Mossad Admits Assassinating Fakhrizadeh, Sabotage at Natanz Not to Host a Trial for 74Kg,” Sourian Said

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Mossad Admits Assassinating Fakhrizadeh, Sabotage at Natanz Not to Host a Trial for 74Kg,” Sourian Said WWW.TEHRANTIMES.COM I N T E R N A T I O N A L D A I L Y 8 Pages Price 50,000 Rials 1.00 EURO 4.00 AED 43rd year No.13964 Saturday JUNE 12, 2021 Khordad 22, 1400 Dhi Al Qada 1, 1442 Soleimani assassination, sale of Iran fall short Cabinet approves “The Lake” by Masud F-35 jets to UAE deeply linked against Germany at bill on protection Mirzai named photo of the to Abraham Accords Page 3 2021 VNL Page 3 of animals Page 7 year at Siena Awards Page 8 Energy projects worth over $7.5b Mossad admits assassinating inaugurated in 3 provinces TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani on provinces also attended the inauguration Thursday inaugurated several major water ceremony. and electricity industry projects valued at The beginning of the construction over $7.5 billion through video conference operations of a steam power plant with Fakhrizadeh, sabotage at Natanz in three provinces, IRNA reported. a capacity of 1400 megawatts (MW) in See page 3 Put into operation in the 10th week of Minab, the second gas unit of Hengam the ministry’s A-B-Iran program in the combined cycle power plant in Bandar current Iranian calendar year (started Abbas, Hormozgan Province; a dam in on March 21), the said projects were Ilam, and over 6,750 hectares of irriga- inaugurated in Hormozgan, Ilam, and tion and drainage networks in Ilam and Kermanshah provinces. Kermanshah provinces were among the As reported, Energy Minister Reza Ar- mentioned projects. Iranian warship on dakanin and officials from the mentioned Continued on page 4 Over 180 forest reserves identified Atlantic mission in a year TEHRAN – Some 182 forest reserves with trees and shrubs of high genetic value. an area of 410,000 hectares were identified Accordingly, the most desirable way to and registered across the country over preserve these species is to protect them the past [Iranian calendar] year (March in their natural habitats. Therefore, the 2020-March 2021), according to a recent management of forest reserves with the report by the Forests, Rangelands, and process of identification, delimitation, Watershed Management Organization. and preparation of conservation plans Forest reserves are small biosphere is among the important measures that reserves in which unique, rare, or endan- should be on the agenda. gered species live. These areas also have Continued on page 7 TEHRAN - An Iranian destroyer and lenging voyage yet. support vessel are now sailing in the The Iranian TV released a short clip Atlantic Ocean on a rare mission far of the destroyer cruising through the from Iran. Atlantic’s rough seas. The destroyer Sahand and the intelli- “The Navy is improving its seafaring gence-gathering vessel Makran departed capacity and proving its long-term dura- last month from Iran’s southern port of bility in unfavorable seas and the Atlan- Bandar Abbas, Rear Admiral Habibollah tic’s unfavorable weather conditions,” Sayyari, Iran’s deputy Army chief for Sayyari said, adding that the warships coordination affairs, said on Thursday. would not call at any other ports during Sayyari described the mission as the the mission. Iranian Navy’s longest and most chal- Continued on page 3 Demographic Iranian handicrafts evolved to meet more Houthi official after new sanctions: U.S. change, a big consumer, market needs: minister prioritizes war in Yemen opportunity to TEHRAN – Iranian handicrafts have been and nationality. Every year, World Handi- A high-ranking Yemeni official has condemned The U.S. Treasury on Thursday slapped evolved to meet more customer tastes and to crafts Day is celebrated in Iran. Due to the the U.S. decision to impose new sanctions on sanctions on a money network which it ac- U.S. democracy: enter new markets, thanks to its immense ca- historical and ancient background of this Yemen, saying the measure falls within a system- cused of funding Ansarullah - a popular pacities, and creativity of craftspeople, Cultural country, handicrafts have a special place atic plot aimed at suffocating the impoverished movement which is at the center of a national professor Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Minister among the people. This day is equivalent state’s economy. government administrating the country from Ali-Asghar Mounesan has said. to June 10th in the calendar. “America prioritizes the option of war in capital Sana’a. “High capacity of Iranian handicrafts such as There are some 300 handicrafts in Iran. Yemen at the same time as pretending to be “This network generates tens of millions of BY MOHAMMAD MAZHARI ingenuity of its artisans has led to the creation The most famous Iranian handicrafts include supportive of peace. The imposition of sanctions dollars in revenue from the sale of commodities, rofessor Arshin of new beautiful handicrafts by the means of kilim, carpet, engraving, glassmaking, inlay on the pretext of securing peace represents an like Iranian petroleum, a significant portion of Adib-Moghaddam, chair of combining various crafts fields, to meet more work, enamel work, pottery, wood, tapestry obstacle to the latter,” Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, which is then directed through a complex net- Pthe Centre for Iranian Studies customer tastes, and to enter new markets,” embroidery, and so on. Among the country’s a member of Yemen’s Supreme Political Coun- work of intermediaries and exchange houses in at the London Middle East Insti- Mounesan said on Thursday. top handicrafts that have received interna- cil, tweeted Friday. multiple countries to the Houthis,” the Treasury tute, says that the shift in Amer- He made the remarks on the occasion of World tional attention, handmade carpets represent He said the punitive measures against said in a statement. ican demographic structure is an Handicrafts Day, adding “115 handicrafts fields the cultural and artistic strength of Iran in the Yemeni private sector following bans on According to press TV, among those iden- important opportunity to save de- have been revived across the country over the the world. the country’s central bank plus airstrikes on tified as targets of the newly announced U.S. mocracy in the United States. past couple of years.” Hand-woven carpets and kilims are a factories and production plants, starvation sanctions were two Yemenis, two Syrians, one “The biggest opportunity for change World Handicrafts Day shows its impor- symbol of Iran since ancient times, and of Yemenis through a blockade as well as halt Emirati, one Somali and one Indian national, is rooted in the changing demograph- tance among art-loving people around the this popularity has been accepted interna- to the payment of civil service salaries are all as well as entities based in Dubai, Istanbul and ic structure of the country,” Professor world. Naming a day for handicrafts shows tionally too. crimes, which fall within a systematic plot to Yemen’s capital, Sana’a. Adib-Moghaddam tells the Tehran Times. the high value of handicrafts of any nation Continued on page 6 exterminate the Yemeni economy. Continued on page 5 Many political scholars believe that racism and white supremacy can be a big threat to U.S. democracy, while the A question from Ilhan Omar sparks furor in U.S. Congress Aluminum ingot American society is ethnically diverse. Democratic leaders in the United States House According to al Jazeera, it was a fair but pointed in a statement two days after Omar posed her Trump’s presidency and his far-right of Representatives sought to quell a furor among question and Secretary of State Antony Blinken question to Blinken. output up 33% in policy were an alarm to U.S. democracy; legislators on Thursday over a question Repre- responded that courts in the U.S. and Israel can Omar pushed back, calling the group of Dem- however, many political pundits say that sentative Ilhan Omar asked about U.S. opposition provide adequate judicial forums for such claims. ocrats’ statement “shameful”. 2 months on year the change in U.S. population makeup to International Criminal Court (ICC) inquiries However, Omar’s question sparked condemnation “The Islamophobic tropes in their statement are TEHRAN – Production of aluminum ingot in Iran will shift the course in the future. into alleged war crimes in Israel and Afghanistan. by some of her own Democratic colleagues and howls offensive. The constant harassment and silencing rose 33 percent during the first two months of the “In less than 20 years, one third of the Omar, one of only three Muslim members of “anti-Semitism” from the Republican right amid a from the signers of this letter is unbearable”, current Iranian calendar year (March 21-May 21), as population in the United States will be of the U.S. House, had asked in a hearing on new round of death threats issued to her office. Omar tweeted. compared to the same period of time in the past year. Hispanic, moving the country much closer June 7 where victims of war crimes committed “Equating the United States and Israel to And Omar shared an example of the kind of death The country’s aluminum ingot output stood to a ‘Latin’ identity,” Adib-Moghaddam by Israel and Hamas should go to seek justice if Hamas and the Taliban is as offensive as it is threats her office receives whenever she is targeted at 86,216 tons in the two-month period of the notes. the U.S. opposes action at the ICC. misguided,” a group of 11 Jewish Democrats said by accusations like those she received this week. “It is inevitable, that the right-wing present year, while the figure was 64,689 tons narrative which tries to hold on to white in the same time span of the previous year, data supremacist ideas, will be increasingly released by the Iranian Mines and Mining Indus- shattered.
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