A Second-Order Approach to Learning with Instance-Dependent Label Noise

Zhaowei Zhu† Tongliang Liu§ Yang Liu† †Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz §Trustworthy Machine Learning Lab, The University of Sydney †{zwzhu,yangliu}@ucsc.edu §[email protected]

Abstract curate annotations. With limited budgets/efforts, the re- sulting dataset would be noisy, and the existence of label The presence of label noise often misleads the training noise may mislead DNNs to learn or memorize wrong cor- of deep neural networks. Departing from the recent litera- relations [10, 11, 35, 38, 47]. To make it worse, the la- ture which largely assumes the label noise rate is only deter- bel noise embedded in human annotations is often instance- mined by the true label class, the errors in human-annotated dependent, e.g., some difficult examples are more prone to labels are more likely to be dependent on the difficulty lev- be mislabeled [34]. This hidden and imbalanced distribu- els of tasks, resulting in settings with instance-dependent tion of noise often has a detrimental effect on the training label noise. We first provide evidences that the heteroge- outcome [15, 23]. It remains an important and challenging neous instance-dependent label noise is effectively down- task to learn with instance-dependent label noise. weighting the examples with higher noise rates in a non- Theory-supported works addressing instance-dependent uniform way and thus causes imbalances, rendering the label noise mostly rely on loss correction, which re- strategy of directly applying methods for class-dependent quires estimating noise rates [40]. Recent work has label noise questionable. Built on a recent work peer loss also considered the possibility of removing the depen- [24], we then propose and study the potentials of a second- dency on estimating noise rates [5]. The proposed so- order approach that leverages the estimation of several lution uses a properly specified regularizer to eliminate covariance terms defined between the instance-dependent the effect of instance-dependent label noise. The com- noise rates and the Bayes optimal label. We show that this mon theme of the above methods is the focus on learn- set of second-order statistics successfully captures the in- ing the underlying clean distribution by using certain forms duced imbalances. We further proceed to show that with of first-order statistics of model predictions. In this paper, the help of the estimated second-order statistics, we iden- we propose a second-order approach with the assistance tify a new loss function whose expected risk of a classifier of additional second-order statistics and explore how this under instance-dependent label noise is equivalent to a new information can improve the robustness of learning with problem with only class-dependent label noise. This fact instance-dependent label noise. Our main contributions allows us to apply existing solutions to handle this better- summarize as follows. studied setting. We provide an efficient procedure to es- 1. Departing from recent works [5, 24, 27, 29, 32, 40, 42] timate these second-order statistics without accessing ei- which primarily rely on the first-order statistics (i.e. ex- ther ground truth labels or prior knowledge of the noise pectation of the models’ predictions) to improve the ro- rates. Experiments on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 with syn- bustness of loss functions, we propose a novel second- thetic instance-dependent label noise and Clothing1M with order approach and emphasize the importance of using real-world human label noise verify our approach. Our im- second-order statistics (i.e. several covariance terms) plementation is available at https://github.com/ when dealing with instance-dependent label noise. UCSC-REAL/CAL . 2. With the perfect knowledge of the covariance terms - fined above, we identify a new loss function that trans- 1. Introduction forms the expected risk of a classifier under instance- dependent label noise to a risk with only class-dependent Deep neural networks (DNNs) are powerful in reveal- label noise, which is an easier case and can be handled ing and fitting the relationship between feature X and la- well by existing solutions. Based on peer loss [24], we bel Y when a sufficiently large dataset is given. However, further show the expected risk of class-dependent noise the label Y usually requires costly human efforts for ac- is equivalent to an affine transformation of the expected

10113 risk under the Bayes optimal distribution. Therefore encouraging confident predictions [5] are proposed to learn we establish that our new loss function for Covariance- the underlying clean distribution without knowing the noise Assisted Learning (CAL) will induce the same minimizer transition matrix. as if we can access the clean Bayes optimal labels. Other popular methods Other methods exist with more 3. We show how the second-order statistics can be esti- sophisticated training framework or pipeline, including mated efficiently using existing sample selection tech- sample selection [5, 12, 16, 18, 37, 46, 44], label correction niques. For a more realistic case where the covariance [13, 21, 33], and semi-supervised learning [19, 28], etc. terms cannot be perfectly estimated, we prove the worst- case performance guarantee of our solution. 2. Preliminaries 4. In addition to the theoretical guarantees, the perfor- mance of the proposed second-order approach is tested This paper targets on a classification problem given a on the CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets with syn- set of N training examples with Instance-Dependent label thetic instance-dependent label noise and the Cloth- Noise (IDN) denoted by D := (xn, y˜n) , where { }n∈[N] ing1M dataset with real-world human label noise. [N] := 1, 2, ,N is the set of indices. The corre- { ··· } e sponding noisy data distribution is denoted by . Ex- 1.1. Related Works amples (x , y˜ ) are drawn according to random variablesD n n e Below we review the most relevant literature. (X, Y ) . Our goal is to design a learning mechanism that is guaranteed∼ D to be robust when learning with only ac- Bounded loss functions Label noise encodes a different e e relation between features and labels. A line of literature cessing D. Before proceeding, we summarize important definitions as follows. treats the noisy labels as outliers. However, the convex loss e Clean distribution Each noisy example (xn, y˜n) D functions are shown to be prone to mistakes when outliers D ∈ corresponds to a clean example (xn,yn) D, which con- exist [25]. To handle this setting, the cross-entropy (CE) ∈ e loss can be generalized by introducing temperatures to loga- tains one unobservable ground-truth label, a.k.a. clean la- bel. Denote by the clean distribution. Clean examples rithm functions and exponential functions [1, 2, 50]. Noting D (xn,yn) are drawn from random variables (X,Y ) . the CE loss grows explosively when the prediction f(x) ap- ∼D proaches zero, some solutions focus on designing bounded Bayes optimal distribution ∗ Denote by Y ∗ the D loss functions [8, 9, 31, 36]. These methods focus on the Bayes optimal label given feature X, that is: Y ∗ X := | numerical property of loss functions, and most of them do arg max P(Y X), (X,Y ) . The distribution of Y | ∼ D not discuss the type of label noise under treatment. (X,Y ∗) is denoted by ∗. Note the Bayes optimal distri- D Learning clean distributions To be noise-tolerant [26], it bution ∗ is different from the clean distribution when D D is necessary to understand the effect of label noise statisti- P(Y X) / 0, 1 . Due to the fact that the information | ∈ { } cally. With the class-dependent assumption, the loss can be encoded between features and labels is corrupted by label corrected/reweighted when the noise transition T is avail- noise, and both clean labels and Bayes optimal labels are able, which can be estimated by discovering anchor points unobservable, inferring the Bayes optimal distribution ∗ D [22, 29, 39], exploiting clusterability [51], regularizing to- from the noisy dataset D is a non-trivial task. Notably there exist two approaches [5, 6] that provide guarantees on con- tal variation [49], or minimizing volume of T [20]. The loss e correction/reweighting methods rely closely on the quality structing the Bayes optimal dataset. We would like to re- of the estimated noise transition matrix. To make it more ro- mind the readers that the noisy label y˜n, clean label yn, and ∗ bust, an additive slack variable ∆T [41] or a multiplicative Bayes optimal label yn for the same feature xn may dis- dual T [45] can be used for revision. Directly extending agree with each other. these loss correction methods to instance-dependent label Most of our developed approaches will focus on dealing noise is prohibitive since the transition matrix will become with the Bayes optimal distribution ∗. By referring to ∗, D D a function of feature X and the number of parameters to as we shall see later, we are allowed to estimate the second- be estimated is proportional to the number of training in- order statistics defined w.r.t. Y ∗. stances. Recent follow-up works often introduce extra as- Noise transition matrix T (X) Traditionally, the noise sumption [40] or measure [4]. Statistically, the loss correc- transition matrix is defined based on the relationship be- tion approach is learning the underlying clean distribution if tween clean distributions and noisy distributions [5, 24, 30, a perfect T is applied. When the class-dependent noise rate 40]. In recent literature [6], the Bayes optimal label (a.k.a. is known, surrogate loss [27], an unbiased loss function tar- distilled label in [6]) also plays a significant role. In the im- geting on binary classifications, also learns the clean distri- age classification tasks where the performance is measured bution. Additionally, the symmetric cross-entropy loss [36], by the clean test accuracy, predicting the Bayes optimal la- an information-based loss LDMI [43], a correlated agree- bel achieves the best performance. This fact motivates us ment (CA) based loss peer loss [24], and its adaptation for to define a new noise transition matrix based on the Bayes

10114 optimal label as follows: should be mapped to class 0 following the notations in Sec- tion 2. For a clear comparison with previous works, we P ∗ ,j(X)= (Y = j Y = i,X), follow the notation in [24] and use class 1, +1 to rep- | {− } e resent classes 0, 1 when K = 2. The error rates in Y where Ti,j(X) denotes the (i,j)-th element of the matrix { } are then denoted as e (X) := P(Y = 1 Y ∗ = +1,X), T (X). Its expectation is defined as T := E[T (X)], with + e P ∗ − | E e−(X) := (Y = +1 Y = 1,X). Most of the discus- the (i,j)-th element being Ti,j := [Ti,j(X)]. | − e Other notations Let and 1 be the space of feature sions generalize to the multi-class setting. X Y e X and label Y , respectively. The classification task aims 3.1. Using First•Order Statistics in Peer Loss to identify a classifier f : that maps X to Y ac- curately. One common approachX →Y is minimizing the empiri- It has been proposed and proved in peer loss [24] and cal risk using DNNs with respect to the cross-entropy (CE) CORES2 [5] that the learning could be robust to label loss defined as: ℓ(f(X),Y ) := ln(fX [Y ]), Y [K], noise by considering some first-order statistics related to the − ∈ where fX [Y ] denotes the Y -th component of f(X) and K model predictions. For each example (xn, y˜n), peer loss is the number of classes. Let 1 be the indicator func- [24] has the following form: tion taking value 1 when the specified{·} condition is satisfied ℓPL(f(xn), y˜n) := ℓ(f(xn), y˜n) ℓ(f(xn ), y˜n ), and 0 otherwise. Define the 0-1 loss as 1(f(X),Y ) := − 1 2 1 f(X) = Y . Define the Bayes optimal classifier f ∗ as where (xn , y˜n ) and (xn , y˜n ) are two randomly sam- ∗{ 6 } E 1 ∗ 1 1 2 2 f = arg minf D∗ [ (f(X),Y )]. Noting the CE loss is pled peer samples for n. The first-order statistics re- classification-calibrated [3], given enough clean data, the lated to model predictions characterized by the peer term Bayes optimal classifier can be learned using the CE loss: ℓ(f(xn ), y˜n ) are further extended to a confidence regular- ∗ E 1 2 f =arg minf D[ℓ(f(X),Y )]. izer in CORES2 [5]: Goal Different from the goals in surrogate loss [27], LDMI 2 [43], peer loss [24], and CORES [5], which focus on re- ℓ 2 (f(x ), y˜ ) := ℓ(f(x ), y˜ ) βE [ℓ(f(x ), Y )], CORES n n n n DY |D n covering the performance of learning on clean distributions, − e f e we aim to learn a classifier f from the noisy distribution where β is a hyperparameter controlling the ability of reg- ∗ ∗ ∗ D which also minimizes E[1(f(X),Y )], (X,Y ) . ularizer, and Y |D is the marginal distribution of Y given D ∼ D e e Note E[1(f ∗(X),Y ∗)] = 0 holds for the Bayes optimal dataset D. Although it has been shown in [5] that learn- e e classifier f ∗. Thus, in the sense of searching for the Bayes ing with an appropriate would be robust to instance- e β optimal classifier, our goals are aligned with the ones focus- dependent label noise theoretically, in real experiments, ing on the clean distribution. converging to the guaranteed optimum by solving a highly non-convex problem is difficult. 3. Insufficiency of First-Order Statistics 3.2. Peer Loss with IDN Peer loss [24] and its inspired confidence regularizer Now we analyze the possible performance degradation [5] are two recently introduced robust losses that operate of using the binary peer loss function proposed in [24] to without the knowledge of noise transition matrices, which handle IDN. Denote by presents them as preferred solutions for more complex noise settings. In this section, we will first review the usages of ˜∗ E 1 fpeer := arg min D PL(f(X), Y ) first-order statistics in peer loss and the confidence regu- f e h i larizer (Section 3.1), and then analyze the insufficiency of e using only the first-order statistics when handling the chal- the optimal classifier learned by minimizing 0-1 peer loss, 1 lenging IDN (Section 3.2). Besides, we will anatomize the where PL represents ℓPL with 0-1 loss (could also be gen- ∗ P ∗ down-weighting effect of IDN and provide intuitions for eralized for ℓCORES2 with 0-1 loss). Let p := (Y = +1). how to make IDN easier to handle (Section 3.3). With a bounded variance in the error rates, supposing We formalize our arguments using peer loss, primarily E e (X) E[e (X)] ǫ , E e (X) E[e (X)] ǫ , due to 1) its clean analytical form, and 2) that our later pro- | + − + |≤ + | − − − |≤ − posed solution will be built on peer loss too. Despite the the worst-case performance bound for using pure peer loss focus on peer loss, we believe these observations are gener- is provided in Theorem 1 and proved in Appendix B.1. ally true when other existing training approaches meet IDN. For ease of presentation, the following analyses focus on Theorem 1 (Performance of peer loss). With the peer loss binary cases (with classes 1, +1 ). Note the class 1 function proposed in [24], we have {− } − 1We focus on the closed-set label noise, i.e. Ye , Y , and Y ∗ share the 2(ǫ + ǫ ) E[1(f˜∗ (X),Y ∗)] + − + 2 p∗ 0.5 . same space Y. peer ≤ 1 e e | − | − + − −

10115 Theorem 1 shows the ratio of wrong predictions given by where ǫ ǫ 1 e e f˜∗ includes two components. The former term 2( ++ −) +,II −,II peer 1−e+−e− − − < 1 1 e ,I e ,I is directly caused by IDN, indicating the error is increasing − + − − when the instance-dependent noise rates have larger mean indicates down-weighting examples drawn from II (com- D (larger e+ + e−) and larger variation (larger ǫ+ + ǫ−). The pared to the class-dependent label noise). ∗ e latter term 2 p 0.5 shows possible errors induced by What can we learn from this observation? First, we | − | an unbalanced ∗. Theorem 1 generalizes peer loss where show the peer loss is already down weighting the impor- D ǫ+ = ǫ− = 0, i.e., the error rates are homogeneous across tance of the more noisy examples. However, simply drop- data instances, and there is no need to consider any second- ping examples with potentially high-level noise might lead order statistics that involve the distribution of noise rates. the classifier to learn a biased distribution. Moreover, sub- 3.3. Down•weighting Effect of IDN jectively confusing examples are more prone to be misla- beled and critical for accurate predictions [34], thus need to We further discuss motivations and intuitions by study- be carefully addressed. Our second observation is that if we ing how IDN affects the training differently from the class- find a way to compensate for the “imbalances” caused by dependent one. Intuitively, a high noise rate reduces the the down-weighting effects shown above, the challenging informativeness of a particular example (x,y), therefore instance-dependent label noise could be transformed into “down-weighting" its contribution to training. We now an- a class-dependent one, which existing techniques can then alytically show this under peer loss. handle. More specifically, the above result shows the down- As a building block, the invariant property (in terms of weighting effect is characterized by T (X), implying only the clean distribution ) originally discovered by peer loss using the first-order statistics of model predictions with- D on class-dependent label noise is first adapted for the Bayes out considering the distributions of the noise transition ma- ∗ ∗ optimal distribution . Define e− := P(Y = +1 Y = trix T (X) is insufficient to capture the complexity of the D | 1) and e := P(Y = 1 Y ∗ = +1). Focusing on a learning task. However, accurately estimating T (X) is pro- − + − | e particular class-dependent , we provide Lemma 1 and its hibitive since the number of parameters to be estimated is e proof in Appendix A.1. D almost at the order of O(NK2) – recall N is the number e Lemma 1 (Invariant property of peer loss [24]). Peer loss of training examples and K is the number of classes. Even is invariant to class-dependent label noise: though we can roughly estimate T (X), applying element- ∗ wise correction relying on the estimated T (X) may ac- E [1PL(f(X), Y )] = (1 − e+ − e−)ED∗ [1PL(f(X),Y )]. (1) De cumulate errors. Therefore, to achieve the transformation Then we discusse the effect of IDN. Without loss of gen- from the instance-dependent to the easier class-dependent, erality, consider a case where noisy examples are drawn we need to resort to other statistical properties of T (X). from two noisy distributions I and II, and the noise rate D D of II is higher than I, i.e. e+,II + e−,II > e+,I + e−,I, 4. Covariance-Assisted Learning (CAL) D D e e∗ where e+,I (II) := P (Y = 1 Y = +1). Assume a e DeIe (II) − | From the analyses in Section 3.3, we know the instance- particular setting of IDN that the noise is class-dependent e dependent label noise will “automatically” assign different (but not instance-dependent) only within each distribution, weights to examples with different noise rates, thus cause and different between two distributions, i.e. part-dependent imbalances. When the optimal solution does not change ∗ ∗ [40]. Let I and II be the Bayes optimal distribution re- under such down-weighting effects, the first-order statistics D D ∗ lated to I and II. For simplicity, we write P((X,Y ) based on peer loss [5, 24] work well. However, for a more ∗ D ∗ D ∗ ∗ ∗ ∼ (X,Y ) ) as P( ). Then P( ) = P( I) robust and general solution, using additional information to DI(II)| e ∼e D DI(II) DI D P ∗ P P P “balance” the effective weights of different examples is nec- and ( II) = ( II). Note ( I)e+,I + ( II)e+,II = ee+ D D D D essary. Although the Bayes optimal distribution is not ac- and P( )e + P( )e = e . Then we have the fol- I −,I e II −,II e − e cessible in real experiments, we first assume its existence lowingD equality: D e e for theoretical analyses in the ideal case, then we will dis- E [1PL(f(X), Y )] cuss the gap to this optimal solution when we can only use De ∗ a proxy Dˆ that can be constructed efficiently. =P( I)(1 e+,I e e−,I)ED∗ [1PL(f(X),Y )] D − − I ∗ + eP( II)(1 e+,II e−,II)ED∗ [1PL(f(X),Y )] 4.1. Extracting Covariance from IDN D − − II e ∗ ∗ Again consider an instance-dependent noisy distribution =(1 e+,I e−,I) P( )ED∗ [1PL(f(X),Y )] − −  DI I with binary classes where Y 1, +1 . Define the followingD two random variables to∈ facilitate {− analyses:} 1 e+,II e−,II ∗ ∗ P E ∗ 1 e e + − − ( II) DII [ PL(f(X),Y )] , 1 e+,I e−,I D  Z (X) := 1 e (X) e (X), Z (X)= e (X) e (X). − − 1 − + − − 2 + − −

10116 Recall e+ := E[e+(X)] and e− := E[e−(X)]. Let We have the following optimality guarantee and its proof is Cov (A, B) := E[(A E[A])(B E[B])] be the covariance deferred to Appendix B.3. D − − between random variables A and B w.r.t. the distribution . ∗ ∗ Theorem 3. f˜ arg min ED∗ [1(f(X),Y )]. The exact effects of IDN on peer loss functions are revealedD CAL ∈ f in Theorem 2 and proved in Appendix B.2. For a K-class classification problem, a general loss func- tion for our Covariance-Assisted Learning (CAL) approach Theorem 2 (Decoupling binary IDN). In binary classifica- is given by tions, the expected peer loss with IDN writes as: ℓCAL(f(xn), y˜n)= ℓPL(f(xn), y˜n) ∗ E 1 E ∗ 1 E (3) [ PL(f(X), Y )] = (1 e+ e−) D [ PL(f(X),Y )] D ∗ Cov ∗ Y ∗ (TY ∗,j(X),ℓ(f(X),j)) . De Y D | − − ∗ − ∗ 1 jXK e + CovD (Z1(X), (f(X),Y )) ∈[ ]   ∗ + CovD∗ (Z2(X), 1(f(X), 1)). (2) Eq. (3) shows the Bayes optimal distribution is critical in − implementing the proposed covariance terms.D However, ∗ Theorem 2 effectively divides the instance-dependent la- cannot be obtained trivially, and only imperfect proxy con-D bel noise into two parts. As shown in Eq. (2), the first line structions of the dataset (denoted by Dˆ) could be expected. is the same as Eq. (1) in Lemma 1, indicating the average Detailed constructions of Dˆ are deferred to Section 4.2.1. effect of instance-dependent label noise can be treated as Advantages of using covariance terms There are several a class-dependent one with parameters e+,e−. The addi- advantages of using the proposed covariance terms. Un- tional two covariance terms in the second and the third lines like directly correcting labels according to ∗, the proposed of Eq. (2) characterize the additional contribution of exam- covariance term can be viewed as a “soft”D correction that ples due to their differences in the label noise rates. The maintains the information encoded in both original noisy covariance terms will become larger for a setting with more labels and the estimated Bayes optimal labels. Keeping diverse noise rates, capturing a more heterogeneous and un- both information is beneficial as suggested in [13]. More- certain learning environment. Interested readers are also re- over, compared to the direct loss correction approaches ferred to the high-level intuitions for using covariance terms [30, 40, 41], we keep the original learning objective and at the end of Section 3.3. apply “correction” using an additional term. Our method We now briefly discuss one extension of Theorem 2 is more robust in practice compared to these direct end- to a K-class classification task. Following the assump- to-end loss correction approaches due to two reasons: 1) tion adopted in [24], we consider a particular setting of The covariance term summarizes the impact of the complex IDN whose the expected transition matrix satisfies Ti,j = noise using an average term, indicating that our approach Tk,j, i = j = k. Denote by ej = Ti,j, i = j. Corol- is less sensitive to the estimation precision of an individual ∀ 6 6 ∀ 6 lary 1 decouples the effects of IDN in multi-class cases and example; 2) As will be shown in Section 4.3, the proposed is proved in Appendix C.1. method is tolerant with accessing an imperfect ∗. Estimating the covariance terms relies on samplesD drawn Corollary 1 (Decoupling multi-class IDN). In multi-class from distribution ∗. Thus, we need to construct a dataset classifications, when the expected transition matrix satisfies Dˆ, which is similarD or unbiased w.r.t. D∗. We will first e = T = T , i = j = k, the expected peer loss with j i,j k,j show the algorithm for constructing ˆ, then provide details IDN writes as: ∀ 6 6 D for DNN implementations. ∗ E [ℓPL(f(X), Y )] = (1 ei)ED∗ [ℓPL(f(X),Y )] De − iX∈[K] 4.2.1 Constructing Dˆ e E ∗ ∗ ∗ + DY ∗ CovD |Y (TY ,j(X),ℓ(f(X),j)) , To achieve unbiased estimates of the variance terms, the jX∈[K]   high-level intuition for constructing Dˆ is determining whether the label of each example in D is Bayes optimal ∗ ∗ ∗ where Y ∗ is the marginal distribution of Y and Y is or not by comparing the likelihood, confidence, or loss of the conditionalD distribution of ∗ given Y ∗. D | e D classifying the (noisy) label to some thresholds. There are ˆ 4.2. Using Second•Order Statistics several methods for constructing D: distillation [6], search- ing to exploit [44], and sample sieve [5]. If the model does Inspired by Theorem 2, if ∗ is available, we can sub- not overfit the label noise and learns the noisy distribution, D tract two covariance terms and make peer loss invariant to both methods in [6] and [44] work well. However, for the IDN. Specifically, define challenging instance-dependent label noise, overfitting oc- ˜∗ E 1 − 1 ∗ curs easily thus techniques to avoid overfitting are neces- fCAL = arg min D[ PL(f(X), Y )] Cov(Z1(X), (f(X),Y )) f e sary. In this paper, we primarily adapt the sample sieve pro- e − Cov(Z2(X), 1(f(X), −1)). posed in [5], which uses a confidence regularizer to avoid

10117 4.2.2 Implementations Algorithm 1: Constructing Dˆ For implementations with deep neural network solutions, Input: Noisy dataset D. Thresholds Lmin Lmax. Number of epochs T . Dˆ = D. ≤ we need to estimate the transition matrix T (X) relying on e ˆ 1 Train the sample sieve in [5] for T epochs and get D and estimate the covariance terms along with stochastic e the model f; gradient descent (SGD) updates. 2 for n [N] do Covariance Estimation in SGD As required in (3), with ∈ a particular Dˆ, each computation for Tˆ (x ) requires only 3 Calculate αn,T following [5]; i,j n one time check of the associated noisy label as follows: 4 if ℓ 2 (f(xn), y˜n) αn,T L then CORES − ≤ min 5 yˆn =y ˜n; Tˆi,j(xn)= 1 yˆn = i, y˜n = j . (4) 6 else if ℓ 2 (f(xn), y˜n) αn,T >L then { } CORES − max 7 ; ∗ yˆn = arg maxy∈[K] fxn [y] When Dˆ is unbiased w.r.t. D , the estimation in (4) is also 8 else unbiased because 9 yˆn = 1 (drop example n); − E ˆ E 1 ˆ 10 end X,Yˆ i[Ti,j(X)] = X,Yˆ i[ Y = i, Y = j X ] D|e = D|e = { | } ˆ Output: D := (xn, yˆn): n [N], yˆn = 1 =P(Y = j X, Yˆ = i)= P(Y = j X,Y ∗ = i)e. { ∈ 6 − } | |

Notinge CovD(A, B) := E[(eA E[A])(B E[B])] = E[(A E[A]) B], the covariance− can be estimated− em- overfitting, to construct Dˆ. Specifically, as shown in [5], in pirically− as · each epoch t, the regularized loss for each example is ad- justed by the parameter α , which can be calculated based n,t 1 1 ∗ ˆ ˆ on model predictions in linear time. In the ideal cases as- yn = i (Ti,j(xn) Ti,j) ℓ(f(xn),j) . N { } h − · i sumed in [5], any example with a positive adjusted loss is nX∈[N] i,jX∈[K] corrupted (with a wrong label). For each batch of data, the above estimation has O(N) com- We summarized the corresponding procedures in Al- plexities in computation and space. To reduce both com- gorithm 1, where the critical thresholds for compar- plexities, with the cost of the estimation quality, we use Eb ing losses are denoted by Lmin and Lmax. At examples to estimate the covariance in each batch, where| | Line 5, if the loss adjusted by α is small enough n,t Eb is the set of sample indices of batch-b. Per sample wise, (smaller than the threshold Lmin), we assume y˜n is the Eq. (3) can be transformed to Bayes optimal label. Accordingly, at Line 7, if the adjusted loss is too large (larger than the threshold Lmax), we treat ℓCAL(f(xn), y˜n)= ℓPL(f(xn), y˜n) y˜n as a corrupted one and assume the class with maximum ∗ 1 y = i (Tˆi,j(xn) Tˆi,j) ℓ(f(xn),j) . predicted probability to be Bayes optimal one. For the ex- − { n } − · i,jXK h i amples with moderate adjusted loss, we drop it as indicated ∈[ ] in Line 9. In ideal cases with infinite model capacity and With the above implementation, the estimation is done lo- sufficiently many examples (as assumed in [5]), we can set cally for each point in O(1) complexity. thresholds Lmin = Lmax = 0 to guarantee a separation of clean and corrupted examples, thus Dˆ will be an unbiased 4.3. CAL with Imperfect Covariance Estimates ∗ 2 proxy to . However, in real experiments, when both the ∗ D As mentioned earlier, cannot be perfectly obtained model capacity and the number of examples are limited, we in practice. Thus, there isD a performance gap between the may need to tune Lmin and Lmax to obtain a high-quality ideal case (with perfect knowledge of ∗) and the actually ˆ construction of D. In this paper, we set Lmin = Lmax achieved one. We now analyze the effectD of imperfect co- to ensure Dˆ = D∗ and reduce the effort to tuning both | | | | variance terms (Theorem 4). thresholds simultaneously. Denote the imperfect covariance estimates by Dˆ τ , where Note that using Dˆ to estimate the covariance terms could τ [0, 1] is the expected ratio (a.k.a. probability) of cor- ∈ be made theoretically more rigorous by applying appropri- rect examples in Dˆ τ : τ = E[1 (X, Yˆ ) Dˆ τ (X,Y ∗) { ∈ | ∈ ate re-weighting techniques [6, 7, 14]. See Appendix D.1 D∗ ] = P((X, Yˆ ) ˆτ (X,Y ∗) ∗). With Dˆ τ , the for more discussions and corresponding guarantees. We minimizer} of the 0-1∼ CALD | loss is given∼ by:D omit the details here due to the space limit. Nonetheless, our approach is tolerant of an imperfect Dˆ, which will be ˜∗ E 1 − 1 ˆ fCAL-τ =arg min D PL(f(X), Y )] CovDˆτ (Z1(X), (f(X), Y )) shown theoretically in Section 4.3. f e  e − 1 − ˆ Cov ˆτ (Z2(X), (f(X), 1)) . 2In the ideal case as assumed in Corollary 1 of [5], we have D = D∗. D 

10118 ˜∗ Theorem 4 reports the error bound produced by fCAL-τ . See 5.2. Baselines Appendix B.4 for the proof. We compare our method with several related works, where the cross-entropy loss is tested as a common base- Theorem 4 (Imperfect Covariance). With Dˆ τ , when p∗ = line. Additionally, the generalized cross-entropy [50] is 0.5, we have compared as a generalization of mean absolute error and cross-entropy designed for label noise. Popular loss cor- 4(1 τ)(ǫ + ǫ ) E[1(f˜∗ (X),Y ∗)] − + − . rection based methods [29, 40, 41], sample selection based CAL-τ ≤ 1 e e − + − − methods [5, 12, 37, 46], and noise-robust loss functions [24, 43] are also chosen for comparisons. All the compared Theorem 4 shows the quality of Dˆ τ controls the scale methods adopt similar data augmentations, including stan- of the worst-case error upper-bound. Compared with The- dard random crop, random flip, and normalization. Note the orem 1 where no covariance term is used, we know the co- recent work on part-dependent label noise [40] did not ap- variance terms will always be helpful when τ [0.5, 1]. ply random crop and flip on the CIFAR dataset. For a fair ∈ That is, the training with the assistance of covariance terms comparison with [40], we remove the corresponding data will achieve better (worst-case) accuracy on the Bayes op- augmentations from our approach and defer the compari- timal distribution when the construction Dˆ τ is better than son to Appendix D.3. The semi-supervised learning based a dataset that includes each instance in D∗ randomly with methods with extra feature-extraction and data augmenta- 50% chance. tions are not included. All the CIFAR experiments are re- peated 5 times with independently synthesized IDN. The 5. Experiments highest accuracies on the clean testing dataset are averaged over 5 trials to show the best generalization ability of each We now present our experiment setups and results. method.

5.1. General Experiment Settings 5.3. Performance Comparisons 5.3.1 CIFAR Datasets and models The advantage of introducing our second-order approach is evaluated on three benchmark In experiments on CIFAR datasets, we use a batch size of datasets: CIFAR10, CIFAR100 [17] and Clothing1M [42]. 128, an initial learning rate of 0.1, and reduce it by a factor Following the convention from [5, 43], we use ResNet34 for of 10 at epoch 60. CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 and ResNet50 for Clothing1M. Construct Dˆ To construct Dˆ, we update the DNN for Noting the expected peer term E [ℓ(f(xn), Y )] (a.k.a. DY |D 65 epochs by minimizing ℓCORES2 (without dynamic sam- confidence regularizer (CR) as implementede f in [5]) is more e ple sieve) and apply Algorithm 1 with Lmin = Lmax = stable and converges faster than the one with peer sam- 8.3 For a numerically stable solution, we use the square − ples, we train with ℓCORES2 . It also enables a fair abla- root of the noise prior for the CR term in ℓCORES2 as tion study since Dˆ is constructed relying on [5]. For nu- √P(Y =i|D) β e e ℓ(f(xn),i). The hyperparam- i∈[K] K P merical stability, we use a cut-off version of the cross- − P =1 √ (Y =j|D) P j e e entropy loss ℓ(f(x),y) = ln(fx[y] + ε). Specifically, eter β is set to 2 for CIFAR10 and 10 for CIFAR100. we use ε = 10−8 for the traditional− cross-entropy term, use Train with CAL With an estimate of D∗, we re-train the ε = 10−5 for the CR term, and the covariance term. All model 100 epochs. The hyper-parameter β is set to 1 for the experiments use a momentum of 0.9. The weight de- CIFAR10 and 10 for CIFAR100. Note the hyperparameters cay is set as 0.0005 for CIFAR experiments and 0.001 for (Lmin, Lmax, β) can be better set if a clean validation set is Clothing1M. available. Noise type For CIFAR datasets, the instance-dependent Performance Table 1 compares the means and standard label noise is generated following the method from [5, 40]. deviations of test accuracies on the clean test dataset when The basic idea is randomly generating one vector for each the model is trained with synthesized instance-dependent class (K vectors in total) and project each incoming feature label noise in different levels. All the compared meth- onto these K vectors. The label noise is added by jointly ods use ResNet34 as the backbone. On CIFAR10, with a considering the clean label and the projection results. See low-level label noise (η = 0.2), all the compared meth- Appendix D.2 for details. In expectation, the noise rate η is ods perform well and achieve higher average test accura- the overall ratio of examples with a wrong label in the entire cies than the standard CE loss. When the overall noise dataset. For the Clothing1M dataset, we train on 1 million 3 Theoretically, we have Lmin = Lmax = 0 if both the CE term and noisy training examples that encode the real-world human the CR term use a log loss without cut-off (ε = 0). Current setting works noise. well (not the best) for CIFAR experiments empirically.

10119 Table 1. Comparison of test accuracies (%) using different methods. Inst. CIFAR10 Inst. CIFAR100 Method η = 0.2 η = 0.4 η = 0.6 η = 0.2 η = 0.4 η = 0.6 CE (Standard) 85.45 0.57 76.23 1.54 59.75 1.30 57.79 1.25 41.15 0.83 25.68 1.55 Forward T [29] 87.22±1.60 79.37±2.72 66.56±4.90 58.19±1.37 42.80±1.01 27.91±3.35 ± ± ± ± ± ± LDMI [43] 88.57 0.60 82.82 1.49 69.94 1.31 57.90 1.21 42.70 0.92 26.96 2.08 ± ± ± ± ± ± Lq [50] 85.81 0.83 74.66 1.12 60.76 3.08 57.03 0.27 39.81 1.18 24.87 2.46 Co-teaching [12] 88.87±0.24 73.00±1.24 62.51±1.98 43.30±0.39 23.21±0.57 12.58±0.51 Co-teaching+ [46] 89.80±0.28 73.78±1.39 59.22±6.34 41.71±0.78 24.45±0.71 12.58±0.51 JoCoR [37] 88.78±0.15 71.64±3.09 63.46±1.58 43.66±1.32 23.95±0.44 13.16±0.91 Reweight-R [41] 90.04±0.46 84.11±2.47 72.18±2.47 58.00±0.36 43.83±8.42 36.07±9.73 Peer Loss [24] 89.12±0.76 83.26±0.42 74.53±1.22 61.16±0.64 47.23±1.23 31.71±2.06 CORES2 [5] 91.14±0.46 83.67±1.29 77.68±2.24 66.47±0.45 58.99±1.49 38.55±3.25 CAL 92.01±0.75 84.96±1.25 79.82±2.56 69.11±0.46 63.17±1.40 43.58±3.30 ± ± ± ± ± ± rates increase to high, most of the methods suffer from se- Table 2. The best epoch (clean) test accuracies on Clothing1M. vere performance degradation while CAL still achieves the Method Accuracy best performance. There are similar observations on CI- CE (standard) 68.94 FAR100. By comparing CAL with CORES2, we conclude Forward T [29] 70.83 that the adopted second-order statistics do work well and Co-teaching [12] 69.21 JoCoR [37] 70.30 bring non-trivial performance improvement. Besides, on LDMI [43] 72.46 the CIFAR100 dataset with η = 0.4 and 0.6, we observe PTD-R-V[40] 71.67 Reweight-R [41] has a large standard deviation and a rel- CORES2 [5] 73.24 atively high mean, indicating it may perform as well as or CAL 74.17 even better than CAL in some trials. It also shows the po- tential of using a revised transition matrix T [41] in severe Table 3. Analysis of each component of CAL on CIFAR10. The and challenging instance-dependent label noise settings. result of a particular trial is presented. Cov.: the covariance term. Peer: the CR term [5] (a.k.a. expected peer term [24]).

5.3.2 Clothing1M row # Cov. Peer Epoch η = 0.2 η = 0.4 η = 0.6 1 Best 90.47 82.56 64.65 2 X× × Best 92.10 78.49 73.55 For Clothing1M, we first train the model following the set- × ˆ 3 X Best 91.85 84.41 78.74 tings in [5] and construct D with the best model. Noting 4 × X Fixed@65 90.73 82.76 77.70 the overall accuracy of noisy labels in Clothing1M is about 5 X× X Best 92.69 85.55 81.54 61.54% [42], we set an appropriate Lmin = Lmax such that 61.54% of training examples satisfying ℓ 2 αn,t CORES − ≤ Lmin. With Dˆ, we sample a class-balanced dataset by ran- racy of 78.49 when η = 0.4, it can still contribute more domly choosing 18, 976 noisy examples for each class and than 1% of the performance improvement (from 84.41% to continue training the model with β = 1 and an initial learn- 85.55%) when it is implemented with the peer term. This ing rate of 10−5 for 120 epochs. Other parameters are set observation shows the robustness of CAL. following [5]. See Appendix D.4 for more detailed exper- imental settings. Table 2 shows CAL performs well in the 6. Conclusions real-world human noise. This paper has proposed a second-order approach 5.4. Ablation Study to transforming the challenging instance-dependent label noise into a class-dependent one such that existing methods Table 3 shows either the covariance term or the peer term targeting the class-dependent label noise could be imple- can work well individually and significantly improve the mented. Currently, the necessary information for the covari- performance when they work jointly. Comparing the first ance term is estimated based on a sample selection method. row with the second row, we find the second-order statistics Future directions of this work include extensions to other can work well (except for η = 0.4) even without the peer methods for estimating the covariance terms accurately. We (CR) term. In row 4, we show the performance at epoch 65 are also interested in exploring the combination of second- since the second-order statistics are estimated relying on the order information with other robust learning techniques. model prediction at this epoch. By comparing row 4 with Acknowledgements This research is supported in part row 5, we know the second-order statistics indeed lead to by National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant IIS- non-trivial improvement in the performance. Even though 2007951, and in part by Australian Research Council the covariance term individually can only achieve an accu- Projects, i.e., DE-190101473.

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