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\*-Ffi, NORTH EASTERN COALFIELDS \*-ffi, NORTH EASTERN COALFIELDS. COAL INDIA LTD. i I ARGHERITA. AS5A^^ - 7861811 tit. Corporate ldentity: 1231 09W81 9t3GOl0ZgB44 '*.,ffi-'*51 Fax - 03751-220354. Phone - 03751- 220329. Emait - [email protected] Website - www.neccoal.co.in fl*{w+ qffiqs, gT{Rsr, orsc-0. q 9 c q . trcs. o I o.t c.? ?o t 9u clf{ o t oq i-? ? o I ? 3 {*a - gmmrsl @bsnt.in Ref.No.NEC/EMLW2l(D\N2a/z- {. -j- Date : 28, /2.Lalf To, Member Secretary, Pollution Control Board; Assam, Bamunimaidam, Guwahati - 21, Assam) Subject : Six Monthly compliance report of Tikak OCP of North Eastern Coalfields, Assam. Reference : EC No.Z-l l0l1/3/88-IA.II(M) Dt. l5th September ,lgg5. 3r Dear Sir. In compliance to condition number 3(viii) of the Environment Clearance awarded to Tikak OCP vide letter under reference, we axe hereby submitting the Six Monthly Compliance Report in 4 pages for the period from April-September, 2015 along with two Air/IVaterAloise/Groundwater monitoring reports for the quarters April to June and July to September ,2015 (in Hard & Soft Copy) for your kind perusal please. Thanking you, Yours Truly, tl North Eastern Coalfields Encl: as,stated. REGTSTqRqD oE"'FrgE: Coal India Limited Head office. Coal India Limited, Coal Bhavan, Premises No.04 MA& plot No.AF-lll, Action Area : IA, Newtown, Rajarhal Kolkata - 700156, India Fax: + 033-232458g3 . Web: Www,Cgalindi4.i n, www.cpalindia.g,q.in . rt_ SD( MONTTILY EI+TVIRONMENTAL STATUS REPORT TIKAK OPEI.ICAST MINE g-n ol:nlgg-[A. II (I\/f) Dr. lsm sEpr tggs MoEF, GOr) \. " a*5_ - -: - NORTSEA,$TERNCOALFIEIJ)$. : goAL IFTDIA LTI}. Corpormc ld€aft:n IAZI 0gWB I g?3GOIOAS&tf r t€firrr-\ecqtctt f{m$crtta As$e 786181. Phone - 03?51n2A329. Fax - 03751n2ffi54 gu-n@ia n I wwwnoccoal.co"in PERIOD - From 0I April 2015 - To 30 September 20l S SERIAL EC COI{DTNONS STATUS I The production I from The production fr'om Tikak OCP hns bffi rstrictsd to 7 ta*fr U Tikak OCP must bc Tonnss annually to faciliatc sustainable miuiry in &c aru& limited to a maximum of 2 lac Tonns ptr annum only in o,rdcr frcilin*e ws,tninablc rtlining ftl - the are& ., I I No O. B. or esir No overtrrdcn is bcing dumpod nlong th€ hill slopes. Old OB waste should bc emp clopce harc bffi flsfrcncd to 28o b &c hrizoiltal. All &c dumped on hill slopes, mining tdivitits are under&kcn as pcr mnuat a$ion plan All snisting O.B dumfslop sbuld be flafrcncd to rct more than 28 to thg horizontal at uty poinr An advmce planning is to be mfrds t- by the m+na$mt in thi$rryme !u AII slopcs &ffiping All pruvious stope drmpo havc becn rcstor€d aftGr the slopc$ should b€ rc$totd wurt gfsdo{ tcrracd, ntrd maintaining tbc check d{ms, grdly with grorring plugs alrcady hdlt to prcvent erosion Sh$s likc Jbru-ktrch for shrubs/bushes sd soil stsbilidim & binding, Mimosa, Crotolcria etc, for nitnogen trs€s. $pccies fixation atc plantcd. Ths mtirrc spccies of ftes ufrich frG Page 2 of4 selection ftr @ dumps sre Artoca{nrs Iscgrcfolis, Gmclina vegetation covcr Artorea, Phyllabthtrs *mblica, Pithimlobium Sman, Psidium would be loel snrch as Cffqisla' Ternrimlia Tomentm, Atbizia l-cbboclq lvfilia to effilrrrg $trshisabls Azdiiffht& Poirciana Rstgis" C,assln Fistuls, Elcomrpus jambohna, dwelopnent \ Floribundaq Eugcnia Albizia Irrcidsm Albizis Odorstissim* Cqn$.luna ' Ths sam€ procedure is bcing foltoqrcd for rwlamcion of cxisfing OB drrmlx. lv BackfiIting of fu, Ots mcrinls grfirratd duc tq minirrg opcmarion are usod for coaled ffis will bc m Ummry of wids ercatad drrctto minins.fuvcr kkfiIlitrg carried out as to cortr is dffi drr ce? is tsksn to drry cstonrcsous umiats 8t tbs O the earpod coal on acffi of ttc OB void ecfr, yitich is cov€r'ed lrith othcr OB the tsrmirst high mmsials from aII sides fotkl$pd by courytioil to rcdrrcc wnlls aild providc ouriddisn d to provcnt lndiry Duc cfi? hE$ boen essy slop*, tak€n to cover th ctryosd sal rry to fu tcfmiml higbwails troryiding casy dopc. Total bscldlling dom in Tihk OCP mYxcr$ m f,ica of 13.785 I{a The psoject au&ority Propcr cnffironmcnt manage,ment ptan ars bcing stistly should stristly sdh€re implcnrmted as per the Annrlal Action plsn in a timc bou{d to the envirunmenftl programm,c. $pesial emphasis hos bocn gxvm for plant*ion in marye,me,nt plm $o ttrg dopc$ as ltall as in thc drry ffiato #bilisc thc dtmpc md that tims-botsd to mrkc grsca beltg. Ptanr*$m is a r*gutr proccs$ ild is bcing mcs$ur€$ d disg mfukcn in crrcry rnounoo pcriod" Iffil htfu d q*ttry plans could bc ue also traqsPlffitcd on fu slotks of OB dumpc to Sbiticc fu implementcd. It is soil arld to rrf,Ein mois*rne conEnt for plmtrioa This m zuggested tbst &c plautution of 4000 nos. of natiw tree saplingp is caniod"ffi or$ in prcject arilbrity mry old oB fupc nd o{hcr arcat in mire ad rc$iifuoti8l'srGas also denrclop a feT$ qr6grc plamtion is rcquircd Cqe Plmtion se aho csnicd out gre€n bslts on th to iroas tbc dcnsity of plant dong fu main bd rod to cseets rwlaimsd trrEaII in grccn ty1ffctr" hsmtly around 2,00 IIa of slope ffia is rder addition to tk EMP Biologicsl Rmlamation proffis by sprcading' sood$ of rneasiuml. irdigffits spocics along n'i& $hruh ad ffi for dweloPing g'r* belt Total 7.W Ha uea hss been hkfitled d mlaimd d Ji.gts Ha sea is und€r r,eclam*ion- Which is strving tbg prryffiofrncft$"qfuqq ,- ,..,, ,, Tiksk is locdcd d fu hillep and thrn no vl The pmjcct axtffities witrr Anrlity: off - should ttkc-@um qr& is n*rally fls$'ing 06 of,& mfu unrtine firing @ pmcotatcs Pollution coafirrol Wbsmm ninur*r is coltoqtcd.* thc Fftt fuirg rfrin mea$xts for down to &c @ wo*fngp of Btrsg,otai colliecy. Ths maintsining lir cool sfrg*Jrsrd is maintaind nt plain arcr prallel to tbc Tikak qftich srg€r quality statsr $Iality 11itnrsy siding is about skm ftom th oc" rcaStc is snd noisc lctrcl wilhin ffcwiqg ot* &om tbs coll lsent.k llEc. Mmds cmalireC funrgh sciltlins hfr$ md @ pds utkt pr€ssribed by trc ffirytncsffi are cffiiod $* by atring sritrblc ch€micals State Polhsion likc lim€, sda ash b reutralim fu *idity of e,ffiucnt bdore Contnol Botrd d & dirymt to &c strsam. Tb mu{ $ffidty of Qdcft limc & soda monthly rt' rrts u{ hr nc&alizstian of cffirfrct wEFr &ring 6is pcriod is should bc submitind tW kgffiA.$00 krcspcct{fy. Chical$ ud snt on tb to thc Ministry lo*rr sidc sim half bf.tm *riod is dry urcdher. Bamboo (Rcgonal offioe) d bffirisadcs se elso etestd *t dmg fu coal drmps C siding to State Poltrrdion ffiffiol rcdum ffow of cffil fines tom dFP yud. Houprrer &is yctr urc Board. bfirc fuidcd to coustnret a ffi ETP in plmc of m*ralizafion tanks for bcrer tneueent of gfrum llffier. The pH \ratrp ofheated water is 5.3. Air Anr$ry: Rcg$lr nrdcr ryraying is bcing €a$iod out d all along &o hail md to stop &lst ero*rction &re b movemmt of v*icles in &s nirc ansa An arryragc smtnl rlinfrlt this ycar of 1368 ilrm in efu ffia helps in $rypressi,on of airborne fust in mining as well as rc$idmtial arca Co&tolld blsstitr& wt b &illing 6c slso hclps $tryPrcssim of dus*- Noirc Lsvd: Machinc$'are msiutsid and rcgulr checks src carriod ors to minimize tbe mi$c pmo*pton Contnollod blasting ud& dctffy &anafor and less chrrgc pcr holc is bcisg dw in proptr s€{grc to ruducc rcip ad grctd vib'ration Noise mmihrfng is dom in 4 locatiori* La Tikpk sidiq& 2 Rwidcritial - ruas and lfrffi Esa and fu mbicnt misc lwcl rwrdts arc within prcscribd limit Envfuwrffit Monitoring Gport Air, Effirmt trmtctr, drinking sfficr md Noisc mt behg r;g$hrly suhincd to Ae*Hr polh*ioncoffiol Bosrd ryrtcrlP _ Pnojcct had vll A propcr Mins' A miffi aM plaa of llknk OWs bm abnndonment pkn $$mificd to Th RO' MoEF, Shiltcng on 2ffl}lIj$fi. Howcryer slrould bs prceffiad a$ psr thc hditrG clmrrne gsidetim issucd by Mini*ry of Coat in and zubmitted to the Aryst 2009 w? banre alrdy prceffid Mire clostne plan v Ministry to clcdy ircl1sing finansial assurance qfiish is already rypnovcd by CIL indicarc trc nanrs sf botrd inNav' 2013 ad thcn subrrrittod to thc hfini*y. the reclaimsd {fiim dams$cd) ld along with thc pos-mining land usc cnrtisas€d within orp ycu Vtll An cnvir@l Asenr"w ['age 4 of 4 mmage,mmt ceII @-i*iviauat mllirry to plan, monitor d ovc$pe should be cr€atpd for timr bord irytcmrnmio'n of EMP ffiEsunx d ditrcrent time*bound prcj6 inchding Ti&ak cotlisb. $h monthly stshls report of of implcmemtion et eG cclliry is bcing rc$ddy ssmincd b RGIVIoEF, Shiilong EMP msasrutc d pcrusat. Rcgular fid for implemmi'olt of tbs otber rctious \ gg f$r rncasure$ hss been a$ per tk above. 6-mourhl-y cnvintnffis conml Frovided lot environffi€,utal $fuht$ gion plan Thc expendtture hcuncd for psriod bcfi$e€n report should bc seut AFril 2015 to 30fr Sept 2015 is'given below: to thc Ministry & Regional office. Adquatc ftdg sr Frrdcnlrrl of aurnfity Erpffidituro should bc proviffi EGrJUngt hR& for implryscion of Lrkbr the msssutu$ ffid fimds skuld not bs &E ffik€rs 92 divs,rtd fcr otk I lY*cr ryraying * prryposff.
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    GOVERNMENT OF INDIA COAL LOK SABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO:890 ANSWERED ON:10.12.2013 OPEN CAST COAL MINES ALLOCATION Naranbhai Shri Kachhadia;Venugopal Shri P. Will the Minister of COAL be pleased to state: (a) the number of underground and opencast coal mines functional in the country as on date, company-wise and State-wise; (b) the details of the new coal mines opened during each of the last three years and the current year. State-wise including the State of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand; (c) whether the Government proposes to open new coal mines to increase coal production in the country; (d) if so, the detail thereof along with the time by which they are likely to be allocated and made operational, location wise and State- wise; and (e) the total investment likely to be made for the purpose and the sources from where funds are likely to be mobilized in this regard? Answer MINISTER OF THE STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF COAL (SHRI PRATIK PRAKASHBAPU PATIL) (a) The number of functional underground and opencast coal and lignite mines as on 01st April, 2013 are as given below: Company State Under Ground Opencast Eastern Coalfields Ltd (ECL) West Bengal 77 12 Jharkhand 10 5 Bharat Coking Coal Ltd. (BCCL) West Bengal 2 1 Jharkhand 38 18 Central Coalfields Ltd. (CCL) Jharkhand 25 42 Northern Coalfields Ltd. Madhya Pradesh - 6 Uttar Pradesh - 4 Western Coalfields Ltd. (WCL) Madhya Pradesh 20 7 Maharashtra 22 32 South Eastern Coalfields Ltd. (SECL) Madhya Pradesh 28 7 Chhattisgarh 36 16 North Eastern Coalfields Ltd.
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