Charleston County Public Library Board of Trustees Agenda 5:15P.M., June 26, 2018 | Auditorium, Main Library, Charleston
Charleston County Public Library Board of Trustees Agenda 5:15p.m., June 26, 2018 | Auditorium, Main Library, Charleston Informational Action 1. Welcome and Freedom of Information, 2 minutes x 2. Public Comment, 2 minutes x 3. Board Comment, 5 minutes x 4. Additions or Corrections to the Agenda, 2 minutes x 5. Approval of Minutes (5/22/18), 2 minutes x 6. Friends of the Library Update, Brittany Mathis, 5 minutes x 7. Ratification of FY19 CCPL Budget x 8. Capital Plan Update, Toni Pattison and Janette Alexander, 20 minutes x 9. R. Keith Summey North Charleston Library Presentation x David Moore of McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture, 20 minutes 10. Library Reports, 5 minutes x a. Executive Director Report, Nicolle Davies 11. Committee Reports, 5 minutes x a. Nominations: Steven Clem b. Building Projects: Ed Fava c. Bylaws: Leah Crosby d. Finance: Susan Strunk 12. Adjournment x Board service: Term ends Dec. 2018: Clem, Fava Term ends Dec. 2020: Brack, Crosby, Nesbitt, Strother Term ends Dec. 2021: Collins, Jordan, Strunk, (open) Term ends Dec. 2022: Rankin Agenda Item #5 Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes May 22, 2018 The Charleston County Library Board of Trustees met for a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 5:15pm in the auditorium of the John’s Island Regional Library, located at 3531 Maybank Highway, John’s Island, SC. Board members present were Mr. Brack, Mr. Clem, Mr. Strother, Ms. Collins, Mr. Rankin, Ms. Crosby, Ms. Strunk, Ms. Nesbitt and Mr. Fava. Board member absent was Ms. Jordan. Staff members present were Nicolle Davies, Jim McQueen, Perry Litchfield, Natalie Hauff, Toni Pattison, Megan Summers, and Amanda Shinn.
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