NY Magazine of Mysteries V1 N1 May 1901
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YEAR C o p y r i g h t e d iqox :----- :-------- __ , .J Vol. I. NEW YORK. MAY. 1901. No. 1. =&■ ■!;r fB Jo P p 151 p p p p p p CONTAINING THE p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p MYSTERIES p p p p OF p p151 p pM p p p p DREAMS, and their Meaning p p p p p P GLORIFIED VISIONS p p p p p p OCCULT POWERS p p p p p p p p ASTROLOGY p p p p p p HYPNOTISM p p p p p p p p PSYCHOLOGY p p p p p p TELEPA THY p p p p PSYCHOMETRY p p p p p p p p MAGNETISM P p Ifi p P p CLAIRVOYANCE ffi p (5 p füL p GRAPHOLOGY 15 p [B. p 1 5 p p p PALMISTRY p p P p Î3 p HIDDEN POWERS P p P p P p P p P p P m P a ?ai5îiai5îïai5iaEîïai5îg[âra[5ïai^i^i5pi5îiaigi[gil5^1§^^^lll^l^^ll^§lllM l 2 The New York Ma^gÄ-zine of Mysteries The New York $250,000,000 Made in Less P rofessor Asserts Adam and Ma.gazir\e of Mysteries Than Fifty Years Eve were Chinese P r o f . J a m e s K. B u r t o n , a former Cornell 223 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK CITY ANDREW CARNEGIE, A MARVEL OF BUSINESS University student, Ithaca, N. Y., who has SUCCESS PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY just returned from Egypt, believes, he savs H e r e is the life record of Andrew Carnegie that Adam and Eve were Chinese. ' ’ 1 THOMPSON CO.. Publishers at a glance, as told by himself; He is to become a member of the faculty SUBSCRIPTION PRICE Si 00 PER YEAR Born November 25, 1837, Dunfermline, Scot of the New York University. Uniil three months ago Mr. Burton was connected with To all pans of the United States, Canada and Mexico. land. Subscribers in the City of New York and Foreign- Countries Came to the United States 1K4S, aged eleven the Department of Antiquities of the Egyp must add 24 cents for extra postage. years. tian Government. He has made a thorough S I N G L E C O P IE S . 10 C E N T S First position, bobbin boy in linen factory; research in the department, with which he then engine boy on small stationary engine. was identified for four years, and now de Subscribers* names arc entered in our books as soon as received, and papers promptly torwarded. Subscrip Wages, $1.20 per week. clares he can prove that the Chinese were the tions always commence with tlie current issue. Messenger boy with Ohio Telegraph Com- first race to inhabit tile eartli and that the E X P I R A T I O N 3 v—Subscribers receiving a paper panv at fourteeri years old. Salary, $2.50 per Garden of Eden was located in China. wrapped in a canary-ycHpw wrapper will know that their w eek. He will prove this, he says, in a series of SUBSCRIPTION HAS EXPIRED Became telegraph operator at salary of $25 articles in the American magazines. It is of the utmost importance that it should be renewed per month. Was one of the first telegraph “ Iam fully convinced," lie said, "that I at once in order that there may be no delay in receiving operators to receive messages by sound in will create a sensation in the literary world the next issue of T h e N ew Yo rk M a g a zine o f but I am prepared to support my assertion MYSTERIES, ns we immediately stop a subscription when stead of by tape. it expires Became operator in Pennsylvania Railroad with the bald facts. The whole of the Address all letters to employ and remained with road thirteen history of Egypt, as it has been written, is THF. NEW YORK MAGAZINE OF MYSTERIES. years, becoming division superintendent. wrong, and I may say, for that matter, that First investment—Introducing sleeping the whole history of mankind itself is cars into railroad service. wrong.” During the war in charge of Government M a y telegraph service. Was on battlefield at Bull In blossoms fair the fields appear, Run in charge of telegraphh lines. y * v V? Love’s Allegory With balmy air sweet May is here. After war invested in oilil wells,“ purchasing_ _ f) ' yV, From the Elmira Telegram —From the German o f Ofer. farm at $40,000 which was soon worth $5.000,-Ss.ooo.- May owes its name to the Roman goddess 000. Maia, the graceful daughter of Atlas and Subsequently started iron bridge building You are gladness, you are sunshine, Pleione. works. Gradually acquired control of steel You are happiness— I trow The hawthorn, emblematic of hope, and the industry in United States. You are all to me, my darling, emerald, of faithfulness, belong to May, while Estimated weaith, $250,000,000. That is lovely here below. ' Amriel is the guardian genius. Has given away for educational purposes„ alone, $20,731,865. > 1 \ ^ 1— s h e ------- -y 011 , Free Character Delineations 1 You are splendor, you are glory, A Prediction ■ fr You are handsome, you are true; In each issue of this magazine the reader / Vv\tyi v ,1 'A ll there is this side of heaven will find departments on Palmistry, Astrol A t every hand we see such growth,, expanexp« behold, my love, in you. ogy. Psychometry and Graphology.' sion and development in inventions that we in these different departments we print are prepared for almost any astounding an HER BA each month free character delineations. nouncement. Here in the great city of New I am lightning, I am thunder. Read each department and send for a free York we see many marvelous changes and I’m a roaring cataract; delineation. improved methods'all the time. It will not I am earthquakes and volcanoes, be long before there will be no more horses And 1 11 demonstrate the fact! on our streets. The horse is too slow and The Powerful English cumbersome for either rapid or economical The Power of Music transit. This city is full of the most magnifi L a n g u a g e cent automobiles"which flit about with ease S o m e o n e has aptly said that music is the T h e great adepts, seers and sages of the and great speed. universal language of the world. Certainly Orient and Occident have long said that the Listen to the serious prophecy of the con it is understood wherever uttered. It soothes universal and most powerful language in the sulting engineer of a large motor vehicle and inspires all nations, and there is nothing future will be the English; that the really company in this city, made before the New more healthful or helpful than good music. powerful and forceful peoples of this planet York Electrical Society: All peoples of the world do not get enough will be the English-speaking peoples; that in There are now in New York about 4,000 good music. There is nothing more refining time older nations will practically abandon vehicles of the automobile type and about than music, and those who contribute in anv their languages and adopt the English. Only 400,000 horse-drawn vehicles.' I will predict degree, manner or form in putting forth recently, according to a communication re that in a few years notices will be posted to music are benefactors of mankind. ceived at the State Department at Washing the effect that no horses are allowed upon the Joy, peace, hope, contentment and happi ton from Consul-General Guenther, at Frank streets of New York, street cars will disap ness are produced by music. fort. Emperor William has decreed that the pear, and the sidewalks will be elevated so The more music we have the better the English language shall take the place of that pedestrians will not be in file way of the world will be. Therefore, all people of wealth French m the high schools of the German electric, gasolene or steam vehicles that will should be liberal patrons of the art of music. Empire. The French language will here then be in use. It is an art that influences the very lowest after be an optional study. types of humanity and lifts the soul up to higher realms. * ____ A Very Moral Man When Marriage Is Not a T h e r e ’s So-and-So, a moral man, To Y ou D ra w b a c k And all who know him, know it; One of the objects of this magazine is to He strives to do the best he can, T h is is what a young lady is reported re encourage and inspire individuals. The adepts cently to have said, apropos of marriage; And strives his best to show it. and psychic mystics who edit it are cheerful, “ Well, no, I don’t know if I would marry for He never stole in all his life, hopeful beings who relentlessly fight pessim money alone; but if a man had plenty of A nd lie’s prepared to prove it; ism and are disciples of the so-called New money, allied to a sweet disposition, arid a He knew of gold within a safe, Thought doctrine.