Leckhampton & Warden Hill Community Magazine Summer 2020


For more information on Home Improvements and how we can help you: Andy Pitt 07766 087443 email: [email protected] your home improvement specialist Please make use of our Parish CONTENTS noticeboards! Message from the Chairman 5 We have six noticeboards distributed across the Parish. Not only do these display local information, Who’s who on the Parish Council 6 but are available for community events to be How the Parish Council works for you 8 advertised at no charge. Spotlight on the Highways Committee 9 These are located at: Traffic monitoring in our neighbourhood 10 • Undercliff Avenue, Hill • Leckhampton Village Hall How clean is the air that we breathe? 13 • Farm Lane/Brizen Lane Keeping our neighbourhood safe 15 • Jasmin Way • The Brizen Centre Protecting your home from flooding 16 • Salisbury Avenue Help us monitor the drainage 17 The pubs are back! 19 Local walks: Leckhampton church 20 The battle for Leckhampton Hill 22 The Warden Hill Flag 24 Blooms in Warden Hill 24 Weaver’s Field 25

COMMUNITY DIRECTORY A– Z of local services 26 – 34 Please do not stick posters to the outside of Please support local business! the noticeboard as this can obscure important If you would like to advertise in our information. If you would like to advertise an event next magazine, please get in touch then please send a poster by email or post to our Parish Clerk, who will arrange to with the Clerk, Arlene Deane. Arlene Deane display it in each of the noticeboards.

Published by: Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Council Contact: Arlene Deane, You can also keep in contact through our Clerk to the Parish Council website and social media phone-alt07739 719079 twitter@LwWHPC facebook LWWHPC  [email protected] window-maximizewww.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk

This magazine has been created, edited and distributed by volunteers and production costs have been largely covered by advertising revenue.


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4 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Message from the Chairman Welcome to our first magazine and directory. We hope that you like the format and find it useful.

Dear resident, community for the next few years. We strongly As Chairman I am very pleased to introduce you to encourage you to take part. our new Parish Magazine. It is the first time we have We have responded in detail to several major published one so please let us know what you think. planning applications, most recently the proposed The expansion of Leckhampton with Warden Hill Leckhampton High School. The school will be a Parish in 2018 made it the largest Parish Council very important asset to the Parish, but we remain in Cheltenham, covering around 4000 households concerned about how the school will affect the and with 18 Councillors representing both wards. valued landscape and environment/ecology of the We have an annual income of over £60,000. Parish Leckhampton Fields and about potentially serious Council members are all volunteers who give their impact on traffic congestion and local residents. time and their expertise for the local community. Since 2012 we have been striving to have the most Having the right mix of expertise and enthusiasm important parts of the Leckhampton Fields protected is vital to the Council’s role. Importantly, all of the as Local Green Space (LGS). The LGS is finally being Cheltenham Borough Councillors for Leckhampton designated through the new Cheltenham Plan with and Warden Hill are members of the Parish Council, an area of around 25 hectares protected from future as is our County Councillor. That helps the Council to development. Covid-19 has demonstrated how take a balanced and integrated approach on issues hugely important this open space is to residents. and investments, often making use of joint funding The Parish Council also maintains the footpaths from the County and Borough Councils. on the Leckhampton Fields and we are making Under normal circumstances we meet once a various footpath improvements in partnership with month in a local venue. However current restrictions landowners and the Cotswold Voluntary Wardens. mean that we are holding meetings virtually and We regularly give grants to charities that provide we may need to continue to do so for a while yet. benefits and services to the Parish. However this Members of the public are very welcome to attend year we gave out additional grants (£10k in total) to virtually or in person once the Covid-19 restrictions the Sue Ryder hospice at Leckhampton Court, the allow. You will find details of dates, places or online Samaritans, Winston’s Wish, Maggie’s, the Mayors arrangements on our website and social media food bank fund, the Cheltenham Animal Shelter platforms. and Caring for Communities and People (CCP In this magazine, you can read about some of the Cheltenham). projects we have been working on. These include For the coming year new projects include an refurbishing the Salisbury Avenue toddler play additional bus service, double yellow lines at area (page 8), adopting 14 flower planters around dangerous traffic spots, outdoor keep fit equipment, Warden Hill (page 24), and measuring air pollution a youth project for the summer holidays and tree levels in various parts of the Parish (page 13). We planting. also monitor traffic around hotspots (page 10). Our Neighbourhood Plan will go out for Consultation later this year. This will set out a vision for our Penny Henty, Chairman and Councillor LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 5 Who’s who on the Parish Council

Penny Henty Chairman Margaret White (Leckhampton) [email protected] margaretstephensonwhite11@ 01242 583601 gmail.com 01242 523668

Elizabeth Barker (Leckhampton) Rosemary Baillie (Warden Hill) [email protected] 01242 580111 01242 232151

Ian Bickerton (Leckhampton) Phil Bennett (Warden Hill) [email protected] [email protected] 01242 250473 07790 593654

Stephen Cooke (Leckhampton) Iain Dobie (Warden Hill) [email protected] [email protected] 01242 575769

Peter Frings (Leckhampton) Emma Nelson (Warden Hill) [email protected] [email protected] 01242 228178 07747 028287

Martin Horwood (Leckhampton) Tony Oliver (Warden Hill) [email protected] 01242 580521 01242 216995

Vivienne Matthews (Leckhampton) Anne Regan (Warden Hill) [email protected] 01242 255556 01242 239122

Adrian Mears (Leckhampton) Ian White (Warden Hill) [email protected] 01242 513454 01242 521050

Arlene Deane Clerk James Parker (Leckhampton) james.parker@ clerk@leckhamptonwithwardenhill- leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk pc.gov.uk 07739 719079

6 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Councillors have specific responsibilities as listed Neighborhood watch/police liaison below. Do get in touch with us. Phil Bennett. Highways and roads , Adrian Mears, Stephen Cooke, Community building Vivienne Matthews, Emma Nelson. Tony Oliver, Rosemary Baillie, Iain Dobie, Emma Nelson, Phil Bennett, Anne Regan, Ian White. Snow wardens Traffic monitoring James Parker, Elizabeth Barker (Leckhampton) Emma Nelson, Phil Bennett (Warden Hill) Stephen Cooke, Emma Nelson, Adrian Mears.

Flood wardens Brizen Young People’s Centre Adrian Mears, James Parker (Leckhampton) Tony Oliver, Anne Regan, Emma Nelson, Phil Bennett. Anne Regan, Rosemary Baillie, Ian White (Warden Hill) Air pollution monitoring Greens and open spaces Peter Frings, James Parker, Ian Bickerton, Ian White. Adrian Mears (Leckhampton), Anne Regan (Warden Hill) Neighbourhood Planning Forum Footpaths & Rights of way Ian Bickerton (Chair); Margaret White (Secretary); Adrian Mears and James Parker (Leckhampton) Vivienne Matthews, Adrian Mears, Martin Horwood, Emma Nelson (Warden Hill) Stephen Cooke, Elizabeth Barker, Ian White.

THE BRIZEN YOUNG PEOPLE’S CENTRE Serving Young People in the south Cheltenham area. Way, Warden Hill, Cheltenham, GL51 4BB

Brizen Young People’s Centre is available to hire for just £14 per hour. The hall is ideal for children’s parties (up to age 12), drama, music and dance classes, weight loss, keep fi t, toddler groups and business seminars. Kitchen, full disabled access and plenty of free parking. You can check for availability on our website calendar at www.thebrizenyoungpeoplescentre.org.uk To make a booking, call Alison on 07526 268544 or email [email protected]

LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 7 How the Parish Council works for you

Most of your local services are provided by either County Council or Cheltenham Borough Council. But some services and functions are delegated to the Parish Council on the basis that the local community will better identify those services which are of most value to the area. Some of the services provided by your Parish Council include: • Working with and allocating grants to various local voluntary organisations such as the Brizen Youth Trust, and In Bloom for Warden Hill. • Installing and maintaining the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) and Toddlers Play Area on Salisbury Avenue. • Creating and maintaining a Neighbourhood Plan to help protect our area from inappropriate development. • Reviewing Planning Applications submitted within the area to assess whether these comply The Toddlers Play Area in Salisbury Avenue, funded by the Parish Council with our Neighbourhood Plan. • There are also committees which include: Finance, Air Pollution, Highways, Traffic monitoring, Community Engagement, Flood Prevention. • applying for double yellow lines to be installed at dangerous traffic hotspots around the Parish. The Parish Council also supports a range of community projects, such as: • providing funding to enable an extra Friday service for the Community M Bus to Morrisons from Warden Hill. • with Up Hatherley Parish Council and the Brizen Trust, we jointly fund summer holiday Youth Activity Courses with an aim to reduce anti-social behaviour. • encouraging tree planting in the more urban parts of the parish. • funding Junior Table Tennis Coaching at the Salisbury Avenue MUGA. • we are also planning a Trim Trail in Burrows Field. The Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) 8 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE  Spotlight on the Highways Committee The Parish Council has a sub-committee on from our three local nursing homes, and those with Highways which meets every 3 months with the buggies, into the road. In addition, parking on grass Local Highways Manager from Gloucestershire verges destroys the grass and turns the verge into County Council (GCC). (It is the County Council mud, the pavement then becomes slippery and which has responsibility for Cheltenham’s dangerous for pedestrians. highways and schools.) At this meeting we discuss the many issues which arise regarding our local roads and pavements. We highlight roads which we believe need re- surfacing entirely and/or more general pothole repair. We also identify roads where we think that double yellow lines are needed for safety reasons. We are trying to work with GCC to limit the impact of increased traffic which could be generated by Obstructive parking outside the Co-op on Leckhampton Road the proposed Leckhampton High School. To this Some users of the Co-op in Leckhampton park end the Parish Council has installed both speed on the pavement even though it is marked ‘Keep and air monitoring equipment across the Parish, Clear’. We are hopeful this situation will improve in order to identify areas of concern and improve with our local police now regularly keeping an safety. eye on this. The Parish Council will also be issuing There are increasing problems with people parking ‘polite notices’ on offending cars. We are in on pavements, grass verges, and also parking too discussion with the Co-op regarding their plans to close to junctions. This is potentially illegal and extend their car park, although this is on hold at the certainly unsafe, as it forces wheel chair users, moment.

Stay informed through the Parish Council website There’s a wide range of useful information on our website. You’ll find news about planning applications, consultations such as the Cheltenham Local Plan, large housing developments, the new secondary school, and much more. There’s also a contact page where you window-maximizewww.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk can sign up for email updates, and also make comments, ask questions, twitter@LwWHPC facebookLWWHPC or suggest new initiatives.

LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 9 Traffic monitoring in our neighbourhood

Two new traffic monitoring units have been which limits the choice of sites for fixed deployment. purchased by the Parish Council. These were Both of the units acquire data but only one displays acquired to investigate residents’ concerns about vehicle speed. The regulations stipulate that the excessive vehicle speed, volume of traffic and road display of vehicle speed is only permitted for limited safety issues, especially near schools. periods at a time. When the speed display is turned The monitors can be fixed to different lamp posts off, the unit continues to acquire vehicle data. and moved between them, or used on a tripod. On the next page, there is a table summarising some They acquire timed data about vehicle numbers and of our initial results. The monitoring was carried speed in specific locations. The information obtained out in March 2020, on Church Road, at the junction can be used to inform strategic issues, for example between Kidnappers Lane and Crippetts Lane. related to new developments or schools. The speed limit here is 30mph. Over 50% of drivers Although the vehicle speed data recorded cannot be are exceeding this speed limit, with the average used to prosecute drivers, if evidence of antisocial speeder clocking up 35mph. Detailed results from driving or speeding is found, the results can be used this and other locations monitored so far, can be to request further intervention and enforcement by viewed on the Parish Council website: the local Police. The units do not themselves record photographs or other means to identify individual www.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk vehicles. If you would like to volunteer to help or be involved The units can only be deployed on lamp posts with speed safety monitoring please make contact owned and specifically approved by Gloucestershire through the Parish Clerk, Arlene Deane. County Council. There are strict selection criteria Stephen Cooke and Emma Nelson 10 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Traffic data for Church Road, March 2020 2nd March to 23 March to 22nd March 29 March Average no. of vehicles per week 15,260 7,256

Average daily vehicle count 2,180 1,036

Average weekday daily vehicle count 2,471 1,231

Average no. of weekday vehicles: Peak AM 283 132

Average no. of weekday vehicles:Peak PM 200 97

Vehicles over speed limit per week 8,286 3,921

% vehicles over speed limit per week 54% 54%

Average speeder mph 35 36

Max speed recorded mph 65 60

The column on the right hand side is the first week of the coronavirus ‘lockdown’ – traffic volumes dropped by 50%. Interestingly, the morning peak traffic count accounts for 11.5% of the daily volume. The Nimble Thimble QUALITY REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS Whether it’s too small, too tight, too short, too long or needs a new zip – I can help with ANY alteration required! 40 YEARS’ SEWING EXPERIENCE COLLECTION/DELIVERY SERVICE & FITTING AVAILABLE 01242 863201/07967 966761 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 11 Cheltenham’s plastiC free shop Buy your food and household refills without plastic packaging. Bring your own containers – or we pack

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Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) and Particulate Matter are the two most important air pollutants. Smaller particles under 2.5 microns (referred to as PM2.5) are more dangerous than particles between 2.5 microns and 10 microns (referred to as PM10). The Parish Council is building a monitoring programme for NO2 and PM2.5 Traffic, especially diesel cars, is the main cause of Nitrogen Dioxide pollution. Particulate pollution comes from traffic – but also from agriculture and construction, and for us, the Javelin incinerator near Junction 12 of the M5. Particulates can also be carried into our community by wind, from long distances away. Peter Frings

Nitrogen Dioxide Particulates (PM2.5)

EU limit: 40 µg/m3 annual average WHO limit:10 µg/m3 annual average

We have two particulates monitors installed in the Parish so far. Please get in touch if you are interested in hosting one. Nitrogen Dioxide is measured using diffusion tubes which

record the monthly average level of NO2.

The pollution readings are uploaded to a website in real- The diffusion tubes are located around the parish. Monthly time. You can look at pollution levels in Leckhampton Road readings are available on the Parish Council website. and Church Road by going to www.purpleair.com/map

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14 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Keeping our neighbourhood safe

Introducing our local Police team This will help keep 999 available for when there is Warden Hill is covered by the Benhall and Hatherley an emergency. team. They are Ps Mike Yates, Pc Kaytee Callaghan Bike Marking and PCSO Emily Roberts. The Parish Council is currently in the process of Leckhampton has its own dedicated team. They organising Bike marking and registration events at are Ps Steve Benbow, Pc Rachel Mayberry and Warden Hill and Leckhampton. Details will be posted PCSO Julie Lewis. To contact your local Officer on our website, FaceBook and twitter pages as soon you can either do so through the Gloucestershire as dates and venues have been confirmed. Constabulary website, www.gloucestershire.police. uk, or on 01452 907399. Neighbourhood Watch If there is a threat to well being or property at that As a Parish Council we would like to support moment in time, then you should dial 999. Use Neighbourhood Watch. Do you run a scheme? What the non-emergency number 101 for situations can we do to help you? Please contact the Parish that do not require an immediate police response. Council Clerk, Arlene Deane, for help.

Protecting your property

Burglars look for opportunities. They want to find Install CCTV or digital doorbells empty-looking homes, where they can’t be seen Install external CCTV or digital doorbells. by neighbours and where they can get in and out Burglars don’t want to be seen and these quickly. Take away their opportunities by installing devices can capture evidence we can the recommended ‘WIDE’ combination of security circulate amongst our officers and the public. devices and by carrying out the following actions: Can neighbours see your entrances and exits? Is your back gate your weak spot? Increase the visibility of the entrances Stop access to your back garden. Install and exits of your home. Cut back and strong fences and gates and make sure remove any plants, bushes and high they are kept locked. Make it difficult for fencing that block your neighbour’s view of your burglars to climb over them by adding trellis and home. Burglars do not want to be seen as they spiky plants. Burglars enjoy the privacy of a back may get caught. garden as it allows them to spend the time they Check if valuables are on show need to get into your home. Check what valuables can be seen Mark valuables with forensic marking liquids from the outside of your home. If there Use forensic marking liquids to are items that may look tempting to a increase the likelihood of getting your burglar remove them from view. belongings back. These liquids act like Wheelie bins, tools and heavy garden objects DNA evidence and can be used to link recovered Wheelie bins left out the front offer property back to you. Popular brands include burglars help to get over your fences. SmartWater and SelectaDNA. You may be able to Tools and heavy objects left out help purchase these kits at a discount at police events. them smash or force their way in. Put them away.

LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 15 Protecting your home from flooding Our Parish has two parts. Leckhampton is as land on which flood water might be held back in vulnerable to flash flooding from intense rainfall on future. Leckhampton Hill. Warden Hill is located on flatter Both parts of the Parish lie on Jurassic clay, which land. It can experience flash flooding but is more is very impermeable like the lining of a pond. vulnerable to deep flooding from cumulative rainfall Leckhampton also has deposits of alluvial soil and over a day or more. sand. These made it a very desirable place to live in ancient times when people needed wells for water. The sand and alluvial soil are the reason for the underground streams, springs and ephemeral ponds and flooding of Lotts Meadow in winter. For both Leckhampton and Warden Hill it is vital to have the drains working well. In the storm on 17 June this year over 60 mm of rain fell on Leckhampton Village including Flooding from Hatherley Brook, close to Warden Hill, during the 2007 floods 42 mm in an hour making it The worst flooding in Warden Hill was from the one of the most intense storms in the past 30 years. storm on 20 July 2007 when over 130 mm of rain It caused remarkably little runoff as the ground was fell in Leckhampton Village. It was part of several extremely dry. But there was some flooding because days of heavy storms that caused the worst flooding the road drains were partly blocked. The drains and of the Severn Valley for over 200 years. But for us it was only a 30 year storm; a 100 year storm would have been 170 mm, nearly seven inches. The flood defences built in 2011 to protect Warden Hill are designed to cope with a 100 year storm plus 30% extra for global warming. They hold flood water back on the land at Brizen Farm and have conduits to carry water away safely. The Leckhampton Fields Local Green Space is also important Local homes suffering from flooding in 2007

16 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE sewers are also very important in Warden Hill. It than over Scotland or further north. All three factors was flood water sweeping out the sewers that was contributed to the flooding in June and July 2007. so devastating in July 2007. The sewers have been Global warming also makes it more likely that improved but keeping the road drains and conduits hurricanes will reach the UK. clear is a constant task. If you are interested in possible ways to protect your Global warming may affect future flooding in three property there is information at: ways. A warmer Atlantic and warmer springs https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/ mean more evaporation and heavier storms. uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/7728/ Multiple storms are more likely so that the ground pavingfrontgardens.pdf is saturated. Thirdly, larger fluctuations in the jet https://www.rhs.org.uk/advice/profile?pid=878 stream can route summer storms over us rather Adrian Mears Help us monitor the drainage across our Parish

Flooding in Church Road, Leckhampton, June 2020 Pic: Stephen Cooke

We are trying to keep a log of those properties that Let us know : are affected by heavy rain and flooding – both for • Your full address the flooding in June, and for any future events. This • date of flooding information* can then be fed back to CBC, GCC, • If your property was affected externally (garden/ Severn Trent Water and the Environment Agency so drive). that we can assess whether further improvements to • If your property was affected internally our drainage systems are needed and where. • Any details you think would be helpful. Please e-mail the Parish Council Clerk, Arlene * LWWHPC will only share this information for data Deane on clerk@leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc. collection purposes with CBC, GCC, Severn Trent Water gov.uk if your property is affected by flooding. and the Environment Agency.


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The pubs are back! Pubs in the Parish We’re lucky to have some great local pubs in the The Wheatsheaf 283 Old Bath Road Parish – a rarity these days. And they’re emerging, 01242 525371 butterfl y-like, from months of lockdown at last. The Somerset Arms 30 Moorend Street You’ll notice some changes while Covid19 is still 01242 523889 around. Tables are widely spaced, the Somerset Arms bar is encased in perspex, there are IN and The Norwood Arms Leckhampton & Roads 01242 261190

OUT doors at the Wheatsheaf, and you may be asked to give your name and contact details to help with contact tracing in case a punter or staff member tests positive. And food and snacks may be back on the menu (and you might have to book a table to be sure) but live music isn’t yet.

But these are our treasured locals and they’re facing a tough time with all these restrictions so we all need to support them as much as possible. We’d miss them if they closed.

You did the right thing before by staying at home. Now you can do the right thing by going to the pub even more than you did Free estimates - insured - references available before – it’ll be tough but let’s do it. Cheers! Tel: 07779 637666 / 07743 361752

LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 19 Local walks: Leckhampton church and churchyard

This walk takes about an hour and includes lots Standing at the northeast corner of the church, look of interesting Leckhampton history. at the headstones nearby and you will find Richard Start from the small car park opposite the church, Purser (2 on the map), then the oldest man in cross the road and enter the churchyard of . Mr Purser died in 1868, but had been taken St.Peter’s, Leckhampton, through the old lych gate. by his mother at the age of 4 to see an illumination The avenue of trees are Limes and mark an ancient in honour of the coronation of King George III. That route that leads on up towards Leckhampton Hill. was in 1760, making him 111 when he died. Soon you reach the porch of the church. The church Now head up to the gate leading out to the manor you see now dates mainly from the 14th century and then walk along the back wall until you reach (1) with some earlier Norman elements. On either side on the map. Here lies John Barnett, Father of English of the porch, effigies and tombstones from the 14th Opera. The son of a Prussian jeweller and cousin century, are likely to be members of the Giffard to the German composer Meyerbeer, he composed family, early Lords of the Manor. As you enter the many songs and ballads and directed musical farces porch, note the bearded carved head to the left of at the Lyceum in London. the door, at the base of the arch. This is thought to be John Middleton, the architect who designed the Gate Selected names: enlargement of the church in 1865. 9. Frances (Fanny) Duberly (6). This very famous lady 1: Barnett accompanied her husband on military campaigns a Inside the church, some points to note include: number of times, in a way that caused outrage 2: Purser among her contemporaries, but now strikes a note • The carved stone effigies in the southwest corner, 3: Wilson for empowered feminism. She was a close observer at the Charge of the Light Brigade, one of the first to believed to be of Sir John Giffard, Lord of the 4: McDonnell VC enter Sevastopol and reputedly rode over 3000 miles Manor (who died around 1330) and his Lady. Sir 5: Wyatt bringing relief to cantonments during the Indian Mutiny. John built the church in the early 14th Century; 6: Duberley • The memorials to the Norwood and Trye families 7: Reynolds VC 10. Walk a little further and you reach two very different memorials. Baron de Ferrieres (9) we already in the Lady Chapel, who followed the Giffards, as 8: Smirke mentioned; a noted philanthropist, Mayor of the lords of the manor; 9: De Ferrières Cheltenham, Freemason and Liberal MP. To his right, you will find Evangeline Butler. ‘Eva’ died • The Norman font; 10: Butler when only 6, in a tragic fall from a balcony in their home, The Priory in London Road, when running to • The stained glass windows. Five of these 11: Buckley VC greet her parents. Her mother, Josephine, was to were a gift of Baron de Ferrieres. For a fuller become one of the Victorian period’s greatest campaigners for women’s rights, especially description of the windows, see St. Peter’s Church prostitutes and other exploited women. Leckhampton, The Stained-glass Windows (2013); 11. • The portrait sculpture of William Joseph Gale, set in the north wall. To their west, you will find mention of the third VC; Captain Cecil William Buckley, RN. In the Crimean There is much more to see in the church, where a War Captain Buckley volunteered for a commando separate guide leaflet is available, so feel free to raid on a Russian controlled beach, setting fire to stores, ammunition dumps and destroying enemy linger, but when you leave by the porch, turn right. 12. equipment. Five days later, he did it again. The path you are on, again following a line of Limes, Finally, we arrive at Sir Robert Smirke RA. He leads towards Leckhampton Court, home to the designed the British Museum, the Royal Mint, the Giffards, Norwoods and Tryes; but that will wait for General Post Office and many other imposing public buildings. Locally he designed the Gloucester and another day. Hereford County Halls, the Judge’s Lodgings at Gloucester, parts of Cirencester Park, Hardwicke 20 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 13. Court and Eastnor Castle!

A wealth of information exists about the church and the local history of its surroundings. For more comprehensive coverage, please have a look at the many writings of Eric Miller and others, that can be found referenced from the LLHS web pages.

Produced by Paul McGowan Leckhampton Local History Society

http://leckhamptonlhs.weebly.com Carry on along the back wall of the churchyard and a boatload of troops to safety under incessant fire then head down towards the Glebe Cottages until during the Indian Mutiny, July 1857. The second was you reach Edward Wilson’s grave (3). Wilson was for two separate acts of courage during World War 1; one of the party of five, including Captain Scott, who the rescue of an artillery piece under heavy fire and perished on their return from the South Pole in 1912. singlehandedly silencing an enemy battery (Aug and A local boy, he was brought up in The Crippetts. Sep, 1914). Cheltenham’s museum is now named in his honour Frances (Fanny) Duberly (6). This very famous lady and you can find many artefacts from his journeys accompanied her husband on military campaigns there. a number of times, in a way that caused outrage This churchyard contains many notable military among her contemporaries, but now strikes a note figures. There are at least 30 generals and 7 for empowered feminism. She was a close observer admirals, but pride of place goes to three winners at the Charge of the Light Brigade, one of the first of the VC. As you head back along the path towards to enter Sevastopol and reputedly rode over 3000 the church, you will reach a junction where two miles bringing relief to cantonments during the can be found. William Fraser McDonnell (4) and Indian Mutiny . Major Douglas Reynolds (7). The first is one of only Walk a little further and you reach two very 5 civilians to hold the award and he won it guiding different memorials. Baron de Ferrieres (9) we already mentioned; a noted philanthropist, Mayor Gate Selected names: 9.of Cheltenham,Frances (Fanny) Freemason Duberly (6). and This Liberal very MP.famous To hislady 1: Barnett right,accompanied you will find her husbandEvangeline on militaryButler. ‘Eva’ campaigns died whena number of times, in a way that caused outrage 2: Purser onlyamong six, inher a tragiccontemporaries, fall from abut balcony now strikes in their a home,note 3: Wilson Thefor Priory empowered in London feminism. Road, Shewhen was running a close to observer greet at the Charge of the Light Brigade, one of the first to 4: McDonnell VC herenter parents. Sevastopol Her mother, and reputedly Josephine, rode overwas 3000to become miles 5: Wyatt onebringing of the Victorianrelief to period’scantonments greatest during campaigners the Indian Mutiny. 6: Duberley for women’s rights, especially prostitutes and other 7: Reynolds VC 10.exploitedWalk a littlewomen. further and you reach two very different memorials. Baron de Ferrieres (9) we already 8: Smirke To metheirntioned; west, youa notedwill find philanthropist, mention of theMayor third VC;of 9: De Ferrières CaptainCheltenham, Cecil William Freemason Buckley, and RN.Liberal In the MP. Crimean To his right, you will find Evangeline Butler. ‘Eva’ died 10: Butler Warwhen Captain only Buckley6, in a tragic volunteered fall from fora balcony a commando in their raidhome, on a The Russian Priory controlled in London beach, Road, whensetting running fire to to 11: Buckley VC greet her parents. Her mother, Josephine, was to stores,become ammunition one of thedumps Victorian and destroying period’s enemygreatest equipment.campaigners Five daysfor later,women’s he didrights, it again. especially prostitutes and other exploited women. Finally, we arrive at Sir Robert Smirke RA. He 11.designed the British Museum, the Royal Mint, the GeneralTo their west, you will find mention of the third VC; Post Office and many other imposing public buildings.Captain Locally Cecil William he designed Buckley, the RN. Gloucester In the Crimean and War Captain Buckley volunteered for a commando Herefordraid on County a Russian Halls, controlled the Judge’s beach, Lodgings setting fire at to Gloucester,stores, ammunition parts of Cirencester dumps and Park, destroying Hardwicke enemy equipment. Five days later, he did it again. 12.Court and Eastnor Castle! ForFinally, further we information, arrive at please Sir Robert visit the Smirke website RA. He designed the British Museum, the Royal Mint, the www.leckhamptonlhs.weebly.comGeneral Post Office and many other imposing public buildings. Locally he designed the Gloucester and PaulHereford McGowan, County Leckhampton Halls, the Judge’s Local History Lodgings Society at Gloucester, parts of Cirencester Park, Hardwicke 13. Court and EastnorLECKHAMPTON & WARDENCastle! HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 21 A wealth of information exists about the church and the local history of its surroundings. For more comprehensive coverage, please have a look at the many writings of Eric Miller and others, that can be found referenced from the LLHS web pages.

Produced by Paul McGowan Leckhampton Local History Society

http://leckhamptonlhs.weebly.com The battle for the right to roam on Leckhampton Hill

Nowadays, we take for granted the freedom also fenced off. There was much local opposition, to walk up Leckhampton Hill and enjoy the not least from R C Barnard and other gentry, whose views and fresh air. But the struggle to protect homes backed on to the hill. In 1902 Miss Beale, traditional rights of way across the hill makes an Headmistress of the Ladies’ College, whose pupils interesting story... were want to visit the hill for recreational walks, retaliated by sending 100 of her girls to walk over In 1894, as part of the sale of the Leckhampton the rights-of-way and by ordering Dale to remove all estate, Leckhampton Hill was bought by Henry Dale, of his pianos from her establishment! a local businessman, who amongst other things, supplied pianos to the Ladies College. Dale proposed On several occasions crowds destroyed fences to end public access to the hill. In 1897, he built a which Dale had had erected. In 1902 four working house (‘Tramway Cottage’) for his quarry foreman in men, who came to be known as ‘the Leckhampton an old gravel pit beside Daisybank Road, which had stalwarts’, were charged with obstructing the police, been a favourite spot to set up side-shows and stalls they were acquitted, with Ballinger’s remaining as a on bank holidays. The building also blocked the main test case. This encouraged as many as 2000 people footpath up the hill, and later the area above it was to gather and walk in procession to Leckhampton.

The Leckhampton Stalwarts on the ruins of Tramway Cottage, the picture was taken in the summer of 1904 by Miss N. Moorman in the early morning before work at 6am, Left to Right: Lane, Townsend, Barrett ,___, Luce, Tom Field, Ballinger, Heaven, Price (seated), Sparrow, Burford, Mourton & George Richings.

22 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE They stopped at the Malvern Inn to hear a rousing Assizes. Sentences of up to six months’ hard labour speech. They then made for Tramway Cottage, were imposed, though these were substantially which they dismantled until hardly a stone was left reduced on appeal. Leckhamptoners licked their standing. The long awaited trial, ‘The Leckhampton wounds, and Dale imposed many conditions for Quarries Co. v Ballinger & Cheltenham Rural District access to the hill. Council began in London before Mr. Justice Eady The story had a happy ending, however. By 1929, on 29th April 1904. The trial lasted till 12th May the Quarry Company had gone out of business and was daily reported verbatim in the press such and Cheltenham Town Council was in a position to was the public interest. The judge found in favour of purchase the 400-acre estate, the price was £6,500 Dale’s enclosure and only three paths were granted thus securing the freedom to walk on the land. The as public rights of way, court costs totalled £6,000. dream had come true at last, and there was never a However, Cheltonians put on a brave face and big doubt that the decision to buy was right. victory demonstrations took place on the 25th May Councillors enthusiastically marched over the hill 1904. The Chronicle & Graphic issued six halfpenny and were amazed at the extent of the property, the postcards of the scenes, one showed Clarence whole escarpment from Salterley to the far end of Parade solid with people end to end. Charlton Common, with 300 acres of agricultural Dale rebuilt the cottage exactly where it had been. land above and below; one of those Councillors was On Good Friday 1906 another crowd assembled Walter Ballinger. at the site and the Riot Act had to be read. Arrests Paul McGowan, Leckhampton Local History Society followed and eight men were tried at Gloucester

AMBER ASTRON MEDIA & MUSIC Making it happen! START UP ADVICE for ENTREPRENEURS Have you lost your job? Skill assessments, business planning, branding, websites. Also, ADVICE, PROMOTION, REPRESENTATION for MUSICIANS (with original sd.) & ARTISTS (talented painters) Tel: 07919098640 [email protected]

LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 23 Local news from around Warden Hill

The Warden Hill Flag When travelling down Salisbury Avenue you may have noticed the daily display of different flags flying. Local residentAlex Adlam is Warden Hill’s very own ‘Flag Man’ and was featured on Radio Gloucestershire and the press last year. Alex has over 540 flags which he takes it in turn to display on his flagpole and has a notice board at the end of his garden explaining the significance of each. Last year at the Oxford Way Street Party, he organised a competition for local children to design a Warden Hill flag. The winner was eleven year old Evan Thomas and his design was so good, that Alex arranged to have it made into a flag and banner, which are used for special events in Warden Hill.

Blooms in Warden Hill Council stepped in. The In Bloom group donated their planters and remaining funds to the Parish In Bloom for Warden Hill, a group comprising some Council. In response to a Parish Council newsletter, 60 members, sadly had to close in January 2019 several new volunteers joined the core group, due to a lack of volunteers to take on the lead roles. donating both funds and their time. Consequently, To ensure continued floral displays in the 14 large the planters were cleared, planted and maintained planters located around Salisbury Avenue, the Parish to look brilliant through last summer and winter with plants sourced from Dundry Nurseries. The containers have just been planted up again and are already flourishing with summer bedding from Greenway Nurseries and Morrison’s. All related costs are covered by reserves transferred from In Bloom, fundraising and generous donations from within the community together with an annual grant from the Parish Council. If you would like to join the group (currently 25), help or become involved in any way then please make contact through the Parish Clerk, Arlene Deane. It would be great to welcome new members to this group and encourage more social events. To this end and as soon as we are able, we are planning a social fundraising event.

24 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE Weaver’s Field: the jewel in the crown of Warden Hill? In 2012 a petition was presented to the Mayor of In the warmer weather there are secret hideaways Cheltenham from over 1000 residents of the Warden in the wooded area for children to let their Hill area to save the beautiful green space known imagination run riot. Blackberries in abundance, as Weavers Field. The support of the Parish Council in this very emotive matter (which headlined many Echo reports at the time) saved the field. it is now

damsons and plums. There is a stunning panoramic view from the crest of the hill. On a clear day, the Malvern Hills can be clearly seen. Chosen Hill with well used by the local people as an area of peace its little church now visible after the restoration work and tranquillity. Recently with the funds raised by has been carried out. A splendid view of the iconic local people we have obtained two new notice Devils Chimney escarpment of Leckhampton hill, boards. The field is maintained by the Park Rangers as well as the Church Spires of St Marks and the of Cheltenham Borough Council with a minimum of two town churches of St Gregory’s and St Mathews. field work to enable it to retain its natural beauty to Where else can you sit and appreciate all of our the local area. beautiful town and surrounding landscape?

 Could you be a Parish Volunteer?

The coronavirus crisis has presented our community with new challenges. We have a network of volunteers ringing lonely people, delivering shopping, helping deliver our Parish Newsletters, or acting as traffic marshals to ensure road safety outside local schools. Other planned local community projects include: participating in Litter Picks, speed prevention checks, helping to plant and maintain our local floral displays and helping to organise community events Parish volunteers don’t need to come to meetings but just help wherever they can. If you are interested in helping with any of these, or have any ideas for other projects then please contact the Parish Clerk, Arlene Deane, on 07739 719079 or e-mail her at [email protected]


of the Parish) are managed by Cheltenham Cheltenham Borough Council Borough Council. To apply, go to: Main phone number: www.cheltenham.gov.uk/ and search for ‘apply for an allotment’ 01242 262626

Your local Borough councillors are: Animal fouling Cllr Stephen Cooke (Leckhampton ward) To report fouling to the borough council: [email protected] www.cheltenham.gov.uk/ 01242 575769 and search for ‘animal fouling’ Cllr Martin Horwood (Leckhampton ward) [email protected] Asbestos removal 01242 216995 www.cheltenham.gov.uk Cllr Tony Oliver (Warden Hill ward) and search for ‘asbestos’ [email protected] 01242 580521 Bin collections Cllr Iain Dobie (Warden Hill ward) www.cheltenham.gov.uk/recycling [email protected] Blocked drains and sewers Gloucestershire County Council www.cheltenham.gov.uk Main phone number and search for ‘blocked drains’ 01452 425000 Bulky household waste Your local County councillor is: To arrange disposal by the borough council, Cllr Iain Dobie (Leckhampton and Warden go to: Hill district) www.cheltenham.gov.uk/ [email protected] and search for ‘bulky items’

Abandoned Vehicles Bus pass To report to Cheltenham Borough Council go To apply for a bus pass from GCC to: www.cheltenham.gov.uk https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/transport/ and search for ‘abandoned vehicle’ apply-for-a-free-concessionary-bus-pass/

Allotments Care needs assessments The allotments at Hall Road, Leckhampton To apply to the county council for an are privately owned by the Gloucester assessment, go to: Diocese and are managed by Bruton www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/health-and-so- Knowles in Gloucester. cial-care/adult-social-care-information-ad- To apply, phone 01452 880000 vice-and-support/adult-social-care-helpdesk- enquiry-eform/ The allotments at Warden Hill (just outside

26 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE  Citizens advice Pam Dainton [email protected] who would be happy to arrange your visit www.citizensadvice.org.uk and organise any refreshments. or call 01452 527202 Contact details for other enquiries are: [email protected] Council Tax 01242242831 or visit the website https://www.cheltenham.gov.uk/info/28/ www.tciwh.org.uk council_tax St Peters in Leckhampton has an interesting history which you can read about at: Churches in the Parish https://stpetersleck.org which also contains details of services. The Church in Warden Hill is a Local Contact details are 01242 513647 or email Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) between [email protected] St Christopher’s (Church of England) Church, Warden Hill, and the Warden Hill Cyber security United Reformed Church (URC). The two component churches are both modern, Report anything suspicious to Action Fraud situated close to each other in the mainly immediately on 0300123 3040 and press 9 residential area of Warden Hill in south once through. Cheltenham. Or you can email: [email protected] at St Christopher’s has a set of ten stained the National Cyber Security Centre. glass windows designed and executed by Thomas Denny DA(Edin), each based upon a Defibrillators parable from the Gospels. The windows are There are two defibrillators located in the also linked by colour, with the colours from Parish. One is outside Leckhampton Village each window carrying over into adjacent Hall, Church Road and the other is at the ones. St Christopher’s is open daily, Co-op on Salisbury Avenue in Warden Hill. However, if you represent a group who are There is also a defibrillator outside the interested in viewing the windows, please cafe at Naunton Park, off Naunton Lane contact: Leckhampton.

 Thanks to all our local heroes

During the pandemic there has been a real revival Bournside have been open all through, looking after in community spirit across the Parish. Elderly vulnerable children and those whose parents are and vulnerable residents have been supported key workers, whilst also providing on-line schooling by neighbours and family getting them food or for the rest of the pupils. prescriptions. And let’s not forget Ubico workers who throughout Local businesses have also stepped up to the plate, have managed to keep collecting our refuse and with both local Co-op’s, Grandvilles and Morrisons recycling so that one health emergency didn’t create all arranging home delivery services for those another. shielded groups unable to do their own shopping. To all of you and many others we haven’t had room Local schools have also played their part. to mention, a big thank you for helping us to get Leckhampton, Warden Hill, Belmont, Bettridge and through!

LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 27  Disabled facilities grants Family support www.cheltenham.gov.uk www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/covid-19- and search for ‘disabled facilities grants’. information-and-advice/support-for-children- and-families-during-covid-19/ Dog control Flooding www.cheltenham.gov.uk/ and search for ‘dog control’ Please see the article on page 16 of this Or contact RSPCA either by phone on 0300 magazine. 1234 999 or at www.rspca.org.uk/local/cheltenham-and- Fly tipping east-gloucestershire-branch/aboutus/ To report flytipping to CBC, go to: contactus www.cheltenham.gov.uk/ and search for ‘flytipping’. Education – free school meals To apply for free school meals: Foodbanks www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/education-and- Cheltenham foodbank learning/school-transport-and-free-school- Elim Christian Centre meals/apply-for-free-school-meals/ 115 – 117 St George’s Road Cheltenham Education - school transport Telephone 01242 570080 or email To apply for a school bus pass: [email protected] www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/transport/school- Trussel Trust and-college-transport/apply-for-a-new-or-lost- www.trusselltrust.org/what-we-do/ school-bus-pass/ Open Door cheltenhamopendoor.org.uk/ Electoral register Or call 07504 337 624. www.cheltenham.gov.uk/info/17/elections_ and_voting Food distribution during COVID 19

Events in the Parish The Long Table www.yourcircle.org.uk/Documents/ There are a variety of events and Download/256/Long-Table-Meals-f entertainment in and around the Parish Call: 01242 323693 or email: throughout the year. which are organised by [email protected] local clubs and societies. Caring for Communities and People (CCP) The Parish Council helps organise and www.ccp.org.uk/ supports the annual Warden Hill Street 340 High Street, Cheltenham Party. 0300 365 8999 Visit our What’s On pages for details of upcoming events. Footpaths around the Parish If you would like to add an event to the website please contact the Clerk. Leckhampton with Warden Hill has www.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk/ an extensive network of footpaths and entertainment-and-events.html bridleways. These, along with others in Gloucestershire, can be looked at via:

28 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE  The Cotswolds AONB website Highways www.cotswoldsaonb.org.uk/visiting-and- exploring To report potholes or other issues with a road, email National Trust website [email protected] www.nationaltrust.org.uk/lists/walking-with- or call 08000514514 wildlife-in-the-cotswolds www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/highways/roads/ Also see the five walks shown on the your-highways-report-it/ Leckhampton Local History website leckhamptonlhs.weebly.com/ Homeless advice

Graffiti removal Cheltenham Borough Council/Cheltenham Borough Homes: email housingoptions@cbh. www.cheltenham.gov.uk/report-graffiti org or call 01242 387615 Grants to voluntary organisations Cheltenham Housing Aid Centre 01242 226672 From the Borough Council www.cheltenham.gov.uk/downloads/ Emmaus download/1311/ grants_to_voluntary_ 01452 413095 community_and_social_enterprise_ Caring for Communities and People organisations 01242 228999 From the County Council YMCA Cheltenham www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/business- 01242 524024 property-and-economy/finance-funding-and- P3 Charity grants/ 0808 168 2443 From the Parish Council Leckhampton with Warden Hill Parish Hospital Council sets aside a sum of money each year to support community projects. Applications Main switchboard: 0300 422 2222 for grants may be submitted anytime during www.gloshospitals.nhs.uk each financial year. Search for ‘Your visit’ for all the information you may need. For further information please contact [email protected] or call 07739 719079 Help us build a local You can find the application form and rules community directory! of the scheme online at: Can you help us build up a directory www.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk of businesses and organisations which Hazardous waste collection serve our local community? To add your business or organisation, please go to: www.cheltenham.gov.uk/ https://www.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc. and search for ‘hazardous waste’. Or you can gov.uk/findmynearest.html email: [email protected] Enter your information by clicking the Gritting roads ‘Add Item’ tab. It will then be reviewed by the Clerk for approval, and once www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/highways/roads/ approved it will appear in the directory. winter/

LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 29  Housing allocation Warden Hill Brizen Young People’s Centre and playing To apply to the borough council: fields, Up Hatherley Way www.cbh.org/services/help-support/apply-for- Salisbury Avenue MUGA and play area. a-home/ www.thebrizenyoungpeoplescentre.org.uk Libraries Weavers Field See information on page 25. www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/libraries Pest control Litter removal If you need help with a pest control www.cheltenham.gov.uk/site/scripts/ problem, go to: services_info.php?serviceID=95 www.cheltenham.gov.uk You can also email cleansing@cheltenham. and search for ‘pest control’ gov.uk or telephone: 01242 262626 Planning Meals on wheels For information and decision notices on To apply to GCC to request an eligibility local planning applications, visit: assessment for a subsidised hot community www.cheltenham.gov.uk/planning meal, contact the Adult Social Care or call 01242 262626 Helpdesk: Telephone 01452 426868 or email: Police [email protected] Information about help with meals from: Warden Hill https://www.yourcircle.org.uk/Information/ Warden Hill is covered by the Benhall and H0O7NymPOjE Hatherley team. This is made up of Ps Mike and also Yates, Pc Kaytee Callaghan and PCSO Emily https://www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/ Roberts. media/8079/your-circle-community-meals- Leckhampton updated-november-2019.pdf The Leckhampton team is: Ps Steve Benbow, Pc Rachel Mayberry and PCSO Noise complaints Julie Lewis. Email: To contact your local Officer you can [email protected] either do so through the Gloucestershire Constabulary website Parks and open spaces www.gloucestershire.police.uk/ or telephone 01452 907399. There are several children’s play areas in and around the Parish. If there is a threat to well being or property at that moment in time, then you should Leckhampton dial 999. Use the non-emergency number Burrows Field, situated off Moorend Grove 101 for situations that do not require an The Spindles, situated on the lanes off Farm immediate police response. Lane Naunton Park, situated off Naunton Lane Public transport The Old Patesians Sports and Social Club, You can check for up-to-date timetables at: situated off Everest Road. www.stagecoachbus.com/timetables 30 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE  Leckhampton Warden Hill Leckhampton is served by the ‘F’ bus which Warden Hill Primary School runs every 30 minutes from North Street to Durham Close, Warden Hill, Cheltenham, Pilley Lane until 18.42. This service also GL51 3DF continues through to Hester’s Way during www.wardenhill.gloucs.sch.uk the day. Enquiries to Mrs Harvey, 01242 523827 or Warden Hill by email: The Warden Hill area is well served by the [email protected] ‘D/E’ bus service. Leaving from Street in Cheltenham and continuing to Sports and recreational facilities this area via the railway station in Queens There are several sports and recreational Road. This is a 10-minute service from any areas in and around the Parish. A full list of bus stop during the day with a 20-minute all local facilities is on the CBC website change to the timetable after 6pm. The times of the service also change on a Leckhampton Sunday to a 20-minute service. Burrows playing fi eld, which also has a BMX pump track. Situated off Moorend Grove. There is also an hourly ‘K’ bus service through Warden Hill leaving Winchester Way The Spindles play area, situated in The bus stop at 45 minutes to the hour to the Lanes estate off Farm Lane. Royal Well bus station until 3.45pm. The The Old Patesians Sports and Social Club, last bus to Warden Hill leaves the Royal Well situated off Everest Road. bus station at 3pm. The bus continues its Naunton Park playing fi elds and play area, route through to Benhall during the day and situated off Naunton Lane. back calling in at the ASDA store Warden Hill The ‘M’ bus service runs from Farmfi eld Salisbury Avenue MUGA and play area Road to Morrisons and back on a Tuesday, Brizen Young People’s Centre, situated on starting at 10.00am. This is a free service Up Hatherley Way. subsidised by the County Council. Bournside Sports Centre, situated on Road safety Warden Hill Road. www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/transport/cycling Street party permission School term times If you want to organise a street party, go to: www.cheltenham.gov.uk/ www.gloucestershire.gov.uk/education-and- and search for ‘street party’ learning/term-dates/

Schools SoloMaids Ltd. Domestic & Commercial Cleaning Leckhampton Est. 2003 Leckhampton Primary School • Regular cleaning Hall Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, & ironing • Deep cleans GL53 0HP • End of tenancy www.leckhampton.gloucs.sch.uk • Tailored cleans for the elderly Enquiries to Mrs L East, 01242 524062 or by email: DBS Checked • Reliable & Professional • www.solomaidsltd.co.uk FOR A FREE QUOTE PLEASE CALL SAM: [email protected] 01242 700600 / 07786 916948 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE 31  Tree preservation Call 01242 513647 or email [email protected] If you want to find out if a tree is protected, United Reformed Church, Salisbury Avenue, or would like the council to preserve a tree, Warden Hill go to: www.urcic.org.uk/tciwh.aspx www.cheltenham.gov.uk/ Email: [email protected] and search for ‘tree preservation’ St Christopher’s Church, Lincoln Avenue, Village Halls Warden Hill www.tciwh.org.uk There are several centres for community Email: [email protected] or call activities in the Parish. 01242242831 Leckhampton Village Hall, Church Road www.leckhamptonvillagehall.co.uk Well being resources Regular users of the hall include Pilates, Age UK Active Bodies Keep Fit, Art Class, Rainbows, Contact details Age UK Gloucestershire Brownies, Adult Tap Class, Toddlers Group, Help Team 01452 422660 and Age UK Harwood Dance, Zumba, Bridge Club, Yoga, Gloucestershire Freephone Friendship Line Leckhampton Players Amateur Dramatic 0800 2980579 Group. Feeding the 5000 in Cheltenham The hall can be rented for children’s parties, How to refer someone who is vulnerable or meetings and much more. Contact Tina struggling to afford food. Contact details Peacey on 01242 243035 or email info@ are 01242 323693, or email cheltenham@ leckhamptonvillagehall.co.uk thelongtableonline.com Brizen Young People’s Centre, Up Hatherley Samaritans Way, Warden Hill. Whatever you’re going through, a Samaritan www.thebrizenyoungpeoplescentre.org.uk/ will face it with you. 24 hours a day, 365 To make a booking, call Alison Hitchins on days a year. 07526268544 or email www.samaritans.org [email protected] Contact details are telephone 116123 or email [email protected] The following churches have church halls which can be booked: Mind Information and support on mental health St Peters Church - Glebe Cottage Rooms issues at Church Road, Leckhampton www.mind.org.uk www.stpetersleck.org Contact details are: [email protected] or text 86463 or call 0300 123 3393 Refuge For women and children suffering domestic violence. Call 0808 2000 247, 24-hours a day, for free and in confidence, or live chat facility on line www.nationaldahelpline.org.uk Mankind Confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence.

32 LECKHAMPTON & WARDEN HILL COMMUNITY MAGAZINE  www.mankind.org.uk Supported Accommodation Glos: The Arkells Call 01823 334244, weekdays 10am–4pm. 01242 694538 or 01242 222326 Step Change (Debt support) Citizens Advice www.stepchange.org www.gloscab.org.uk/cheltenham Call us free on 0800 138 1111 (Monday- Telephone 01452 527202 or email: Friday, 8am-8pm, Saturday 8am-4pm). [email protected] Winston’s Wish Food bank vouchers will continue to be Supports bereaved children, young people, available via telephone, email or online. their families, and the professionals who NSPCC support them. Support and tips to help you keep children www.winstonswish.org safe. From advice on children’s mental Contact details 08088 020021 or email health to staying safe online, support for [email protected] parents and what to do if you’re worried about a child. Maggie’s www.nspcc.org.uk/keeping-children-safe Cancer support service. Call or email [email protected]. www.maggies.org/our-centres/maggies- Telephone 08088 005000. If 18 and under cheltenham/ contact 0800 111. Cheltenham Animal Shelter Rehab Recovery Rescue and re-home unwanted and Help with addiction. abandoned cats, dogs and small animals www.rehab-recovery.co.uk/south-west/drug- every year. Call on 01242 523521 alcohol-rehab-cheltenham/ www.gawa.org.uk Call in confidence for immediate help and Sue Ryder Hospice advice 24/7 0800 088 66 86 Leckhampton Court, Church Road, SANEline Leckhampton, GL53 0QJ If you’re experiencing a mental health www.sueryder.org/how-we-can-help/sue- problem or supporting someone else, you ryder-leckhampton-court-hospice. can call SANEline on 0300 304 7000 Contact details: 01242 230199 (4.30pm–10.30pm every day). Patient helpline: 0300 303 1395 or email [email protected] The Mix Free, essential support for under 25s – Caring for Communities and People advice about sex, relationships, drugs, CCP Head Office, 340 High Street, mental health, money and jobs. If you’re Cheltenham, GL50 3JF under 25, you can call The Mix on 0808 www.ccp.org.uk/contact-information 808 4994 (Sunday – Friday, 2pm –11pm), Call 0300 365 8999 or 01242 228 999

Cheltenham 1st Stop Drop-in centre to help people with multiple GUITAR & UKULELE TUITION problems relating to homelessness, family All styles - All levels - All ages breakdown, substance and alcohol misuse, ______mental health, criminality, training, SCOTT DALZIEL education, employment and social exclusion 07379446558 301 High Street, Cheltenham, GL50 3HW 01242 228999 ______Supported Accommodation: Bramah House 01242 694532 or 01242 697437 Learn to play the music you love


 or request support by email using the form Youth support on The Mix website: www.themix.org.uk Gloucestershire County Council, in a Papyrus HOPELINEUK partnership with Prospects, part of Shaw If you’re under 35 and struggling with Trust runs the Youth Support Team, which suicidal feelings, or concerned about a provides a wide range of education, young person who might be struggling, employment and skills services in the UK you can call Papyrus HOPELINEUK on and internationally. 0800 068 4141 (weekdays 10am-10pm, www.youthsupportteam.co.uk/information- weekends 2pm-10pm and bank holidays support 2pm–10pm), email [email protected] or Contact by telephone, on 01452 415707, text 07786 209 697 email [email protected] or write to www.papyrus-uk.org/hopelineuk/ the Youth Support Team, 48 London Road, Gloucester, GL1 3NZ Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) If you identify as male, you can call the The Brizen Centre Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) A small board of Trustees, who are on 0800 58 58 58 (5pm–midnight every enthusiastic and very dedicated to the day) or use their webchat service. wellbeing and the future of our young www.thecalmzone.net people in the Warden Hill and Hatherley/ Leckhampton Area, work with CMAS who Nightline provide two sessions per week during term If you’re a student, you can look on the time to take part in art, sport, craft, cooking, Nightline website to see if your university or enjoying the outdoor space. Due to Covid 19 college offers a night-time listening service. these face to face sessions have had to be Nightline phone operators are all students stopped until restrictions allow. too. www.nightline.ac.uk Once the programme is reintroduced details Switchboard will be posted on both The Brizen and If you identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual or Parish Council’s website. transgender, you can call Switchboard on If you would like to know more please 0300 330 0630 (10am – 10pm every day), contact Cllr Anne Regan on 01242 email [email protected] or use their 255556. webchat service. Phone operators all identify as LGBT+. www.switchboard.lgbt

Stay informed through the Parish Council website

There’s a wide range of useful information on our website https://www.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk You’ll find news about planning applications, consultations such as the Cheltenham Local Plan, large housing developments, the new secondary school, and much more.

There’s also a contact page where you can sign up for email updates, and also make comments, ask questions, or suggest new initiatives. https://www.leckhamptonwithwardenhill-pc.gov.uk/contact-us.html

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