[email protected] ABSTRACT General Systems Theory (GST) describes all physical, biologic and social systems as 10-Dimensional Superorganisms. There are 2 key differences between the 10Di Complex Universe and a 4Di, simplified physical model: -Physics considers 3 spatial dimensions and 1 time dimension of lineal, present duration that calculates the external motion of beings with instantaneous derivatives (V=∂s/∂t), or simultaneous measures (worldlines). Thus 4D tells nothing of system’s life-death and evolutionary cycles from past to future – its 2 missing time dimensions; and their inner, hierarchical structure across 3 ‘i-scalar’ dimensions: the i-1 cellular/quantum, i organic and i+1 social/cosmic scales, which emerge together into Whole Superorganisms, the 10th Dimension, itself an i-1 cellular/atomic unit of a new game of scalar space-time creation. -Physicists' dimensions are infinite, absolute, reaching the Whole Universe, acting as an abstract 'background' over which beings exist. But what those beings are made of? There is no clear answer. Yet in the GST’s 10Di formalism, beings are made of ‘Fractal’ Dimensions, which are not abstract, neither infinite but the ultimate substance of reality, broken into the parts of each being. The Whole Universe is infinite and so are its 10 Dimensions of time, space and ‘scalar’ depth. But Nature’s systems are its ‘fractal parts’, made of the same 10Di, albeit in a finite quantity. So each part occupies a limited quantity of space, lives a limited quantity of time, and spreads through a limited i±1 number of hierarchical scales.