' A "school of tropical medicine" bai otttintown It was found that there was SCHLEY DISOBEYED ORDERS. THE NEWS EPITOMIZEDJ THE MARKETS. THE BEST PORTRAIT OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Fairfax, Va., gives a detailed state- only oun house In ttie plnco that had a flae- been started in London and may be That Is On#» or tlin K^i iom Pampion Wai ment of evcrj article he posseusod BtdfT. Tbis hntougod to Mr. Hlggfns. an Wniltlncton Ttotnv* L*t» Wlialaulo FrlcM of Country Tntan (subsidized by the British Govern- down to the calves and nbeop. His FILIPINOS ROUTED. Engltflhman, who in President of thoDnguy Advanced O rer Xlim. Quoted In Mew Talk. pan Hallway. He lunt the staff to QoaoroJ Tthni been deolded at a Cabinet meeting ment. ' The Bohool's objeot is to dis- personal estato was then pat down at WA«ni5OTos, D. C. (Special) —Secretnry* to arrange nt onco for the payment of *3,- 7 MILK 4KD 0BE4B. - $332,000, and this included a vast Long's answer to tbe resolution of tho Sen- roo.000 to tbe native troops in Cuba. Tbo Tho overage prlco paid for tha sorpltu'on cover ways of combating the diseases amount.of tobacco, large numbers of ate of January 23, nuking for tho facts and payment will be made by officers of tho the plntforms bu been Hit V qt. net to records on which tbo Advancement of Ad- War Department specially detailed for tho which render tho tropica so dangerous zattle, sheep and horses, nearly all of sblDpor. Iteeolptsolmlikond oream attba American Soldiers Capture Ca- mirals Sampson and Sculoy and other offi- purpose. * , different railroad dlstrlbatlng polnta la and to white men, and donbtless continued which ho willed to his wife. cers were made for tholr servlRna In the The bill extending tbe anti-contract near tho city (or the week have beta l» study will be riohly rewarded. The account books which are kept war with Spain ifl averv interesttni; com- Inbor laws of the United Stntes to Hawaii follows: at Washington in the State Depart- loocan and Prit Aguinaldo's rounloatlon. It contains few comments. was reported buck to tho Sennte from the Average dally receipts at tha week, Tbe Secretary's letter In made up nimont Committeoon Immigration, with amend- fluid milk, cans 33,818 ment show that Washington was very entlroly of a fitatoment based onthooffl- ments making the bill cover all Immigra- The number of eommeroial failures careful about keeping a record of his Followers to Flight. Condensed milk, cans in o)al recorda oftbecampattrn in tho Went tion questions. Oroam, cons , In the United States lost year was fif- expenditures. He put down every- Indies,' showing' tbo movements of tlm Representative Mono, Cuairmnn ot the ess thing, and amoDg other items you seo vessels under tho command of Sampson Cotnnjlttee on ' Colnuge. Weights And teen per cent. less than in 1897 and Oraamerv—West, extras.. .1 1 SB* Inn IORSOH at cards and at tho horso nnd Hobley,'wlth pnrtfculnr refflronoo to Menfiurop, lntrcMnced n joint resolution forty-two per cent, less that in 1896, Snhley'fl withdrawal from Hnnttago. iiutborlzing his commlttco to have com* Firsts - lB}f® IV races *. 3 froqueat. The curious Thirds to seconds 18 and the average liabilities per failure after tlm Spanish fleet had Entered piled from tbe official records "all com- tiling about bin accounts is that WARSHIPS OPEN BATTLE. the harbor It Is shown tbat de- munlcatlonp, soeaohos and motions rela- Str-te—Thirds toll rsts IS ® 18W were the lowest on record. Snoh there vas almost always a deficiency spite Scaley,<) statement that ho wasrivo to tho Coinage not of 1873, so as tc Stuio Dalrv tabs, extras.... is m 19 Imitation Creamery 17 /acts speak volumes for the soundness at the end of tho year which be could obliged to go to Key West for coal, be had present a fall parliamentary history of tbe n a enough coal left to malntnln the Hantlngo introduction and consideration of said Factory, fresh firsts 1S« 'of present bnBinesa conditions and the not account for. This made no dif- blockade until supplier nrrlved. Attention not, and that they report the same to the Low grades Wi® ference, however, with his starting sase of tho money market. Shrapnel Dealt Death and Ruin to the Is also called to tho tact that up to a date House." enzur. m the now year with a fresh account, for given thero was nothing to prevent the es- State—Foil cream: fanoy.... 10 <5> UK General John H. Patterson has been Bmnll one item at this time in as follows: Enemy's Forces. _ .. cape of tho Spanish fleet. It Is pointed out placed ou tbo rot I red list. ii © mi also that no signal? were sent by Snhley to Part stctms, good to prime. In anoldpa$er was found the confi- V-By cash, either lost, stolen or neg- Representative Underwood, of Alabama/ ELWELL B. OTIS, the American vessels onguged In tho fight Fullsklms <>n dent prediction of General Beranger, lected to charge, 144 pounds, 8 shil- with CerverA's ships, except that tbe ene- Introduced a Joint resolution authorizing tbo President to trans rer Naval Constructor xoas. lings and 11.pence." In other words, Otis, and at naif past five o'clock the Ameri- my's flpet was epoaplug, "Onse firing," who bod recently been Spain's Secre- Caloocan Wai tbo Strongreit Rebel Posi- Richmond P. Hobsoa from tue construction Nearby—Fancy — ho was short that year over $700. can ilaff vras floating over the town. ItB cnngratulatlonn to the other shtDS nnd Stete and Penn—Fresh ID • tary of the Navy, that Spain ''would corps to tbo line of tbo navy and to pro- Through his letters now owned by tion In the Island of Loion and Agnln- appearance wus jrrooted wltti enthusiastic ''Oregon, well dono." No commnndlngof- rooto him to each rank ns he may deter* Western—Choice — vr . unqaer on the oea" bocanso "as soon cheering by the troops. flcor was directed by ficbley in tbe flgbt, mine, with the advice Aad consent of the Southern—Choice IS the Government you see horo and nldo Had Gathered the Flower of Hit Sampaon's previous directions being car- Sannte. . , ' nun «(P rskt.'. in fire- is opened the. orewa of the there correspondence which showB Army There—Tb*> place Warn Sliellml SIGNAL MEN IN DJSBIAND, ried out, m. that he was very hard up at times. From Two or Down's Bblpi and From Tho President and Sirs. McKtnley a fev Beans—Marrow, oboloo, 1898 — r'jfcieFiciftty sbipo-'will ooinznence to do- Seorotatv Lontr, BAT* also thnt his'Te- days ago received members ot Congress a? Hedlam, 1898 —- In 1785 he wrote that he could get no A New Corp* to He Orgaulied From preheDBlbin condact," bin "unHteadlnesn In ? jert, einotf among them aropeoploof Land—Then the -^Troopi Advanced tbelr guest?.. The recaption was a large Pea, oholco, 1899.... — > wheat on credit, and that he had no Volunteer* In the Philippine!. purpose nnd in push and hln failure to obey With » JRnth and the Robeli Took to WABHIKOTOK, D. 0. (Specinn.-Owlng to one, despite the snow-blooked streets And Hod kidney, choice, 1898... — @ 170 ill nationalities."' How ourionu that cash to pay for it. Three years later orders" did not not meet tho approval of avenues and the unusually low thermom- White kidney, onolce. 1803 . — g) 19» Fllght—Onr Loiieji Were Slight, Bat the pressing need for additional signal tho President and tho department, forgotten prediction seems nowl ho urges a man to pay tho $1000 which corps men la the Philippines and the dif- eter. TeUoweye.... — CS> 1H the Enemy 8afler«il Heavily. • he owes him, and says he has put off ficulty ot getting rolagreements there from Too Houstt CommitteV on Waya. and Lima, Cal., VOOlbs 280 ® 385 tho Unite* States, It bos been decided by ANARCHY EXISTS IN SAMOA. Means agreod to favorably report tha bill Sreeapoas, bags 99 @ MJi tho sheriff threo times already, and MANILA, Philippine glands (By Cable).— ihoWnrDopartmcnttoatrengthen the corps appropriating 8500.000 for the Pan-Amorl- ntcrrs AND BEnsras—FBCSB. Now that we are to bavo automobile that he needs this money to pay his German? Doei Not Uphold Herr Rote'* Dottier victory has beon gained by tbo now In tho islands by tbo addition of ono •:on Exposition In Buffalo In 1901. Tho bllj apples, Greenings, V fcbi.. 8M ® 400 ktreet cars, trnoks, cabs, private car- taxes. Ho was not afraid to dun his company of alxty muD, recruited from the Protcit Acalnit tzolnde horses from all city streets. Washington had by no moans an eaBy not support his (Hcrr Rose's") protest ness of tho Klondike In lost August, bave Us power to draw supporters to his bnn- company will be divided into batches of arrived safely at Weare, one of the stations Fair to prime But there is this difference: Tho Chin- life. He had mauy troubles outside; twenty men, who wilt bo distributed ngalost Mr. Cham here's notion. HerrBoso or In order that ho mlgbt attempt' to ro- curried out his Instructions, and tbeBrltlslt In that region. Paclflo Coast, 1898, choice. of those connected with his estate. among tbo compnoies already organized Common to prime ese by arbitrary rale bave excluded rieve tho disaster that befell his forces there, making a leaven of forty old mon and Americana aro much pleased Pending Chairman Cannon, of tho Appropriations He had as many enemies as our lead- Old odds horses for thousands of years when vnen they attacked tbo Americans and to to oneh of tbo new companies. the deolslon or Great Britain, tho United Committee* of the House, in tho course of a ing politicians have to-day and he was States and Oormany on the questions that debate on the Sundry Civil bill sounded a LITE I0DLTBT. Fowls, ? In they were needed. We shall not ex- accused of all kinds of crimes and bavo arisen. Mat an fa's government Is In n warning of aa increasing deficit In the nominal control of affairs in Apia, but country's finances, nnnounced tbat tbe Chickens, V Ib tlnde them, bat only dispense witU misdemeanors. The Philadelphia anarchy prevnlln. Tbero Is great anxiety passage of tho Nicaragua Canal bill nnd Roosters, tJ Ib • Aurora charged him with having com* tne SblpoiDR bill would be Impossible, nnd Turkeys. i> Ib )heir use so far and so fast as wo have among the inhabitants. Thepupporters of n mitted murder during his campaign Mataafa try frequently and mieceasfully to hinted about n probable necessity for Ksu- "-*1-, ™V pai—•r • : - — lomething better to take their place. Qeese, Vpnlr 112 ® 1C0 with Braddock. Oriswold, in his Re- terrorize nntlvo British subjects and tho in? bond? for avatlnble funds to conduct But what a relief it will be and what a native servants of tbe Ensllsb. the dopaTtmonts of tho Government. Pigeons, 9 pair 20 Wright's Unldcnllzcd "Lost Picture publican court, states that an attempt SBESSXD rOULTBf. - boon to humanity when onr cities cease was made to poison Washington when Tbe officers and crew of tbo British war- ship Porpofso wero boycotted for A time by l>om«itlo+ to be great stables! ho was President. Chickens, Vhil'a.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'. 11 tho Mataafans, and It is alleged tbat this A sixth nt tempt was made a few davi Jersey 10 When his birthday was first cele- was done at the Instigation ot Dr. Ilaffel. Ago to burn tbe Russell Hoase in RusBflll. Fowls, Stato4Ponn., V Ib.. 10 , brated, iti 1,783, there was a great deal The sentries ot Mataafa prevented tbe na- N Y. The proprietor was absent. HI? |Dnokn. Western 5 The magnitude of the financialop - tives from going off to tho warship In their son, R. Blcb.irdson. was arrested. of criticism on tho part of hiBonemies, Nenrbv, atb «•••• — erations of the consolidated city of canoes wltb Ruppllos. Mr. Maxso, tbe Brit- William Fry* and seven other prize dogs, Goese.Wnstorn, S ID. ..•.«... 6 r § tuse laciii ni and the Aurora, ono of tho opposition ish Consul, demanded nnnpologv from tbo valued at 91500, worefctlled by coal fras at Bquabs,? doz 17S @ 375 NewTork is well illustrated by some REAL GEORGE WASHINGTON newspapers of Philadelphia, pub- MHtaafan, chiefs becnuoo of this And his 11 bouse in South Boston, Mass., a few days n»T 1KB nuv, itatistics given in the annual message lished long poems describing him as demand was complied with. ngo. Tho dogs were tbe property of Charles C. Kammnrer, of Dorchester. They woro Hav—rrlme,9100lb C2\^C9 SK of the Mayor. Tho net bonded dobt the -worst of men. The House of Mallotoa Tnnu and Tnmassoo nre Btlll aboard tho PorprtLie, which lately mado of tho Boston terrier breed. Clover mixed 40 ® 4S Hitherto Unpublished Traditions Gathered Representatives was askod to adjourn Clover as O 40 of the city amounted on January 1,' a crulso umoog the iaJnnJp. Quiet pre- An ozplosion at tho Hubbard blast fur- for' half an hour on February 22, Straw—Long rye 40 @ 15 1899, to $214,220,435.97. Its issues Frank G. Carpenter. vailed everywhere on the inlands. The in- nncn at fiharon, Penn.. a fow nlcchts ago, 1796, to pay its respects to President hfihltnnts of Tutulla are all (n favor of reunited in tbe Instant doath of Patrick TEOBTiBLZS. y of bonds and corporate stock daring Washington on the occasion of bin A PHILIPPINE VILLAGE MalletoaasKIng, but in Savnlt oplnldM li Mooro, who was blown frojn the of tba Potatoes. L. I., Vbbl 175 ©200 .State. V bbl 125 ©160 the year 1898 amounted to over 330,-. birthday. This practico had been in ot thoso surrouD/llnff Manllu which havo been captured by American soldiers-.) dlytdo.1 betwoon Ma I let on and Matanfa, stack to tbe prouod, ninety feet.' Dennis nnd vaob Is strongly supported. Carney wna fatally burned. Ohrintopher Sweet,?bill 195 ©3 60 voguo since Washington was first in- 000,000, and the provisions of the LEXANDRIA.Va., pome of tho troop a who were stationed Peters. Froeman Cnrll and Richard Boor- Cabbages, ? 100 a 00 ©400 augurated. Tho House, however, re- recover tbo pnotlgo that ho has lust QUESADA'S TALK WITH GOMEZ. OUR PHILIPPINE POLICY. land were seriously hurt. The fornnco Onions, ConD. white. S bbl. 300 ©661) Board of Estimate for tho year 1899 is full of unpub- at Alexandria rushed in and would .hrough defeat. Tho rebels had regained fused to adjourn, on the ground that wns practically wrecked, tho loss being Hod and veUovr, V bbl 150 © Q 95 eontemplato issues in excess of 33S,- lished traditions of have u-.ado short work of Payne had (oino of their cournjro and for tbroo hours Both Think That Our 03,000,000 !• Insuf- The Senate Declares Thnt Pormanenfe 8«,000. Egg plant, V box 101) Oil's it was tho duty of Congress to attend hey held their position. Tben they could George Washing- Washington not prevented them. He ficient For Cuban Troop*. Annexation la Not Contemplated. Tomatoes, 5)carrier 100 O 300 000,000. The largest single item in to legislative bus'uess and not tc pay DO longer stand the American lire nnd Tlio east nnd west winces and tbo ndmln* ton. Mouut Ver- pointed to liifl blnck eye and told them HAVANA, Cuba (By Cable).—Senor Gon- AfliiiNOTon, D. C. (Bpeolol).—The unani- ifttratlon buddings of tho penitentiary at Sqnnsu, marrow, 9 bbl — 63 B0 the proposed issuos for this year iB foolish compliments. nbandoneil their fortifications. Tarntp3,ltnssln, Tlbbl 60 62 75 non is oqly nine that thiR was a personal matter, and Caioocao, which la about twelvo miles zalez do Qucaada, fn an Interview a few mous confiont agreement reached by tho Huntiville. Texas, were destroyod by flro days ago, said that Genoral Gomez and he Senate Saturday to vote Tacsdny afternoon n few days ago. Tbo GOO prisoners con- Green peas, Fla., «) basket.. 100 •or school houses and sites for miles from Alex- that ho knew how to kandlo it. Every- When Washington delivered bis north of Manila, Is BO situated that It 1B Oanlllotrer, ¥ basket 300 within easy range ot tbo Runs of warships. considor thu 63.000,000 tho United Htatos on tho resolution of 31 r. McEnery CDern., fined in tbe wings wero removod unln- Which 07,678,640 is set apart. andria, and Wash- one thought that this meant a duel. farewell address he was reviled by urod, altliough some had narrow cscapon String beans, tt orate 100 There Is no high ground, the town being Government oOVn to pay to tbo Cuban La.), declaring a policy of this Govern- ington got the most the opposito party. from Buffocatleo. Most of tho guards lost Lottace, Fla..? basket 100 "The next day Payno got a note separated from tbo Il^y of Manila by n wide troops Insufficient to covortho whole case, ment In tho Philippines was not vacated. itrotch of marsh. all their clothing nnd personal effects. flrasselsspronts, v*qt..."... ** cf his supplies at from Waahingtoii asking him to come *• Notwithstanding all this, the charac- but ft good working basis to begin with. In accord with' that agreement, the voto Celery, t)doz Jfa gold prodaction, accordingto tho the latter town. Ho to the hotel. He expected a duel, but Tho plan for tbo attack on tho place pro- A bill to protect Kansas creameries from ter of Washington shines brighter to- vided that the warships should open tbo was taken on tborosoliitionat2.30on Tues- Splnaoli. t) bbl oleomargarine, by compelling tbo manu* Doets, Fin., 9 box latest estimates yet published, the came thereto vote, went. Washington, however, was in day than over before. With his little ball. At half past 2 o'clock on Friday <1ny and It was adopted, 28 to 22. faoturers to color this produat hns boon and until a few an amicable mood. Ho felt that he afternoon, therefore, tue monitor Monud- Tho resolution Is ns follows- Kale,?! bbl output of the United States, being weaknesses, which historians bavo rejected in tbe HOUBC, although 10,000 Carrots, L. I., i) bl)l years ago tho little had been in the wrong, and said: 'Mr. done their befit to hide, bo is, taking tiock nnd ttio gunboat .Concord, which had "That by the-ratification of the treaty of farmers lu the State petitioned for It. nbout'3,200,000 ounoes, no longor re- boon ordored up tbo bay by Admiral peaco with Spnln It Is not Intended to in- Pumpkins, ti bbl office in which ho Payne, I was wrong yesterday, but if him altogether, perhapn tbo groatoBt The Boston brig Mary Oibbs, Captain OBAIH, GTC, mains the greatest from any country Dowoy, opened fire on tbo town. Tbnir corporate tbo Inh.tbitnntH of tho Pbllipplno Horace R. Coombs, which Inft Newport, did business there you havo had sufficient satisfaction, American our couutry has ovor pro- jhuIlH wont true and much damage was Islands Into citizenship of tho United Flotir—Winter Patents 3 75 p 4 00 of the world, if the Witwatersrand News, Va., 160 days ago for Para, Brazil, still stood. It wns let us be friends.' Thero Mas a de-duced, nnd the false charges against done. In addition to mating tho robols Htutos, nor Is It intended to permanently has been given up for lost by her owners at Spring Patents •. 3S5 ©415 ontpnt proves to be over 3,600,000 at Alexandria that Washington met canter of wine and two glasses on the him were but dropu of moisturo on very uncomfortable, fi annex said islands ns aa Integral pnrt ot Boston, wbo olflo believe tbat the crew of Wheat-No. IN.Dulath — 0 80! Gojioral Braddock, and with him start- At tho same time thali thn warships bo- tho territory ol the United States, but It eight men perished with tbo wnok. . Ko^aneJ. B^XO W niimrniy 'nn reported, -nr about 373,- — ill the other countries taken together Washington as he really was. Ho was tbo line ttiey responded with cheers. Tbu nttondancn grontly foar that he cannot movement was made In tbo following or- itnnd a prolonged attack. Lambs, tl 100Ib 500 ©665 exoeedingly tall, and when young quite MAY BE ANDREE'S BODY, ore said to prodaoe a little less than der from left to right: Twentieth Kansus Dr. Kramer, prominently connected with HOES—Llvo, <) loam 400 ©416 slender. Ho bad enormous bauds and tntnntry. First Montana Infantry and Third 1 Country dressod 4 (5> 61 the United States. Ills Iteinaina and Italtoon Cordage Ito- ;tie German Logntlon In Sum on. arrived at feet. His boots were No. 13, and his \rtlllcry, thu Twentieth Knosae and tbe Snn'FranclRoo, Cnl.,on tho steamer Moann, First Montana boing supportod by tbu Flint pnrtttil Dliirovered In North Siberia. ordinary walking shoes No. 12. ' No .ind it Is btMlaved be brlngit Important ad- Idaho Infantry and the Third Artillery by KIUBNOVAURK, Slborln (By Cable).—A WHEAT CROP OUTLOOK* The ontput of English shipbuilding one can look at tho silk stockings vices for hiq Government regarding tbe tbe Fourth Cavalry. gold-mlno owner hero unaied Monastyrs- ilttintlon In Samoa. Dr. Kramor says tba Tbo Condition of the Aatama-Sawo Tho Filipinos were awaiting tbe advanco fords for 1898 was tho largest yet re- which bang up in Mount Vernon and cbln hut* rocehed a letter saying thnt a sltuntlon la quiet ponding the decision of Grain Is Generally Satisfactory. not rcalizo that it took a big leg to fill of tho troops, and as tbe Americans betjan tribe of Tungusop, Inliabltntlng tbu Timur tbe powers. i corded, reaching to 802 vessels, ag- to move forward tbe rebols started a rat- WAHUISOTOX, D.-O. (Special).—Tho first them. Ho was a man of muscle. Peninsula, North Klboriii, recontly in- GltyTroasurcr Prcssey.of North Yakfma, gregating 1,659,125 tons. The unusu- tling flrn, wbloh made considerable nofso formed the Uus.xian Pollco of the dis- ifllciol report after midwinter ot the eon-, Daring his service in tho army ho bat did no great damage. Tbe Americans \V'aE cordugu nppurently bplonglug to a balloon. Tho Fire Committee of the City Council cials In ohnrgo of tlie climate and erop governments contributed materially to band, although it usually required tho but on tbo right the routo was mainly uf Tcrro Ilaute, Ind., hold a lively session service sections In tbe principal wlntor- Btrength of two men to place it on the through paddy fields, wblcli afforded no A movement linn been Btartcd wbloh will rinse by wore the bodlo of throo men, ii fow diiyft UKQ, when It tried Fred Snott, wlioat (jootlons were called on for Informa- (his, bnt tho increase has been due protection from tho rebel fire. camp wagon, writes Mr. Carpenter. I rosult in tho appointment of a committee the head of ono bolng badly crushed. .i colorod flremnn, on charges preferred by tion as to tho Btato of the crop at the oloso Not a single stop was mado until they "Goody Clark." a colored barber. Whlla still more to the effort to fill orders in .mean, of course, when it was folded to report totboCiibim Assembly tho host Around them wero A number of Instru- ot January, and their reports Indicate reached tbs lntronohments from wlilob method of raising n loan of from $7,000,000 ments, the uses ut which wero not under* Kcott was tostlfying Clark fired four shots. orrcar owing to the engineers' strike. thnt, notwithstanding tho comparatively np and wrapped around tho poles. most of tho natives hastily scrambled ns to $9,000,000 on the guarantee of thn cus- stood by tbo Tungu.se£. Two of them hit Scott.^nnd one struck llttlo protection afforded by snow, tbe gen- Washington could hold a musket with tbo Americans drew near. Tho rebels trlod toms, und of obulnlntr tho co-operutioii ot Councilman Smith. Scott was fatally The effect of cheaper material is also to make their way to tbo shelter afforded The Pollen Chief has started for the spot wounded. Clark wns arrested. eral condition ot the crop was satisfactory. ono hand and fire it. He was u good tbu Amerlcuii authorities. to investigate, ns It Is belloved that tho to be noted, aad in this roBpect the by the town, but scores of tbem fnllud to At a meotluK of tho Brown University A favorable Indication for the winter shot and a good swordsman. The pic- roaob their goal, belug stopped by Auinrl- bodies nru those ol the aeronaut Herr purohasej of American Bbip-plates is \ndree and his companions, Corporation, held nt Providence, R. I., tb« crop is that the seasoa has beon loss rigor- tures ot the father of our country enn bullets. TRANCE VICTIM BURIED ALIVE. Itev. Dr. Jatncs Sfonroo Taylor wns ununf- ous than usual during January "la the a factor to bo taken into account. The make you think that Washington was Just at this timo tbe Filipinos woro mouslv elpctml Prusidont -of tho Unlvur- central and upper Mississippi Valley and thrown Into worse contusion by tho dis- hocking l>ltr»vory lVhen Plr. Itlcle)'* Tho balloon Kaglo, with Professor An- a brnnette. His face is dark and som- Hotly Wu Ksliuined Koran Autopiy. •Iree and two companions, Btluduborg and ••Ity. D r. Taylor Is now President ot Vassnr thence westward to tbo PaoiQo ooast, In- amount of such purchases is unknown, covery tbat tboy had been flunked. A College nnd wns formerly pastor ol the bre. The truth is, he had a skin like company of First Montana IiiTantry, under Frokel, la tho car, left Dane's Island ol cluding tbo plateau regions." la the but they changed conditions of produc- NOUTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. (Special).— Tbo the Hpltzbergen group, ou July It, 18U7, lu Fourth Baptist Church in Providence. northern and centr.il Rooky Mountain dis- an Irish baby, and his hair was almost command of Major J. Franklin Dull, Ciller an nttompt to cross tho north polar point. tion by entering tho market andent. ot tbe Uureau of Military Information, body of Jiimos Illgloy was exhumed a few "Handsome Dan" and "Old Ell." the tricts and ovor tho upper Missouri Valley red. He had a broad chest, but not a days ago from the village cemetery ot Pon- No definite news ot tbo aeronauts has bouu two Maxim Kuns presented to tho United tho temperature In January varied, bat whose services hece have bouu lavnUiable, received beyond tho message attached to ting down tho price. full one. had volunteered to eieoutotbe flank move- dlotou, for thu purpose of making an au- Stntes Government for the uso of tbo was generally from three to nine degrees (i currier pigeon found by tho wballngshlp cruiser Yale during the Spanish wnr, will higher than usual in the midwinter month. His voice was not strong, and dur- ment, and moving off to the onst had, topsy. without being detected, arrived on tbu Fnlken, which nrrivod at Copenhagen on bo returned to Yale College, Now Haven, Tho comparative mildness In these regions A sad record in criminology is the ing his last days ho had a hacking enemy's flnnk back In the town. Tho na- Tho dlggt>r^ found that tho KIHS* cover- September 2. The messago road: as a war memorial. last month does not necessarily augur a cough. His eyes were cold gray, and Ing of tho fuflln bud beuu broken, aud the "July 13,12.30 p.m. Latitudo 82.02 north continuance of like moderate tomperatare fact that in fifteen years Russia has tives saw they wore trapped, and scatter- de.id man's features w«ru horribly dis- Unlmond, Iowa, it town of over 2000 In- it is said that ho seldom smiled, al- ing, fled like sheep, many of them drop- longitude 12.05 etist. (iood voyage east- habitants was the rtcono of a disastrous in February, but-it Is a hopeful sign that sent 624,000 persons to Siberia. The torted nnd sprinkled with blood. This au Hurattne or a flciertoir. A Men-mcc From thci Pro»l[> and drying-house. Flv« Chinusu and o • (jnti. It did iiot miiko any spei'lllo rue- labor market in 1898, which havo just "It was on that spot," said tho ofll- stock Included ninny priceless literacy of life aro roported. plans are rapidly being carried out, and to smooth over the quarrel. Tho two long since washed away. ouo whlto man, Joseph Fnrbvr, w»«rti uinm^udatlou as to tlio modo by which tbo ibeen published, tell a story of steady treasures. On tbe ground floor wns tho that tbe enterprise Is to be successful. Tho drank together and becauio BUCII strong klUtid. Thu loss of tho mine lu nbovo OJiblo H tin 11 bbfiwcuryd, thn mnlu point be- "Huints nnd tjlunvre' Corner," holding a Henor Sagn^ta, nt Madrid, Spain, is re- company Is to nnxe n capitalization ot ©15,- commercial and industrial prosperity. $20,000 Tbu Big Dipper IB onu ot thu ln£ that it l.s Imporatlvoly uooosnary that a stock gathorud from the old books Htnlls of ported to bavo unid that he cxpejts a ma- friends after that that Pay no was one A (jaorce WnftMiictau Fish 8tnr>. 000,000 preferred nnd ©18,000,000 common ricbvHt gravul mines In California. eublo should bo laid now. the European capitals, valued at $50,000. jority of thirty for ratification when tho In almost all branches of industry of the pallbearers at Washington's Vote un tbe treaty is taken In tho Cortes. stook. It is said thut control has been ob- When the Revolutionary War closed tained of evory plant but one which manu- there was an increase in the nambor funeral." Washington had plenty of land, but German'! Inttlcnted Mntot»r«*« Atluch. •Will Not tiltc L'i> Cilhraltiir. Tho American mlBsion house at Hiro- factures brenkfast food. , Everyono drank in tbo days of WIIBII- ProHlriont rHlKii» l'tiace Trenty. iliima, Japnu, oucupled by tbo Rov. R. P. 'of those employod. The most con- little money. Ho had oxhaustcd his Mall ndvices received at Hnn Francisco. Tho report that it Is proposed liy thn Alo-tauder and family, has been destroyed ton, and tho father of liin country The treaty of pcncn was hlgnod by th*t spicuonB exception was in tho icxtilo private fortune during the war, and be Cul , from Samoa coallrm previous roporti British Ooveruuiunt to escUunso Olbraltar i>V IIre. M». Alexander perished in tho Loaning Money to Europe* always bad Win en upon his table. I I'ri'-iilont ut Wuroutln«Dt IVople. \ Fitntlly of Six Frozen ti> IIouth. Priacu Alfred of Snxo-Coburg, grandson London, Berlin and Paris. ports to tho United States. In most George Washington was nimplt> in of Queen Victoria nnd sou of tbo Duke of careful of bis expenses, and would not William A Clark, tho new Senator from •fulin nud his family, conahtl EiiElne Cnrrylnc Ton 3Ion Jutiip*. tlio Track bin tuHtoH, and during Inn youth ho iMIuburgli, committed .suicide at Mernu, Ilaflnoii Brleft. 'cases tho demand for labor exceeded tolerate tsxtravufjance. An instance of Montfinn. WIIH onco a clockmiiker. . [of fi'ivlfu and four cliildroti, wt*-ro fuuiul A looomotlvo on tbo South Curollnu \u^trm, wbltbvr be bad been taken Irooi wnH an enormous eater, but wnn notthis kind oi-curred one day when lie John I>. Hockufelhir mudu J5.000.OOD oin« , iI'Nid In lluiir Uimui, novtm miles uu»u o' (toorglw, ltallrii.iil wiii wrt'ckt'ri titti mllc.-i iturlin and |i|ui.'ed lu a prlvatti nunltiirlum. Tho fertilizer sulos for tho spring trade tho snpply. InLorraino Italian labor, j WnktMMd, MIfli.. a few dnyi ago, by 1 particular as to what he had. Hofound the first Hhad of the Reason on day rt'cmitly by tho advaiu't* or Staudurd fmin Chariest nil, S. (' , n four tlitys u^o nn\oral day.. Thu family twonty inilut JLII hour tin* rulU iprcaii miA According to- official statistics Argentina' quarrying operations, was culled into tle. His breakfuBt at Mount Vornon tbuhiast on Hobby lluru**, ami iittuudn nil | [rn/f td ili'atli. i'lolitinr wns a minor, but brought into the dining loom bis nos- 1 tint t M. will export tbls year 1,500,000 tons of wheat. was of corn cakes, honoyaud tea, with oulphrntioti'* liultl.ln honor of thn Scotch li.ul nut hftfii *Mii|ilndoii, ttiti mii^nllk'fiit »to;i prices for cotton goods ut most Eastern no more until dinner. Ho kept, how- "What fish is that'-1" ij'^0 001) a year Stvinlmruc, who wnto-, Mit'ht, At'jiisii, for SiOy.OOf) upon which Ii cities. hand and iron worker were found to MTV little, inaki1* 95000 u jenr hy hi- ever, a good table, ami utmnlly had 1'olmniK II* T\TIII ltrutlivtM. will I'ljti'ruuii a l.irKi! i-i-aipauy during tlio Tbe balance of trade In lavor ot this "A hhad," i oplied the Hteuard, OA- poem'-. MlBB <.oultl Tlutulicil. be inferior to tho Gormnu. In indus- friends with him nifi's for tin* cui'. oouotry during 181H swollud tj the total citcdly, "a veiy liny shad. I knew Mr-. noDjuinlii Harrison will n<*.'oiii|>i»in l.uiii'-t Hu-lun, ii youuK sun or Mrs. Sui'rutury of Wur Alfior I'ullotl upon Mi-* AH the years gvontou Wasliiiigloii'H rtio town of IMK^V, NOML Scot in. was al- of £021,260,535. tries whoro the woik is peculiarly your exri'Hi'iit'y wim vxtravagantly hor iiusluintl when tho ("c-1'rcldtMit K-JH- Hulon Gould In N.'ft \ortt City, ^,,-1 ttuuii.o.i most wipuii out t»y llro ii fow uighta IL lauds increased in vulue, and when he, abroad this spring I" tho Intere.sts of Mm !u-twin h.il»y lin'ithiiri ]iolsuu IL fow diL>M It is ntatod that moro that 85,000,000 has hard or dieagroeablo an increasing t'ond of this lisli, and was no fortuuuto IL^< > In inlitako fur itirdlrLuM uud UnlU died. lior for hi'r 4tT\l«'L"* t>> tlio -*.iijf,.r- .|urm^- AH tlio btisfiu'ts part of tlio town b In ashes be«n invested In tbo cnnnlng Industry lu died he WUH ono of the richest men of VDim/.uel an ('(iininhston. and thu Juii will be ?^UO,ffOO. Bcarcity of labor was obsorvod. The as to piocme this oiu> in the market. tlm war. tho luflt four months. lustiim*. He owned lauds and ntoek It wtis tho only one, Mr, and tho first Dr. Nioliolas Sunn, who win protuhu'iii TtiD threatcuoil L-icctioa troubles al Lumber snles aro iu excess of former Konoral state of tho labor market led und HIP.VCH, and his estates amounted in IIIH work as nn ntiny HiirKoon iluring thn Fiilhrr itml Six Clilltln-n lint IH^QI* I>t>ntli. Kingston, .IuiuiLji*a, havu hetm uutirely years, ns Is also tho rail movement of tab m. of the season " Kpunish war, huUl* Ihu t'huir ot iir.iclh-.il I Tin' (*o.iiiiutt<»>()[ I.lovtH, in ljoixlmi. luii. i|iilL't<>d turou^ti tlm good conduct of tbu to a considorablo rise in wages in to thousands of acre*. Ho hud I bcstuivi'd sihi-r ini'diili upiia CaptiLin WIIE- Kilas .Tones .iinl liH M\ chitilriMi UIT<- Mtuple from the Northwest. &IAI1Y VAhlllNOTOS. "lint tho price, man? The. price? surKvry at the Luivi-rnity o( ChlungD. ppopulace. Tim Itritlsh llet^t lias (IL^por many instances. But the standard ol houses in Alexandria and property in 1 Mii-.Johu Itnid-linw llrtt ofll^or ant K Imruod to di'nth in t heir Ii >m>> .m t'i>> 111.-It li) lloDowit will i>ail for Key yprlDg trade baa shown a furthor ad- The piiceV" demanded Washington, Kt-imtor Murk Hiiniui wours JH u wuti-'i ihu f viiucc at a numbor of markets, and the out- (A rar« picture of tho mother of Wash- Washington. Ho had valuable lands •'hurin u K'*'1' niiKKot wlili'h is wortli m^- | II Wil>. foiirtli »m.\ei tnkuu fromthfl Kiondlku n«- h itllil ItH L-oillullts tv>li< - ••I ('oinp:iuy Itt Loixlo Domnud for anthracite coal la good. Tho Ho was throughout hiu life a money- -living Hi" L'nnv, ''uiislslttiK "t lwtMity iiii of Turiiey 1-J HI. Ho supplies ol all grades are limltod, nnd The pries of the necessaries of life maker, and I was told at Ali'tumlm. 1 1 | iiifii. ot (hu ISntMi HtuuiiHliif Vindabulii cor, "Washington was knocked down "TiiU» it away Take it away " a.vn> froin lio'lio l'ir l! ' iia-. a Mirlftj o dL>hiil>nm aud in lu con- values nre held firm ut unalteroil llgures. Tin* Alabama J^ogirtlftturo tins piis^'d H 1 mi DfCumljor'iV li^t, m mid-Ailnntlu. and house ront also roso to an oxteu by Lion tenant Payne. Pnyno was that when ho uiis a boy he K<>* $•"> « .Yashin^'on. "It shall never 1M resolution ri'mimnitudlug U"* npiiointniiMil •*inul lear I.I im i-hiatlon It is reported from Boston that negotia- candidate for tho Legislature nguu dixy and upward for Ins .surveylUK uf UHIIITIII Wbpulor to he Miijor-Oi'in-rnl In -Mr (< A hp tion* nro In progress for a consolidation of which neutralized tho higher prices said Hint my talile puts HUCII an e\ iiwtioiU'. head uf the fam- all tlio print works ot the United States Fairfax of Alexandria. Washington lit' put his HurphiH money into imnN, 1 1 tho nwiilur army ay «oon ai ii Mi'-iincy 4(friti»ti Aiutv I in rcn«f. TrntH ous llriu ol l. - A SpoitMvooilc, Panla- paid for labor. In somo industries amp! i>f luYiuy and oxtiftvnuiinee " Hlmll uccnr lucntar^ uud ^ Tiil priiiti'r**, iliud lu Lon- into ii sinjflo company, with a capitaliza- Kupported Fairfax, und MIIUII hu metand an inlvoitiscnit'iit in a linllnnoie Tin- Uudk-'-l Coiuiiilttuu or tin* JitiiuhHtiL,!. During whoro activity wab very marked then il -o the SI fhh was taken fron: Autlrtiw ('nrncgio has oftored to ilonatc Aon. tion of •200.000,000. puper of 177^ state* that he Iia<( 'JO.- l IJ"riin. (ionuimy ai;ri>ivl t<» IIUTIMSU the Payne hero he niariu n lomark that the i KMii, tn lio iih<>ad III»; ..[ -lnplxilldcrs wtiu am- mooting of the Massachusetts Co-operative milt* iiltioli<>\vit/i>r bmiiTiui.tintt ILHOIU linTiM-i- tilnwn doivn I'.i" IV.I-<' ployers apparently apnrohonding HiiPi*. His will, which it now kept Mut<* will uppro|>riato f 10,000 uuiiuully In tlio u>0ul [TiMiiccr AJiil'.uini, diud Longui' show tbat tho past-year was proOt- knocked him donu. Tho fctoty vent ttio t>troiih*tU uf Hi1-' luul-iirlUlLT). iTL- UMU;IJI.I about twenty miles fioin WaKhington tlm malutouaucu ol tb« library. I nblo for the co-oporatlvo bauku, and that reaction. like lightning thiough tho town that The piioiHigi.iph wft-j iineutcil by tho league had incraaflod both Its motfibor Colonel Washington was Itilleil, und in tbo nafo of tho old cumthaiiBe at Edison m lt>77. ship uad fB capital, -THE CRANBURY PRESS,- state Notes. CAKLYLE AS A TUTOB I Samuel Lord, of Pitman Grove, has patented a new snow plow. I | ANECDOTE OF THE It will pay you to buy PUBLISHED ETERI FRIDAY AT A N AMUS NQ A sauer kraut supper was the novel, GREAT AND GLOOMY MAN. Underwear now, prices scheme of the Newfleld Methodist I are way down. John S.Hllven, Episcopal Church for raining funds the] Hae HoLauBd ab FrowThat nStartle That dTerriae HI. Pupil*d and. Editor. other evening. Tbe Dar'tbe Donlur Came lo Sobool Thirty-Year 11.60 PEETEAS. IH ABVAKOE. Drift ice from Delaware Bay fills the sea opposite Cape Hay for a distance A writer in The Scotsman bas un- f two miles from shore. earthed an amusing anecdote of Thomas ' Hereafter all locals pertaining to Jarlylo as a country "dominie," for The Delaware and Atlantic Tele- tbe accuracy of which he vouches. It In the store must be sold. If you happen to be interested in business will be charged for at the rate ihone and Telegraph Company is com- told in 18GS by a Onpar Fife law- of five cents per line. iletiog the new telephone system in yer and provost who bad been one of these garments, it will pay you to note the prices talem. Carlyle's pupils at Eirkcaldy, to tho we've made to close 'em out. riter and Hugh Miller. Tho interest FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1899. Henry Davis and S. T. Colemao, of of tbia gentleman's reminiscences of -m- RUE Jcean View, have killed a Dumber of is ecboolmaBter WOB heightened by bis ALL GRADES INCLUDED. Notary Public, ink on the seaside meadows during itter nnconBciouBoess that his old do- None Reserved. - Come Early. Our Notional Weakness. inio was tbo ThoniaB Oorlyle wbo was AND AGENT FOR THE Will sell until March 1st, their Entire the cold weather. hen beginning to be known to fame. MANDPAOTUBING In bis great work, Sea Power, Capt $1.00 Knit Jackets now 85c Raccoon Creek, in the. vicinity of The old gentleman described tbo older Following Reliable Fire Insurance Mahan mattes it very clear that naval Swedeaboro, is alive with small gar- race of Scottish schoolmasters OB always 150 Knit Jackets now $1 .'25 Stock of uring fioboo) boure wearing their hata Companies. •" "" power is soon exhausted, if there does fish, a variety never before Been in these 1.75 Knit'Jackets now 1.50 not also exist mercantile ships and sea- —at least beeping their beads covered— waters. and many of the boys, viewing the pe- 2.00 Knit Jackets now 1.75 men as a reserve force to keep the Liverpool & London Jt Globe. Overseer of tbe Poor Watson, of on] iar angle at which the bat stood up- 2.50 Knit Jackets now _!... 2.15 warships upon the sea, and to impro- on the bead and how near it came to the German American, vise others as auxiliaries. He points Camden, Bays more applications fc r eyebrows, could conjecture if tbe sav- . 3.00 Knit Jackets now 2.65 Royal, out the great danger that threatens relief have been mad< to him' during age mood were to be that day predomi- 3.50 Knit Jackets now 3.00 the last few days than ever before. ant. Ins. Co. of North America, this nation, at any. time, lacking a Commercial Union, Some of the sturgeon fishermen JERSEY COATS REDUCED FROM Heady-Hade Clothing and strong mavy, and entirely denuded of "But my teacher," said tho provost, Standard, a merchant shipping and trained sea- along tbe Delaware oppose the pro- a etriot and gloomy disoiplinarian 82 to ei.CS, 83 to $2.05, 84 to 83.45, 85 to 84.25. Merger County Mutual, posed legislation to prohibit outside with tho name of Oarlyle, never woro men and firemen. 8hrewnbury Mutual, On thas point he will say: - fishermen coming to the Jersey shore, iis bat in tbo school, and indeed his Tearing the fishermen of Delaware will row was 60 overhung with dark threat- Monmouth County Mutual "'The United States has not that ening that no extra expression to alarm retaliate. Tho best Bturgeon fishing is shield of defensive power behind which us was needed from hlB lnm bat! Be Prompt settlement of losfles is time can be gained to develop itsalong the Delaware shore. did not thrash ns either very often or of which we have a Large Stock, prepara- very severely, bnt we bad a fear that, NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE. their record. reserve of^strength. As for seafaring The Memorial Baptist Church, of if provoked, be would go great lengths HABERDASHERY. ' population ^adequate to her possible FaulBboro, has received from the State in punishment. I have soon bis mere tory to getting: in Spring Goods. needs, where is Jt? Such a resource, Baptist Association a loan of II,500 to owl tansb at once tho whole school." Tornado Policies issued at very proportionate toNher^caast line and complete the new edifice and $301) Hugh Miller bere interposed by nett- TRENTON, N. 'J. low rates. ng, "Did yonr teacher ever bqrat into LION ' population, is to be found only in atowards the pastor's salary. a strange laugh in school?'' ^"national merchant shipping, and its The State Board of Health reports That is a very odd ," re- Office: Press Building, Already we have in a nice assortment of related industries, which at present the death rate of Bergen county last turned the .provost. "Why do' you ask? BRAND scarcely exist. It will'matter little Bat now that I remember, ho had at ORANBURT, N. J. year to have been 11.09 in tbe thous- imes a verv extraordinary langb that whether the crews of such ships are and, the only smaller one being 11.08 made- ua all stare. It had a train of native-born or foreign-born, provided ID Cape May, while that of Sussex was qneer chuckling which exploded in a they ore attached to the flag, and her the same. succession of lond and deop guffaws tbdt power at sea is sufficient to enable the shook his whole body nnd displayed all Flavoring most of them to get. bock in case of Articles of incorporation were filed bis teeth like the keys of a piano. Ho Ick Ice Cream. a beautiful line of with tho Secretary of State by the Na- then clapped his bnndi on tbe book be war.' When foreigners by thousands are Vet none of ns tional Steel Company, with a capital bold against his knees. Overcoats admitted to the ballot, it is of little never know at wbut he was laughing. Notice to the Public. moment that they are (given Bghtiog stock of {100,000, and the Durable He hod a grim smilo in roprovins pupils Hamburg and Torchon Laces. room on board ship. Though the Wire Rope Company, with a capital of and a habit of tapping their heads with and Reefers I am now uble to mak« Ice Cream Extracts treatment of the subject has been *2D0,000, of which $125,000 is to be lie knuckles ns bo told thorn that the preferred stock, with six per cent, cum- heads wonld never be worth the prioo in all its branchex; can supply somewhat discursive, it may be admit- of hats or tbe charge-of n barber, though balls, parties and festivals witb ted that a great population following ulative dividends. mammas and unuts bnd tbat morning WE RflUST WAVE RQORfl com hod, kissed and Moused thorn, as if choice THE - callings related to the sea is, now as In tbe Monmouth County Court they were toemiug with tbe sublimest for our stock of new Spring (Joods. In order to accom- formerly, a great elementof sea power Judge Conover has rendered his de- inventions and designs!" plish this promptly, we have decided to give one-fifth off that the United States is deficient in cision finally in the case of the late The provost saw that Hngb Miller former marked prices on all Men's and Boys' Winter r YOU WILL FIND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF 0 that element, and that its foundations president of the Ocean Grove Camp and some other guests were listening Overcoats, Ulsters and Reefers. in all flavors, in bricks or loose, can only be laid in a large commerce Meeting Association. He strikes out eagerly, and be proceeded: "One morning, a tew minntos boforo SEE OUR WINDOWS by tbe quart or gallon, at alior Finest Goods under her own Bag." the special allowances made to Miss tbe eohool hoar, when most of tho pu- notice. Al»o WATER-ICES. Toys, ®ame@ looks, tte. It Is well worth our while to heed, Lydia Plean, a member of the Stokes and you will be satisfied this is one of the best opportuni- 9 9 pils bad arrived, and, as rain was fall- ties of the season, and you shouldn't miss it. while yet we may, the warning sound- household, and allows the rest of the ing, tboy bnd gono into the school, a Edward Schaffer, •AT- ed eight or ten years ago, and more account to stand. He also restores donkey, which had broken - loose from Boys' Overcoats and Reefers. ON THE its tether en a grassy spot near, was en- Men's Overcoats and Ulsters. than ever necessary for our adequate Mrs. Stokes, the widow, to her position ft.on kind now Ji.tti. tisoklnrl nowIi2«. Hlghtstown, - - N. J. tering tbe playground. Bill Hood and I $7.00 Ki.nl now Si