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NORTHERN LIFE, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 2003 13 Oscar Clouthier returns to Wolves den Spring Spring GolfGolf SchoolsSchools STARTS MONDAY, MAY 5 BY SCOTT HUNTER HADDOW “The years Oscar was with us we felt we had some of our 12 Hour Packages (6 x 2 hour lessons) FOR NORTHERN LIFE best drafts ever,” said Smith. “He brings a lot of confidence Daily Classes, Day or Evening History shows when two motivated and dedicated indi- and he has an eagle eye when it comes to identifying talent.” Classes ....$85 + GST Junior Classes....$60 + GST viduals team up they can achieve a great deal of success. Clouthier is looking forward to his new/old job. Wayne Gretzky and Jari Kurri, Simon and Garfunkle, I have always liked the OHL,” said Clouthier. “I have worked with Blaine, Mark Burgess and the Wolves in the past ForFor BookingBooking INSTRUCTOR Batman and Robin are a few examples. The Sudbury Wolves have their own and enjoyed some success.” VIC WHISSEL Info,Info, CallCall Whistling Winds Golf Course dynamic duo after the recent hiring of Clouthier has served as a scout for the OHL’s Oshawa GOLF ALL DAY $12 Oscar Clouthier as the interim assistant Generals for the past two seasons, as well as serving as com- Valley Family Golf Centre 897-7400 or general manager. missioner of the Northern Ontario Junior Hockey League The Golf Shop 560-9355 RR #15 BLEZARD VALLEY Clouthier held the position previ- over the past year. He resigned two weeks ago as commis- ously from 1997-99. Clouthier joins vice- sioner of the NOJHL.
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