



JOEL CRACRAFT MICHAEL J. DGNOGHUE M. L. J. Stiassny E. O. Wiley G. D. Johnson M. R. de Carvalho


Gnathosiomata are a -rich assemblage that, with the dozen of which remain undescribed. Recent and rays exclusion of the Petromyzontiformes (lampreys, 45 spp,), rep- are further united in the subclass (975+ spp,), resents all living members of Vertebral a. Gnathostomes are whereas the form the subclass (35+ most notably characterized by the possession ol endoskeletal spp.). All chimaeras are marine; as are most sharks and rays, jaws primitively formed of dorsal palaioquadrate and ventral but about 15 living elasmobranch species are , and Meckelian articulating at a mandibular joint, Our task some 30 are permanently restricted to freshwater (Compagno here is to provide a review of a large (paraphyletic) subset of and Cook 1995). gnathostome diversity—an artificial grouping often referred Chondriehthyans are characterized by perichondral pris- to as the "jawed fishes": chondriehthyans, "piscine sarcoptery- matic calcification; the prisms form a honeycomb-like mo- gians," and actinoptciygians. We treat all living jawed ver- saic that covers most of the cartilaginous endoskeleton tebrates with the exclusion of most —ihe (Schaeffer 1981, Janvier 1996). Paired male intromittent —since they are discussed in other chapters, After a organs derived from pelvic radials (claspers) are probably review of the chondriehthyans or cartilaginous fishes and a another chondrichihyan synapomorphy, although they are brief summary of the so-called "piscine sarcopierygians," we unknown in some early forms (e.g., the focus our contribution on the largest and most diverse of the Cladaselache and Caaeodm), but all recent three groups, the Actinopterygil, or rayfin fishes. chondriehthyans and most articulated fossil taxa have them As a guide to the chapter, figure 24.1 presents, in broad (Zangerl 1981). Earlier notions that sharks, rays, and chimae- summary, our understanding of the interrelationships among ras evolved independently from placoderm ancestors (Stensio extant gnathostome lineages and indicates their past and 1925, 1 lolmgren 1942, 0rvig 1960, 1962; Patterson 1965), present numbers (with counts of nominal families indicated by culminating in the Elasmobranchiomorphi (plaeoderms + column width through time), Much of the stratigraphic infor- chondriehthyans) of Stensio (e.g., 1958, 1963, 1969) and mation for osteichthyans is from Patterson (1993,1994), and Jarvik (e.g., 1960, 1977, 1980), have not survived close in- that for chondriehthyans is mostly from Cappetta et al. (1993). spection (e.g., Compagno 1973, Miles and Young 1977); chondrichihyan monophyly is no longer seriously chal lenged (Schaeffer 1981, Maisey 1984), (Cartilaginous Fishes) Sharks, rays, and chimaeras form an ancient lineage. The earliest putative remains are dermal denticles from the Late Chondriehthyans (sharks, rays, and chimaeras) include ap- of Colorado [some 450 million ago (Mya)l; proximately 1000 living species (Compagno 1999), several the first braincase is from the Early Devonian of South AF-

410 Gnathostome Fishes 411

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Figure 24.1. Current estimate of relationships among extant gnathostome lineages, Past and present counts of nominal families are indicated by column width through lime (letrapod diversity truncated, cbondrieh- ihyan diversity truncated to the left, and acanthomorph diversity truncated to the right). Strati- graphic information for Eurypterygii Ostekhihyes is taken from Patterson (1993, 1994) but with I NoQjijnathI new data for Polypterifonnes Otocophala 11- uli li •! ::l.n from Duthcil (.1999) and for

I Oluporicsphaln Otophysi from Filleul and Maisey (in press). Data for Chondrichthyes are from iHalocoslorni Cappatta el at. (1993), wiih Nooptarygll complementary information lAtitinopteri from Janvier (1996) and other sources. For practical reasons, Samuptusiycjil AnHnoptHrygii familial diversity is charted and IOsloidllhyi3y this does not necessarily reflect Jving Gnathostomala known species diversity. rica some 60 million years later (Maisey and Anderson 2001). The entrenched notion that sharks are primitive or an- The divergence between elasmobranehs and holocephalans cestral because of their antiquity, "generalized is also relatively old, because isolated holocephalan tooth design," and lack of cndochondral (cellular) bone (e.g., plates are known from the Late Devonian (Zangerl 1981, Dean 1895, Woodward 1898) is contradicted by ihe theory Stall 1 1999), and articulated specimens from the Early Car- that bone may have been lost in sharks, because it is widely boniferous (320 Mya; Lund 1990, Janvier 1996). A few o\' distributed among stem gnathostomes (Stensib 1925, the earliest known fossil sharks may be to the clasmo- Maisey 1986). Furthermore, acellular bone is present in the branch-holocephalan dichotomy, such as Pucapampdla from dorsal spine-brush complex of an early (SteLhacanthus; the Devonian of Bolivia (Maisey 2001), but much work re- Coates et al. 1999) and also in the teeth, denticles, and mains to be done in early chondriehlhyan phylogeny (Coates vertebrae of extant chondrichthyans (Kemp and Westrin and Sequeira 1998). Sharks were remarkably diverse mor- 1979, Hall 1982, Janvier 1996), supporting the assertion phologically and ecologically during much of the , that sharks evolved from bony ancestors. Highly complex, considerably more so than early bony fishes. Some 32 fami- derived attributes of elasmobranehs, such as their semicir- lies existed during the Carboniferous, but many of these went cular canal arrangement (Schaeffer 1981), internal fertili- extinct before the end of the (Cappetta el al. 1993; zation, and formation of maternal-fetal connections fig. 24.1). ("" of some living forms; Hamlett and Koob 1999), 412 The Relationships of : reveal, in fact, that sharks are much more "advanced" than are demonstrated to comprise a crown group within a mono- previously thought. phyletic "all-shark" collective (i.e., with galeomorphs basal to them). Nonetheless, dozens of well-substantiated mor- Elasmobranchs (Sharks and Rays) phological characters successively link various shark and all batoid groups in Squalomorphi, many of which would Modern sharks and rays share with certain have to be overturned if sharks are to be considered mono- (e.g., Palaeospinax, Synechodus) calcified vertebrae and spe- phyletic to the exclusion of rays. cialized enameloid in their teeth (both secondarily lost in Historically, some of the difficulties in discerning rela- some living forms) and are united with them in tionships among elasmobranchs have been due to the highly (Schaeffer 1967,1981, Schaeffer and Williams 1977, Maisey derived design of certain taxa (e.g., , , 1984). Most of modem elasmobranch diversity originated in bat olds, electric rays), which has led several workers (e.g., the Late to Early Tertiary (some 55-90 Mya), but Regan 1906, Compagno 1973,1977) to isolate them in their several extant lineages have fossil members, usually repre- own lineages, ignoring their homologous features shared with sented by isolated teeth, dating back to the Early other elasmobranch groups (Carvalho 1996). Elevated lev- (some 200 Mya). els of homoplasy (Shirai 1992, Carvalho 1996, McEachran Recent phylogenetic studies have recognized two major and Dunn 1998), coupled with the lack of dermal ossifica- lineages of living elasmobranchs, Galeomorphi (galeomorph tions (a plentiful source of systematically useful characters sharks) and Squalomorphi (squalomorphs or squaleans; in bony fishes), hinders the recovery of phylogenetic patterns Shirai 1992,1996, Carvalho 1996; fig. 24.2). These studies, within elasmobranchs. Moreover, the (erroneous) notion that however, differ in the composition of and there is nothing left to accomplish in chondrichthyan sys- , and in relation to the coding and interpreta- lematics is unfortunately common. In fact, the situation is tion of many features; the tree adopted here (fig. 24.2) is quite the contrary, because many taxa are only "phenetically" modified from Carvalho (1996). defined and require rigorous phylogenetic treatment (e.g., The phytogeny in figure 24.2 is the most supported by within and ). However, morphological characters, but an alternative scheme has been many morphological complexes still require more in-depth proposed on the basis of the nuclear RAG-1 gene (J. G. descriptive and comparative study (in the style of Miyake Maisey, pers. comm.), in which modern sharks are mono- 1988, Miyake el al. 1992) before they can be confidently used phyletic without the rays (an "all-shark" hypothesis). Strati- in phylogenetic analyses. graphic data are slightly at odds with both hypotheses, but The general , physiology, and reproduction more so with the morphological one, because there are no of extant sharks and rays are comprehensively reviewed in Early Jurassic squaloids, pristiophoroids, or squatinoids. But Hamlett (1999). Fossil forms are discussed in Cappetta lack of stratigraphic harmony will persist unless these taxa (.1.987) and Janvier (19961 Below is a brief account of ex-

Figure 24.2. Intrarclationships of extant chondrichthyan lineages based mostly on Carvalho (1996). Relationships among rays () are left unresolved, with guitariishes (Rhinobatiibrmes) in quotation marks because the group is probably not monophyletic (see McEachran el al. 1996).

Ichondrichthyi Cnathostome Fishes 413 tant elasmobranch orders; iheir monophyly ranges from die Carcharhiniformes (48 genera, 216+ spp.) are by far the relatively well established (Oreciolobiformes) to the poorly largest of sharks, containing more than half of all liv- defined (Squaliformes; Compagno 1973,1977, Shirai 1996, ing species, and about half of all shark genera (Compagno Carvalho 1996). 1984b). Carcharhiniforms have specialized secondary lower Galeomorph sharks encompass four orders (fig. 24.2): eyelids (nictitating eyelids), as well as unique clasper skele- Heierodontiformes (bullhead sharks), Orectolobiformes tons (Compagno 1988). Species are oviparous (Scyliorhim- (carpet sharks), Lamnilormes ( sharks), and Carchar- dae) or viviparous, with or without the development of a hiniformes (ground sharks). Cialeomorphs have various spe- -sac (Hamlett and Koob 1.999). Ground sharks cializations (Compagno 197.3, 1977), such as the proximity range from sluggish, bottom-dwelling (Scylior- between, the hyomandibular fossa and the orbit on the neuro- hinidae, the largest shark ) to epipelagic, streamlined, cranium, and are the dominant sharks of shallow and epipe- and active requiem sharks (Carcharhinidae), which includes lagic waters worldwide (Compagno 1984b, 1988, 2001). some of the most common and economically important spe- The two most basal galeomorph orders are primarily cies (e.g., blue and tiger sharks, Carcharhinu.s spp.). Ham- benthic, inshore sharks. Bullheads (i-letewdonLus, eight spp.) merhead sharks (Sphyrnidae) are morphologically very are distributed in tropical and warm-temperate seas of the distinctive (Nakaya 1995) and capable of complex behav- western and eastern Pacific Ocean and western ioral patterns (e.g., Myrberg and Gruber 1974). Some ground (Compagno 2001). Hctcrodontus has a unique dentition, sharks may be restricted to freshwater (CAyphis spp.), and the composed of both clutching and grinding teeth, arrd is ovipa- , leucas, penetrates more than 4000 rous. It was once believed to be closely related to more primi- km up the Amazon River, reaching Peru. New species have tive Mesozoic hybodont sharks (which also had been described in recent years, particularly of catsharks (e.g., spines) and therefore regarded as a living relic (e.g., Wood- Nakaya and Seret 1999, Last 1999), and additional new spe- ward 1889, Smith 1942), but its ancestry with modern cies await formal description (Last and Stevens 1994). Phy- (galeomorph) sharks is strongly corroborated (Maisey 1982). logenetic relationships among ground sharks requires Orectolobiforms (14 genera, 32+ spp.) are among the most further study (Naylor 1992), which may eventually result colorful elasmobranchs, occurring in tropical to warm-tem- in the merging of several currently monotypic genera and perate shallow waters; they are most diverse in the Indo-West some of the families. Compagno (1988) presents a com- Pacific region but occur worldwide. Species are aplacentalty prehensive review of the classification and morphology of viviparous or oviparous. One orectolobiform, the plankio- Carcharhiniformes. phagous shark (Rhincodon typus), is the largest, known Squalomorphs (equivalent to the Squalea of Shirai 1.992) species, reaching 15 m in length. Derived characters of are a very diverse and morphologically heterogeneous group carpet sharks include their complete oronasal grooves and that includes the six- and seven- sharks (Hexanchiformes), arrangement of cranial muscles (Dingerkus 1986, Goto 2001). bramble sharks (Lchinorhiniformes), dogfishes and allies Their is reviewed in Compagno (2001), and their (Squaliformes), angelsharks (Squatiniformes), sawsharks interrelationships in Dingerkus (1986) and Goto (2001). An (Pristiophoriformes), and rays (Batoidea; fig. 24.2). These alternative view recognizes bullheads and carpet sharks as sister taxa share complete pre caudal hemal arches in the tail re- groups (Compagno 1973; fig. 24.2). gion, among many other features (Shirai, 1992, 1996, From a systematic perspective, (10 gen- Carvalho 1996). Many previous authors defended similar era, 15 spp.) contain some of the best-known sharks, char- arrangements for the squalomorphs, but usually excluded acterized by their Tanmiform tooth pattern" (Compagno one group or another (e.g., Woodward 1889, White 1937, 1990, 2001). Although their low modern-day diversity pales Glickman 1967, Maisey 1980). The most dramatic - compared with the numerous Cretaceous and Tertiary spe- ary transition among elasmobranchs has taken place within cies described from isolated teeth (Cappctta 1987), this the squalomorphs—the evolution of rays from sharklike order contains some of the most notorious sharks, such as ancestors, which probably took place in the Early Jurassic the great white (Klimley and Ainley 1997), its gigantic fos- (some 200 Mya). , from the (150 sil cousin (Gottfried et al. 1996), the Mya) Solnhofen limestones of Germany, is an early descen- megamouth (now known from some 15 occurrences world- ded of the shark-ray transition because it is the most basal wide; Yano et al. 1997), and the filter-feeding . hypnosqualean (fig. 24.2), sister group to the node uniting Lamniforms are yolk-sac viviparous, and adelphophagy angelsharks, sawsharks, and batoids, and has features inter- (embryos consuming each other in ulero) and oophagy (em- mediate between sharks and rays (Carvalho and Maisey 1996). bryos eating uterine ) have been documented in some Basal squalomorph lineages are relatively depauperate; species (Gilmore 1993). Molecular data sets (Naylor et al. hexanchiforms (four genera, five spp.) and bramble sharks 1997, Morrissey et al. 1997) are at odds with morphologi- (, two spp.) are mostly deep-water inhabitants cal ones (and with each other), indicating that the jury is of the continental slopes but occasionally venture into shal- still out in relation to the evolutionary history oflamniform low water. All species are aplacentally viviparous. Hexanchi- genera. forms have a remarkable longevity; fossil date from 414 The Relationships of Animals: Deuterostomes

Lhe Late Jurassic. They are united by several derived charac- In preclaclistic days, Batoidea were traditionally divided ters, such as an extra gill arch and pectoral propterygium into five orders (e.g., Compagno 1977): Pristiform.es (saw- separated from its corresponding radials (Compagno 1977, fishes, two genera, five or more spp.), "Rhinobatiformes" Carvalho 1996; compare Shirai 1992, 1996, which do not (, nine genera, 50+ spp.), (skates, 28 support hexanchiform monophyly). The , genera, 260+ spp.), Torpediniformes (electric rays, 10 gen- Chlamydoseiachus anguincus, is one of the strangest living era, 55+ spp.), and Myliobatiformes (stingrays, 24 genera, sharks, with an enormous gape, tripie-cusped teeth, and - 185+ spp.). Phylogenetic analyses have revealed that Rhino- like body. Some researchers even thought it was a relic of batiformes is not monophyletic (Nishida 1990, McEachran Paleozoic "eladodont" sharks (reviewed in Gudger and Smith et al, 1996), but all other groups are morphologically well 1933). Echinorkinus has traditionally been classified with the defined (Compagno 1977, McEachran el al. 1996), There is Squaliformes (Bigelow and Schroeder 1948, Compagno conflict as to which haloid order is the most basal, whether 1984a) but was given ordinal status by Shirai (1992, 1996, it is (Compagno 1973, Heemstra and Smith 1980, Carvalho 1996); studies of its dentition further support this Nishida 1990, Shirai 1996) or electric rays (Compagno 1977, conclusion (Pfeil 1983, Herman el al. 1989). McEachran et al. 1996). The most comprehensive phylo- Squaliformes (20 genera, 121+ spp.), Squatiniform.es genetic study to date is that of McEachran el al. (1996); (Squalina, 15+ spp.), and PrisLiophorifarm.es (two genera, five molecular analyses have hitherto contributed very little or more spp.) form successive sister groups to the rays lo the resolution of this problem (e.g., Chang et al. 1995). (Batoidea, 73+ genera, 555+ spp.). The squaliiorm dogfishes Rays are clearly monophyletic, with ventral gill openings, are mesopelagic, demersal, and deep-water species that vary synarcual cartilages, and an anteriorly expanded proptery- greatly in size (from 25 cm Euprolomkrus to 6 m ). gium, among other characters (e.g., Compagno 1973, Many species are economically important, and new species 1977). There is as much morphological distinct!veness continue to be described (Last et al. 2002). They are apla- among the different groups of rays as there is among the centally viviparous, and some have the longest gestation orders of sharks. The oldest ray skeletons are from the Late periods of all vertebrates (SquaJus, some 24 months). Shirai Jurassic of and are morphologically reminiscent of (1992,1996) and Carvalho (1996) disagree in relation to the modern guitarfishes (Saint-Seine 1949, Cavinet al. 1995), composition of this order, which is recognized as monophyl- but their relationships require further study (see Carvalho, etic by Carvalho, but broken into several lineages by Shirai. in press). Squatiniforms (angelsharks) are morphologically unique, Sawfishes are large batoids (up lo 6 m long), present in benthic sharks that resemble rays in being dorsoventrally inshore seas and bays, but also in freshwaters. The precise flattened with expanded pectoral fins. They are distributed number of species is difficult to determine because of the worldwide, but most species are geographically restricted paucity ol: specimens but is between four and seven; some (Compagno 1984a). Pristiophorilorms (sawsharks) are poorly are because of and habitat known benthic inhabitants of the outer continental shelves degradation (Compagno and Cook 1995). They differ from (Compagno 1984a). They first appear in the fossil record dur- sawsharks in the arrangement of canals for vessels and nerves ing the of Lebanon (some 90 Mya) and have within the rostral saw and in the mode of attachment of ros- an elongated rostral blade ("saw") with acute lateral rostral tral spines. Guitarfishes are widespread in tropical and warm spines that are replaced continuously through life; the saw is temperate waters, and are economically important. Much used to stun and kill fishes by slashing it from side to side. work is needed on their species level taxonomy; the last Similar to angelsharks, sawsharks are yolk-sac viviparous. comprehensive revision was by Norman (1926). Charac- Rays (batoids), once thought to represent a gargantuan ters supporting their monophyly are known, but they arc evolutionary leap from sharklike ancestors (e.g., Regan 1906), undoubtedly a heterogeneous assemblage that requires sub- are best understood as having evolved through stepwise ana- division (as in McEachran et al. 1996); for simplicity they are tomical transformations from within squalomorphs. Saw- treated as a single in figure 24.2. Electric rays are no- sharks are their sister group, sharing with rays various torious for their electrogenic abilities. Although known since characters (Shirai 1992), such as enlarged supraneurals antiquity, they have been neglected laxonomlcally until very extending forward to the abdominal area. But at least one recently (e.g., Carvalho 1999, 2001). Their electric organs feature traditionally considered unique to rays (the ant- are derived from pectoral muscles and can produce strong orbital ) can be traced down the tree to basal squalo- shocks that are actively used to hunt prey (Bigelow and morphs, in the form of the ectethmoid process (Carvalho Schroeder 1953, Lowe et al. 1994). All species and Maisey 1996) ofhexanchiforms, Echinorhinus, and squali- are marine, in tropical to temperate waters, and some occur forms, or as an unchondrified "antorbital" in pristiophori- in deep water. Skates arc oviparous (all other rays are vivipa- forms (Holmgren 1941, Carvalho 1996). Even though rous), marine, mostly deep water and more abundant in tem- "advanced" rays are very modified (e.g., Manta), basal rays perate areas. They also produce weak discharges from caudal retain various sharklike traits such as elongated, muscular electric organs (Jacob et al. 1994). Even though skates are tails with dorsal fins. the most species-rich chondrichthyan assemblage, they are Gnathostome Fishes 415 father conservative morphologically. Rajiform intrarelation- Sarcopterygii (Lobefin Fishes and Tetrapods) ships have been studied by McEachran (1.984), McEachran and Miyake (1590), and McEachran and Dunn (1998), Many The lobefin fishes and tetrapods comprise some 24,000+ liv- new species still await description (J, D. McEachran, pers. ing species ol fishes, , and amniote vertebrates comm.). Stingrays are also highly diverse (Last and Stevens (; , crocodiles; turtles; snakes, lizards, and kin.) 1994) and are found in both marine and freshwaters (the 20+ with a fossil record extending to the Upper . All sareo- species of South American potamotiygonid stingrays are the pterygians are characterized by the evolutionary innovation only supraspecific chondrichthyan group restricted to fresh- of having the pectoral fins articulating with the shoulder water), Stingrays can be very colorful and range from 15 cm girdle by a single element, known as the humcrus in tetra- {Urohygon mkmphihalmum) to "5 m {Manta) across the disk. pods. In contrast, aclinopterygian fishes retain a primitive rntrarelationships have been recently investigated condition similar to that seen in sharks, in which numerous by Nishida (1990), Lovejoy (1996), and McEachran et al. elements connect the fin with the girdle. A rich record of fossil (. 1996). Stingray embryos are nourished in utero by milk-like lobefin fishes provides numerous "transitional Forms" lead- secretions from trophonemata (Hamlett and Koob 1999); ing to Tetrapoda (Cloutier and Ahlberg 1996, Zhu and there are at least 10 undcscribed species. Schulrze 1997, Zhu el al. 1999, Clack 2002). Two living groups survive, lungfishcs and . Holocephalans (Chimaeras) Living holocephalans represent only a fraction of their pre- vious (mostly Carboniferous) diversity. As a result, fossil There are six living species ol lungfishes, one in Australia holocephalans (summarized in Stahl 1999) have received {Neoceratodus forsteri), one in South America (LepidtKircn more attention from syslematists than have extant forms The paradoxa), and four in {Pwtopt.cms spp.). All are fresh- single surviving holocephalan order (Cbimacriformes) con- water, but there are more than 60 described fossil genera tains three extant families: Chimaeridac (2 genera, 24+ spp.), dating back to the Devonian, almost all ol which were ma- Callorhynchidae (, three spp.), and Rhinochim- rine. Ol the living lungfishes all except the Australian spe- acridae (three genera, eight spp.). Chimaeras are easily dis- cies share an ability to survive desiccation by aestivating in tinguished from elasmobranchs, with opercular gill covers, burrows. This lifestyle is ancient; Permian lungfishes are open lateral-line canals, three pairs of crushing tooth plates commonly found preserved in their burrows. Considerable with hypermineralized pads (tritors), and frontal tenacula controversy surrounds the interrelationship of lungfishes. on their foreheads (Didier 1995). Most species are poorly Most recent studies place them at (Zhu and Schultze 1997) known, deep-water forms of relatively little economic signifi- or near (Cloutier and Ahlberg 1996) the base of the sar- cance. All chimaeras are oviparous, and some of their copterygian tree, although some ichthyologists have claimed capsules are highly sculptured (Dean 1906). Relationships that they are the closest relatives of Tetrapoda (Rosen et al. among living holocephalans is summarized by Didier (1995), 1981), a view recently supported with molecular evidence New species are still being described (e.g., Didier and Seret by Venkateshetal.(2001). 2002), but relationships among chimaeriform species are unknown, Coelacanths

Coelacanths were once thought to have become extinct in (Bony Fishes) the Cretaceous. The discovery ol a living coelacamh oil the coast of South Africa in 1938 caused a sensation in the zoo- Before the advent of Phylogenctic Systemat.ics (Hennig 1950, logical community [Weinberg (2000) presents a very read- 1966, and numerous subsequent authors), Osteichthyes able history; see also Forey (1998)]. Between the 1950s and constituted only bony fishes; vertebrates were clas- the 1990s, extant coelacanths were thought to be endemic sified apart as coordinate groups (usually ranked as classes). to the , But in 1997 Arnaz and Mark Erck With the recognition that classifications should mann photographed a specimen in a fish market in Indone- strictly reflect evolutionary relationships, it has become sia () and eventually obtained a specimen through apparent that Osteichthyes cannot include only the bony local fishermen (Erdmann 1999). Since that time, coelacanths fishes, but. must also include the tetrapods. Thus, there are have been discovered off South Africa, , and Madagas- two great osteichthyan groups of approximately equal size: car [see Third Wave Media Inc. (.2003) lot accounts of these Sarcopterygii (lobefins and tetrapods) and discoveries and other coelacamh news]. Like lungfishes, the (rayfins). Here, we briefly review the so-called "piscine sar- phylogenettc position of coelacanths has been subject to some copterygians," or lobefins, before considering the largest, dispute. Cloutier and Ahlberg (1996) placed them at the base and most diverse radiation of the jawed fishes, the actino- of Sarcopterygii; Zhu and Schultze (1997) placed them near pterygians or rayiins, the containing Tetrapoda. 416 The Relationships of Animals: Deuterostomes

Actinopterygii (Rayfin Fishes) this is to be expected; evolution by large saltatory steps is more the exception than the rule, because derived char- The actinopterygian fossil record is rich, but unlike that of acters were acquired gradually. Another example is that most other vertebrate groups, there are far more living forms gnathostomes, today remarkably diverse and divergent in than known fossils. The exact number of rayfin fishes remains , appear to have been very similar to each other to be determined, but most authors agree that the group shortly after their initial separation, because many features minimally consists of some 23,600-26,500 living species, were primitively retained in now extinct stem gnathostome with approximately 200-250 new species being described lineages (Basden et al. 2000, Maisey and Anderson 2001, Zhu each (Lschmeyer 1998). Early actinopterygian fishes et al. 2001, Zhu and Schultze 2001). are characterized by several evolutionary innovations (synapomorphies) still found in extanl relatives (Schultze Living Actinopterygian Diversity and Cumbaa 2001). These include several technical features and Basal Relationships of the and paired fins, and the composition and mor- phology of the scales |see Janvier (1996) for an excellent over- Wiley (1998) and Stiassny (2002) provide nontechnical over- view of actinopterygian anatomy]. The earliest well-preserved views of basal actinopterygian diversity, and the review of actinopterygian, Dialipma, from the lower Devonian of Lander and Liem (1983) remains a valuable and highly read- Canada and Siberia, retains several primitive features of thei r able summary of actinopterygian relationships. The most osteichthyian and gnathostome ancestors, such as two dor- basal of living actinopterygians are the (Polypteridac), sal fins (Schultze and Cumbaa 2001). a small group (11 spp.) of African fishes previously thought Living actinopterygian diversity resides mostly in the to be related to the lohefin fishes (sarcopterygians), or to form crown group Teleostei (see below), but between the species- a third group. Despite past controversy, two recent molecu- rich and the base of Actinopterygii are a number of lar studies provide additional support for the birchirs as the small but interesting living groups allied with a much more basal living actinopterygian lineage (Venkatesh et al. 2001, diverse but extinct fauna. For example, an actinopterygian Inoue et al. 2002), and this placement now seems well, es- thought to represent the closest living relative of fishes tablished. Compared with other rayfin fishes, birchirs are is the North American , Amto calva (Patterson 1973, distinctive in having a rather broad fin base (even giving the Wiley 1.976, Grande and Bemis 1998). The bowfin is the last external appearance of a lobe fin), a dorsal fin composed of remaining survivor of a much larger group of fishes (the a series of finlets running atop an elongate body, and only Halecomorphi) that radiated extensively in the Mesozoic and lour gill arches. Although the analysis by Schultze and whose fossil representatives have been found in marine and Cumbaa (2001) places them one branch above the basal freshwater sediments worldwide. As another example, be- , their fossil record only just extends to the Lower tween and below the branches leading to the living bichirs Cretaceous (Dutheil 1999), a geologic enigma, but such a and the living and are a whole series disparity between the phylogenetic age of a taxon and its first of Paleozoic fishes generally termed "palaeoniscoids." They known fossil occurrence is not uncommon among rayfin display a dazzling array of morphologies, many paralleling fishes (fig. 24.1). the body forms now observed among teleost fishes and prob- The living chondrostean fishes include the sturgeons of ably reflecting similar life styles. A review of this fossil diver- the Holarctic and the North American and Chinese paddle- sity is beyond the scope of this chapter, but the reader can fishes. The comprehensive morphological analyses of. Grande refer to Grande (1998) and Gardiner and Schaeffer (1989). and Bemis (1991, 1996) have established a hypothesis of However, fossil diversity has important consequences for our relationships among the living and fossils members of this study of the evolution of characters. When we only consider group, which originated in the Paleozoic. The diversification living groups on the Tree of Life, we might get the impres- of the living chondrosteans may go hack to the Jurassic (Zhu sion that the appearance of some groups was accompanied 1992), when paddlefishes and sturgeons were already diversi- by massive morphological change. This is usually not the fied. Paddlefishes and sturgeons retain many primitive char- case. When the fossils are included, we gain a very different acters, such as a strongly heterocercal tail that led some 19th impression: most of the evolutionary innovations we asso- century ichthyologists to believe that they are related to ciate with major groups are gained over many speciation sharks. Sturgeons are among the most endangered, sought events, and the distinctive of the living members of after, and largest of freshwater fishes. The Asian the group is largely due to the of its more basal huso reaches at least 4 m in length, and a large female may members. Thus, it is true that the living teleost fishes are yield 180 kg of highly prized . caviar is also distinguished from their closest relatives by a large number prized, and the highly endangered grows of evolutionary innovations (DePinna 1996). Yet, when we to twice the size of its American cousins, reaching 3 m. include all the fossil diversity, this impressive number is, The remaining rayfin fishes belong to the clade . according to Arratia (1999), significantly reduced. Of course, (Lepisosteidae) are considered by most to be the Cnathostome Fishes 417

basal group (Patterson 1973, Wiley 1976). They form an Teleostean Basal Relationships exception among rayfin fishes in that there are as many liv- ing (a mere seven species) as fossil forms. Although fos- Systematic has a rich history, and the past three sils are known from many regions of the world and their centuries have seen waves of progress and revision. But in the record extends to the Lower Cretaceous, living gars are now modem era, perhaps one of the most important contributions confined to North and Middle America and Cuba. on teleost relationships was that of Greenwood et al. (1966; Anna calva, the North American bawfin, is the liv- fig. 24.3). In that paper, the authors presented a tenta- ing representative of Flalecomorphi, a group that radiated in tive scheme of relationships among three main lineages, the Mesozoic. It shares a number of evolutionary innovations F.lopomorpha (tarpons and ), (ele- with teleost fishes (first detailed by Patterson 1973) but also phantfishes and km), and what are now known as the displays a number of teleost characters that are now consid- (all "higher teleosts," including such groups as ered convergent, such as having cycloid rather than ganoid and basses). Greenwood et al. (1966) found placement of scales. Although most workers have followed Patterson (1973) Clupeomorpha ( and allies) problematic, but most in the recognition of Ami a as the closest living relative of the subsequent workers have placed them as the basal euteleosts. Teleostei, there remains some controversy about their sys- Recently, however, this alignment has been challenged (see tematic position (Patterson 1994); alternative schemes of below). As Patterson (1994) later noted, it was as if the dis- basal neopterygian relationships and the proximate relatives tinction between monolremes, marsupials, and placental of the Teleostei are reviewed in Arratia (2001). mammals was not recognized until the mid 1960s. By 1989, Gareth Nelson summarized the previous 20 Teleostei years of ichlhyological endeavor with the by now much quoted observation that "recent work has resolved the bush Among vertebrates, without doubt, Teleostei dominate the at the bottom but that the bush at the top persists." He pre- waters of the planet. The earliest representatives of living sented a summary tree that showed a fully resolved scheme teleost lineages (the Teleocephala of DePinna 1996) date to of major teleostean lineages as a comb leading to the spiny the Late Jurassic some 150 Mya, but as noted by Arratia rayed Acanihomorpha that contains the percomorph "bush (2001), if definitions of the group are to include related fossil at the top." lineages, this date is pushed back into the Late -Early The outstanding problem of is discussed Jurassic (-200-210 Mya). Regardless of how fossil lineages below, but it is perhaps also worth noting that some recent are incorporated into definitions of the group, today's leleo- studies have begun to challenge the notion of a fully resolved sts occupy almost every conceivable aquatic habitat from teleostean tree and to question the monophyly of some lin- high-elevation mountain springs more than 5000 m above eages (e.g., Lc et al. 1993, Johnson and Patterson 1996, sea level to the ocean abyss almost 8500 m below. Estimates Arratia 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, Filleul and Lavoue 2001, of the number of living species vary, but most authors agree I none et al. 2001, Miya el al. 2001, 2003). This is perhaps that a figure of around 26,000 is reasonable. Although dis- not surprising given that Nelson (1989) was somewhat covery rates are more or less constant at around 200-250 guarded in his optimism and noted thai although the inter- new species a year, lor some groups, particularly those in little relationships of major groups of fishes were resolved no explored or inaccessible habitats, new species are being de- group was defined by more than a few characters. Results ol scribed in extraordinary numbers, for example, 30 new snail- more refined matrix-based analyses that incorporate broader fishes from deep water off Australia (Stein et al. 2001) with taxon sampling than the previously more standard "exem- some 70 more to be described from polar seas, or an esti- plar " approaches, the inclusion of new high quality fossil mated 200 new rock-dwelling from Lake Victoria, data, and the beginnings of more sophisticated multigcne Africa (Seehausen 1996). There are more teleost species than molecular studies indicate that character support for many all other vertebrates combined, and their number contrasts teleost nodes is weak, ambiguous, or entirely wanting. Some starkly with the low species diversity in their immediate of these changes or uncertainties are reflected in figure 24.1, amiiform relatives, or indeed of all basal actinopterygian lin- in which basal teleostean relationships are represented eages. Among aclinopterygians the extraordinary species as unresolved. For example, in a highly influential paper, richness of the teleostean lineage is noteworthy, and although Patterson and Rosen (1977) hypothesized that osteoglos- "adapiaiionist" explanations are not readily testable, it seems somorphs are the sister group of elopomorphs and other probable that much of their success may be attributed to the living teleosts, whereas Shen (1996) and Arratia (e.g., 1997, evolution of the teleost caudal , permitting increased 1999) have proposed that elopomorphs occupy that basal efficiency and flexibility in movement (Lander 2000), and to position. the evolution of powerful suction feeding capabilities that We turn now to a brief review of diversity within extant have facilitated a wide range of feeding adaptations (Liem non-acanthomorph teleost groups. Osteoglossomorpha con- 1990). sist of two freshwater orders: the North American Hiodonti- 418 The Relationships of Animals: Deuterostomes

Figure 24.3. Diagram of teleostean relationships from Greenwood et al. (1966). This remarkably prescient, precladistic study delineated for the first time the major groups of leleostean fishes and thereby laid an important foundation for the "modern era" of teleostean systematic^ that was to follow

formes (mooneyes; two spp., one family) and mostly Old considered a distinct taxonomic group, and by the posses- World OsLeogIossiform.es (bony tongues, knifefishes, and sion of derived sperm morphology (Mattel 1991, Jamieson elephant-fishes; 220+spp., five families). Osteoglossomorpha 1991). All are marine, although some venture into brackish are an ancient group with a long fossil history dating to the waters, filopomorph intrarelationships are poorly under- Jurassic (Patterson 1993, 1994, Li and Wilson 1996) and stood; however, most studies agree in placing Elopilormes displaying a number of primitive characters as well as two (tarpons and ladyfishes; eight spp., two families) as the basal evolutionary innovations; a complex tongue-bite mechanism order. Albuliformes (, two spp., one family) are a and a gut that uniquely coils to the left of the stomach, The small group highly prized by fishermen. most speciose and perhaps the most interesting members of (halosaurs and spiny eels, 25 spp., two families) are marine, this group are the elephantfishes (Mormyriclae), which cre- deep-water fishes. The bulk of elopomorph diversity lies in ate an electric field with muscles of the caudal region and the Anguilliformes (true eels, 750+ spp., 15 families), which use it to find prey and avoid obstacles in their turbid water includes mo rays (200 spp.), snake eels (250 spp.), conger habitats. Relationships among mormyrids and the evolution eels (150 spp.), and the anadromous freshwater eels (15 of their electric organs have recently been elucidated with spp.). Saccopharyngiformes (deep-water gulper eels, 25 spp., molecular data by Sullivan et al. (2000) and Lavoue et al. three families) contains among the most bizarre of living (2000). Other osteoglossiforms include the large (to 2.5 m) vertebrates, with luminescent organs and huge mouths ca- bonytongues of South America, Asia, and Alrica. Li and pable of swallowing prey several times their body size. Forey Wilson (1996) analyzed phylogenetic relationships and dis- et al. (1996) accepted elopomorph monophyly and presented cussed evolutionary innovations of osteoglossomorphs, and a detailed study of their intrarelationships, using both mor- a recent molecular analysis (Kumazawa and Nishida 2000) phological and molecular characters. However, two recent corroborates osteoglossomorph monophyly but differs in its studies (Fllleul and Lavoue 2001, Obermiller and Pfeiler assessment of osteoglossiform interrelationships. 2003) have challenged elopomorph monophyly, and Filleul are a heterogeneous group united by the and Lavoue (2001) place the four orders as incertae sedis unique, leaflike, transparent leptocephalus larval stage, once among basal teleosts, Gnathostome Fishes 419

UnLil 1996, the remaining teleost iishes were grouped a diverse group of nearshore and mostly deep-sea species, into two putative lineages, Clupeomorpha (herrings and al- including the abyssal plain tripod fishes, the familiar tropi- lies, 360+ spp., five families) and Euteleostei, Euteleostei have cal and temperate lizardfishes, and midwater predators such proven to be a problematic group, persistently defying un- as the sabertooths and lance tfishes (for the most recent analy- ambiguous diagnosis (Fink 1984). ses of their intrarelationships, see Johnson et al. 1996, Following the molecular work oi'Leet al. (1993), Lecointre Baldwin and Johnson 1996, Sato and Nakabo 2002). Mem- (1995) and Lecointre and Nelson (1996) suggested, based on bers of Mycto phi formes—lantern fishes and allies (240+ spp., both morphological and molecular characters, that ostano- two families)—are also ubiquitous midwater fishes, most p by sans (minnows, , and allies) are not euteleosts with luminescent organs. They are a major food source for but instead are the sister group of clupeomorphs. Further economically important midwater feeders, from to evidence is emerging, both molecular (Filleul and Lavoue , and many undertake vertical migrations into surface 2001, G. Orti pers. comm.) and morphological (Arratia 1997, waters at night to feed, returning to depths during the day, 1999, M. De-Pinna pers. comm.) to support this hypothesis, thereby contributing significantly to biological nutrient cy- which removes one of the stumbling blocks to understanding cling in the deep ocean. Stiassny (1996) and Yamaguchi the evolution of euteleosts, but its validity and implications (2000) provide recent analyses of their intrarelationships. are not yet fully understood. For example, Ishiguro et al. (2003) find mitogenomic. support for an Ostariophysan-clupeomoiph and the "Bush at the Top" clade, but one that also includes the alepocephaloids (slick- heads, see below) nested within it. The spiny-rayed fishes, Acanthomorpha, are the crown group With the ostariophysans removed, Johnson and Patterson of Teleostei. With more than 300 families and approximately (1.996) argued that four unique evolutionary innovations char- 16,000 species, they comprise more than 60% of extant te- acterize the "new" Euteleostei and recognized two major lin- leosts and about one-third of all living vertebrates. This im- eages. The first, Protacan th optciygii, is a refinement of the mense group of fishes exhibits staggering diversity in adult group first proposed by Greenwood et al. (1966). The second and larval body form, skeletal and soft anatomy, size (8 mm (Neognathi) placed the small order Esocifonnes (the freshwater to 15 m), habitat, physiology, and behavior. Acanthomorphs Holarctic pikes and mudminnows; about 10 spp., two fami- first appear in the fossil record at the base of the Late Creta- lies) as the sister group of the remaining teleosts (). ceous (Cenomanian) represented by more than 20 genera The relationships of the pikes and mudminnows remain prob- assignable to four or five extant taxa (fig. 24,1). By the late lematic, but they share two unique evolutionary innovations the fauna is somewhat more diverse, but at the with neote!costs (Johnson and Patterson 1996). Middle , as seen in the Monte Bolca Fauna, an explo- The reconstituted consists of two sive radiation seems to have occurred, wherein the majority orders, Salmoniformes and , each with two of higher acanthomorph diversity is laid out (Patterson 1994, suborders. Salmoniformes includes the whitefishes, Holarc- Hell wood 1996). To date, because of the uncertainty of struc- tic and , Salmonoidei (65+ spp., one. family) ture and relationships of many of the earlier fossils and the and the northern smelts, noodlefishes, southern smelts and rapid appearance of most extant families, fossils have offered allies, and Osmeroidei (75+ spp., three families). The little to our understanding of acanthomorph relationships. Argentiniformes include the marine smelts and al- Acanthomorpha originated with Rosen's (1973) seminal lies (Argentinoidei; 60+ spp., four families), most of which paper on interrelationships of higher euteleosts and was occur in deep water, and the deep-sea slickhcads and allies based on five ambiguously distributed characters. In an at- (Alepocephaloidea; 100+ spp., three families). tempt to define the largest and most diverse acanthomorph Morphological character support for a monophyletic Neo- assemblage, Percomorpha, Johnson and Patterson (1993) teleostei and the monophyly and sequential relationships of proposed a morphology-based hypothesis of acanthomorph the three, major neoteleost groups leading to Acanthomorpha, relationships. In so doing, they reviewed and evaluated sup- depicted in figure 24.1, appears strong (Johnson 1992, port for previous hypotheses, including acanthomorph Johnson and Patterson 1993, Stiassny 1986, 1996), and it is monophyly, for which they identified eight evolutionary in- perhaps at this level on the teleostean tree that most confi- novations. Perhaps the most convincing of these are the pres- dence can currently be placed. (320+ spp., four ence in the dorsal and anal fins of true fin spines, as well as families) are a group of luminescent, deep-sea fishes with a single median chondrified rostral cartilage associated with exotic names such as bristlemouths and dragonfishes that specific rostral ligaments (Hand and Stiassny 1986, Stiassny complement their morphological diversity (fig. 24.4). Two 1986) that permit the jaws to be greatly protruded while genera of midwater bristlemouths (Cydothone and Gono- feeding. Johnson and Patterson (1993) proposed a phylog- stoma) have the greatest abundance of individuals of any eny for six basal acanthomorph groups leading sequentially vertebrate on Earth (Marshall 1979). Harold and Weitz- to a newly defined Percomorpha. Below, we briefly discuss man (1996) provide the most recent analysis of stomiiform acanthomorph diversity in this proposed phylogenetic or- intrarelationships. (220+ spp., 1 5 families) are der (fig, 24,5), 420 The Relationships of Animals: Deuterostomes

Figure 24.4. The , Chauliodus sloani; anatomical detail from Tchernavin (1953). Larvae redrawn sfter Kawaguchi and Moser (1984), Telcostean fishes are biotnechanically complex; the head alone is controlled by some 50 muscles operating more than 30 movable skeletal parts. Such anatomical complexity, plus a wide range of ontogenetic variation, ensures a continued pivotal role for anatomical inpui into systematic study.

Interestingly, Lampridiformes ( and allies) were refined to its present form by Patterson and Rosen (1989) once placed among the perciform. fishes at the top of the tree, Most of the hypothesized evolutionary innovations proposed They are a small (20 spp., seven families) but diverse group, by these authors are suspect (Gill 1996), and molecular stud- characterized by a uniquely configured, highly protrusible ies by Wiley et al. (2000) and Miya et al. (2001) suggest that upper jaw mechanism. Except for the most primitive family, although the freshwater (troutperches; six the velifers, which occur in near shore-waters, the remain- spp., three families) and Gadilormes (cods; 500+ spp., nine ing families are meso- and epipelagic. hi body shape they families) are basal acanthomorphs, the other groups may be range from the deep-bodied opahs to extremely elongate scattered through the higher acanthomorph lineages. These forms such as the (Regulars glesne), which is the long- orders include (cuskeels; 380+ spp., 18 fami- est known bony fish, reported to reach 15 rn. The position lies), Batrachoidiformes (toadfishes; 70 spp., three families), of lampridiforms as a basal acanthomorph group has been and Lophiiformes (; 300+ spp., 18 families). Most supported by both morphological (Olney et al. 1993) and species belonging to these orders are marine. The dismem- molecular data sets (Wiley et al. 2000, Miya et al. 2001, 2003, berment of all or part of will have signifi- Chen eta I 2003). cant implications for acanthomorph relationships, perhaps Polymixiiformes (beard fishes; 10 spp., one family) are particularly those within the perciforms. characterized by two chin barbels supported by the first Between the paracanthopterygians and the immense di- branchiosfegals and occur on the continental shell and up- versity of Percomorpha are three small, but phylogenetically per slope. The fossil record for this group is considerably critical, marine lineages. Stephanobeiyciformes (90 spp., nine more diverse than its living representation. Recent molecu- families) is a monophyletic group of marine benlhic and lar studies have confirmed a basal position for these fishes, deep-water fishes commonly called prickle fishes and whale- but some suggest a placement within a large clade consist- fishes. Johnson and Patterson (1996) separated this group ing otherwise of paracanthopterygian and zeoid lineages (e.g., from , but molecular data suggest that at least Miya et al. 2001, 2003, Chen et al. 2003). some members of the group might rejoin Beryciformes (Wiley Paracanthopterygii (1,200+ spp., 37 families) are an odd et al. 2000, Colgan et al. 2000, Chen et al. 2003). and almost certainly unnatural assemblage of freshwater and (45 spp., five families) includes the dories, a marine group marine fishes first proposed by Greenwood et al. (1966) and of deep-bodied fishes that includes the much-valued John Gnathostome Fishes 421

• Lampridiformes

• Polymixiiformes %'/c7 ^& , \ I <^f 3 < , • Paraeanthopterygii ^yJCJ ,.- ,3J o *" 0 -<"J'"' 3 o -Stephanoberyciformes ^#T^ Z%*\ •9:r O 3 •Zeiformes o >:'< -3 o Beryciformes ^WJ^J a (S ^—Atheriniformes 9^^2^—!J

Cyprinodontiformes '*2g-rY""--'

Beloniformes **''

- (C^^'.'.'^J'j? m

(1) -Elassomatiformes ^3G jH s3 o -o 8 ^— Mugiliformes C3*-? Z3T?


• Dactylopteriformes «%3^<( TP o : o - Scorpaeniformes -'V '\, o zr • "-*-',• •

f .:•(:, }•-:•:-,-••••;->. Figure 24.5. intrarelationships • Pleuronectiformes among acanihomorph lineages after Johnson and Patterson (1993)

Dory of the Atlantic. Recent molecular studies suggest a re- Percomorpha, the Bush at the Top lationship between the dories and the codfishes and/or heard- fishes (Wiley el al. 2000, Miya et al. 2001, Chen et al. 2003), Percornorph (14,000+ spp., 244 families) are the crown group but this conclusion might be due to the relatively low num- of the spiny-rayed fishes and best represent what Nelson bers of species included in these studies. Beryciformes (140+ (1989) called the "bush at the top." The name Percomorpha spp., seven families) includes some of the most familiar reef- originated with Rosen (1973) and was essentially the equiva- dwelling fishes, the squivrelfishes. Beryciforms are entirely lent of Greenwood et al.'s (1966) Acanlhopterygii, which con- marine and occur worldwide from shallow depths, where sisted of beryciforms, perciforms, and groups placed between they are nocturnal, to the deep sea. External bacterial lumi- and beyond those two, such as lampridiforms, zeiforms, gas- nescent organs characterize the pine cone fishes and flashlight terostei forms, scorpaenifortns, pleuronectilortns, and tetra- fishes, the latter having a complex mechanism for rapidly odontiforms. Rosen presented no characters in support of his occluding the large subocular light organ by rotating it down- Percomoipha, nor have any been supported suhsequently (but ward or covering it with a lidlike shutter. Two genera of the see Stiassny 1990, 1993, Stiassny and Moore 1992, Roberts closely related roughies (Trachichthyidae) have internal 1993). The major goal of Johnson and Patterson's (1993) analy- luminescent organs, and the orange roughy (floplo$tethu$ sis was to sort out basal lineages of acanthomorphs and revise atlanticus) is an overexploited food fish. the composition of Percomorpha to represent a monophyl- 422 The Relationships of Animals: Deulcrostomes etic group diagnosed by derived characters. In the process, son to exclude these last four orders from the traditional they erected a new, putatively monophyletic assemblage, Perciformes and believed it likely that they are nested within Smegmamorpha, which, together with "the perciforms and it. Subsequently, Moot and Gill (1995) classified Scorpaeni- their immediate relatives," constituted the newly defined formes within Perciformes. To date, no morphological or Percomorpha. They identified eight evolutionary innovations molecular synapomorphics support a monophyletic Perci- of the Percomorpha, all of which are homoplasious. Although formes in either the restricted or expanded sense that would monophyly of Johnson and Patterson's Percomorpha has not include any or all of the orders Johnson and Patterson (1993) been challenged subsequently with morphological analyses, placed in their terminal polytomy. Many questions remain it is considered tenuous, particularly in view of our ignorance about monophyly and interrelationships of a number of the of the composition and intrarelaiionships of Perciformes and approximately 25 suborders and more than 200 families allies (below) and strong doubts about paracanthopterygiaii included in that polytomy, Certainly the possibility that af- monophyly. To date, no molecular analyses have captured a finities of some members lie with other acanthomorphs, or monophyletic Percomorpha without the inclusion of certain vice versa, cannot be dismissed. With these observations in "paracanthopterygian" lineages. mind, we review the remaining orders. Smegmamorpha (1,700+ spp., 37 families) of Johnson Perciformes (9800+ spp,, 163 families) are the largest and and Patterson (1993) are a diverse group consisting of spiny most diverse vertebrate order. Perciforms range in size from and swamp eels (Synbranchiform.es; 90 spp., three families), the smallest vertebrate, the 8 mm nanus (for which gray mullets (Mugiiilormes; 80 spp., one family), pygmy an estimated 3674 individuals would be needed to make up sunfishes (Elassomali formes; six spp., one family), stickle- one quarter-pound gobyburger), to the 4.5 m black marl in backs, and allies (Gasterosteiformes; 275 spp., 11 (Makaim indica). Although there are a number of freshwater families), and the speciose silversides, flyingfishes, killifishes, perciforms (mostly contained within the large clade), and allies (Atherinomorpha; 1225+ spp., 21 families, four most species are marine, and they represent the dominant orders). The recognition of this group was greeted with some component of and inshore fish faunas. In a taxonomic skepticism because swamp and spiny eels had traditionally sense, Perciformes is a catchall assemblage of families and sub- been allied with the perciforms whereas pygmy sunfishes had orders whose relationships have not been convincingly shown been considered centra re bids (sun fish and basses), a fam- to lie elsewhere. Although there is reasonably good support ily deeply embedded in one suborder of Perciformes. Smeg- for monophyly of about half of the suborders, others remain mamorpha is united by a single evolutionary innovation, poorly defined, most notably the largest suborder, Percoidei a specialized attachment of the first intermuscular bone (3,500+ spp., 70 families), another catch-all or "wastebasket (epineural) at the lip of a prominent transverse process on group," for which not a single diagnostic character has been the first , but several additional specializations are proposed. Percoids arc usually referred to as perchlike fishes, shared by most smegmamorphs. There have been no com- and although this general physiognomy characterizes many prehensive morphological analyses to challenge srnegma- families, such as freshwater (), sunfishes morph monophyly; however, Parent! (1993) suggested (Centrarchidae), sea basses (), and others, percoids that atherinomorphs might be the sister group of para- encompass a wide range of body forms, from the deep-bod- canthopterygians, and Parent! and Song (1996) identified a ied moonfishes (Menidae), (Chaetodontidae), pattern of innervation of the in mullets and pygmy and more, to very elongate, eel-like forms such as band fishes sunfishes that is shared with more derived perciforms. Mo- (Cepolidae) and bearded snakeblennies (Nolograptidae). For lecular analyses have failed to capture monophyly of smegma- lists and discussions of perciform suborders and percoid fami- morphs, although major components of the group are lies, see Johnson (1993), Nelson (1994), and Johnson and Gill recognized (e.g., Wiley et al. 2000, Miya et at. 200.3, Chenet al. (1998), each of which, not surprisingly, differ somewhat in 2003). Although relationships among smegmamorphs remain definition and composition of the two groups, unknown, Stiassny (1993) suggested grey mullets (Mugilidae) (lionfishes and allies; 1,200+ spp., 26 may be most closely related to atherinomorphs, and Johnson families) were included within Perciformes by Moot and Gill and Springer (1.997) presented evidence suggesting a possible (1997) based on a specific pattern of epaxial musculature relationship between pygmy sunfishes and sticklebacks. shared with some perciforms. It is a large, primarily marine The remaining groups comprise some 12,000+ species group characterized by the presence of a bony stay of ques- in more than 207 families. In their of percomorph tionable homology that extends from the third infraorbital relationships (fig. 24.4), Johnson and Patterson (1993) across the cheek to the preopercle. Monophyly, group com- placed Perciformes (perches and allies) in an unresolved position, and relationships remain controversial, but most polytomy with Smegmamorpha and four remaining groups recent work supports two main lineages, scorpaenoids and traditionally classified as orders: the scorpionfishes and al- cottoids (e.g., Imamura and Shinohara 1998), and prelimi- lies (Scorpaeniformes), flying gurnards (Dactylopteriformes), nary molecular studies suggest a close relationship between (Pleuronectiformes), and triggerfishes, pufferfishes, zoarcoids and the cottoid lineage (Miya et. al. 2003, Smith and allies ("letraodontiformcs). However, they saw no rea- 2002, Chen et al. 2003). Whether the scorpaenoid and cot- Gnathostome Fishes 423 loid lineages are sister groups is open Lo question, and clarifi- evolutionary diversification of fishes. Much of the new phy- cation of scorpaeniform relationships is an important com- logenetic structure is underpinned by morphological char- ponent of the "percomorph problem." acter data, most of it from the skeleton and much of ii Daelylopteriformes (Hying gurnards; seven spp., one fam- gathered anew or reexamined and refined during the last 35 ily) are a small, clearly monophyletic, group of inshore bot- years. Another seminal innovation appeared fortuitously on tom-dwelling marine fishes characterized by a thick, bony, the cusp of the cladistic revolution—the use of trypsin di- "armored" head with an elongate preopercular spine and gestion in cleared and stained preparations, followed by the colorful, greatly enlarged, fanlike pectoral fins. Their relation- ability to stain cartilage as well as bone. These techniques ships are obscure (lmamura 2000), and they have been vari- revolutionized fish osteology and greatly facilitated detailed ously placed with, among other groups, the scorpaeniforms study of skeletal development adding significantly to our and gasterosteiforms. Molecular studies to date have shed understanding of character transformation and homology. little light on placement, with weak support for an alignment However, there is still much to do. Our understanding of the with flatfishes (Miya et al. 2001), gobioids (Miya et al. 2003), composition and relationships of Percomorpha, with more or syngnathoids (Chen et al. 2003). than half the diversity of all bonyfishes, remains chaotic—a Pleuronectiformes (flatfishes; 540+ spp., seven families) are state of affairs proportionally equivalent to not knowing the widely distributed, bottom-dwelling fishes containing a num- slightest thing about the relationships among amniote ver- ber of commercially important species. These are character- tebrates. ized by a unique, complex evolutionary innovation in which Fishes are a tremendously diverse group of anatomically one migrates ontogenetically to the opposite side of the complex organisms (e.g., fig. 24.4) and undoubtedly mor- head, so that the transformed juveniles and adults are asym- phology will continue to play a central role in systematic metrical and lie, eyeless side down, on the substrate. Their ichthyology. However, as in other groups of organisms, mo- relationships as shown by morphological analysis have most lecular analyses are increasingly beginning to make signifi- recently been reviewed by Chapleau (1993) and Cooper and cant contributions, especially for fish groups with confusing Chapleau (1998). A molecular analysis of mitochondria! ribo- patterns of convergent evolution, The combination of mo- som a I sequences by Berendzen and Dimmick (2002) suggests lecular and morphological data sets, and the reciprocal illu- an alternative hypothesis of relationship. Interestingly, a re- mination they shed, augurs an exciting new phase in cent miiogenomic study provides quite strong nodal support systematic ichthyology. We are, perhaps, at the halfway point for a relationship with the jacks (Carangidae), but taxon sam- of our journey. pling in this region of the free is quite sparse (Miya et al. 2003), Telraodontiformes (triggerfishes, puffers, and allies; 350+ Acknowledgments spp., 10 families) are a highly specialized and diverse order of primarily marine fishes, ranging in size from the 2 cm diamond We gratefully acknowledge the numerous colleagues whose leatherjacket (Rudarius txcekm) to the 3.3 m (>1000 kg) ocean studies of fish phylogeneties have helped to elucidate the sunfish ( mold). They are characterized by small mouths present state of the art for the piscine limb of the Tree of Life, with few teeth or teeth incorporated into beaklike jaws, and and extend our apologies to those we may have omitted or scales thai are either spine like or, more often, enlarged as plates inadvertently misrepresented in our efforts to keep this chapter or shields covering the body as in the boxfishes (Ostraciidae), to a manageable length. Thanks also to Scott Schaefer and Leo Members of three families have modified stomachs that allow Smith (AMNH) for some helpful comments on an early draft of extreme inflation of the body with water as a defensive mecha- the manuscript, and additional thanks to Leo for his artful help nism Relationships of tetraodontiforms have been treated in with the figures that accompany the chapter. Part of this work was funded through gram DEB-9317881 from the National large monographs dealing with comparative myology (Winter- Science Foundation to E.O.W, and G.D.J. and through the bottom 1974) and osteology (Tyler 1980). Although tetra- Scholarly Research Fund of the University of Kansas to E.O.W. odontiforms have been considered as highly derived We thank both institutions, Ongoing support from the Axelrod percomorphs, Rosen (1984) proposed that they are more Research curatorship to M.L.J.S. is also gratefully acknowledged. closely related to caproids and the apparently more basal Finally our thanks to Joel Cracraft and Mike Donogfme for so zeiforms.Johnson and Patterson (1993) rejected that hypoth- successfully having taken on the formidable task of organizing esis, as do ongoing molecular studies (Holcroft 2002, N. I. the Tree of Life symposium and without whose const am llolcroft pers. comm.). However, it is defended in a recent nudging this chapter would never have seen the light of day. morphological analysis (Tyler et al. 2003). Literature Cited

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