World Bank Document
-his paper is preparad for staff use and is not for publication. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Bank. Public Disclosure Authorized INTERNATIOAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION .velopment Economics Staff Working Paper No. 189 September 1974 STATISTICAL INDICATORS OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPENT A CRITIQUE OF THE BASIC DATA Public Disclosure Authorized A critical evaluation and compilation of some basic data needed for constructing statistical indicators of industrial development are presented in this paper. The data on manufacturing output, value added, employment, wages, industrial labor force, and manufactured and semi- manufactured exports at the aggregated sector level; on GNP, population, geographical area, and total merchandise trade; and on human resources: skills, education, and nutrition are compiled for about 100 countries. The data on value added at sub-sector level, on manufactured and semi- manufactured imports, on various measures of import substitution and on demand-sources of industrial growth are presented only for selected countries. Some ratios for 1971 and growth rates for 1960-1972 are calculated. Public Disclosure Authorized The data on manufacturing value added, manufactured exports and imports, and merchandise exports, assembled from various sources are evaluated. Several points emerge: four definitions of manufactured exports, frequently used interchangeably, lead to very different results with regard to absolute levels, growth rates, or ratios of manufactured. exports to merchandise exports. The differences are so large that very often no meaningful conclusions can be drawn. The absolute levels and growth rates of manufacturing production also differ consiaerably. A careful evaluxation of the basic data and standardization of the defini- tions are thus essential.
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