DC Comics Jumpchain Supplement

More on combining powers

Some power effects, when combined with other effects, can be used to directly modify the first effect instead of forming a composite effect. They can still be combined as normal. Examples are given below each effect to give you an idea of how they can be used.

● Antipathy: Invert an effect. This doesn’t affect the rank of your other effects. ○ ● Enhanced Senses: You can perceive the relevant effect directly. This sets the effect’s rank to beta as superhuman senses instead of whatever it normally does. ○ w/ Enhanced Senses: You can see anyone who can see you, potentially through live footage and pictures. w/ Oneiromancy: You can experience other people’s dreams as they’re having them. w/ Body Art Animation: You can talk to artwork like paintings and statues as if they were real people, and ask them what they’ve seen. w/ Immortality: You know how old something is when you look at it or pick it up, or how old a song is when you hear it. ● Unique Physiology: The effect acts as your body in some way. ○ w/ Astral Projection: You can project avatars of yourself. w/ Energy Negation: You’re a pitch black shadow, a void that darkens any room you enter. w/ Mind Control: You exist as a memetic effect in the minds of others that takes more control over them the more they know about you. w/ Fangs: You ever see a person made entirely out of teeth? ● Body Art Animation: The effect manifests through body art like tattoos or paint. ○ ● Antipathy/Deflection/Energy Negation/Intangibility/: Makes you immune to the effect. ○ This shows both how multiple combinations can be used to achieve the same results and how the same modifier (antipathy in this case) can have different results when combined with the same thing. These can also have different variations, such as intangibility letting the other effect pass through you harmlessly where energy negation might stop it dead in its tracks.

Character Presets

These are the presets for the Natural Abilities, Skill, Superpower, and Weakness sections based on canon characters. They’re mostly here to give you the ability to buy equivalence to a specific character, so you can do whatever they can do. Since they’re just presets, you can take them as a single purchase, drop certain sections, or change them up as much as you want.

Superman (low-end feats and word of god)

Superman (high-end feats and character statements)

Total: 2000 CP

Superman (outliers)

Fuck off Death Battle, Goku would totally win in a fight.


Total: 1000 CP

Cassandra Cain

Total: 1100-1200 CP


Total: 700-1100 CP

Richard Dragon

Saturn Girl

Midnighter Natural Abilities 200 Indomitable Will 200 Skills: 275 Weaponry (Proficient) 50 Stealth (Expert) 100 Hand-to-Hand Combat (Expert) 100 Multilingualism (Basic) 25 Powers: 1300 Sources: Biology (genetically enhanced) and Technology (cybernetic implants) 0 Usage: At Will, Easy 0 Precognition + Enhanced Intellect (Country level, β) 800 You have a computer implanted in your brain that lets you see every possible way a fight can go, comprehend them all simultaneously, and choose your ideal outcome to carry out. This also acts as a more general supercomputer that can calculate equations and run simulations, and enhances your memory and deductive abilities. Enhanced Senses (City Block level) 200 Superhuman senses, enhanced enough to track someone by smell or see the electrical activity in the brain. Cybernetic Implants (Building level, α) 200 Fight Implants Superhuman Strength Can exert about a ton of force with each finger. Superhuman Durability Survive similar attacks. Superhuman Reflexes Capable of thinking and reacting in microseconds. Superhuman Speed Can move faster than the eye can see in short bursts. Self-Sustenance (Building level, β) 100 Survival Implants Accelerated Healing Can regenerate from most injuries, like being impaled or having your neck broken, in a few minutes. Pain Receptor Control Your pain receptors are deactivated, but can be turned back on. Super-Enhanced Immune System Can overcome the common cold in minutes and HIV in weeks. Environmental Adaptation You can survive in hostile environments (inhospitable planets, the vacuum of space, etc) and without food, water, or air indefinitely, don’t need to use the bathroom, and have a second heart in case the first one is damaged. Weaknesses: +250 Mildly threatening vulnerability (to psionics) +100 Sufficiently powerful psychics can shut down your fight computer, rendering your precognition useless. Annoying power instability (design drawback) +50 Anyone with the backdoor to your implants can turn them off. Annoying power limitation (inability to affect inactive opponents) +50 Your opponent has to make the first move or you can’t predict them. Annoying power limitation (inability to affect unpredictable opponents) +50 You can’t predict the unpredictable, like the . Total: 1525 CP

Captain Marvel

Brainiac 5

Kyle Rayner

Power Combinations

Living Constellation Race: Genius Loci (Star) 2000 Power: Symbiosis + Psychic Link (Star level, ν) 600 ​ ​ You aren’t just a star, you’re a whole constellation. You can rearrange your component stars at will to reshape yourself. You share a consciousness between your stars, as each one is a part of your ‘body’. + Divine Empowerment + Precognition You also have horoscope and divination powers, with the clarity and accuracy of predictions depending on the level. Total: 2600+ CP

Secret Lair, Headquarters, and Lands

Themyscira Location: Remote (Bermuda Triangle) Type: Natural Structure (island) Size: City Facilities: Settlement Inhabitants: Civilization (Amazons) Secrecy: Hidden Mobility: Teleportation, Time Travel Defenses: Warding Enchantment

Skartaris Location: Alternate Dimension Type: Natural Structure Size: Country Facilities: Multiple Settlements + Multiple Ecosystems + Inhabitants: Multiple Civilizations (lizardmen, hobgoblins, ), Multiple Animal Species (dinosaurs,) Secrecy: Hidden Mobility: Immobile Defenses: None

NoEnd House Location: Type: Magical Size: Endless Facilities: Fluid Staffing: Alive, Avatars Secrecy: Unknown Mobility: Immobile Defenses: Maze (of rooms)

Location: Type: Size: Facilities: Staffing: Secrecy: Mobility: Defenses:

Example skills from the DC wiki: A Acrobatics Acting Aerial Combat Alchemy Amazonian Training Animal Training Anthropology Archaeology Archery Architecture Artistry Athletics Aviation B Boxing Business Management C Capoeira Charisma Chemistry Chi Manipulation Combat Computer Hacking Computer Operation Contortionism Cooking Criminology D Dancing Deception Demolitions Diplomacy Disguise Diving Driving E Eidetic Memory Electrical Engineering Entomology Equestrianism Escapology Espionage F Fencing Firearms Fishing Forensic Pathology G Gadgetry Gambling Genetics Genius Level Intellect Gymnastics H Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced) Hand-to-Hand Combat (Basic) Historiography Hunting Hypnosis I Indomitable Will Interrogation Intimidation Investigation J Journalism K Kung Fu L Law Leadership Lock Picking M Marine Biology Mechanical Aptitude Mechanical Engineering Medical Science Medicine Meditation Military Protocol Mimicry Multilingualism Music O Occultism P Peak Human Condition Pedagogy Philosophy Photography Physics Piracy Political Science Prestidigitation Psychiatry Psychology Q Quantum Mechanics R REM Sleep (Bruce has mastered the skill of compressing a full night's sleep into a little more than three hours) ​ ​ Robotic Engineering S Savate Science Seamanship Seduction Singing Stealth Stick Fighting Storytelling Surveillance Survival Swimming Swordsmanship T Tactical Analysis Theology Thievery Throwing Toxicology Tracking V Vehicle Combat W Weaponry Wrestling