A Publication of Lajna Ima’illah & Lajna Matters Nasiratul Ahmadiyya USA

21 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1434 - 21 Sha’ban 1434 Issue 2 - 2013 April - June 2013 Holy Qur’an Jalsa Salana, USA Harrisburg, PA

June 28-30 Allah is the Light of the heavens JALSA BULLETIN included at the end of and the earth. The similitude of this issue of Lajna His light is as a lustrous niche, Matters. wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a glittering star. It is lit from a Special Features blessed tree — an olive — The Glorious Qur’an neither of the east nor of the Message from Sadr Lajna west, whose oil would well nigh Correspondence glow forth even though fire Reports touched it not. Light upon light! Khidmat-e-Khalq Matters Tarbiyat Matters Allah guides to His light Tabligh Matters whomsoever He will. And Allah Publication Matters sets forth parables to men, and Nasirat Matters Allah knows all things full well. Regional Matters Al Nur 24:36 Local Matters Urdu Section Jalsa Bulletin

All members are asked to make use of O ye people, a manifest proof has the resources pro- indeed come to you from your vided by Jama’at and Lord, and We have sent down to Lajna in order to im- you a clear light. Al Nisa 4:175 prove their reading and their comprehen- sion of the Holy Qur’an. All Majalis are requested to Blessed is He Who has made spend 10-15 minutes mansions in the heaven and has during their General placed therein a Lamp and a Meetings to improve Moon giving light. Al Furqan their Tarteel. 25:62 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 2 of 36

Ahadith Extract of the Kaiser’s response to Prophet Muhammad’ssaw invitation to Islam:

I then asked you about what he teaches and you said he teaches the worship of One God, truth-speaking, virtue and the importance of keeping covenants and discharging trusts. I asked you also whether he ever played false, and you said, no. And this is the way of virtuous men.(Bukhari)

Hadhrat Umar bin Al Khattabra relates that he heard the Messenger of Allah say: “I asked Allah about the differences among my Companions, Allah revealed to me: O Muhammad! The status of your companions with me is like the stars in the sky. Some are stronger than others. However everyone has light in him. Notwithstanding their differences, who- soever follows any of them he will be a rightly guided person with me.” He (Hadhrat Umarra) also related that the Mes- senger of Allah said: "My companions are like stars, whoever of them you follow, you will be rightly guided". (Mishakat Kitabal Manaqib Manaqibassahabah)

Writings of the Promised Messiahas

God is the light of the heavens and the earth. Every light that is visible on the heights or in the valleys, whether in souls or in bodies, whether personal or impersonal, whether apparent or hidden, whether in the mind or outside it, is a bounty of His Grace. This is an indication that the general grace of the Lord of the Worlds envelops everything and nothing is deprived of that grace. He is the source of all grace, the ultimate cause of all lights and the fountain- head of all mercies. His Being is the support of the universe and is the refuge of all high and low. He it is Who brought everything out of the darkness of nothingness and bestowed upon everything the mantle of being. The pure life that is free from sin is a brilliant ruby, which no one possesses today. God Almighty has bestowed that brilliant ruby on me and He has commissioned me that I should inform the world of the way in which that brilliant ruby might be acquired. I affirm with confidence that by treading on this path everyone would certainly acquire it. The only way in which it might be acquired is the true recognition of God; but this is a difficult and delicate matter. A philosopher, as I have said already, contemplating the heavens and earth and reflecting on the perfect orderliness of the universe, merely states that there ought to be a Creator. But I lead to a higher stage and affirm on the basis of my personal experience that God is. (Essence of Islam, Vol 1)

Message from Sadr Lajna, Saliha Malik My Dear Sisters, Let us reflect upon the golden opportunities we have received in these recent months to absorb Allah’s Light and live according to His guidance. I have enjoyed the news of Ijtemat from many of you ‘calling us to prayer’ and of other special gatherings, which uplift our spirits and renew our faith. In May, we also gathered at and mission houses to value the blessings of Khilafat. However, for the West Coast Jama’ats and for those who could be in Los Angeles, our beloved Khalifa’s atba visit was the greatest gift and filled our hearts and days with a special glow of joy. Some also travelled to Vancouver to linger longer in Hudhur’s company and take part in the Jalsa there. We have seen how Allah’s light is transmitted through His beloved prophets to his Khulafa and close companions so that we may also partake of it and transform our lives, Insha‘Allah. Let us bow down in deep gratitude to Allah, for we have accepted the Imam of the Latter Days, who reflected Allah’s Light and the light of His Messengersaw, and we live in the company of his Khalifa. I pray that our Jalsa in June will resonate with this good news and have a profound effect on us. May Allah strengthen our resolve to be true to our pledge so that we may truly partake of His Light. 3 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

National Correspondence

Letters from the office of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Khamisatba

January 30, 2013 period. All the Shoba’s have been addressed for this period and there are notable activities during this Dear Sadr Ima'illah USA, month such as the Jalsa Seeratun Nabi, celebrated at Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu both National and Local levels. It is through the teachings and blessed example of the Holy I have received your activity report for the month of Prophetsaw that members of the community can December 2012 together with a copy of the reform themselves. May Allah bless Lajna Ima'illah magazine “The Ayesha” and your request for prayers USA for their sincere efforts, Ameen. has been noted. Jazakamullah.

The report is detailed and well presented and reflects on the dedication of March 26, 2013 your members. By the grace Dear Sadr Ima'illah USA, of Allah 5 baits were achieved this month. May Assalamu Alaikum Allah shower abundant Warahmatullahi blessings on Lajna Ima'illah Wabarakatuhu USA and enable them to I have received your become even closer to Him letter dated 10th February and grant steadfastness to 2013, the Lajna Ima'illah the new Mubaia’at. Ameen. and Nasirat USA activity May Allah enable you to report for the month of always serve the Jama’at November 2012, and the with commitment, Annual Waqfe Jadid enthusiasm and sincerity. report, together with Ameen. your request for prayers. Please kindly convey my loving Salaam to all the Jazakamullah Nasirat and Lajna Ima'illah members in USA. It is pleasing to note that Lajna Ima'illah USA managed to collect for the Waqfe Jadid scheme a sum of $349,124, which exceeded the collection February 27, 2013 figure for the previous year by a significant amount. Dear Sadr Ima'illah USA, May Allah accept your efforts and rewards you abundantly and enable you to always serve the Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu Jama’at with commitment, enthusiasm and sincerity. I have received your activity report dated October Ameen. 2012, Jazakamullah. Please kindly convey my loving Salaam to all the Your report reflects the hard work that has been Nasirat and Lajna Ima'illah members in USA. undertaken by Lajna Ima’illah USA during this Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 4 of 36

Selection of Hudhuratba’s Sermons

Divine attribute of Al Nur (The Light) - December 4th, 2009

Hudhur Aqdasatba began by reciting verse 258 of Surah Al Baqarah and gave a discourse on the Divine attribute of Al Nur (The Light) in his Friday sermon today. The translation of the verse is: ‘Allah is the friend of those who believe: He brings them out of every kind of darkness into light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are the transgressors who bring them out of light into every kind of darkness. These are the inmates of the Fire; therein shall they abide.’ (2:258)

Hudhuratba said according to lexicon Nur is one of the Divine attributes and is that Being through Whose light a physically blind person sees and a person who has gone astray finds guidance from wisdom that is bestowed by Him. It is that Being Who is apparent and through Whom all things are manifested. His Being is apparent in Himself and makes things evident for others. It is stated in the explanation of part of verse 36 of Surah Al Nur, ‘Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth…’ that it is God alone Who guides those in the heavens and in the earth. Nur is the light which is capable of being spread and helps in the sighting of things, it is of two kinds: worldly and of the Hereafter. The worldly Nur is also twofold: one that is perceived through insight and can be found in the light of God. In explaining the meanings lexicon refers to some Quranic verses: ‘…There has come to you indeed from Allah a Light and a clear Book. (5:16) as well as: ‘Can he who was dead and We gave him life and made for him a light whereby he walks among men, be like him whose condition is that he is in utter darkness whence he cannot come forth?...’ (6:123).

Reciting verse 36 of Surah Al Nur, ‘Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The similitude of His light is as a lustrous niche, wherein is a lamp. The lamp is in a glass. The glass is as it were a glittering star. It is lit from a blessed tree — an olive — neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would well-nigh glow forth even though fire touched it not. Light upon light! Allah guides to His light whomsoever He will. And Allah sets forth parables to men, and Allah knows all things full well. (24:36) Hudhuratba said he had explained this verse in light of the writings of the Promised Messiahas a short while ago but it was with reference to a different subject matter. He said today he would present a summary of the writings. Hudhuratba said some may think that the light the above verse mentions is limited to the person of the Holy Prophetsaw. Doubtless, the light of God is dominant over everything. The first aspect the verse declares is that because God is the Light of the heavens and the earth, everything gets beneficence from His Light, indeed can only get beneficence from it. He dispenses the light as He wills. How is it that God is the Light? It is because it is He Who created the heavens and the earth and He alone gives the 5 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

light, whether it is physical light or spiritual. As it is stated in the Holy Qur’an: ‘Allah is He Who created the heavens and the earth …’ (14:33).

Hudhuratba said the true Light is God, which can be perceived in everything by those with insight. However, one who is devoid of spiritual sight cannot see it. A believer is firm on the belief that the universe that can be sighted as well as the universe that cannot be sighted is created by God. In order to give an understanding of this Light God sends His chosen people who spread the nur, which comes down from the heavens, in the world. Hudhuratba said verse 24:36 elucidates such nur. The Holy Prophetsaw set the most excellent example and highest standard of nur, one which will continue till the Day of Judgment and which was established as a reflection of the Light of God. He spread this nur in his lifetime and it continues to spread today. The verse 24:36 describes this nur as a niche, an elevated place, which is the breast of the Prophet. Within the niche is a lamp and this lamp is Divine revelation. The lamp is within a globe of glass and this glass is the heart of the Prophet, which is sparklingly clean and free from any blemish. This glass is as resplendent and illuminating as a star; indeed just as the internal light of the Prophet’s heart most liberally spread externally. This lamp is alight with the blessed olive tree and this tree is a simile for the person of the Prophet, which will be established till the Day of Judgment because it was him alone who was declared as the perfect man and there can be none other like him till the Day of Judgment. The reference in the verse of nur belonging neither to the east nor to the west signifies the teaching of Islam, which does not incline to any one side. Neither to Communism nor Socialism nor Capitalism, rather, it is a teaching of moderation, which establishes human rights and world peace. The reference to: ‘whose oil would well-nigh glow forth’ signifies that exquisite wisdom of the Prophet and all his lofty morals. ‘Light upon light’ connotes that when God poured forth His Light, i.e. revelation on the perfect man, it created a peerless nur in the spiritual world.

True nur is only through the Shariah that was revealed to the Holy Prophetsaws and from his blessed model. It is this teaching alone that is the nur that can bring about the beneficence of the Nur of God. The Promised Messiahas elucidated it thus:

‘That light of high degree that was bestowed on perfect man was not in angels, was not in stars, was not in the moon, was not in the sun, was not in the oceans and the rivers, was not in rubies or emeralds, or sapphires, or pearls; in short, it was not in any earthly or heavenly object. It was only in perfect man whose highest and loftiest and most perfect example was our lord and master, the Chief of the Prophets, the Chief of all living ones, Muhammad, the chosen one, peace be on him. That light was bestowed on this man and, according to their ranks, upon all those who bore the same color to some degree.... This dignity was found in its highest and most perfect form in our lord and master and our guide, the immaculate Prophet, the righteous one, testified to by the righteous, Muhammad, the chosen one, peace be on him.’(Ayenae Kamalat-e- Islam, Ruhani Khazain (London, 1984), Vol.5, pp. 160-162)

The lofty station of nur that the Holy Prophetsaw was granted was from the Light of God and he conveyed it onto his Companions and established excellent morals among them so much so that Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 6 of 36

he likened them to stars. The blessed Companions partook of a measure of God’s Light to such an extent that they attained the honor of [the salutation] of raziAllah unho (may Allah be pleased with them). The Promised Messiahas has written that the Companions were so absorbed in the Prophetsaw that his nur transferred onto them through their complete obedience of him and it annihilated all else but God from their hearts. A Hadith relates, ‘my Companions have Allah and Allah alone in their hearts.’

Hudhuratba said God did not cease dispensing this nur, rather the nur that the Holy Prophetsaw received from God is an ever-continuing fountain of beneficence as the Islamic Shariah will continue till the Day of Judgment. In this age, through his ardent and true love of the Holy Prophetsaw God sent the Promised Messiahas with the nur of spirituality that descends from heavens.

The Promised Messiahas wrote that he did not know what act of his had attracted Divine bestowment. He said he was only aware of his natural inclination towards God, which was borne out of compelling sincerity. He once dreamed that an elderly esteemed person signaled to him to replicate the Sunnah of Prophets of God and keep fasts. The Promised Messiahas decided to fast without letting everyone know, so he moved to the outwardly room of the house. He also ate in that room and would distribute most of his food among orphans and would eat very little himself. Through the wonders of such fasting, exquisite visions were disclosed to the Promised Messiahas where he had meetings with past Prophets of God and high-ranking saints. Once in full wakefulness he saw the Holy Prophetsaw and his grandsons, Hadhrat Ali and Hadhrat Fatima (may Allah be pleased with them both). He also experienced Divine lights metaphorically appear in a most beautiful manner. He saw columns of lights in red, green and brilliant white reaching up the heavens, seeing them gave him a pleasure and ecstasy of such a degree that he said he could not articulate it. The Promised Messiahas explained that some of the light [of the columns] came from his heart and some came from the heavens and together the lights formed the shape of a column. Huzur said this blessing was bestowed on the Promised Messiahas because of his perfect obedience to the Holy Prophetsaw.

The Promised Messiahas also wrote, ‘once [I] had a revelation the meanings of which were that the higher angels are in commotion. That is, the will of God is aroused to revive faith. However, the appointment of the ‘one who will bestow life to the dead’ revivalist has not yet been revealed to the higher angels. That is the reason why there is conflict. At that moment I saw in dream that people are looking around for a revivalist and a person comes in front of this humble person and signals to him that this is the man who loves the Prophet of God and the meanings of these words were that the highest condition of this office is love of Prophet and that is certainly verified in this person.’

Hudhuratba said after the Holy Prophetsaw the reflection of God’s Light was the Promised Messiahas and this was in complete subordination of his master. The spiritual knowledge and cognizance of the revelations that was sent to the Holy Prophetsaw were disclosed to the Promised Messiahas so 7 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

that he could tell the world. Indeed, he did not desire renown, but when God’s Light fell on him, the renown followed suit so that he could spread the message in the world. God revealed to him, ‘You have proceeded from Him and He has chosen you out of the whole world. You are the light of the world. You are God's dignity and He will not forsake you…O Ye people, the light of God has come to you, so do not reject it.’ (Tadhkirah 2007 edition, pp. 379-280)

Hudhuratba said not only God filled the Promised Messiahas with the nur that was first sent down 1,400 years ago, He also granted him the station to spread this nur. The Promised Messiahas wrote that no one knew him and God compelled him out of his solitude and told him that He would bestow honor and renown to him all over the world. It is the way of God that when He adorns someone with nur, He manifests it to the world. When the worldly light has the capacity to spread, how can the light of God stay hidden?

If one connects with the special people of God He illuminates one’s heart even if one’s ‘niche’ is small and one’s ‘glass globe’ is small. Yet one who is connected will be able to further spread the nur. When the true light of God reaches believers and blesses them, it invariably goes on to bless others. In order to maximize our chances to partake of this blessing we should try and adopt the blessed model of the beloved of God in complete obedience. Indeed God declared it thus: ‘Say, ‘If you love Allah, follow me: then will Allah love you…’ (3:32). It was such love that the Companions had for the Holy Prophetsaw that also illumined them and it was the same love that the Promised Messiahas had for the Prophet in this age which gave him the honor of spreading the light in the world. If one claims to love God and the Prophet then it is essential for them to follow the Promised Messiah for this is the commandment of God and His Prophet. It is because of this connection that our Community is linked to Khilafat and is being blessed with the nur of which the greatest measure was given to the Holy Prophetsaw and in this age his ardent devotee and servant revived it.

The peace of this world is also associated with the Promised Messiah who fulfilled the statement [of the Prophet] that he would call the world to love, affection and peace, will establish the dues of God and will illuminate the world with God’s light and will be a source of the peace of the world. It was predicted that in his age there would be an end to wars. In light of this, the eternal succession of Khilafat is going to carry it onwards. Hadhrat Musleh Maudrz said that three aspects are required to disperse nur: Divinity, Prophethood and Khilafat and as long as believers keep faith and do good works the progression of this nur will continue.

May God so enable us that we continue to be blessed with this nur and are never deprived of it. If the Muslims, our brothers, understood this reality the others would not dare to create the furor that they time and again raise against Islam. There is strength in unity and for this the Promised Messiahas was sent. Recently uproar has been raised in Switzerland against minarets. Their churches also have spires, what harm do minarets bring? In any case, uproar has been raised; it is part of the anti-Islamic stance and appears to be a substantial conspiracy, further demands will be made. May God, with His grace, protect us from all evil. We should pray that God makes each conspiracy of the enemies of Islam fail and be unsuccessful.

Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 8 of 36 Lajna Mentoring Conference 2013 A report by Hifza Hayee, National General Secretary By the sheer grace of Allah, the Almighty, Lajna Ima'illah USA held its annual Lajna Mentoring Conference (LMC) 2013, from March 29-31, at Masjid Bait-ul- Jaamay, Chicago, IL. There were 230 participants, from Majaalis all over USA in attendance. The theme for this year’s conference was ‘Jihad against Immodesty’.

On Friday the meeting began with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, Surah Al Nur 24:36 – 39, ‘Allah

is the Light of the heavens and the earth…’, followed by the Lajna pledge. Nur Jamilah Bahri, local Sadr

of the host Majlis (Chicago West) welcomed the attendees. Sadr Lajna, Saliha Malik, reiterated a few important points on how to register and use the portals for the LMC.

National Secretary Tarbiyat, Aziza Rehman, gave a very persuasive presentation on the topic of ‘Jihad against Immodesty’. She captured the true meaning of modesty; the blessed outcome of observing purdah and obedience to khilafat. National Secretary Nau Mubaiyat, Tamara Rodney, and National Secretary Tabligh, Dhiya Bakr, engaged the entire audience in an interactive workshop on how to plan an effective Lajna meeting. To conclude, Sadr Sahiba held a dinner meeting with the local Sadrs of small Majaalis after the Maghrib and Isha prayers.

The main purpose of this year’s mentoring meeting was to introduce the new Lajna Program of 2013 – 2015 on the theme ‘Reflect the Colors of Allah’. Therefore, Saturday’s session was devoted to the National Secretaries of all departments, who gave an overview of their new program. Sadr Sahiba met with the local Sadrs of medium Majaalis at lunch. In the evening, National Secretary Isha‘at Farzana Safiullah provided guidelines on submitting material to Lajna publications. Mabroor Jattala, Muavin Sadr/In charge IT and National Assistant General Secretary Lubna Malik went over the changes and adjustments made to the on-line monthly reporting system. The day concluded with Maghrib and Isha prayers. Sadr Sahiba met with the local Sadrs of the Large Majaalis during dinner.

On Sunday we heard from the three remaining departments, Muavin Sadr In Charge of Activites for Lajna Ages 15-25, Tarbiyat Nau Mubaiyat, and Sanat O Dastkari. There was an informative presentation on Domestic Violence given by Lajna Lawyer, Farrah Qazi, which stimulated many questions. Two announcements seeking volunteers for the Lajna Translation Project and for Jalsa

2013, completed the morning’s presentations. Then followed the awards ceremony recognizing the National Programs National Majalis’ commendable efforts of outstanding service and achievement from September 2011 - October 2012.

The conference concluded with Sadr Lajna’s closing comments: ‘The Need for the Imam’. Sadr Sahiba emphasized that it is incumbent upon us, who have recognized the Imam of this Age, that we make ourselves the true peacemakers of this world, and provide a safe haven for all those who come to join us. Addressing the local Sadrs, Sadr Sahiba recognized that our task is that of an administrator as well as a spiritual facilitator, two very different skills. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we approach every issue with Prayer, Taqwa and Wisdom- the best tools available to us. All office holders should fulfill their roles and become a source of support for their local Sadr. To promote unity, she encouraged personal contact with all the members and never let ego be an obstacle. Sadr Sahiba expressed her deep gratitude to all the volunteers who worked diligently to ensure the smooth running of this important annual meeting, and concluded the meeting with silent prayer.

Please visit the Lajna website to view the presentations of LMC, including Sadr Lajna’s closing comments. 9 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 Taleem Matters

By the grace of Allah, the new Taleem Program started in the month of April. Our Taleem & Tarbiyat Work- book and related documents for the Taleem program are available on the Lajna website. Promised Messiah’s as Malfoozat and books that are required for the explanation of the Hadith are available in the library section on www.alislam.org. Through the website, you may broaden your subject of study or if you have difficulty finding related material to the Hadith or the attributes of Allah for the month. It is essen- tial that we should read some of the writings of the Promised Messiahas that are related to the attributes of Allah, in our meetings. Mubarika Shah Taleem Secretary

Record Breaking Participation for the 2013 Taleem Test! Alhamdulillah The summary of the Annual Lajna Taleem Test results is provided below. By the grace of Allah, we achieved 100% majalis participation this year. The overall membership participation by majalis has also increased sig- nificantly. Over 300 (12%) more members participated in the test as compared to the previous year. Almost 1800 members took the online Taleem test that is 24% higher than last year's online participation. However, since the tajneed of all the Majalis vary considerably the listed number of members who participated in the test does not reflect the participation rate of the Majlis.

We are extremely grateful to our IT department for the smooth running of the online Taleem test. Without their expert technical skills our online test would not have been possible.

Year # Members participated in the Taleem Test

2006 1404

2007 1707

2008 1733

2009 2008

2010 2170

2011 2635

2012 2541 2013 2855

This year bonus points were given to members who had memorized verses of Surah Al Kahf. Alhamdulillah, over 800 members had memorized 5 or more verses of the last Ruku of Surah Al Kahf. The Holy Prophetsaw is reported to have said that the recitation of the first and last ten verses of this Surah makes one secure against the spiritual onslaughts of Dajjal.

Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 10 of 36

Regions # Memorized 5 or # Members Par- # Memorized last more verses of the Majaalis ticipated in 2013 Ruku of Surah Al last Ruku of Surah

Taleem Test Kahf Al Kahf DC-Wash. 28 11 3 MD-Baltimore 34 4 1 MD-Laurel 74 19 9 MD-Potomac Central 46 2 0 MD-S. Spring 49 10 6 PA-York/HSB 74 14 5 VA-Central 129 16 23 VA-North 57 6 8 VA-Richmond 11 4 5 VA-South 115 32 11 IN-Indiana 15 0 1

East Midwest East MI-Detroit 78 11 6 OH-Cleveland 29 0 2 OH-Columbus 6 2 0

OH-Dayton 13 0 3 PA-Pittsburgh 20 6 0

Mid Northeast Mid NJ-Central 70 7 10 NJ-North 84 14 10 NJ-Willingboro 69 4 10 PA-Lehigh Valley 10 1 2

PA-Philadelphia. 60 14 13

Northeast NY-Brooklyn 119 25 16 NY-Long Island 30 2 3

NY-Queens 165 13 17 CA-Bay Point 21 7 5 CA-Merced 16 8 1

Northwest CA-Oakland 11 2 2 CA-Sacramento 8 6 0

CA-Silicon Valley 80 8 7 OR-Portland 2 1 1 WA-Seattle 60 13 8 LA- Orleans 22 2 1 TX-Austin 25 7 8

South TX-C Houston 41 2 9 TX-Dallas 93 14 14

TX-Fort Worth 48 5 7 TX-Houston N 62 7 4 TX-Houston S 5 2 2 11 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

Regions # Memorized 5 or # Members Par- # Memorized last more verses of the Majaalis ticipated in 2013 Ruku of Surah Al last Ruku of Surah

Taleem Test Kahf Al Kahf 16 3 0 South Midwest South KS-Kansas City KY-Kentucky 13 2 2 MO-St. Louis 12 1 0 OK-Tulsa 9 2 0

13 1 2 TN-Alabama

FL-Miami 26 9 3 Southeast FL-Orlando 21 5 2 GA/SC 60 13 7

NC-Charlotte 21 2 1 NC-RTNC 25 5 4 AZ-Phoenix 22 4 1 AZ-Tucson 16 2 0

Southwest CA-LA East 161 19 12 CA-LA Inland 78 10 13

CA-LA West 25 4 2 CA-San Diego 19 9 1 NV-Las Vegas 12 2 4 CT-Hartford 35 11 6

Upstate Northeast MA-Boston 46 4 4 MA-Fitchburg 10 3 1 NY-Albany 11 2 0 NY-Bingham. 24 9 7 NY-Buffalo 30 1 7

NY-Rochester 10 3 4 NY-Syracuse 17 7 9 IL-Chicago East 48 0 7

West Midwest IL-Chicago West 84 9 7 IL-Zion 37 2 1 MN-Minnesota 16 5 0 41 8 3 WI-Milwaukee WI-Oshkosh 18 2 1 2855 460 344

69 Majalis Participated in Test 2855 Members Participated in the Test 460 Members Memorized 5 or more verse of the last Ruku of Surah Kahf 344 Members Memorized last Ruku of Surah Kahf

Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 12 of 36 Tarbiyat Matters

Dear Sisters, Assalamo Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatahu,

In a few weeks’ time, Ahmadis from all over the USA will come together once again for a gathering that is ‘no ordi- nary gathering’, i.e. the gathering that is known as Jalsa Salana. In the words of the Promised Messiahas, the real pur- pose of attending this gathering is to “enable every sincere individual to personally experience religious benefits.”

All those who attend Jalsa Salana are given a unique opportunity to enhance their knowledge and to progress in their journey to achieve nearness to Allah Ta'ala.

Therefore, one of the requisites of attending Jalsa Salana is to come fully prepared with this intention in our hearts. Only then will we be able to benefit abundantly from listening to the program, participating in congregational Salats and occupying ourselves in Zikre Illahi and Darood Sharif.

While Jalsa also provides an opportunity to connect with family and friends, please remind sisters of the importance of Jalsa Salana. Stress the importance of Zikre Illahi (remembrance of Allah) in silence and practice maintaining prayerful silence in your Lajna meetings. Alhamdulillah, we have improved our discipline in the Ladies Jalsa Gah, but we must continue to make further progress.

The practice of discipline begins in childhood, so I humbly request you to remind mothers with small children to make every effort to train their children to sit quietly through meetings and the Jalsa. If every mother focuses her attention on this, the level of discipline in the Children’s Jalsa Gah will improve greatly.

Observance of silence:

 During the program we should listen quietly to the speeches to derive maximum benefit for ourselves and out of respect for those giving a speech. We should not engage in our own conversations and cause distur- bance to others.

 Cell phones should be switched off or put on vibration mode during the sessions.

 Listen quietly and remain seated during the sessions.

 Keep your head covered throughout the proceedings. Keeping our heads covered shows respect and encour- ages modesty and humility. Observance of Salat:

 When you hear the Adhan for Jummah, please go quietly into the Jalsa Gah. Engage in prayer and remem- brance of Allah. Please greet your friends later.

 Stand shoulder‐to‐shoulder leaving no gaps to make your rows neat.

 Stand with your heels on the line so that rows are straight.

 If offering Salat seated on chairs, remain seated throughout the congregational Fardh of Salat.

 There should be no gaps between those seated on chairs.

 Cover your head completely with your scarf/duppata so that it fully covers the hair and remains secure dur- ing the duration of the prayers.

 Transparent or net dupattas, short sleeves, transparent clothing or Capri pants that reveal the ankle are not 13 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

acceptable attire for Salat.

 If your prayer is completed, wait silently for those who are still praying. Stay sitting and silently engage in Zikre Illahi until everyone else around you has finished Salat.

 Ladies not performing Salat should go to designated area and maintain silence. Children’s Jalsa Gah:

 Mothers with children under the age of seven will be seated in the Children’s Jalsa Gah.

 If mothers are accompanied by children under the age of seven, and children between 7 and 10 years, the older children will also sit with the mother in the Children’s Jalsa Gah.

 Begin training of small children to sit quietly at home. Practice sitting quietly with them in your lap for 10-15 minutes and not allowing them to leave; then increase the time daily.

 Musical or noisy toys should not be brought into the Jalsa Gah. Modesty in dress and purdah:

 “Modesty is part of faith” (Bokhari). Dress modestly with your arms and legs fully covered. Capri pants which reveal the shins and ankles, short sleeve shirts, see‐through clothing, very short shirts, dresses with high slits worn with tight leggings that reveal body shape when bending and transparent/net dupattas should not be worn.

 Keep your head covered throughout the program and encourage girls to do so too.

 Please guard your modesty when you leave the Jalsa Gah. Observe at least the minimum Islamic purdah of headscarf and loose coat. Dining etiquettes:

 Food should be taken in a dignified manner and with patience.

 Do not waste the “langar” of the Promised Messiahas. Take only what you can consume and come back for more if needed, rather than throw away unfinished food. Do not serve your children more than they can eat. Ask for a smaller portion or share with them.

 Eat your meals inside the dining hall and during the allotted times—except if there is a medical reason. Cleanliness:

 Cleanliness is part of faith; Angels associate with those who are clean; they do not approach the unclean.

 Respect the rights of others to live in a clean environment.

 Keep a plastic bag with you to collect your trash. Pick up any trash you see lying around.

 Use the containers provided throughout the Jalsa site for any garbage.

 Treat the bathrooms as you would your own; clean up any area you have used and throw waste into appropri- ate containers.

 Do not linger in bathrooms to chat while the program is going on. Courtesy and consideration:

 Greet everyone with “Assalamo Alaikum” and a smile whether you know them or not.

 If you arrive late, please be seated in the back rows to avoid disturbing others. Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 14 of 36 Khidmat-e-Khalq Matters

Khidmat-e-Khalq, or social welfare, is an integral part of our worship. The Holy Qur’an says that 50% of our faith is constituted by Khidmat-e-Khalq. Let us strive to bring positive exposure of Islam to our community by making a dif- ference in the lives of those in our community and those around us through: prayers, community service, donations, volunteer work, Waqf-e-Ardhi and advocacy. Let us strive to reflect the colors of Allah by serving humanity.

Houston North: After the Willingboro: Lajna and Nasirat tragic explosion in West , volunteer at the Food Pantry Lajna contributed towards re- held by Humanity First. 180 lief efforts with work and funds needy people were served with through Humanity First. 1400lbs of food. Brooklyn: Funds were donated by Orlando: Lajna member helped organize and volunteered at Brooklyn and Staten Island lajna to- the Manatee County Health Fair by conducting blood pres- wards, "Feed the Hungry Children,” sure screening and blood glucose screening, as well as dis- which contributed 925 pounds of food. tributing brochures and “Script Your Future” wallet cards.

Miami: Held Brooklyn: Lajna members Research Triangle: Lajna “Thanksgiving in April” at cleaned the Jama’at guesthouse members participated in Broward Outreach Center and welcome and provided a Lupus Walk-a-thon. for over 200 homeless. food to guests from Rabwah.

Dallas: Lajna held a clothing drive of Detroit: Lajna members participated in Humanity First’s 400 plus items for children and adults. “Gift of Health” project aimed to aid the people of Guate- All items were donated to the Allen mala by providing them with primary health care services Community Outreach Program which and medicines through a week-long clinic. serves food to the elderly.

San Diego: Lajna de- Buffalo, NY: The Lajna col- Brooklyn: Seven local Lajna North Jersey: Sisters livered food to the lected donations for Vive La members came together and went to work with homes of home- Casa shelter home for refugees performed waqar-e-amal in the ‘Habitat for Humanity’ bound patients. as well as for a Women's and and beautified the in conjunction with Children's Hospital. house of Allah. Sandy Hurricane Relief.

Cypress Houston: Lajna provided a San Diego: Lajna volunteered at the Jacobs and Cushman Kafan Kit for a deceased member of San Diego Food Bank. Members taped and filled 422 the Jama’at/local community and boxes with other staple ingredients to be delivered to in- food for visiting guests. need senior citizens

Georgia, SC: Lajna donated Central VA: Lajna serve meals Boston: Lajna supported at the Embry Rucker Shelter to food shelters and the Members Training/ the Pathways Family Shel- serving approximately 35 to 45 ter in Framingham, MA. people monthly. Education organization. 15 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

Tabligh MattersTabligh Matters

During the month of March 2013, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and Lajna Ima’illah USA held various tabligh events on behalf of the Jama’ats Love of Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw Campaign. In a moment of reflection, we remember: “Thus have We made you an exalted nation, that you may be guardians over the people and the Messenger of Allah may be a guardian over you…” (Al-Baqarah 2:144) “The Prophet is nearer to the believers than their own selves…” (Al-Ahzab 33: 7) With these words in mind, our goal is to propagate the teachings of Islam and exemplify the life of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw as a way to bring peace and prosperity to ones’ own life. Khalifatul Masih Vatba addressed Hikmah in conjunction with propagation (Tabligh) in his April 5, 2013 sermon: Building Mosques, Unity and Accord. He stated Hikmah has many connotations; “…wisdom, justice, gentleness and forbearance. In the matter of tabligh the use of Hikmah ensures that whatever we say, does not lead the other to further ignorance and we are able to soften their hearts toward Islam”. As the followers of Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas, whose life was in juxtaposition to the Holy Prophetsaw; we walk in their footsteps and take on their work and trials. “In the moments of trial, Allah the Almighty stood by him with the divine assurance; I shall cause thy message to reach the corners of the earth” (alislam.org. Welcome to Ahmadiyya, the true Islam, p. 11). And therefore, Lajna Ima’illah, USA should not worry but carry on the work of both the Holy Prophetsaw and the Promised Messiahas. In the month of March, Lajna Ima’illah, USA, worked at “calling people to Allah” and emulating the meaning of Hikmah in their various tabligh efforts as described below.

Dhiya Tahira Bakr Secretary Tabligh

National Sadr Lajna Ima’illah USA delivers Sunday Sermon The National President of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, USA (Sadr Lajna) Saliha Malik delivered a moving address on the “Role of Women in Islam” during the Sunday service at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Canton, . She explained that in Arabia at the time of the advent of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw drinking and gambling were a way of life; and women were treated as property, deprived of any rights or status in society. However, it was the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw as the messenger of God, who liberated women and instituted the rights of women to inherit property, own land and pursue an education, all of which women had been deprived of for centuries, and which have only been established recently in the West in the 1900’s. Therefore the role of women in the society was important as the dignity, place and honor of women was restored, without the loss of modesty. Sadr Lajna explained the true concept of Purdah, which is not a burden but in fact liberation for women, and a source of true peace for those Muslim women who adhere to this Quranic injunction. She explained that the observance of Purdah instills a sense of safety, self respect, integrity and inner strength in a Muslim woman and the effect of restraint on the adventurous nature of mankind results in true liberation of the self. As a token of friendship and commitment to the on-going dialogue between the two communities, Lajna Ima'illah Boston gifted 20 copies of the book “Life of Muhammad” to Reverend Boke for distribution at the church’s annual book fair. Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 16 of 36

Cypress Houston: Lajna attended an interfaith meeting held by Interfaith Ministries of Houston, Interfaith Meeting in Asia Society Texas Center and Vedanta Society of Greater Houston. Lajna organized an interfaith get together with Muslim Afro-American sisters and talked about true love for Holy Prophetsaw. Everyone shared their daily experiences on how to show true love for Holy Prophetsaw and Islam. Guests were given flyers on Muhammadsaw: Messenger of Peace and a booklet containing selected Friday sermons of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih Khamisatba entitled True love for Holy Prophetsaw and Who is Muhammadsaw: The Prophet of Islam. Research Triangle, NC: The Lajna invited friends and neighbors to a Cultural Luncheon Social. A total of 7 guests of various faiths; Christians, Baptist, non-Ahmadi Muslims and one atheist attended. A table with different translations of the Holy Qur’an and other Ahmadiyya literature was also displayed which sparked many questions and gave us the opportunity to discuss Ahmadiyyat and how a thorough translation of Holy Qur’an is achieved. As a parting memento of the afternoon we spent together, 'Love for All Hatred for None’ bracelets were given to all guests. We held our bi-annual Muslim/Christian book club and read, 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks' by Rebecca Skloot. Alhamdulillah, many aspects/commonalities in the book were shared and discussed, which then led on to the discussion of prophecies contained in the Holy Qur’an. Alhamdulillah, we have found that whichever book is chosen, we are always able to find the commonalities with our various religions and we are able to explain the ' Islamic teachings ' from the Holy Qur’an. Silver Spring: On February 12th, Lajna conducted a Soul-to-Soul Interfaith at Masjid Bait-ur-Rehman. Members of the Jewish and Christian communities joined us for a discussion on "Prayer Service" in each religion. On April 9th, another Soul-to-Soul Interfaith was held at the Temple Isaiah, where lajna and ladies from the Jewish and Christian communities got together and discussed "the Prophets" from their respective faiths. Alhamdulillah, the meetings were successful with a friendly environment, and informative dialogue amongst the participants of the program. York/ Harrisburg: Lajna held an interfaith event. Women of different faiths were invited to discuss and reflect on the topic, “Devotion through our Children: Raising children in the inquisitive world, creating a heavenly society.” A second interfaith event was held. The topic was "Devotion through our scriptures." Apart from our own presenter we had two other speakers from the Catholic Diocese and a Quaker guest who conducted an interesting interactive session. 15 guests from different faiths and lajna members engaged in a robust question & answer session on the subject. Lajna also helped the jama’at host a Qur’an exhibit at the Harrisburg Capitol, the offices of all legislators. They gave out flyers and answered questions. Detroit: Lajna set up an exhibition on Islamic Teachings and Culture to be displayed at the entrance of the Rochester Hills library for five weeks from March 1 to April 6. They also organized and implemented a "Bridging Cultures" panel discussion at the Rochester Hills Library on March 14, and an exhibit at the Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm depicting the history and journey of Ahmadiyyat to Rochester Hills. 17 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

Georgia/SC: Lajna Ima'illah attended a church service at the United Methodist Church on Sunday February 24. Two interfaith meetings were held, I love Muhammadsaw and Recipe Exchange Interfaith. There were many articles published during these few months, two of them include: http://decatur.patch.com/blog_posts/cleanliness-is-half-of-the-faith & http://www.examiner.com/article/prince-of-peace.

Muhammad Messenger of Peace Conferences

Philadelphia: The Lajna helped plan and execute the Muhammadsaw: Messenger of Peace Symposium at Myerson Hall, University of Pennsylvania. In the weeks preceding the event, the Lajna ages 15-25 set up tabligh tables in their respective university campuses including Temple University, Drexel University and the University of Pennsylvania. As a result, they not only promoted the event but were also able to propagate the message of Ahmadiyyat on various topics including purdah and the importance of educating woman to dozens of students, faculty and staff. Furthermore, Lajna helped decorate the stage for the event and made over 200 gift bags for the attendees. May Allah enable Lajna Philadelphia to continue to promote the message of Ahmadiyyat in the future. Kansas: An interfaith conference was held on behalf of the I Love Muhammadsaw. Campaign. The theme was “The Teachings of My Religious Founders.” More than 1300 printed fliers and 1200 e-mails were sent to friends, neighbors, and the general community. Even though it was a jama’at function, lajna played a very active role in the departments of planning, ziafat, registration, publication, media relations, childcare, distribution of fliers and the other literature. Seventy courageous and interested guests braved a snowstorm to attend the event, Mash’Allah. In conclusion, regional Murrabi, Imam Kausar Sahib stated; “I have not seen any Lajna this independent, resourceful, and active in organizing and helping in a local Jama'at function of this level,” Alhamdulillah. Dallas: The Ahmadiyya Muslim Student Association at The University of Texas held a Muhammadsaw: Messenger of Peace Conference. The lajna attended weekly/biweekly meetings with Jama'at committee members in preparation for Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 18 of 36

this event. Many Lajna invited friends, neighbors and colleagues. An announcement article was also written by a lajna member and submitted to several newspapers. It was published in an online newspaper; The Examiner. Alhamdulillah!

Kentucky: The Peace Conference was held at Somerset Community College. The participants included the Mayor of Somerset County, a Judge, a Deputy Sheriff, the Faculty Diversity Director of Somerset College, staff members and students from the college. The other participants included the President and prominent members from the Islamic Center of Somerset (Non-Ahmadi Muslim), and members of Interfaith and Catholic churches. Lajna played an active role in organizing the event, as well as establishing media contacts and were praised by the college for their outreach efforts. The entire program was aired and seen by approximately 12,000 households on a daily basis in Wayne and Pulaski Counties, Mash’Allah. Detroit:

Sister Ayesha Mangla selected the venue, sent out hundreds of invitations, organized the refreshments and managed the entire program with assistance from some Lajna members. The event attracted many people from the academia institutions and other community leaders and residents. Three deans from different faculties, Vice President of Western University and the chairman of the Department of Religious Studies and various Students and Professors attended the event. Maulana Naseem Mahdi Sahib delivered the keynote address on the life of the Holy Prophetsaw. Maulana Sahib provided a very comprehensive picture of the life of the Holy Prophetsaw, which was appreciated by the guests and jama’at members alike. Following the address, the audience got the opportunity to ask questions on a wide range of topics from the concept of Jihad in the Islamic teachings to the role of women in society. During dinner a Humanity First video was shown. All the guests received a gift, which included the book “Life of Muhammad” by Hadhrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmad. Guests were also offered to take a copy of the Holy Qur’an if they liked. Guest Feedback: WMU Provost said: “We need to have more programs like this...I really enjoyed it and learned a lot.” One guest, said, “I learned a lot, look how many notes I took.” One person wrote “Thank you for this opportunity to know and understand the Ahmadiyya Community 19 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

better. You were very generous with the dinner, which was very good, and the book gifts. Thank you. Also, the full size panels with information were excellent.” A video recording of the event was telecasted on Public Media Network, a local public television station of greater Kalamazoo area.

Cypress Houston: The Lajna helped the Jama’at in organizing a successful Muhammadsaw: Messenger of Peace conference, which was held in the University of Houston. Lajna sent 150 invitations to professors of colleges, universities, churches, pastors and synagogues through emails. By the grace of Allah Almighty, 150 guests, including 85 non-Ahmadi guests, attended the event. Lajna contacted 9 newspapers and magazines to cover the event and invited several organizations. Lajna also helped in publicizing the event via Facebook and online media. Lajna distributed about 70 flyers of Muhammadsaw: Messenger of Peace in the University of Houston and also helped in preparing gift bags, as well as organizing and serving lunch bags for guests. Orlando: Seven lajna members and three nasirat members were able to attend the Orlando Chapter of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s forum entitled: “The Prophet Muhammad, Messenger of Peacesaw - the Gateway to Understanding Islam” on April 21 during the church service of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Lake County (UUC). The Orlando Sentinel published an announcement on Saturday April 13, inviting the public to the Muhammadsaw: Messenger of Peace Program. The event was very well attended. In all, 76 members of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation and 30 members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community of Orlando attended the program. The forum was highlighted by the keynote address presented by Dr. Wajeeh Bajwa, President, Orlando Jama’at. The church hall was beautifully decorated describing various aspects of the life and history of the Holy Prophetsaw and several beautifully illustrated depictions of the content and facts about the Holy Qur’an. In addition, a book display featuring 20 copies of the Holy Qur’an, which had been translated in different languages, was featured. Complimentary gift bags were distributed to the UUC congregation. In addition, there were limited copies of the soft cover Holy Qur’an, which were also distributed. After the program concluded, the response of the UUC members of the church was overwhelming. UUC Board Members expressed sincere delight with the presentation and expressed that their understanding of the Holy Prophetsaw and Islam was enormously enriched. Research Triangle: The jama’at held two conferences. Lajna were the instrumental force in organizing both conferences. Two Lajna attending Meredith Collage in Raleigh, NC were able to reach out to their World Religion Professors Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 20 of 36

asking for sponsorship. Alhamdulillah we had 67 guests and 40 jama’at members attend. Respected Mahdi Sahib was our guest speaker. The 2nd conference was held the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. One Lajna was able to get sponsorship with the kind help of her World Religion Professor. The event was also a huge success even though we had many challenges due to some opposition & exam time, but Allah's work always prevails. Alhamdulillah, 25 guest attended. The guest speaker was the Regional Murrabi Sahib Yahyah Luqman. York/Harrisburg: The Jama’at held an interfaith event Muhammad: Messenger of Peacesaw. Alhamdulillah, it was a successful event; we had 65 non-member guests and 40 Lajna members were present including 15 to 25 year olds. Imam Azhar Haneef Sahib was our keynote speaker and our Nasirat started the event with a beautiful recitation of a few couplets of Qaseeda. Queens, : The program was held on March 7, 2013, at the Unification Church located in the heart of New York City. The interior of the hall and the vast lobby were decorated by posters regarding The Holy Prophetsaw, and jama’at banners such as ‘Love for All; Hatred for None’ and ‘I Love Muhammadsaw.’ Different speeches were held and short documentaries were shown. Despite the harsh and severe weather conditions, there was a fantastic turnout for the symposium. The total number in attendance was 175 people, of which there were a total of 106 guests. In terms of media exposure and advertisements, an ad was placed in AM New York, on the morning of the event. There were 4,300 flyers distributed along with numerous emails sent out with regards to the event. Also over 200 Churches and Synagogues in the Manhattan area were notified about the event. Lajna members of Queens, New York, played a vital role in distributing invitations both electronically and in person. Lajna students contacted the Muslim Students Associations of their schools, e-mailed flyers, promoted the event online and included using Twitter to spread the word. Brooklyn/Staten Island: An event highlighting the life and noble qualities of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsaw was held at Baitur Tahir Mosque, Brooklyn, New York. By the Grace of Allah, sixteen guests attended the event and listened to various speakers present the peaceful teachings of the Prophet of Islamsaw and clear up any misconceptions about Islam. A question/answer session followed and the meeting concluded with silent prayer and refreshments were offered. Willingboro: Lajna participated in a very successful Mohammedsaw: Messenger of Peace conference.105 non-Muslim guests attended. Many were friends and/or professional colleagues from the local hospital. The feedback was very positive and they are looking forward to future events. Mash ‘Allah the guests are continuing to talk to others about the event.

21 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

Health Matters

North Jersey: Two doctors from Lajna and the assistant Health Secretary organized a health seminar with presentations on the dangers of chemicals in food, the use of plastics in food handling and food allergies.

Orlando: A Lajna member had an opportunity to help organize and to volunteer at the Manatee County Health Fair as part of the “Script Your Future” campaign in February 2013. This campaign is an ongoing effort to raise awareness about medication adherence as a critical public health issue. Almost three out of four Americans are not taking their medications, as they need to be. The outcome is frequently more serious health consequences, especially for people with chronic diseases; therefore, raising awareness and improving understanding about medication adherence is crucial.

Community members who were served at this event were mainly senior citizens, (>60 years). Our Lajna member helped by providing individual counseling, conducting blood pressure screenings and blood glucose screenings, as well as distributing brochures/pamphlets and ‘Script Your Future’ wallet cards as follows:

 They performed 20 blood screenings, provided 6 blood pressure risk assessments, 20 glucose screenings and provided 2 diabetes risk assessments.

 They distributed nearly 70 'Script Your Future' wallet cards; a total of 12 people received more specific individual counseling. Media Watch Matters

Alhamdulillah, the Lajna Media Watch writers are publishing articles on a regular basis each month. In response to the tragedy at the Boston Marathon, several articles were published as listed below: http://plainfield.patch.com/blog_posts/shock-at-boston-bombings-from-a-muslim-womans-perspective http://www.ajc.com/news/news/opinion/readers-write/nXbmT/ http://www.ajc.com/news/news/opinion/readers-write/nXPQ4/ http://connectionarchives.com/PDF/2013/041713/Centreview%20North.pdf page 6 http://daltondailycitizen.com/opinion/x437164956/Letter-A-universal-culture-of-violence

A successful Lajna Media Watch workshop was conducted in Detroit on April 7 with twenty Lajna members attending. More workshops will be conducted in the fall, Insha'Allah. Members will be notified of the date and place through the regional and local sadran.

If you are a good writer or are interested in being part of Lajna Media Watch team please send an email to [email protected] with a copy sent to your local Sadr. Lajna Media Watch is now on Twitter @lajnamediausa. Central VA - Saira Bhatti has had an article published in local newspapers, every month since October 2012. Mash’Allah! Aneela Wadan and Rabia Iqbal also had articles published in local newspapers in this quarter. Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 22 of 36 Media Watch Matters

Houston North - The Local Secretary Tabligh, Saadia Farooqi has had 13 articles published in various media outlets during this quarter. She has written on topics ranging from a Landmark Court decision on Hijab, Women’s History month to the Boston Bombings. This is a remarkable achievement and we pray that she continues to spread the true message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat through the jihad of the pen. San Diego - Mash’Allah the Lajna of San Diego have been rigorously engaged in jihad of the pen. One Lajna member has published 7 articles in 7 different magazines, newspapers, and online news sources in just the past 3 months. Boston - Ahmadi Muslims intensely grieved by Boston Marathon Bombings - By Khulood Sharif The horrific terrorist attack on the Boston Marathon was almost immediately tied to a connection with Muslims, augmenting the assumptions of some that wherever there’s terrorism, there’s Islam. Not surprisingly, there is a very strong link between the Marathon bombings and Muslims – the link that Muslims suffered the same extreme grief, anguish, and restlessness over the tragic loss of innocent lives, the excruciating pain and injuries of those wounded and in critical condition, and the agony of all those impacted by the attack. It is contrary to what is commonly expected - that Muslims are inevitably responsible for any terrorist activity, and that Islam promotes violence. Extremists or fanatics that advocate and support terrorism and zealously preach a distorted notion of Jihad are presenting such a corrupted view of Islam to gain their own political motives, that now on a global level, any bombing or violent activity is inextricably tied to Muslims. Anti-Islamic sentiments continue to escalate in Western nations, particularly after the Boston Marathon Bombings – with the prevailing misconceptions that Islam is a religion that endorses terrorism and brutality. A “devout” Muslim is considered as one who is highly fanatic and seeks to spread disorder with extremist ideologies. However, the Islam that is presented by such fanatics has no linkage whatsoever to the true Islamic teachings taught by the Prophet Muhammadsaw, who professed that killing one innocent human is the killing of all humanity. Islam teaches that a Muslim has manifold obligations towards mankind, and acts of violence and cruelty must be condemned and stopped in the strongest terms. Islam has no tolerance for terrorism, barbarity, and violence in any way; it seeks to promote peace at every individual, societal, national, and global level. It is for this reason that Ahmadi Muslims, members of Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, a revival movement within Islam, express their most heartfelt condolences to the innocent victims of the Boston Marathon Bombing, and pray that justice is restored to the perpetrators of this atrocious act. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has denounced extremism in every way, as it is a completely false representation of Islam, and has condemned this act of terror in the strongest manner. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community stands united with Americans during this troubling time and is intensely grieved by the horrific events that took place at the Boston Marathon and fervently prays for the victims and their families. True Islamic teachings categorically reject all forms of terrorism and violence, and have nothing to do with the extremist ideology held by fanatics and extremists who are disguised wolves under the cover of so-called faith, driven by their own political motives. Such extreme groups are consistently painting a misleading picture of Islam, and are fostering the development of hatred towards Islam as a barbaric and crude religion. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community seeks to promote the true Islamic teachings of peace, love, and service to humanity and stands with the victims and families of this horrendous tragedy.

Media Watch Matters

23 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 Publication Matters

Jazakumullah for all your contributions for the Lajna Matters and we look forward to more for the next issue. If local Ishaat secretar- ies need help with compiling their contributions, please contact [email protected].

Unfortunately, we were not able to print the spring Issue of the Ayesha. Insha'Allah, we will print one in the fall. If you would like to write for the Ayesha, please contact [email protected]. The next issue will be about the Holy Prophetsaw.

For receipt books and ordering additional Taleem & Tarbiyat workbooks, please contact [email protected].

As always, we look forward to your comments and feedback!

We are looking for sisters who are interested in writing and edit- ing. If you have a strong background in this, please contact me at [email protected].

IT Matters

Lajna Ima’illah - USA Website

http://www.lajnausa.net Please visit the website frequently for upcoming events, updates in your region and departmental news. Make a frequent use of Lajna Website resources during your General, Halqa and Nasirat meet- ings/Classes. Please send your feedback to [email protected] . Mabroor Jattala National IT/Website Dept. Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 24 of 36

Lajna Ages 15-25 Matters

Upstate North East Regional Camp (15-25) in Albany, NY By the Grace of Allah, eight members of Lajna Ima’illah Boston travelled from Boston, Massachusetts to Albany, New York to attend the annual Lajna 15-25 Camp, which took place over three consecutive days from April 12- 14. The camp commenced with Jummah prayers, after which Lajna members enjoyed lunch and greeted their fellow Lajna members from the Upstate North East Region, comprising of Lajna from Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and . All Lajna members enjoyed a lecture in the RAD Self-Defense course, which was given by Inspector Jennifer Fila from the RAD Self Defense System from the Albany Police Department. They also enjoyed games and a trip to the famous Howe Caverns Adventure Park, where Lajna members took an elevator 156 feet below the Earth’s surface to explore the six million year old cavern. Other presentations included yoga, and skin care. An outstanding presentation on Purdah beautifully conveyed the true meaning of the inner and outer forms of Purdah, as well as provided a comprehensive overview of the various interpretations of Purdah in Muslim countries around the world, including an overview of how to observe “Purdah in America” and how to keep up with fashion while adhering to the Islamic guidelines of purdah. A Lajna member’s personal reflection of the Upstate Northeast Regional Camp (15-25) in Albany, NY By Aiesha Parwaz (Lajna Member 15-25) The youth camp was fun and the atmosphere was relaxed. There were some educational presentations, but nothing too boring or tiresome. I really liked that it felt like a very social event. I enjoyed the fact that we had so much time to just hang out with friends and talk. We don’t get this chance very often with our Ahmadi friends, The caverns were so magnificent! I did not want to leave! I had a lot of fun and I can’t wait for the next camp!

Syracuse: Lajna Members 15-25 participated at the local Ijtema and baked delicious cupcakes.

Buffalo: Collected donations for the Domestic Violence Haven House. Cypress Houston: These lajna are leading a book club via conference call on "Life of Muhammadsaw". They attended an interfaith Muhammad meeting called interfaith perspective within Islam organized by Asia Society Texas Center. They did a power point presentation on Musleh Maud day. Lajna Members ages 15-25 helped to prepare the Holy Prophetsaw Messenger of Peace conference. They helped in the publicity of the conference via online media and also helped in contacting faculty members of universities. Georgia: The 15-25 Lajna Ima'illah attended an event with the Azicah Magazine group, a Muslim magazine, where they went to the Med Share Organization to help organize medical supply boxes to send abroad. They also did a hijab show for the Lajna and Nasirat on a class meeting. Also one of the 15-25-age lajna was a panelist at an interfaith panel at her school. Brooklyn/Staten Island: Lajna 15-25 had a social gathering where they got to know each other and discussed plans for future activities and issues they wanted to address. 25 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

Central VA: Our Lajna age group 15-25 has been actively taking part in preparation of our local Lajna and Nasirat Ijtema, they have also been helping out in Nasirat classes and also submitting writing pieces to newspapers under Media Watch. They were very well represented at our Ijtema and they actively participated in all competitions including Tilawat, Nazm and Impromptu Speech. North Jersey: A finance forum was held specifically for Lajna ages 15-25 to educate them on obligatory chandas that they should start paying. Detroit: Lajna ages 15-25 were an integral part of all the Lajna events held in the month of March. They helped plan them, invite guests, set-up, clean-up etc. They sent thousands of emails to various churches and organizations to invite them to the events. They also helped in the research and set-up of the exhibitions. Willingboro: An interactive and interesting Tabligh Interfaith Workshop on Human Rights through Religion was organized and presented by Madeeha Sayed, Rizwana Haneef, Saadiya Mannan, Izza Mir and Nida Syed. Local Christian and Sikh ladies were guests. Houston North: A Lajna15-25/Nasirat bake sale was held at the mosque during the Jama’at picnic. Each participant brought a homemade dessert and came up with a unique name for her item to entice customers! We had 8 of our Lajna 15-25 participate in the event with over 10 different items including brownies, cupcakes, cookies, chocolate covered pretzels and cakes. Lajna members 15-25 assisted their mothers at the Local Ijtema Meena Bazaar by helping with fundraising and managing the stalls. One of the Lajna 15-25 helped Nasirat make their Regional Ijtema banner. Others volunteered in various capacities at the Nasirat Camp, Local and Regional Ijtema – from cleaning, setup, registration, audio visual help to managing stalls and helping with the fundraising during Meena Bazaar. Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 26 of 36

Regional Matters

Central Region Sports Tournament: By the Grace of Allah, the Central Region held its 3rd Annual Sports Tournament at Bait-ur-Rehman Mosque from Saturday April 13-14 which was attended by approximately 450 Lajna and Nasirat. Participants were able to compete in badminton, volleyball, soccer, jump rope, table tennis, three-legged race, egg and spoon race, musical chairs, Tug of war, ludo, carom board, and other board games. The Tournament was kicked off with the Nasirat banner parade led by National Sadr Lajna, Saliha Malik, and National Naib Sadr, Amatul Hai Ahmad. The Nasirat looked extremely excited and proud while walking behind their banners that they created especially for the Tournament with the theme “Modesty is All Good.” The program was presided by National Sadr Lajna and began with recitation of the Holy Qur’an, followed by Lajna and Nasirat Pledges and very motivating Welcome Addresses that encouraged all of us to maintain healthy lives and indulge in friendly competition. A highlight of our sports tournament was the health fair which had wii game for kids, tai chi exercise and an informative nutrition lecture about the importance of whole foods and cooking from raw ingredients, which encouraged people to avoid processed food and chemicals. There also was a Modesty workshop for the Naisrat that was very enlightening and allowed for interaction between the nasirat and Sadr Sahiba. The Concluding Session consisted of Tilawat, Nazam, a slide show, and, of course, the anticipated prize distribution. The overall best awards were allocated as follows: Best Majlis Nasirat - VA South; Best Majlis Lajna – Laurel; Best Attendance Overall: Laurel. The Tournament was brought to a close with comments from National Sadr Lajna, Saliha Malik, who encouraged members to take notice of the nutrition seminar and to eat a healthy halal and tayyab diet to promote our moral and spiritual health. She point out that in these days of stress with natural disasters, wars and materialism at its peak, we should fully realize the need for the Imam of the Ageas in our own selves and spread the good news of his coming and the peaceful message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat. Many members expressed how much they enjoyed the weekend and hoped that the tournament continues to be a yearly event, insha’allah.

Local Matters

Houston North Local Ijtema: The session started with Nasirat competitions that included: Holy Qur’an and Prayer Memorization, and Nazm Competition. After these 3 competitions, the Nasirat and Lajna separated. While the Nasirat had their Speech Competition, the Lajna members participated in Holy Qur’an Recitation & Memorization and Nazm Competition. The Lajna participated in their Quiz Competition, followed by a workshop, “Just One Step,” which covered many issues regarding modesty in our everyday lives. This was a very interactive workshop as members shared their personal experiences within their age groups. 27 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

Local Matters

The Nasirat participated in an individual Quiz Competition covering the questions from the National Nasirat Syllabus, followed by games and knowledge tests. All the Nasirat enjoyed these quick-thinking competitions! Lastly, a group of Nasirat also presented a workshop on the topic of Nizame Jama’at, where the Nasirat learned the basics of the organization of our Jama’at and how we are united under one Khalifah. Boston Local Ijtema: By the Grace of Allah, Lajna Ima’illah and Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya Boston celebrated their local Ijtema 2013 over two consecutive days on Saturday, April 27th and Sunday, April 28th 2013 at Baitul Nasir Mosque in Sharon, Massachusetts. The theme of this year’s Ijtema was “Hayya Alas Salah; Hayya Alal Falah” which was inculcated into all aspects of the Ijtema program. Following an opening session and address by the Local Sadr Lajna, Sadka Ahmad, the Ijtema commenced with the Lajna and Nasirat Tilawat competitions followed by poem competitions. The second session of Ijtema commenced with a presentation on Salat entitled “Salat - The Key to Success”, followed by a fun filled game of Jeopardy on Salat. Next, a presentation on the Islamic etiquettes of personal hygiene was delivered, which was nicely followed by a special “Hidden Talents” session. After dinner Lajna and Nasirat enjoyed a sleepover at the Mosque where they enjoyed an Islamic story time and games before retiring for the day. Day two of the ijtema commenced with an opening session, followed by a presentation on “The blessings of Tehrik-e-Jadid.” Next, the Nasirat speech competition was held during which Nasirat delivered speeches on topics including “the importance of Salat, respect of parents, the importance of Khilafat and the Promised Messiah’sas devotion to worshipping his Lord.” An insightful presentation was delivered on “What Women Need to Know about Finances” which gave all Nasirat and Lajna “food for thought” regarding their responsibilities in finance and planning for their futures. There was also an informative presentation on health entitled “Charging the Immune System to Stay Healthy.” All Lajna and Nasirat enjoyed a well stocked Meena Bazaar and Bake Sale, the proceeds of which went towards the local Lajna and Nasirat funds respectively. Alhamdulillah, this led to the successful conclusion of the Lajna Ima’illah and Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya Ijtema 2013, during which high spirits and a lot of enthusiasm was shown by all participations, which by the Grace of Allah the Almighty helped the Boston Chapter to ever strengthen the bonds of sisterhood under one banner and one Khalifa, Insha’Allah. Queens Local Ijtema: The local ijtema took place on April 21, 2013.The theme was “Hayya alas Salah, Hayya alal Falah.” The competitions began with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an followed by nazm and speech competitions. After salat and lunch, the program continued with a panel discussion led by four lajna members. We were reminded how we must always remember God through prosperity and adversity. The final part of the program was an interactive quiz with the Lajna members based on our recent Tarbiyat Program. It touched upon various points including how ‘dua’ is like water to a believer, everyone needs it in order to quench thirst, and a common misconception is that there are 6,666 verses in the Holy Qur’an but in fact there are 6,348 verses. The Ijtema concluded with the prize distribution and Dua led by Bushra Hanif Sahiba. Brooklyn/Staten Island Ijtema: The lajna held its local Ijtema on Saturday, April 13, 2013. The theme of the Ijtema was “Hayya alas Salah, Hayya alal Falah: Come to Prayer, Come to Prosperity.” Competitions included Qirat, speeches on the theme of prayer and nazms. After the competitions, members participated in a Salat Quiz and some enjoyable icebreaker activities. During lunch, members held a mosque fundraiser selling drinks and handicraft items. After lunch, three 15-25 age group members presented a workshop on “Come to Prayer” and discussed ways through which we could rejuvenate the spirit of Salat. The program concluded with prize distribution, concluding remarks and silent prayer. Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 28 of 36

Local Matters

Virginia Central Ijtema: The Lajna Ima’illah and Nasiratul Ahmadiyya held their 16th annual Ijtema on April 20, 2013. Alhamdulillah, this was our first Ijtema held at our newly built Masjid Mubarak. Central Region Lajna Sadr Naseerah Bhatti Sahiba presided over the Ijtema. The theme of the Ijtema was “Come to Prayer, Come to Prosperity.” LA Inland: Alhamdulillah, this chapter held its annual sports day event on March 17, 2013. Lajna engaged in sports such as badminton, table tennis, musical chairs, basketball, and volleyball. After the sports events ended, healthy foods were prepared. The foods were satisfying and healthy and provided a present day approach on a healthy diet. By the grace of Allah, everyone enjoyed themselves very much. Silver Spring: In the beginning of the year about 70 Jama’at members (Lajna, Nasirat and Atfal under age 9) had a field trip to the National Geographic Museum in Washington, DC, where they had the opportunity to view interesting and informative exhibitions such as '1001 Inventions: Discover the Golden Age of Muslim Civilization' and 'The Birds of Paradise'! Alhamdulillah, it was a great learning opportunity for everyone and an enjoyable event. Research Triangle: Lajna and Nasirat celebrated Musleh Maudra Day. All Lajna were asked to share a family story about Hadhrat Musleh Maudra. Nasirat and Lajna presented a poem. All Nasirat and children under seven received a mixed bag of candies as a gift. Lajna and Nasirat celebrated Masih Maud Day. Lajna were asked to prepare any topic on the teachings of Hadhrat Masih Maudas. Nasirat presented a beautiful poem. One guest attended. Cypress Houston: To encourage young members (7-24), lajna initiated an essay competition on Life of Promised Messiahas. Kansas City: We bid farewell to our beloved sister Tahira Rehman. She had been our president for almost 8 years and had built up the lajna from the foundation, here in Kansas City. We wish her all the best. May Allah bless them and reward them for all the services for our lajna. Georgia/SC: We held our Annual Sports Day on March 23 for GA/SC Lajna Ima'illah and Nasirat Jama’at. Some of the competitions included: relay race, 3-legged race, obstacle race, and many more. Dayton : Lajna participated in an event to solve a local busing problem. Various Community leaders had been invited to work to resolve this transportation issue. One of our Lajna members had been asked to recite a prayer for the opening of the meeting. The prayer she chose was Surah Al-Fatiha, which she recited in both Arabic and English. About 200 people were present in the church. Queens: Lajna hosted a Lajna and Nasirat Sleepover at Bait-uz-Zafar Mosque on Sunday, February 17. Lajna and Nasirat of all the boroughs of New York were invited to attend and take advantage of this opportunity to connect with other members of Jama’at. More than 65 Lajna and Nasirat attended the evening program and a large number of members stayed for the sleepover. Congregational prayers were offered. Sadr Sahiba Lajna Queens addressed the group and told them about the importance of getting involved in Jama’at. She also shared ideas on how Lajna members can become active and productive in serving Jama’at. These sparked interesting conversations between younger lajna members. They sat down and brainstormed ideas that will help them to reach out to people for tabligh purposes. Lajna and Nasirat participated in the activities like tag games, two- legged race, jump rope and board games like Ludo. By the Grace of God, it was a highly successful and exciting event that created new friendships, and memories. 29 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

Nasirat Highlights November 2012-January 2013 # of Majalis involved in Workshops: 15 # of Majalis involved in Sihate-Jismani activities: 45 Tajnid: 826 # of Majalis involved in Handicraft/cooking activities: 35 Number of meetings held: 215 # of Majalis involved in Urdu/Arabic classes: 42 Average Attendance: 68% Average % of report received: 88% # of Majalis involved in Khidmat-e-Khalq activities: 52 # of Majalis involved in Tabligh activities: 35

Holy Qur’an Completions Majaalis Highlights Fatima Tanauli- TX Houston North NJ-Central: Attended a Thanksgiving lunch at a local Church.

MD-Baltimore: Field trip to the National Geographic Qaida Completions Museum Saania Zafar- GA/SC MD-Potomac: Volunteered at a food pantry Aiman Asif- TX Houston North MD- Silver Spring: Made fleece scarves to donate for Sofia Ahmed- TX Fort Worth homeless Uroosa Sohail- CA Silicon Valley NC- Charlotte: Helped students with learning disabili- ties with schoolwork Zoya Chaudhry- CA Silicon Valley FL-Orlando: Packed food bags for children in Nicara- Areebah Ali- NY Buffalo gua Saba Ali- NY Buffalo CA- Inland Empire: Packed lunches for homeless Tanzila Malik, age 9, Silver Spring, MD CA- San Diego: Participated in a local beach cleanup Insia Rashid, age 6, Central VA MA- Boston: Volunteered for Boston Rescue Mission Neha Choudhry, 10, LA Inland Empire NY- Queens: Volunteered at a local soup kitchen AZ- Phoenix: Made string key chains IL-Zion: Made cucumber sandwiches, learned crochet- Improvements ing and weaving # Of Nasirat Offering Salat improved 6 %, Alham- dulillah! # Of Nasirat Reciting the Holy Qur’an/Qaida regu- larly improved 12%, Alhamdulillah! # Of Nasirat watching MTA improved 9%, Alham- dulillah!

Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 30 of 36

Houston North: Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah, the Nasirat had an opportunity to participate in a one day camp at Baitus Samee Mosque.

After the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, an open discussion was held on unity – its purpose in our lives and how to attain it in our families and at the masjid. The nasirat then participated in a stretching lesson given by a 15‐25 age‐group lajna member, where they found new and exciting ways to stretch and relax almost every muscle in their body!

This exercise was followed by discussion on the upcoming Ijtema theme, “Come to Prayer, Come to Prosperity.” In addition, a 15-25 age-group-lajna member presented a workshop on the topic of Nizame Jama’at. All the Nasirat learned how the ja- ma’at is organized under one Khalifa, the benefits of having a jama’at and ways to be connected to our Hudhur.

Besides all the learning activities, the nasirat also enjoyed painting their nails, scavenger hunting around the Masjid area, making dolls out of construction paper and creating their own sundaes!

Central VA: By the grace of Allah, the Nasirat held their first camp of 2013. The theme of the camp was “Salat in My Daily Life.” The camp began with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an. Informative and thought provoking presentations were given to the Nasirat by Lajna and by the CVA Tarbiyat secretary. The titles of the presentations given were Etiquettes of Salat, Different types of Salat and How does Salat keep me in touch with

God? To encourage team work, sister hood and healthy lifestyle the Nasirat participated in various sport activities. The enlightening and fun filled day ended with dua. Silver Spring: On February 24, Nasirat participated in an art activity. They made posters regarding the Di- vine Revelation about Hadhrat Musleh Maudra. The posters were decorated and designed creatively by the children and they were displayed in Masjid Bait-ur-Rehman on Musleh Maud day. A similar activity was done on Masih Maudas Day in which they made 3D art projects displaying various revelations of the Promised Messiahas in a creative, educational and artistic manner. Research Triangle, NC: Three Nasirat attended the East Coast Qur’an conference. They also recited several verses of Qaseeda at the two Muhammad Messenger of Peacesaw conferences. Nasirat attended a Lajna social tabligh; they helped set-up and clean-up, applied Mehndi on the hands of guest and helped in organizing games. Nasirat participated in both Musleh Maudra Day and Masih Maudas day. Each Nasirat presented one aspect of Hadhrat Masih Maud’sas life and recited a poem for Hadhrat Musleh Maudra: One Nasirat has memorized the 1st ruku and the last 10 verses of Surah Al- Kahf, Mash’Allah. Buffalo NY: All nasirat participated in the Waqf-E-Jadid and Tehrik- E-Jadid schemes. Cypress Houston: The nasirat participated in Musleh Maudra and Masih Maudas day. All participated in the competitions and pro- grams in local and regional Ijtemat. They worked on a banner for the competition in the regional Ijtema on theme of Hayya alas Salah, Hayya alal Falah. Alhamdulillah, their banner received 1st place in the region. 31 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 Nasirat Matters

York/Harrisburg: The Nasirat worked hard to make their banner for the Regional Lajna Sports held at Baitur Rahman on April 13/14. They participated in the sporting events with a lot of excitement and won various prizes as well. Georgia/SC: GA/SC Lajna Ima'illah and Nasirat Annual Sports day was held on March 23. Also there was a handicraft activity where the Nasirat learned to make purses with duct tape. Dayton, OH: Nasirat did a fundraiser for our local Tehrik e Jadid day. They set up a table at the mosque and sold chips, pizza, pop corn and drinks. By the Grace of Almighty Allah, they raised over $50 This was the first fund raising Nasirat had ever done for Tehrik e Jadid. Queens: A total of twenty-five Nasirat attended the Ijtema. The theme was ‘Hayya Alas Salah, Hayya Alal Falah.’ After tilawat and translation of the Holy Qur’an, the Nasirat Secretary delivered a speech on the im- portance of Salat. The competitions for the day began with Dua. These competitions included a Hifz e Qur’an and prayer competition, Nazm, Hadith, English speech and a cooking competition. Nasirat of all age groups enthusiastically participated in each and every competition. Activities and games included a crafts activity and different games like general knowledge games, a religious knowledge hot potato game, and relay games. Na- sirat thoroughly enjoyed participating in all competitions games and activities. The Ijtema concluded with a prize distribution ceremony followed by Dua. All Nasirat were given goody bags at the end of Ijtema.

Brooklyn/Staten Island: The theme was “Come to Prayer, Come to Prosperity.” Competitions included reci- tation and memorization of Holy Qur’an, Nazm, prayers, Hadith and speech. Each Nasirat was crowned as “responsible princesses” who would be ready to serve Islam and Ahmadiyyat by following the teachings of the Holy Qur’an, Hadith and the teachings of Promised Messiahas. The girls also enjoyed icebreaker activities and crafts involving beads. Houston North: The nasirat participated in South Regional Ijtema on Saturday and Sunday, April 21-22. All the Nasirat participated in the Holy Qur’an Memorization Competition, while only 3 Nasirat from each age group participated in the Speech Competition. Houston North also had the opportunity to present a workshop on the topic of Nizame Jama’at and listen to workshop topics presented by other Majalis including: Im- portance of Salat, Kindness to Younger Ones, Unity among Believers, Importance of Supplication, Simplicity and Refrain- ing from Cheating. Our Nasirat also participated in Banner and Tarana Competition, where the younger Nasirat sang "Main Najme Ahmadiyyat, Main Azmay Ahmadiyyat" Tarana written by Jamil ur Rahman Sahib. Our Nasirat contributed towards the regional fundraiser in the evening by selling items. Award distribution took place on Sunday and Alhamdulillah our Na- sirat received 8 individual awards at the Regional Ijtema. Boston: Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya Boston held their local Ijtema on April 28-29 with the theme of “Hayya alas Salah, Hayya alal Falah” in Baitul Nasir, Sharon, MA. Alham- dulillah all Nasirat attended the event and participated in their respective age categories in the Taleem competitions which included recitation from the Holy Qur’an, an Arabic Poem Competition, Speech Competition, a Cupcake competi- tion and an Urdu hand writing competition. Alhamdulillah, Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 32 of 36

great knowledge and talent was displayed by all participants and the enthusiasm with which all Nasirat partici- pated in Ijtema emulated the true spirits of what it means to be a part of Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya. Alhamdulillah, Nasirat also enjoyed a sleep over at the Mosque where they played games and enjoyed an Islamic story time. They also enjoyed a fun-filled Meena Bazaar and Nasirat Bake Sale, which raised over $400 towards the Nasirat Fund. Alhamdulillah, the Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyyat Boston local Ijtema 2013 was a resounding success and all Nasirat are enthusiastically looking forward to next year, Insha’Allah. North Jersey: Nasirat took their quarterly test, reports and awards and star of the month were given. They enjoyed making hold up signs for lajna to use. Detroit: Nasirat fully participated in the outreach programs held by lajna and the Jama’at by helping out at the reception area, setting up exhibitions, and contributing to the presentation of our religion. Nasirat re- cited Qaseeda in Arabic as well as the English translation at the Ann Arbor event. Nasirat participated in the Jama’at Musleh Maudra day by reciting the Qaseeda of the Promised Messiahas. It was an outstanding presentation enjoyed by everyone. Nasirat participated in the Jama’at Masih-e-Maudas Day with a beautiful Nazm. Willingboro: Three Nasirat girls sang, a beautiful Nazm, during the Muhammadsaw: Messenger of Peace conference. It was highly appreciated! In April during a combined Nasirat /Lajna Ijtema, the girls made special Mothers Day Cards for their Mothers as part of the fun activities. Several Nasirat have been volunteering in the monthly Food Pantry held at the Masjid. Houston North: A group of 7 Nasirat from Houston North presented Qaseeda at one of our "I Love Mu- hammadsaw" Campaign Events co-hosted by Houston North and Houston South Jama’ats. Their Qaseeda practice started at the Nasirat class on Sunday and went on until the day of the event through conference calls. On the day of the event, the girls wore white dresses with red scarves, very well matching with their "I Love Muhammad" badges! In preparation of the event, one of our Nasirat went door to door for flyer distribu- tion. Boston: Nasirat delivered speeches on: the “Life of Hadhrat Musleh Maudra” and the “Prophecy of Hadhrat Musleh Maudra. This was followed by two speeches on the “Miracles of Hadhrat Musleh Maudra” and on “Fulfillment of the Prophecy of Musleh Maudra.” By the Grace of Allah, on Sunday March 10, 2013, members of Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyyat Boston attended the Sunday service at the First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church in Canton, Massachusetts during National Sadr Lajna’s address. Nasirat thoroughly enjoyed attending the service, listening to the sermon and afterward shared lunch with the church members where they had the op- portunity to tell people about their beliefs as Ahmadi Muslims. Alhamdulillah Nasirat recited the Qaseedah at the Mu- hammadsaw: Messenger of Peace Conference, at the George Sherman Hall, Boston University. During the program, Nasirat recited the Qaseedah in a chorus with Aftal from the Boston Chapter. Alhamdulillah, all the hard work and dedication that Nasirat-ul-Ahmadiyya put into for the event, showed on the day, as they recited the Qaseedah. 33 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013

Requests for Prayers

 Please pray for Sister Aliyyah Shaheed of Pittsburgh and Sister Salma Ghani of Phila- delphia.

 Gazala Sirajee of San Diego requests members pray for her aunt who recently re- turned from the hospital after slipping into a coma.

 Sister Mansoora Riswan of RTNC is requesting special prayers for her family members who are arriving from Indonesia at the end of April. Her father is in great need of our prayers, as he needs special medical attention. The family has been granted asylum in the USA, Alham- dulillah.

 Members of the Buffalo, NY Jama’at who are ill

 Our dear sister Aziza Mubashir of Kansas City has been declared cancer free by the doctors after her long treat- ment, Alhamdulillah. Please continue to pray for her full recovery.

 Shamaila Mantara of Kansas City is expecting her baby in a few days. Requesting prayers for her and the family.

 Insha’Allah as school is ending this year, many Lajna and Nasirat are approaching their final exam period, please remember all the students in prayers for a successful school year.

 Please pray for Mr. and Mrs. Mir Iftikhar Ahmed of Staten Island. Please pray for all members of Brooklyn/Staten Island Jama’at.

 Request for prayers for Bismallah Begum of North Jersey who was diagnosed with breast cancer and is to undergo surgery soon.

 Amtul Nasir Bari Sahiba of Detroit as she recovers from surgery

 Ismat Mangla, daughter of Ayesha Mangla of Detroit as she recovers from a proce- dure

 Samra Ahmad, daughter of Adeeba Ahmad of Detroit who is recovering from surgery in the hospital

 A special request for prayers for the health and well being for Respected Brother Abid Haneef Sahib and Respected Sister Saliha Haneef Sahiba who are dear members of the Boston Chapter.

 Special prayers are requested for the new Mosque project in the Boston Chapter. Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 34 of 36 Lajna Highlights February 2013—April 2013 Outreach (Average Number of People/ Meetings Guests) Active Tajnid as of April 2013: 4,188 # People preached to: 2,136/mo Total # of Meetings Held: 84 # Needy served outside the Jama'at: 2,589/mo % Average Attendance: 45% # of KK services provide inside Jama'at:644/mo Total # of Halqa Meetings: 96 Tabligh Average Percentage of Active Members # of Bai’ats Obtained: 5 Active in Alhamdolillah! Da'ee ilallahs: 519/month Brooklyn, Dayton, Queens 1 Khidmat-e-Khalq: 1,008/month Potomac 2 Listening to Khutba/MTA: 2,174/month Learning Qur’an Nazira: 1,770/month

Congratulations to:

Majaalis with Average Active Member Attendance at Meetings > 50% from February 2013 to April 2013: Alabama/, Baltimore, Bay Point, Binghamton, Charlotte, Cleveland, Cy- press Houston, Georgia/South Carolina, Kansas City, Kentucky, LA East, Laurel, Lehigh Valley, Merced, Minnesota, New Orleans, Oakland, Oshkosh, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Research Triangle, Rochester, Sacramento, Tulsa, Washington DC, Zion Majaalis with Average Active Members Listening to Hudhur’satba Friday Sermons > 75% from February 2013 to April 2013: Baltimore, Charlotte, Dallas, Fort Worth, Kentucky, LA East, LA Inland Empire, LA West, Las Vegas, Laurel, New Orleans, Oshkosh, Queens, Sacramento, VA Central, VA South, Washington DC, Zion Majaalis with Average Active Members Learning Holy Qur’an Nazira > 50% from February 2013 to April 2013: Baltimore, Binghamton, Brooklyn, Chicago East, Cypress Houston, Fort Worth, Kansas City, Kentucky, LA East, LA West, Laurel, Lehigh Valley, Milwaukee, Min- nesota, New Orleans, NJ Central, Oshkosh, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, Queens, Re- search Triangle, Rochester, Sacramento, San Diego, Syracuse, VA Central, VA South, Washington DC 35 of 36 Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 Local Matters

Recognition The City of Hillsdale Beach award was given to the Miami Lajna for their outstanding Khid- mat-e-Khalq services at Hepbern Center. Six sisters received a token based upon the number of volunteer hours served in 2012. Monsura Sirajee of San Diego graduated from Boston University with a BA in January 2013. Sister Sadia Sarwat Choudhury has embraced Ahmadiyyat and become a member of Queens New York Jama’at. Her Bai’at was approved on 04/11/2013. Summer Khan Mansoor, Nasirat, of LA Inland Empire was part of her School group of 7 stu- dents, who qualified to represent in the Odyssey of Minds World Competition. Odyssey of the Mind is a program, which involves solving structural, technical or theatrical oriented problems. By the Grace of Allah, Summer and her group were featured in local newspapers.

Births Nosheen Bokhari, wife of Atiq Ahmad from Central , was blessed with the baby boy Labeeq Ahmad on March 25, 2013. He is also Waqf e Nau. Madeha Rehman of Buffalo, NY was blessed with a daughter,Maya Mubarika Almashhadany, on March 22, 2013. Allah Almighty has blessed sister Bushra Zubair and Zubair Waheed Dogar of Cypress Houston with their fourth son Reza Nooruddin Zubair Dogar, a waqf-e-nau child. Sister Kiran Khan of Philadelphia was blessed with a baby boy on March 16th, 2013. His name is Ayaan Ahmad Khan. Allah has blessed sister Nila Ahmad of Kansas with her second son on May 3rd, 2013. They have named him Awais Ahmed Khan. Nasreen Akhtar Sahiba of Georgia/ SC was blessed with Jannat Iman Hajira Khan Sahiba of Georgia/SC was blessed with Maya. Bushra Waseem Sahiba of Georgia/SC was blessed with Aroosa. Mr. and Mrs. Bilal Nayyar of Queens, New York were blessed with their second child, a boy. Mr. & Mrs. Rizwan Hamid of Queens New York, were blessed with a baby boy. Nasir and Madiha Rana of Boston gave birth to a baby girl named Anaya Nasir Rana on February 14, 2013. Anaya is the granddaughter of Fazal and Mubarika Rana, who also reside in the Boston Chapter. Ahmad and Asmat Rana from the Boston Chapter gave birth to a baby boy named Omer Rana on April 10,2013. Omer is the grandson of Fazal and Mubarika Rana. Navid Malik and Munawara Malik of Houston North were blessed with a baby girl, Nyla Musleha Eesha Malik on April 29th 2013. Shakeela Azhar of Silver Spring had a baby girl. Amina Iqbal Khan of Silver Spring had a baby boy. Sadqa Nasir of Silver Spring had a baby boy. Saima Song of Silver Spring had a baby girl. Lajna Matters 2nd Quarter Issue, 2013 36 of 36

Lajna Matters

21 Jamadi’ul Awwal 1434 - 21 Sha’ban 1434 Issue 2 - 2013 April - June 2013

A quarterly publication of Lajna Ima‘illah and Nasiratul Ahmadiyya, USA

An Auxiliary of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Views expressed in this publication are not necessarily the views of

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

This issue of the Lajna Matters was compiled under the guidance of National Sadr Sahiba, Saliha Malik and with assistance from the National Lajna Publications Team. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Lajna Matters Publications Team:

Farzana Safiullah Publications Secretary [email protected]

Bushra Mirza Editor, Lajna Matters [email protected]

Durre Sharif Associate Editor, Lajna Matters

Aeman Bashir Layout, Lajna Matters

Raazia Riffat Layout, Jalsa Bulletin

Mabroor Jattalla Urdu Section, Lajna Matters [email protected]

Lajna Ima’illah USA

Jalsa Bulletin June 2013

Purpose of Jalsa Salana In This issue …the primary purpose of this Convention is to enable every sincere individual to personally experience Welcome to Jalsa religious benefits; They may enhance their knowledge and Salana –due to their being blessed and enabled by Allah, The Exalted- their perception [of Allah] may progress. Among its secondary benefits is that this congregational meeting Information for together will promote mutual introduction among all guests brothers, and it will strengthen the fraternal ties within this Community... Discipline in Jalsa (Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo’ah Ishtiharat Vol. 1, Page 340) Gah Not an Ordinary Convention It is essential for all those who can afford to Children’s Jalsa undertake the journey, that they must come to attend this Gah Convention which embodies many blessed objectives. They should disregard minor inconveniences in the cause of Allah and His Prophetsaw. Allah yields reward to the Hazri Nigrani sincere persons at every step of their way, and no labor and The Promised Messiah and Mehdi as (volunteering) hardship, undertaken in His way, ever goes to waste. I re- Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad emphasize that you must not rank this convention in the same league as other, ordinary, human assemblies. This is a phenomenon that is based Booths purely on the Divine Help, for propagation of Islam... (Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo`ah Ishtiharat Vol. I, Page 341) Ladies Session Prayer Jalsa Program I conclude with the prayer that everyone who travels for [attending] this Convention that is for the sake of Allah: May Allah, the Exalted, be with him, reward him in abundant measure, have mercy on him, ease up for Annual Jalsa Salana USA him his circumstances of hardship and anxiety and eliminate his anguish June 28th-June 30th 2013 and grief. May He grant him freedom from every single hardship and lay open for him the ways of [achieving] his cherished goals, and raise him up, Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex on the Day of Judgment, among those of His servants who are the recipients of His blessings and Mercy. May He be their Guardian in their 2800 North Cameron St absence until after their journey comes to an end. O Allah! O Sublime One Harrisburg, PA 17110-9443 and Bestower of bounties, the Ever Merciful and One Who Resolves all problems, do grant all these prayers, and grant us Victory over our opponents with scintillating signs, because You alone have all the prowess and power. Ameen! Ameen!! (Ishtihar 7 Dec. 1892, Majmoo`ah Ishtiharat Vol. I, Page 342)

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Message from National Secretary Tarbiyat

Dear Sisters,

Assalamo alaikum warahmatullahe wabarakatuhu,

In a few weeks’ time, Ahmadis from all over the USA will come together once again for a gathering that is ‘no ordinary gathering’, i.e. the gathering that is known as Jalsa Salana.

While Jalsa also provides an opportunity to connect with family and friends, please remind sisters of the importance of Jalsa Salana. Stress the importance of ZikreIllahi (remembrance of Allah) in silence and practice maintaining prayerful silence in your Lajna meetings. Alhumdulillah, we have improved our discipline in the Ladies Jalsa Gah, but we must continue to make further progress.

In addition, please remember the following:  Observance of silence  Purdah, dressing appropriately and modestly for prayers and in public gatherings  Training children to sit quietly in meetings and maintaining cleanliness of the place  Not wasting food and recycling efforts

May Allah Ta'ala bless all who attend Jalsa Salana for His sake and accept the prayers of the Promised Messiahas in their favor. Ameen.

Aziza Rahman, National Tarbiyat Secretary

Guidelines for Discipline in Main Jalsa Gah

In order to serve all guests coming to Jalsa a number of arrangements shall be in place. The following is an outline/guidance for the convenience of all participants. We are humbly requesting your prayers and cooperation for the success of this blessed event in every respect.

Please keep the following pointers in mind!

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Etiquette at Jalsa

 Members of the hospitality team will receive all  During the proceedings of the Jalsa please guests upon arrival at Jalsa Gah remain seated  The registration desk will close 15 minutes before  Refrain from standing in the doorways during the Friday Khutba (sermon) and will resume the Jalsa proceedings function immediately after the Salat. Please wait in  If you arrive late, please find a seat in the back the designated area next to the registration desk (if to avoid disturbing others you arrive late) until the sermon and salat are over.  Keep all outerwear, including long coats, Chairs and mats will be provided to all guests in the folded. Place shoes in the reusable bags waiting area to perform salat  Those seated in the front rows of main Jalsa  Upon hearing the Adhan, walk quietly to the Gah shall keep their belongings behind them to seating/salat area and engage yourself in Zikr-e-Ilahi keep the area in front of the stage clear i.e., remembrance of Allah  No food will be allowed into the main Jalsa  The Khutba is part of the salat. Please observe Gah. Eat your meals inside the dining area silence during Khutba  According to Hadith “Cleanliness is half of  After you complete your prayer, wait quietly for faith”. Help keep the Jalsa premises clean those who are still praying  Use the garbage containers provided  Members not performing salat should go to area C throughout the Jalsa Gah to dispose of garbage and maintain silence  Do not unnecessarily remain in the corridors  In order for Jalsa volunteers to perform salat, Lajna during the Jalsa proceedings from area C will be requested to substitute for  During the Jalsa we are presenting our volunteers stationed at the main Jalsa Gah gate community to the world at large. Let us try to  Do not leave gap(s) in rows during Salat leave a positive impression by disciplined  At all times during the Jalsa, keep all your valuable conduct belongings, including purses, with you  Modesty must be guarded at all times – before,  Listen attentively to Jalsa speeches during, and after the Jalsa without engaging in unnecessary conversations  Remember to wear comfortable shoes, as the  Cell phones should be either switched off or put Jalsa Gah is quite big! on vibrate during sessions. Kindly keep your cell  Please cooperate with volunteers serving you phones stored away and refrain from using them for for Allah’s sake only texting, games or other distractions during the proceedings Jazak’Allah Ahsanal Jazaa

May Allah Ta'ala bless all those attending Jalsa Salana purely for His sake, and may He grant prayers of the Promised Messiahas in their favor. Ameen.

Amatul Hai Ahmad Naib Sadr II

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Children’s Jalsa Gah (CJG)

The Children’s Jalsa Gah is the area designated for mothers with children 7 years and under. If children over the age of 7 accompany mothers with children between 7 and 10 years, the older children will also sit with the mother in the Children’s Jalsa Gah.

The Children’s Jalsa Gah (CJG) will be divided into 2 sections: 1. Less than 4 years (Zone A, B, and C) 2. 4 years and above (Zone D and E)

 Mothers with children who fall under both categories (Children under 4 and above 4) will be seated in Zone A, Zone B, or Zone C.  Please remain in your designated area at all times, especially on Saturday, as this will ensure that your child gets a turn to visit our activity area.  On Saturday as it is a full day, after you are seated, a colored ID bracelet will be given to your child for the activity area. Ensure that your child wears the ID bracelet at all times. Please put your child’s name, your name, and a cell phone number on it.  As soon as you see your ID bracelet color prompted on the screen, you will quietly hand over your child to the volunteers who will escort them to the proper designated activity area.  Refrain from forming groups in the CJG area as it creates disturbance for the members listening to the Jalsa proceedings.  Sit in an orderly manner to ensure quick formation of lines for Salat.  Although some small snacks will be provided during activities, it is recommended that you come prepared with your child’s special needs (i.e. Non-crumbly snack, formula, milk, bottled water, diapers, and medicines, etc.).  Please stay with your child at all times except when they are taken to the Activity Area.

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Stroller Area:  A designated stroller area will also be provided for your convenience. This area will be adjacent to the area marked “Under 4 years”  A stroller tag will be provided.  Stroller Areas will be marked Zone A, Zone B, Zone C, and Zone D  Zone D is specially designated for mothers who arrive with sleeping children. Mothers will be able to sit with their children keeping them in the stroller until they wake up and you will go to the designated area.

Nursing Area:  For your convenience an enclosed nursing area will be provided for feeding and changing diapers.  Refrain from changing diapers in the Children’s Jalsa Gah area as unwrapped diapers are a health hazard.

Elderly Resting Area:  Elders will have a separate resting area where they can go if they are tired.  The Children’s Jalsa Gah Team requests mothers to listen to the program with attention and refrain from engaging in unnecessary conversation, text messaging or use of cell phones etc. Kindly cooperate with volunteers to make everyone’s experience spiritual, pleasant and full of blessings!

Activity Center  Some structured activities for children in the 4-8yrs age range will be available.  These areas will only be open during the Saturday Jalsa proceedings. Mothers must remain in the Children’s Jalsa Gah while their children are occupied in the Activity Center. This is not a babysitting service.  Volunteers will coordinate entry to these areas through segmented zones to give all children equal time to participate in the activities. Members will be seated on first come first serve basis. We will do our best to accommodate as many children as capacity allows

Sabiha Ijaz, Nazima, Children’s Jalsa Gah

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Hazri Nigrani – Volunteers Needed!

Jazak’Allah to all those volunteers who have already made a commitment to serve during Jalsa 2013. If you were unable to send in your name, it is still not too late! Please visit the Hazri Nigrani booth to sign up once you arrive at the Jalsa. We urge you to avail yourselves of this opportunity to reap the benefits from serving during this auspicious gathering. May Allah shower you with His countless Blessings and reward you abundantly for your time and efforts, Ameen. Henna Jaffry, Nazima Hazri Nigrani

Lajna Ziafat at Jalsa Salana USA 2013

“This is for you and for your Dervishes who are with you”

In 1874, Hadhrat Masih-e-Maudas saw in a dream an angel in the resemblance of a boy seated on an elevated platform, holding a pure “Nan” - loaf of bread, which was very bright and quite large. He gave this to the Promised Messiahas and said, 'This is for you and for your Dervishes who are with you.' He saw this dream in 1874 at a time when he was not at all known nor had he put forth any claim and nor was there any group of Dervishes. The Promised Messiahas stated, “I had interpreted the “Nan”- Loaf of Bread as meaning that God Himself will provide for me and for my followers and that we will not be rendered anxious on account of lack of provision. This has been the case over a long number of years.” Roti Plant in Dar ul Ziafat, Qadian, India This glad tiding was the basis for the initiation of the blessed Institution of Langar Khana also known as Dar-ul-Ziafat, which was established in Qadian for the nourishment of all who came to him and to deliver mankind from evil. With the Grace of Allah, this institution has expanded across the globe. This is not an ordinary institution and the Promised Messiah’sas objective to establish “Langar Khana Masih-e-Maud” was to ensure that those who travel in search of truth and guidance are well taken care of, not only spiritually but also physically.

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We all are the greatest beneficiaries of this Wisdom of the Holy Prophetsaw regarding divine promise. There are great consumption of food. opportunities to reap and enjoy the Washing the hands and mouth before and blessings from this special Langar Khana after a meal adds to the beneficence of God. for all of us. In order to honor the great The dish most acceptable in the sight of Allah passion of hospitality of Hazrat Masih-e- is one, which is shared by many. Maudas, we, the members of Ziafat team welcome all the honored guests of the When a person eats sparingly he fills his Promised Messiahas. We are very delighted inside with light. and eager to serve you at our Jalsa Salana, When any of you begins to eat he/she should USA. In order to serve you in the best pronounce the name of Allah, the Exalted. manner, we request you humbly to read (Abu Daud and Tirmidhi) the following guidelines prior to attending ‘All praise is due to Allah, Who has given me Jalsa Salana, USA 2013. this to eat and provided it for me without any effort on my part or any power.’ Reference taken from {Tadkhira p.23 (1874) and “Life Of Ahmad as” by Who eats a meal and says this at the end, will A.R.Dard} have all his preceding sins forgiven. (Tirmidhi) The Ziafat Hall The Ziafat area will be divided into three sections:

Guests with children under 7 years of age, elderly in wheelchairs ● All the guests meeting the above criterion will be seated in the pink area. (Guests not meeting the requirement will be requested to proceed to the Yellow (general) area). Pink Area ● Please follow the signs to reach the pink area. ● An area would be designated for the guests in wheelchairs only. Please follow the direction from discipline volunteers. To ensure smooth traffic flow all the other guests are requested to proceed to the tables at the back, which usually have ample room. ● For your convenience food will be served on the tables. General dining Area

Yellow Area ● Please follow the signs to reach the yellow area. ● To ensure smooth traffic flow all the guests are requested to proceed to the tables at the back, which usually have ample room to accommodate guests Special needs guests, dignitaries, and guests visiting from other countries Green Area ● All the guests meeting the above criterion will be provided a sticker to dine in the Green Area. Please follow the signs to reach the green area

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General Information  Food will be served in bowls or boxes based on the menu. Food will be available at serving Guests are humbly requested to: stations for additional servings. ● Read the food description signs and avoid ● Guests arriving at Jalsa Gah after travel or those opening boxes at the serving tables. with a medical condition and in need of food ● Be mindful of not wasting food or drink. during Jalsa proceedings will have a designated ● Dispose of all trash properly in the area to eat in the Ziafat hall. trashcans. ● Comment cards will be available at Dafter ● Proceed to the main Jalsa Gah soon after Ziafat. We will appreciate your suggestions and finishing your meal to make room for other comments. guests. ● In case of a complaint, please contact Dafter ● Cooperate with ALL volunteers and help Ziafat. them with your prayers. Mubarika Shah, Nazima Ziafat

Security The Lajna security team, with the help of Allah, strives to make your Jalsa experience a safe and secure one. ● Please be prepared to have your bags checked. ● At times, there may be long lines, we ask for your patience. ● As previously, photography is not permitted in the Jalsa gah. Please refrain from doing so to maintain hayaa and modesty. ● Pocket knives and scissors are not permitted in the Jalsa gah. ● Please have your Jalsa badges clearly visible. ● If guests notice any suspicious activity at the Jalsa gah, please report it to the nearest security volunteer on duty. ● Please continue your prayers for the success of the Jalsa. ● There will only be a limited amount of wheelchairs available for transportation. They cannot be kept with you. If you need wheelchairs for your use throughout the Jalsa, please bring your own. Instructions for Security Volunteers Jazak’Allah for volunteering in the security department. Please check with your naiba regarding your specific responsibilities. To check in for your shift at Jalsa, please report to the main security desk at the Lajna Jalsa gah one half hour prior to your shift starting. Please do not leave your assigned post in the Jalsa gah at anytime unless notified by your naiba. Meanwhile, if you have any questions regarding your responsibilities, please contact Maiza Rahman at [email protected].

Jazakumullah for your cooperation,

Farzana Safiullah, Nazima Security

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Jalsa Salana is an opportunity for us to host the guests of the Promised Messiahas and strengthen our relationships as Welcoming New Ahmadi sisters in faith. During this time we should remember and Sisters to Jalsa Salana demonstrate the following points. Once again, please begin 1. Holy Quran: “Those who believe and do good works- encouraging the New Sisters in happiness is decreed for them, and an excellent place your Majlis to attend this year’s Jalsa Salana, in Harrisburg, of return” (Al-Ra’d 13:30). th saw Pennsylvania from June 28 - 2. Wisdom of the Holy Prophet : When someone June 30th. The registration page visits you, do honor to him. is up and running: 3. The Ninth Condition of Bai’at: “That he/she shall keep himself/herself occupied in the service of God’s http://www.ahmadiyya.us/jalsa creatures for His sake only and shall endeavor towards the beneficence of mankind to the best of Nau Mubaiyat Secretary

his/her God-given abilities and powers.”

Insha’Allah, our guests attending Jalsa Salana will find it an everlasting spiritual experience well spent amongst the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

As we prepare for the 65th Jalsa Salana, please remember that this is the perfect opportunity to invite our Tabligh contacts to share in the blessings of this spiritual gathering. Jalsa allows us to rejuvenate our allegiance to the Promised Messiahas and strengthen our relationships as sisters in faith.

A Google document has been created for you to provide the Lajna Hospitality team with the name of your invited guest/s, contact information and to indicate if accommodation is needed. The information will be shared with the jama’at for registration & security purposes.

Please note: If your guests require accommodations, the jamaat has reserved hotel rooms for guests of the Promised Messiahas, which are available on a first-come first-served basis. Also, if your guests require financial help to attend Jalsa, please utilize your local Tabligh funds. If you need additional financial assistance, the Jamaat National Tabligh Department has a limited budget that can support travel and accommodation, on a case-by-case basis. We will contact you if you request accommodations. On behalf of the Lajna hospitality team we look forward to greeting you and your guests.

Dhiya Bakr, Nazima, Hospitality

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The Lajna Fundraising Booth is located in the outer spine of the large arena. Please look for signs to find us. Again this year you will find many exciting food items in our Lajna Fundraising area. We will have Pizza, Kulfis, drinks, samosas, Papri Chaat, faloodah, candy/snacks, etc. Bring lots of small bills so you do not hold up the lines. We are only open when the Jalsa sessions are closed. We do request that all Lajna members throw their trash in the trashcans and keep the area clean. Please make lines for buying the food items and do not jump the lines. It would be greatly appreciated.

Bushra Malik, Nazima Fundraising

First Aid Booth

This year, Sihate-jismani will once again be running a free medical consultation booth, in addition to taking care of your emergency medical needs. Our doctors will be devoting their time and expertise to give you one on one consultations and much more. Please bring any medications that you are currently taking to your consultation. We can also provide second opinions to your family doctor’s recommendations for your health. Medical consultations will only be available with blood pressure and blood sugar screening on Saturday evening after Jalsa session, until Salatul Maghrib and Isha. The First Aid booth will be open in both Lajna and Children’s Jalsa gah, Insha’Allah.

Please e-mail at [email protected] so that we can make sure that you get an appointment and your specific questions are answered. We would appreciate it if you could explain briefly what medical specialty you are looking for or what kind of medical problem you want to address during your consultation. Jazak’Allah.

Dr. Tahira Khalid, Nazima First Aid Booth

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Be sure to check out the Lajna Bookstall at Jalsa Salana 2013.

We have an excellent selection of books waiting for you, Insha’Allah. We look forward to seeing & serving you. ************************* Naseerah Bhatti, Nazima Bookstall

Waqfe Nau Booth This year again at Jalsa Salana the Waqfe Nau Department is arranging their booth to provide guidance to Waqifat and their mothers. All Waqifat and their mothers are encouraged to visit the booth. If your contact information has changed recently, please update your records at the booth. Our volunteers will guide you regarding Waqfe Nau numbers, Rededication, syllabus and career workshop. JazakAllah. Mabroor Jattala, Nazima Waqfe Nau.

National Exhibition/Handicraft

Local Presidents are requested to make sure that the donations collected are of excellent quality. Please remind your local Secretaries that we would rather have a few quality items versus a box full of stuff no one will purchase. Please inspect all of the donations carefully following the guidelines provided below. Package items and label boxes with the chapter and Lajna President's name. Deliver the package as early as possible. We will be there to receive donations by Thursday morning, June 27th, 2013. When dropping off items/boxes, please make an effort to come to the Exhibition stall and deliver to a Naiba personally rather than just leaving it in the stall.

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Requested Items List

1. Burqas, light weight coats (New) 2. Shalwar kameez outfits (New only - absolutely no used/slightly used items) 3. Scarves, shawls, prayer caps, hijabs 4. Fabric, Trims, buttons, appliques, laces etc. Please measure the fabric and label it (e.g. 2yds L/45" W). 5. Accessories/Jewelry (hair accessories, costume jewelry, bangle/bracelets, packaged makeup) 6. Handbags, shoes, sandals 7. Tablecloths, runners, mats, cushions, cushion covers, frames, small decorative items, wall art, etc. 8. Saunf. You can send either in bulk or in Ziploc snack size packets. 9. Monetary donations.


We have had great success with our "Mehndi application" booth at Jalsa. It would be a great help if more members who know this art form volunteer for a shift or two. Those who are interested, please contact me. All activities take place only during the Jalsa breaks.

Kaffan Kits Volunteers There will be a limited amount of Kaffan Kits available at the stall. These can be purchased at the cost of $30-$35 each. Please come and register on time and Competition find out your work shift. You will be Following are the four categories of the handicraft competition: provided a badge, which must be turned 1. Sewing in at the completion of a. This year please make a combination burqa/coat with scarf in your duty. Local this category. We will not enter any other item for this handicraft secretaries competition. (if attending the Jalsa), 2. Knitting/Crochet should try to volunteer a. You can knit or crochet items of your choice, like baby suits, for at least one shift to sweaters, scarves, ponchos, hats, Afghans, blankets, etc. get some hands on 3. Embroidery experience. a. Embroider an outfit, table runners, napkins, wall hangings, cushion covers, etc. 4. Handicrafts a. Choose any project locally, like floral arrangements, wreaths, decorative boxes, paintings, stain glass, mosaics, etc.

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Each chapter is allowed to submit one item per category.

The criteria for judging will be based on: 1. First impression 2. Design and style 3. Color combination 4. Neatness and finishing

All competition items must be submitted before Juma Prayers on Friday, June 28th, 2013 to be eligible.

As always, call or email me with any of your concerns or comments. I am more than happy to assist in any way I can.

Ansa Rehmatullah, National Sanatodastakari Secretary Email: [email protected]

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Rishta Nata Program at the Jalsa Salana USA For Marriageable Candidates and their Families

This year at Jalsa Salana, USA, a Rishta Nata Program will be held for marriageable candidates and their families, Insha’Allah. Families/candidates will be encouraged to introduce themselves within the Islamic traditions of Purdah. The program details are as follows:

Date: Friday, June 28, 2013 Time: 7:30 PM Location: Banquet Hall

On-line registration for the program is strongly recommended. Please register at Online Registration for Rishta Nata Jalsa Event

Pre-registration will help identify potential matches before the jalsa. The candidates already registered with the Rishta Nata Department do not need to register again. However, they are requested to indicate their intention to attend by sending an email to [email protected]

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Lajna Ages 15-25

Saturday June 29 6:00 pm Keystone Delaware & Allegheny Conference Rooms

Please RSVP by June 15 [email protected]

Enjoy an evening of activities, dinner and friends.

Ruqaiya Asad, Nazima Social (Lajna Ages 15-25)

65th USA JALSA SALANA, PROGRAM – LADIES SESSION Saturday, June 29, 2013 PA Farm Show Complex & Expo Center, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Saturday Morning Session Saturday Afternoon Session

Presided by: Saliha Malik, Sadr, Presided by: Saliha Malik, Sadr Lajna Imaillah-USA Lajna Imaillah-USA

10:30 AM Recitation from the Holy Qur’an 3:45 PM Recitation from the Holy Qur’an with Urdu & English Translation with Urdu & English Translation Poem with English Translation Poem with English Translation

11:00 Attribute of Allah – Al Nur 4:15 Finding God in Everyday Life Dhiya Bakr (Zion) Salma Azam (Research Triangle)

11:20 Holy Prophet’s saw Example of 4:35 The Road Less Traveled Tolerance Terez Varkonyi (Philadelphia) Wajeeha Choudhary (Philadelphia) 4:55 Welcome New Ahmadis / Group Poem 11:40 Poem with English Translation 5:10 “We have heard a crier calling 12:00 Raising Children in Today’s World unto faith” - The Early Years (English) – Sadaf Saliha Malik, Sadr Lajna Imaillah Ijaz (San Diego) USA Raising Children in Today’s World – Preteens and Beyond (Urdu) – 5:30 Announcements Namoode Sahar Rahman (Houston South)

12:30 Talent Awards

Nasirat Group Poem

1:15 Announcements 1:30 Salat-ul-Zuhr & Salat-ul-Asr and Lunch