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2 THE SCHREIBER TIMES NEWS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2012 I n Th I s Issue... !e Schreiber Times Editor-in-Chief N!"#. Hannah Fagen Budget p. 3 Managing Editor SLO tests p. 4 Hannah Zweig Cut in drama club p. 5 Copy Editor O$%&%'&#. Kerim Kivrak New guidance rule p. 7 News Paperless policies p. 8 Senior Editor Extracurriculars p. 8 Minah Kim Assistant Editors F!()*+!#. Jessica Commisso Smash Burger p. 11 Ana Espinoza Fashion File p. 14 Opinions Upcoming TV shows p. 16 Editors Erin Choe A,E. Hallie Whitman Master p. 17 Assistant Editor Natasha Talukdar Looper p. 18 !e New Normal p. 19 Features Editor S$'+)#. Daniella Philipson US Open ball people p. 23 Senior Tara Joyce took this photograph in Mole National Park in Ghana, on a trip organized Assistant Editors by the program Rustic Pathways. She spent eighteen days completing community service Caroline Ogulnick Field hockey p. 21 such as building schools, feeding the homeless, and helping in an orphanage. Kelly To James Burns p. 21 A&E Editors Dan Bidikov n ews Br I efs Katie Fishbin Assistant Editors Victor Dos Santos Penina Remler Leonardo DiCaprio visits Port on DiCaprio’s visit in particular. Only seniors with registered cars may “I think things being -lmed in Port park in the Monfort lot, and no students Sports Port Washington is welcoming is wonderful,” said freshman Milan Sani. are allowed to park in the upper lot near Editors megastar Leonardo DiCaprio to town. He “Our town is beautiful and is worthy of the school. Violators of this rule will will be visiting throughout September in being in scenes in a movie. Although it receive in-school suspension and their Jake Eisenberg order to -lm the new movie !e Wolf of could disrupt some residents in the town, parents will be noti-ed. Dan Miranda Wall Street. I think it is something fun and exciting to “I like that the parking spaces are Assistant Editor .e movie is based on the true story go to and see the movie and see places that reserved only for seniors and that the Aaron Brezel of the life of a 1980s Wall Street banker are familiar to you.” juniors are not allowed to park in the lot, who steals money. .is -nancial drama .is is not the only movie that has but I think the penalties are rather harsh,” Graphics portrays the struggles of Jordan Be/ort -lmed in Port Washington. In 2000, Meet said senior Mary Puglisi. Editors (DiCaprio), a hard-partying, drug- !e Parents -lmed scenes at Louie’s. In Another rule is that students are Brian Seo addicted stockbroker involved in a large 2011, Win Win was -lmed at Guggenheim not permitted to park in the faculty lot Chris Goh security fraud case. Jonah Hill plays estate homes in Sands Point. Also in 2011, until a1er 3:05 p.m., and those who Jane Nolting-Kolb Be/ort’s close friend and business partner. !e English Teacher -lmed in the Jeanne park in the faculty-reserved spots in the “It’s so exciting that there is a movie Rimsky .eater at the Landmark building Monfort lot during the school day will Photo being -lmed in Port Washington, on Main Street, with Schreiber students be subjected to a penalty. A1er the -rst Editor especially with such an amazing actor and appearing as extras. violation, students will have their permits Harry Paul interesting plot,” said freshman Harlee suspended for a period of 30 days. .e Sta" Photographer Tung. ~Madeleine Fagen second time, students will have their As reported by Port Washington permit suspended for the remainder of Elana Galassi Patch on August 30, a Twitter post on Senior Parking Rules the school year. A1er a student’s third and CelebSightings reads, “@LeoDiCaprio subsequent o2enses, his or her car will be Business leaving motivational guru @ .is year, new rules and regulations towed at his or her expense, or he or she Manager SteveMaraboli‘s o0ce in Long Island.” regarding senior parking are in place in will receive an in-school suspension and Aaron Schuckman Steve Maraboli is a behavior specialist, order to fortify the pre-existing parking his or her parents will be noti-ed. .e speaker, author, and radio show host here rules. administration also reserves the right to Sta! Assistants in Port. “As a Behavior Specialist, I am “.e purpose of the new rules were search student vehicles parked anywhere Aaron Bialer o1en tasked by Hollywood actors to help not to regulate students, but because on school grounds. Rachel Cho them get a deep understanding into the of progressive o2enses reported,” said mind of the character they are playing,” Assistant Principal Ms. Julie Torres. “It ~Rachel Cho said Mr. Steve Maraboli. was too tiring for administrators so the Maraboli’s o0ce declined to comment additional rules were added.” Sta! Writers: Emma Brezel, Ryan Havens, Sophia Kim, Lena Kogan, Steven Kranin, De- idra Lambar-no, Ben Lerner, Lylia Li, Shari Meltzer, Veronika Onischenko, Alexa Pinto, Aaron Schuckman, Jack Simon, Lily Weissberg, Charmaine Ye. Contributing Writers: Published by the student body of Paul D. Schreiber High School. Letters to the editor Lindsey Block, Bomin Choi, Madeline Fagen, Eric Fishbin, Je2 Katz, Max Miranda, Syd- should be addressed to The Schreiber Times, 101 Campus Drive, Port Washington, New York 11050. The editors reserve the right to refuse, print, edit, return, or not return any ney Mott, Priyanka Ninan, Jillian Reyes, Ali Verdi. Contributing Photographers: Natalie submitted material. All letters must be signed by each author. We have a circulation Martinek, Kelly McDonough, Hannah Rosen, Hallie Sambursky, Sloane Volpe. of 2,000 copies per issue with subscriptions available for $12.00 per school year. We accept camera-ready ads or will design ads to your speci!cations. For information, call our business o"ce at (516) 767-5862. Subscribe to The Schreiber Times! Subscriptions cost $12.00 for the 2011-2012 school year NAME Ira Pernick, principal Mail to: Schreiber Times, Attn. Craig Medico or Evelina Zarkh ADDRESS Craig Medico, Evelina Zarkh, advisers 101 Campus Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050 © 2012, The Schreiber Times Make checks payable to: Port Washington Schools CITY STATE ZIP THE SCHREIBER TIMES NEWS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2012 3 Money in budget reserve increases by $1.5 million BY Hannah Fagen and Minah Kim have lost our JV 2 teams in a few sports Unanticipated Revenues Editor-in-Chief and Senior News Editor and have reduced clubs and activities. We also have fewer sections of classes Description Amount As the e!ects of cut programs resound overall which has limited elective choices throughout the district, money in reserves for students. As for the increase in the has jumped from $1 million, when the reserves, I have nothing but faith and Payments in lieu of taxes $822,287 budget was passed in May, to nearly $2.6 con$dence that the Board of Education million at the beginning of the school and District o%ce are doing what is in the Sale of land $107,809 year. best interests of the district for this year "e board did not know about those and beyond.” MTA payroll tax reimbursement $236,587 funds until the public did, when Assistant As part of budget cuts, several Superintendent for Business Ms. Mary departments in the school lost or Callahan announced in a public session experienced cuts in secretarial sta!, Chapter 721 $123,199 that money was being moved into the including the English, social studies, and general reserves. "is was addressed at science departments, whose secretarial Federal medicaid assistance $212,761 the Sept. 11 B.O.E. meeting a#er parents position was at $rst eliminated and then re-negotiated to two days a week. Ms. Cheryl Wagner, who previously $lled Federal emergency disaster FEMA $57,170 the position as secretary in the science department, has since le# the job. Total $1,559,804 “Not having Ms. Wagner has greatly a!ected the e%cient functioning of the McDermott. “It’s probably not a good idea believe that we should have done a better science department,” said science teacher to create programs with non-recurring job of cash forecasting, which would have Ms. Marla Ezratty. “You never realize money.” put us in a better situation where we could how much one person’s loss can a!ect the Every year, the Board of Education have reinstated these programs.” morale of the department until they’re authorizes money into the reserves for "e B.O.E. has to balance student gone. She is incredibly missed.” unanticipated expenditures. According to program needs with maintaining a healthy "e audio-visual position, which state law, once the voters have approved a fund balance, along with managing the included caring for and coordinating the school budget for 2012-2013 money may tax levy limit and County Guarantee. "e use of $lms and audio-visual equipment, only be taken from the reserves to cover County Guarantee, which will go into was also eliminated. "e district no the costs of unanticipated emergencies e!ect in 2013, would require a shi# of the longer employs Ms. Joan Biscaro, and the or unforeseen legal obligations such burden of tax returns from the county to librarians have taken over the bulk of her as damaged facilities or an increase in the school district. "is expense could position’s responsibilities. enrollment. "e reserves may not be potentially be over $2,000,000 per year and community members brought “I would say [taking out movies] takes used to restore programs such as full-time for the school district.