
American Mineralogist, Volume 76, pages 501-511, I99I

Mg- and Cr-rich and Cr-rich in high-pressure ultrabasic rocks (Cabo Ortegal, northwesternSpain) Jost I. Grr,InencucHroMrnrN MnNura Departamento de Mineralogia-Petrologia,Universidad del Pais Vasco-E.H.U., Aptdo. 644, 48080 Bilbao, Spain Jacqurs Grntnor.ru Laboratoire de P6trophysique,Universit6 Paris VII-I.P.G. Paris, 2 PlaceJussieu, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France

Ansrucr Metamorphosed ultrabasic rocks, likely derived from cumulate protoliths, occur inter- calated within eclogitesin the Cabo Ortegal complex (northwest Spain). Mg- and Cr-rich staurolite coexistswith Cr-rich kyanite in these rocks. The staurolite has Xr, > 0.74 and contains >6 wto/oCrrOr, and kyanite contains >4 wto/oCrrO.. Associated are tschermakitic- to magrresio-hornblende,, and . Mg- and Cr-rich staurolite and Cr-rich kyanite were formed through reactions involving partial destruction of Cr-rich . Green in staurolite and blue pleochroism in kyanite presumably result from Cr substitution for Al in the octahedral sites of these minerals. This substitution accountsfor Cr enrichment in both minerals. Staurolite has greateraffinity for Cr relative to Al than kyanite. In both there is, however, a significant difference between observed and ideal Al : Cr substitution. Mg enrichment in staurolite is controlled by cation sub- stitution involving t4lFesites. X*, values of staurolite, although showing considerable variation, may be as high as those of associatedgarnets but are consistently lower than those of associatedamphibole (X., > 0.9). Although the Cr contents of kyanite and stau- rolite could result from the Cr-rich bulk composition, the occlurencesof small, colorless, Cr-poor kyanite included in matrix minerals and of blue, Cr-rich, matrix kyanite suggest increasingCr substitution in kyanite with increasingpressure and temperature.

INrnooucrroN be responsiblefor the green color of this (Ward, Staurolite most typically occurs as an Fe-rich variety, r984). commonly with kyanite, in pelitic rocks metamorphosed Although Cr content in kyanite has been shown exper- at intermediate pressures(4-6 kbar). However, staurolite imentally to increasewith increasingpressure (Seifert and also is found in higher pressureenvironments. It occurs Langer, 1970), reported Cr contents from kyanite coex- with kyanite in intermediate- to high-pressure (8-12 kbar) isting with staurolite are not particularly high in basic and metamorphosed basic and ultrabasic rocks (e.g., Selver- ultrabasic rocks metamorphosed to high pressure (Sel- stoneet al., 1984;'Ward, 1984;Nicollet, 1986;Helms et verstoneet al., 1984;Ward, 1984;Nicollet, 1986;Helms al., 1987). Moreover, as shown by experimental and field et al., 1987). Cr-rich have been reported only studies,staurolite in Mg- and Al-rich metamorphic rocks from basic and ultrabasic rocks without staurolite (So- formed under high pressuresand intermediate to high bolev et al., 1968;Cooper, 1980). temperatures is enriched in Mg (Hellman and Green, In the course ofthe petrological study ofeclogites and 1979; Grew and Sandiford, 1984; Schreyeret al., 1984; granulites from the Cabo Ortegal complex (northwest Smith, 1984;Ward, 1984;Nicollet,1986;Chopin, 1987; Spain), it has been found that some Mg- and Al-rich eclo- Enami and Z,ang, 1988; Schreyer, 1988). Staurolite is gites contain yellow staurolite with moderate Mg content characteristically lower in Xr, [: Mg/(Mg + Fe)] than (Xr" of ca. 0.35), whereas green, Mg- and Cr-rich stau- coexisting silicate minerals; however, reversalsin Fe-Mg rolite (Xr, > 0.74, >6 wto/oCrrOr) and blue, chromian partitioning (staurolite vs. garnet) have been reported from kyanite (> 4 wto/oCr, O.) occur in hornblende-garnet-zois- Mg-rich bulk-rock compositions (Nicollet, 1986; Schrey- ite-kyanite-staurolite rocks of ultrabasic composition in- er et al., 1984;Enami andZang, 1988)and proposedon tercalatedwithin eclogiteswith MORB composition. (We the basis of staurolite solution models by Holdaway et al. mean mineral color in .)This is the most Cr- (1988). High Cr contents in staurolite do not appear to rich natural staurolite reported as far as we know, al- be related to any specific P-Z conditions, as they have though Xr, values are comparable to those of the most been reported from high-pressure,magnesian (Nicollet, Mg-rich staurolite so far recorded in metamorphosedba- 1986) and medium-pressure,Fe-rich environments (De- sic or ultrabasic rocks (Enami arrd Zatg, 1988; X.. : mange, 1976; Ward, 1984).Cr content is consideredto 0.737 as average).Staurolite with higher Xr" ratio has 0003-o04x/91/0304-050 l $02.00 501 502 GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE only been found as rare inclusions within in metasediments (magnesian metapelites) of the Dora Maira massif(western Alps, Chopin,1987;80-95 molo/o end-member). The kyanite analyzedrepresents the most Cr-rich kyanite found in regionally metamorphosed rocks. Kyanite with higher Cr contents is known only in gros- pydite xenoliths from kimberlites (Sobolev et al., 1968). The results of the petrological and mineralogical study of the kyanite- and staurolite-bearingrocks from the Cabo Ortegal complex are described herein, and petrogenetic implications in the context of the metamorphic evolution of the complex are discussed.

Gnor,ocrc sETTTNG A geologicmap of the northwestern part of the Iberian Massif shows the thrust stacking of a number of geologic units with different lithologic and tectonometamorphic characteristics.The uppermost thrust sheet crops out in the inner part of the Cabo Ortegal complex (Fig. l). In this area it consistsmainly of high-pressure/high-temper- ature (garnet-clinopyroxene)granulites, metaperidotites/ pyroxenites,and eclogites(Fig. I ; Arenas et al., 1986; Gil Ibarguchi et al., 1990). The kyanite-staurolite-bearing rocks studied here occur within the eclogites. Synchro- nous granulitic and eclogitic events have been dated at ca. 480 Ma, the basic granulite protoliths being penecon- temporaneouswith the high-gradeepisode (Peucat et al., Fig. l. Schematicgeologic map of the northernpart of the 1990). T-P conditions during theseevents were ofca. 800 CaboOrtegal complex with the locationof the kyanite-stauro- 'C, granulites 13.5 kbar for and similar temperaturesand lite-bearingrocks (barbs are on the upper plate of thrust faults). >17 kbar for eclogites(Gil Ibarguchi et al., 1990).Im- Inset:position of the CaboOrtegal complex u.ithin the context portant retrograde recrystallization associatedwith duc- of the VariscanOrogen. tile deformation under -faciesconditions has been dated at ca. 390 Ma (Peucatet al., 1990).

Slprpr,n DEscRrprroN The kyanite-staurolite-bearingrocks show granonema- The eclogitesat the Cabo Ortegal complex form a long toblastic texture with foliation and mineral lineation, de- band (15 x 0.1-2 km) bounded by thrust surfaces(Fig. fined by elongate crystals of , zoisite, and ky- l). Most of the band is composed of eclogites with anite, parallel to corresponding structures in enclosing N-MORB composition, with kyanite and zoisite as ac- eclogites(elongated omphacite). The rocks are composed, cessories.Mg- and Al-rich eclogiteswith abundant kya- in decreasingorder of abundance,of hornblende, garnet, nite, zoisite, and amphibole occur in severalplaces within zoisite, kyanite, staurolite, and spinel as primary phases. this band; the latter eclogitessometimes contain Cr-rich An extensive search for pyroxene, a common phase in omphacite with patchy green pleochroism (up to 4 wto/o associatedeclogites, was unsuccessful. CrrOr, Gil Ibarguchi et al., 1990). In the course of this Amphibole occurs as large (up to I cm), elongatepor- study, yellow to colorless staurolite with X., ca. 0.31- phyroblasts containing rare inclusions of rounded, aligned, 0.35 (see below, samples 38 and 400) associatedwith colorlesskyanite and exceedinglyrare tiny prisms ofzois- amphibole and corundum, has been found in these eclo- ite. Amphibole is mostly subidiomorphic, although an- gites as armored relics within garnet. The kyanite-stau- hedral embaying garnet are not uncom- rolite-bearing rocks form elongatedlenses (up to l0 x I mon (Fig. 2). It is generally colorless,with some crystals m) within the common (N-MORB) eclogites.They have presentinga feeblelight-green pleochroism. Garnet forms been found in situ only at one place 200 m above the subidiomorphic, 0.5-l cm crystals commonly rich in lighthouse near the Cabo Ortegal Point. They occur as minute inclusions of zoisite + amphibole dispersed in loose blocks in the hillside below the outcrop and as de- patches that give a strongly sieved appearanceto this bris produced during construction of the road to the light- mineral (Fig. 2). Znisite occurs either as colorless,0.5-4 house. In hand sample, the kyanite-staurolite-bearing mm, prismatic crystalsforming oriented aggregatesin the rocks are medium to coarsegrained with pink centimeter- matrix, or as smaller grains (< I mm) randomly oriented size garnetsin a bright green matrix, locally veined with forming patchy inclusions in (Fig. 2). white zoisite and blue kvanite concentrations. Kyanite occurs as 0. l-3 mm, tabular grains, often GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE 503

TaBLE1. Chemical composition of kyanite-stauroliterock and associated eclogite

Sample CO 80 CO 97 co 80 co 97 sio, M.21 48.20 BaB <5 Alros 21.53 15.08 Be <0.5 0.6 Fe,O" 5.08' 12.16' Co 61 156 MnO 0.07 0.17 Cr 898 271 Mgo 13.83 8.30 Cu 133 42 CaO 12.44 12.17 Nb <5 <5 Naro 0.96 217 Ni 370 87 KrO 0.40 Rb 13 5 Tio, 0.07 1.31 Sc 13.19 51.2 P,O. 0.11 0.19 Sr 106 73 t.L. 1.76 0.08 Th <5 <5 Total 100.46 99.83 v16 332 Y<5 32 Niggli norm--: Zn 36 57 Z(7 66 Or 2.27 Ab 5.89 18.61 La 0.63 2.78 An 51.09 30.00 Nd 0.73 7.36 Ne 1.43 Eu 0.16 0.87 En 1.36 Dy 0.38 4.96 Fs 1.33 Yb o.28 3.05 ol 31.50 22.60 Ce 8.32 16.00 Di 5.93 21.18 Sm 0.75 3.13 Mt 1.57 2.81 Gd 0.s8 3.68 llm 0.09 1.74 Er 0.32 3.11 Ap 0.22 0.38 LU 0.06 0.59 Note.'80 : kyanite.stauroliterock; 97: associated eclogite; maior el- ements in wtTo; trace elements in ppm. * All Fe as FerO3. " Fe3+lFe+correction accordingto lrvine and Baraggar (1971).

Fig. 2. Photomicrographsof the kyanite-staurolite-bearing rock. (A) Plane-polarizedlight. @) Crossedpolars. Abbrevia- phibole suffounds garnet and fills fractures of this min- : tions are as follows: St lvtg- and Cr-rich staurolitewith pene- eral, and fibrous margarite surrounds sulfide crystals. trationtwins, Gt : garnet,Sp : spinel,Am : amphibole,Zs : zoisite. Bur,x-nocx cHEMrsrRY Major and trace elements,including rare earths (REE), were determined by X-ray fluorescenceand inductively twinned, forming elongate,oriented aggregatesin the ma- coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry at the trix. Locally, kyanite occurs as small, colorless crystals CRPG (Research Center for Geochemistry, Nancy, included in amphibole. Matrix kyanite often exhibits a France;cf. Govindaraju and Mevelle, 1987 for analytical patchy pleochroism (X : pale blue, Y : Z : colorlessto details) on one fresh sample of kyanite-staurolite-bearing pale yellow). Small inclusions of Cr-rich spinel are occa- rock and one associatedeclogite. Bulk chemical analyses sionally found within matrix kyanite. Staurolite forms and norms are given in Table l. Enrichments in Ce and subidiomorphic, 0.1-5 mm crystals,appearing in contact Lu and depletion in Nd (Fig. 3) likely representanalytical with garnet, amphibole, kyanite, and, more rarely, with artifacts sinceanalogous eclogites analyzed by mass spec- zoisite (Fig. 2). Most staurolitesexhibit penetration twins trometry at the University of Rennes (Bernard-Griffiths (Fig. 2) and patchy, light green-light yellow pleochroism; et al., 1985;Peucat et al., 1990)have distinctly lower Ce less abundant are yellow to colorless , which and Lu contents (Fig. 3). may occur with the green ones in the same thin section. The kyanite-staurolite-bearing rock has less than 45 Spinel occurs as brown, interstitial grains in blue kyanite wto/oSiO, (Table l) and is ultrabasic according to the (+ staurolite) aggregatesor as annored relics within green widely used classificationbased on the weight percentage staurolite (Fig. 2) and, more rarely, within kyanite. Sub- of SiO, (Willians et al., 1982). According to Irvine and idiomorphic sulfidesrich in Fe, Cu, and lessZn, are also Baraggar's(1971) classification, the protolith could cor- present; in some cases,the sulfide surrounds a core of respond to a picritic basalt of the sodic series.The REE magnetite. pattern for the kyanite-staurolite-bearing rock (sample 80) Retrogression is observed along thin, fine-grained zones is compared in Figure 3 with that of the associatedeclo- subparallel to the main foliation. Secondarysymplectitic gite (sample 97). REE patterns for eclogites elsewhere zoisite after primary zoisite and kyanite, as well as Mg- within th€ sameband are also shown in Figure 3 for com- rich chlorite, , and corundum, appear in these parison (data from Bernard-Griffiths et al., 1985; Peucat zones. Locally, small crystals of light green fibrous am- et al., 1990). The eclogite associatedwith the kyanite- 504 GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE

staurolite-bearingrock has a composition similar to that of the common eclogites of the band characterizedby r< kyanite-staurolite-bearingrock(80) their N-MORB geochemical features (Table l, Fig. 3). o--{ The kyanite-staurolite-bearingrock, although having dis- associatedeclogite (97) tinctly lower absolute concentrations (Table l), displays e - { common(N-MORB) eclogites a REE pattern similar to those of the Mg- and Al-rich o-- o Mg-and Al-rich eclogites eclogites (Fig. 3) with abundant kyanite + zoisite and locally staurolite and Cr-rich omphacite for whose pro- toliths a cumulative origin has been suggested(Gil Ibar- o guchi et al., 1990). E The low c r:8 REE contentsof the kyanite-staurolite-bearing o --o rock point towards a protolith rich in mafic phases,while E 2:8 .()10 the richness in AlrO. (21.53 wto/o)and CaO (12.44 wto/o) -v. g=t F C) 'tl and the lack positive o --or' of Eu anomaly suggestcrystalliza- tr l. tion of anorthite-rich plagioclaseunder relatively high f, conditions. The kyanite-staurolite-bearingrock analyzed "ii)rl is also notably richer in Mg, Al, Cr, Ni, and Cu and poor- V i.'*--l--o'- er in Si, Fe, Na, Ti, Co, V, Sc, REE, and Y than the N-MORB eclogites(Table I, Fig. 3). These facrs and the presenceof Cr-rich spinel in minor amounts suggest that La Ce Nd Sm Eu Gd Dy Er Yb Lu the protoliths of the kyanite-staurolite-bearingrocks rep- resent an extreme product of the processthat originated Fig. 3. Chondritenormalized REE distributionfor various the Mg- and Al-rich eclogites of the same unit. Hence, rock types within the eclogiticband at the Cabo Ortegalcom- the kyanite-staurolite-bearingrocks must have a cumu- pler (1) the kyanite-staurolite-bearingrock (sample80, Table lative origin from a magma comparable to a recent MORB 1),(2) the associatedeclogite (sample 97,Table l), (3) the com- that is the protolith of associatedcommon eclogites. mon eclogiteswith N-MORB composition(data from Bernard- Grifrths et al., 1985;Peucat et al., 1990),and (4) the Mg- Cr-rich kyanite- and/or Mg-rich staurolite-bearing rocks and Al-rich eclogites(data from Gil Ibarguchiet al., 1990).Normal- showing comparable bulk chemical compositions to those izationvalues after Evensen et al. (1978). studied here have been describedelsewhere as metatroc- tolites (Demange, 1976; Nicollet, 1986) or recrystallized Mg-rich, undersaturated,spinel-bearing anorthosites (So- bolev et al., 1968).To a certainextent, both rock names Amphibole may be equivalent or at least related. However, in this The overall composition of amphibole is Mg-rich (Xr, case,the anorthositic hypothesisseems to be excluded in > 0.9) tschermakitic hornblende to magnesiohornblende view of the REE pattern of the kyanite-staurolite-bearing (Table 2). Some grains are slightly zoned with Fe3+/Fe2+ rock (Fig. 3). An origin from a cumulate, spinel-bearing, ratios increasing from core to rim, however, no system- plagioclase-rich peridotite to troctolite-picrite seemsmore atic zoning has been detected. likely. Garnet Analyzed garnets are rich in pyrope, , and end-members.While Ca content remains rela- Mrunnl,r, cHEMrsrRy tively constant, Mg and Fe contents vary considerably Minerals were analyzed at the universities of Cler- among garnetsfrom different samples.The maximum Mg mont-Ferrand and Paris VI (France),and Oviedo (Spain) content is usually recorded at the rims (Fig. 4), and Xr, with Camebax Microbeam and SX50 automated micro- values may range from 0.62 (core) to 0.74 (rim) for a probes equipped with three (Clermont and Oviedo) and single garnet grain (Table 2); however, systematiczoning four spectrometers (Paris), respectively. Operating pa- has not been detected. These garnets are richer in Mg, rameters included a l0 s integration time, a ca. l0 nA poorer in Fe, and somewhat poorer in Ca than those of beam current, and a 15 kV acceleratingvoltage. Calibra- the associatedcommon eclogites (eclogiteswith N-MORB tion was againstBRGM (French GeologicalSurvey) stan- composition) or than those of the Mg- and Al-rich eclo- dard minerals, and the ZAF correction procedure was gites of the same area (Fig. a). used. The analytical error has been shown to be lessthan ca. 2o/ofor most major elements for the microprobe at Zoisite Clermont (Boivin, 1982). Tables 2-4 present a selection Zoisite grains in the matrix and included in garnethave of minerals analyzed; the complete set of data used in similar compositions with relatively low FerO, contents this report is available from the first author on request. (Table 2). X,. [: Fe3+/(Fe3* + Al)] values are <0.281, Mineralogical features are described below in order of therefore, they cannot be considered ferrian zoisites (cf. decreasingabundance of mineral phases. Maaskant, 1985). GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE 505

TrsLe 2. Representativechemical analyses of amphibole,garnet, zoisite, and spinel

Sample 80 (am) 81 (gt,c) 81 (gt,r) 80 (zs) 80 (spl) 80 (sp2) 80(sp3) sio, 49.39 39.41 40.9 39.s bd bd 0.04 Tio, 0.11 0.03 0.02 0.06 0.05 0.01 bd Al2o3 11.32 22.95 24.14 32.34 16.61 38.42 21.1',| CrrOs 0.05 0.18 0.06 0.23 50.74 28.67 45.93 FeO, 3.02 15.03 10.83 1.18 25.56 19.99 24.5 MnO M 0.61 0.'t4 0.16 0.22 0.07 0.11 Nio na 0.09 bd 0.09 0.02 bd bd ZnO na na na na na na 0.89 Mgo 18.35 13.19 17.51 0.09 6.21 11.57 6.99 CaO 12.51 7.85 6.31 24.53 bd bd bcl Naro 1.20 0.03 0.02 bd bd bd 0.02 K"o 0.17 0.03 bd 0.01 bd bd bd Total 96.12 99.4 99.93 98.18 99.41 98.73 99.59 si 6.924 2.92 2.935 6.003 bd bd 0.1 AI 1.871 2.005 2.042 5.794 0.65 1.332 0.81 Ti 0.012 0.002 0.001 0.006 0.001 <0.001 bd Cr 0.006 0.01 0.003 0.027 1.329 0.667 1.118 Fe3* 0.137 0.063 0.018 0.135 0.02 0.001 0.009 FeF- 0.217 0.869 0.632 0.688 0.491 0.657 Mn bd 0.038 0.008 0.02 0.006 0.002 0.003 Mg 3.834 1.457 1.872 0.021 0.307 0.507 0.3139 Ni na 0.005 bd 0.011 0.001 bd M Zn na na na na na na 0.021 Ca 1.879 0.623 0.485 3.993 bd bd bd Na 0.326 0.004 0.003 0.001 bd M 0.001 K 0.03 0.003 bd 0.002 bd bd bd Note.'80, 81 : kyanite-stauroliterocks; am : amphibole(normalization by summing cations exclusiveof K + Ca + Na to 13 and F€!3*evaluated by charge balanceconsiderations); gt : gamet (c : core, r: rim, normalizationto total cations : 8, Fe3+: 2-Al(6)-Ti-Cr);zs : zoisite (all Fe as F€t3.,25 O atoms in tormula); sp: spinel (1 : armored relic in staurolite,2 : interstitiallight-brown,3 : interstitialdark-brown, F€F*determined by charge balance calculationson the basis of 4 O atoms and 3 cations); bd: below detection limit of 0.01 wt%; na: not analyzed.

ly poorer in Cr (Table 3, Fig. 5A), but Fe and Ti do not Kyanite vary appreciably. The kyanite is not zoned, although cr Representativeanalyses of colored and colorless kya- contents may vary considerably within a single gain (cf. nite are presentedin Table 3. Blue color in kyanite has standard deviations in Table 3). Ti and Fe contents are been correlated with Fe3+, Fe2+, and Ti concentrations normal for this mineral, but the Cr contents,with a max- (Smith and Strens, I 976; Parkin et al., 1977; cf. Cooper, imum of 4.35 wt0/oCrrOr, are unusual. Kyanite richer in I 980 for other references).Colorless kvanites are distinct- Cr has been reported only by Sobolev et al. (1968) from grospydite xenoliths in the kimberlites of Yakutia (12.86 wto/oCrrOr). Cooper (1980) has reported kyanite with 1.44

F€+Mn wto/oCrrO, in from South Westland (New 70%Alm+Sp+ Znaland), and with up to 2.88 wto/oCrrO, in metacherts 'Ye /a from the same area. Variations in Cr and Al concentra- /Ao "la!Y; l independent of Fe content in kyanite, 19o /'>- tion seem to be which is always low (Table 3). Good corelation between Cr and Al content, as shown in Figure 5,A',suggests that Cr substitutes for Al in the kyanite structure. There is, however, a significant difference between observed and c ideal Al : Cr substitution. (Adding Fe to Cr does not sigrrificantly modify the result becauseof the low amounts of Fe in kyanite.) The miscibility of Cr in kyanite has been experimen- (1970) kyanite-staurolite-bearingrcks, Garnetstrm i&-, Al-rich,kyanite tally investigatedby Seifert and Langer who found n .- t " gamet@res slaurolite-beilingml€ites that more Cr-rich kyanite is stabilized by higher pres- r kyanito-staurolite-bsaringr@ks, /--\ Compositionalrange of garnels from sures. This suggeststhat kyanite formed in these rocks - garnetrims v cmmm (N-i,lORB)€clogites during increasingly higher pressureconditions becausethe crystalsincluded Fig. 4. Composition of garnet (molo/o).Squares : gamets from earliest kyanite is the Cr-poor, colorless the kyanite-staurolite-bearingrocks (open squares: cores,solid in amphibole, whereasblue kyanite, formed later in the squares: rims). Solid circles : garnets from Mg- and Al-rich matrix, exhibits considerably higher Cr content. In con- eclogites. Shaded area : compositional range of garnets from trast to the experiments,however, the rocks with kyanite common (N-MORB) eclogites.Fields for eclogitesof types A, B, and staurolite are not saturated with Cr and thus varia- and C after Coleman et al. (1965). tions in Cr content could be dependenton the availability 506 GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE

TABLE3. Chemical analyses of kyanite o bluekyanite r colorlesskyanite 80 81 0.10 (ky,bl) std. 80 (ky,bl) std. 81 Sample n: 5 dev. (Cr-*) n:4 dev. (ky,col) 0.08 sio, 36.52 0.28 36.94 36.61 0.57 36.92 Tio, 0.01 0.01 bd 0.03 0.02 M Al2o3 58.39 0.59 58.89 61.1 o.42 63.15 o 0.06 Cr2O3 3.85 0.46 4.35 2.44 0.28 0.26 c FeO, o.21 0.04 0.17 0.27 0.ff, 0.26 (U MnO 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.01 0.02 M .! Nio 0.01 0.02 bd M bd 0.04 Mgo 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 CaO bd bd 0.02 o.02 0.02 o ooov --oo Naro 0.03 0.05 0.12 bd 0.01 o.o2 GO 0.02 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 A Total 99.14 100.62 100.55 100.68 Si 1.007 1.006 0.992 0.991 0.00 L AI 1.899 1.89 1.951 1.999 1.88 1.90 1.92 1.94 1.96 1.98 2.00 Ti <0.001 bd 0.001 bd Cr 0.084 0.094 0.052 0.006 Al (kyanite) Fe3* 0.08 0.004 0.005 0.006 Mn 0.001 0.001 <0.001 bd Mg <0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 o greenstaurolite r yellowstaurolite Ni <0.001 bd bd bd Ca bd bd 0.001 0.001 A staurolitefrom eclogites Na 0.001 0.006 bd 0.001 1.4 K 0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 't.2 Notej 80, 81 : kyanite-stauroliterocks; ky: kyanite (bt: blue, 'F& col : colorless,Cr-*: analyzedkyanite with maximum content in Cr); all o Fe considered as Fes* in the structural formulae; trd: below detection E 1.0 fimit of 0.01 tt'rtoh;11: number ot analyses in the same ; std. e dev. : standard deviation. E o.g o ""&x 0.6 of Cr in the rock. The presence,locally, of small inclu- o oQ - sions of Cr-rich spinel within blue kyanite in the matrix 0.4 O l'.: suggeststhat Cr contents in kyanite and associatedspinel 0.2 may be related by a reaction such as AlrSiOj (in kyanite) B -ilx : + FeCrrOo(in spinel) Cr,SiO, (in kyanite) + FeAlrOo 0.0 (in spinel). Becauseit has not been determined whether 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 increasing pressuredrives this reaction to the right, Sei- Al (staurolite) fert and Langer's(1970) resultsmust be applied with cau- tion to these rocks. Fig. 5. (A) Cr vs. Al for kyanitefrom kyanite-staurolite-bear- ing rocks;the leastsquares regression line shownfor blue kyanite Staurolite is y : L233 - 0.6093x(r : 0.84).(B) Cr vs. Al for staurolite rocks (green yellow stauro- Representativeanalyses of grcen and yellow staurolite from kyanite-staurolite-bearing and lite) from Mg- and Al-rich eclogites(open triangles).The presented and are in Table 4; chemical formulae were calcu- green y : :25.53, least squaresregression line shown for staurolite is lated on the basis of Si + Al + Cr as recom- 13.1359- 0.7286x(r: 0.95). mended by Holdaway et al. (1986). It may be observed from the data in Table 4 and those plotted in Figures 58 and 6 that the green staurolite is distinctly richer in Cr The magnesian(up to 0.744 Xr,) and chromian (up to than the yellow staurolite. X., values of both types of 6.43 wto/oCrrO.) compositions of the staurolite (Table 4) staurolite are higher than those of the staurolite in the are unusual. Staurolite with higher Xr, ratio has been Mg- and Al-rich eclogites(samples 38 and 400, Table 4, found only as rare inclusions within pyrope crystals in Fig. 6). The staurolite grains in the kyanite-staurolite- metasedimentsat the Dora Maira massif, western Alps bearing rocks exhibit considerable heterogeneity. Xr, (Chopin, 1987:,X*": 0.80-0.95), while comparablehigh- rangesfrom 0.579 to 0.726 (average)for different crystals Xr, values(X*":0.737 as average)have been reported of green staurolite in one sample (82). The variations are from staurolite occurring as pseudomorphsafter garnet, even greater considering different types of staurolite; CrrO, corundum, and kyanite within ultramafics from Donghai rangesfrom 6.26 wto/ofor green staurolite to 0.27 in yel- District, China (Enami andZang, 1988). The maximum low staurolite grains in sample 80. In a few cases,Cr Cr content so far recorded was 2.2 wto/oCrrO, in meta- values may also differ considerablywithin the samecrys- troctolites from Madagascar (Nicollet, 1986), which is tal (e.9.,0.33 to 2.03 wo/oCrrO, in one crystal from sam- much lower than the values for staurolite analyzedin this ple 8l). Ti, Ni, Mn, and Zn concentrations are low in study. analyzed staurolite. Ward (1984) has reported a CrrO, content of 2.01 wto/o GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE 507

o greenstaurolite I yellowstaurolite Cr-rich coexisting minerals (0.08, vs. 0.047 in Cr-rich A staurolitefrom eclogiles kyanite), which may indicate partitioning of Cr into stau- rolite. In addition, analyzed staurolite shows higher Cr 125 e contents when it contains inclusions of chromite (e.g., o one staurolite in sample 80 with 5.81 wo/o CrrO, as av- o erage, contains chromite with as much as 5O.74 wto/o 1.00 u€; o CrrOr, Tables 2 and 4), which suggeststhat the recorded o os te values may representnear-saturation Cr contents. It may I 075 B be noted that Cr contents in staurolite do not correlate 3 o (U with XMsvalues in the same mineral (Fig. 6), which is o 050 d consistentwith previous findings ofhigh Cr contentsboth o s in Mg- and Fe-rich staurolite (Demange, 1976; Ward, 1984;Nicollet,1986). 025 o o Average Si contents per formula unit range from ca. 7.5 to 8. These values are comparable to those reported 0.00 magnesian in the literature 03 0.4 from most staurolite samples (e.g., 1984; Ward, 1984;Nicollet, 1986; XMe(staurolite) Schreyeret al., Enami andZ,ang,1988;using the Si + Al + Cr : 25.53 Fig. 6. Cr vs. X* Me/(Mg normalization schemefor formula calculation). t: + Fe)l for staurolitefrom ky- : anite-staurolite-bearingrocks (greenand yellow staurolite)and Substitutions of Al by Cr and of 3(Mg,Fe) 2Al in from Mg- and Al-rich eclogites(open triangles). octahedral sites are indicated by good negative correla- tions between Al vs. Cr and (Fe + Mg + Mn * Zn) vs. Ay + Ti * Cr, where Al' : Al + Si - 8, (Figs. 58 and in a staurolite; he pointed out that the abseqceofa chro- 7). As in the caseof kyanite, there is, however, a signifi- mite phase implied that the recorded values need not cant difference between observed and ideal Al : Cr sub- represent saturated Cr contents. [Actually, reported atomic stitution (Fig. 5B). Staurolite closely follows the maxi- Cr/(Cr + Al) is lower than in coexisting, Cr-poor min- mum likelihood line calculated by Griffen et al. (1982), erals.lNicollet (1986)has reported a CrrO, contentof 2.2 or that ofGrew and Sandiford (1985), when Ti, as sug- rvto/oin staurolite coexisting with moderately Cr-rich spi- gestedby Schreyeret al. (1984), and Cr are added to Al' nel (8.3 wto/oCrrO.). In the present case,analyzed stau- (Fig. 7B). Otherwise, only the yellow staurolite approach- rolite presentshigher Cr/(Cr + Al) ratios than relatively es the trend corresponding to the second substitution,

TaBLE4. Chemicalanalyses of staurolite

80 (st, gt) 80 (st, yel) Sample n:5 std. dev. 80 (Cr.J n:5 std. dev. 81 (mgJ 38 400 sio, 29.23 o.24 29.3 28.92 0.14 29.03 27.63 27.71 Tio, 0.20 0.08 0.24 0.14 0.1 0.14 0.16 0.15 AI2O3 50.28 o.7'l 49.77 53.76 0.51 55.27 54.O2 55.03 CrrO" 5.81 0.46 6.43 0.55 0.16 2.85 0.03 0.02 FeO, 5.44 0.14 s.59 8.88 0.19 4.13 12.58 12.14 MnO 0.05 0.04 0.0s 0.13 0.05 bd 0.08 0.12 Nio 0.03 0.04 0.09 0.03 0.01 0.11 bd 0.03 ZnO bd bd 0.1 0.07 0.24 bd 0.2 Mgo 6.88 0.09 6.92 5.69 0.12 6.72 3.21 3.33 CaO 0.07 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.08 bd bd 0.02 Naro bd bd bd 0.01 bd 0.01 t&o 0.02 0.03 bd 0.07 0.05 0.01 bd bd Total 98.01 98.44 98.36 98.49 97.71 98.74 si 8.015 8.038 7.96 7.685 7.723 7.64 AI 16.256 16.1 17.449 17.248 17.8 17.88 Ti 0.042 0.05 0.029 0.027 0.034 0.031 Cr 1.259 1.394 0.12 0.597 0.007 0.005 Fe 1.247 1.282 2.044 0.914 2.941 2.798 Mn 0.012 0.01 0.03 bd 0.019 0.028 Mg 2.813 2.829 2.3lit6 2.649 1.ff17 1.368 Ni 0.007 0.019 0.007 0.023 bcl 0.006 Zn bd bd 0.021 0.046 bd 0.004 Ca 0.019 0.021 0.027 bd bd 0.004 Na bd bd bd 0.00s bd 0.003 K 0.006 M 0.025 0.002 bd bd Nofe;80, 81 : kyanit+stauroliterocks; 38, 400 = eclogiteswith yellow staurolite; st = staurolite(gr : green,yel : yellow);Cr.- : analyzedstaurolit€ with maximum content in Cr, m9.",: analyzed staurolite with maximum mg ratio [mg : Mg/(Mg + Fe)]; bd: below detection limit ot 0.01 wto/o; n: number of analyses in the same crystal; std, dev. : standard deviation. 508 GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE

o greenstaurolite t y€llowstaurolite o gre€nstaurolite yellowstaurolite A staurolitefrom eclogites 18.25 o E 0.7 1775 (0 A o o = ^ 0.6 o c N J 17.25 (U ? at - ? u.c o < 16.75 lJ- + o, l6 25 E fro.", 0.3 0 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 18.00 Fei(Mg+Fe+Mn+Zn)(staurolite)

=o 17.50 o greenstaurolite r yellowstaurolite e 0.8 (Uf o 1700 o E o.7 o f + F 1650 v, + oo c 0.6 Griflenet al. N 16.00 B + s T U.C o .tte IL It + I 3.0 32 3.4 3 6 3.8 4.0 4.2 4.4 4.6 o @8r Fe+Mg+Mn+Zn (staurolite) o TT B b, Fig. 7. (Fe + Mg + (A) (Al, Mn + Zn) vs. Al, and vs. + T' 0.3 + Cr) (B), for staurolite from kyanite-staurolite-bearing rocks 17.0 17.2 17.4 17.6 17.8 (green and yellow staurolite) and from Mg- and Al-rich eclogites 18.0 (open triangles). Ay : Al + Si - 8. The maximum likelihood Al'+Ti+Cr(staurolit€) lines of Griffen et al. (1982) and Ward (1984, calculated by Grew Fig. 8. Me/(Mg + Fe + Mn + Zn) vs. Fe/(Mg + Fe + Mn and Sandiford, 1985) are shown. A least squaresregression line + Zn) (A) and vs. A1' + Ti + Cr (B), for greenand yellow (not shown) for analyzed staurolite from the kyanite-staurolite- staurolitefrom kyanite-staurolite-bearingrocks. The leastsquares bearing rocks correspondsto y : 20.2031 - 0.7017x (r: 0.98). regressionline for all stauroliteplotted in A correspondsto y : (Not having the data to renormalize analysesfrom the literature, 0.967- 0.9206x(r: 0.985). we have used the same normalization as the authors cited, i.e., cationic proportions are here on the basis of 46 O atoms.) Cr and Mg/(Mg + Fe + Mn + Zn) (Fig. 8B). Staurolite is characteristicallylower in X., than coexisting silicates, whereas the green staurolite plots far below that trend although Xr, staurolite > Xr, garnet is common in many (Fie. 7A). low- to medium-pressuremetapelites (BallCvre et d., 1989 Mg incorporation seemsto be accounted for by a Mg and referencestherein). Reversalsin Fe-Mg partitioning : Fe substitution scheme, as deduced from the plot of have also been experimentally obtained by Rice (1985) Mg/(Me * Fe * Mn + Zn) vs. Fe/(Mg * Fe * Mn * and proposed on the basis of staurolite solution models Zn) [Fig. 8A; this is an Mg vs. Fe plot in which variation by Holdaway et al. (1988). In this case,the maximum of (Fe + Mg + Mn + Zn) vs. Al'is canceledl.In contrast, Xr. values recorded are, within the limits of analytical there is no correlation betweenMg content or X"n,values error, similar for both staurolite and garnet 0.744 and, and other cation contents, such as cation total or cations 0.748, respectively. Compared with coexisting amphi- in staurolite monolayer except for Al' (i.e., FM : Fe + bole, however, staurolite has consistently lower X*rval- Mn + Mg * Zn i Co + Ni + Li + Ti) as suggestedby ues (>0.9 in amphibole). Ward (1984) and Enami and 7-ang(1988) for Mg-rich staurolite elsewhere.Neither is Mg incorporation con- Spinel trolled by an r6tAl : Mg + H substitution scheme as Representativeanalyses of interstitial grains of spinel deducedfrom the lack of correlation betweenAl' + Ti + in blue kyanite (+ staurolite) aggregatesand of armored GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE 509

green staurolite formed through reactions involving de- struction of Cr-rich spinel. The latter mineral, having the greatestaffinity for Cr [Crl(Cr + Al) up to 0.67 vs. 0.08 in staurolite and 0.05 in kyanitel, should become pro- c25 .8 gressivelyenriched in Cr, which explains the presenceof 5 armored relics of chromite and of spinel grains with vari- garnet, o920 able CrlAl ratios. The remaining kyanite, zoisite, o staurolite, and amphibole should form through recrystal- o- 15 d lization of primitive igneous phases or of their lower- 3rod grade metamorphic equivalent. The latter could likely oe plagioclase, chlorite, and as suggestedabove; however, except for the occurrenceof zoisite inclusions within garnet and, more rarely, within amphibole, and of some kyanite inclusions within the latter mineral, there 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 is no textural evidence ofreactions involved. Temperature('C) Minimum P-Z conditions for the first metamorphic association recorded, i.e., colorless kyanite + zoisite in- Fig. 9. Approximatestability fietds(stippled zoisite areas)of cluded in other minerals, may be inferred from experi- + kyanite(after Chatterjee,1976) and magnesium staurolite (af- mental results by Chatterjee (1976) for this assemblage: ter Schreyer,I 988) relative to lineargeotherms. The area labeled : I (Fig. 9, eclogitecorresponds to the pressureand temperatureestimate 450-550 "C and 6-8 kbar, assuming duzo for the eclogiteenclosing the kyanite-staurolite-bearingrocks (af- values reach 600'C, 9 kbar if resultsby Newton, 1966 ter Gil Ibarguchiet al., 1990).Abbreviations are as follows: Ctd and Storre and Nitsch, 1974 are considered).Subsequent : magresiumchloritoid, Ky: kyanite,Co : corundum,Chl : evolution should be toward higher P and Z, since Cr-rich chlorite,Y : yoderite,En : . kyanite and Mg-rich staurolite that formed later are known from experiment to be stable under high pressure and temperatureconditions (Schreyer,1968; Schreyer and relics within green staurolite are presented in Table 2. Seifert, 1969; Seifert and Langer, 1970; Hellman and Interstitial grains show highly variable composition. Most Green, 1979). Using the experimental data obtained by ofthem correspondto Cr-rich spinel with rather variable Schreyer(1968) and Schreyerand Seifert(1969), Schreyer CrlAl ratios, even within a single crystal, but Fe'?+-rich (1988) showedthat the stability field of magnesium stau- chromite may be present too. Dark brown crystals are rolite covers a wide range from approximately 13 to far richer in Cr than light brown ones. Crystals enclosedin greater than 50 kbar and from 700 to greater than 1000 greenstaurolite correspondto Fe,+-rich chromite, similar "C (Fig. 9). Hellman and Green (1979) reported synthesis in composition to the interstitial grains, although richer ofMg-rich staurolite (X*"> 0.52), from an olivine tholei- in Cr. ite of composition not very different from that of the rocks studied here, at pressuresof 24-26 kbar and tem- PnrnocBNorrc TNTERPRETATToN peraturesof 740-760 .C. It may be noted that P-?" con- The observedassociation of hornblende-garnet-zoisite- ditions calculatedfor associatedeclogites, ca. 800 "C, >17 kyanite-staurolitemay be consideredas one of the several kbar, (Fig. 9, Gil Ibarguchi et al., 1990) are in the range subassemblagesthat may develop from the chemical sys- of P-T values that may be assumedfor the formation of tem SiOr-AlrOr-FerOr-TiOr-FeO-MgO-MnO-CaO-KrO- Mg-rich staurolite and Cr-rich kyanite. TheseP-1" values NarO-HrO-CO,. Selverstoneet al. (1984) presenteda are consistentwith the structural evidencethat the horn- graphical analysis of the assemblagesfor two l2-phase blende-garnet-zoisite-kyanite-staurolite-bearingrocks suites within this system,including the five phasesmen- have undergonethe same deformation events as enclos- tioned. According to these authors, the unusual mineral ing eclogites. association of hornblende + kyanite + staurolite is in- An attempt to estimate I'conditions during the eclo- dicative of reactions such as plagioclase + chlorite + gitic episode in the hornblende-garnet-zoisite-kyanite- epidote: hornblende + staurolite * kyanite + parago- staurolite rocks using available calibrations for garnet- nite, which must take place under conditions "not com- staurolite and garnet-hornblende equilibria (Perchuk, monly attained during regional ." A re- 1977;Perchuk et al., 1985;Powell, 1985)yield scattered action grid for K-poor pelitic and mafic rocks presented results. This is quite likely causedby the high Ca content by Froese and Hall (1983) suggeststhat these are high in garnet, the low Fe concentrationin amphibole, and the pressureand temperature conditions. variable Fe-Mg ratio of staurolite. Staurolite and garnet Textural data indicate that zoisite and colorlesskyanite in mutual contact from sample 8l yield a temperature of were the first metamorphic phasesto form in the rocks; ca. 700 oC,but use of mineral compositions of garnet and staurolite, garnet, blue kyanite, and amphibole, along with staurolite not in contact from the same thin section re- more zoisite and colorlesskyanite, formed later. Textural sults in temperaturesfrom 685 to 870'C. Calibrations of and mineralogical evidencesuggest that blue kyanite and garnet-hornblendeequilibrium by Perchuk et al. (1985) 510 GIL IBARGUCHI ET AL.: CT-RICH STAUROLITE AND KYANITE

and Powell (1985) yield comparable, very scatteredre- Reversal of Fe-Mg partitioning between garnet and staurolite in eclo- sults: 550-740 and 515-715 "C, respectively. gite-facies metapelites fiom the Champtoceux Nappe @rittany, France). Journal of Petrology,30, 132l-1349. CoNcr,usroNs Bernard-Griffiths, J., Peucat, J.J., Comichet, J., Iglesias Ponce de Leon, M., and Gil Ibarguchi,J.I. (1985)U-Pb, Nd isotopeand REE geochem- Mg- and Cr-rich staurolite [up to 0.744 Mg/(Mg + Fe) istry in eclogites from the Cabo Ortegal C-omplex, Galicia, Spain: An and 6.43 wto/oCrrOrl and Cr-rich kyanite (up to 4.35 wto/o example of REE immobility conserving MORB-like patterns during CrrO.) occur in metamorphosed,Al-rich, ultrabasic rocks high-grade metamorphism. Chemical (Isotope Geoscience Section), 52, 217-225. associatedwith eclogites in the Cabo Ortegal complex. Boivin, P. (1982) Interactions entre magmasbasaltiques et Manteau Su- Green pleochroism of staurolite and blue pleochroism of perieur, 344 p. Th0se Universit6 Clermont-Ferrand, Clermont-Fer- kyanite presumably result from Cr substitution for Al in rand, France. octahedral sites of these minerals. Mg incorporation in Chatterjee, N.D. (1976) Margarite stability and compatibility relations in pressuro.temperature staurolite requires cation substitution in tetrahedral Fe the system CaO-Al,Or-SiO,-H,O as a indicator. American Mineralogist, 61, 699-7 09. sites. Chopin, C. (1987) Very high-pressure metamorphism in t}re western Alps: The formation of an earlier Cr-poor kyanite + zoisite Implications for subduction of continental crust. Philosophical Trans- assemblagein the rocks studied suggestsa former meta- actions ofthe Royal Society of London, ser. A, 32 1, 183-1 97. morphic stage under P-Z conditions greater than 450- Coleman, R.G., ke, D.E., Beatty,L.B., and Brannock,W.W. (1965) Eclo- gites 550'C and 6-8 kbar. Mg- and Cr-rich staurolite and eclogites: Their differences and similarities. Geological Soci- and Cr- ety of America Bulletin, 76,483-508. rich kyanite formed subsequentlyin theserocks through Cooper, A.F- (1980) Retrogradealteration ofchromian kyanite in meta- reactionsinvolving destruction of, and Cr enrichment in, chert and amphibolite whiteschist frorn the Southern Alps, New Zea- Cr-rich spinel. These reactions likely took place during land, with implications for uplift on the Alpine Fault. Contributions to the eclogitic episode,for which P-Z conditions have been and Petrology, 75, 153-164. Demange, (l paragendse estimated at ca. 800 oC, >17 M. 976) Une i staurotide et tschermakile d'Ovala kbar. It appearsthat under (Gabon). Bulletin de la Soci6t6 Frangaise de Min6ralogie et Cristallo- these conditions staurolite has a greater affinity for Cr graphie, 99, 379-402. relative to Al than coexisting kyanite. It is also observed Enami, M., and Zang,Q. (1988) Magnesianstaurolite in gamet-corundum that, in spite of considerablevariations, Mg/Fe ratios in rocks and eclogite from the Donghai district, Jiangsu province, east American staurolite are consistently lower than those in the coex- China. Mineralogist, 73, 48-56. Evensen, M.M., Hamilton, P.J., and O'Nions, R.K. (1978) Rare-earth isting amphibole, but as high as those of the associated abundances in chondritic meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica garnet. Acta,42, 1199-1212. We suggestthat Mg- and Cr-rich staurolite and Cr-rich Froese, 8., and Hall, R.D. (1983) A reaction grid for potassium-poor pelitic kyanite were stable through eclogitic metamorphism. High and mafic rocks. Current research, part A, Geological Survey of Canada,Paper 83-lA, l2l-124. Mg contents in staurolite good may be indicators of ele- Gil Ibarguchi, J.I., Mendia, M., Girardeau, J., and Peucat, J.J. (1990) vated pressuresduring metamorphism of hydrous basic/ Petrology of eclogites and clinopyroxene-garnet metabasites from the ultrabasic compositions. Although the Cr contents of ky- Cabo Ortegal complex (Northwestem Spain). Lithos, 25, 13l-162. anite and staurolite could indicate Cr-rich bulk compo- Govindaraju, K., and Mevelle, G. (1987) Fully automateddissolution and sition, the occurence of small, colorless,Cr-poor kyanite separation methods for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry rock analysis. Application to the included in matrix determination of rare minerals and blue, Cr-rich, matrix ky- earth elements. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2, 615- anite suggestincreasing Cr substitution in kyanite with 621. increasingpressure and temperature. Mg-rich calcic am- Grew, 8.S., and Sandiford, M. (1984) A staurolite- assemblagein tour- phibole, instead ofpyroxene, was apparently a stable phase maline-phlogopite-chlorite from northem Victoria I-and, Ant- p€trogenetic during eclogitic metamorphism in the kyanite-staurolite- arctica, and its significance. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 87, 337-350. bearing rocks, but evaluation of equilibrium conditions -(1985) Staurolite in a gamet-hornblende-biotiteschist from the on the basis of published garnet-staurolite and garnet- I-anterman Range, northem Victoria Land, Antarctica. Neues Jahr- hornblende calibrations points to the need for further ex- buch fiir Mineralogie Monatshefte, 9,396-410. perimental and thermodynamic modeling than that pres- Griffen, D.T., Gosney,T.C., and Phillips, W.R. (1982) The chemical for- ently available. mula of natural staurolite. American Mineralogist, 67 , 292-297 . Hellman, P.L., and Green, T.H. (1979) The high pressureexperimental crystallization of staurolite in hydrous mafic compositions. Contribu- AcrNowr,rncMENTS tions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 68, 369-37 2. We would like to thank E.-an Znn and Edward S. Grew for their con- Helms, T.S., McSween,H.Y., Jr., hbolka, T.C., and Jarosewich,E. (1987) structive criticism. Finanical support by UPV and DGICYT grants (130/ Petrology of a Blue Ridge amphibotite unil with homblende 310-139.89and PB89-0411)to J.I.G.I.and M.M., and by French-Spanish + + kyanite + staurolite. American Mineralogist, 72, 1086- Cooperation Project (l 12) to J.I.GI., M.M., and J.G. is acknowledged. 1096. Holdaway, M.J., Dutrow, B.L., and Shore, P. (1986) A model for the RrrnnrNcns crrED crystal chemistry of staurolite.American Mineralogist, 7 l, | 142-1 159. Holdaway, M.J., Dutrow, 8.L., and Hinton, R.W. 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