Congressional Record—Senate S5228
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S5228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 31, 2019 Oklahoma City area and all around You can’t go through Oklahoma Mr. HAWLEY. Mr. President, I op- Tulsa, to spend as much time as I can without stopping at Cattlemen’s pose the confirmation of U.S. District with as many different people as I can Steakhouse and enjoying a great steak Court nominee Karin Immergut. She to find out what is going on in Okla- or without driving out west to see the went through the committee confirma- homa. I get this one precious month a Stafford Air & Space Museum. People tion process in 2018, before I joined the year to make sure I have focus time in who travel to Washington, DC, go to Senate Judiciary Committee, and sub- the State to see as many people as I the Air and Space Museum, and I will sequently, she was part of a package of can. often smile at them and say: Do not judges who were renominated and I got to thinking about this and the miss the Air & Space Museum that is voted out earlier this year. I later privilege that I have really had in in Weatherford, OK, because the Staf- learned that the nominee had issued a being able to travel around my State ford Air & Space Museum has a re- questionable abortion opinion and is and see so many people and so many markable collection from a fantastic pro-choice. places, to get on Route 66, travel the Oklahoma astronaut. f State from east to west, and see ex- The Great Salt Plains in Jet and the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR actly what is going on. Oklahoma Territorial Museum in I have had the opportunity to be out Guthrie are also really remarkable The PRESIDING OFFICER. The at the E.W. Marland Mansion in Ponca places. clerk will report Calendar No. 55. City. I have had the opportunity to be I do have to brag about a spot be- The senior assistant legislative clerk at Roman Nose State Park in Watonga. cause, on my 50th birthday, my wife read the nomination of John Milton I have climbed up to the top of Black surprised me by our taking a trip to Younge, of Pennsylvania, to be United Mesa in Kenton, and I have been to the the Little Sahara State Park and the States District Judge for the Eastern lowest point, by sea level, in far south- sand dunes in northern Oklahoma. We District of Pennsylvania. east Oklahoma in Broken Bow. I have rented dune buggies and drove them as Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to been out to Mount Scott in Lawton and hard and fast as we wanted on that consider the nomination. have climbed on its tumbled rocks. I day. It was a great day to just enjoy The PRESIDING OFFICER. The have been to the Blue Whale in Oklahoma. It was just like the day I question is, Will the Senate advise and Catoosa. was able to drive to Pawhuska and eat consent to the Younge nomination? I have had the great privilege of get- The nomination was confirmed. ting a chance to walk around through at the Pioneer Woman Mercantile res- the Gathering Place in Tulsa. This is taurant and just enjoy the downtown f an absolutely spectacular park and area. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR It is really a fantastic State, and the gathering place. In fact, USA Today The PRESIDING OFFICER. The just named it the No. 1 new attraction people and the places that I miss while I am here in Washington, DC, for 11 clerk will report Calendar No. 351. in America. For folks who have not The senior assistant legislative clerk been to Tulsa or for the folks who have months of the year I look forward to getting a chance to see when I get back read the nomination of Mary M. Row- been to Tulsa before, they need to go land, of Illinois, to be United States back and just enjoy the Gathering home in August. With as much work as we have to get done here—and we still District Judge for the Northern Dis- Place. trict of Illinois. I have had the opportunity to walk have a lot of work to get done—we will Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to the streets around Black Wall Street spend some time on the phone, we will consider the nomination. and to visit with the fine folks who are walk through legislation, and we will The PRESIDING OFFICER. The there. I have had the opportunity to be continue to do writing. Yet, thank- question is, Will the Senate advise and in Davis at Turner Falls and the Ar- fully, I will be able to write and spend consent to the Rowland nomination? buckle Mountains, and, of course, Falls time on the phone while I look out my The nomination was confirmed. Creek. I have had the opportunity to be windshield and enjoy some Oklahoma Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I in Hochatown, which is down near Bro- scenery at the same time. ask unanimous consent that the mo- ken Bow Lake, and the chance just to I yield the floor. tions to reconsider be considered made enjoy the time there, around the tall I suggest the absence of a quorum. and laid upon the table and the Presi- trees, in beautiful southeast Okla- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The dent be immediately notified of the homa. I have had the opportunity to clerk will call the roll. Senate’s action. visit Lake Murray State Park in Ard- The senior assistant legislative clerk The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without more and visit the Ole Red restaurant proceeded to call the roll. in Tishomingo. I have driven the Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I objection, it is so ordered. Talimena National Scenic Byway in ask unanimous consent that the order ORDER OF BUSINESS the fall and have seen the spectacular for the quorum call be rescinded. Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, at 3 scenery in those mountains. I have The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. COT- p.m. today, the Senate will vote on been to the Robbers Cave in Wilburton TON). Without objection, it is so or- confirmations of the following nomina- and the Ouachita National Forest in dered. tions: Executive Calendar Nos. 205, 231, McCurtain County. f 232, 345, 350, 364, and 402. I have had the opportunity to walk I ask unanimous consent that if the EXECUTIVE CALENDAR around through the Heavener nominations are confirmed, the mo- Runestone area and see the Norse Vi- Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, tions to reconsider be considered made king carved stones that are there in pursuant to yesterday’s authority, the and laid upon the table and the Presi- eastern Oklahoma. I could see, most Senate will now vote on the following dent be immediately notified of the definitely, by far, amongst those high nominations: Executive Calendar Nos. Senate’s action. trees and those rolling hills, that I 48, 55, and 351. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there wasn’t the first person to go there. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The objection? I have been to the Round Barn, off clerk will report Calendar No. 48. Without objection, it is so ordered. Route 66 in Arcadia. I have stopped to The senior assistant legislative clerk f get a great hamburger at Pop’s, which read the nomination of Karin J. is there on Route 66. I have quietly Immergut, of Oregon, to be United EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued stood at the national Oklahoma City States District Judge for the District The PRESIDING OFFICER. Execu- Bombing Memorial in downtown Okla- of Oregon. tive Calendar No. 205 is the pending homa City, and I have seen the amaz- Thereupon, the Senate proceeded to question. ing western art at the National Cowboy consider the nomination. The question is, Will the Senate ad- & Western Heritage Museum. I have The PRESIDING OFFICER. The vise and consent to the Pittman nomi- walked through the Oklahoma Sports question is, Will the Senate advise and nation? Hall of Fame and the Oklahoma Hall of consent to the Immergut nomination? Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Fame. The nomination was confirmed. ask for the yeas and nays. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:42 Aug 01, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31JY6.036 S31JYPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with SENATE.