Fiorello's .Funnies Pag~-17 FIORELLO's FLUTE June, 1977 S.F .A
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, IN THIS ISSUE: . Fine Ar.ts ..- .-Page ·1_2 .- - Flute Reviews ... ·page 13 ·. Music ... Page_16 Awards ... Page 18 - . Celebrity Interview: -New Feature: Inside, Looking Out B~II Murray Page 5 · Articles written by in mates at the . Former-ly Queens House of Detention "The New Guy" Special Feature: · :, . · Every P-ictu re · On NBC's · · . ; ' Saturday Night . Tells A Sto.ry . - 6 Pages Of Ph9tographs Pages 6 • 11 - I . I By lau rie Brockway · ::: ~ g~~:p ~:~~':.1"s ¥8lfillii~~w≪'<Wi'®W-~=;.1§'W~~§~rmw=,~~~1~wmm~- Pg. 8 Fashion Show .. ... ·:::~-=::::~~:::t:"::::ru:::::::::.=s-~~~~~~::::f::?.:&❖!~: ... ·x..:ffi:.. .. ..... ... Pg. 9 Student/Fae. Showcase Pg. 10 & 11 LaGuardia Goes To Look For America -Fiorello's .Funnies Pag~-17 FIORELLO'S FLUTE June, 1977 S.F .A. Meeting On May 25th, the Student Facu1ty vertising. there was a bill for an unexpected Association met for what will probably be its amount of $42,000, of which $24,000 will be last session until the fall. The under-an-liour paid . by the S.F.A. reserve fund. At Last, It's Oetting Better meeting• that was chaired by President The third proposed use for the reserve is Shenker dealt first with a report by the to fund the use of the yet-to-be open by Albert Gonzalez organization whereby its sole purpose is to Chiclet Scholarship Committee. The newly- gymnasium, and for the hiring of a director protect and enforce the rights of students. It formed committee, which is made up ,of that would work with the association in For several months, LaGuardia's Student would be totalJy useless to create a conflict Deans Hamilton and Moed, Prof. Timoni, planning -activities in the gym. Five Council and the Flute have been at war with between Council and the school's paper. We John Pontacalone. and former Student thousand dollars have already been each other. Both parties, at present, seem to are defeating the task that we set out to do if Council Chairperson Richard Little, was allocated for this purpose. Also, it, was be coming to an agreement. Many Council we continue this useless battle. Council formed for the express purpose :of decided that team games would be intra members, like me, feel that it is vital that should concentrate on those areas in which establishing a scholarship fund for the mural, rather than inter-college. Therefore, Council and the Flute get along. I do not we can succeed with good leadership. children of those workers who were either it will be at le!lst another year before any mean to say that it's all over yet, but it is If I am not being misled by people's killed 9r permanently injured at the LaGuardia teams enter into competition getting better. Student Council is a political thinking, I believe that Student Council is Chicklet explosion last November. It was a with other college teams. starting to shape up. Council members are move that was unanimously approved at the There was some concern as to whether or putting in more time and seem to be uniting. last S.F.A. meeting. · · not. because of the many changes that have The Flute seems to be wanting to help and There are nine children for whom S.F.A. plagued Student Council leadership, they progress appears to be at hand. I, per would like to develop_ scholarships. Tfie would ~till be in favor of those proposals. sonally. would like to give gratitude to the amount necessary to provide a fund jOf But the new members of Council, which is Flute for fully supporting Council's en $3,000 per child for two years, has be,:n now chaired by Mr. Albert Gonz.alez, deavor to create communication between -estimated by Dean Hamilton to be about· sustained the previous 'decisions and voted Council and the student body. SU,750. Thi,s sum will be. obtained by In- to support the proposals. Student Council has yet a long way to go vesting a certain amount from 'the Yet the question still remains as to when and a lot more to accompliah but we are association's reserve fund in one of the local the new gymnasium would be opened for use making progress and the wheels are starting banks. · · ' by the students. Extensive damage had to turn. We. in Student Council, have taken The next item on the agenda was : a occurred during the explosion at the Chiclet on two new Council members who want to discussion on long range plans for the use of factory. The entrance to the gym has since work and work hard. They are still a little S.F.A. reserve funds. In previous meetin~, been declared unsafe. Chiclet has agreed to inexperienced, but with time, they are likely the Student F acuity Association had pay the cost of repairs, and those repairs are to become our most impressive potential. decided that .in addition to establishing a ._ now under way. However, as it stands now, Both Governors Jakobsen and Stridiron are scholarship, tbe extra monies would be used .the proposed date for the opening of the fighting hard. I indeed think that Council is for promoting the college through radio ,gym is still a very ambiguous "some time making a move. advertisements. After two weeks of ad- next year." Albert Gonzale%, 'PO liilS.'tii· Ponder Musi«!fll ChOirs .TO Toni Formica (FLUTE) / ' -. .,,. ---r&Drlnted trom Iha IIJMIIIST Disco was in for a while, but the most quarter, · but ... who knows? 1. How in time of crisis (CUNY-wide) can 9. Why has Ben Butler, who has claimed popular activity on campus these days seems the FLUTE afford to be the primary support "War on Council:" been approved for the to be "musical chairs." It goes way back·to · More tidbits: Ex S.C. Chairperson Little to internal confrontations (chaos)? reporter's position on the FLUTE? the academic aches of Lady Killer, Tyrone was not misplaced for long. You can count 2. Why, in only 3 editions of a long 10. Why has the FLUTE used Friday, the Thompson, who had to decline a secound on his ever-present pres_ence in the S.A.C. needed paper, has the FLUTE become so last day before vacation or recess, to publish round in the seat. In his stead, Lisa chair. What happened to Eleanor Mc- focused on the mishaps of Council? the paper (last 2 editions)? Isn't it funny how Richardson took the vice chair, only to Farlane? Well ... never fear, for Eleanor 3. Aren't there any other articles worth the time seems to benefit the paper?! After resign shortly t)Jereafter. So, in came Pat has not been misplaced. She's still around highlighting and drawing attention to? all, who's going to keep it on their mind to Hueston, a . newly appointed alternate and still has some definite ideas. 4. Why can't the paper project a more deal with after 1-2 weeks off? counsel member. As it was s-son expected, sociable atmosphere with more concern 11. Re: FLUTE editors attac.ked (verbally): Pat too resigned. So, Todd Jakobsen rose Back on the Flute Farm: FOnd farewells towards student data? Why, if in fact, you (FLUTE) know the into the seat. Now, when the illustrious to all you new non-LaGuardians and ex- S. How about a survey for the student feeling Council had and presented, do you Richard Little surprised us all with his staffers. Toni Formica, long time Editor-in- body to "Speak Out" on the personal an feel it's a point worth mentioning in the resignation as chairperson, Jakobsen was Chief is. finally finished with Fiorello's d/or group experience with Student Council FLUTE? Is it also utilized for a gossip "chair tbr the day." Later on in that day, follies. Long time Flute staffer Laurie that they have had in the past six months? column for the staff of FLUTE? new elections were held and ne"' officials Brockway has inherited them. Short term 6. In fact, how can a Student Council, 12. Why are there so many copies of the appointed. Such is life! ·At any rate, you new Flute ~taffer Ben Butler has handed in his having been in office for o·nly six months, FLUTE printed when so few of them are student counsel chairpersons are, Albert seconcf>\resignation for the season. · accomplish more than it has? taken and/ or read by the students? Gonzalez - in the big chair - and Conrad Ta Ta 7. Why aren't there more articles dealing 13. Since we (students) don't have control Sf{idon in the vice chair. It is likely that the,----------------""' with the.good being done in the school for over the purchase of paper that we, in fact, pay for, why don't we have say to what's to two will lthrllough:tut ethesummer I_ I ~~~;~~~? persons; also news on their go in it? .i 1l~'\.~ . THE 8. Why doesn't the paper highlight S.C. FROM: THE PHANTOM OF STUDENT _,v FLIJTE activities? COUNCIL Laurie Brockway . Editor-in-Chief Jim Miskiewicz . ...... Asst. Editor StaH . .. .. Joe Bartolena Michael Cook Joe Flannery announces that if you -have a Mary Ann Homyak Wanda Prestigiacomo John Tilman GB.IEV ARCE of any kind r~lating.. · Contributing Photographers .... Ralph Ferreiras Jose Sierra Middle College Rep . .... .... to the college, you may obtain Roseann Bufalini Faculty Contributor Bruce Brooks F,culty Advisor .. Robert McVeigh 'forms on which to submit the Fiorello's Flute is the official !1tudent newspaper of LaGuardia Community College.