ribbon cutting July 2. At center Store Manager Bonnie Beers cuts the ribbon. 947-9993 Come See Our Your ultimate beauty playground

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Come in today, experiment and lets have some fun!

Salado resident Allen Mantanona says he never wins anything. He can’t make that claim anymore after winning this Toyota Tundra truck, fully customized, from Toyota of Killeen. His ticket was drawn during the annual Association of the United State Army banquet last week. He was all smiles driving his new truck to work the next morning. Firefighters FROM Page 1A Scott & White EMS and Bell County Sheriffs Offi- cers managed to advance a life line and life vest to the other two but firefight- ers had to enter the water and work their way over to the two victims and assist them across the swift wa- ter to the bank. On June 26, 2007 Salado firefighters were again called out for a wa- ter rescue. Salado was hit with heavy rain dur- ing the night and caused Salado Creek to flood out of its banks stranding several families in their homes. Firefighters were dispatched to a residence along Salado Creek to Samantha Sharp of Salado, was inducted into the find three people stranded Gamma Beta Phi Society at Howard Payne University by rapidly rising water. this spring. Gamma Beta Phi is a national collegiate Firefighters advanced to honor and service organization, and members are the house and assisted all chosen for induction based on scholastic ranking. Sa- three parties safely to dry mantha is a sophomore at Howard Payne University. land. VanHoozer to play for UMHB Salado High School graduate Sam VanHoozer will play baseball for the University of Mary Hardin Baylor next school year. He signed a letter of intent with the University on July 8 with his father Ken VanHoozer and his high school coach Melvin Bates alongside him. He was 10-3 his senior year on the mound with an ERA of 2.23, pitching 72 innings and registering 82 strikeouts. For his baseball career at Salado VanHoozer was 18-7, with an ERA of 2.56, pitching 142 innings and Sam VanHoozer is shown above with his coach Melvin striking out 158 batters. Bates and his father Ken VanHoozer. Fiddler on the Roof, Jr. salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008, Page 13A project of music camp Buying The Conservatory of rected by Krista Eshbaugh, Gold & Silver Jewelry Music at the University of Sara Harris Baker and Rare Coins Mary Hardin-Baylor will Kristy Easley. The Sum- host a Summer Musical mer Musical Camp is par- Camp during the week of tially funded by a grant The Collector July 14-19. provided by the E. Rhodes During this weeklong and Leona B. Carpenter 109 E. 8th St. [email protected] camp, 44 students will pre- Foundation. Georgetown, TX 78626 877-577-7787 pare for two performances The UMHB Conserva- of Fiddler on the Roof Jr. tory of Music is a program Each participant had to au- of the College of Visual dition in May. and Performing Arts of Performances of Fid- the University of Mary tanning dler on the Roof Jr. are Hardin-Baylor. It provides aerobic scheduled July 19 at 2:30 quality music instruction & and 7 p.m. in Hughes Re- for the young people of the cital Auditorium in Presser Central Texas community. pilates Hall at UMHB. Tickets The Conservatory of Mu- classes are available for purchase sic is a member of the Na- and more starting July 14 in the Con- tional Guild of Community 805 N. Main St., Suite G servatory of Music office Schools of Arts. Mon. - Fri. 7 am - 8 pm • Sat. 8 am - Noon or at the door before both For information call Salado High School Senior Inhey Robinson is travel- performances. 254-295-4686. 254-947-5814 ing to NASA’s Johnson Space Center for a week long This camp will be di- summer internship. Robinson will intern For all your printing at NASA Space Center Inhey Robinson of cy’s major education goal Salado High School will of attracting and retaining travel to NASA’s John- students in STEM disci- son Space Center (JSC) plines critical to NASA’s in Houston, Texas, this future missions, which in- summer to participate in a clude missions returning one-week summer intern- to the moon, on to Mars ship. and beyond. Robinson is a senior at For additional informa- Salado High School. tion, please visit their Web Nominated by Troy site at: http://aerospace- Fraser she has been se- lected as one of 350 high school juniors from across Texas to be part of High School Aerospace Schol- ars (HAS). They have been working to complete ten Web-based assign- ments during the school year. They will apply what they have learned during the year, which will chal- lenge them to work as part of a team to design a mis- sion to Mars. The weeklong expe- rience at JSC includes a tour of JSC facilities and briefings by noted NASA employees including as- tronauts. These students and teammates will con- clude their experience by presenting their proposal at a luncheon to their par- ents, members of the Tex- as Legislature, Houston Livestock Show and Ro- deo, Rotary NASA, and JSC senior management. 4.06% APY* on 1-year Certificate of Deposit The State of Texas, in partnership with JSC 4.31% APY* on a 2-year Certificate of Deposit and the Texas educational * community, developed 4.00% Annual Percentage Rate 1 year term, Compounded Quarterly, $10,000 minimum, early penalties apply. * 4.25 Annual Percentage Rate 2 year term, Compounded Quarterly, $10,000 minimum, early penalties apply. HAS in 1999 to encour- age more students to pur- sue studies and careers in science, technology, engi- neering and mathematics (STEM). More than 1500 students from across Tex- as have participated in the program since its incep- tion. With this program, NASA continues the Agency’s tradition of in- vesting in the nation’s ed- ucational programs. It is directly tied to the Agen- Page 14A, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008

SALADO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Loving, Growing, Sharing A church family for all ages that is committed to following Church Christ’s example and caring for all people. Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 10:50 Goodnight-Basham nuptials held June 28 Sunday School 9:30 Tracey Basham of Arling- Best man was Alan Good- 650 Royal Street ton became the bride of Gary night of Salado, brother of (254) 947-5482 Goodnight of Arlington in a the groom. Groomsman was • Mother’s Day Out Program • double ring ceremony June 28 Mark DePoy of Salado, broth- at the Marty Leonard Chapel er-in-law of the groom. in Ft. Worth. Seating guests were Dacen The bride is the daughter and Cade DePoy of Salado, of John and Katy Meyers of nephews of the groom and Arlington. Trent Myers of Dallas, broth- The bridegroom is the son er of the bride. of Donald and Robbie Good- A reception followed at night of Salado. the Botanic Gardens Restau- Chaplain Jim Dorsey of- rant in Ft. Worth. The Salado Church of Christ ficiated. After a wedding trip to ‘Shaped by His Cross, Sharing His Matron of honor was Sarah San Francisco the couple will truth, Showing His love.’ Nail of Arlington, daughter reside in Arlington. of the bride. Bridesmaid was The bridegroom’s parents Hannah Nail of Arlington, hosted a rehearsal dinner daughter of the bride. June 27 at the Mi Cocina Res- St. Joseph’s taurant in Ft. Worth. This last weekend, did you think Episcopal of more than fireworks and bar-be- Salado Church of Christ que? Did your gatherings with family Chapel Summer of prayer and friends include reflections of continues thanksgiving for all the rights and Holy Eucharist The Wednesday sum- privileges with which God has blessed mer speaker series con- this nation? Did that awareness of Sat. • 5 p.m. tinues this month at the the source of those blessings stir an Sun. • 9:30 a.m. Church of Christ. Each inward revival in your heart? Did the week, the speakers are occasion make you want to stand up Tues. • 9:30 a.m. proceeding through the a little more proudly for all the truths various petitions that are we hold dear? Just some things to a part of the Lord’s Prayer think about. as found in Matthew 6. Joe Keyes, Minister Gary Goodnight and Tracy Bashman wed June 28 July 16, “Give Us This Sunday Bible Classes • 9 a.m. Worship • 10 a.m. Day our Daily Bread” will Evening Worship • 6 p.m. be the subject addressed Spanish Worship • 4 p.m. by Michael Weed, profes- Wednesday Grace Baptist Church sor of New Testament and John Warden Pastor • Jonathan Murdock, Assoc/ Youth Pastor Bible Classes • 6:30 p.m. Ethics at the Austin Grad- 939-1033 5798 FM2484 • 254-947-5917 IH-35 at Blacksmith Rd. uate School of Theology. behind Fletcher’s Book Store Worship Schedule July 23, Stephen John- 947-5241 • N. Main Street Sunday School • 9:45 a.m. • Worship • 11 a.m. son, professor of Bible at Worship/Bible Study and Praise Kids Music • 6 p.m. Abilene Christian Uni- Wednesday versity, will address “And Forgive Us Our Debts.” Pot Luck Meal 6:45 pm Closing out the month, Praise & Prayer • Missions for children • Satisfy for youth 7:15 p.m. Phil Ware, senior min- ister at the Southern Main St. at the Creek Hills Church of Christ in Abilene, will speak on the phrase: “As We Forgive Wednesday Fellowship Meal 5:30 p.m. Our Debtors.” Celebrate Recovery 6:00 p.m. Services begin at 6:30 Youth Choir 6:00 p.m. each Wednesday evening. Kingdom Kids 6:15 p.m. The church is located at Prayer Meeting 6:15 p.m. SUNDAY Youth Celebration 7:30 p.m. the corner of Blacksmith Contemporary Worship/Bible Study 9:00a.m. and Stagecoach Roads. Traditional Worship/Bible Study 10:30 a.m. Call 947-5241 for further Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Youth G.A.B. 6:00 p.m. (254) 947-5465 information.

St. Stephen Catholic Church Religious Education Classes Presbyterian Church Pre-K thru 12th 6:30 - 7:40 p.m. of Salado Wednesday Rev. Carl Thompson, Pastor Mass Saturday • 5:30 p.m. 10 A.M. Sunday Worship Sunday (Spanish) 9:15 a.m. A new funeral home (English) 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Tuesday • 6 p.m. with a different philosophy. Wednesday • Noon Thursday • Noon. Experience the difference. Friday • Noon Office Hours: Every day (254) 947-0066 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 949 West Village Road, Salado 105 Salado Plaza Drive • 254-947-8106 Main & Salado Plaza Drive behind Brookshire Bros. 601 FM 2268 P.O. Box 865 947-8037 [email protected] salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008, Page 15A

and People Share your family and Prices celebrate 50th Anniversary church news Mr. and Mrs. William atives. Dinner and danc- with your neighbors E. (Bill) Price celebrated ing was held at Mill Creek their 50th wedding anni- Inn for family and friends E-mail to: versary June 27 in Salado who came from Wiscon- where they have resided sin, California, Indiana, [email protected] for 12 years, and are active Pennsylvania, Arizona, members of Salado United Virginia, and Florida. Methodist Church and Ro- tary Club. Bill married the former Mildred Anne Carhart on June 27, 1958 in San Di- ego, California where he was in the marines, and she was teaching school. They moved to Hous- Mr. and Mrs. William E. (Bill) Price ton, where all three sons were born. Bill graduated They are the proud Stephanie of Maui; and from the University of parents and grandparents Randall Price, wife Liz- Houston before starting a of William Price Jr., wife grandson Brennan, grand- 30 year career with Gener- Lori, granddaughters daughter Tatum of Colo- al Motors. This took them Darcy and Audrey of Aus- rado Springs. to Grasse Pointe, Min- tin; Fred Price and wife A Friday evening party nesota, Rockville, Mary- Stacy, grandsons Kyle and was held at their home for land, Centerville, Ohio, Bryan, and granddaughter out of town guests and rel- and Kansas City, Kansas. The divisions he served Tarleton Distinguished Students were United Delco, Ponti- ac Motors, Frigidaire, and The Distinguished Stu- released by Tarleton State European and Asian joint dents list for the spring University-Central Texas. ventures. 2008 semester has been Distinguished Stu- dents include juniors and seniors who have a mini- mum 3.5 GPR with no grade lower than a C. All Obituaries must be in good standing with the university. Distinguished Students Beckwith passes July 7 from Salado are: Margari- to Rodriquez and Bryan Lorraine Beckwith, 71, Serwatka. Both Salado of Salado passed away July students are majoring in 7, 2008 in Temple, Texas. Political Science. A memorial service will Tarleton-Central Texas be held at First Baptist offers evening, weekend Church in Salado July 10 and online classes toward at 4 p.m. with her longtime bachelor’s and master’s pastor, Gary DeSalvo offi- degrees and is located ciating. just off of Highway 190 at Beckwith was born in 1901 S. Clear Creek Road 1937 in Waite Park, Min- in Killeen. For more in- nesota. She lived in Cen- formation, call (254) 519- Salado Church of Christ tral Texas for the past 22 5421 or log on to www. years and was a member of Your special invitation as. Temple Bible Church. Lorraine Beckwith to our 2008 Summer Series She is survived by her “Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer” husband of 44 years, Phil Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. Beckwith; her brother, Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. Jimmy Schneider; her daughter, Allison Putney Pslam 34: 13,14 and husband Chris; her son, Mark Beckwith; and her three grandchildren: Sadie, Audrey, and Joseph Putney. July 16 “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” Michael Weed (Austin) Memorial arrangements July 23 “And Forgive Us Our Debts” Stephen Johnson (Abilene) were handled by Broecker July 30 “As We Forgive Our Debtors” Phil Ware (Abilene) Funeral Home of Salado. Dossman In lieu of flowers, -do August 6 “And Lead Us Not Into Temptation” Randy Daughery (Belton) nations may be made to Funeral Home August 13 “But Deliver Us From The Evil One” Randy Daw (Greenville) Temple Bible Church Mis- 2525 N. Main • Belton • 933-2525 August 20 “Thine is the Kingdom, Power, Glory” Carson Stephens (Bastrop) sions Fund or Grace Acad- Service begins 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday evening emy Classical School of “In Service to our fellow man...” Georgetown. Page 16A, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 Father Davis honored in Temple On June 30, Father The Master of Ceremonies Charles Davis of St. Ste- was Dave Broecker who Call us for all your insurance needs phen Catholic Church in welcomed the crowd, pre- Salado, was honored with sented Father Davis with a dinner and appreciation mementos, and introduced • Auto ceremony at the Knights of the speakers. • Home Columbus Hall in Temple. A capacity crowd rep- • Renters • Manufactured Homes • Boats • RV’s • Commercial • Life • Long Term Care Sue Hahn • Cancer Salado, TX ...... • Accident • Supplemental Health Karin Bryant Agency Storm Debris Removal (254) 721-2403 (cell) 113 N. Stagecoach Road #3 Father Charles Davis retires to Georgetown Salado, Texas 76571 Clean Up & Haul off resenting the many com- Father Davis has been [email protected] Reasonable Rates • Local munities in Central Texas, a part of the Salado Com- (Work done by Scouts who are raising money for summer where he has been a pastor munity, participating in (254) 947-8023 camp. All work supervised and any chainsaw work done by welcomed him and shared the Community Thanks- adult. We follow sound environmental practices.) their love and apprecia- giving Programs at both tion. Several priests, dea- the Baptist and Method- cons, and nuns were in ist Churches and helping attendance as well as his put up U.S. flags in the Salado Personal Fitness Training own sister, Jean Runde, community for the Ro- still living in Iowa where tary Club and sharing as Affordable they were raised. chaplain along with Rev. Eyecare Father Charles has been Dale Gore. Father Davis • Comprehensive Eye Exams • Laser Vision 401 N. Main St. Salado, TX getting acquainted with supported Salado Fam- Consultations • Contact Lenses • Eyeglasses his new home at the Pope ily Relief Fund drives and John Paul Retirement Cen- Friends Feeding Friends (Next Day Service Available) • Minor Eye Private ter in Georgetown. He will etc. He worked with the Emergencies have his own little house Pastors of the churches in Buddies and share meals with the Salado. Learn proper exercise form other retired priests, most Father Charles was in- of whom are old friends he volved in the purchase of Firm and Tone has worked with through the original land and get- the years. He will still be ting St. Stephen Mission Inch loss Results working a few days a week and Parish started in 1988- as Chaplain at Holy Trini- 89 and as he is leaving, he Herbal Body Wraps ty High School in Temple. has once again, been part Having been an educator of purchasing a new plot and working with students of land for what is hoped Certified AFPA/Insured much of his life, this will to be a new church in the be a joy for him. O.D. future. “He will certainly Dr. John K. Cooke, Susan A Soughers He is looking forward be missed by St. Stephen Doctor of therapeutic optometry to reading, writing, trav- Parishioner, but will be Salado Plaza Shopping Center eling and will substitute leaving a fine legacy here 254 534 4429 for parish priests when the in Salado,” reports Bobbie (254) 947-LENS (5367) need arises in the Austin Riehsen. Tue-Fri 9am-5pm ~ Saturday 9am-1pm [email protected] diocese. Vacation Bible Schools in July Ask about Grace Baptist Church will present ‘Sonworld Owner Financing Adventure Park’ Vacation 1/2 Acre Lots Bible School July 26- July BEAUTIFUL LOTS IN SALADO 30 from 6 p.m.- 8:15 p.m. Substantially Lower Taxes at Grace Baptist Church Beautiful Views located at 5798 FM 2484. Salado I.S.D. Salado Church of Christ Our newest entrance is at will hold a Super Saturday Vacation Bible School 9 Blackberry & Grandview a.m.- 2 p.m. July 19 in the Prices Reduced on Salado Church of Christ Close-Out lots in Phase IV Activity Center. Children from 4 years to those who have com- pleted the 5th grade are invited to attend the fun filled day entitled “Time Machine Travels Through the Bible.” Time machine ‘destinations’ will in- clude David, Moses, Ja- cob and Esau, Shadrach, Meschach and Abednego. 254-493-0787 The day will be filled with Valerie Bourque, GRI crafts and games to fit the [email protected] 254-947-5050 • 800-352-1183 theme. Lunch and a snack will be provided. Shopping Map Salado Pages 4-5B Calendar of Events Village Guide Page 2B Section B Salado Village Voice July 10, 2008 8 Pages Shopping, Dining, Overnight, Events

Join us this Weekend Inn on the Creek hosts wine pairing dinner

By Tim Fleischer highly acidic. “You need Patrician Escargot * Editor-in-Chief to start wth a wine with its Watermelon – Spinach own zing of acidity,” ac- Salad It’s a fine line between cording to Nickles, “as the * salad will make the wine Steak Au Poivre w/ wine lover and wine snob. Port Rosemary Reduction A wine lover knows taste less acidic, softer and * about the wine he uncorks smoother.” Wild Mushroom Risotto * and shares with family and The main course, a Make plans now for seared beef tenderloin Chocolate Whiskey Ice your next celebration friends. Cream w/ Lemon Wafers Menus at A wine snob knows stuffed with kalamata ol- * ives, a mushroom risotto Reservations Required about the where the cork 15 Beautifully Furnished Victorian Guest Rooms of the bottle comes from, and grilled asparagus and Elegant Location on Salado Creek the regional weather of the carrots, was created by Candlelight Dining Friday & Saturday evenings home of the grapes and Denice Woods, an instruc- Weddings & Receptions • Business Retreats whether the winemaker tor at the Texas Culinary was having a bad day Institute in Austin, and when he put the grapes in Cynthia Apichino, who great wooden casks. And, Bubbly goes with everything, according to Jane A Nick- graduated cum laude from to make matters worse, he les, wine instructor at the Texas Culinary Institute. the Culinary Institute. makes sure you know he It was paired with Pog- Nickles guided the din- knows. everything,” accord- gio Moreno Morellina di ner guests, who first gath- Thanks to Jane A. Nick- ing to Nickles, “It glides Scansano, “a medium-bod- ered in the private quarters les, a self-admitted wine over your tongue, makes ied red wine with some of Lowrey and his partner “geek” and the wine in- the world seem brighter, richly intense flavors, just Dr. Chris Spradley to view structor at the Texas Cu- quenches your thirst, re- a hint of earthy overtones,” sculptures and paintings linary Academy, and Will freshes your palate and Nickles said, adding that it from local galleries such Lowrey, owner of Inn on leads you back for another “gives this dish the perfect as Prellop Fine Art Gal- the Creek, about two dozen bite of food.” bed to rest in all night.” 254.947.5554 lery and Southern Image folks became wine lovers Giving her “30 Second The dessert course Art Gallery, while being 877.947.5554 during a four-course wine Wine Geek” lesson, Nick- paired Chocolate Mousse served appetizers and a Center Circle, Salado pairing dinner June 28 at les said that the four words with Rosa Regale Brach- sparkling white Italian • Fodor’s Best B&B Stay Inn on the Creek. to keep in mind to describe etto d’Acqui 2006. The wine by Epiphany, who the fruitiness of any spar- Chocolate Mousse was was adorned in Bellarri kling white wine are these: served in “cups” of dark jewelry from Gregory’s “Lemon, lime, green ap- chocolate and accented and a dress from Christy’s ples, apricot.” by raspberries. Nickles of Salado. During the second described chocolate as The appetizer course course, a Panzanella Italian something very difficult to was Savory Cheesecake Bread Salad paired with pair with wine, because it and Cheese Puffs paired Michele Chiarlo Barbera is “sometimes very sweet, with Bisol Prosecco de d’Asti, guests learned how sometimes a bit bitter and Valdobiadene Brut 2006. to appreciate wine using has butter fat, all of which After dinner guests had a their senses of sight, smell are known as ‘wine kill- chance to sample the lem- and finally taste. They also ers.’” She chose the Bra- ony sparkling wine, Nick- learned that when pairing chetto d’Acqui for its “un- les gave a brief informa- highly acid foods, such as canny affinity for the flavor tive talk about what makes tomatoes and balsamic vin- of chocolate.” a wine special and how to egar which are used in the Nickles spoke about pair wines with foods. bread salad, with a wine, the wines with an ease, “Bubbly goes with the wine should also be a knowledge and a sense of humor developed over years of her love affair with wines. She is the author of the book “WineSpeak 101,” regular wine columnist for Eat and Drink Austin Magazine, and wine writer for the website “The Texas Wine and Food Gourmet”. Her signature seminar, “WineSpeak 101,” has been named a “Best Bet” by the Austin-American Statesman and has been presented over 100 times. In March of 2007, Jane received a grant from the Wine and Food Foundation of Texas to further her re- search and writing on food Located in Southern Comforts and wine pairing. Afterward, when Low- 22 Main Street - Salado rey asked the dinner guests [email protected] if they would like future wine pairing dinners, he was roundly applauded. 401 S. Main St. • Shady Villa Salado, TX 76571 Be Earth Friendly - Buy Organic! And perhaps even bussed (254) 947-5703 • (800) 473-5703 by newly-exuberant wine Salado Logo T-shirts Available lovers. Page 2B, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008

2008 of Eventsinvited. Jerry for Hunsinger, sponsored Salado Night, 5-9 p.m. July 4-Aug. 23 matinees. Come boo the for more information. by Salado Village Artists. ctober Salado Silver Spur villain and cheer the hero as July 19, 26, Aug. 2 Cost is $160 for members, O 11-12 Salado’s Chocolate & Melodrama IV: “Perry’s the Spuradical Players once July 10 16th Annual produc- $180 for non-members. E- Salado Chamber of Art Festival Expressions Hatter is Up the Creek.” again bring an original play tion of Salado Legends mail [email protected] for Commerce Ladies Auxilia- of good taste. Chocolate Performances are 7:30 p.m. and silent movie to the stage – Tablerock Festival of information/reservation. Friday and Saturday eve- and screen of the Salado ry meeting, 9:30 a.m. social, Salado, Inc. Dinner at 7:15 & wine tasting, chocolate nings and 2 p.m. Saturday Silver Sput Theater. Click on 10:30 a.m. business meeting, p.m. - $8 Adult or Child August 5 demonstrations, sampling Salado Civic Center. (catered meal is optional, National Night Out, fall and gallery tour. Sunday reservations required) The- social for Mill Creek Com- Chocolate Champagne July 10 munity Association, Details Brunch. Contact the Salado Teen Computer Class at ater at 8:15 p.m. $17 Adult $5 Child. Texas’ favorite out- to be announced. Tourism Dept. 254-947-8634 Salado Public Library, 6:30- or salado [email protected] 7:30 p.m. Publisher Basics. door musical drama with cast August 14 & crew of over 150! Where Teen Computer Class at October 11-12 July 11 history, legend and memories Salado Public Library, 6:30- A Christmas Carol and Salado Lil’ Eagles meet to weave the legends 7:30 p.m. Internet etiquette: Fright Trail auditions. 3 Football parents meeting at of the Tonkawa Indians, the Myspace Myths and Reali- p.m. at Tablerock. at 7 p.m. at the Salado Civic dreams of Spanish explorers ties. Center. Practices will begin and the hopes of the Scottish October 15 in August for players ages settlers into a panoramic August 20 Community prayer 7-12. For more information tale. Information: 254-947- Noon Book Review at breakfast, 7-8:30 a.m., call Nikole Hill 512-633- 9205 or Salado Public Library. Salado United Method- 4536, Dena Wales, 947-5621 E-mail: [email protected]. ist Church, Royal Street, or Linda Thoreson 947-9454. August 21 Sponsored by Salado Area July 21 Summer Book Talks Republican Women. July 14 Salado Independent and Poetry Readings at Salado Democrats, 6 School District Board of Salado Public Library, October 21 p.m., Salado Civic Center. Trustees meeting, 6 p.m., various readers. 7-7:50 p.m. Village of Salado Any interested Democrats Salado Civic Center. Meet- Daughters of the Republic ugust are invited to attend. ing is open to the public. A 23 of Texas, luncheon meet- Salado Athletic Booster ing, 1:30 p.m. Ambrosia Tea July 14 July 22 Club Annual Reverse Room on Main Street. Salado Masonic Lodge Salado Rotary Club Raffle. Salado High School. stated meeting, 7:30 p.m. at luncheon meeting, 11 a.m., Max Heiner is Chairperson, October 22-24 the Lodge located on Church Stagecoach Inn Restaurant. 254-947-1192. Mixed media work- St. behind First State Bank. shop by VeAnne Stowell, Officer installation will be July 23 September 4-6 sponsored by Salado Village Fall Frolic Shop Hop open to visitors. Salado Lions Club, 11 Artists. Cost is $160 for a.m. Salado Civic Center. at A Sewing Basket, 560 N. members, $180 for non- July 14-17 Main St., Call 947-5423. July 26 members. E-mail vhspaint@ Football Camp 1, 8:30- for reservations. 10:30 a.m., $50, Incoming First State Bank Home September 16 Village of Salado seventh through ninth grad- Loan, all you want to know October 25 Daughters of the Republic ers. Call 947-6977 or email about reverse mortgage 10 Salado Area Republi- of Texas, luncheon meet- jeff.cheatham@saladoisd. a.m.-noon RSVP 888-231- can Women’s Fine China ing, 1:30 p.m. Ambrosia Tea org. 8840 Luncheon. Longhorn Room Central Texas Area Room on Main Street. of Stagecoach Inn. 11 a.m. uly Museum Membership Tea, Tenroc Event Centers J 14-17 eptember - 1 p.m. 939-7085. Football Camp 2, 1-3 3-5 p.m. in the CTAM Scots’ S 18-20 The First Annual Fall Elegant, Quiet, Rural Setting p.m. $50, Incoming third Halls of the Clans, 423 S. October 25-26 Presentation of Tablerock’s I-35 Exit 284 2 miles West on Thomas Arnold Rd through sixth graders. Call Main St. An introduction of Tablerock’s Fright Repertory Theater of 947-6977 or email jeff. the current executive board Trail, 7:30-10 p.m. Relive Salado. The Horton Foote [email protected]. members. the great horror classics and Society, under the direction expect the unexpected along July 14-17 July 28-31 of Dr. Marion Castleberry, the enchanted trail. Admis- Junior cheerleader Volleyball Camp 1, 9 will present works of Horton sion is $5 for adults, $3 for camp, 9 a.m.-noon. Incom- a.m.-noon. $50. Incoming Foote and other Southwest children (12 and under). ing kindergarten through sixth through eighth graders. writers. Showtimes at 7:30 sixth graders. $50. Call Call 947-6900, ext. 1304 or p.m. Tickets are $15. Call November 3 947-6900, ext. 2211 or email email bree.holz-gonzales@ 254-947-9205 for informa- Salado Historical Soci- kimberly.boaz@saladoisd. tion. ety Fall Chili Supper and org. Membership Drive, 6:30 July 28-31 October 2-4 p.m. Noted Texas vocalist, Sirena 4,000 sq. ft. July 15 Volleyball Camp 2, 1:30- The First Annual Fall poet and songwriter Jeff Blue Heron 5,000 sq. ft. Salado Rotary Club 4:30 p.m. $50. Incoming Presentation of Tablerock’s Gore will provide entertain- Creekside Wedding Sites luncheon meeting, 11 a.m., ninth graders. Call 947-6900, Repertory Theater of ment. Stagecoach Inn Restaurant. Salado. Showtimes at 7:30 Banquets, Weddings ext. 1304 or email bree.holz- [email protected]. p.m. Tickets are $15. Call November 8-9 Corporate Meetings July 16 254-947-9205 for informa- Gathering of the Scot- Noon Book Review at 512-947-9218 • July 29 tion. tish Clans. the Library. Salado Rotary Club luncheon meeting, 11 a.m., ctober December 5-7 uly O 7 J 17 Stagecoach Inn Restaurant. Saladobration, the Salado Historical Soci- Village of Salado Board annual fund raiser for ety Annual Tour of Homes. All Occasion of Aldermen meeting, 6:30 July 31 the Public Arts League of Tickets $14 in advance, $15 p.m., 301 N. Stagecoach Rd. Teen Computer Class at Salado (PALS); 6:30 p.m., days of tour. Meeting is open to the pub- Salado Public Library, 6:30- Creekside at Inn on the Dinners lic. Agenda posted 72 hours ecember 7:30 p.m. Internet security. Creek. D 5-7 & 12-14 prior to meeting. Annual Salado Christ- Receptions August 2-3 October 10-11 mas Stroll. July 17 45th Annual Salado Art Christmas in October at Summer Book Talks ecember Weddings Fair, Pace Park. Salado Civic Center. D 5-6, 12-13 and Poetry Readings at the 16th Annual produc- Catering Library, various readers. August 4-6 October 11 tion of A Christmas Carol 7-7:50 p.m. Everyone is Oil/pastel workshop by Salado Fine Art Gallery at Tablerock Festival of Salado, Inc. 7 p.m. $10 Adults $5 Student $3 Child (12 & under). Call 947-9205 NOW SHOWING or December 11 ON STAGE Christmas Party for Mill Creek Community Perry’s Hatter is Association. Details to be announced. Up the Creek The Salado Village Voice an original melodrama The Range by Gary Askins Calendar of Events is also at the Barton House available on our Website Showtimes when you are unable to get a Fine Cuisine Friday printed copy. Visit: 7:30 p.m. 101 N. Main • Salado Saturday Picture Show To have your event listed 108 Royal Street • Salado VaudevilleStage 254.947.3828 in the old Guest-Sanford Granary 2 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Live Music & Fun for here, email information any age For Reservations, call 254-947-3456 to news@saladovillage Open for Dinner Tue-Sat 5 p.m-Close Tickets also available at the Door By Steve Becker


South dealer. East-West vulnerable. NORTH July 10, 2008, salado Village Voice, Page 3B [S] K Q 7 3 Declarer makes a key play [H] A 5 become a trick. Alterna- lead a low heart from K-Q-J- [D] Q 8 Contract tively, if West returned a x-x -- he would lead the king [C] J 10 8 4 2 low heart to East’s queen, in that case -- it followed that he would be unable to regain East had at least one of the WEST Bridge the lead to run the rest of missing honors. Rising with 2008 Melodrama IV [S] 10 5 2 By Steve Becker the suit. In practice, West the ace was therefore certain [H] K J 8 4 3 chose the latter course, after to block the heart suit if West which declarer had no trou- had five of them, making the [D] J 5 2 This deal occurred in ble scoring nine tricks. ace the proper play at trick [C] K 6 a 12-table duplicate game. How could South know one. EAST The final contract at every that putting up the ace on © 2008 King Features “Perry’s Hatter table was three notrump the was the is [S] J 9 8 4 played by South, which in winning play? The answer [H] Q 9 itself is a rare occurrence. is simple enough. He rea- [D] K 10 7 6 3 However, only one declarer soned that if the hearts were Up the Creek” made three notrump, even divided 4-3, nothing could Written & Directed By [C] 7 3 though the contract could not be gained by ducking the SOUTH be defeated with correct play. heart at trick one. The only Gary D. Askins All the others went down pertinent question, there- one. fore, was whether the July 4th – August 23rd The opening lead was would gain or lose against a uniformly a low heart. At 11 5-2 division. Fridays Showtimes 7:30 p.m. tables, the lead was ducked to Since West would not Saturdays 2:00 & 7:30 p.m. East’s queen, and a heart con- tinuation went to dummy’s ace, after which the club jack Come boo the villain and cheer for the hero was finessed. West took his July Savings Start as once again the Spuradical Players present king and cashed three heart tricks to put a quick end to their always original and hilarious take on the proceedings. July 4th At the only table where Propane life in the village of Salado, Texas USA. the contract was made, 7 days a week declarer played dummy’s ace of hearts at trick one and next Serving Salado 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. tried the club . West since 1996 108 Royal St. won with the king, but the defenders were now helpless. (254) 947-1909 Rally Building If West cashed the K-J available for reunions of hearts, dropping East’s Stage Stop • 560 N. Main 254.947.3456 queen, South’s ten would Exit 292 IH-35 Village Emporium Free! Hot!

Discover Timeless Treasures What else do youEnjoy need our Complimentary to know? hot Jewelry • Art • Antiques • Collectibles breakfast every morning. Contract Complete event planning Bridge services available. By Steve Becker (254) 947-5680 Courtyard pool area 418 North Main Street Wireless Internet

1991 N Stagecoach Rd Spaces for any event (254) 947-4004 Meetings • Banquets •Seminars Fax: (254) 947-8831 Weddings • Reunions [email protected] Corporate Sessions

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Kitchenware, including Bakeware, Pottery, Glassware, Gadgets and more • Unique Furniture • Garden & Yard Decor • Table Linens & Accessories • All natural aromatic Caldrea exclusive fragrances pampered cleaning salado Page 4B, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 July 10, 2008, Village Voice, Page 5B 3.5 miles 14 east to Royal St. 13 Provision

12 96 11 12 F 126 M 2 2 6 15 8 16 BLACKBERRY RD. F R M LEGEND H O 2 S Shopping O Y 2 D Dining L A 6 L Lodging L L 8 17 18 $ Services A P Professional N S 125 H 81 E Entertainment D T O 95 Educational L C Churches R L CV Civic D A N W.A. PACE D MEMORIAL 19 PARK I-35 SOUTH R 20 D 126 21 Mud Pies 22 Christy’s 94 10 127 80 9 124 pottery 55 HAND THROWN POTTERY 79 29 123 ONE PIECE AT A TIME 54 25 78 27 5 of 39 23 128 75 59 53 7 6 122 77 24 8 Handmade 28 26 74 7372 71 61 60 58 57 38 37 36 76 52 Pottery, 97 2 1 Salado 30 4 3 102 44 33 32 31 101 98 63 62 56 45 4140 34 Homemade 99 86 83 82 67 Ladies Boutique 100 88 70 46 4342 35 89 87 85 68 Fudge 90 Church St. Find your favorite from 93 92 91 69 666564 51 50 4949 48494748 47 our 45 plus flavors!! Christy Arner Stagecoach Rd. Sucrose free I-35 NORTH also available I-35 SOUTH #5 Salado Square P.O. Box 83 18 N. Main Salado Salado, TX 76571 103 947-0281 104 Robertson Rd. Mon-Sat 11-5 p.m., Sun 12-5 254/947-0561 106 110 111 112 113 114 105 107 108 109 115 121 122 116 West Village Rd. to Cedar Valley Baptist 117 west on FM 2843 118 119 Cowboys Bar-B-Q 120 The Bluffs Exit 285 • 1300 Robertson RD at Salado Creek 42. Mud Pies Pottery 254/947-0281 S 3. SHOPS AT THE STAGECOACH 22. SaladoSilverSpurTheatre 254/947-3456 E WildAboutAnimals 254/947-9100 S 86. RememberThisAntiques 254/947-0858 S 120. Salado Junior High 254/947-5429 E Slow Cooking. . . SaladoCigars 254/947-9177 S 24. Leigh’s Necessities 43. Organically Salado S 87. Century21BillBartlettRealEstate $ (inside Southern Comforts) andFloralCreations 254/947-0128 S,$ 64. TheVillageofSalado 254/947-5060 CV 254/947-5050 121. CedarValleyBaptistChurch 254/947-0148 C 4. StagecoachInn 254/947-5111 D,L 44. SaladoHaus 254/947-1868 S 65. SaladoCreekAntiques 254/947-1800 S 88. Subway D 47. Compass Church 254/947-8237 CV Fast Service 26. CREEKSIDE CENTER 68. ASerenitySpa 254/947-8833 $ 89. ThePersonalWealthCoach 254/947-1111 $ 122. BroeckerFuneralHome 254/947-0066 $ 5. StoneCreekSettlements 254/947-9099 L PrellopFineArtGallery 254/947-3930 S 48. RoyT’sOldSaladoBakery 254/947-7181 D 92. MerleNormanCosmetics 254/947-9993 S 49. AllStateInsurance-Bryant 254/947-8023 S Brisket • Sausage • Turkey 888/777-8844 SusanMarie’s 254/947-5239 S 70. STAGESTOP RETAIL CENTER 93. FirstSalado,AHorizonBank 254/947-8636 $ 124. St.StephenCatholicChurch 254/947-8037 C 6. CentralTexasAreaMuseum 254/947-5232 E 30. First Baptist Church 254/947-5465 C 50. SaladoFireDepartment 254/947-8961 CV AngelicHerbs 254/947-1909 S 51. SaladoChurchofChrist 254/947-5241 CV Chicken • Pork Loin ASewingBasket 254/947-5423 S 94. SALADO PLAZA 126. TranQuilGardensR.V.Park 254/947-5192 L 8. SHADY VILLA 32. THE VERANDA SaladoVillageVoice 254/947-5321 $ 127. Grace Baptist Church of Salado 254/947-5917 C Pork Ribs • Veggies... Gregory’s 254/947-5703 S FirstTexasBrokerage 254/947-5577 $ ROCK CREEK 71. SALADO CIVIC CENTER EdwardD.Jones 254/947-5128 $ 53. SplendorsofSalado 254/947-3630 S Catering, Take Out or Dine In SweetNutThings 254/947-8088 S 33. First State Bank 254/947-5852 $ SaladoCivicCenter 254/947-8300 CV SaladoEyeCare 254/947-LENS P Not shown on map 54. Charlotte’sofSalado 254/947-0240 S ChamberofCommerce 254/947-5040 CV TheShowroom 254/947-0556 S The Event Center at Tenroc Ranch 11. TablerockAmphitheater 254/947-9205 E 34. FIRST CENTRE at 40 N. Main HistoricalSociety CV CrainChiropractic&Wellness 254/947-2225 P 2mileswestofI-35onThomasArnoldRd. 254-947-5700 56. Eagle Rock Ranch 254/947-5369 $ 13. Salado United Methodist Church 254/947-5482 C FirstCommunityTitle 254/947-8480 $ SISDAdministration 254/947-5479 E 512/947-9218 $ SaladoCubScouts 254/624-1008 CV FarmersInsurance 254/947-0995 $ Village Art Center 96. MillCreekGolf&CountryClub 254/947-5144 D,L LookingGood-AFamilySalon 57. THE COLONY ZbranekAgency 97. SaladoPublicLibrary 254/947-9191 E 20400S.IH35,Exit280 254-947-4007 $ GriffithFineArt 254/947-3177 S 17. InnontheCreekB&B 254/947-5554 D,L 73. CARRIAGE PLACE SQUARE 98. Salado Cleaners 254/947-7299 $ CruiseOne 254/947-8090 $ 35. SaladoMasonicLodge#296 CV SaladoTanning&Fitness 254/947-5814 $ Book now for retreat, workshop, meeting, CELEBRATION CENTER 36. Christy’s of Salado 254/947-0561 S 58. Salado Realty 254-947-9700 102. Robertson’s Hams 254/947-5562 S or corporate events. 18. Old Salado Springs Celebration 37. Inn at Salado 254/947-0027 L ARCHANGEL ON MAIN 104. Fairway Golf Carts 254/947-4065 S Your Salado business can find Center and Retreat 254/947-5933 $ 61. SALADO CIVIC SQUARE 74. Salado Wine Seller 254/947-8011 S 108. ScissorsHairandNails 254/947-9001 $ 19. Old Salado Springs 38. SALADO SQUARE JoeReadStateFarmAgency 254/947-3599 $ 111. Super 8 Motel 254/947-5000 L its place on this map and GuestLodging 254/947-5933 L LindaRountreePritchard-Egg 254/947-4263 P PropertiesbyLarrySands 254/947-5580 $ 79. PresbyterianChurchofSalado 254/947-8106 C on the web with a weekly ad. 20. SpringhouseAntiques 254-947-0747 S 115. Johnny’s Steaks & Bar-Be-Que 254/947-4663 D 21. IndianArts&Rocks 254-947-0460 S 39. The Range at the Barton House 254/947-3828 D 63. Cornett Corner 81. Salado Sawmill 254/947-0137 S 116. Johnny’sTexasBanquetHall 254/947-4663 D Call Salado Village Voice 40. Family Dentistry 254/947-5242 P Wheeler’sArt&AntiqueSilver 254/947-8485 S 118. ThomasArnoldElem. 254/947-5191 E at 254/947-5321. Dr.DouglasB.Willingham VillageEmporium 254/947-5680 S 82. OLD TOWN SALADO 119. SaladoIntermediate 254/947-1700 E TranQuil Gardens Salado - IH 35 NEW R.V. Park Retreat & Conference Robertson's Hams Center 254-947-5000 & GRIFFITH FINE ART A SPECIAL PLACE - Reservations 1-800-800-8000 Exit 286 off IH-35 for groups, large or small to relax, find inspiration, • Clean, Friendly Service “Smoked” Meats & Beef Jerky and return to the pace of yesteryear. • Free Continental Breakfast 2 miles West on FM 2484 GALLERY • Pool - HBO - ESPN • Country Sausages • Bacon • Free High Speed Internet Look us up on the Internet: • In Room Coffee Maker - Refrigerator • Sugar Cured Hams Free Wi-Fi Full Hookups 254-947-3177 Microwave • Delicious Sandwiches 26 Sites Pull Throughs 7441 FM 1123, #41 • Belton, TX 76513 VISA/MasterCard • Special Group - Reunions - Wedding rates The Colony • North Main Street Fax: 254-939-6183 • Phone: 254-939-6194 American Express • AAA Approved The Showroom - Salado Plaza - (254) 947-0556 [email protected] Discover Closed Sundays email: [email protected] Diner’s Club • Newly renovated (254) 947-5562 I-35, Exit 285 Salado (254) 947-5192 Page 6B, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 Improve your health safely

Lifestyle and Wellness

By Kevin McCauley

Today, there seems to intake. be a movement in America Comment: Keeping your toward having Lifestyle metabolism “fired-up” by Coaches. There are numer- consuming quality frequent ous Lifestyle Coaches that meals with proper macro-nu- have a wide gamut of pro- trient combinations may be fessional names and just as the best way to look 40 at age many specialties. One of 60. If you don’t want to be my goals as a Wellness and well, or age well, don’t make Lifestyle Coach is to help an effort with your nutrition- people with their long-term al regimen. This component health. This approach not is a must; your body will not only improves people’s quan- and cannot be fooled. tity of life, but their quality Component: Sleep of life as well. For example, Variables: quality; quan- I really believe we get WAY tity. too hung up on age. Baseball Comment: Full recupera- great Satchel Paige said this tion, restoration, recovery about age, “Age is a question and repair of your physical of mind over matter. If you and mental faculties come don’t mind, it doesn’t mat- only from consistent nights ter” and “How old would you of quality sleep. Our being be if you didn’t know how awake using synthetic light is old you are?” Satchel Paige a relatively new phenomena, actually pitched in Major so try to follow the rising and League Baseball game at the setting of the sun as closely age of 60. as possible for your sleep In America there are too patterns. many people that look like Component: Toxins they are fifty who are thirty, Variables: (In order from too many people who move worst to least toxic) like they are sixty who are 1. Illicit drugs and narcotics only forty. This just doesn’t 2. Tobacco/nicotine have to be. I have had a high 3. Alcohol Wheeler’s Art and Antique Silver percentage of my clients say 4. Artificial Sweeteners something like this, “I can’t 5. Refined sugars believe how bad of shape I am 6. Additives 418 North Main Street, Suite One in; I feel and look horrible. 7. Caffeinated beverages What happened?” I used to 8. Over-the-counter medica- The Village of Salado believe it was a combination tions of two things: 1. my client 9. Prescription medications (254) 947-8485 was not being honest about Comment: Each of these how much their lifestyle had toxins has side-effects that changed in the past 20 years, will damage your metabo- and 2. the lack of resistance lism, thereby accelerating Rare Antique and Estate Silver training had slowed their me- the aging process. Though from the 18th, 19th tabolism and worsened their the goal is to taper-off and body composition make-up. avoid all toxins; prescription and early 20th Centuries Though these two reasons drugs must only be tapered- might be correct, the truth off/avoided with the guid- might actually be that they ance of your doctor. Art from the Texas Modernist Era really had not changed their Component: Exercise lifestyle. Let me explain. Variables: resistance To create an environment training; cardio-respiratory; Unique Art and Exceptional Gifts for long term health we need aerobic. to fit your budget to stay away from the daily Comment: In America, lifestyle choices that destroy the majority of us are over-fat our metabolism. Unfortu- and under-muscled. A proper nately, some people seem to resistance training program destroy their metabolisms has little to no risk, but reaps before they are through with great benefits. There is no their adolescence (yes, it reason a properly trained 60 can be reversed, but it takes year old cannot move as well Silver Wedding Chalice WORK). Others seem to ride as his or her grandchild. Re- Germany circa 1890 their “good genetics” into sistance, cardio-respiratory, their mid-30s to early-40s. and aerobic training should Truth be told, some people never be hard on the joints. can LOOK like they are get- These are just four com- ting away with “drinking ponents of your life that if beer and eating pizza” every improved on a daily basis Proudly serving the same menu day and still have an abdomi- can benefit your quality and nal area that looks like a six quantity of life. Long-term pack. But once they have benefits are not always seen and recipes that made Salado famous! damaged their metabolisms or felt the next day, just in they will put weight on by the same way our poor life- the truck-load for no appar- style habits that destroy our ent reason unless they realize metabolism are not seen or that their new found health felt the next day. The truth concerns are a metabolism is though, if you make better issue, not an excessive calo- choices now, you will have a rie issue. You see, if it takes better life later. decades to destroy your me- Kevin is a Lifestyle tabolism, it is going to take and Wellness Coach/Certi- some (huge understatement) fied Clinical Nutritionist in work/time to heal it. Cutting Salado. He is the owner/oper- calories (or dieting), which ator of Progressive Wellness usually means reducing nu- Services, a Total Wellness trient intake as well, will not Company. Kevin helps fam- Overnight Accommodations for Individuals or Groups be beneficial but extremely ilies instill positive lifestyle • Conference Center • Banquet Facilities detrimental. habits into their lives, includ- Here is a list of different ing: proper nutrition, smart • Weddings • Rehearsal Dinners components, variables within exercise and understanding • Business Meetings • Lodging each, and a comment about hormonal responses. If you each, that must be watched to have any questions please e- • Historic Dining Room • Coffee Shop keep our health optimal. mail Kevin at youbewell@ • Stagecoach Club • Wireless Internet Component: Nutrition or call him at Variables: quality of 947-8304. food; frequency of meals For Reservations please call 800-732-8994 or 254-947-5111 and snacks; combinations of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat; supplementation; water Summer programs successful July 10, 2008, salado Village Voice, Page 7B

By Karen Kinnison Now summer is coming on for real. Well, it was standing “We must be free not room only for the infamous Check because we claim freedom, “Chicken Dog!” The kids but because we practice were treated to some awe- it.” - William Faulkner some juggling, a talking It Out bird, and two adorable dogs. I was right there sit- News & Notes from ting on the floor with the Salado Public Library rest of the kids. Kudos to Miss Emmy for an excel- lowed. Part investigation, lent Summer Reading Pro- elegy and expose of upper gram. The Teen Summer middle class suburbia, the Reading Program Kick- incomparable Oates once StoneCreek Settlement Off was a huge success and again mines the depths of Bed & Breakfast now the teens are staying contemporary culture. College Hill • Historic Salado busy checking out the new “Apples and Oranges: Weddings • Receptions • Conference Center graphic novels and attend- My Brother and Me, Lost ing teen computer classes. and Found” by Marie Let me also remind you Brenner: To discover a of several adult events: brother she hardly knew, At the Noon Book Re- Brenner tries to care for her view on July 16, Betsy Ty- ailing, alpha-male brother son will review “Girls Like and face the faults and fol- Us” by Sheila Weller, a his- lies of their relationship. tory of the rise of the three “Hopes and Dreams: most influential female The Story of Barack song writers of our genera- Obama” by Steve Dough- tion. And, this month’s Po- erty: The first biographical etry Reading is on July 17 portrait of this key political at 7 p.m. with Patsy San- figure. This authoritative ford of Salado and guest new biography provides poet from Austin. much needed perspective New books by some on a man certain to play an Early Texas & German of our favorite authors are important role in America’s Sunday Haus style cottages coming to the shelves this future. week: That’s it for this week 254-947-9099 “Chasing Darkness: folks. Hope you all had a 888-777-8844 An Elvis Cole Novel” by happy and safe fourth of Robert Crais: Elvis Cole July. is back and when a suspect Elvis defended is found with evidence of multiple murders, Cole is blamed for freeing a killer. The Inn at Salado “Moscow Rules” by Susan Marie’s Daniel Silva: Gabriel Al- The Brands, the Selection, the Personal Service Historic Bed & Breakfast lon is back in this 11th Since 1985 Silva novel. The death of a journalist leads Allon to Russia, where he finds that in spy-craft, even he has something to learn. He’s playing by Moscow rules now. “Swan Peak: A Dave Robicheaux Novel” by 50% - 75% Weddings ~ Receptions ~ Accommodations James Lee Burke: Much North Main St. & Pace Park Dr. loved Louisiana lawman OFF (254) 947-0027 / (800) 724-0027 Dave Robicheaux is back and this time in the Mon- tana mountains where Dave and his former partner, Summer Shoes Cleve Purcel, find trouble. Old Salado Springs Burke challenges us with his complex moral pro- tagonists and enthralls us Celebration Center with his lush writing style. Summer Jackets Jeans You don’t read Burke’s 50% - 60% off 40% off books—you breathe them, and Retreat smell them and taste them. “Beijing Coma” by Ma Jian: The epic new novel from one of the most cou- rageous voices in Chinese Summer Dresses All Summer literature. A student activ- 50% off Linen On Sale ist from 1989’s Tiananmen Square emerges from a coma into the China that is Up to 5,000 sq. ft. Bed & Breakfast preparing to enter the new of meeting and rooms for up to millennium. This book is All Central Falls banned in China. celebration space 26 guests “My Sister, My Love: Coordinates The Intimate Story of Sky- 50% - 60% off ler Rampike” by Joyce Car- On the Creek ol Oates: A decade ago the Rampikes were destroyed In the Heart of Salado by the murder of Skyler’s six year old ice-skating 254-947-5239 - Downtown Salado - 201 North Main 200 Block of Royal Street champion sister, Bliss, and the media scrutiny that fol- open 10 - 5:30 M-Sat 12:30 - 5 Sun (254) 947-5933 Page 8B salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 Two-wheeling in the mountains The ride took just It’s something I’ve under three hours. It was Springhouse Antiques wanted to do for a long by not a race, just a ride. We time: ride my bicycle ”A Shop of Ideas” took lots of photos along through some Texas Tumbleweed the way. We celebrated mountains. My son Open 7 Days 10 - 5 with chocolate cake. We Kevin had been wanting Smith swam. We had a deli- 120 Royal Street Salado to do it for sometime, cious meal. Went to too. see the Zohan movie. 254-947-0747 We decided to do it, was fairly level as we left ning looked at the stars Laughed. finally, after years of just Fort Davis, then there is through powerful tele- The next day we got talking about it. And we a slight rise. I thought scopes at the McDonald up early, drove to Marfa decided to do it on my it would be a struggle, observatory. and prepared our bikes birthday. but it was easier than The next morning was for another 26 mile ride On the way to the I expected. The more my birthday. We drove back to Alpine. Jack- mountain country, we miles we rode, the more to Fort Davis, unloaded son decided not to ride a stopped at Peyton’s Bikes confident I became. our bikes, climbed on second day, but Kevin’s in Midland and picked The favorite thing I them and headed for wife Jill joined us. She up some equipment for like to do on my bike is Specializing in Heritage Lace Designs Alpine, 26 miles away. is super athletic and is in the trip. I bought a nifty coast. When we got to the Fenton Art Glass, Arthur Court Designs and My 17-year old grand- great physical shape. She mirror for my handlebars, steep downhill grades, Willow Tree Angels by DEMDACO son Jackson was with us. could have ridden circles some bike shorts and a I breezed down them. 102 North Main Street, Salado When I left a little after 8 around us, but she stayed 254-947-1868 • 877-947-1868 pair of riding gloves. On one I was going so a.m., I was a little appre- with us. We took more [email protected] We decided to make a fast my new mirror fell hensive, since I had not pictures on the second family vacation out of it. off and I ran over it. I done anything like this day. The hills didn’t On the afternoon before stopped, cleaned up the before. A few years ago, seem too severe and the the ride, six of us checked mess and got back on my the three of us rode bikes flat stretches seemed Salado into the Maverick Inn bike. We stopped briefly about 15 miles through easy to maneuver. What in Alpine. We swam, to drink water and lather Fort Worth’s Forest Park. was most amazing was relaxed, had a delicious up with sunblock. Most of that was on level I didn’t seem tired after meal and later that eve- ground. The highway The worst part was the CIGARS sun and the wind. The either ride. When my best part was we kept son and I started plan- AVAILABLE @ going. There was no ning our ride, I spent a few weeks taking a spin Uncommon Grounds shade and the ground was Premium Handmade Cigars, level the last few miles. course at a local exercise Pipes, Men’s Gifts & Accessories Prophetic Picture: North Korea It was just a matter of center. The teacher was FEATURING OUR HOUSE BRAND keeping the legs moving. rough on us as we ped- Voice Clouds When we hit the Alpine aled on the stationary THE “SALADO CIGAR” city limits, we rode on bikes. Where the Heck are the Roses? The two 26 mile rides Sun.-Thurs. 11-5 Fri.-Sat. 11-7 sidewalks back to the motel. were a piece of cake com- 400 S. Main Street (254) 947-9177 Christian Books: Happy Birthday. pared to a spin class. Salado, Texas 76571 1-866-498-2447 [email protected] [email protected]

Original Art Indian Arts Bronze Sculpture Raku Pottery & Rocks Owners G. Harvey Limited Edition Prints Mason & Pat And More 112 Royal Street Salado (254) 947-0460

A Sewing Basket w 100% Cotton Fabrics w Quilting FINE ART w Notions w Classes (254) 947-5423 • 1-877-244-0450 [email protected] GALLERY 560 N. Main St, Suite 6 (Located in the Stagestop Shopping Center) Traditional and Contemporary Landscapes, Salado, TX 76571 Mon-Sat 9:30-5:30, Sun 12-4:30 p.m. Seascapes, Wildlife, and Western Art. Meeting Room Available for Rent Main Street • Salado • (888) 461-2605 • (254) 947-3930 “A bit of whimsy, a touch of elegance” Salado Civic Center Designed to serve the Village of Salado Also: Bandstand - Gazebo Rental Rooms For: Family/Class Reunions Weddings - Wedding Receptions Rehearsal Dinners Business Meetings & Luncheons Located Midtown Style Shows • Concerts #8 Rock Creek (just a few steps off Main) Salado, TX 76571 (254) 947-0240 601 North Main Street (254) 947-8300 Deadline for Classified ads is noon Mondays Real Estate Services For Sale Jobs Classifieds Section C Marketplace Salado Village Voice Marketplace Classifieds July 3, 2008

Over 100 years of real estate experience

These are just a few of our listings. To view all of our listings and virtual tours, visit (254) 947-5050 Valerie, Melanie, Ann, Sue Ellen, Debbie (back) Paul and Bill.

$595,021: 575 Lonesome $589,500: 13870 Krause $470,700: 1741 Trails $438,700: 13391 Cedar $399,700: 1201 Ambrose Dove, Salado. Formerly a Rd., Holland. 3 BR 3 BA End, Salado. 3 BR home Valley Rd., Salado. 4 BR Dr., Salado. This 4 BR, train depot, this home has Texas style ranch home on on 3.42 acres with Will- home on 21.4 acres in 2.5 BA home has many been renovated to include over 50 acres, with creek & ingham Creek frontage. Salado ISD. Bonus room features, including crown a large living, dining, kitch- a pond. Custom features Eco-friendly & low utilities. & one BR upstairs. Work- molding throughout. 2 car en area that overlooks a & modern kitchen in this Metal workshop. Screen shop, barn & building. garage plus golf cart ga- negative edge pool, all on rustic country home. porch overlooks inground Fenced acreage. rage. 16 acres. pool.

$335,021: 700 Ashley $309,000: 10289 Brewer $299,521: 101 Tallwood $275,021: 1607 Old Mill $234,021: 1592 Hidden Court, Salado. Walk to Rd., Salado. Updated Circle, Salado. Beautiful Rd., Salado. In the heart Springs, Salado. 3 BR, downtown Salado. Beauti- 3 BR home on 10 acres 4 BR, 2.5 BA home near of Mill Creek. 3 BR, 2.5 BA 2 BA, plus office on 2 acres fully landscaped yard with in Salado ISD. Custom the golf course! Soaring home with 3 living areas. close to the entrance in large oak trees in front. stone fireplace, limestone ceilings. Nice covered Hardwood floors. Sunroom Hidden Springs. Granite countertops & etched con- patio & large backyard. 3 BR, 2.5 BA & a study. overlooks landscaped back countertops in kitchen. crete patios. Oversized garage. yard.

$224,721: 2409 Smith $228,021: 8221 Mountain $218,721: 494 Quail $205,921: 324 O.W. Low- $189,700: 825 Park Dr. Bluff, Salado. 4 BR 2 BA Dr., Salado. 3 BR, 2 BA Ridge, Salado. Private rey, Salado. Great curb #6, Salado. Beautiful view home on corner lot in Mill home in Woods of Salado setting on 5 acres in Black appeal with this 3 BR, 2 BA of Mill Creek! Master BR, Creek. Split bedrooms. with windows along back Coach Ranch. 3 BR, 2 BA, Garden Home. Beautiful living, dining & kitchen Master suite. Deck allows wall to view wildlife on 2.3 2 dining room home in architectural detail inside on main level, 3 BR’s, full for easy entertaining. wooded acres. 20 x 30 a lovely neighborhood. & out. Convenient to golf bath/half bath & large stor- workshop. Workshop in back yard. course. age room downstairs.

Area Land & Ranch listings • Mill Creek lots: $29,000 - $99,000 • 71.8 acres, near Academy, on Hwy 95. • Winner’s Circle lots: Starting at $50,000 • 76 acres south of Salado, lovely views. • Hidden Springs lots: $53,500 - $74,900 • 81 acres near Academy, pond, well located. • Creeks of Salado: Estate-sized lots • 89 acres, large trees, pond. Lovely setting. • Heritage: 1.75 acre lot $59,500 • 99 acres & 119 acres adjoining, Edge of Temple. • 105 acres, excellent location, Salado schools. • 7.1 acres on FM 2410 in Harker Heights, commercial. • 175 acres, wooded, deer, 15 mi. W. Temple. • 10 or more acres 3 mi. W of Temple airport on Hwy. 36. • 215 acres I-35, Salado, many possibilities. • 19 acres on Hwy. 95, Temple. • 550 acres, live creek, home, barns, well priced. U/C • 53 acres on I-35 in Belton, all utilities.

860 N. Main St. (next to Subway) • Salado, TX 76571 (800) 352-1183

Salado Complete or touch-up paint- Page 2C, Village Voice, July 10, 2008 Services______Garage, Auction & Estate Homes For Sale ing; Drywall. free estimates Sales 254-634-2344 Crickett’s Cleaning and House for Sale or Lease. 4/10tfnb Painting Commercial, Estate Sale July 10-12 Salado ISD on 1 acre, 2 Residential, Make Ready; Salado Exit 286 West on BR, 2 BA, office with Bernie’s Home Mainte- 2484 to Ridgewood Dr. fireplace, living room nance misc. home repairs follow signs. Rainbow with cathedral ceiling, “You Name Your Price” and electrical work. Bernie vaccum $500, Refrigera- large back deck. Available Krueger 254-760-7608 tor $125, white cabinets, Aug. 1. Lease $900 mo. 0621tfnb Fences computer desk, table and 4 water included. For Sale chairs $300 and lots more . $125,000. Call 254-780- Avon in Salado Contact Decks Cash only. 7119 or 254-718-8754 or LaVerne Gore to get a 070308p 254-780-7118 Remodels brochure or to place an 070308tfnb order 947-0710, For Sale __ 2/807tfnb ___ Home for Sale by owner 2200 Chisholm Trail 3BR/ H & M Services Stevens Yard Equipment Vehicles 2BA -254-718-8685 Repair/Small Gas Engine (254) 383-7823 Bank Repo 2001 Chevy 5/22tfnb repairman Pick up and C1500 156,000 miles. Call [email protected] drop off available. 254- David 947-5852 947-7249 Salado Owned Business 0619tfnb Gorgeous Home with a 8/3tfnb view! 4 BR, 3 BA beautiful ‘87 Ford Ranger 4x4 tile floors. The living room, H H H H H H H H Trees, Shrubs & Landscap- extended cab. Detach- kitchen and dining have ing, Pruning, Removal able face plate AM/FM CD. a view of the countryside and Hauling. Flower beds, LONE STAR GRADING Engine at 30,000 miles, through large windows yard work, top soil. Call Transmission less than 200. on back of home. Patio is H H Victor Marek toll free 1- & MATERIALS $3,000 Call David 534-1315, covered with large area 888-945-3822 or residence leave message. for entertaining. Brick 254-527-3822. 0605tfnb with stone accents make tfnb COMMERCIAL H RESIDENTIAL this home come alive INDUSTRIAL Pets & Farm Animals $339,500. Century 21 Bill Mary Kay Products 254- Bartlett 947-5050 258-4460 or 947-3158. Visit EXCAVATION • GRADING • SITE PREPARATION Basset puppies, AKC 6 0306tfn YARDS • LOT CLEARING • PADS • ROADS weeks old vaccinated. Tri- Harwell. color, mahogny & white. Light bright and airy! 3 DRIVEWAYS • PARKING LOTS 2/14tfnb Mles and Females $275- living areas, 3 large BR’s, ALL TYPES DIRT WORK • MATERIALS & HAULING $325 947-3143 or 254-718- corner lot $129,900s Call 1349 ***FREE ESTIMATES*** Storage______Salado Realty 254-947- 0710-0731p 9700. Self Storage: 10 X 12 Business Opportunity_ 0508tfnf (254) 947-0149 or (254) 933-7900 units for $45/month. Rita H HH H H H H Oden, Salado Realty, 947- Beautiful Salado coffee- H H H 9700. shop/cafe Newly remod- Conveniently located eled. Great sales growth, 2/7tfnb close to Salado High very profitable $115,000. School. 4 BR home on Stow Away Storage Call Bill Holtzclaw 254-466- 2.15 acres. Large trees Household -Commercial 6390 for information. shade the front and back 10X10 - 10x20- 22x40 yards. Nice Master Suite Clean, lighted, fenced, Key Personals with separate shower/tub punch . 947-5502 or and double vanity. Large 721-1807 Paul Sanford - Employment - Help Wanted secondary bedrooms. Owner Open kitchen with updated Wanted Part-time Book- 15 words $5 .20 per word after tfnb granite counter tops. or keeper/Admin.Asst. Wonderful bonus room Storage space in Salado 4-5 hours per week. Quick- with additional bedroom Boxed Business Card size ad $20 weekly 8X12, 16X24 and up. books experience pre- separate from other Some have drive-in doors. ferred. 254-258-4129 rooms. Easy access to I- Deadline noon Monday Salado Storage 947-5575 70308-71008p 35. $364,700 Century 21 tfnb Bill Bartlett 947-5050 Classifieds running 1 time are prepaid, Susan Marie’s Ladies monthly billing can be arranged on long term runs. Boutique needs help this Got trade? Use your old Visa & Mastercard accepted Summer. Saturdays only, home for down payment 10-5:30. Apply at store on Name:______or your land on a new Main St. home. Please Call for Address:______PART-TIME 0605tfnb details 254-698-7070 HELP WANTED 11/15tfnb City:______State:___ Zip:______For a Heights Home Health Now maintenance worker Hiring attendants to care for Phone:______Email: ______for the the elderly and disabled in Classifieds their homes. For more infor- Village of Salado continue on Ad:______mation call 254-953-4702 for the months of 0405tfnb page 3C ______July and August. Assistance with Homes wanted______Pace Park ______maintenance, misc. road repairs, ______mowing, etc. $8.50/hr, 20 hrs/wk ______For more Bring your ad by our office in Salado Plaza information please contact or email us at Dianna at 947-5060. [email protected] molding and fireplace in vaulted ceiling in living July 10, 2008 salado Village Voice, Page 3C No Credit! Need a home? living room. Master has area. Up to three horses Ranch For Sale 365+/- Acres in Bell County $1,950 Financing available for vaulted ceiling , split floor are allowed. $498,700 an acre, with house. Broker/ Perfect DRYWALL Patches people with little or no plan offers privacy. Plenty Century 21 Bill Bartlett credit. Please call for more Owner 512-327-1994 & Texture Matching of cabinet and countertop 947-5050 info 254-698-7077 space in kitchen, Kraftmaid 0626-0717b Exterior Painting 11/15tfnb cabinets throughout. Sprin- Land for Sale______Carpentry kler system, nicely lanc- 10 acre tract, pond, trees, Classifieds Office: Own Land? Then your scaped and fenced yard. 254-718-1831 great location/views Black- approved for a home. Convenient to golf course. Cell: berry Rd. east of Salado. continue on 3,4,5, bedrooms 254-698- $205,921 Century 21 Bill 512-658-6006 Call 254-721-1101 7088 Bartlett 947-5050 Scott Mettenbrink 70308-72408b Page 4C 11/15tfnb 41907tfnf Got Land? Need a Home? Grand home with amaz- Clearview Window Cleaning Moffatt & Daughters Zero Down!! 254-702-1534 ing tree-covered lot! Extras 11/15tfnb include 3 car garage, 2-1/2” Pressure Washing Plumbing Co. faux wood blinds, land- Service • Repair • Remodeling Repo Repo Repo! Homes scaping, gutters, granite Home Maintenance George (Bubba) Moffatt for sale or take over counter tops throughout & Remodeling Services payments, Call for details. and more. $519,000. Call Toll free 866-908-8186 First Texas Brokerage, 254 289-5986 (local) 11/15tfnb (254) 947-5577 FREE ESTIMATES Master Plumber Lic 254 947-8018 (nights) # M-17002 Beautiful new Austin Stone Fine Living Defined Home. 4 BR/2BA Fam- throughout this Elegant W. J. Martone ily-friendly floorplan from a Estate! Negative Edge 512-746-2172 Call Double J Johnnie R. Martone builder you can trust Swimming Pool! Wine Salado Realty 254-947- (254) 939-1387 512-635-4064 cellar, GE stainless steel 9700 Tree No Job too Small appliances, interior stone Free estimates 0508tfn walls, granite counters, Service rich crown molding, much LOT CLEARING Keller Williams Realty ACREAGE MOWING more. $775,000. Call First CHIPPING/MULCHING Awesome! Manager Spe- TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL Texas Brokerage at 254- LICENSED SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATION cial! O down on a home. TRACTOR WORK 947-5577 Call 254-702-1534 24 HR EMERGENCY CALL tfnf 510tfnb An Elegant Spanish Villa Smith Branch Creek, featuring central vac sys- a seasonal creek, bor- tem, intercom, hardwood ders this wooded lot with floors, spacious master a beautiful home. Freshly suite, wood beams, stone painted with new applianc- • Climate Control • Wide Driveways pillars, tankless water es and carpet, this home is • 5x10 - 10x30 • Well Lighted heaters, granite counters, Britt Heating & move-in ready $157,800. • 24 Hour Code Entry • Camera Surveillance security system. $539,900. Call Salado Realty 254- Call First Texas Brokerage Air Conditioning 939-6640 947-9700 at 254-947-5577 580 W. Loop 121 Belton, TX 76513 5/10tfnf Installations • Repairs tfnf 3BR 2 BA home in nice Office 947-5263 A fantastic setting with wooded lot. Recently Chris Alexander, large live oaks and a Mobile 760-1004 Builder updated tile and kitchen Texas -style 4 BR 3 BA Serving Salado for 25 years 254-947-5369 home on 2.99 acres. stone cabinets. Dining and TACL #B006640 living area are open wiht 254-702-6959 and wood accents, granite [email protected] countertops, guest suite easy access to break- Crickett’s Cleaning & Painting with full bath. $359,800. fast room and kitchen. Eagle Rock Ranch Estates Commercial • Residential O Wooded Estate Lots 2.5 to 3.5 Acres Call Salado Realty 254- Large deck at front of O Underground Electric Complete or Touch-up Painting • Drywall O 3 Miles West of I-35 on FM 2843 947-9700 home with covered deck Make Ready • Plumbing • Roofing O 5 Minutes from Downtown Salado 7/3tfn in back Nice trees in front O Quality Restrictions Home Repair • Maintenance • Gutters O Salado Schools and back yards $169,500 6 acres of rolling hills Remodeling • Service Calls • Carpentry Century 21 Bill Bartlett 3200 SF Workshop with Local References Available 4 overhead doors, Austin 947-5050 3 Rooms $69.99 10% OFF 99 Stone 3 BR, 2 BA home. Free Estimates 254-634-2344 5 Rooms $89. Tile & Grout Cleaning Carpet Cleaning (includes FREE on Air Duct Service $248,800. Call Salado Re- Relax in the pool and Spot Cleaning and Deodorizing) alty 254-947-9700 hot tub in your own 5/31tfnf back yard. 4 BR, 3 BA Bell County Bell County Carpet Cleaners Carpet Cleaners wonderful game room DOCTOR DON’S New Elegant Estate with additional living FERTILIZATION & 4/3/3+ on 3 tree-covered and dining. Tile through- acres. Inviting entrance, Bell County out most of the home. LAWNCARESince 1985 Carpet, Tile, Upholstery, high ceilings, crown mold- Stained concrete floors in ing, beautiful kitchen with Rug & Air Duct Cleaning game room. Wood deck Locally Owned & Operated stainless steel appliances in back yard takes you to l Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning and granite counter tops, Licensed Technicians large fireplace, 3+ car a beautiful pool. Very pri- l Rotobrush Air Duct Equipment garage and much more. vate back yard. $275,700 Residential, Commercial (We Clean Metal & Flex Ducts) $399,000. Call First Texas Century 21 Bill Bartlett & School Properties l Carpet • Laminate • Wood • Tile Brokerage 947-5577 947-5050 FREE ESTIMATES Sales & Installation 0202F 3 Fertilization Programs Great curb appeal with 3 Home on 9.10 acres Weed Control Programs COME VISIT OUR NEW FLOORING SHOWROOM AT 933-8989 this 3 BR, 2 BA, Garden fronting the Willingham 3 Ant Control Programs 3 120 N. Muelhouse Home. Beautiful archi- Creek in Hidden Springs. Insect and Fungus Programs 933-1313 tectural detail inside and 3 Lawn Maintenance Belton Heavily wooded acreage Behind Schoepf’s Old Time BBQ Toll Free out, neutral brick with creates a private setting. stone accents bring you GIVE US A CALL TODAY!!! 1-866-933-8989 3 BR, 3 full baths, 2 half into arched doorways and 24/7 Water Extraction raised ceilings. Crown baths. Beautiful beam 939-3222 Page 4C, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 0703-0717b Solana Ranch Rd. 15 Beautiful Mill Creek, Home for Lease in acres with beautiful oak Salado home for lease. College Hill Drive - Walk Mill Creek - Recently trees and deep water well. 2/2/2/ with loft. Appliances to creek, shopping, 2 Acres remodeled 3/2/2 car Beverly Hamby Realty 254- and lawn care included. with well, septic tank, trees! garage - no smokers, no 721-1784 $1,250 per month. Century $139,500. Call Raney & pets $1500/mo. 254-947- 0508tfn 21 Gail Roe Property Associates Anna Lou 254- 5690 Management 254-773- 913-1215. 0626-0703p 0803 95 acre building sites with 0823tfnb windmill, pond and sep- 0612-0717p Available July 1. 2BR/1B tics, water meters in place Commercial Rental upstairs apartment. Wtr/ already in place. $451,250 Salado. Furnished gbge included. Approx Call Salado Realty 254- studio apartments with Commercial/retail build- 950 SF. $500/month, 947-9700 views of Salado Creek. ing for rent overlooking dep $250. W/D hkup 021908tfnf Small kitchenette. All Salado Creek in down- downstairs. Call 947-3688 utilities paid. $600 /month town Salado. Owner/agent for more details. FM 1123, Seven 20 plus plus $200 deposit. Short or contact Glenn 254-947- 0626-0703b acre tracts and Two 37 long term lease. Call 254- 5577 acre tracts. Call Rita for 718-4439 0703-07/24b ‘Roomy 1 BR apartment more information. Salado 0522tfnb $700 per month for Realty 254-947-9700 Commercial rental - minimum 13 month Approx. 1200 sq. ft. at lease. Salado Realty 254- Old Salado Springs in 947-9700.’ Look at this view of Salado Creek the Celebration Center 0619tfnb Building at 218 Royal, formerly beauty salon, Senior News Line For Rent Can easily adapt as office Vacations Promote Healthy Heart or other space. Water paid. $935 947-5933 Passports for park admit- by Matilda Charles 0327tfnb tance have been discontin- If you hope to get in a ued, and the replacement short vacation before the is called America the Retail office/workshop end of summer, there’s still space on Royal St. rustic, Beautiful -- National time. And if you’re like Parks and Federal Recre- funky ambiance. 947-5933 me, the idea of an inex- ational Lands Pass. Cost is 10/25tfnb pensive getaway is most $10 each. Have a photo ID appealing. To avoid driv- handy when you buy one. Retail • Office • Residential For Rent or Lease_ ing long distances (and As I was preparing Downtown Salado incurring all that expense for my short vacation, 3BR 2 Bath Rock Home for gas), I’ve decided to a handy booklet caught Owner/Agent on acreage southwest spend a long weekend my eye at the Harvard of Salado Contact Glenn First Texas Brokerage camping out at a national Health Publications Web at First Texas Brokerage park. site: “10-Minute Consult 254-947-5577 Contact Glenn 254-947-5577 Besides, a short time -- Healthy Travel.” It’s full away is easier to justify of helpful tips on prepar- ANNA LOU RANEY MIKE BOWLES when even Harvard Uni- ing to travel, but the most Broker/Realtor Realtor versity says that vacations important concern being 254-913-1215 254-913-0469 are good for us, and that prepared with all medica- those of us who get away tions you take and others are less likely to develop that might be needed, such heart disease. as laxatives and antacids. Do you have a senior The same Web site park pass? These are life- carries low-cost special 409 SALADO CREEK PLACE Choice building site with gorgeous trees! One time passes to national reports that can be pur- of the last lots left in Salado Creek Place. Established neighborhood with parks for U.S. citizens chased on a wide range of restrictions. Call Anna Lou to see this beautiful lot. $120,000 age 62 and over. The only topics such as high blood place to get a pass is at a pressure, Alzheimer’s park. Some of the benefits disease, home safety, 701 WHISPERING OAKS Great Mill Creek location on one of the prettiest include free admission for osteoporosis and nutri- streets! Well maintained home with 3 bedrooms,3 baths.wood flooring in you and a few others in tion. Check the living room and dining room and an indoor pool and spa with propane your car, and a 50 percent and click on heating. Gorgeous trees. $220,000. discount for you only on Special Reports for the expanded amenities such 708 DE GRUMMOND WAY Situated on one of the prettiest streets in Mill Creek. Origi- whole list of topics. Or as camping and swim- nal owner home in pristine condition. Built 1974 on 1.7 acres with many huge, native call 1-888-386-7220 for trees. Offers gracious living with large rooms. Formal living and dining rooms, great ming. customer service. room with fireplace, sunroom with fireplace, 3 bedrooms, 4 baths and 2 car attached The old Golden Age garage plus 2 car detached garage. Property has well with new pump. Roof replaced in 2006. MUST SEE $270,000. Classified Ad Form Classified ads cost $5 for the first 15 words and 20 cents for each word that follows. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY in historic district .73 Acre that backs up to Rock Name:______Creek. Most unusual property. Must see! $115,000. Address:______City:______State:______

451 COLLEGE HILL Extremely rare land near the historic district. Great building site and Zip:______Phone:______just a short stroll to historic Stagecoach Inn Restaurant, village shopping on Main Street, Salado Creek and golf. Approx 2 acres. $139,500 Ad:______Mill Creek Homesites Only 2 Lots Left! ______Excellent Homesites in established Mill Creek neighborhood. Located off Chisholm Trail ______on Kevlin Dr. with golf course views. Premier half-acre lots, underground utilities ready for homes with only 2,000 sq. ft. minimum. ______MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Temple/Belton Board of Realtors MetroTex Association of Realtors MLS ______July 10, 2008, salado Village Voice, Page 5C Salado The Newspaper: Make it your source. Realty Looking for something? Find it 254-947-9700 in the Salado 301 N. Main Street Village Voice Joan Wright Marketplace. The “Wright” Choice 254 760-2746 Rita Oden Real Estate • Rentals • Home maintenance THE Salado Specialist 254 718-7956 For Sale • Garage Sales • Services Dottie Shirley Best Service Ever! 12 months mailed to your home $26. 254 721-9700 Manuela Smith Salado Village Voice Call 254-947-5321 to subscribe! Hackberry 10301 Blackberry

O O O O O O O FEATURED HOME $451,250: 95 acres. Great build- $375,800: 2.465 Hilltop acres. 5 ing site with windmill, pond & two BR, 3 BA. Detached garage w/work- septic systems and water meters. shop AND a cottage. O O O O 1194 Hidden Springs 20 & 26 Rock Creek

Set on over 1.6 acres, surrounded by large native trees, this unique home w/ over 2400 sq/ft promotes its wooded backdrop. Huge bedrooms upstairs & great bonus/game room down allows plenty of space to unwind. Excellent elevated covered deck, perfect for outdoor living & entertaining!!! Don’t forget to bring your horse. Only $169,900!!! Call us today, this one won’t last long!!! $359,800: Magnificent Texas- $338,800: Commercial Property. style 4 BR, 3 BA home on 2.99 acres. Darwin Britt home overlooking (254) 947-5580 Guest suite. Large live oaks. Rock Creek AND a storefront. 13280 Cedar Valley Rd. 100 Chelsea Circle See more homes at

$248,800: Six acres of rolling $202,800: Austin Stone Home. hills, Austin stone home, 3,200 sf 4 BR/2 BA. Family friendly floor- workshop, views, wildlife. plan. From a builder you can trust. New Listing 8451 FM 2484 1615 Guess Drive

$175,800: Artistically-designed & $157,800: Perfect for nature lov- built by an Architect, this home on ers! Wooded creekside lot with 3/2/2 1.17 wooded acres is a great retreat. new carpet and paint. 413 Apache Trail, Temple

2 acre lots. Highly restricted. Start at $43,800.

$129,900: Beautiful home! 3 From $142,800 for 21 acres living areas, 3 BRs, 2 BAs, ‘Cook’s to $267,800 for 36 acres. Kitchen’. Page 6C, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008 EarthTalk addresses pet safe pesticides clawson disposal and increased rate of autism Dear EarthTalk: What apply 100 million pounds can also help reduce the service green-friendly lawn of the stuff each year to need for pesticides. Laura and garden pesticides make their own gardens Moran of offers great garbage service are available today? grow bigger and faster, suggests that home gar- at a competitive price. I’m particularly inter- too. deners compost their veg- Container & curbside recycling also available. ested in options that But the downside of etable food waste—which won’t harm my cats. using such chemicals is is chock full of nutrients 512-746-2000 -- Nancy Blanchard, via that they can poison people that plants love—and e-mail and pets as well as back- mix it into existing soil to Pesticides have greatly yard wildlife: “Common give the garden a healthy boosted agricultural yields insecticide ingredients boost. “Aside from stimu- over the last half century, such as 2,4-dichlorophen- lating healthy root devel- so it is no wonder, given oxyacetic acid (2,4-D), opment,” she writes, “the the commercial avail- atrazine and dicamba have conception in humans,” addition of rich compost ability of many of these been shown to harm mouse says Erica Glasener of The also improves soil texture, synthetic chemicals, that embryos at times equiva- Green Guide. Due to such aeration and water reten- American homeowners lent to the first week after revelations, home garden- tion.” It also provides a ers are fast discovering nice home, she says, for the benefits of avoiding the beneficial bugs that J & N Painting & House Leveling chemicals in favor of natu- are destroyed along with Professional work, guaranteed! ral, less toxic alternatives. the bad ones by chemical But before thinking pesticides. • Interior & Exterior Painting about applying pesticides, If pesticides are neces- • Also Level Mobile Homes gardeners can design (or sary, there are a handful • Tape & Float Texture re-design) their gardens of organic varieties avail- • Carpenter Work to make the most of native able. Bacillus thuringien- • Free Estimates plants that have evolved sis (“Bt”) is a naturally (254) 947-0455 over eons to thrive in occurring bacterium that 512-931-2244 Cell (254) 493-8285 local conditions without is lethal to most leaf- synthetic aid or lots of eating caterpillars on Diamond E Ranch 83-329 Acres Round Rock (512) 567-3370 water. Choosing native trees, shrubs, flowers Williamson County West . plants appropriate to your and vegetables. Accord- Hill Country Views, Trees, Pastures, Water elevation, soil type, drain- ing to gardening writer $5,500/acre + improvements Office/Retail age and sun exposure Jeff Ball, it is harmless to will naturally repel many all other insects, animals common pests and also and humans. It comes in a David Foust reduce the propagation of powder form for use as a invasive exotic species. dust, or, when diluted with Custom Homes, Inc. Similarly, embedding water, as a spray. Organic Quality Built • Energy Efficient your plants in healthy chemists have formulated soil replete with ben- varieties of Bt to kill mos- New Home Construction eficial insects and worms quitoes or potato beetles New Homes in Hidden Springs as well. To control slugs in an environmentally friendly Salado (254) 947-8029 Belton Glass manner, The Green Best office/retail in Salado. An historic Guide’s Glasener sug- building, it has been completely reno- we do gests recycling the black Yount Sewer & Drain vated and is up to date. There are approxi- Shower Doors cell packs that vegetables mately 1200 S.F. with two fireplaces and and annuals are sold in, deck overlooking picturesque dry creek. & Mirrors and placing them (empty) Septic Service, L.C. upside down near the base $950.00 per month. Call Century 21 of plants. “Each morn- Septic tank Accent Realty, Bill Jones (254) 773-0900. ing, check the containers & grease trap for pests, and if you find pumping any, simply throw the container away with the 254 947-5036 pests inside,” she says. Real Estate Another easy slug control Call for method is to use hollowed Free out grapefruit rinds in a New Screens Commercial Store Fronts Consulting Estimates! similar manner around the Custom Storm Windows Custom Designed Mirror Have questions or problems regarding real estate? base of plants, disposing Custom Storm Doors Residential Glass Repair (254) 939-1301 of them if they turn up any Patio Door Repair Shower Doors slugs. 617 Waco Road • Belton Est. 1974 Continued on page 7C

Glass & Window, Inc. 3010 S. Gen. Bruce • Temple, Texas 76504 (254) 774-9361 • Fax (254) 774-1900 THE LOFTS of JIM & SHEILA MOHLER Owners arriage lace $26 for 52 weeks C P

The LOFTS of Carriage Place, can be your NEW address in the “heart of Bill Bartlett historic Salado.” The Post Office, Civic This experience may be of help to you Center, Public Library, restaurants, churches, grocery store and Salado’s quaint shops are (254) 947-5321 • State Certified Real Estate Appraiser ONLY steps away from the LOFTS!!! Subscribe Today • Accredited Land Consultant Two bedrooms, two baths, spacious walk-in • Subdivision Developer closets, skylights in kitchens and living areas, • Residential Home Builder fully equipped kitchens and elevator entry to the LOFTS!!! CASH ~ CHECK ~ CREDIT CARD • Graduate Real Estate Institute PO BOX 587, SALADO, TX 76571 • 30 years real estate brokerage Call Properties By Larry Sands, 947-5580 for LEASING information. [email protected] Salado 254/947-5050 EarthTalk continued from Page 6C July 10, 2008 salado Village Voice, Page 7C Pet owners may already prits. der symptoms and greater ncbddd/autism; Healthy be familiar with insecti- Vaccines containing emotional capacity. But Child Healthy World, cidal soaps used to control the mercury preservative new findings suggest it Salado Plumbing fleas. Some of these soaps thimerosal (now mostly could impact autism, too. can also be used in the removed from the market) Last year, Cornell Uni- GOT AN ENVIRON- garden to repel insects. have long been blamed for versity researchers found MENTAL QUESTION? “We are ready” For more information, causing autism, but scien- higher rates of autism Send it to: EarthTalk, In home repairs consult a local nursery tific links are inconclusive. in counties where more c/o E/The Environ- specializing in organic In lieu of a smoking gun, a households subscribed to mental Magazine, P.O. methods and native plants. more complex picture of cable and children under Box 5098, Westport, CT 947-5800 Find one near you via the autism’s environmental the age of three regularly 06881; submit it at: www. Master LIC M 16892 free online Native Plants causes is now emerging. watched TV. The Amish, Nursery Directory. Some researchers are with almost no exposure talk/thisweek/, or e-mail: CONTACTS: The focusing on the role of to TV, have little evidence earthtalk@emagazine. Green Guide, www. food in a young child’s of autism, notes the study. com. Read past columns; Main- development. Many autis- CONTACTS: CDC at:, www.main- tic children suffer from Autism Information earthtalk/archives.php; Native Plants digestive diseases or have Center, Nursery Directory, www. genetic dispositions ren- dering them unable to nursery_dir_main.htm. naturally rid their bodies Red & White Greenery of toxins. As such, expo- 947-8342 Dear EarthTalk: What’s sure to heavy metals, 1-800-930-4707 going on with all the pesticides, contaminated For all your landscape needs ROCK WATERFALLS cases of autism cropping water and even processed Commercial or Residential food could have a devas- up and no one seems to • Complete lawn maintenance WATERSCAPES know why? It stands to tating cumulative effect, • Tree trimming & Removal reason it must be some- some researchers think. CUSTOM GUNITE thing (or some things) According to Brian Mac- • Plant and planter bed maintenance environmental, yet every Fabe, a researcher at the • Stump removal FIBERGLASS study allegedly turns up University of Western •Acreage Mowing no conclusion? What are Ontario who has studied • Landscape Design & Installation the possible causes? autism triggers in rats, -- Jessica W., Austin, TX simple changes such as Fully Insured No doubt about it, removing wheat and dairy autism rates have sky- from the diet could poten- Free Estimates rocketed in the U.S. and tially bring about improve- beyond in recent years. ments. According to the Centers Groups such as the (254) 598-4177 for Disease Control and nonprofit Healthy Child Prevention, the disease Healthy World say it’s Texas Custom Borders affects one in every 150 about time researchers are Call for a FREE QUOTE children born today in looking at environmental A/C the U.S., up from one in factors. “Whatever trig- 500 as recently as just 10 gered this current autism years ago. It’s become the epidemic...autistic kids Repair fastest-growing develop- clearly need extra protec- mental disability—more tion from further environ- ALL BRANDS prevalent than childhood mental assault,” the group Free Estimates & Second Opinions TACLA002113C writes on its blog. They 100% Financing Available cancer, juvenile diabetes Continuous and pediatric AIDS com- advise parents to be vigi- Concrete Senior Citizens Discount on service bined—and it continues to lant about the industrial grow at a rate of 10 to 17 cleaners used in school Edging percent per year. buildings and the pesti- 939-1141 While researchers think cides sprayed on playing Toll Free 877-422-5500 • there is a genetic compo- fields, where kids spend 310 E. Central Ave. • Belton nent to autism, they also 25 to 30 hours per week. SERVING CENTRAL TEXAS FOR OVER 38 YEARS believe environmental fac- They and other groups are tors are playing a role in also looking at the role B. DALTON its recent increase. Envi- of untested chemicals in ronmental mercury and common cleaning prod- other heavy metal expo- ucts: phthalates, glycol Tubbs sure, contaminated water, ethers and other known CONSTRUCTION Construction Services toxins. pesticides, a greater reli- WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS ance on antibiotics—and Others wonder if a CUSTOM INTERIORS even extensive television collective “nature deficit REMODELING and NEW CONSTRUCTION viewing by very young disorder” among children children—may be factors plays a factor in rising COMMERCIAL and RESIDENTIAL in mounting autism rates. autism rates. Outdoor Researchers at the Ameri- exposure has long been OVER 25 YEARS of EXPERIENCE can Academy of Pediat- associated with healthier rics and other institutes cognitive functioning in have also identified flame children, with reduction BRITT DALTON We are not from out of town or retardants as possible cul- in Attention Deficit Disor- 254-947-8846 or 254-721-6466 out of state. We have been right here for over 25 years supporting CBS Construction Jarrell Mini StoRage LOCAL youth and businesses. Septic tanks 555 County Road 307 Residential & Commercial House pads Jarrell, Texas 76537 Hauling • Site Prep • Pads Easy Access 1/4 Mile Off I-35 On Corner of CR305 & CR307 Driveways Land Clearing • Concrete U-Lock-It Lot clearing 3 Sizes to choose from Ranch Roads • Excavation Rock Breaking Metal Buildings on Concrete Grading • All Types of Dirt Work Top Soil 512-746-2000 Office 254-947-8373 (Dial Area Code & Phone # Only No Need To Dial 1+) Chet Sutton, owner-operator Mobile 254-534-3659 Call for Free Estimates 254 718-1752 Cell We Accept All Major Credit Cards Page 8C, salado Village Voice, July 10, 2008

Lots Beautiful treed lot in Mill Creek on South Ridge Road. $44,900. REDUCED. Virtual Tour Indian TrailUnder at Blaylock, Contract large corner lot. 90x188 $40,000 Lot 9 Salado Creek Place, one of a kind Salado Creek lot, 2 plus acres with huge tree cover on the creek, The Best. Texas Fine Living at its Best! Estate on Elegant Spanish Villa with amazing swim- Secluded home on over 30 acres. Perfect Lot 165 in Hidden Springs, nice trees. approx. 30 manicured acres with a 1-acre ming pool with natural stone and water fall. place for horses. In-ground pool, beautiful $39,900. clear lake, horse facilities and guest house. Too many special features to list here. A horse barn. All the extras with room to roam. Under 10 Acres Find yourself in the lush tropical landscap- must-see home. $698,500. Great open family home. 38X60 barn, 25X25 Tree-covered park-like 4.82 acres located on ing around pool/waterfall. $995,000. storage barn. $599,999. FM 2843 just southwest of Salado. Well on site. $95,000. Lot 296 Mourning Dove, beautiful cleared homesite. Nice trees on the 5 acre lot. Virtual Tour Virtual Tour $59,900. Lot 158 Western Trail. Mostly wooded creek front lot. Over 3 acres, $75,000. Lot 156 Western Trail. Mostly wooded creek front lot. 3.23 acres, $75,000. Lot 295 in Hidden Springs with live oak trees. Hidden among mature oak trees, lies this Escape to this Elegant Estate on Tree- Quality is shown throughout this home on 3 $54,900. private Tuscan estate. Expansive living room Covered Lot. Tropical Landscaping with tree-covered acres. Features include granite and kitchen perfect for cooking. Spacious swimming pool, granite counters, stainless counters, stainless steel appliances, stone 10 to 100 Acres master suite, swimming pool overlooks park- steel appliances, fireplace, 3 car garage and fireplace, 3 car garage and much more. 4 Approximately 11 Acres east of Salado with like backyard. $575,000. much more. $459,900. BR/2.5 BA/2 liv/2 din. $459,900. trees off Royal Street. $169,900. 12 acres with beautiful live oak trees. This acreage would make a fantastic home site. $250,000. Approximately 25 acres with excellent home site off Royal. $325,000. Over 30 acres in Bartlett. Good development property, well located with frontage on Bell Street and Harold Clark road. $106,170 21.68 acres off of FM 2115 with outstanding views and nice pond, $185,000. Beautiful view of Mill Creek Golf Course with If gardening is your passion or if you just Austin Stone Ranch home on almost 5 55.38 acres, productive Blackland adjoin- need space, large 2-acre estate lot is a perfect garage space for golf cart. Granite in Kitchen. acres. Great location off FM 2484. Lagre living ing residential area on NW side of Bartlett. fit. David Foust custom has natural stone, Master suite down with spa tub and super room and wood floors in the master bedroom. stainless steel appliances, granite counter, closet. Tons of storage. Covered patio with $259,900. $193,830. hardwood floors and more. $449,900. fireplace. Trane heat pumps. $275,000. Over 24 Gorgeous Tree Covered Acres with Moon Creek. (Clear Rock Bottom Creek) $299,900 Over 100 Acres Price 126 acre ranch with 1,769 sq. ft. hme. 3 BR/1.5 Reduced BA/2 liv/2 car garage. Property located off of FM 2843. $595,000. Approximately 140 acres southwest of Salado, fronting I-35 and FM 2115. $910,000. 147 acres east of Academy on Reeds Lake Road. Property has draw running through Great Open and Spacious Floor Plan. Flex New Home built by Holland Homes with Beautiful Landscaping and Gorgeous Tree- middle with 3 small tanks with excellent open floor plan. 3/2/2 with flex room. Salado Covered Lot invite you into this Extensively room could be 4th BR. Backs up to Corps of En- opportunity to enlarge. Possible gravel school district, convenient to Stillhouse Lake, Renovated Home in Mill Creek. $189,900 gineer property. Convenient to Kileen, Harker Killeen, Harker Heights, $199.900. Heights with Salado schools. $199,900. reserve as well. $3,450 per acre. Commercial Great commercial site IH-35/FM 2484. $450,000. 30 acres IH 35, 1 mile south of Stagecoach Inn. Great Southwest Restaurant in Belton, excel- lent location between the on and off ramp of I-35 next to What a Burger $349,900. Perfect family home in Killeen, 12 plus acres fronting I-35 between Salado and Belton with exit at property, just north Excellent Home conveniently located in Live Oak Trees welcomelarge trees you into in front this andAre back you looking for a place to fix up? Don’t Mill Creek. 3/2 very well taken care of. Priced recently updated home.yard. Updates Open floor include plan, updatedmiss out on this tree-covered 1 acre lot with of the Lampasas River, approx. 3000 ft. I-35 at $179,900. paint, flooring, fixtures,flooring. appliances. This 3/2-1/2 3/2/1, house home. feels Needs work!!! $75,000. frontage $259,900. large bonus room. $155,800.brand new. $104,500. Commercial site on west side of I-35 in Belton. 0.8 acre with building, $125,000. Glenn Hodge Ryan Hodge Jerry Roberts Alan Persky Jenny Messenger 254-718-2000 254-541-2255 254-760-6576 254-760-2924 254-534-1967