


“Application of the ArcGIS program in to create a tourist atlas

(On the example of cultural heritages)”

5А313101-Geodesy and Geoinformatics written to obtain a master‟s academic degree


Supervisor: Prof. E.Safarov




Master: FARMONOV NIZOM KOSIMOVICH (last name, first name, patronymic) 1. The topic of the dissertation: “Application of the ArcGIS program in Bukhara to create a tourist atlas (On the example of cultural heritages)”

The subject was approved by the order of the rector of the institute dated November 5, 2018 No. 1341 / t.

2. Deadline for submission of master's dissertation

3. Preliminary data and main sources for the dissertation:

Related literature, scientific articles, reports, dissertations. Presidential decrees and resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic in the field of agriculture and water management. Measures to be taken to improve the condition of existing reclamation networks. Normative documents, statistics. Related textbooks, special literature, articles. Websites, express information.




Мутахассислиги 5A313101 – Геодезия ва Геоинформатика Кафедра Геодезия ва Илмий раҳбар: ЎзМУ, Картография кафедраси мудири, т.ф.д., проф. Геоинформатика Э.Сафаров

Ўқув йили 2018-2020 Магистратура талабаси. Фармонов Н.

Application of the ArcGIS programm in Bukhara to create a tourist atlas (on the example of cultural heritages) Бухоро шаҳрининг туризм атласини яратишда ArcGIS дастурини қўллаш (маданий мерос объектлари мисолида)

МАГИСТРЛИК ДИССЕРТАЦИЯСИ АННОТАЦИЯ Мавзунинг долзарблиги: Республикамизда жумладан, Бухоро вилоятида маданий меърос соҳасида олиб борилаѐтган геоинформатик ишлар аъло даражада бажарилмоқда. Шунга қарамасдан маданий меърос объектларини хисобини юритиш ва реставрвция қилиш борасида сифат, аниқлик ва тезлик даражаларини ҳисобга олган ҳолда бажариладиган ишларни қисқа фурсат ичида амалга оширилиш ечими ижобий хал этилмаган. Шу боис маданий меърос объектларини топографик съѐмка қилишда қўлланиладиган усуллар орқали жахон талаблари доирасида амалга ошириш, замонавий техника ва технологиялардан фойдаланиш ҳамда уни амалиѐтда жорий этиш орқали бугунги кунда соҳа олдида турган энг долзарб муаммолардан бирини ижобий ечими топилади. Ишнинг мақсади ва вазифалари: Маданий меърос обидаларини топографик съѐмка қилишда съѐмка қилиш жараѐнларини сифатини ва 3

тезлигини ошириш мақсадида оптимал усулларни таклиф қилиш. Тадқиқот вазифаларига қуйидагилар киради. - маданий мерос объектларини атласини яратиш методикасини ишлаб чиқиш; - топографик(уч ўлчамли) съѐмка қилишда чет эл тажрибаларини ўрганиш; - маданий мерос объектларини атласини яратишда таклиф этилаѐтган усулларни амалиѐтда қўллаш; Тадқиқот объекти ва предмети: Тадқиқот объекти Бухоро вилояти Бухоро шахри маданий мерос объектлари. Предмет сифатида топографик съѐмка усулларини ишлаб чиқиш жараѐнлари қабул қилинган. Тадқиқот услубияти ва услублари: Маълумотларни тўплаш, ўрганиш, тизимли ва қиѐсий таҳлил қилиш, тизимлаштириш, умумлаштириш, кузатиш, монографик тадқиқот методлари. Тадқиқот натижаларининг илмий жиҳатдан янгилик даражаси: Тадқиқотнинг илмий янгилиги сифатида қуйидагилар эътироф этилади: - Маданий меърос обидаларини топографик(уч ўлчамли) съѐмка қилишда қўлланиладиган усуллар; - Топографик(уч ўлчамли) съѐмка турлари ва улардан фойдаланиш кўламини кенгайтириш; - Топографик(уч ўлчамли) съѐмка қилишда норматив хуқуқий кучга эга бўлган асослардан фойдаланиш; - маданий мерос объектларини атласини яратишда ГАТ технология- ларидан фойдаланилган ҳолда моделлаштириш. Тадқиқот натижаларининг амалий аҳамияти ва татбиқи: Илмий асосланган таклиф, тавсия ва услублар истиқболда топографик съѐмка ишларини тузиш ва уларни амалиѐтда қўллашга асос бўла олади. Иш тузилиши ва таркиби: Диссертация кириш, 3 та боб, хулоса, фойдаланилган адабиѐтлар рўйхати ва иловалардан иборат. 4

Бажарилган ишнинг асосий натижалари: Мавзу юзасидан халқаро илмий-амалий коференция тўпламида 2 та илмий мақолалар чоп эттирилган. Хулоса ва таклифларнинг қисқача умумлаштирилган ифодаси: Келтирилган таклиф, тавсия ҳамда услублар соҳа учун илмий ва амалий аҳамиятга эга.

Илмий ______Сафаров Э. раҳбар: (имзо)

Магистратура талабаси: ______Фармонов Н. (имзо)




Department of Geodesy and Supervisor: Ph.D. prof. E.Safarov Geoinformatics Academic year 2018-2020 Master's student. Farmonov N

“Application of the ArcGIS program in Bukhara to create a tourist atlas (On the example of cultural heritages)”

MASTER'S DISSERTATION ANNOTATION Importance of the topic: Carried out in the country, including in the field of cultural heritage in the geoinformatic excellent level. In spite of the cultural heritage objects to the report yuritishvarestavrvtsiya on their quality, accuracy and speed of the work carried out, taking into account the level of resolve Solutions carried out within a short period of time. Therefore, the methods used in cultural heritage objects topographic surveys over the world to implement the demands of the modern equipment and technology and its implementation in practice through one of the most pressing problems facing the industry today, a positive solution will be found. The purpose and activities of the master thesis: Cultural heritage monuments in the process of surveying topographic surveys in order to improve the speed and quality of the optimal methods .Research objectives: -Preparing the methodicals for topographic(three - dimensional ) survey methods; -Experiencing foreign methods for topographic(three - dimensional ) survey; 6

-Experiencing this inviting methods topographic( three - dimensional ) survey practice; Object and subject of the research: The object of the research of the Bukhara region of Bukhara in the Arab street MagokAttar mosque. The subject was adopted in the process of developing methods of topographic surveys. Research methodologies and techniques: data collection, learning, systematic and comparative analyses, systematization, generalization, observation, monographic research methods. The level of scientific novelty of the research: The novelty of the research is the followings: -The methods of topographic( three - dimensional ) survey of buildings of cultural heritage; -The types of topographic( three - dimensional ) survey and its exploatations; -Using normative documentations during the topographic( three - dimensional ) survey of agricultural lands; -With the help of modern methods reprocessing and analyzing the output data of topographic( three - dimensional ) survey of agricultural lands; -Modeling the output data of survey by using GIS technology; The results of research and the application of practical significance: Methods based on scientific advice and topographic surveys and the establishment of the future will be based on the practical application of them. The structure and composition of the research: Introduction, 3 chapters, summary, literature review and appendixes. The main results of the research: 2 articles in International scientific-practical conference and 2 - 2 articles on conference were published in the Тashkent institute of irrigation and agricultural mechanization engineers


Summary of Conclusions and Recommendations generalized expression: The above given offers and methods has scientific importance for the specialization.

Supervisor ______(Signature) Master Student ______(Signature


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction......

...... 10 History of Bukhara region and cultural heritage monuments 14 Chapter I in the region 1.1 Geographical location and classification of the region 14 Historical classification of monuments of cultural heritage sites 1.2 in the region 18

1.3. The current state of cultural heritage sites in the region. 23 Conclusion on Chapter I. 31 Chapter Geodetic and geoinformatics works during the state 32 II registration of cultural heritage monuments Geodetic works to be carried out during the survey of the 2.1. 32 condition of the Magori Attoriy Mosque ......

2.2. Maintaining cadastral documents for state registration of cultural 35 heritage sites 2.3. Safety rules of life activity 43 Conclusion on Chapter II. 49 Modern advanced geodetic, geoinformatics and cartographic Chapter methods for creating an atlas of cultural heritage 50 III. monuments in the region Principles of creating a system of tourism plans, maps and 3.1. 50 atlases Development of methods for creating a geodata of cultural 3.2. 59 heritage sites 3.3. Creating a tourism-GIS database 65 Conclusion on Chapter III. .. 81 Conclusion 81 List of literatures...... 83


Introduction Our country is steadily developing along the path of building a legal democratic state and civil society based on a socially oriented market economy, in which human interests, rights and freedoms are of high value. As a result of strengthening the balance between the various sectors of our economy and ensuring sustainable growth, the income of the population, living standards will increase significantly, and our confidence in the future will grow stronger. The transition of the economy of the Republic to a radically intensive path of development requires the accelerated introduction of scientific and technological progress in all spheres and industries, the functioning of the agro-industrial complex as a single economic organism, the introduction of new priorities in land use. Uzbekistan's prestige and position in the international economic arena are growing significantly and steadily. At the present time, the socio-economic development of the world differs significantly from the previous stages in terms of its meaning and content. The most important aspect of this is the growing integration and globalization of national economies. At the same time, these processes also contribute to the intensification of competition in the international arena, the intensification of the struggle of each country to strengthen its position in the international division of labor. However, it should be noted that in addition to the positive aspects of integration into the world economy and globalization, there are also some contradictory aspects. In particular, the uneven economic development of different countries, the growing differences in socio-economic development between countries, environmental threats, sharp differences in population changes in different countries hinder the sustainable development of the world economy as a whole. Another characteristic feature of these processes is that the socio-economic shocks that occur in one country of the world inevitably affect other countries. In


this sense, the current global financial crisis is a negative consequence of globalization. Accordingly, in determining the current and future measures of socio- economic development of our country, we need to take into account the impact of the global financial crisis, formulate economic development programs in terms of the impact of these processes and implement them consistently. In our country, in particular, the city of Bukhara is one of the most famous ancient cities of the East. According to archeological data, Bukhara was founded in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. The city of Bukhara, located in the lower reaches of the River, and the surrounding lands are rich in unique flora and fauna in ancient times, rich in unique lakes and streams, as evidenced by the historian Narshahi's History of Bukhara. Famous sages and scholars grew up in Bukhara. Substantiation of the topic and its relevance: Geoinformatics and cartographic work in the field of cultural heritage in the country, including in Bukhara region, is being carried out at an excellent level. However, the decision to carry out the work on the accounting and restoration of cultural heritage sites in a short period of time, taking into account the level of quality, accuracy and speed, has not been resolved positively. Therefore, one of the most pressing problems facing the industry today is a positive solution through the use of methods used in topographic survey of cultural heritage sites in accordance with international requirements, the use of modern techniques and technologies and their implementation in practice. Object and subject of research: Object of research Cultural objects in Bukhara city, Bukhara region. Atlas development processes using GIS technology have been adopted as the subject. Research goals and objectives: The main purpose of this work is to develop a sample of proposals for improving the geodetic work of cultural heritage, the development of tourism through the development of atlases of cultural heritage, the study of sources and materials, as well as a mechanism for their 11

solution based on international and foreign experience. development of proposals and recommendations. To propose optimal methods to improve the quality and speed of the process of compiling an atlas of cultural heritage monuments. Research objectives include: - Development of methods of topographic (three-dimensional) survey methods; - study of foreign experience in topographic (three-dimensional) surveying; - practical application of the proposed methods of topographic (three- dimensional) surveying; Scientific novelty of the research. The scientific novelty of the research is recognized as follows: • Methods used in topographic (three-dimensional) survey of cultural heritage monuments; • Expanding the types of topographic (three-dimensional) survey and the scope of their use; • Use of normative legal bases in topographic (three-dimensional) surveying; • Processing and compiling the results of topographic (three-dimensional) survey in a new way; • Modeling of topographic (three-dimensional) survey works using GIS technologies The main issues and hypotheses of the research: Data collection, study, systematic and comparative analysis, systematization, generalization, observation, monographic research methods. Review of the literature on the research topic (analysis): Farmonov N, Safarov E. Application of GIS technologies in the creation of a tourist atlas of Bukhara region (on the example of cultural heritage sites). Problems of geophysical management of land, water and natural resources. Proceedings of the International Scientific-Practical Conference 14-16 May 2015. Toshkent.TIMI.


Description of the methodology used in the study: Based on the results of the research, it is possible to improve the data on historical monuments, including increasing the efficiency of the use of historical monuments through the use of GIS technology. The developed recommendations can serve as a basis for solving problems in the future management of the system of historical monuments and their effective use, as well as for improving this system. Theoretical and practical significance of the research results: The results of the research are discussed at international and national scientific conferences and seminars and a number of other conferences. In addition, the results of the study are used in the development of work plans of the responsible organizations for the preservation of historical monuments of Bukhara region, recommendations for improving the methods of preservation and repair of historical monuments are also used in the services of these organizations. Description of the work structure: The dissertation consists of an introduction, 9 paragraphs, 3 chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and appendices. The total volume of the work is ______pages, in which more than ____ sources were used


Chapter I. History of Bukhara region and cultural heritage monuments in the region 1.1. Geographical location and classification of the region Bukhara region is geographically located in the natural geographical region of Zarafshan, which is located in the center of Uzbekistan and is connected with the Kyzylkum region in the north and west, Turkmenistan in the east, and the Kashkadarya region in the south. This region includes the Zarafshan valley and the surrounding lands. Zarafshan region is surrounded by Nurata, Aktag, Koratag, Gubdun mountains in the north, Qoratepa, Zuyovuddin, Zirabulak mountains in the south, Turkestan in the east, the western branches of Zarafshan mountains, Sandikli sand desert in the southwest. The relief, climate, soil and vegetation of the eastern and western parts of the valley are quite different from each other. In the eastern part, the mountain ranges, the valleys between them, the foothill plains consist of well-developed oases, and in the western part it is characterized by wide plains and sandy deserts, low hills, oases along the river. Relief and minerals: Bukhara region is located on the southwestern part of the natural geographical region of Zarafshan, the land surface decreases from east to west. The central part of the valley, where the Zarafshan River flows, consists of much lower and flatter lands. From these lands the surface rises to the north and south. The river formed a series of terraces. The terraces are made of porous rocks brought by the river. The lower part of the Zarafshan valley and its surroundings are surrounded by sandy and clayey deserts, Koldyk mountains, saline soils and barren lands. In the lower part, Zarafshan formed two successive deltas: Bukhara and Korakul deltas. Due to the flatness of the terrain in this part, it is difficult for groundwater to flow from the ground, and in low soils it rises to the surface and forms salts. The mountains were originally expected in the Hercynian phase. He was rejuvenated in the Alpine stage. The Nurata mountain range, which surrounds the 14

region from the north, is much lower. Her tallest husband is the Peak of Life. The ridge stretches for 180 km. The Nurata ridge is composed of Paleozoic limestone, shale, granite, and gneiss. The Aktag, Koratag, and Gubdun mountains to the south of the ridge are composed of Paleozoic limestones and shales. These are the Nurata and Orasoy deserts between the mountains. They have several canals and springs. Zarafshan region is surrounded by Chakilkalon and Qoratepa mountains in the east. These mountains are separated from each other by the Takhtakoracha Pass. The great Uzbek highway passes through this pass. In the lower part of Zarafshan, large areas are covered with sand. At the south-western foothills of the oasis there are old tributaries of the Zarafshan River, dried up lake basins. One of them is Mokhonkol. This lake is filled with water in the spring and dries up in summer. The sands in the northwest of the Karakul oasis are called Kampirakkum. Here the ruins of ancient buildings rise from the sand. The foothills of the Zuyovuddin, Zirabulak and Jarkok mountains, which have eroded in dry climates, are rugged and descend steeply into the Zarafshan valley. To the south of them are the steppes of Jam, Karnob, and Karshi. The surface of the whole Zarafshan region is covered with sedimentary rocks brought by the Zarafshan river. Lyoss, gravel, conglomerate rocks are the most common. Most of the Korakul delta is saline. Large ditches were dug to reduce salinity. The Zarafshan region is rich in mineral resources. Non-ferrous and rare metals in Mount Nurata, tungsten deposits, marbles in Gozgan and Omonkuton, and building materials are especially popular. Gozgan's white, black and lake marbles were used to decorate the buildings of the Alisher Navoi Opera and Ballet Theater and the National University of Uzbekistan, and are now used in Tashkent metro stations. Natural gas is the most important resource. It comes from Jarkoq, Gazli, Karavulbozor and other places. Climate: Bukhara region is located on the northern border of subtropical and temperate climates. The high level of solar radiation flux, combined with the 15

surface and atmospheric circulation characteristics, creates a continental type that moves with large seasonal and diurnal fluctuations of air temperature, continuous dry and hot summers, wet springs and unstable winters. In July, the average air temperature across the region varies from 26 0S in the north to 30 degrees in the south, with a maximum temperature of 45-60 0S. The average January temperature drops to -8 0C in the north and 0 0C in the south, with a minimum temperature of - 18 0C. Water: The main river of the region is Zarfshan, starting from the Zarfshan glacier in the territory of Tajikistan. The river flows to the west, supplies water to the entire Zarafshan valley, and ends up in the sands less than 20-25 km from the Amudarya. The river flows from a very narrow place in the upper part. It flows from the plain, starting from the city of Panjakent. In the upper part, wet streams flow into it from the right and left sides, and in the middle, the tributaries cannot reach Zarafshan, and their water is used for irrigation. The Zarafshan River receives water from the snow in the mountains and the Zarafshan Glacier. That‟s why it overflows in the summer. Near , the river is divided into two branches, the northern branch is Okdarya, and the southern branch is Karadarya. Both branches merge near the village of Khatirchi and flow back to Bukhara under the name of Zarafshan. The area of Miyonkal'a Island, which is formed between these two rivers, is 1,200 square kilometers. This is the most fertile part of the Samarkand oasis. Several dozen large and small canals and ditches have been dug from the Zarafshan River to irrigate cotton fields. The largest of these are the Dargam and Norpoy canals, and the largest canals have been dug in the west to irrigate the Bukhara oasis. The Eskiankhor Canal, which runs south from the Dargam Canal, supplies water to the Jam and Karshi deserts. The Reservoir was built in the valley at a depth south of the city of Kattakurgan. This reservoir stores 1 billion cubic meters of water. The reservoir is also called the Sea of Uzbekistan. The reservoir improved the water supply of thousands of hectares of arable land, allowing the development of new lands. In the Kattakurgan reservoir 16

fishing was established. Here coin balik, lakqa balik and others are multiplied. The water capacity of the cemetery is 350 million cubic meters. average depth 35 m, average width close to 5 km. Tursunsay flows from the southern slope of the Nurata ridge. It is formed by the joining of several small streams. It crosses Gubdun mountain and goes to Zarafshan valley. Tursunsay flows into the Akdarya. In ancient times, many sewers were built in the Nurata and Orasay deserts. There are huge springs in the Nurata plain. The village of Nurata drinks water entirely from a spring. With the help of this spring water, orchards and crops in the Nurata desert are irrigated. There are many wells in Zarafshan region. But the water in many wells is salty. These are of great importance in providing water to livestock. Water from artesian wells is used. Some of the cisterns built in ancient times to store spring rainwater in arid deserts have survived to the present day. Sardoba is a hydraulic structure with a dug pool and a brick dome. The Amu-Karakul and Amu- Bukhara canals have been built in the Zarafshan region. With the help of these canals, the water supply of Bukhara and Karakul oases will be improved, and new lands will be developed. Water is pumped into these canals from the Amudarya using pumps. Soils: The topography of Zarafshan region is not the same everywhere due to the different climate. In irrigated lowlands, swamp-meadow soils are widespread. Wetlands are formed in waterlogged, loamy soils. They contain a lot of humus. These types of soils occupy large areas. On the upper terraces and at the foot of the mountains, light-colored and plain glacial soils are scattered. The soils of the deserts to the north and south of the oases are brown, sur, bald, sandy, and sandy soils. These soils are developed at an altitude of 400-700 m. In the arable lands between the Nurata ridges, in the region, arrow-shaped gray soils are widespread. Above it, brown soils occupy many places. In the western part of the Bukhara oasis there are many saline soils. Vegetation: The vegetation of Zarafshan region, like other aspects of nature, changes from the bottom up, ie from the plains to the mountains. The vegetation of 17

this region forms the following vegetation regions from the mountains to the foothills: Turkestan, in the highlands of the Chakilkalon Mountains grow mountain meadows. They are used as summer pastures. Below the meadows there are pine forests. Four species of spruce grow here: red spruce, black spruce, cypress spruce, and spruce spruce. Among them is the famous spruce spruce, which reaches a height of 18 m. This spruce can grow up to 3000 m in height. Spruce wood does not rot for a long time, it is ripe. In addition, in the mountains grow walnut, poplar, apple, maple, willow, birch. Further down, there are mountain steppes and semi- deserts between mountain sparse forests and shrubs and oases. Many lands are plowed and spring crops are planted. In non-irrigated lands, mainly ephemerals - from the color, brown, grass - are common, kampirchopon, akquray, wormwood and juzgun. In the low mountains - Nurata, Aktag, Karatag, Gubdun, wild almond, namatak, hawthorn and other shrubs grow sparsely. To the west of Zarafshan there are no flat, high mountains. For this reason, the lands other than the irrigated areas in the oases are desert. These lands are occupied by ephemeral, ephemeroid plants. Where there are sands, selin, saxophone, and juzgun are common. The vegetation of the Omonquton location on the northern slope of Mount Qoratepa is particularly noteworthy. Here various trees are planted, making stairs to the hillside. Now the mountain slope is covered with forest. 1.2. Historical classification of monuments of cultural heritage sites in the region Bukhara is one of the oldest cities in the world, and in 1997 the city celebrated its 2,500th anniversary. The name Bukhara was first mentioned by the historian Narshakhi in the 9th century. Before that, the city had several other names. According to many historians and linguists, the word Bukhara is derived from the Sanskrit word "vihara", which means "fortress". Based on the results of archeological excavations, scientists have concluded that this city played an important role in the economic and cultural life of the region in prehistoric times.


Bukhara is located at one of the most important intersections of the Great from China to Rome. In the VIII century, as a result of the Arab conquest, was introduced here. Gradually, Bukhara became the most important religious center and was increasingly called Bukhara Sharif. During the period of development, the city was destroyed and rebuilt several times (by Persians, Arabs, Mongols). The unique economic and cultural development of Bukhara dates back to the Samanid and Shaybanid periods. Today's Bukhara (about 300,000 people), like other cities in Uzbekistan, is divided into old and new cities. But our city has an undoubted advantage if elsewhere in the old part of the city there are only historical monuments and it is considered as an open-air museum because no inhabitants live, in Bukhara people live as they did thousands of years ago. This allows everyone to imagine the city‟s rich history. The new part of the city houses administrative buildings, schools, institutes and industrial enterprises. You can walk through the narrow streets of 2500-year-old Bukhara and enjoy the luxurious buildings with blue domes and small mud houses. The mausoleum of Ismail Somoni, built in the 10th century, is one of the most ancient and beautiful monuments in Bukhara. It still looks as beautiful today as it did 1,000 years ago. The Samanids were the first Tajik rulers of Persian origin (875-999 AD). They built a great Figure 1 The Ark Fortress of Bukhara state with Bukhara as its capital. That period was characterized by a high level of development of specific sciences such as construction, arts, mathematics, geometry, physics. 19

The mausoleum of Ismail Somoni in Bukhara was the first building built on the territory of Bukhara on the basis of accurate calculations. All scientists are still amazed at how logical and beautiful these calculations turned out to be. Vertical, transverse, right-angled baked bricks are illuminated by different levels of sunlight. The walls of the mausoleum look like an embroidered box or sometimes a basket made of willow twigs. If you travel to Bukhara, you should definitely visit this monument. The people of Bukhara are convinced that if you have not seen the mausoleum, you have not seen Bukhara. The Ark fortress was the official residence of the rulers of Bukhara for hundreds of years. It is built on an artificial hill with a height of 16-20 meters. The area of the castle is about 4 hectares. People often called it a “city within a city” because it had everything of a typical city: streets, narrow streets, palaces, , workshops. The castle was repeatedly destroyed, repaired and restored. Unfortunately, by now, little is left of the luxurious Ark of the past. Many buildings were destroyed during the 1920 repression. However, the Ark is still worth a visit (Figure 1). At the Museum of Local Lore in the Arc, you will hear many interesting things about the history of the city, national customs and traditions. In addition, standing on the high walls of the castle, you can see a beautiful view of Bukhara. Poi Kalon Memorial Complex is a place that attracts the attention of all guests. Long before the Mongols, the Kalon Tower, built in the 12th century, can be seen almost everywhere. In the 16th century, the Kalon Mosque was built next to it, and the Miri Arab Madrasah was built in front of it. On Muslim holidays, the muezzin's voice could be heard from the top of the minaret calling the righteous Muslims to pray. in ancient times the fire lit at the top of the tower at night could be seen from afar. Now, as in the past, the tower stands on top of the old town. The tower attracts your attention from afar with its matching shapes and clear lines. If you have the privilege of seeing the tower, you will be fascinated by its precise proportions and beautifully laid bricks. Kalon Mosque is the second largest mosque in Central Asia after the Bibikhanum 20

Mosque in Samarkand. It has been proven that a mosque can accommodate 10,000 people on a Muslim holiday. The large open courtyard of the mosque, its magnificent roofs and covered covered porches leave an unforgettable impression. The Miri Arab , located opposite the Kalon Mosque, has always served as a model for the mosques built after it due to its proportions and symmetry. The Miri Arab Madrassa, where future imams were educated, was the only madrassa to function for many years during the former Soviet Union. The center of Bukhara (16-17 centuries) Labi Hovuz is a favorite place of Bukhara people and memons. Here you can meet old loved ones and make new friends, remember the past and think about the future. In the middle of the square is a large pool, surrounded by various buildings. Kukaldosh Madrassah, Nodir Devonbegi Madrassah and Khanaqis. The oldest building here is Kokaldosh Madrasah. In the 16th century, a minister named Kokaldosh ordered the construction of the largest madrasah in Central Asia in Bukhara. Construction of a caravanserai has begun in the area where Nadir Devonbegi Madrasa is located. Later, Nadir Devonbegi‟s plans changed and the caravanserai was turned into a madrasa. This led to negative consequences where there was neither a mosque nor a lecture hall for the students - they were not provided for. But the building is beautifully decorated with glazed ceramics and porcelain tiles. In Bukhara, you can only see images of the legendary Semurgush and the sun on the facade of this madrasa. In the hot season of the year, in the inner courtyard of the madrasa, you can enjoy a folklore performance. On the other side of the pool is a small memorial for dervishes - the Nadir Devonbegi Room. Bukhara was the center of Islam in the Central Asian region. Many pilgrims came here who needed a guest to stay the night. For this reason, the city had many small hotels and caravanserais. Perhaps this room was popular among the believers because it had not only rooms for sleeping, but also a large mosque for prayer. The tastefully decorated door is reflected in the pool water. Come to the lab pool. Drink a cup of green tea in the cafeteria here, sit there all day, play dominoes and chat with the elderly. Here you will feel the beauty of the city, the melancholy of its 21

inhabitants and the characteristics of the national character more than anywhere else. About 4 km from the city. outside is the summer palace of the last emirs of Bukhara. The palace is poetically called "Sitorai Moxi Khosa" - a place between the moon and the stars. The architectural structure of the palace is interesting only because it reflects the taste of the rich of the late XIX and early XX centuries. The main name of the buildings is a mixed style of different views. The throne room is exceptionally decorated in full accordance with national traditions. The wonderful delicate "ganch" carving in it will remain in your memory. now here is a museum of folk applied art, where you can see beautiful jugs sewn with silk, ceramics, traditional women's jewelry, national costumes and more. Bukhara is one of the great centers of science, spirituality and enlightenment. Since March 1996, the Bukhara regional center of the Samarkand branch of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan has been operating. In 1997, 3 universities (State University, Institute of Food and Light Industry Technology, Medical Institute), 5 colleges, 3 academic lyceums, a school specializing in history, 47 general education schools, 89 preschools, 28 public libraries, Bukhara There is a state memorial-art museum reserve, 2 theaters. The Bukhara Weekly is published (2000). In October 1997, the 2500th anniversary of the city of Bukhara was widely celebrated in Uzbekistan. More than 50 historical and architectural monuments have been repaired, new parks and alleys have been built. [1] Famous and wise scholars grew up and studied in Bukhara. Abu Afsi Kabir Bukhari (767-832), Imam al-Bukhari, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Narshahi, Dai'i, Rudaki, Balami, Abdukhalik Gijduvani, Bahauddin Nakshband, Sayfiddin Boharzi, Nasir Bukhari, Shamsiddin Bukhari, Ubaydullo Bukhari, Mushfiqi, Mushfiqi Bukhari, Turdi Fergani, Ahmad Donish, Fitrat, Sadriddin Ayni, Fayzulla Khodjaev, Ibrahim Muminov, Jalal Ikromi are among them. Bukhara is a "museum city" with more than 140 medieval architectural monuments. Ensembles such as Poi Kalon, Double Madrasa, Ismail Somoni Mausoleum, Kalon Tower, built many centuries ago, are in the spotlight today. Ark 22

(11th-20th centuries), Children's Pool (18th-early 20th centuries), Smail Somoni Mausoleum (9th-10th centuries), Abdullah Khan Madrassah (1596/98), Modarikhan Madrassah (1556/57), Baland Mosque (early 16th century), Labi pool ensemble (16-17th century), Kokaldosh madrasah (1568/69), Nodir Devonbegi madrasah, Nodir Devonbegi khanaqahi (1620), Ulugbek madrasah (141), Abdulazizkhan madrasah (1652), Children's pool mosque (1712), Sayfiddin Bokharzi maqb Second half of 13th century-14th century), Buyanqulikhan mausoleum (second half of 14th century, 15th or 16th century), Namazgoh mosque (12th-16th centuries), Fayzabad khanaqah (1598/99), madrasah (1807), Sitorai Mohi Xossa Bukhara Emir's palace 20 the beginning of the century), Chor Bakr (the burial place of Sheikh Jubayra dynasty). 1.3. The current state of cultural heritage sites in the region Bukhara region is very rich in architectural monuments of ancient times, built in the early and Middle Ages. At present, the Bukhara State Museum of Architecture and Art has 997 historical monuments. One of the oldest monuments in Turan, the residence of the rulers of Bukhara - Bukhara Arch (1st century BC) is preserved to this day. The mausoleum of Sayfiddin Boharzi in Fathabad near the city (13th century), the mausoleum of Bayankulikhan (14th century), the Chorbakr ensemble in the village of Sumiton in (16th century), the mosque of Hazrat Bobo (18th century), the summer residence of the Emir - Sitorai Mohi Xosa Palace 19th-20th centuries), tower in (12th century), Chashmai Ayub azira (1208), Khoja Mahmud Anjir Fanavi mausoleum (13th century), Abduramon Vali mausoleum (14th century), Vobkent bath (16-17 centuries), Toshmasjid (16th-17th centuries), Sufidekan room (17th-18th centuries), ruins of city in district (7th century), Mahmud Torobi dam (13th century), Qizbibi complex (15th century) , The complex of Hazrat Bahauddin in Orifon, Kagan district, Abdulazizkhan's house and Damai Shahon (14th-16th centuries), the mausoleum of Hazrat Mir Kulol (14th century), the Palace of Railwaymen (sobi Amir) in Kagan (19th-20th centuries), Peshku district 23

Khojam Bandi Kushod and Khojam Sayd Steel Mausoleums (18th-19th centuries), Khoja Ali Rometani - Khoja Azizon and Khoja Muhammad Boboyi Samoni mausoleums in district (14 -th century), Mulla Mir Hakim's room, Vardonze city monument in Shafirkan district (6th-7th centuries), Azor yp hut (8th century), Khoja Arif Revgari - Moitobon mausoleum (13th century), Bozachi and Karavulbozor sardobas in Karavulbozor district ( 17th century), the ruins of Poykend city in Karakul district (8th century). Shahburkhan ota mausoleum and mosque, Hazrat Abdukholiq Gijduvani mosque and mausoleum of Khojai Jahon (12th century) in Gijduvan district, Ulubek madrasah (15th century), Toshmasjid and Dehqonbobo rooms (15th-16th centuries), Khoja Soktare mosque (17th century). ), Chorsu Mosque (18th-19th centuries). There are also Raboti Malik caravanserai and Malik sardoba (11th century) in Bukhara oasis, Mirsaid Bahrom mausoleum (10th-11th centuries) in Karmana, Qasim sheikh's room (16th century). In these historical monuments, the traditions of Eastern architecture are intertwined. These monuments, built by the Uzbek people for two thousand years, testify to the rich talent and artistic skills of our ancestors, the great creative power. We will always miss Bukhara. We set off with a longing. when the opportunity to go to Bukhara arises, the feeling of nostalgia increases, our love is aroused. Our whole body longs for Bukhara with feelings of nostalgia. VOBKENT TOWER. The tower in Vobkent is one of the most delicate monuments of Uzbek architecture. The Kufic inscriptions at the bottom of the tower's body indicate the date of its construction (1197-98). The name of the


Figure 2 Vobkent Tower chairman of Bukhara Burhoniddin Abdulaziz II is also mentioned there. He may have been the customer of the construction, and in the upper tier, in a "Devonian" letter, it is written that "the tower was completed in 595 AH (ie 1198-99)." According to historical sources, at the foot of the tower, at the same time, the mosque and madrasa Sadriya (a madrasa built by the Bukhara Sadr family) was the largest educational center in Movarounnahr, which also had a large library. This building was completely destroyed by the 19th century. The hadiths at the top of the minaret (Fig. 2) state that "Whoever builds a mosque will build a place in Paradise for himself." Now the height of this tower is 38.7 meters. KALON MINORAI. Bukhara cannot be imagined without the blue-domed Kalon Mosque and its minaret. The Kalon minaret (Fig. 3) was rebuilt in the ancient city of Bukhara, and according to some historical sources, the tower was built by Arslankhan in 1127 and was made of baked brick in the style of geometric

ornaments. It is 50 meters high and 9 meters wide. The upper part of the tower is Figure 3 Kalon Minarai decorated with brick carvings in the form of a sala and brought to the position of a cornice. Arslankhan's name is inscribed in the middle of the axis (according to


some scholars). The name of the master builder (Baqo) has also been found, and locals indicate that his grave is among the houses in the neighboring neighborhood. Master Baqo built a brick tower with a round arrow that narrowed upwards, typical of Movarounnahr. Inside the tower is a brick spiral staircase that leads to a 16- arched ruton-fonus platform resting on bricks stacked in the form of a lavish stalactite cornice. In 1514-16, when the khan of Bukhara Ubaydullah ibn Mahmud (1504- 1539) returned from the march on Herat, he ordered the repair of this minaret and the adjacent Masjid Kalon and allocated a certain amount of money. The Kalon Minaret became a model for all subsequent towers built in the Bukhara oasis until the early twentieth century. The tower was destroyed several times during the Soviet revolution. In 1924 (its body and muqarnas) were repaired under the leadership of master Shirin Murodov. Part of the underground course was opened and repaired in 1960 by master Achil Bobomurodov. Tower is an Arabic word meaning “High Building”. The minaret is actually built next to or adjacent to mosques and madrassas, and serves as a place to call the adhan, which encourages prayer. In historical sources, some of the towers were built as a watchtower for enemy troops and to show the splendor and majesty of a complex and to demonstrate the power of the person who built it. ISMAIL SOMONI TOMB. It is no coincidence that the saying "Samarkand is beautiful; the Bukhara dome is Islamic" is true. From ancient Bukhara came such a great man as Imam Bukhari, a great representative of mysticism like Bahovuddin Nakshband, and many scholars related to "Bukhari". Ismail Somoni (Figure 4) is the rarest and oldest monument in Bukhara. Ismail Somoni is known as a great representative of the Samanid dynasty and the founder of the Samanid state. After suppressing the peasant uprisings around Bukhara in 874, he became the deputy governor of Bukhara, and in 888 the governor of the whole of Movarounnahr. During the reign of Ismail Somoni, a policy of strengthening the central government was pursued. In Bukhara, representatives of 26

Figure 3 religion, literature, culture, charter craftsmen gathered, and culture and art developed. The city of Bukhara and its environs prospered. One of the masterpieces of world architecture - the Samanid mausoleum occupies a special place among the medieval buildings of Bukhara. The mausoleum was built as a family saga after the death of Ismail Somoni's father. Ishmael himself, and later his grandson Nasr, were buried here. During the Samanid period, Bukhara became a major center of religious sciences and had the great honor of being a pillar of Islam. Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Bukhari, a famous hadith scholar of the ninth century, who honored the Bukhara Muslim world, is from Bukhara. The great physician and philosopher Abu Ali ibn Sina was also born in the village of Afshana in Bukhara and was one of the most famous scholars living in the capital of the Samanid state. The mausoleum of Ismail Somoni was built in 892-943 on the site of an ancient cemetery near in the western part of Bukhara. The whole building is built in the form of a rectangle, in the method of embossing bricks. It is one of the only surviving monuments in its original form. The mausoleum of Ismail Somoni is one of the first historical monuments in the


territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. MAGOKI ATTORI MOSQUE. Near the Shahrukh Canal, in the city of Shahristan, there is a very ancient monument - the Magoki Attori Mosque (Figure 5). Prior to the Arab conquest, it was replaced by the Moh (moon) market, where idols, medicines, and spices were traded, and the temple of the fire-worshipers was also here. In the last edition of Narshahi's work, the mosque built on the site of the temple was called Magogh, meaning "in the depths." Because the rapidly growing cultural strata had buried it halfway through at the time. According to the inscriptions on the eastern facade of the mosque, in 1547 Abdulaziz Ibn Abdullah (1539–1550) demolished the mosque and tried to build a new one in its place. However, Mahdumi Azam, the leader of the Nakshbandi sect at the time and the khan's murshid, did not allow this, saying that the spirits of the saints who passed through the mosque were present. In the pulpit of this mosque, Abdullah Gijduvani, It is also mentioned that pirs such as Bahovuddin Nakshband delivered sermons. Obeying Murshid's words, Abdulaziz Khan built a new mosque on the west side of the old mosque. From the high stairs there is a large hall with 12 columns and 12 domes, built in the XII century of the Magoki Attori Mosque. The floor of the hotel was excavated and plastering materials of the IX-X centuries were found. Below it was a wall made of raw brick, which was found to be older than the plaster materials. The roof of the 12th century and the pylon on both sides of it are traditionally decorated.


The domed arch at the top of the roof door is divided into three parts. Each piece formed a square-shaped ornament that intersected each other from individual small and thin bricks. The corners of the pieces are decorated with honor, and on top are cross-stitched hexagonal bricks. The carved terracotta inscription frame is divided into separate panels by the roof walls that decorate the door and the top of the porch. They are decorated with floral and geometric patterns. Geometrically patterned brick on both sides of the roof. On the floor of these brick patterns was a carved Figure 5. Magoki Attori Mosque ornament (girih) made of plaster. The towers in the corners of the mosque are quietly accessed. In 1934-1935 V. A. Under Shishkin's leadership, archeological excavations were carried out at the mosque. As a result, it was found that the ornaments on the southern roof of the mosque were torn down. Later they were restored with the participation of Master Shirin Murodov. According to legend, the Magoki Attori Mosque was built by master Moh. In particular, its southern roof is valued as a valuable monument not only of Bukhara, but of the entire Central Asian culture.


BAHOVUDDIN NAKSHBAND. The Nakshbandi sect, which is widespread in Movarounnahr, Khorasan, India, and the Middle East, is associated with the name of Khoja Muhammad Bahovuddin Nakshband (Fig. 6) (1318–1389). Bahovuddin Nakshband He was born in 1318 in the village of Hinduvan, near Bukhara. Bahovuddin Sayyid Amir Kulol, Qusamshaykh, Khalil Ota, and other

(Fig. 6) (1318–1389). Bahovuddin Nakshband great Turkic and Persian mystics of that time were educated by mystics. Yusuf Hamadoni, who preceded him, gradually continued the Khojagan sect created by Khoja Abdukholiq Gijduvani and established the Nakshbandi doctrine in accordance with the conditions of the XIV century. This doctrine strongly condemns living by the labor of others, free humiliation, social oppression, and oppression. In the teachings of Nakshbandiyya, it is said to close the door of solitude, to open the door of conversation, to close the door of sheikhship, and to open the door of label, that is, friendship, solidarity, solidarity, sympathy. The doctrine of Nakshbandi, developed in the XIV century by the spiritual father of Bahovuddin Nakshband - Khoja Abdukholik Gijduvani, developed in the XIV century, to alleviate the burden of the people, to be honest, to acquire a profession;


He put forward the noble, very worldly and vital ideas of "Dil ba yoru-dast ba kor" (Let your hand be in labor and your heart be in Allah). A mausoleum was built in 1544 by Abdulaziz I on the tomb of Bahovuddin Nakshband, buried in the village of Qasri Orifon, now Kagan district. The Nakshbandi sect has spread in a number of countries in recent centuries, such as Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, and Turkey, as it promotes the ideas of humanity, patriotism, hard work, peace, and mutual friendship. Khoja Bahovuddin Nakshband, the founder of the Nakshbandi sect, is highly valued by the people of Turkestan. Our people have high faith in him and say, "Bahovuddin-balogardon!" In September 1993, on the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov, the 675th anniversary of Bahovuddin Nakshband was celebrated. Conclusion on Chapter I. This chapter analyzes the geographical location and description of Bukhara region, including the climate, water, soil, vegetation of the region. The history and classification of monuments of cultural heritage are covered. The location and current status of cultural heritage sites are described in detail.


Chapter II. Geodetic and geoinformatics works during the state registration of cultural heritage monuments 2.1. Geodetic works to be carried out during the survey of the condition of the Magori Attoriy Mosque Topographic and geodetic prospecting works: Topographic and geodetic prospecting works are included in the development of planned and elevation base networks, as well as large-scale topographic plans of the area, tracing of linear structures, etc. Engineering-geodetic design: Geodetic works related to the design of buildings and structures, topographic plans and profiles of appropriate scales, as well as the development of the general plan of the building, geodetic measurements and calculations of the project site, area and volume calculations, etc. are included in engineering-geodetic design. Project planning: This type of work requires high-precision measurement work. Planning work can include triangulation, trilateration, polygonometry, the creation of a planning basis for the correct appearance of the building, the relocation of the main axes of the building, as well as underground communications, and so on. Geodetic installation and inspection of structures: This stage is a more specific type of engineering geodetic work, which involves the installation of building structures in horizontal, vertical and inclined directions. Building Deformation Observation: This stage consists of works such as foundation subsidence observation, horizontal displacement of buildings, observation of deflection of high structures, and is performed by high-precision geodetic methods. Types of deformation: Deformation of structures occurs as a result of the impact of various natural and man-made factors on their foundation and the structure itself. Deformation of buildings and structures depends mainly on the


movement of the soil layer in their foundation. These movements can occur in an upright and horizontal position. Vertical deformation of foundations is divided into: Sedimentation- deformations occur as a result of the external influence of the soil under the foundation and, in some cases, the compaction of the soil under its own weight, and in this case the soil structure does not change radically; Compression deformations occur as a result of soil compaction and lead to radical changes in soil structure due to external influences, such as soil moisture, melting of frozen soil, etc .; Swelling deformations, changes in soil volume as a result of changes in the soil layer under the influence of various chemicals or changes in its humidity, temperature; Sedimentary deformations occur as a result of changes in hydrogeological conditions, mining of mineral resources. The mathematical characteristic of foundation subsidence is represented by a vertical cross-section between the initial and post-subsidence planes of the foundation. If these sections are equal at all angles of the foundation, such subsidence is called a flat subsidence, if the cross-sections are not equal, it is called uneven subsidence. Thus, subsidence in a plane can occur as a result of uniform exposure of the external environment to the entire part of the structure, as well as uniform compression of the rocks under the foundation. This situation is rare in practice. Uneven subsidence occurs as a result of different effects on building parts and different compaction of the soil, which leads to deflection, bending and other changes of buildings and structures. When these changes are significant, cracks can appear in the foundations and walls of the building. Sediments that occur as a result of the structure‟s own weight will stop after a certain amount of time as a result of the compaction of the soil layer.


In this case, as usual, sinking in sandy soils moves at great speed and stops quickly. In muddy soils, however, it begins in reverse, i.e. at an insignificant rate, and does not end for many years. Under the influence of one-way force (e.g., water pressure), horizontal displacement of structures occurs. The joint displacement of buildings and foundations is characterized by the following parameters: a) complete subsidence of a separate foundation or building block C; b) average subsidence of the foundation of buildings and structures Sur;

g) relative uneven subsidence, i.e. the ratio of the subsidence difference between two points of the foundation to the distance between the points; d) the slope of the foundation i, i.e. the ratio of the subsid to the width or length of the foundation. The slope of the foundation leads to the deflection of the structure (crane). e) angle of rotation of the structure x; j) horizontal displacement of the structure u. Deformation monitoring will continue from the start of construction until the first years of operation. In this case, an attempt is made to conduct the observation stages at regular intervals. Geodetic observation of displacement and subsidence of foundations and structures of buildings and structures is carried out in accordance with a special technical task. It shows the following: a) parts of buildings and structures to be monitored; b) the location of the initial rappers and sink marks; c) periodicity of observation; g) required accuracy; d) list of reporting documents. The results of monitoring the deformation of foundations and buildings allow to determine the strength of buildings and structures, as well as to prevent the occurrence of subsidence. 34

Causes of Deformation: As mentioned above, deformation of foundations occurs as a result of the influence of natural and man-made factors on it. Natural factors include: 1) susceptibility of rocks to various engineering-geological and hydrogeological phenomena; 2) freezing of rocks in the cold and thawing of frozen rocks; 3) changes in hydrometric conditions, perennial temperature, humidity and changes in groundwater level. Man-made factors include: 1) the effect of the weight of the structure; 2) changes in the properties of rocks due to artificial rise and fall of groundwater; 3) weakening of the foundation as a result of underground works; 4) change of pressure (force) on the foundation as a result of construction of an additional floor to the building or construction of a new building next to it; 5) operation of various aggregates, vibration of the foundation due to traffic. In addition, the shape, size and strength of the foundation also affect the deformation of the structure. 2.2 Maintaining cadastral documents for state registration of cultural heritage sites State registration of rights to immovable property in the Republic of Uzbekistan Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of January 7, 2014 No 1 "On improving the procedure for state registration of rights to immovable property" and Annex 1 to this resolution, ie state registration of rights to immovable property Regulations on the procedure for registration. This Regulation is a measure of the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Land Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On State Land Cadastre", "On State Cadastres" and "On Mortgage", the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On radical improvement of business environment and greater access 35

to entrepreneurship" According to the Decree No. PF-4455 of July 18, 2012 "On measures", the rights of legal entities and individuals to land, buildings and structures (including underground structures), perennial trees, as well as mortgages and buildings and structures and land establishes the procedure for state registration of agreements on the mortgage of property rights to plots, using information and communication technologies on the principle of "one stop shop". State registration of the rights of legal entities and individuals to buildings and structures, including agreements on them, mortgages and mortgage agreements, is carried out by state enterprises of the district (city) land management and real estate cadastre service of the State Committee for Geodesy and Cadastre. According to the above decision, the state registration of rights to buildings and structures is carried out as follows: The right of ownership, the right of economic management and the right of operative management of buildings, structures above and below ground, the right of creation, transfer, restriction and termination of these rights must be registered with the state. During the state registration of underground facilities, their description is adopted on the basis of the construction project data of these facilities. The object of registration is the right of a particular legal entity or individual to buildings and structures located on a separate plot of land, with a separate cadastral number, including ancillary facilities adjacent to them. Rights to various ancillary buildings are not subject to state registration separately from the main building or structure. State registration of property rights to apartments in multi-apartment houses and non-residential areas is carried out separately for each owner. The rights to housing owned by housing construction companies are registered in the name of the relevant company, attaching a list of members of this company.


The rights to buildings and structures, the construction of which is completed and accepted for use in the prescribed manner, are transferred from the state register. Rights to arbitrarily constructed buildings and structures, as well as rights to temporary buildings constructed for use during construction, shall not be subject to state registration, except in cases of recognition by the court of property rights to buildings and structures. In the event that buildings and structures owned by legal entities and individuals are included in the charter capital of newly created legal entities, the ownership of these buildings and structures shall be registered in the name of the newly created legal entities. For the state registration of rights to immovable property, the originals of the documents are submitted, which are returned to the right holder after registration. Documents confirming the right of ownership of buildings and structures are as follows: decision of the district (city) khokim on approval of the act of the commission on commissioning of the completed building, structure, house; notarized house, apartment purchase and sale agreement; the contract of sale with the act of delivery and acceptance of the building and construction; notarized contract of sale of the enterprise, together with the act of transfer and acceptance; notarized lease agreement; notarized contract for the gift of a building, structure, residence; notarized contract for the exchange of buildings, structures, accommodation; notarized rental agreement, which provides for the transfer of housing to another person on the condition of rent payment; state act granting the right of ownership to the privatized state building, structure, residence; 37

a certificate of the right of inheritance issued by notaries and the right of ownership to the relevant part of the building, the building, which is the common property of the couple; a court decision or a decision of the bailiff or an act of transfer of the building and structure concluded between the claimant and the debtor, approved by the bailiff. Documents confirming the right of ownership to buildings and structures built during the period of the legislation of the Uzbek SSR are as follows: decisions of state authorities on capital construction and transfer of land plots for indefinite use for further use; documents, decisions, orders of the competent authorities on the transfer of buildings and structures to another person; notarized: contracts of sale, exchange, gift, division of property, transfer of real estate on the condition of lifelong security; agreements on construction of buildings, on allocation of land plots for construction of houses on the right of private property, on allocation of land plots for construction of houses to individual construction communities, on division of houses between couples; decisions of the executive committees of city and district councils of people's deputies on the recognition of property rights to buildings (on the basis of existing documents); certificates of inheritance and property rights to the relevant share of the building, which is common property, as well as certificates of purchase of the house at auction; court decisions and rulings or decisions of the arbitral tribunal that have entered into force, confirming the right of ownership to buildings and structures; inventory-technical materials, if in their text there is a clear reference to the document certifying the right of ownership of the house, properly executed; from the registers of notarial offices on the issuance of duplicates, copies of contracts or other notarial documents confirming the transfer of ownership of 38

buildings and structures, as well as the certificate of inheritance and the transfer of ownership of buildings and structures; extracts. Documents confirming the right of economic management and operational management of buildings and structures are as follows: decisions of the authorized state bodies and economic management bodies on the establishment of state enterprises, institutions and organizations and the transfer of real property to them on the right of economic or operational management; decisions of the authorized state bodies and economic management bodies on the transfer of buildings and structures to certain state enterprises and institutions; decisions of the founders on the transfer of buildings and structures to the institutions established by them. Rights to objects of tangible cultural heritage are registered in the manner prescribed by law. Documents confirming the restriction of property rights to buildings and structures include: notices of seizure of buildings and structures; notifications on prohibition of transfer of buildings and structures to another person. Documents confirming the termination of property rights and other property rights to buildings and structures include: information of the bodies of state registration of legal entities on exclusion of the legal entity from the Unified Register of Enterprises and Organizations; decisions of the relevant state authorities on the withdrawal and transfer of land plots for public and state needs, along with the buildings and structures located on them;


notarized contracts for the purchase and sale of buildings and structures, housing, gift, exchange, transfer of housing to another person on the condition of payment of rent; the decision of the owner or other competent authorities on the termination of the right of economic management of buildings and structures, as well as the right of operational management; the decision of the owner to demolish and deregister the building and structure; documents confirming the destruction of the building and structure as a result of natural disasters; a court decision or a decision of the bailiff or an act approved by the bailiff on the transfer of the building and structure between the claimant and the debtor. In the absence of documents confirming the right of ownership, specified in paragraphs 42-46 of this Regulation, as well as in case of doubt about the authenticity or correctness of the submitted documents, the issue of property rights to the building, structure or other property rights shall be resolved by the court. The state registration of the right to buildings and structures is carried out within two days from the date of receipt of the application, if there are appropriate documents confirming this right. The state registrar of rights to buildings and structures: examines the application and the attached cadastral folder, compares the information in the application with the information in the state register of rights to real property and transactions with it; inspects on-site buildings and structures that are transferred to another person or by inheritance, in order to determine their actual composition and condition; determines the existence of grounds for the formation of property rights or other property rights to the building, structure and the legality of its transfer to legal entities and individuals;


determines the legality of the documents on the transfer of buildings and structures to other persons, the existence of property rights or other property rights for their transfer to another person; determines the number of participants in the right of joint ownership and, if available, their shares; determines the factors preventing the state registration of rights, whether the object is pledged to prevent the transfer of the right to other persons, and whether there is a restriction of the right; whether there is an application for state registration of the same buildings and structures from other persons is determined from the state register of rights to real property and agreements concluded on it. If there are insignificant shortcomings in the submitted materials and the possibility of their elimination, the registrar decides to suspend the registration within two days. The decision shall specify certain shortcomings and the reasons for suspension of registration, as well as the period sufficient for legal entities and individuals to eliminate these reasons and submit the documents for reconsideration. The period specified in the letter of denial of registration shall be commensurate with the time required to remedy the deficiencies, but shall not exceed three days. In the event that the grounds for suspension of state registration by legal entities and individuals are eliminated, the review of documents shall be carried out within a period not exceeding two days from the date of receipt of the amended documents. When re-applying for state registration of rights to buildings and structures, the refusal on new grounds not previously specified in the letter of refusal of state registration is not allowed. No registration fee is charged for reconsideration of applications of legal entities and individuals.


An application submitted after the expiration of the period specified in the decision to suspend registration shall be deemed to have been re-filed and shall be considered on general grounds. The grounds for denial of state registration of rights to buildings and structures are: availability of documents in the state registration body certifying the existence of disputes over the ownership of the building or structure; identification of cases of unauthorized occupation of land plots and construction of buildings and structures, as well as reconstruction of buildings and structures in violation of the legislation in the course of on-site inspections; finding incorrect or corrupted information in the submitted documents. Denial of state registration of rights to buildings and structures on other grounds, including on the grounds of inexpediency, is not allowed. Rights to buildings and structures belonging to several legal entities and individuals on the right of common share ownership shall be registered in the name of the owners in the shares specified in the title documents.

If the participants of the joint property right by mutual agreement have established the order of use of separate parts (rooms) of the common building and structure (rooms, apartments, etc.) in accordance with their shares, and this agreement is notarized, then such agreement must be registered. In this case, the registration certificate shall be completed in the agreement and in a duly certified copy, which shall be left in the state registration body. In cases where the title documents are submitted by family members or heirs of the owners who have been declared missing or dead by the court, the rights to the buildings and structures shall be registered in the order of inheritance in accordance with the property documents submitted to them. State registration of property rights and other property rights to buildings and structures is carried out by making an entry in the state register of rights to


immovable property and related agreements on the relevant rights of a particular legal entity or individual to these objects. State registration of restrictions on property rights and other property rights to buildings and structures is carried out by entering an entry in the state register of rights to immovable property and transactions with it, indicating the grounds for restriction of the right to property and other property rights in the state register is increased. State registration of revocation of property rights and other property rights is carried out by entering an entry in the state register of rights to immovable property and transactions with it, indicating the grounds for revocation of the right to property and other property rights in the state register. 2.3. Safety rules of life activity In any work process, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the observance of safety rules by employees, the correct organization of the labor process, the provision of first aid to them in case of accidents. The master‟s dissertation I am researching consists mainly of a set of geodetic works performed in field conditions and partly in chamber conditions. In carrying out this work, workers are required to strictly follow safety rules. One of the main tasks of labor protection is to ensure the safety of workers. Occupational safety is a condition of working conditions in which the impact of hazardous and harmful production factors on workers is excluded. Injury to a person in an industrial setting means that there are physical and chemical hazardous production factors. Since the geodetic work we carry out is mainly done in the field, more workers need to know about the dangerous events that occur in the field and how to eliminate them, first aid to the victim. First and foremost, workers must work in the field wearing special work clothes. In field conditions, mainly due to natural factors, there may be snow, floods, storms and so on. As a result of carelessness of workers, accidents such as sunstroke, 43

frostbite, electric shock when working in camera conditions can occur. It is the duty of every worker to know what to do when these events occur and how to eliminate them. Every organization, including every madrassa, is used in places far away from the central part of the mosque, where medical organizations (clinics, medical center, outpatient clinics) are located. The first-aid kit should contain: baking soda - 200 g, validol - 30 tablets, boric acid - 60 g, adhesive plaster - (1x15 cm) - 5 pieces, Vaseline - 50 g, rubber rope - 1 piece, individual bag - 10 pieces, bandage - 10 pieces, novshadil alcohol - 20 g, cotton - 100 g, tires - set, iodine solution. Medicines in the pharmacy are used for the following purposes: when drinking baking soda - acid burns (when working with alkalis and acids), a 2 - 4% solution is prepared for rinsing the eyes and rinsing the mouth. Vaseline - for infusion on the skin in case of 1st degree infusion, scratching, inflammation of the skin; rezi-na bandage - to stop bleeding; personal bags, bandages, cotton - for bandaging when injured, novshadil alcohol - for sniffing when unconscious; iodine setting - to rub around the wound, scratched, scratched areas on the skin. Before providing first aid to the injured, the following should be done:

- elimination of the causes of injuries (for example, evacuation of the injured from a room full of gases, poisons); removal of the power cord (in the event of an electric shock; loss of all items that worsen the condition of the injured (removal of the load on the injured, wall fragments, removal from the room or burning area); - to determine the general condition of the injured and, first of all, to eliminate what poses the greatest threat to human life and health (for example, to stop bleeding when the arteries are cut, to start breathing or massaging the heart, etc.); - Do not provoke the patient during first aid, unless it poses a risk to the patient; - not to leave when unconscious; 44

- Extreme care should be taken when removing the victim's clothing or cutting the wound at the site of first aid;

- care for the injured.

Bleeding from arteries, veins, and capillaries can occur when a part of the body is cut or the bones are broken open. The blood flowing from the artery is a bright red, strong blood flow that is constantly pumping under pressure. The blood flowing from the vein is dark in color, it comes out of the wound, and a small amount of blood comes out of the capillary slowly. When bleeding from an artery, when large arteries are injured, immediate care is needed. First you need to press the vein firmly with your fingers and squeeze the bone. When bleeding from the hands and feet, it is better to put a rubber bandage or a bandage from what you have on hand - a piece of tape, a piece of cloth or something else. The following steps must be taken when connecting: - Put a cloth (napkin) on the skin in several layers;

- pull the ligament until the bleeding stops;

- Put a piece of paper under the bandage with a clear indication of when it was placed (for example, 0.5 hours 35 min.), assuming that the day is 24 hours.

It is sufficient to place a pressure bandage to stop the venous and capillary blood flow. Iodine is applied to the skin around the wound, a piece of sterilized bandage or clean cotton-cloth is placed and tied tightly with a bandage. When bleeding from the body, it is necessary to put a bandage soaked in hydrogen peroxide. When bleeding from the nose, the patient is placed in bed, lifted slightly from the shoulders, the head is slightly tilted back, a nasal congestion soaked in hydrogen peroxide is placed on the nose. To prevent harmful germs from entering the wound, it is not recommended to touch it or touch clothes. The wound cannot be washed with water because


germs can get into the open wound along with the water. Therefore, a clean gauze cloth is wrapped over the wound and tied with a bandage. The injured man was taken to the hospital on a stretcher, leaning towards the wound. If the injured person is injured by touching something sharp in the eye, then put a gauze plug and immediately send to the hospital. It is not recommended to wipe it by hand when it gets into the eyes. Bone fractures are of the closed and open type. In a closed fracture, the skin and soft tissue at the fracture site are not injured, while in an open fracture, they are injured. Prior to first aid, the location of the injury should be determined based on external signs or at the request of the patient himself. Once the sore spot has been identified, the healthy limbs should be removed first, and then the clothing from the injury. An open fracture causes a lot of bleeding, so it is important to stop the bleeding first. After applying iodine, alcohol, or perfume to the skin around the wound, a sterile bandage is placed over it. After that, the broken area is boarded up. The length of the board should reach two joints close to the fracture site. The board should resemble a healthy limb shape, then be wrapped in cotton and tied with a bandage. In the absence of cotton and bandages, it is also possible to tie the board with towels, scarves and other items. After laying the board, the patient should cover the bed or coat, drink 1-2 cups of hot tea and send to the hospital. If a person is exposed to electric current, it is necessary to separate it from live parts. To do this, unplug the appliance from the switch or switch, cut the wire, remove the victim from the clothes and live parts, remove the wire with a dry stick. Precautions should be taken when disconnecting the victim from live parts, as the person providing assistance may be electrocuted. After the victim is disconnected from the electricity, he is laid on a mat, clothes buttons, belts are taken off and fresh air is inhaled, fresh alcohol is sniffed, cold water is sprinkled on the face, the body is rubbed and heated.


If the victim has stopped breathing or is having difficulty breathing, he or she will be given artificial respiration and a heartbeat. Artificial respiration is continued until the patient regains consciousness. Once normal breathing begins, artificial respiration is stopped. Cardiac massage is the compression of the lower third of the patient‟s chest in a rhythmic manner. This method is used when the heart stops beating for various reasons. To do this, the patient is placed on a hard surface, on his back. The facilitator stands on his knees and places his palm on the lower part of the chest. By placing the palm of the second hand on top of the first, he presses the chest frequently in a rhythmic manner from the bottom, using not only the strength of the hand but also the weight of the body. Pressing speed should be repeated 50-60 times per minute. For best results, it is recommended that cardiac massage be performed in conjunction with artificial respiration. Two people should be involved in providing assistance - one rubbing over the heart, the other - artificial respiration. Artificial respiration is performed by mouth-to-mouth and mouth-to-nose methods. The „mouth-to-mouth‟ method is preferable to the „mouth-to-nose‟ method because it is difficult to remove mucus and fluid from the nasal passages. Everything that compresses the patient's chest: jacket, belt, collar and, if necessary, clean with a napkin, gauze or any soft cloth so that no liquid remains in the mouth. The caregiver stands on the knee on the side of the patient's head, places one palm under the patient's neck, presses the other hand to the forehead, tilts the head back as far as possible, and then squeezes the patient's nostrils with his fingers, opening the mouth. Turning the head back is necessary so that the tongue does not fall and block the airway. The facilitator himself draws air, puts his mouth (which can also be done through a gauze) tightly in the open mouth in the morning, and blows strong air into it until the patient's chest rises. The blown air should not interfere with the return. It is recommended to blow air 12-20 times per minute. This period is continued until the patient begins to breathe independently. 47

In the chamber work processes, workers must first know the hygienic norms of the production microclimate and organize them properly. Norms of industrial microclimate are established on the basis of the system of occupational safety standards "Microclimate of the work area". They are based on hygienic and technical economic considerations. Depending on the nature of the rooms of industrial enterprises, the seasons and the category of work, the permissible norms for temperature, relative humidity and air movement in the workplace are determined. The norms of temperature, relative humidity and speed of movement in the production rooms and the working room in the brochure. Season Work categories Air Relative Movement temperature, humidity speed, m / s С ° Cold Light 20-23 60-30 0,2

Average weight 18-20 60-40 0,2

Average weight 17-19 60-40 0,3

Heavy 16-18 60-40 0,3

Warm Light 20-25 60-40 0,2

Period Average weight 21-23 60-40 0,3

Average weight 20-22 60-40 0,4

Hot Heavy 18-21 60-40 0,5

Heavy 20-30 60-40 0,3

Average weight 20-30 60-40 0,4-0,5

Average weight 20-30 60-40 0,5-0,7


Heavy 20-30 60-40 0,5-1,0

Only if these norms are met, it will be possible to ensure the normal work of employees and increase productivity. Conclusion on Chapter II This chapter describes the essence of geodetic and geoinformatics work carried out during the state registration of cultural heritage sites, methods of geodetic work performed to assess the status of cultural heritage sites, geodetic instruments and their types, the procedure for maintaining cadastral documents in the state registration of cultural heritage sites. In addition, this chapter contains the rules of safety that must be followed when conducting geodetic and cartographic works.


Chapter III. Modern advanced geodetic, geoinformatics and cartographic methods for creating an atlas of cultural heritage monuments in the region 3.1. Principles of creating a system of tourism plans, maps and atlases In the process of systematic development of the scientific basis of regional mapping for tourism purposes, there is a need to define the principles of this type of thematic mapping. The category of “principle” is broadly interpreted as a guiding and guiding idea, while in the scientific sense it underlies a particular scientific direction. Theoretical and practical research on the problem of creating a system of interconnected and complementary cartographic works for tourism purposes, analysis of publications and distributed tourist cartographic works on the subject of tourist mapping, conditions and resources of tourism development and the main features of a complex tourist-recreational system: integrity, selection, clear goal- orientation, system decomposition, systematization, hierarchy, defined by the principles of systematic mapping for tourism purposes. The principle of integrity as a whole education system is characterized by the need for tourist-recreational system mapping, tourism infrastructure, conditions and resources for tourism development, requires a detailed study through the territorial-resource, study, recreational and economic spheres. The principle of selection proves the need to select all the elements of the system that are of interest to consumers of a tourist- themed cartographic product. Targeted research in the study of the region should be focused on the development of tourism on the basis of specific parameters, to some extent on the conditions and resources of the region, mapping for tourism purposes to provide interesting information for consumers, the uniqueness of the Uzbek people, historical, architectural and cultural monuments. At all hierarchical stages, expediency is based on the principle of decomposition of individual elements of the system (monuments or objects of tourist infrastructure) or elements of a separate thematic system (architecture, literature, literary art, etc.). The principle of systematics studies the components of the object of study separately, 50

so the tourist content of the legends of cartographic works forms its basis. In this case, the main links are the natural, biocultural, historical and cultural, socio- economic resources, traditions, folk art and originality of the region. The subsequent detailed distribution of this content distinguishes the smaller elements of the following tourist-recreational system of the study. The principle of hierarchy presupposes the consideration of the object of research as a whole integrated multi- level education, because it implies the logical and informational balance of the cartographic model of the geosystem. The long history of tourism development and its cartographic supply, modern development of cartographic production has provided a variety of tourist plans, maps and atlases, but so far no system of tourist-themed cartographic works has been developed to study information about tourist resources, classification, status and protection. In the process of developing the scientific basis for regional mapping for tourism purposes, formed a demand for it, based on its structure, responsible for the creation of a regional system of tourist mapping, allocated space in the general system of cartographic works, defined the type, function and structure of each, galnogeographic and content determined the level of scale and detail, determined the principles of this direction of cartography, adapting the content of cartographic works of one and different hierarchical stages, and others. 1. Provision of figurative-symbolic model of a whole real entity and its potential consumers (tourists, local historians) created for the purpose of collecting, processing, storage of cartographic works for tourism purposes (separate tourist plans and maps, network or complex map, atlas series) , vacationers, managers who organize domestic tourism, researchers in the field of tourism, etc.). Like regular cartographic information systems, it is part of a state database for tourism purposes. 2. Systematization of classifications and indicators that allow to fully and comprehensively reflect the conditions and resources of tourism development in 51

the region, objects of natural and cultural heritage, objects of tourist infrastructure in accordance with the type, scale and purpose of cartographic works. 3. Hierarchical sequence of tourist and recreational complexes and systematic mapping of administrative units of all levels (elementary, local, municipal, regional). 4. Four types of cartographic works that meet the goals of all consumers, including tourists, local historians, tourism managers, tourism researchers: complex tourist maps (designed to organize and conduct trips by enterprising or organizing tourists), a series of regional tourism potential maps (designed for the activities of organizers and tourism researchers), a series of network maps (designed to get acquainted with the area on a particular topic, a meaningful excursion on a given route, a trip), tourist atlases (designed for all users) systematization in the creation of all the hierarchical stages mentioned above. 5. Systematization in ensuring the internal unity of a hierarchical level map or atlas and the lower hierarchical level, legend, decoration and depiction of cartographic works of different hierarchical level in decreasing scale, accuracy, content detail. 6. The design and construction of each type of cartographic works as a regional information system, systematization, tourism and tourist infrastructure facilities are part of the state system data. 7. Systematization in the development and use of a system of symbols used for all themes of hierarchical color, bright, visual, machine-oriented, tourist- themed cartographic works, which are an integral part of the thematic mapping system of all types. 8. Selection and use of the most modern, detailed and fully static, graphic, literary, animated and other types, processed in a single style in the creation of cartographic works for tourism purposes; systematization in the creation of these data banks and databases, geodata systems at all hierarchical levels. Regional systematic mapping for tourism purposes requires the use of multidisciplinary 52

information on tourist and recreational systems, methods of their rational and effective reconstruction, as well as the creation of many cartographic works. It is recommended to use topographic maps, aero space photographs to develop the geographical basis of cartographic works.

The concept of systemicity






ic works for tourism purposes tourism for works ic

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es of cartographic works as an information system information an as works cartographic of es

methodical and production center of systematic mapping for tourism purposes purposes tourism for mapping ofsystematic center production and methodical


Systematic mapping sequence for tourism purposes tourism for sequence mapping Systematic

suring the improvement of the quality of cartographic works for tourism purposes tourism for works cartographic of quality ofthe the improvement suring

Use of modern concepts and technologies in mapping in technologies and concepts modern of Use En indicators and ofdescriptions coverage topics, of Coverage ofsymbols system of use and Development ofgeoinformation creation levels, hierarchical all at databases and databases of Creation system typ various of design and Collection purposes tourism for works ofcartographic the system of level hierarchical each Creating atlases and maps of plans, updating (continuous) Continuous cartograph in needs potential and ofreal Description oftourists literacy cartographic the Improving works cartographic of support methodological and Scientific Scientific Ensuringthe internal compatibilityof cartographic at works one hierarchical level purposes tourism for and between similar cartographicat works different hierarchicalleve 2.3. picture. Principles of regional structural mapping for tourism purposes. 53

9. Systematization in the design of tourist plans, maps and atlases, such as textual representation of historical and cultural heritage monuments for a wide range of consumers, tourist industry objects, photography and aerospace photographs, drawings, cartographic works used in art drawings in the national color. 10. Systematization in ensuring high quality of tourist-themed cartographic works, expressed in information, integrity, internal unity, logical sequence of legends, accuracy, truthfulness, modern interpretation of information, visuality, simplicity, understanding of the image. 11. Using the modern concept of model-study, communication, geoinformation mapping, which represents the scientific basis of three basic truths (geotaph, text, information-illustrative material) in paper cartographic works, four truths in electrons (geotaph, text, information-illustrative material, multimedia element) structural 12. Systematization in the use of modern technologies, in particular, vector GIS software editors, multimedia tools in the creation of a regional system of cartographic works. This includes updating information in a timely manner, entering new information, automatically searching for additional information through the name or address of any object of tourism or tourist service, selecting multiple themes, illustrations, text data, attribute tables, etc., card scale, image zoom the use of a scale allows the release of a fixed copy or fragment of it on a free scale in a free subject. 13. Systematization in the sequence of implementation of systematic tourist mapping. 14. Systematization in the organization of regular updates of the plan, map, map and series of atlases. 15. Systematization of scientific and methodological support of cartographic work, improvement of cartographic education, creation of educational and methodical developments on mapping for tourism purposes. 54

16. Systematization in identifying real and potential needs in tourism- themed cartographic works, creating tourism-themed cartographic marketing, requiring regular study of the goals of different groups of users of this product in order to improve cartographic works that are part of the regional system.

17. Systematization in the process of scientific development of programs, creation and editing of cartographic works with the participation of tourists, local historians, vacationers, specialists in the field of tourism and recreation. The development of a scientific basis for mapping for tourism purposes is relevant for Uzbekistan, and tourism is considered one of the leading sectors of the country's economy. Tourist-themed cartographic works rank second among the population in terms of publication volume and popularity after primary thematic cartographic works. The existence of a scientific and methodological basis for the creation of a system of maps and atlases for tourists and managers organizing tourism will be a new impetus for the development and improvement of thematic mapping in this area. Regional system of cartographic works for tourism purposes: Development of a regional system of cartographic works on tourism, types and forms of tourism, based on the classification of cartographic works for tourism purposes, the essence of tourism, stages of organizing and conducting trips using different cartographic works, accommodation of different groups of tourists, cartography, information, plan, map, atlas successes in modern technologies of creation and delivery of information to the user must be taken into account. Such a system should provide the necessary information to different categories: tourists, vacationers, managers. The proposed project of regional systems of cartographic works for tourism purposes (Figure 2.4) is developed on the basis of the following cases: 1. Complex tourist maps of the region - 1: 200000 1: 400000 scale overview maps, provide information about the system of natural and cultural objects of tourism, objects of tourist infrastructure. They are used for tourism development 55

resources, design and development of various tourist trips, sometimes to explore the place for use during travel, and to get acquainted with the place in advance as a resource of information about recreational aspects. 2. Complex tourist plans of regional centers and other settlements with many historical monuments. The scale of these plans is 1: 5000 - 1:30 000 and reflects the objects of tourist-excursion and tourist infrastructure. This type of cartographic product is used by tourists and excursionists when traveling and visiting settlements. 3. Plans of separate tourist-excursion and tourist infrastructure objects are given on a large scale and are intended for detailed acquaintance with separate objects. 4. Advertising tourist cards of the region are designed to attract tourists to the area. For them, it is recommended to represent the information on a simplified geographical basis or in a perspective image with visual symbols. 5. Tourist route maps are made on a large scale and show the natural features of the place, historical and cultural monuments, individual aspects of the route. 6. Sports orientation cards on a scale of 1: 5,000-1: 15,000 are intended for training and competitions in this sport and tourism. They reflect the place clearly and in detail, the image of the microrelief requires special attention. A system of unification of symbols should be applied to this group of cartographic works. 7. The series of network tourist cards is designed to acquaint tourists and vacationers with monuments on a particular theme, the architecture of different centuries, places associated with the life and work of celebrities, archeological monuments, protected objects and more. This group of cartographic works can also be called a map of hunters and fishermen. The content of the map varies according to the types of objects that are the main subject of the cartographic works.




In the form of electronic, In paper form (traditional and others) multimedia, 3D models and the Internet

Complex tourism map of the region

Comprehensive tourism plan of settlements Opportunities of GIS technologies in the development of tourism

Tourism complex atlas

Map of tourist routes

Tourism complex series cards

Sports cards

Excursion objects to create a plan

Tourism infrastructure facilities to create a plan

Tourism advertising card

Figure 2.4. Designing a regional system of tourism cartographic works. 8. The proposed tourist atlas in the proposed sequence reflects the potential for tourism development in the region and tourist resources: large-scale maps and atlases of settlements rich in territory and monuments; plans of the most visible natural and historical-cultural monuments; maps of tourist routes for young 57

travelers (walking, skiing, cycling, cruising); sports orientation cards; cards for hunters and fishermen; maps showing the resources and conditions of tourism development, such as climatic conditions, water resources, flora and fauna, transport network, ecological situation, etc. 9. The atlas of young tourists requires a special approach to the content and decoration of the image, which should fully respond to the psychophysiological development of the child. To do this, the atlas uses a detailed geographical basis, interesting symbols for age groups (parks, holiday camps, etc.), humorous textual drawings from the life of tourists. 10. Creation of a geoinformation-reference system of tourism resource potential on the basis of ArcGIS, Panorama, MapInfo and other programs. Individual settlements with full information about the objects, rich in tourist and recreational potential, are the main component of the database in the development of plans and maps of the territory. They are designed for the activities of tourist travel organization managers. Researchers and scientists of the region study tourism and tourist resources of the region as the primary information resource of cartographic works. Tourism resource potential maps and plans naturally combine information on the conditions and resources of tourism development in the region as a type of recreational activity, leisure, a specific sector of the economy. 11. Plans of settlements rich in historical monuments, close to the complex tourist map and plans in content, and tourist internet maps of the region. They provide a lot of excellent information about this place for virtual tourists in the gobal network system. The regional system of cartographic works offered for tourism purposes should be delivered to the potential user in electronic (or multimedia) and paper form. As a result of the regional system of cartographic works for tourism purposes, the following tasks were performed:


- communication function: cartographic works for tourism purposes provide information on the condition, characteristics, location of tourism and tourist infrastructure facilities during acquaintance with the place of travel or excursion; - urgent task: the whole regional system of cartographic works for tourism purposes, support of tourism development in the region, solution of practical tasks for tourists, excursionists, local historians, tourism organizers (development of tourist routes, travel, registration of documents), conditions and resources of tourism development aimed at systematizing and generalizing knowledge about; - Learning objectives: to gain new knowledge about the conditions and resources of tourism development through the teaching of tourism, local lore or cartographic block sciences; - constructive: cartographic works reflect different directions of tourism development in the region due to their tourist and recreational potential; tourist maps and atlases are the basis for the creation of other works (cartographic and non-cartographic) in order to provide information on various forms of tourism. 3.2 Development of methods for creating a geodata of cultural heritage sites The thematic layers of the state cadastre of cultural heritage sites are monuments (architecture, archeology and monumental art), ensembles and attractions, and a geographical database is created in the ArcGIS program on the basis of the following sequence. Launch the ArcCatalog help window of ArcGIS. Log in using the PUSK button on the computer and select the ArcGalog help window in Figure 1 the ArcGIS row from the All Programs section (Figure 1). In the working window, a memory disk is selected from the tree window of the activated ArcCatalog helper window, and the Personal Geodatabase is created through the helper window of the tree window (Figure 2). 59

Step 1. The Personal Geodatabase is created by right-clicking on the table of contents and performing the New (New) operation from the context menu. The name of the new personal database geodannyx.mdb (Personal Figure 2 Geodatabase) in a certain case e (by default) is changed to the name of the cadastral object (Figure 3). The resulting geo-database is accessed by double-clicking the left mouse button. In the geographic database, right-click and select the Feature Dataset item of the New row (Figure 4).

After selecting the Feature Dataset item, the Feature Dataset window appears in the working window. Enter the name of the grouping tool in the Name field of the window and click Next (Figure 4). In the next Figure 3 window, the coordinate system of the grouping tool is entered according to the zone according to the territorial and geographical location of the objects, and the Dalee (Next) button is clicked. In the next window, the Vertical Coordinate System can be entered according to the use by clicking the Figure 4 60

Next button. The final window shows the minimum and maximum errors of topological errors according to the rule of the condition Dopusk XU (XY Tolerance) or confirms the line Accept default resolution and domain extent (recommended) and click Finish. the object (Feature Dataset) creation phase is completed. To create thematic layers belonging to the state cadastre of objects of cultural heritage, enter the grouping Nabor klassov objekto (Feature Dataset) and select the row Klass Figure 5 prostranstvennykh objektov (Feature Class) from the New row by right-clicking (Figure 5). When the Feature Class window appears in the window, the thematic layers are entered according to the name and layer type. Let us consider the example of the architectural-themed layer, which belongs to the type of monument. The layer of architectural objects belonging to the type of monument is formed on the basis of geographical information on the basis of column data. When the case shown in Figure 9 is completed, a window is created in the working window under the name New Feature Class (Figure 5), the name of the subject layer is written in the Name field and the full name of the subject layer is entered in the Pseudonym (Alias) line. possible. For the types in the Type row group, the type that belongs to the themed layer is selected, and the Dalee (Next) button is used to proceed to the next step . In the next window, based on the column data of the thematic layer, a rule is created for the rows under the Field Name column, the name of the columns in Table 1 and the type of data for the rows under the Data Type column, and the room capacity of the text rows Svoystva Polya (Field Properties) the maximum


capacity of the data to be entered in the dlina row in the column bar is entered and the stage of creating thematic layers is completed using the Finish button.

Abbreviated column names № Column names of Information in the database Capacity thematic layers type of thematic layers

1 2 3 4 5

1 Object name OB_name ТЕКСТ 50

2 Object address OB_address ТЕКСТ 250

The name of the legal entity or individual 3 whose departmental IDR_MANSB ТЕКСТ 180 affiliation or balance is hidden


5 Object type OB_type ТЕКСТ 45

6 Land cadastral number KAD_number ТЕКСТ 19

7 Identification number ID_number ТЕКСТ 13

АВТОМАТ 8 Total area, ha gn_area ЧИСЛОВОЙ ИЧЭСКИЙ

9 Year of follow-up KUZTV_YIL ДАТА АВТОМАТ




11 Excavation Architect ARXTKTR ТЕКСТ 55

12 Name of findings TPL_name ТЕКСТ 25

АВТОМАТ 13 Date of findings TPL_date ДАТА ИЧЭСКИЙ

14 History of findings TPL_TARX ТЕКСТ 25

15 Security system MXF_type ТЕКСТ 15 category

16 A document that is the MXF_ XUJ ТЕКСТ 85 basis for protection

17 Current condition Condition ТЕКСТ 25

АВТОМАТ 18 Date of last inspection Last date ДАТА ИЧЭСКИЙ

The importance of 19 historical and cultural Value ТЕКСТ 10 value

20 Historical information Information ТЕКСТ 3000

21 Additional information QSH_MALMT ТЕКСТ 2000

АВТОМАТ 22 The speed of the object Picture РАСТР ИЧЭСКИЙ

Phase 2. After creating a geographical database of thematic layers belonging to the state cadastre of cultural heritage sites, the table of geographical location and attribute data of thematic layers is filled through the ArcMap helper window of the 63

ArcGIS program. To do this, run the ArcMap helper window of the ArcGIS program. Log in via the computer's PUSK button and select the ArcMap helper window in the ArcGIS row from the All Programs tab. In the working window, click the Add Data button on the panel tool of the ArcMap helper window to display the themed layers created in the ArcCatalog helper window, click the Add button, and click the theme layers in the Table of Contents tab of the ArcMap helper window appears. To activate and activate the toolbar of the ArcMap helper window, select the Start Editing row using the Editor button on the Toolbar. When the panels are activated, the Snapping panel is activated through the Editor and all items on the panel are activated to prevent a topological error. Based on the thematic layer on the architectural object, based on the corresponding coordinates of the geographical location of the layer, the layer object is selected through the Create Features panel and the object is created by selecting the geometric shape using the Construction Tools panel. Using the panels, it is necessary to fill in the attribute data tables of the objects belonging to the thematic layers after mapping the geographical location of the objects based on the coordinate system. To enter attribute information, select the Edit Tool button on the toolbar (Figure 14 (s)), left-click on the created object and click the Attributes button on the toolbar. Pressing (e)) opens the Attributes window to the working window. In the Atributes window that opens, enter the information that belongs to the text entered as the question in the rows. Once the data for each object is entered as in the above sequence, it is saved in the geographic database via the Save Edits line of the Editor button on the panel toolbar, and the Edit button on the toolbar tool Zavershit redaktirovanie (Stop Editing) line is used to stop work in the geographic database. The geographic database is in the form of * .mdb * format, and the state of the working window is saved with the line Save using the File button on the 64

panel. The saved working window will be in the form of * .mxd * format (Figure 16). The data entered into the geographical information database shall be submitted to the Republican Information Analysis Center of the Unified System of State Cadastres in the form of * .mdb * and * .mxd * files in the prescribed manner by means of data carriers such as CD or DVD. 3.3. Creating a tourism-GIS database The use of geographic information systems is gaining traction in trade, real estate market, urban planning and architecture management, agriculture and other fields. Recently, the use of modern technologies for tourism information support is also widely used in tourist cartography (Figure 3.2). New technologies make more efficient use of maps and the information in them, adding electronic and Web-cartographic works to traditional paper plans, maps and atlases, and expanding the cartographic products themed into the tourism industry. The modern level of development of computer technology allows the use, modification and rapid drawing of tourist cartographic works using graphic editors, geographic information systems and multimedia technologies.

Maps and atlases for Electronic publication Electronic version of cards and paper cards atlases for tourism



CREATION OF MULTIMEDIA Cartographic 65AND 3- Geoinformati data system DIMENSIONA on data for for tourism L MODELS tourism purposes TECHNOLOGY purposes Possibilities of using modern technologies in mapping for tourism purposes Illustrative graphics programs: The qualitative creation of tourist-themed cartographic works is based on the principles of traditional mapping and the capabilities of various means of computer graphics design. There are currently two groups of illustrative graphics packages available in the software market: • vector graphics programs (Corel DRAW, Adobe Illustrator, Macromedia FreeHand); • raster graphics editors working with information (Adobe PhotoShop, Corel PHOTO-PAINT). The results of the research showed that vector graphics programs allow to work with cartographic images from the cipher stage to the finished form in electronic or paper version. The second group of graphic editors is recommended for processing and displaying information about scenic landscape photorealistic images, tourism and excursions, tourist infrastructure facilities. In the creation of tourist cartographic works can be used different programs of vector graphics, which differ in their functional capabilities. For example, the FreeHand vector editor. FreeHand vector editor is a universal graphics editor for high quality illustrative graphics work. In cartographic production, the program is used to equip cartographic works. The unique feature of the package is that it can work with multi-page design and very large volume illustrations, which play an important role in the creation and equipment of large-format cartographic works. The following factors apply to the use of this program for tourist cartography: there is a library of conditional comments for the characters used in cartography, the ability to create personal artistic characters; there is a set of tools for decorating tourist- 66

themed cartographic works, a PANTON (European color standard used in cartographic products) color library with the ability to insert photos in raster graphics formats is used. The following are commonly used to configure cards in the Macromedia FreeHand package: import and export files in various vector and raster formats; logical relationships with objects (division of regions where objects intersect, clipping from one object to another, fragmentation of objects, etc.); delete graphic elemental figures (dots, lines, polygons) and group them to create conditional symbols; tasks related to the creation of figurative lines, including with linear objects; equipping with color using a standard palette or set of colors defined by the cartographer; work with individual layers of the image, switching between group objects; splitting into several standard sheets to publish a large-format cartographic work. When working with the FreeHand vector editor, its shortcomings are: the inability to change the projection of the received (scanned or vector) image, the generalization of individual layers of the vector image, the lack of necessary information about the resources and conditions of tourism development , it is important to remember that there is no search. The use of geoinformation technologies rather than vector editors in cartography for tourism purposes can overcome these shortcomings. Given the opportunities and shortcomings listed above, it is recommended to use this software product in the qualitative and effective solution of the problem of cartographic computer graphics at the stage of equipping the original publication, pre-publication work with illustrations and preparation of maps for polygraphic publication. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): The main task of the GIS is to collect, process, display and distribute coordination data as a separate hardware-software complex, to create and use electronic maps, atlases and other cartographic works. 67

Geographic information systems for tourism are the areas of effective application of GIS programs in order to identify information about tourism and tourism infrastructure, assess the tourist and recreational potential, develop tourist routes and provide a set of other activities. The use of GIS-technologies in mapping for tourism purposes provides: elopment of thematic mapping on the basis of digital maps and databases, resulting in a high level of automation of mapping; in the cartographic provision of tourist and recreational resources and tourist infrastructure of the region; combine the process of creation and use of cartographic works on this topic; strative, audio information, create 3D models. The importance of modern GIS technologies in the cartographic study of tourism is enormous. For example, the ArcView program. ArcView software focuses on environmental studies, the development of computerized graphics, data collection and computer analysis, automated modeling and mapping. ArcView works with any data that has a territorial unit. Using this system, it is possible to obtain an electronic form of any tourist-themed card used in conjunction with a table, text and other types of information related to the objects given in the option. By creating external modules, ArcView functions can be expanded to include: Spatial Analyst (modifying grid themes, raster-like areas, creating field surfaces with dots, defining slope angles, lighting darkening aspects, neighborhood analysis, importing standard format information), Network Analyst (geographic network , geocoding, extensive cluster analysis, modeling of flow direction and its interaction, access to resource redistribution information), Street Mar (working with a database of streets and geocoded addresses), Dialig Designer (for AVENUE 68

language users), Arc Press (graphics files application extension, summary acceleration and capacity expansion for professional cartographic product printing), 3-D Analyst (surface data analysis and tracking).

In this way, the ArcView geoinformation system allows to focus, systematize, generalize information about tourism, tourist resources, model the process of tourist and excursion activities and identify the laws of tourism activity and development in the region. Another GIS program used in the cartographic study of tourism is the MapInfo program. MapInfo is used in the creation, management and analysis of various thematic maps, which record the results of evaluation, analysis and processing of materials available in the database from the point of view of the average PC user. Its capabilities are very wide, based on its ability to create not only cartographic works, but also content-oriented geographic information systems due to the special application language MapBasic. It allows you to connect modules created in the Visual Basic S ++ environment to the program, add an interface, develop an information system, interact with other programs, that is, create a complete end- user geographic information system. Use raster and vector formats in MapInfo; extensive opportunities for database management (sorting, selection, aggregation of objects, etc.); create requirements (simple QBE requirements, complex requirements using SQL language, static requirements), use dBase, ASCII, WKS, XLS formats without changing the initial format; ability to analyze raster images; simplifying the process of editing and forming cards. The system has many projections that allow you to create individual projections as well as when creating maps. It also has the functions of linking one object to another, smoothing out linear and tonal objects, using objects in an interactive style, legend, along with standard operations, external databases. MapInfo has been recommended in many markets information markets where information planning is used. 69

The following capabilities arise when working with electronic cards in these software products: you to study, update and change information, formulate different requirements and obtain the necessary information, develop new maps on other tourist themes on the basis of cartographic works and databases; s that make it easier to work with the map and change the overall geographic and content essence (themes may or may not be displayed on the screen); card on the monitor; of the original design of the cartographic product due to the possibility of selection, color sheet, line, editing and implementation of cartographic image techniques (character, area, moving lines, cartogram, etc.), creation of artistic symbols; is and modeling, including the search for the necessary information, tourism and tourist infrastructure facilities in the database on specific criteria, location in attribute data and vice versa, selection of optimal direction, relief model creation and processing, altitude interpolation, visibility; meet the unique needs of tourists, organizers of tourism and recreational activities; -cuts, editing and placement of legends, scaling, naming, equipping the inside of the frame, equipping the outside of the frame, etc ; tables on a scale appropriate to the general geographical and content essence. A necessary condition for the operation of a geographic information system for tourism purposes is the availability of an information database. The level of completeness of the database has a significant impact on the use of any project created in the GIS. 70

In the regional systematic mapping for tourism purposes, the database means a systematic set of data on the conditions and resources of tourism development in the region, information on tourism and tourist infrastructure facilities provided in digital form.

When mapping a regional system for tourism purposes, the database should have the following information: digital topographic and tourist maps of a certain area or its parts, plans of large and medium-sized settlements and regions, which form the essence of the map content in the future mapping of tourism; database associated with a particular object on the map or plan includes tabular information about tourism and tourist infrastructure objects, and the information required for the object includes its type, shape, name, address, telephone number. Additional information according to object groups should have a form specific to each of them. For example, additional information for tourist routes includes the type of tourism, category or level of complexity, travel dates, itineraries, excursion facilities; bpm, * jpeg raster formats graphic representation of tourism and tourist infrastructure facilities, natural landscapes, museum expositions, etc .; -excursion and tourist industry objects, tourist routes, referred to the graphic representation of objects; video images and audio descriptions of monuments of tourist routes. Certain skills are required when working with electronic cards created in the GIS.

Multimedia technologies:


The popularity of cartographic works, which contain all the information, is ensured by multimedia technologies. Multimedia technologies in tourism are a variety of environments: accounting and storage of interactive information about the conditions and resources of tourism development and cartographic images, tabular database, photographs and drawings, tables and diagrams, text fragments, audio and video plots, animated images into a single project. with the ability to work in time) is a set of computer technologies that allow input and harmonization. Research has shown that a database in HTML format is organized in a hypertext and structured in a geographic information system environment and includes the features of a project map, tourist guide, guide, illustrated album and guide. The resulting project is a concise cartographic reference with a user-friendly interface - can be used on laptops and computers with compatible software, medium capacity. For tourism purposes, the user of the cartographic information system has the opportunity to organize various data (vector, raster, attribute database, text, audio, video, animation) using hyperlinks in the most convenient way - to get acquainted with them in the most imaginative way. Elements developed and linked in a geographic information system to a cartographic information system for tourism purposes include the user‟s application shell. It allows you to manage the system without other software, i.e. display tourist-oriented cartographic information and work with it using popular scaling tools in GAT, working with content layers, measuring distances, searching for objects and information about them on maps, adding additional user-required objects. Multimedia cartographic works can be presented to the user on CDs or on the Internet. CDs provide high-quality recording of large volumes of data, they are compact and easy to read on any computer with a drive. Creating a database in the form of a web page allows you to enter multimedia projects on the Internet without any changes. 72

Development of a series of complex tourism maps of administrative districts In the study of the system of cartographic works of Bukhara region as an object of research for tourism purposes, a series of complex maps of tourist resources of its administrative districts were proposed. This series contains comprehensive information on natural, biocultural, historical-cultural and socio-economic tourism resources and can be used by tourists, local historians, managers of tourism organizations, regional and local government structures, as well as secondary, higher and scientific researchers.


Bukhara regional plan 74

Prospective administrative districts for the development of tourism: Bukhara city and tourist resources of Kagan, Romitan, Vobkent, Peshko, Gijduvan districts with a scale of 1: 100,000 (by regional coverage) were created. Each map shows a district center plan at a scale of 1:20,000. Content of regional maps Borders of Uzbekistan, region and district; settlements (cities, urban-type settlements, given the year of establishment of rural areas), communication roads (international transport routes Tashkent-Bukhara- railways and stations, highways, roads with interstate and national numbers, unpaved roads, field and forest roads, bus-connected roads and their stops, as well as the distance between points, bus, railway and air ticket offices), hydrographic network (20 meters and more wide, 20 meters deep and deep, regular and drying rivers, canals, lakes, water reservoirs and springs), soil-vegetation layer (plowing, hayfields, meadows and pastures, forests, trees, gardens and orchards, swamps, sands), scenic landscapes, recreational zones, green, ethnographic, spa treatment, religious, industrial tourism prospects development areas, tourist routes, monumental works of art, sculptures (figures of culture, state, production and labor activity), architecture monuments (residential, social, industrial facilities), museums (historical, local lore, historical-local lore, historical-archaeological, ethnographic, artistic, literary, literary-memory, natural, zoological), art salons and galleries, monuments of garden art, archeology monuments (Afrosiyob, Temurids), interesting objects of nature (geological, hydrological, landscape fields), objects of nature reserve fund (landscape, forest, botanical, zoological, entomological, ornithological reserves); complex, botanical, hydrological monuments of nature; nature reserves; hunting grounds, game animals and birds (rabbits, foxes, wild goats, pigs, wild ducks), hunting and fishing farms, holiday camps, holiday homes, sanatoriums, boarding houses, hotels, campsites, tourist facilities, young tourists regional and district stations, houses of culture, game and night clubs, baths, saunas, clubs, extracurricular educational centers, folk crafts, Orthodox, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish houses of worship and synagogues, sports complexes (sports 75

complexes, stadiums, swimming pools), trade buildings (shops, markets), banks, their branches and divisions, gas stations, car shops, car service complexes.






Conclusion on Chapter III This chapter develops modern advanced geodetic and geoinformatical methods for the construction of three-dimensional models of cultural heritage monuments in the region. It covers the use of geodetic and geoinformatics works in the region, including the survey of cultural heritage sites in Bukhara region using GAT technology. Methods of creating a geodata of cultural heritage sites have been developed. CONCLUSION Based on the research, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. Based on a systematic approach, a tourism classification was proposed based on criteria that reflect the main directions of tourism activities and reveal its needs in cartographic support. This allows to specify the requirements for the content of cartographic works designed to provide a variety of tourism activities. 2. The essence of the content of tourist cartographic works should be tourist resources. It includes natural (interesting geological objects, landscapes, climate and water resources, flora and fauna, unique natural objects), biocultural (national parks and parks, arboretums, etc.), historical and cultural, which meet the spiritual needs of tourists and enhance their physical activity. (historical, architectural, cultural, ethnographic and other objects, etc.) and socio-economic (hotels, vehicles, restaurants, etc.) facilities and the use of tourist services on this basis is important. 3. The development of tourism has the following characteristics of tourist cartography: scientific approach (accuracy of the essence of the content, geographical location, modernity, completeness, value, systemic interdependence of elements, specificity); expediency; use the cartographic method as the main method; the need to use cartographic symbols; introduction of a newly created legend; the non-standardity of the design is reflected in the clear manifestation of such. 4. The project of the regional system of cartographic works for tourism purposes includes a comprehensive tourist map of the region (scales 1: 200 000, 1: 81

400 000), for tourist plans of settlements (scales 1: 5 000, 1: 30,000), active types of tourism for (1:50 000, 1: 200 000 scale) and for passive types (1: 200 000, 1: 1 000 000 scale) for route maps and sports cards (1: 5 000, 1: 20 000 scale), tourism and for plans of individual objects of tourist infrastructure (1: 2000 and larger scale), for series of complex and network tourist cards (1:50 000, 1: 400 000 scale), for GAT tourism resource potential in the region (1: 200 000 base scale ), for the GAT tourism resource potential in the big city (1:30 000 base scale), for the complex tourist atlas (1:30 000, 1: 300 000-1: 1 000 000, 1: 3 000 000 scale), atlas of young tourists (1: 5,000, 1: 100,000, 1: 200,000, 1: 1,000,000 scale). 5. It is expedient to use structural-graphical modeling in determining the general geographical and content essence of regional cartographic works. This is important in the design and development of a system of tourist potential and tourist card acquisition indicators of the region. 6. The design of cartographic works should reflect the culture, life of the Uzbek people and consist of the development and design of a system of symbols. The system of symbols should correspond to: the logic of the structure of the legend, taking into account psychophysiological features in receiving information, the conditions and nature of working with the map, the use of unified methods of cartographic support, expressiveness, good reading, visual, artistic and comprehensible the possibility of depiction, a brief or detailed interpretation of the symbols, the compatibility of the color gamut with the general principles of decoration of cartographic works, the traditions of tourist cartography according to the impressions of tourists, and so on. 7. It is expedient to conduct research on regional systematic mapping for tourism purposes in the following sequence: study of tourist and excursion resources of the region, development of structural-graphical models of tourism resource potential, and then as a design of regional system of cartographic works.


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