ial Scien oc ce S s d J n o u a r s n t a r l Iqbal, Arts Social Sci J 2016, 7:1 A Arts and Social Sciences Journal DOI: 10.4172/2151-6200.1000e105 ISSN: 2151-6200 Editorial Open Access Tausug and the Sultanate of Sulu (Malay Version) Iqbal U* History Programme, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia *Corresponding author: Iqbal U, History Programme, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia, UKM 43650, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia, Tel: 60389215555; E-mail:
[email protected] Received date: March 16, 2016; Accepted date: March 18, 2016; Published date: March 23, 2016 Copyright: © 2016 Iqbal U. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Editorial Philippine author himself which is of course the report is accurate and honest than the Western Orientalist. However, without an explanation This book is a historical analysis compiled from various media from Aranan Family regarding the actual Sultanate of Sulu system, the about defense, war and genocide against the Moro Islamic Sulu author would still be groping to explain the ambiguity of the rotation (Tausug) in the southern Philippines. This book is focused on the throne of the Sultanate of Sulu. history of the Muslim Sulu community without entering Mindanao directly. As the title of this book it only displays the defense and bloody The author felt compelled to organize more specialized book like struggle of the Muslims, especially the Tausug of Sulu.