\*-ffi, NORTH EASTERN COALFIELDS. COAL INDIA LTD. i I ARGHERITA. AS5A^^ - 7861811 tit. Corporate ldentity: 1231 09W81 9t3GOl0ZgB44 '*.,ffi-'*51 Fax - 03751-220354. Phone - 03751- 220329. Emait -
[email protected] Website - www.neccoal.co.in fl*{w+ qffiqs, gT{Rsr, orsc-0. q 9 c q . trcs. o I o.t c.? ?o t 9u clf{ o t oq i-? ? o I ? 3 {*a - gmmrsl @bsnt.in Ref.No.NEC/EMLW2l(D\N2a/z- {. -j- Date : 28, /2.Lalf To, Member Secretary, Pollution Control Board; Assam, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati - 21, Assam) Subject : Six Monthly compliance report of Tikak OCP of North Eastern Coalfields, Assam. Reference : EC No.Z-l l0l1/3/88-IA.II(M) Dt. l5th September ,lgg5. 3r Dear Sir. In compliance to condition number 3(viii) of the Environment Clearance awarded to Tikak OCP vide letter under reference, we axe hereby submitting the Six Monthly Compliance Report in 4 pages for the period from April-September, 2015 along with two Air/IVaterAloise/Groundwater monitoring reports for the quarters April to June and July to September ,2015 (in Hard & Soft Copy) for your kind perusal please. Thanking you, Yours Truly, tl North Eastern Coalfields Encl: as,stated. REGTSTqRqD oE"'FrgE: Coal India Limited Head office. Coal India Limited, Coal Bhavan, Premises No.04 MA& plot No.AF-lll, Action Area : IA, Newtown, Rajarhal Kolkata - 700156, India Fax: + 033-232458g3 . Web: Www,Cgalindi4.i n, www.cpalindia.g,q.in . rt_ SD( MONTTILY EI+TVIRONMENTAL STATUS REPORT TIKAK OPEI.ICAST MINE g-n ol:nlgg-[A. II (I\/f) Dr.