Kiamichi River Basin Water Resources Development Plan
FINAL REPORT KIAMICHI RIVER BASIN WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PLAN Kiamichi River Basin Working Group Pursuant to HCR 1066 February 1, 2000 Prepared by the Oklahoma Water Resources Board Duane A. Smith, Executive Director STATE Of OKlAHOMA WATER RESOURCES BOARD Fobfuaty 22, 2000 'os <lired«l """'" HeR 1066. tfle ~ol the Oklahoma Wal... ReOO<ltCU Boa,d henOy to<maIy..- '" "'" "8Ih 0kIa00mll SIa'a l",tura 1ha Kiamm _ Baoin Wata, AMoutcaI o.,."""",*~Plan Final Raporl. Wa ~ "'" Kiamdli _ Basin WOfI<ing G""", kit their -..lion and altO'! in ~ "'" OWR6 in 1" 01_ plan Th<l OWRB III commill"" 10 tM _ ~ 01 Oklal>oma'a wal... .-.'" tt>iI '''II'''d and ~t"';!hIha PIan'a 0XlrJl<lnI0na princopIa _ 1, .. III out <My 10 ........ Iha1 lila pr• ....-.t and luturtI _lor ....t.... by dOl<la!>:>mans or. addo ,os"" ""'" "'" l'O;I>IIl priority __,,, _ OkIoOOmllrlO 'asOding .,.;"., lh/I Kiamicni River Baoin. Wa ruHim'l the princopIa 11>01 OklaOOmll" wal", io '"'aM tor""""", tor Okl.ohomllno. Th<l Plan'. ~tior1lOclnolop _ Slatarrnbal walo&l' """'"4l"Cl pi(M(Io•• ..-.qua opportunoIy '" _ ""'" "'" CIIocto"",Cl>icI<aIllW ""liorlI"" ""'~ __lIO"lo tOf wal... <11•..."..,_, W. _ lNilllli\lOting ltI<I 0WTl0fI!lIp 01 wat only _."'" Slat. aM Trbaa. Through worlUno;J "'II"U- to find """"""" ground, can ~ 10 muctl mora tor "'" """""" 0I~.... Oklahoma, FurlMmlo<tI. we ~ any ...t", raoouroao <lI\ ,I"""te< II ot'al&gy Of plan lllat <;<>i,JId Iimrt Of ja<>par<lz. proopacIlI tor futur. g"""'" _ ~ """"""'""*" in _01 OkIat>om,o or _a in tM ....ta.
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