IPAM Newsletter Fall 2016 IPAM Newsletter Fall 2016 • 3 UCLA POSTDOC LEADS STUDENTS ACROSS the IPAM BRIDGE
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Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics a National Science Foundation Math Institute ANNUAL at the University of California, Los Angeles FALL 2016 LEADERNEWSLETTER IN NOVEL MATERIALS DISCOVERY ENJOYS INTERDISCIPLINARY SUPPORT AT IPAM The importance of advanced new Pople). A computational method widely Scheffler has been at the center of these materials was recognized by the Obama employed for decades in solid-state physics, advances: His research group in Berlin administration in 2011 when it launched DFT has been refined in recent years to the (together with the group of Volker Blum, the Materials Genome Initiative – a multi- extent that it is now considered an accurate who is now professor at Duke University), agency endeavor aiming to accelerate the and computationally tractable method contributed what is currently the most discovery and deployment of advanced for calculating essentially all properties materials systems. Matthias Scheffler, a of matter. The method is increasingly director of the Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin used in industry, such as in research and and professor at UC Santa Barbara, is among development of pharmaceuticals, chemicals the leaders of the basic science effort to use and catalysts, and diverse engineering computational materials science to solve industries. “We can not only calculate equations that could lead to novel materials existing materials, but also make predictions discovery. Through his involvement with the about completely unknown materials, Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics their stability and their properties, which (IPAM), Scheffler is building momentum may become experimentally and even for the endeavor by bringing together commercially useful,” Scheffler says. “The colleagues from around the world. number of so far unexplored materials is practically infinite. Thus, there is no doubt Density Functional Theory (DFT) dates that in the next years scientists will identify back more than a half-century to work new materials with novel property profiles by Walter Kohn, together with Pierre that could open new opportunities in fields Hohenberg and Lu Sham, that would later such as energy, mobility, safety, information, Matthias Scheffler earn him a Nobel Prize (shared with John and health.” Fritz Haber Institute (continued on page 7) INGRID DAUBECHIES GIVES GREEN FAMILY LECTURES IPAM’s 2016 Green Family Lecture Series, used to determine whether a painting is an held in May, featured Ingrid Daubechies, original, or whether or not two parts of a James B. Duke Professor of Mathematics painting were painted by the same artist. Her and Electrical and Computer Engineering second talk, “Bones, Teeth, and Animation,” at Duke University. Daubechies was the described how distances between pairs of president of the International Mathematical two-dimensional surfaces (such as teeth) Union from 2011-2014. She has received allow biological morphologists to compare many awards for her pioneering work on different phenotypical structures and to wavelets, digital signal processing, and study relationships of living or extinct time-frequency analysis. Applications of animals with their surroundings and each her work range from fMRI and geophysics other. She also gave a research talk to to paleontology and fine art painting. the participants of the Culture Analytics program. You can watch videos of her Ingrid Daubechies Her first talk, entitled “The Master’s Hand: Duke University talks on IPAM’s YouTube channel or at Can Image Analysis Detect the Hand of the www.ipam.ucla.edu/videos. n Photo by David von Becker Master?” described image processing tools FEATURES REGULARS OTHER New RIPS Program Director 2 Director’s Note 2 Upcoming Programs 6 UCLA Postdoc Leads Students 3 News and Recognition 4 Call for Proposals 6 Big Data Meets Computation 8 Frontiers Society 5 NOTE FROM DIRECTOR RUSSEL CAFLISCH Over the last year, IPAM brought together on innovation. This diversity of topics was of individual workshops, IPAM received mathematical scientists, engineers, social mirrored in IPAM’s one-week workshops on grants from the AFOSR, ARO, ONR and scientists, humanists and artists for two Algebraic Geometry for Coding Theory and the NSF’s Office of International Science long programs on Culture Analytics and Cryptography, Shape Analysis and Learning, and Engineering. In addition, two IPAM Traffic Flow Management. These programs Partial Order, Uncertainty Quantification, workshops were supported by the DOE and put IPAM at the center of the rapidly and Energy Economics. NIH. We are most grateful to the individuals expanding application of mathematics to the and institutions who have contributed to humanities, social sciences and civil systems, This has also been a banner year for this fundraising success. by addressing issues such as the formation IPAM’s fundraising. To support child- and influence of online social networks, the care for participants, renovation of our I hope that you enjoy this Newsletter and representation and analysis of data, and the building and other costs that our main that you will stay involved with IPAM. future of self-driving cars, as well as the routes NSF grant cannot cover, to increase our Participating in a program or workshop, to collaboration among such a diverse group. program offerings, and to diversify our attending a public lecture, joining our The programs were preceded by workshops financial support, IPAM seeks funding Frontiers Society or naming a seat in our on Networks for the Humanities in 2010 and from individuals, corporations, foundations seminar room are just a few of the ways that 2011, Mathematics of Traffic Flow in 2011, and other government agencies. Our 15th you can further engage with IPAM. n and Social Learning in 2014, which helped Anniversary Campaign exceeded its goal IPAM get started in these fields. of $100,000, much of which came through donations to “name a seat” in our seminar Last year was also notable for outstanding room. About thirty seats were named, public lectures, including the 2016 Green leaving sixty remaining seats for anyone Family Lectures by Ingrid Daubechies who missed out on this opportunity! IPAM on mathematics for art and for biological also received a new grant from the Simons morphology, a public lecture by Takashi Foundation for almost $1,000,000 over the Tokieda on the mathematics and art of paper next 5 years to support our video facility and Russel Caflisch folding, and a talk by Sadasivan Shankar senior program participants. For support IPAM Director APPLIED MATHEMATICIAN LEADS IPAM PROGRAM PROVIDING UNDERGRADUATES WITH REAL-WORLD RESEARCH EXPERIENCE program to bring numericists and applied reliable numerical approximations for mathematicians together with physicists to physical models represented by nonlinear gain a better understanding of astrophysical partial differential equations. She has made phenomena. By the time she left, she knew she important contributions to the fields of would be returning regularly. “IPAM has had computational fluid dynamics and plasma a huge impact on my career,” says Serna, an physics through the analysis and development associate professor at Universitat Autònoma of high-order, accurate and non-oscillatory de Barcelona in Barcelona, Spain. “I have met numerical methods for hyperbolic so many interesting people I never would conservation laws and Hamilton-Jacobi have met at the typical meetings I attend, and equations, the characterization and numerical it’s made such a difference in my work.” approximation of the complex wave structure Susana Serna (pictured in center) arising in magnetohydrodynamics (a model Autonomous U. of Barcelona An applied mathematician who specializes in numerical analysis, Serna is particularly describing the dynamics of fluids in the Susana Serna first boarded the long interested in physics and engineering presence of a magnetic field), granular flows, flight to Los Angeles for a meeting at applications. “My goal is to provide accurate and special relativistic flows under non- UCLA’s Institute for Pure and Applied and effective simulations of physical processes standard equations of state. Mathematics in 2005, fresh from having to contribute to a better understanding of the defended her PhD dissertation. Serna phenomena behind them,” she explains. Since visiting IPAM for the first time more participated in Grand Challenge Problems in than a decade ago, Serna has returned seven Computational Astrophysics – the first IPAM To get there, Serna focuses on developing times to participate in a variety of programs, (continued on next page) 2 • IPAM Newsletter Fall 2016 IPAM Newsletter Fall 2016 • 3 UCLA POSTDOC LEADS STUDENTS ACROSS THE IPAM BRIDGE Stephen DeSalvo is a Program in Computing For the advanced programming class, the School of Economics in Moscow. It involved (PIC) instructor in the math department students typically create their own game a relatively small amount of data, which at UCLA over a 6-week period. This time, however, was generally drawn by hand using global I invited the students to meet the IPAM intuition. There were two groups working IPAM is a bridge connecting mathematicians visiting researchers and gave them the independently on this project, one starting and specialists in other fields. I crossed it option to work on the researchers’ projects. from the ground up, and another using black myself numerous times in various stages of box tools like R. Each project provided a my career, first as a participant in Research One of the IPAM