Broadcasting Mmar26 Match
The NAB Convention: Caught up in the currents of change BroadcastingThe newsweekly of broadcasting and allied arts mMar26Our 48th Year 1979 The Peifect Match. KSTP -TV Minneapolis /St. Paul pñ 0.) Oc Op p X -4/3 ó On Monday, March 5, KSTP -TV became an ABC mz rH Television Network affiliate. More than 45 of the most popular m m° ca network shows have now joined the nation's leading p N news station. m vl co A division of Hubbard Broadcasting, Inc. For more information, call KSTP -TVs Jim Blake, General Sales Manager, at 612/645 -2724. or your nearest Petry office. 1-1 C Source: Prbitron Nov. 78 bp 50 ADIs. Audience ratings are estimates only and subject to the D A limitations of said report. ASCAP, FROM LEGENDS TO SUPERSTARS Since ASCAP was founded in 1914, over those changes are all reflected in the di- 22,000 songwriters and composers have versity and depth of ASCAP's repertory. joined. From Standards, to Rock, to Country, to The list reads like a Who's Who of the Jazz, to MOR, to Disco, to R &B, to Soul, songwriting business. (It's only a lack of to Gospel, to Symphonic, ASCAP has pro- space that limits us to mentioning but a vided the outstanding songwriting talent tiny portion of ASCAP's membership.) of each era not only to the broadcasters In the past 65 years music has gone of America but to the people who tune in. through some very radical changes, but At ASCAP, we've always had the greats.
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