Page Numbers in Italic, Eg 221, Signify
Index Page numbers in italic, e.g. 221, signify references to figures. Page numbers in bold, e.g. 60, denote references to tables. Adventure Subglacial Trench 220-221,221 structure 156 Alaska surface strain-rates 154-155, 154, 155, 156 Bering Glacier 60, 68, 75 tephra layer 149, 150, 151,152, 156 Black Rapids Glacier 172, 172, 173 thrust faults 153 Burroughs Glacier 60 Lambert Glacier 61, 72 Columbia Glacier 172, 173 Meserve Glacier 60, 181, 184, 184, 187, 189 Gulkana Glacier 60, 73 North Masson Range 116 Hubbard Glacier 75 South Masson Range 116 Kaskawulsh Glacier 60 South Shetland Islands 148 Malaspina Glacier 60, 68, 75 Suess Glacier, Taylor Valley 182, 187, 189 Phantom Lake 69 Taylor Glacier 11 Spencer Glacier 205 Taylor Valley 182 Twin Glacier 60 Transantarctic Mountain range 221 Variegated Glacier 61, 65, 67, 68, 76, 76, 86 Wordie Ice Shelf 61 deformation history 90, 92, 94 Ards Peninsula, Northern Ireland 307 shear zones 72, 75, 75 argillans, definition 256 strain 88, 89, 92, 94 Arrhenius relation 34 subglacial till deformation 172 Asgard Range, Antarctica 182 surging 86, 87 Astro Glacier, Canada 69 velocity 88, 89 Austerdalsbreen, Norway 60 Worthington Glacier 61, 65 Austre Broggerbreen, Svalbard 70 Amery Ice Shelf, Antarctica 61 Austre Lov+nbreen, Svalbard 70, 77 ammonium concentration, Greenland Ice Sheet Austre Okstindbreen, Norway 205 15, 16, 20 Austria anisotropy of ice Hintereisferner 60 annealing 101, 104, 106, 107, 111, 112 Langtaufererjochferner 60 c-axis orientation 100-104, 101, 103, 104, 105-107, Pasterze Glacier,
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