VOL; XIV CRANBURY, N. J., FRIDAY, FKBRIARY 17, 1899. NO. 32. ' A "school of tropical medicine" bai otttintown It was found that there was SCHLEY DISOBEYED ORDERS. THE NEWS EPITOMIZEDJ THE MARKETS. THE BEST PORTRAIT OF GEORGE WASHINGTON. Fairfax, Va., gives a detailed state- only oun house In ttie plnco that had a flae- been started in London and may be That Is On#» or tlin K^i iom Pampion Wai ment of evcrj article he posseusod BtdfT. Tbis hntougod to Mr. Hlggfns. an Wniltlncton Ttotnv* L*t» Wlialaulo FrlcM of Country Tntan (subsidized by the British Govern- down to the calves and nbeop. His FILIPINOS ROUTED. Engltflhman, who in President of thoDnguy Advanced O rer Xlim. Quoted In Mew Talk. pan Hallway. He lunt the staff to QoaoroJ Tthni been deolded at a Cabinet meeting ment. ' The Bohool's objeot is to dis- personal estato was then pat down at WA«ni5OTos, D. C. (Special) —Secretnry* to arrange nt onco for the payment of *3,- 7 MILK 4KD 0BE4B. - $332,000, and this included a vast Long's answer to tbe resolution of tho Sen- roo.000 to tbe native troops in Cuba. Tbo Tho overage prlco paid for tha sorpltu'on cover ways of combating the diseases amount.of tobacco, large numbers of ate of January 23, nuking for tho facts and payment will be made by officers of tho the plntforms bu been Hit V qt. net to records on which tbo Advancement of Ad- War Department specially detailed for tho which render tho tropica so dangerous zattle, sheep and horses, nearly all of sblDpor. Iteeolptsolmlikond oream attba American Soldiers Capture Ca- mirals Sampson and Sculoy and other offi- purpose. * , different railroad dlstrlbatlng polnta la and to white men, and donbtless continued which ho willed to his wife. cers were made for tholr servlRna In the The bill extending tbe anti-contract near tho city (or the week have beta l» study will be riohly rewarded. The account books which are kept war with Spain ifl averv interesttni; com- Inbor laws of the United Stntes to Hawaii follows: at Washington in the State Depart- loocan and Prit Aguinaldo's rounloatlon. It contains few comments. was reported buck to tho Sennte from the Average dally receipts at tha week, Tbe Secretary's letter In made up nimont Committeoon Immigration, with amend- fluid milk, cans 33,818 ment show that Washington was very entlroly of a fitatoment based onthooffl- ments making the bill cover all Immigra- The number of eommeroial failures careful about keeping a record of his Followers to Flight. Condensed milk, cans in o)al recorda oftbecampattrn in tho Went tion questions. Oroam, cons , In the United States lost year was fif- expenditures. He put down every- Indies,' showing' tbo movements of tlm Representative Mono, Cuairmnn ot the ess thing, and amoDg other items you seo vessels under tho command of Sampson Cotnnjlttee on ' Colnuge. Weights And teen per cent. less than in 1897 and Oraamerv—West, extras.. .1 1 SB* Inn IORSOH at cards and at tho horso nnd Hobley,'wlth pnrtfculnr refflronoo to Menfiurop, lntrcMnced n joint resolution forty-two per cent, less that in 1896, Snhley'fl withdrawal from Hnnttago. iiutborlzing his commlttco to have com* Firsts - lB}f® IV races *. 3 froqueat. The curious Thirds to seconds 18 and the average liabilities per failure after tlm Spanish fleet had Entered piled from tbe official records "all com- tiling about bin accounts is that WARSHIPS OPEN BATTLE. the harbor It Is shown tbat de- munlcatlonp, soeaohos and motions rela- Str-te—Thirds toll rsts IS ® 18W were the lowest on record. Snoh there vas almost always a deficiency spite Scaley,<) statement that ho wasrivo to tho Coinage not of 1873, so as tc Stuio Dalrv tabs, extras.... is m 19 Imitation Creamery 17 /acts speak volumes for the soundness at the end of tho year which be could obliged to go to Key West for coal, be had present a fall parliamentary history of tbe n a enough coal left to malntnln the Hantlngo introduction and consideration of said Factory, fresh firsts 1S« 'of present bnBinesa conditions and the not account for. This made no dif- blockade until supplier nrrlved. Attention not, and that they report the same to the Low grades Wi® ference, however, with his starting sase of tho money market. Shrapnel Dealt Death and Ruin to the Is also called to tho tact that up to a date House." enzur. m the now year with a fresh account, for given thero was nothing to prevent the es- State—Foil cream: fanoy.... 10 <5> UK General John H. Patterson has been Bmnll one item at this time in as follows: Enemy's Forces. _ .. cape of tho Spanish fleet. It Is pointed out placed ou tbo rot I red list. ii © mi also that no signal? were sent by Snhley to Part stctms, good to prime. In anoldpa$er was found the confi- V-By cash, either lost, stolen or neg- Representative Underwood, of Alabama/ ELWELL B. OTIS, the American vessels onguged In tho fight Fullsklms <>n dent prediction of General Beranger, lected to charge, 144 pounds, 8 shil- with CerverA's ships, except that tbe ene- Introduced a Joint resolution authorizing tbo President to trans rer Naval Constructor xoas. lings and 11.pence." In other words, Otis, and at naif past five o'clock the Ameri- my's flpet was epoaplug, "Onse firing," who bod recently been Spain's Secre- Caloocan Wai tbo Strongreit Rebel Posi- Richmond P. Hobsoa from tue construction Nearby—Fancy — ho was short that year over $700. can ilaff vras floating over the town. ItB cnngratulatlonn to the other shtDS nnd Stete and Penn—Fresh ID • tary of the Navy, that Spain ''would corps to tbo line of tbo navy and to pro- Through his letters now owned by tion In the Island of Loion and Agnln- appearance wus jrrooted wltti enthusiastic ''Oregon, well dono." No commnndlngof- rooto him to each rank ns he may deter* Western—Choice — vr . unqaer on the oea" bocanso "as soon cheering by the troops. flcor was directed by ficbley in tbe flgbt, mine, with the advice Aad consent of the Southern—Choice IS the Government you see horo and nldo Had Gathered the Flower of Hit Sampaon's previous directions being car- Sannte. , ' nun «(P rskt.'. in fire- is opened the. orewa of the there correspondence which showB Army There—Tb*> place Warn Sliellml SIGNAL MEN IN DJSBIAND, ried out, m. that he was very hard up at times. From Two or Down's Bblpi and From Tho President and Sirs. McKtnley a fev Beans—Marrow, oboloo, 1898 — r'jfcieFiciftty sbipo-'will ooinznence to do- Seorotatv Lontr, BAT* also thnt his'Te- days ago received members ot Congress a? Hedlam, 1898 —- In 1785 he wrote that he could get no A New Corp* to He Orgaulied From preheDBlbin condact," bin "unHteadlnesn In ? jert, einotf among them aropeoploof Land—Then the -^Troopi Advanced tbelr guest?.. The recaption was a large Pea, oholco, 1899.... — > wheat on credit, and that he had no Volunteer* In the Philippine!. purpose nnd in push and hln failure to obey With » JRnth and the Robeli Took to WABHIKOTOK, D. 0. (Specinn.-Owlng to one, despite the snow-blooked streets And Hod kidney, choice, 1898... — @ 170 ill nationalities."' How ourionu that cash to pay for it. Three years later orders" did not not meet tho approval of avenues and the unusually low thermom- White kidney, onolce. 1803 . — g) 19» Fllght—Onr Loiieji Were Slight, Bat the pressing need for additional signal tho President and tho department, forgotten prediction seems nowl ho urges a man to pay tho $1000 which corps men la the Philippines and the dif- eter. TeUoweye.... — CS> 1H the Enemy 8afler«il Heavily. • he owes him, and says he has put off ficulty ot getting rolagreements there from Too Houstt CommitteV on Waya. and Lima, Cal., VOOlbs 280 ® 385 tho Unite* States, It bos been decided by ANARCHY EXISTS IN SAMOA. Means agreod to favorably report tha bill Sreeapoas, bags 99 @ MJi tho sheriff threo times already, and MANILA, Philippine glands (By Cable).— ihoWnrDopartmcnttoatrengthen the corps appropriating 8500.000 for the Pan-Amorl- ntcrrs AND BEnsras—FBCSB. Now that we are to bavo automobile that he needs this money to pay his German? Doei Not Uphold Herr Rote'* Dottier victory has beon gained by tbo now In tho islands by tbo addition of ono •:on Exposition In Buffalo In 1901. Tho bllj apples, Greenings, V fcbi.. 8M ® 400 ktreet cars, trnoks, cabs, private car- taxes. Ho was not afraid to dun his company of alxty muD, recruited from the Protcit Acalnit <Iustlco Chamber*. provides 8200,000 for a Governmont build* imorlcan troops, nnd the tow a of Oaloocnn, Baldwin,? bbl 225 ©875 debtors, and ho is said to have been voluntoers In the forces now stationed AUCKLAKU, New Zealand (By Cable).— ing and 9300,000 for an exhibit. Spy, 9bbl 300 ©3 59 nages, drays, wagons, butohers' carts vhlob was undoubtedly the strongest rebo there. Tho company will bo recruited ono of the shrewdest dealers among iierr Hose, tbo German Consul at Apia, Captain D. V7. Glenn hoe received a tola- Cranberries, Capo Cod, ¥ bbl < 60 © 8 00 tnd all the rest, wo shall presently bo ltloa la the Island ot Luzon, Is ours from tho best mon obtainable fn the ser- Samoa, received Instructions from Barlln a gram Announcing* that Lieutenant Cast- Jersey, ? bbl. 460 ® 660 the planters of his time. vice and officered by the best non-com- The place was not von without a fltrujjglo.
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