FIRST HOME (iAME HERE FRIDAY Red Arrows! NOVEMBER SO . WITH (.OimiN OL Established June, 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1956 Number 3

Many Distinguished Guests Gas Station Ordinance Shoots Deer Near Lowell Opening Day More Books ... Better Service Provisions Repealed Alto Resident, Dies New Elementary Building To Be In 1951, Says Attorney Mrs. Agnes Belle Casper. 90. of Lowell Village and Township to Join Alto, passed away Sunday evening Village attorney. Richard Van- at the Peet Nursing Home in Dedicated Sunday, December 2nd derVeen told the village council Library Service with Kent County Caledonia. Jessup, will play several selections, Monday night that the provisions At the council meeting on Mon- has been paid from fees received The Lowell Board of Education Funeral services were held Wed- as will the high school and grade restricting the building of gasoline day night. G. R, Thompson, chair- by the library. Lowell Township will honor Its president when form- nesday afternoon, at Cross-Miller school choirs, dlrocted by Law- service stations In the village was man of village library committee | has operated a library in the al dedication of the now elementary fur^ral home in Caledonia; mter- rence DeWitt. Ann Mane Alexander repealed by the building and zon- was given authority to complete | township building. school building Is held Sunday. | ment at Bowne Center cemetery. will accompany the high school ing ordinance of 1951. negotiations with the township oh In joining the Kent County Li- December 2. at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Casper is survived by a group, and Nila Hesche the grade Since no ordinance prohibits this L/iwell to split the cost of joining brary organization Lowell will Carlton H. Runclman. sr.. who sister. Mrs. Sara Stauffer of Alto. school choir. construction, the village will have Village-Township facilities have access to many more books has been a member of the Board and several nioces and nephews. Appropriate fereetings will be ex- with the Kent County Library or-; which are nit a ted between libraries of -Education since 1921, and Its to take no action to allow a major tended by Peter Speerstra. as pres- ganlzation. This plan has been un- in the county. Special services are president the past 31 years, has oil company to construct a new ident of the village, and Stephen der study for several months and available such as a Saturday been honored by the board which station. liOwell Moose S. Nlsbet. sr.. of Fremont on be- has now reached the final stages, t morning children's hour to inter- voted to name the new 5349 thous- Present at the meeting was The library for many years has'est the young patrons in taking and dollar structure "Runclman half of the State Board of Edu- Vem Armstrong who told the | Still Need Toys cation. l»een operated jointly by the vil- advantage of library facilities. A Elementary School." council that he felt Lowell had Dr. Eugene Elliott, president of! plenty of service stations. For Santa's Shop lage and the school, with librarian j selection of movie films are avail- Gerald Rollins, vice-president of Eastern Michigan College at Ypsi-1 costs shared. The village has fur- able for use in the home or for Bob Wolf, chairman of the luowell the school board, will dlticuss lantK and Dr. Clair Tavlor. Super-j nished the building: light and heal group programs. Moose Civic Affairs Committee, "Naming of the School" as a part intemlent of Public Instruction, will Dr, Quirk Gives ; ' | The village and township will be states they still need usable and I of the fine proRram which has also bo called uixmi to speak to| | obliged to provide a building, light, {repairable toys for their "Oprra- Mrs. Addle Campbell. been planned. The HlRh school the dedlcatlon-day audience. Botany Collection | heat and telephone, this yearly band, under the direction of Orval I The main address of dedication tion Santa ciaus" work shop beinc 89 Buried Thursday •cost is estimated at $1,500 shared ' will be given by Dr. Donald Currie. To University matntniiM-d „ both ,ho Roo..Lo,v,u At whtawyvfe Cemetery • on a 60-40 basis with the township. Company and the Lewis Electric who Is Director of Placement at Dr. B. E. Quick, a retired pro- The coun, would shop Mrs, Addle Campbell. a life y provide the 11- Swarthoul Slory j Eastern Michigan College. fessor of biology and botany — 1,1 n 00 18 Persons willing to donate items to resldem of this area, passed away, p™','[if 'j * - i Also listed on the program are and a I/iwell native—has present- 1 Miss Rutherford, the present this worthy annual drive should Tuesday. November 13 in Lowell. ntr .vu.... .um. me ptoctu Has Been Filmed • Miss Marlon Bushnell and Pat ed his outstanding collection of contact any Moose member, or call Mrs, Campbell, who was 89 year.- i™"8"; would ^ JT'"^ ',y Glendon Swarthout, a Lowell Crowe. Miss Bushnell. first grade botanical and biology specimens the Lewis Electric shop for pick- of age, was hon, at WhitneyvUle 'ho In""d <* ^ native, now professor of commun- teacher In the new building, will Hours of the library would be ad- to the Mus- up. Their phone number is TW7- in Cascade township on April 10. ications skills at Michigan State 'make a "presentation", and Mr. justed as the need arises, the vil- eum. 7137. 18fi7, She was the daughter of Crowe, a member of the archi- lage and township would be ob- Unlveretiy. • has l»een writing for Last Monday Mr. VanHaught. This drive, which has been very James and Sarah Sutphen, a pio- a Hollywood film company which tectural firm. Robinson. Campau 10 comi u bead curator of the Flowering" successful in the past, is an as- neer family In thl, locality " <; arrange- jand Crowe, and supervising archl- recently released a picture "Sev- Plant Exhibitions at the Museum, surance of a toyful, joyful Christ- The deceased was married In ,1™','°'; a •vo"r' ,h<: ™'t itect of the new structure, will pres- enth Cavalry". Not only did he and his assistant, called at Dr. mas for needy children, who other- Decemher of 1883 to Charles L V ? W"ih to f" ent the keys to the building. As help write the film story, but he Quick's home and spent hours ex- wise might have a very unexciting Campbell, a farmer a, McCords: ""'k * "'i"i""5' " wouW the final Item on the program. Mr. wrote the original work on which amlnlnR and packing the speci- day. Be sure to cooperate with he preceded her In death In June.^J*"^ "l,h ,h<, ^n,>' . .Runclman will give his speech of it was based: "A Hone for Mrs mens. which they stated were In these fellow townsmen: if it's worth a, 1940 Their only child. John. I t. 'm, """"V . ^ I acceptance. Ernie Fwin looks Just » little proud tm he poned early Thun. n l r,,r> l cf r Custer". excellent condition. fixing, it can be repaired by these passed away In January ,1 1947, a'~ l? » ? | A lour of the new building, and day morning with his kill—an 8-polnt beok that he nhot a ruuple u-j u—j nd have employed a full-time Although Glendon was bom In Mr. Quick, who is 70 years of talented gentlemen, and will make Mrs. Campbell had lived for a social hour complete with re- minute* after 7 o'clock the fintt day of the seafton. Ernie found librarian. Plnckney, he moved to Lowell some child very happy on Tues- sixty-five years at her home inj freshments served from the new ago. stated he desired to give his hlH luck very Rood Just back of hifl home on Foreman road. Hln day. December 25. McCords. A daughter-in-law. Mrs . ... . when quite small, and attended kitchen facilities, will complete the collections to the universUy inas- waa the flrwt re portal to uh ia this area. At 7:16 that Hame morn- Lena Wood, has lived with her | ond school here; in 1939 he received dedication program. much as he feared that they could ing Ben Ayertt shot a 12-polnt buck out in the (irindle drive and his bachelor of arts degree from not Im? cared for in his home in Montcalm av. area. Morrln Rlazo, unMiccewful In his northern Bears Sad Tidings to ' and cared far her the last nine: Busy Woodworicers Meet the Univenity of Michigan, and the proper manner, and—if any woods hunt, returWd Sunday evening and Monday morning xhot [years. | Mrs. Mary tot, 75 Lowell Congregational is ts Also surviving are a brother-in- The Little U omen and Busy later his master's. value should be where they an H |Mdnt buck junt a little ways from his Gulliford dr. farm. Dies Here Friday; law. Gerald Kimberly; and a sis- Woodworkers 4H clubs met for their Just recently he received the could be seen by persons interest- Doug, Steve an/! Mel Hartley, and WaHar Hall, came home Mon- The Lowell Congregational fi^s, w 1,er ter-in-law. Mrs. Hattie Sutphen. of >| meetings November 8 doctor of philosophy degree at M. Former Cafe Owner ed In botany and biology. day morning with lour alee de«r draped Over their car. They were church heard sad news from Dr. 3 i Belding; and several nieces, neph-. ' ^Prgeiines town hall. S. U. He has done advertising Among his donations were col- bunting In the Upper PenhMUla. Harold Skidmore of Lansing, when lc 1 Mrs. Mary (Norris) Post, age ews and cousins. I '^ meetings will be held on the work at Detroit, has toured South lections of plants and insects he addressed the morning services rs 75, passed away here Friday, No- The funeral services were held ^ ' Thursday of each month by America writing for 26 Michigan which he made when a high school Sunday. Dr. Skidmore. State Su- Ihp 411 an ivember 16. following a brief 111- Christmas WoHishop Thursday afternoon, November 15. d Handicraft is newspapers, he has been at Mich- student here In Lowell, under the perintendent o f Congregational- ,0 j ness. She was stricken at the home Walter Kosciecka Thursday Evening at the Cross-Miller funeral home B™"* Thursday night igan State since 1951. Instruction of Mrs. Herbert Cham- Christian churches, advised the 81 t e of her son. Maynard Norris. W. 1 at Caledonia: burial in the family 1 ^ ^all. In 1943 Swarthout published a berlain. now of Rural routp Sara- At Methodist Church Lowell congregation that the wife Highway st.. where she made her lot at WhitneyvUle. Rev.- James, Entertainment next month will novel "Willow Run" a story of the nac. Gets 30 Days of their former pastor, Mrs. Wen- A Ballard of McCords officiated at '"elude a Christmas Party Satur- residence. on , r. Christmas Workshop will bft ger of Leslie, was very seriously bomber plant, and has authored Nothing from Kent Walter Kosceckn, 29 of Route' ., , , „ f the services. . day night. December Ist. at thq | Funeral services were held Mon- h L d h( M mod ill. seveifh short stories, one which 3 Lowell, was arraigned before ,^. , hall. It was voted to allow each day afternoon at the Roth Chapel, The curator was especially , „ . „...... , ichurch rvcnins Nov(.v..,-, The many friends of th^ Wen- appeared during the past year In SCHOOL HOT LUNCH MENU [member to bring a guest. with Interment in Greenwood cem- pleased to obtain Dr. Quick's Justice Howard Rittpnger Monday ^ j, b(.tween th(, hours o[ ^ extremely saddened Colliers. m. „ .. . I Recreation committee for the etery in Grand Rapids. Rev. J. specimens Inasmuch as their mus- afternoon, and given a th.rty-da, and 9:30. hy news of her worsenins condl- The week of November 26 theiparty arp poter Mcphrrson sheila Glendon'F parents, Mr. and Mrs. sentence in the Kent County jail L „ , .. , ^ I ' Marion DeVinney officiated at the eum has "almost nothing from on disturbance last though Rev. J. Marion De-, - school hot lunch program will fea- oim. Judy OdeU. Sfiaron Griffin. Fred Swarthout, now live In How- services. for creating a msturnancdisturbancte laat;..lasll. . . , , In spitc of the grave neWR Dr Kent county." ,nnr has ated ture: ell. Glen and his wife and son re- Saturday afternoon at the Rlvei^ )f >. ? Refreshments will be by Jill Brow- Mrs. Post came to Lowell In Mr. Quick, who obtained his doc- |*'e\ Skidmore brought a very inspiring Monday chill, crackers, pickles, side at 901 Rosewood. East Lans- view tavern. everytlme two Methodists get to- er and Carol Lee Comdure. 1954. and ran the Norris Cafe until tor of philosophy in botany and message to the Lowell church, and bread and butter, cup cakes. Kosciecka, who had a loaded :her for a meeting they take up Officers for the coming year are: ing. 1941. The cafe was on Main st., biology from the University of the dinner in his honor—held Im- shot gun in his possession in the collection" there will be no Tuesday-potatoes, pork andjp^,^, McPherson. vice! Stan . where the present V. F. W. Hall Michigan In 1916, was a graduate mediately following the services— tavern, was nabbed In another I ..Jiig tak?n at this gathering/ gravx muffins jello and cookies, president Betsy McPherson; 5ecre- The film, which was previewed is now situated. of the University In 1908. He then which is a "come when you want.|was ver-v wel1 attended, Wednesday beef and noodles. Lowell tavem later that aftefnoon tary. Sheila Olin; treasurer. Judy at Lansing last week, stars Ran- Surviving are the deceased's became a professor of botany at vegetable salad, bread and butter, by Police Chief F. L. Stephens look around, browse, stay as long Odell and reporter Sharon Griffin. husband. Adam B.: two sons. May- Iowa Wesleyan College, later go- l/OWELI. DEMONSTRATION dolph Scott, and was filmed in as you wish, and visit" affair. chocolat— e. pudding. . . . a. , Mrs, Fern Olin and Mrs. Betty nard C. Norris of Lowell ard Ken- ing to Southwestern College In Kan- and Officer George Henderson. Mexico by . It Refreshments will be served, but (iBOI'F TO MEET THTRRDAV Thursday barbecues, pi c k 1 ed1Gnf(in ar,, the a„,h,n6 ^ aub neth A. Norris of Bay City; seven sas, DePauw University in Green- Mat Find Trip is a tale of the early west, near Chief Stephens stated this Is not i nothing will be for sale-just dis- The Lowell Demonstration group beets, cottage cheese. Boston'Gir| leaders. grandchildren and four great- castle. Indiana and Westminster the Little Big Horn where General Kosciecka's first trouble with Lo- P^ys of many Christmas ideas will hold their meeting Thursday. cream pie. . , . . | Sharon Griffin, reporter grandchildren: also three stepchil- College in Pennsylvania. Friday—macaroni and cheese. Custer's troops were annihilated well Police. On August 10 he was There will be 19 booths, as Nov. 29. at 11:30 a. m with Mrs, dren. Marjorie. Barbara and Brice Dr, Quick retired at the age of green beans and biscuits, fruit ...... , by Sioux Indians. The time is a charged with being disorderly and follows: Christmas cookies, b y William Collins. The lesson will be Post. 58. because of ill health, and re- and cookies i Miss Minnie Meek, 70 year following the massacre, and fighting in the street: he was or- Miss Marion Bushnell: table ar- "Meeting the Meat Bill". Potluck turned to Lowell, purchasing the a detail of the "Seventh Cavalry" dered to appear at u later date. I rangements and house decorations, luncheon at noon with the meat Milk is served with each meal. Dies Thursday Morning; Thanksgiving Breakfast home on the property where his Mrs of course. !s seeking to locate -the bodies of which he did not do. | Edward Kiel; Mrs. Tyrus dishes used from the lesson demon- Was Bookkeeper Here Custer's outfit to send back east grandfather. E. R. Craw, had form- 00 ,hp stration. A Thanksgiving breakfast was f^i,. n,. nui^ io hucitv' Th - police received a call | Wessell and Gretchen will show for burial. !«!October 8 that the man they were'Christmas candies. Rccipes. plans HO. BOH TON ( HUIU H PLANS Miss Minnie Meek, age 70. a planned for all friends and mem- packing these days, preparing to The horse gets Into the story seeking for falling to appear was | ' '°i, W™'!' J"*"*. back the cavalry from the area An,{elet teen' will be shown at the So. Passed away Thursday morning at Thanksgiving morning. ' denre ei^* tillage «! Other booths Include: Pictures letter has been cut or deleted this which they have forbidden white the winter months. 1^ H(, ^ (|ne(t ^ J ,hls> Btess, Mrs Elli, and The Three M's of the church week It Is because of our Thanks- Boston Community church. U. S .Wangle Nursing home. men to enlpr, see the animal race M 5S M have made all the arrangements Many Trips Taken i charge, and 15 days in the county j Mrs. Gerald Rollins: Christmas giving edition. These items will he 16 and Kyser road, 7:30 p m, on' ' " ; e 0 spot, allowing the detachment to The devotions were led by Mrs. visits to several of the He had just been released this Potter, daughter Jane, and mother, un- « Thanksj-lvlnK meetlnC « "' ' day and evenings until 10;0(), Sun- F llrn ur enter the area "and complete their Tyrus Wessel. states. Mr. Quick stated to the month from the oottnty jail. Mrs. Fred Gross, will show gifts to day until 7:00 p.m. "3, was belne planned lor WeJnesday, " '' Company after the Qa- mission. Ledger that be has collected spec-. make. eveninevening at the church at « o'clock w« In 1929. Mrs. Ray Alexander is in charge Later she returned to her Sparta FRANK'S UOING HUNTING: imens from every state in fhe un- ' Brief Illness Fatal Behind the Green Door you can of the Christmas wrapping booth: home, to care for her ailing moth- Clyde Newell's Mother RUREAl (I.OS EI) MONDAY Ion except Oregon.* |_l_ **# gy , •.( rp. purchase Bonified Money Orders. MRS. KROPF TO HOST It Is also Interesting to note that'10 JOnn ff. rOmTT, 30, door decorations and wreaths are er. The Lowell Driver's License Bu- Mail money with safety. No wait- TOWN AND COUNTRY GROUP Dies Sunday Morning the gentlemen from the University,Lowell Townshtp Resident to be shown by Mrs. Wilbur Wit- _ ,, ' Funeral servioes were bdd Sit- reau will be closed next Monday, ing. Rlttenger Insurance Sen-ice. The Town and Country Exten- urdav a! tho Hesscl Funerjll h^e. Museum also were given some col-, j hn W. Porritt. 58, of Alto pass- ,en^ac^ and Mrs. Harold Witten- Mrs Dora Belle Newell, mother so Police C 'ef Frank Stephens 0 sum club of Michigan State Uni- ciough officiating: In- lections at Aquinas College. Grand'ed away suddenly at Butterworth]bac,i: ^ b<)ok suggestions are by of Clyde A. Newell of Fulton rd.. can go out and try his luck deer versity will meet Thursday, Nov. t . i Myers cemetery. rs Orion Thaler, Mrs, Gerald Want Natural Gas? Write crm( nt n Lowell, passed away Sunday morn- hunting. Good luck. Frank. Rapids while in Ibis area, these j hospital Wednesay, November ^' '^l, at the home of Mrs. Marcel Ho, , ns will have display on ing in St. Mary's hospital. She being the Emma J. Cole collec-,14 Funeral services were held' 1 ' „ Cr( che The council, at their meeting Kropf at 8 o'clock. The co-hostess' lived in Grand Rapids. lions Strangely enough Miss Cole Saturday afternoon at the Roth 11"° 1 ' .i , will be Mrs. Chester Kasischke. | COMING EVENTS was Dr. Quick's mother's botany Funeral Home in Lowell. Rev.j ot"er displays will be: Worship Monday, urged all businessmen Funeral services were hold Wed- In answer to roll call, everyone i and Gr hes for ,,1p honic b v Mrs or householders who want natural nesday afternoon at the Alt Mor- instrticlor In a Grand Rapids high Clifford Edwards officiated. In- ®® - . - is to give a quotation. The project Public Card party to be held rk r : tuary: Interment in Oak Hill cem- school many years ago, iterment was In Bowne cemetery, i P* •', ^ristmas trees, gas brought to the village to write kmdK an(I M for the evening will be on "Meats", al Masonic Temple. Dec, 1, 8:00 I Mr. Porritt is survived bv his,,hp,r ^ >- ""d Mrs. etery. telling Michigan Consolidated Gas I-, m. Refreshrnents. Euchre and JUNIOR RIFLE CLUB [wife. Marguerite; two sons. Ken-1 l.,eor*e iol,nson; 0u,(l,K,r decora- Besides her son. Clyde. Mrs. Co. why they want gas and for BIRTHS i canasta. c31 Newell leaves her husband. Floyd CHANGES MEETING DATE Ijall of Alto, and John of Last «««*« by Gould Rivette; suggestions : for little folks. Mrs. David Coons The Women's Fellowship of the B. Newell: another son. Bernard College For this week only the Junior Lansing: one daughter, Mrs. Bcv what appliances they will use gas acb L. of Grand Rapids: a daughter, Rifle Club held their regular week-j erly Heaven of Ciarksville. and iiru' Mlttag: ideas for The address to write to ist Mr ! To Mr and Mrs Noah Bloughi'** meet pll n; los Ml 1 Ht ,a Mrs. Eva Fern Griswold of Miami, ly meeting on Wednesday evening,two grandchildren. He Is also sur-! ' "' ' ^- Llzmga Wallace M. Chamberlain, General Blodgett hospital, Nov.! !,ftprnoor| *J"v. o? tu'n nrfrJ* On Honor Roll H nd Mrs Ev n _ . .17 n snn Par I Inn Vrw. I ancmoon, Nov. 23 at two o clock. Fla.: five grandchildren: and nine at the City Hall rather than on vlved by two sisters, Mrs. Lvdia| l ^ Wittenbach: for Mrs. Joyce Pennock. daughter 1 the juniors, Mrs. Richard Bieri Manager. Michigan Om^.dated! ^ Hostesses. Mrs, N. Kloosterman great-grandchildren. Also a sister, Thursday, Thanksgiving. Next [Graham, his twin of Belding. and , , w , , of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Perin of c inB mas Gas Co., 47 Division Avenue. N.' and Mrs. Ruth Thurtell. Mrs. Elizabeth Armantrout o f week they will meet at the regular | Mrs. Eleanor Diefenbaker of'"" • ' .^V ' ^ To a 1 pictures, Howard Clack: and back- On Monday, Nov. 26 the PNG Grand Rapids. Route 1. Ada. has been placed on time, Thursday evening at 7 o'- Grand Rapids and one brother, Grand Rapids. i nd Mrs. Rodney Kropf ground painting. Mrs. Phillip John- 'of Detroit. Nov, 13, a 7-lb.. S'a-oz. the mid-term honor roll at Olivet clock. James, of Caledonia. club will have their meeting in ***************** Nazarene College. Kankakee, Ill- son. Mrs, Charles Ellis and Mrs. • daughter, Marsha Ann. the lOOF hall, at 7 30 Hews of Servicemen inois. Gerald Rollins. The honor roll is made up of Christmas is a wonderful time students with an average of "B" for the family to "get together", Patrons Jam New Kroger Store During Opening Week or alwve, Meet Your 1956-57 Basketball Team and it is a well-known slogan that, 1 Army PFC James P. McCor- iy I Joyce is a student at Olivet the family which works, plays, inick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mc- Due to the fact that this paper John Norton Senior, football in Nazarene College where she is en- prays and celebrates together, ormlck. Route 2, Ada, recently went to press before the Sparta fall, track in spring, height, six rolled in Music Education. stays together. There is certainly was graduated from the Army's game, we will conduct a "meet feet. a wide variety of Interesting things Luropean Engineer School at Mur- the team" session this week. The1 Wayne Miller One of tho rea- Leola Ruegneger, daughter ' of to learn at this workshop. nau, Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruegseger, basketball team: I sons for cross country success this He has completed the school's Lincoln Lake road, who is a stu- Len Fase-Conference hurdles second team last year, a four-week grader operator course dent at Olivet College, has been champion. <*\ll-Conference football' Junior, O. E. S. Nev*$ which trained him to operate and placed on the honor roll for high- quarterback, Senior clns? presi-, ,''nl Lawrence Freshman, tall- M-rvlce motorized graders. ly satisfactorily progress in her dent, all-around athlete, returning fs,..a, six three inches, foot- Lowell's Cyclamen Chapter No. James entered the Army In De- studies during the first half of the cage letterman, likes a certain ball in the fall, played at Ada last ^ of the Order of the Eastern cember 1954 and received basic present semester. cheerleader. year, honor roll student. |Star will have a public card party training at Fort Leonard Wood, Bob Minnie Hotshot transfer at the Masonic Temple on Satur- Charles Ryder Sophomore whiz. Mo. He arrived in Europe in April Constance L. Place, a senior at student. a Junior, likes cross coun-jday evening. December 1. won a letter in his frehman year. 1955. The 22-year-old soldier at- Western Michigan college is prac- try and track, eats like a liorse. j Featured will be Canasta and conference honorable mention in tended St. Patrick's high school, tice teaching this semester toward , George Henderson- Junior, con-, Euchre, and members are urged football, takes track In Spring. Pamell. receiving her teaching certificate ference 440 yard dash champion, to bring all 'heir friends and make In June. Hernle Collins Cross country jn the fall, second teamjup tables for a very entertaining She is teaching the first grade at Ibis fall, also a relurnlng letter lMt yMr Uvming, the Western Michigan college cam- man. Senior, likes baseball in the qony stormzand Junior, second Mr. and Mrs. George Hale and pus school. Constance is the daugh- an BRS /LSPIT P . team last year, likes football, base- M'"- d Mrs, Lyle Laux general ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Place, Orison Abel- S p e e d y football ball, and girls. chairmen of the event, extend an 4082 Segwun. back, also returning letterman. Red Arrows—Ought to be terri-invitation to the general public to ® w mmmfts am Tile practice teachers work with Senior, likes track, baseball, and flcally fast, need height, loaded come to the Temple that evening. specially selected supervising Mary Dewey. with hotshots. layin' for East. Lowell's new Kroger store wan Jtunmed all week with patrons from this area looking over the Jim Carr—Second tallest at six teachers who guide them along in managers are Bill DeHaan and MAN ON YOUR MIND? wonderful new Mtore and facUltl«*s. Mac- Fonger, niiuiager. announced that the first week'* drawing their first relationships with the Mff feet, one inch, Ser'or, cross coun- Jim Eickhoff; coach. Buck Gots- You'll find what he wants for awarded prizes to the following: 8.000 TV stamps. Henry Miller, Route 1, Belding; 4 electnr classroom. They also attend class- try this fall, good rebounder. chaJl. Christmas right here at Coons. hand mixers, Richard Cope land. Dale Curtta of Lowell, A. VanBergen, Marne, Mary Halter, Sara- es designed to give them addition- Keith Fase—Right behind broth- Don't fo^et the game with God- nac; elecrtic try pan, Elma Robinson, Orand Rapid*; 2 ToasUnaaler toasters, Hacel Korrick, Helen al help and to work out specific er, Leo, in hurdles. Senior,, November SO, here. The Levee will be closed all day Johnsor., Saranac; Jiffy handyman'* parts LU, Rose Dowllng, Lowell. TVflre will be Arawlngn for more problems. 1, ball in faU, track in spring. 1 Bob Thaler Thanksgiving, November 22. c31 prizes each Saturday at fi p. m. for the next three weeks. •ii

THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICH., NOf. tt, iMdlLo.vell Thomas' "Seven Wonders Mr. and Mn. Dick Watten will LOWELL W.8.O.8. TO HOST | The speaker will be Miss Jennie !of the World" at Cinerama In De- be spending Thanksgiving with Mr. ALTO, SNOW. VERGENNES j Bali of Marshall, missionary re- The Lowtl Ledger Harold Graham entered the Vet.|,r°J S®tur?*y- and Mrs. Ed Reynolds in Ada. The Women's Society of Chris- turned from India. Nursery care erans hospitai in Ann Arbor Mon- c,aude Mu»Tay returned from Lowell Happenings Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peters of tian Service will meet In the ** children will be provided In «»d ALTO SOLO Butterworth hospital Monday aft- New Hudson were week end guests MRS. FRANCES JEFf£«IES day for treatment. WIH8 AQWES PERRY—PWON1! TW 7.7iy Louftge of the Methodltt Church Kindergarten House, • PUBLISHER Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kerekes and er undergoing surgery the week of Mr. and Mn. Ralph MuUen. at JkOO p.m., Friday, November HARCLO JErFERJES Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Sterken were before on his knee. Mr. Murray is Mrs, Katherine Wolf, and d^pgh- Mrs. R. L. Dyke of Greenville The Rev. and Mrs. G. E. Trues- 23. Members of the W.S.C.S, from | In Korea. 1600 U. S. Army offi- EDITOR In St. liouls Sunday. getting along very nicely. ter Mrs. Betty Ellsworth^ Grand spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. dell and Miss Barbara Block of the Alto, Snow, and Vergennes j cers and enlisted men are engaged Member Michigan Pf«i Auoclslion Esther Fahmi Is reported as pro- Rapids, also Mr. and Mrs. Althen L. E, DeVries and family. Owosso were Sunday dinner guests fjbliihed everY Thurtdty (jpfnina at 112 Mrs. Lawrence Bieri Rave a fam- churches have been Invited to at-1 in furnishing training support for l-oadwty, Lowell. Michigan. Entered ef Poit- ily pre-Thanksgiving dinner Sat- gressing very well at Butterworth Schrouder of Grand Rapid's, called Mrs. Maude Adrianse, Mrs. Bes- of the Edwin Y. Marshall family. tend. that country's 650,000 troops. sffice at Lowell, Michigan, at Second Clan hospital. She is now able to he out on Mr. and Mrs. M. E. ^tmpson sie Clarke, Mrs. Ruby Andrews, Matter. urday. Mrs. Florence Whitfield anil sis- |of the oxygen tent. Sunday, and Mrs. Olivia Ayres spent the The Lowell Ledger, etteblijhed June IIH; ! Mrs. Myrle Schmidt of Michigan John Bergin of Houghton is the Alto Solo. e«tebliihed January, 1104. ter, Mrs. E. R. Jackson spent Sun- week end in Detroit where they Coniolidaied with the Ledger June 1917, day with the former's daughter. 'City, Indiana, will be spending spending Thanksgiving vacation attended the Cinerama. "Seven The Lowell Journal eitabliihed IW4. Con- Thanksgiving with her cousinj, with his parents, Mr. ' luncheon guests at the Thanksgiving dinner. guests at a pre-Thanksglving Con- mry room, with art of Mr and The Howard Clack family were 2 " 35( with Mr. and Mrs John Freeman, ^ ner Sunday at the home of his costly, rfirt-cellMting PUMPKIN GOSPEL SERVICE John n Mrs Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George Fonger and «> c Johnsons sis- brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and pifis and rtfitttrs I ma Mrs. James Clouse in Grand Rap- Cranberries Sunday. 10 O'Clock Mr and Mrs Hollis Brillhart and ^ * ^ of Grand Mrs. F. J. Martin In Grand Rap- d to iRstill er L jar 41c Shurfine Apricots, imp. Mvs 303 tin 27c CRAPEFRUIT TUNA TRADITIONAL I6^z QQc PARTNER CANS 09 Shurfine Yellow Cling Peaches IVi tin 35c OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY SAUCE FOR TURKEY 2 NEW Brook's Tangy Catsup 2 bottles 43c 10 49( 4 i $1.00 Thank You Cherry Pie Filling 22-oz. tin 35c Gerber's Strained Baby Foods . 5 for 49c Campfire Marshmallows lb. pkg. 35c Oxydol - Bleaches as it washes giant ?8c FLORIDA ORANGES Reynolds Aluminum Foil 25-ft. roll 3k Shedd's Lady Betty Prune Juice qt. 33c Spic & Span Reg. 29c Econ. 89c Duncan Hines Cake Mixes 2 pkgs. 65c Armour's Chili With Beans 16-oz. tin 29c Palmolive Soap Save 7c - 3 bath 34c LB. BAG Taylor Sweet Potatoes 17-oz. can 27c American Family Detergent giant 75c Babo Cleanser Save 6c - 2 for 19c 59< Shedd's French Dressing 8-oz. 21c Kraft's Salad Mustard. 6-oz. lie Shurfine Rice 2-lb. pkg. 31c AD — For Automatics giant 72c Mario's Stuffed Olives 8-oz. jar 47c Spartan Pork & Beans lb. tin 10c 2 lbs. 53c Ivory Personal 4-bar pack 23c MICHIGAN Keyko Margarine Cabbage U.S. NO. I 3—29 Shedd's Salad Dressing pt. 29c Breeze giant pkg. 73c Lifebuoy Soap 3 bars 29c Joy Mildest reg. tin 37c Kraft's Mayonnaise pint 42c A & P Lux Bar Soap 2 bath size 27c Lux Liquid 22-OL lin 65c 'Vwy Snow Regular 33c SLICED AND MazolaOil pint 39c SUGARED 4 ^ 89' Shurfine Noodles pkg. 23c Kraft Caramels lb. pkg. 39c Strawberries Golden Fhiffo lb. tin 37c AUsweet Margarine 2 lbs. 59c Vei Beauty Bar each 25c OUR FINEST QUALITY NEW A&P Karo Red Label Syrup regular 23c Shurfine Spinach 1!H)L tin 15c Borax 5-lb. pkg. 81c INSTANT Kraft's Malted Milk lb. jar 47c A&P PUMPKIN COFFEE Northern tissue 3-roli pack 27c Blu-White Flakes Economy size 27c Roxey Dog Food 3 cans 2Sc suy trix at iicuiAi ma Marshmaliow Fluff GIT 7ft. Choorlot FOR ft 2-OZ. C .OZ s5129 Delsey 4-Pack Tissue 55c JVrtL jar 25c Unit Starch pkg. 15c JAR JAR 1 Cheer"®* BOTH PKOS. 31 l SUKR U HOLIDAY COUPE My-T-Fine Paddings 3 pkgs. 29c Rinso Blue 12c Off giant 63c Clorox /2-gaL 35c 49 TRIX 8% OL SAVE MARVEL CCOMOIMV WHEN VOU WANT IT I Heinz Bean Soup 2 cans 33c Cracker Jack 4 pkgs. 29c Modess Reg. pkg. of 12 39c Cheerios 7oz. 13c 29c POWER WMBM Vob MEfED IT I oj HirttUtu rxntinf, mnMt in three amrf aeriet— FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE: (,wins profile . . . Closed Ail Day Thursday, Thanksgiving Day hilr's hif;h-c(itiinrr«Mun hinlorrl (ircjlrr torque . . . the »»ide, ruad-hiiKinp ride of the new V "'-Stance SICW'S FINEST now 40(1 lb.-ft. Great.-* hof*rpo%»rr . .. now 277! Din ChaMta! FreA styling idea*, too. accent UH .

S. THE \OWEU. LEDGCE. LOWELL, mov. n. WANTED; GOOD USED coal and APARTMENT FOR RENT-Up- THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL. MICH.. NOV. tt. IMS r LOWELL LED6EX WANT AIS...tRIN6 RESULTS wood range with oven. Call TW stairs, 4 rooms; partly furnished. CHRYSANTHEMUMS, potted. 69c. FOR SALE-Mectum dze tricycle Ledger Want Advs. Bring Results For FIBERGLASS, the lifetime ooat tar CULLIGAN SOFT COMPLETE AUTO Radiator Re- 7-7471. c3l Available December 1. 516 W NEWS OF ALTO telephone caU from Georgia Bun- and up. CUt flowers. 75c per WANTED TO BUY-On lo five HELP WANTED- Salesman, full $6: good shape. Hobby horse on your boat. Do It yourself, com- Complete Water Conditioning on pair. TUcker Welding A Radiator Main. TW 7-7511. c31-32 Alto Community News bunch. Red Ruacua, 39c. Also You Pay Les s WANTED ANTIQUES-Oid lampa. WOMEN IN HRR VICE ker Saturday evening, saying she •49 DODGE CLUB Coupe; Usable springs 15.00. Ph. TW 7-9062 ; 8 plete supplies In sfoclr Including a service basis or home-owned Scnrtce. 310 E. Main. Rear eo- acres on good road Lowell-Ada or part time. Write M. A. Nlelson. evergreen bows for window box- or parts, old dolls, doll heads, MRS. CLAUD S1LCOX—PHONE UNS-4SSI Airman 3rd class Loma Foster, was fine, and has received her furniture, baby furniture, odds to 5 p.m. p31-32 tnatmctioM. Williams Radio, Free consultation Phone TW 7-8908. cfitf vicinity Ph TW 7-«79 after 5 Electrolux Corporation. 306 Sum- es. Foliage plants and cactus TRUCKS ARE VITAL to every industry in Michigan, and or bodies, cast Iron penny banks, Good Things to Eat daughter of Floyd Foster, left fourth promotion in the WAVES. and ends, clothing. Sell cheap Showboat it. Lowell cSOtf 1378 Col-' p. m. c31 mit. Greenville. c29-32 for dish gardens. Bhchwood Gar- SMART SANTAS shop early for no service or oommodity which affects your day-Unlay old dishes and old glassware, old Tuesday to continue on to Chey- Her address now is Georgia Bun- Some free UN MOL t:31-32 lect or write 420H N. Dexter, WINDOW SHADES and curtain ALTO LVD IINTURS STEER Rena Pa mouth dens. Godfrey st.. Ph. TW 7-7737. living could reach you without trucks. sliaving mugs. Will buy old attic FOR SALE-APPLES and squash. enne. Wyo., where she will be In your men and boys at Coons. TRUCKING EVKRY THURSDAY Ionia. rods. All sues and colors. Phone WANTED DAILY RIDE to work WANTED BABY SITTING by hour, IN CHK AUO SHOW ker TE2. N.A.S., Brunswick, Me. c31tf cBUf accumulations, old catalogs, old Leonard R. Kerr. 10038 Bailey It was agreed to give $5.00 to the training at a technical school. She F.ASY SPIN-DRY washing ma- to Lake Odessa stock sale. Call TW 7-7391. Roth k Sons Furni- That ia the basic way in which trucks serve you. But In Grand Rapids. Northwest side. evening, day or week. Expcri I SEIGLER OH. BURNER—U*d they benefit you in other important ways, too. guns, or anything old. one piece drive. N. E., LoweU. CaU TW 7- Bruce Bcrgy. un eighteen year Loda Lake Wild Flower project has been home on a 15-day fur- chine; twin tubs; baby tender. Jack Nelson. Lowell TW7-7490 or WELL DRILLING and repair, new ture Co. c21tf Arthur Kramer. UN S-2528. p31 meed Mrs Will Laux. 622 N. Mr. ami Mrs. Merle Rosenberg I OR SALE—30 NEW HAMPSHIRE part of one winter. Elof Erfck- 7457. pBB-a old Alto boy. who has won many Also $10.00 was voted to the new ' Call UN JM705. Reasonable. c31 1 George Francisco TW7-TWt c46lf pumps and service. Frank Aver- For example - latest available figures show that Mich- Washington Ph. TW 7-7905. cll-32 or entire estate. Write Joseph lough. l-ortm and her father had ami the lalter's mother, Mrs. John Red pullets. $1.25 each. Call TW trophies wrth hi-* 411 projects has I home for the Garden Club Center | son. UN 8-3409. p31-32 111. Jr. Ph. ORS-4581. cSTtf BULK ANTI-FREEZE. In your igan s trucks pay over $50,000.^)0 annually in State regis- WAITRESS WANTED-Full or Moch. 479 Diamond Aveune, N. a pre-Thanksgiving dinner at the Sullivan, also Miss Mary Alice Dey 7-7077 after 5:00 p. m. p311 Hastings Livestock Saks entered the world's toughest show j in St. Louis. Mo. A THREE-DAY HUNTER. You can BOTTLE UAS-Oean. sale, best in tainer, 69 cenb per galkw. tration fees and gas-Mine taxes alone, plat several mil- part time. The Levee. TW 7-7976. It pays to read the Ledger want E.. Grand Rapids. Michigan, or home of her sister. Mrs Orton of Lowell and Garry Fosburgh of FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COW due for junior Uvestocle showmen--the still bv-y the Special Hunter Pol-, TOOL AND STORAGE buildings. I gas servie*. Can TW 7-MiB or WE HAVE TRUCKS fbr Gamble Store. c2942 lions more in mileage taxes and special taxes levied un cSl ads. phone GL S-3373 after 6 p. m. November 16. 1956 Mrs. Henry Klahn of Grand Rafw' Seese of RI. Alto. Loma says she Saranac were Sunday dinner to freshen. Jay F Tlmmer. 3254 steer feeding contest at the famed icy. K.OOO. three days $2.00. Call J heavy steel 30-ft. A 40-ft. wide, TW 7 9983, Bovee Bottle Gas, 919 Immediate delivery.. at the larger vehicles. In addition, of course, trucks pay all pM-M ills and Rev. and Mrs. Edwards of enjoys the service very much. guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Ban- Buttrick S. E.. Ada OR 6-3096 Feeder Pigs ...... S 5 00415.50 International Livestock Exposition TW 7-9269 to bind coverage byi ready for immediate erection. E. Main st. c6tf Doyle-Schneider Pontiac, LIVESTOCK—Wanted to buy! Al- the other taxes charged against any business enterprise Alto were guests at the meeting Mrs. Edith Bunker received a croft and family. c31 Top Calves ,.520.00428 00 in Chicago running from Nov. 23 phone. Rittenger Insurance Serv-' Terms. Call Grand Rapids GL GMC/Sales and Service. so, Beef, Pork and Veal for sale, in Michigan — real estate property taxes, personal prop- Real Estate for Sale Seconds ..$1500420 00 FOR SALE-Hereford calves 300 to Dec. 1st. ice. c3l 2-2156. c31-32 FOR SALE—WASHING Machine: Phone TW 7-7305, Lowell. Michigan by pound, quarter, half, or whole. erty taxes, business activities taxes, sales taxes, intan- Common & Culls . * 500415.00 to 400 lbs. Stockers and feeders. 'iTiis show attracts the best farm I jlx milk cans, good condition, and East Paris Packing Co., 4200 gibles taxes, franchise taxes. Christmas Specials Farm Loans Lambs $1100418 00 Stealy's Stockyards at Marshall MRS. BROWN, I lave you found animals reared across the country a dog kennel. O. R. Eaton. Sara- East Paris rd., S. E. (2 miles All these millions in taxes the trucks pay go to support 4* PER CENT INTEREST Long Young Beef ...... $1100418 50 and Olivet. d^l moths in your home? Stop moth and not infrequently animals win- nac. 4102. c31 south of 28th St). Call MY 8- the general welfare, to help pay for modern roads, hos- Term Nat'l Farm Loan Ass'n. Beef Cows . $ 6.00410.50 damage with Berlou. Five-year j ning in this show go on to win in 8407, or after 5:00. call RI 2- pitals. schools and colleges, parks and playgrounds, police 1043 Leonard St. Grand Rapids. Bulls .. $11.00412.90 VALUE IS IMPORTANT In In- guarantee. Rent an electric bigger contests Guaranteed Used Cars FOR SALE OIL SPACE heater, 8283. Richard Havenga. cl6 tf and Are protection %-ln. Black & Decker Electric Mkh * Phone RI 2-2563. cUtf Top Hogs .. $115041560 surance. Get better protection, sprayer. Roth Ik Sons Company. Bruce entered his steer, a coal threo or four room sue. irood So. you see. thanks to the trucks, you pay less. Ruffs .. $11.50413 10 better service and better secur- LiiweU c311 REFRIGERATION SERVICE, Re- REAL ESTATE SERVICE In any black under the name of Midnight' condition. $25. OR 6-1148 c31 Drills Boars . $ 9 50410 30 1955 MERCURY MONTEREY 4.DOOR ity, with our Insurance on your frigerators, freezers, milk cool- type of pruis-rly. Wm. A. Ann- which was a grand champion at Top Calf . $28 00 SANTA CLAUS WILL BE at the home, automobile, or personal, HALLMARK GREETING CARDS ers. Clark Fletcher. Phone TW strong. 30 years experience. the Ionia Free Fair. 4H and open STATION WAGON Regular Price -n- Rassell Endsley Nashville R-3 Western Auto Store. Saturday, belongings. Peter Speerstra can carry your very thoughts, 7-9390. LS c9tf 0,, Phone Rockford VO 6-1203 or steer shows, and the steer contest Radio, heater, Merco-O-Mafic Trans- Ilekifu TucUif imdatki $24.95 " $17.95 Top Hogs ..$1560 Nov. 24, from 1 to 3 p. m. and Agency, Lowell. Phone TW 7- your feelings, to others better write Ada, R-3. . c22 tf at Carson City last summer. La- Fort Sholby Hotel « Hastings R-2 mission and three seats 6 to 8 p. m. with presents for 9281. c20tf than you might be able to express RCA Whirlpool washers, dryers, B. L Peck ter at the Michigan State Fair in all the little boys and girls. c3l them yourself. The thoughtful freezers and ranges. Can't be Detroit and showing under an age CASCADE TWF. NOTICE 1951 MERCURY for sale, 2-door way to remember others. Avail- beat. Wittenbach's Sales k Ser- ftVa-'n* Electric Saws FOR RENT handicap, the steer placed second iln j Pontiac Prices sedan, dark blue, good motor, able at Christiansen Drug Store. ice. Ph. TW 7-9207. c2W6 Nptke ,0 ,he ,ax a f in the junior show and third in the AUCTION SALE mn r i v t iik- vTvn si P g P > " Cas- are Lower than fair tires. Take over payments Lowell. c31 Regular Price . .r J . ^ " cade Township If your address open steer show. CORDWOOD-Oily $3 at yard. Ad- room at 314 S. Hudson st. Phone MCQUEEN 44 Models In the Call TW 7-9137 after 6 p. m. Having decided to dfeeuatiMe fannlag. I will sell at Public Auction ;has been changed since you re- youd AUCTIONEER Farm sales a spec- ditional charge for delivery. Cor- $44.95 •• $39.95 TW 7-7748 Low Price Field c31-32 the follow lag on the farm located mlie* West of ClarksvlUe. or P31 celved your 1955 tax bill, please ALTO (. \RDEN CLUR MOTOR CO. You owe tt to ialty! My experience Is your as- nell Lumber Co., Lowell. c26tf IS mile* North of HasUngs. corner ol Clarksville Rd. and Hasting i The Alto Garden Club met Wed- ELECTROLUX CLEANERS sales surance of successful, profitable Td.. o. FOR RENT—4 Cnlunushed down-12^ nesday. Nov. 14th. in the beauti- Ph. TW 7-T71S or TW 7 9988 Yourself to Check Our Deal—Posi- 0 Uur1on and service. Bag, filters, hoses, sale. George VanderMeulen, Auc- stairs rooms and bath 427 Mon-IJ ™^ .1 ful new Hope Church of the Breth-1 222 West »lain St. LnweO, tive Proof! • Gpmnd Rap,ds b or ca cords. Write or call John Yer- tioneer. Ph. Dutton MY 8-8571. WANTED roe ave.. Lwell. CaU UN M471. j?_J:- " ren. east of Alto on M50. It was| Doyle-Schneider Portiac - GMC 223 W. Man. lowtll PI TW 7-8211 15 241 C 3

T ——- - T | THE IX)WELL LEDGER, IX)WELL, MICH., NOV. M. IMC Mr*. Blanche Loveless spent last Eva Kropf and the Archie Duncan Ryder attended the all-day Exten- week end with her daughter, Mrs. family Sunday. sion meeting at Bostwlck Lake Eddie Dunneback and family of Mrs. Sam Ryder attended the Thursday. Ada Community News Alpine. Lowell Womens Club Wednesday The W. S. C. S. will meet next week Thursday afternoon Nov. 29 HE8. TOM MOKIUS—PHONE 0RM8SI Mrs. Tom Morris, Mrs. Homer afternoon. Morris and Mrs. Glenn Chaffee Mrs. Fred Franks returned home at the home of Mrs. Fred Franks. and Mrs. Allle Schmidt and Dlanne Sunday from Detroit and Oak Park FOR THE WONDERFUL WELCOME YOU'RE GIVING They Havo Their Deer years. He has been working out of Ada all but the last seven years, attended a surprise birthday party where she spent a week visiting Among the many deer hunters for Mrs. Eugene Morris of Lowell relatives and friends. the following are reported as get- when he was sent to Muskegon. He was scction foreman for last Thursday evening. Other Ronald Butler and Kenneth Cook ling their deer, as of Monday guests were her mother, Mrs. of Grand Rapids were Sunday noon. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schlintz, several years. BOVEE Glenn Miller and Sharon, Mr. and dinner guests of Lester Bailey Mrs. Robert Ward, LaiYy Sum- Other Ada Newt Mrs. Eugene Miller, Mrs. Elsie and mother. mers, Sam and Jim Hilt, Wayne BOTTLE Mr. and Mrs. Normen Wrlde, Converse and Mis. Janice Hamil- Leo Haybarker of Lowell and Ward, Roger Faulkner. Miles Fase, Your New KROGER Store Marion and Norma were Sunday ton and son. all of Lowell. Arvll Hetlman returned home Sun- Webb Ward. William Adams, Larry GAS dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs, Carl I Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chaffee, day from deer hunting. Faulkner, and Clyde Fairchilds. Henthoms of Allegan. , Mrs. Homer Morris. Mrs. Allle Mrs. Frank Ryder and Mrs. Sam SERVICE 505 WEST MAIN ST LOWELL Pamela ii Six! Mr. and Mrs. Max Souser left Schmidt and Dianne were Sunday evening luncheon guests of Mr. and COMPLETE UNE OF Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barter of last week for Florida to spend tlie Mrs. Tom Morris. The occasion 2383 Thornapple River Drive, enter- winter months. They were accom- GAS APPLIANCES Come Back Again This Week and See What We Have in Store For You being Glenn's birthday anniver- CLARK tained in honor of their daughter panied by their son Victor D. who sary. ASK US ABOUT OUR Pamela's 6th birtitday Sunday relumed hy plane. Their address INSTALLATION AND OAS is 4607 North Clark Avenue, Drew- Plumbing and .. . More Prizes! More Surprises! More Giant Celebration Values! afternoon and evening. Those pre- CHARQESI sent were her grandparents, Mr. Park. Tampa Florida. They sure Foreman Rood would be glad to hear from people Heating and Mrs. Ed Harter, Mrs. Mable Mrs, Fdna Tavlor Authorized Dealer for — Rogers, Mrs. Sally Wilson and In the Ada area. I —————— SHEET METAL WORK children. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Tony Ortowskl and Mrs. Dick Speerstra of Lowell and Michigan Bottled Gas Jacobs and baby Craig, all of Webb Ward spent Sunday with Alfred Hemlngsen returned home TW 7-7534 Ph. TW 7-9348 Grand Rapids. Refreshments were Mrs. Hubert L)eVries and family from deer hunting Sunday. They served including Ice cream and a of Greenville. leach got a deer. 309 East Main St. NEW LOCATION—2121. MAIN ST. lovely birthday cake with candles. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson I Debbie Vos and Kathy Hay- c33tf Mary Marie and Bobby of Grand barker of Lowell were Friday night Lowell (D. Clark, f^rop.) Mich. ADA GIRL STOl TS Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth guests of their grandmother. Mrs. RECEIVE AWARDS Anderson, Daryl and Glenn were Arvll Hellman. Saturday they ac- Intermediate Girl Scout Troop Sunday dinner guests of their par- companied Mrs. Hellman to Grand brings out the best No. 47 of Ada enjoyed a supper ents Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ander- Rapids. IMMESrVIWMfwm meeting on Thursday, November son. Mrs. Nellie McPherson was a Dr. Herbert R. Mueller STORE HOURS: performance qualities of my car, and . . • IjTth, at the home of Sheila Fitz- Mr. and Mrs. Orison Weaver and Sunday guest of Mrs. Florence OPTOMETRIST Gerald. children spent the week end with Bailey. 9 am to 6 pm Mon. thn Than. rr? PERFORMAHtee THAT COUNTS/'' In the evening, report^- were her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert I Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smith and PIAN NOW FOR A given on badges earned during the Morris at St. Helen. They are there Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Smith of • CREAMY There's a reajon why Phillips 66 FllTE-FUEl is winning new os#»rs at summer, at camp, and individual- for the deer hunting season. Lowell called on Mr. and Mrs. f. V. 9 am to 9 pm Friday a record-breaking paw That reason is . . . perfomcnct! Complete Vision Care — Optical Repairs i ly. ' Mrs. Shirley Ward, Mrs. Alice Taylor Monday evening. FREE CHRISTMAS EMBASSY Test drive FlITE-FofcU You'll discover ease of starting and re- Following the completion of re- Wan! and Judy Hill motored to George Scott, G. O. P. Inspector, Children's Vision A Specialty 9 am to 7 pm Saturday Salad sponsiveness that you may never have suspected your motor could quirements, Sheila FitzGerald, Kalamazoo Sunday to take Nancy of Lansing spent Tuesday at the with TOP VALUE deliver. You'll benefit from the smoothness of advanced high octane. • rocier Mary Jane Kennedy and Candace back to her school duties. Foreman Poultry farm. You'll get the advantages of controlled volatility and positive OPEN WEDNESDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. 01 Rich were awarded their badges Nora Lee Staskus who underwent Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roth called anti-stalling, and many, many miles per gallon, too. No other 207 W. Main St. (Old Bank), Lowell STAMPS FROM and presented with their Curved went surgery at the University on Mr. and Mrs. John Harrocks gasoline gives you the combination of high performance components CLOSED THURSDAY. THANKSGIVING DAY Bar Pins by Mrs. William E. Fitz- Hospital In Ann Arbor several at Ionia Sunday. Ph. TW 7-7780 Collect Hours: you gel in FUTE-FUEL Fill up at any station where you see the Dressing Gerald and Mrs. Warren R. Rich, weeks ago is home and slowly re- Mr. and Mrs. Moll Heerlng of For - 9-12, 3-5 Daily orange and black Phillips 66 Shield. PHiurs Petioleum Company co-leaders of Troop No. 47. covering. She has to return for Grand Rapids called on Mrs. Bert Examination Appointment Except Thursday The Curved Bar Pin is the high- treatments occasionally. Baker and Mrt. Jennie Heerlng | f LIVE B G TT E R FOR LESS est award an Intermediate Scout- Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rooker Friday evening. » ing and the girls are justly proud were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. M. Myckovlak | ALL FLAVORS KROGER COUNTRY CLUB of their achievement. Mrs. Archie Cook of Grand Rapids. were Sunday dinner guests of their | Mrs. Wayne Ward and son Lee son Micheal and family in Grand J McDIARMID'S IRON & METAL BIRTHDAY AND WEDDING are spending several days tfith Rapids. ANNIVERSARIES FETED TW 7-7025 5334 Segwun Ave., SE. Lowtl Mrs. Shirley Ward while the men Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nellist. Mr. are deer hunting. and David of Belding called on and Mrs. Ronald Collins and Billy There will be a family night pot- Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Taylor Buyers of All Kinds ol Iron attended the 1st wedding anniver- luck supper in Fellowship hall of Saturday. sary of Mr. and Mrs. John Over- the Congregational Church, Mon- Mrs. Beatrice Bailey r^'irnod and Metal holt of Alto. Saturday evening. It day night. November 28th. at 6:30 home from Lansing Mond i. where Phillips 66 products are distributed in Lowell and vicinity by: was also Mrs. Overholts birthday. p. m., all members and friends she was spending a few days. WE HAVE FOR SALE Several other members of the fam- are cordially invited. Mrs. Leo Haybarker, Kathy and Car Parts, Angle and Channel Iron, and Plpt Ada Oil Company ADA, MICHIGAN ily were present. Dainty refresh- Mrs. Josle Kamp and sister. Kralg were Saturday over night 16,000 Reinforcing Rod KFJOGER BIRDSEYE FROZEN ments were served including ice Mrs. Bessie DeGraaf called on an guests of Mrs. Arvll Hellman. ICECREAM Pick Up Service Earl J. McDiarmid FANCY cream and a lovely birthday cake. old friend Mrs. Dykstra of Cale- Russel Howe of DeWitt and Mrs. j Sweet Potatoes NO. 3 29/ Green Peas 2 Wox. pkgs 37^ 411 present wished them many donia last Thursday. Ina Snoot of Belding called on Mrs. I TOMATO KING SIZE happy returns for both occasions. TOP VALUE STAMPS! TAYLOR BRAND Mrs. Overholt was the former, Mrs. Peschke Franks ib 39/ Mildred Fox of Cascade. Sweet Potatoes N. 3 C.N 27/ 46-oz. SHOESTRING, CUT OR SLICED Mr. Kamp Retires PLUS! Century Cooker-Fryer Swift's Chili ^ 39/ Give tier a kitchen telephone cans Libby Beets 303 can 1 Q/ Pete Kamp is retiring this week after being employed by the Grand Trunk Railroad Company for 43 PLUS! 2 Dominion Elec. Fry Pant OCEAN SPRAY MANOR HOUSE Lb. this Christmas Cranherry Sauce 2 car PUBLIC NOTICES PLUS! 2 Electric Hand Mixers CRUSHED, CHUNK OR TIDBITS REGULATING FISHING IN Dole Pineapple 2M° 2"«'"39/ SPECIAL TROUT PONDS PLUS! Flash Camera Set The Conservation Commission, by Kroger Pumpkin 2 303 cans 23* authority of 'Act 230,. P. A. 1925, as amended, hereby orders that for PLUS! Car-Snack Lunch Box one year from January first, 1957, it shall be unlawful, except as COUNTRY CLUB hereinafter provided, to fish in Bel- FRESHLIKE FRESHLIKE mont Ponds (3), Section 15, T 8 N, COFFHS* Lb. R U W. Kent County. Cut Green Beans 2 12-oz. cans 39/ Sweet Peas L Fishing shall be lawful during Ciyen In Solid FRESHLIKE FRESHLIKE the statutory trout season. 2. Fishing shall be limited to the Whole Beets 2 14-oz. cans 35/ Spinach 2 303 cam 31/ period from one hour before sun- FRESHLIKE WHOLE KERNEL FRESHLIKE CREAM STYLE rise to one hour after sunset. 3. Artificial files only may be Drawing This Diet-Aid Bread 16-oz. loaf 25< Yellow Corn 2 12-oz cans 29/ Yellow Corn used. For tho purpose of these regulations, the term "artificial Everything's New Apple Nectar Coffee Cake each 39/ fly" shall bo defined as any form of DaIU FRENCH TYPE, HARD ROILS . 4 Av JUMBO CALIF. PASCAL LgC. Stalk either a "dry fly" or a "wet fly" Week Saturday nOIIS OR BROWN 'N SERVE P"g- I 3P as ordinarily used In fishing for i trout and which shall not have at- tached thereto or used In connec- including the View tion therewith any typo of fishing RED TART lure of whatsoever kind or descrip- at 6:00 P.M. tion. FRESH FIRM Lb. 4. No boats or rafts shall be in each '57 Buick-SPECIAL. CENTURY. SUPER, ROADMASTER placed or used on the ponds. 5. The dally limit shall bo two trout. Approved September seventh, E DON'T MEAN just new this or new that. But there's even more to the newness of every Cranberries 1956. '57 Buick. LGE. DIAMOND 2-lb. $1.09 HOLIDAY FAVORITfrCEumrE RED EMPEROR FANCY QUALITY SNO BALL WWe me^n new everything. All You Have To Do Is ROBERT F. BREVITZ, WalRits lb cello 57^ Chestnuts ib Ige head 35/ Chairman There's a completely new chassis that gives CALIFORNIA GRAPES MB/ CAULIFLOWER We mean everything you can't see, as well as HOLIDAY BRAND HOLIDAY BRAND CLIFFORD KETCH AM, everything you can. the car the lowest center of gravity in Buick U.S. NO. 1 IDAHO RUSSET LOUISIANA Secretary Register At Your New Mixed Nuts ib 59< Brazil Nits ib Countersigned: history—for a steadier, safer ride. And a new And even the "seeing" is new—for the new, r English Walwts OR SI ELLED PECANS ib. ] POTATOES 10 ib -h b.g 89/ GOLDEN YAMS 3 35/ GERALD E. EDDY, kind of ball-joint suspension for surer handling, Director of Conservation c29-31 wider, rakishly angled panoramic windshield with its 200 more square inches of glass area safer cornering, and a wonderful new levelized Lowell Kroger Store! LINSEY. SNIVEL. PHELPS A VAN0ERWAL braking. ATTORNEYS widens the forward view of all passengers. 'Vn Ut Michigan Nitiorul lank lldg. Grand Raoldi. 2. Mich. There's a new safety instrument panel, new DETERMINATION OF HEIRS Take other examples. Staf# of Michigan—The Probate Court for dip-center safety steering wheel—even an NOTHING TO BUY I KROGER OVEN-READY the Couniir of Kent. At a of (aid court, held at the Its styling is new. Never before have you seen ingenious new Safety-Minder* that lets you probate office, in the City of Grand Raoidt, in tald County, on the a Buick like this one—sleek and stunning, and know when you reach the miles-per-hour you've NO OTHER OBLIGATION! ISth da/ of Novembe', A. 0. 1954. Prejent: HON. JOHN DALTON, Ju*e of Lb. low as a cat-crouch. preset for yourself. • Probate. KROGER EMPLOYEES AND In the Matter of the Eitate of 18-ibs. WILLARD C. DENICK, Oeceated. Its engine is new. Never has any Buick boasted Nancy Oenick having filed in taid court Of course, the only way to get the whole, new & up he petition praying thai vaid court adjudi- so big, so powerful, so obedient an engine as the THEIR IMMEDIATE cate and determine who were at the tlaK wonderful story is to take the wheel and lei of hit death the legal hein of tald de- purring V8 engine that gingers even' '57 Buiek. ceated and entitled to inherit the real 11-15 LB SIZE 4 8 LB BELTSVILLES ettafn of which said deceased died ie!jed. this big new car do its own talking. 4 ^ FAMILIES NOT ELIGIBLE! TURKEY It it Ordered. That the llth day of December A. 0. I»M. Its performance is new—and right here we Turkeys ^ 49/ Turkeys ^ 55/ at len o'clock in the forenoon, at tald pro- And that's something we'll be most happy to bate office, be end it hereby eppolnled for mean new like nothing else you ever experi- 4-6 LB. SIZE FARMER PEET-FULL SHANK HALF hearing tald petition; arrange first chance you get. Come in-today, It It Further Ordered, That public notice thereof be given by publication of a copy enced before. Caponettes "> 59/ Smoked Hams ^ 55/ of thu order, for three tuccetiive weeki *N6w Advanced Variable Pilch Dynaflow is die only Dynaflow previout to taid day of hearing, in the Lowell For now, there's a new advanced Variable Pitch 4-5 LB SIZE ZWAN IMPORTED "Bring to a boll, stirring constantly," the recipe read. And while she's stirring Ledger, a newtpaper printed and circulated Buick builds today. It is standard on Roadnuuter, Super and Register Often In taid county. Dynaflow* so instant in action, so smooth and Century-optional at modest extra cost on the Special. Safety- the phone rings. Very frustrating—but not if she has a kitchen telephone at JOHN DALfON Stewing Chickens b 39/ Canned Hams ^"2.29 Judge of Probate Minder standard on Roadmaster, optional other Series. her elbow. A true copy flexible throughout the entire "Drive" range - C. R. LAWTON, STANDARD WILSON S CERTIFIED Regltter of Probate. cJI )l the need for "Low" is virtually eliminated. WHEN UTTIR AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT IUICK Will iUltD TKSW ' Kitchen telephones are available in eight gleaming colors to makn any kitchen Oysters V4-pinl each 55/ Canned Hams ^>..5.49 more attractive. The cost is only a few cents a day after a nominal one-time This Week! ^ KROGER THRIFTY WATER WELL l installation charge. SWISS, SIRLOIN. RIB OR DRILLING & REPAIRING • You can have her telephone installed before Christmas—or place it under the tl years of experience CARNATION INSTANT MIX FOR Ib. Christmas tree for installation after the holidays. In either event, her new tele' Guaranteed Materials Newest Buick \^t phone will be delivered in a beautiful gift package. Free Estimates FHA Flnanclnp Chocolate Milk49f Round Steak To order a kitchen phone (or a bedside phone or a phone for the recreation Place your order now for year room) just call our Business Office. well work ORSON MELLE HEKMAN MICHIGAN BILL TILEPHONE COMPANY PH. TW 7-77S4 410 N. Jackson, LoweU H&H CHEVROLET Ph. TW 7-9294 508 W. Main St.. LoweU Fudge Stripes 49/

r THE LOWELL LEDGER, LOWELL, MICH., NOV. tt, IMC Wedding Anniversary CARD "OF THANKS .C CAlD OF THANKS , IN MEMORIAM S. Keen*—N. Boston We with ttS thank all of our I sincerely wish to thaflk all my In loving memory of my dear Thompsoa Mr*. Mary Potter 1 datives, friend and neighbors for friehds, relatives and neighbors husband. Lew, who passed away In honor of the 50th Wedding the many acta of kindisesa and ex- who remembered me with their Nov. 22. 1955. Sadly missed by Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. My- Jolly Communis club met last pressions of sympathy shown us many visits, flowers, gifts and sin- his wife, ron Thompson, the sons and week Wednesday afternoon with during the illness and death of our cere prayers during my long stay c31 Mrs. Ula Ayres daughters will hold open house at Mrs. Pauline Burtle, 15 ladles and darling Rosemary. We especially at the hospital. Your kindness will their home in Free port. November several children were present. want to say thanks for the beau- never be forgotten. May God richly 29, 1966, from 2 o'clock-until 5 p.m. CARD OF THANKS Auction sale was fine and the sup- tiful flowers, the food, and money bless you all. Want to express my thanks to and from 7 o'clock until 9 p.m. per lovely. Next meeting with c31 Mrs. Don Yeiter and the many cards. May God all those who were so kind and Keilfy Mrs. DeU Smit. It will be held a bless each one of you. thoughtful during my recent ill- week ahead of the usual time. Mr and Mrs. Edwin Smith Mrs. Iva Unton and Mrs. Donna On Sunday. November 18, Mr. ness. Hiere will b« a turkey dinner and and Terry Miller called on Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Harold Kelley celebrated p31 Jean Condon their 25th wedding anniversary. trrc, and each lady to bring a Mr. and Mrs. Francis Smith Lewis Jones Monday afternoon. We Are Thankful secret pal gift and a 50c gift for Their children held "open house" Mr. and Nfrs. Peter Barker, for them at the KelW^ residence the exchange. More later on about Sr., and Family which admitted friends and rela- this meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Smith tives from Lowell. Grand Rapids, Your correspondent of thgse and Family FOR OUR CUSTOMERS... Comstock Park, Saranac. Rock- items was unable to get in my Mr and Mrs Bernard Smith We Have ford, Cedar Springs and Fremont. news last week, because of 6 P31 Whose generous patronage has been ours throughout Frank Stephens also took movie slight strokes due to the high the many years we have been in business in Lowell. pictares of the party. blood pressure and then Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. George Yaeger of Kundp of last week fell on her left foot, Belleville spent the week-end with pulling some ligaments causing their mother. Mrs. Iva Linton, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kunde of her to remain in bed. attended the wedding and recep- Alto will observe t!ieir 25th anni- Callers Sunday afternoon of Mrs. tion for their niece. Miss Gail Mc- FOR OUR EMPLOYEES... versary Sunday, November 25. Celia Boss and son were Mr. and Mahon to Jerry Do ran. MOVED with an open house at iheir home Their loyal and faithful service which contributes to Mrs. Joe Besser and son of Grand' from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. the characteristics of our Company — a good Com- No formal invitations have been Rapids. pany with good products. mailed. Byron, Eddie and Paul Potter TO OUR NEW STORE and Ralph Wheaton and Ed Hopp DANCING * C ARD OF THANKfl left Tuesday evening for the north ROUND AND SQUARE in quest of deer. They returned I wish to thank friends, neigh- AT Sunday evening; FOR OUR CITY... bors, and relatives for cards, and Saturday. Nov. 24 Mrs. Paul Potter stayed with Lowers. Also Rev. Martin a n d CAMPAU LAKE (AMVETS Mr. and Mrs. James Dean while Its churches, schools, progressive businesses and many Rev. Mills for calling daring my HALL) Paul was away. and varied organizations and last but not least — its recent illness, Mr. and Mrs. John Hayes of FAMILY NIGHT p3J Mrs. Eva Kropf FRIENDLINESS Washington state were cajlers one Soft Drinks Only 100 Main St. evening last week of Celia Boss IN MEMORIAM Adm. — 50c Per Person and son. In loving memory of oar Mother Callers at the Ed Potter Sr., Dancing 8 to 12 FOR OUR COUNTRY... and Grandmother Elise Heim who home this past week were Mrs. c31 passed away 3 years ago Nov. 26. For the priceless Tradition of Thanksgiving Day, the Oleta Smith and Sharon and Gen- AVERY'S Your memory to us is a keepsake, c va Barkley. Deil Smit, Patty Pot- inheritance of Courage, Faith and Power is Ours. With which we will never part. ter, and Geo. Raimer, Sally Potter JEWELRY & GIFTS Though God has you In his keeping. {•nd Judy Smith. LowiH, Mich. TW 7-9375 We still have you in our hearts. c31 Children and Grandchildren IS OUR BUSINESS That is what ne are thankful for on this CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thanks and sincere • Television Thanksgiving Day —1956 appreciation are extended to the • Radio relatives, friends and neighbors • Phono SOUNDS for the beautiful floral tribute and many acts of kindness during the Phone 1132 Colect INTERESTING illness and the passing of Addie Campbell. We also wish to thank DAY AND NIGHT SCnVIGE ...but SERIOUS Rev. James Bailard. TGnqWltinq Cmpany c31 Lena Wood and Relatives Too many homes are UN&B- CARD OF THANKS ^ Lowell. Michiqan * IN8URED today .. and house- McCORD bold contents, personal things We wish to express our heart- could not he replaced for the felt thanks and sincere apprecia- TV Swvic. amount of Insurance carried. tion to the relatives, friends and AAIIDDUV ROOFING & SHEET METAL neighbors for their beautiful floral Ionia, Michigan Call Your Capital Stock tributes and many expressions of 158 Riverside Drive Iwiwlmi ii • Company Agent sympathy during our recent be- reavement. the sudden death of our He can advise you fully ROOFING... SHEET METAL... beloved husband, father, gcand- Happy on your insurance father, and brother, John W. Por- Custom Duct Worii needs ritt. We arc especially grateful to General Repairs, Hat or Rev. Clifford Edwards for his Shingled Round or Square Tanks, In Lowell Col comforting words, to the organist Gutters and Hashing Up to 3-16 ga. TWJ-9269 for her consoling music, to tht Hoods. Spray Booths. Sign Backs nephews who served as bearers Thanksgiving Chimney Repairs and to those who helped In other Hade to Order ways. Hashings or Decks Made to Raised Letters RITTENGER Mrs. John W. Porritt LOVE ME TENDER Order Service Truck Tool Boxes Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Porritt E. Presley INSURANCE SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heaven 210 W. Main St. ^Louflt GREEN DOOR e and Daughter ...from Friendly SAVE THESE PHONE NUMBERS FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Toor OApltal Stock Insurance Jim Lowe Mr. and Mrs. John F. Porritt Agent and Son JUST WALKING IN THE TW7-7978 -Or- TW7.7638 Mr. and Mrs. James Porritt RAIN Mr. and Mrs. Homer Diefen- Johnnie Ray 111 Lafayette St., Lowell baker p31-34 AWtAlt Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham DON'T BE CRUEL Elvis Presley Lowell Loan c.mpony Mrs. Alden Porritt c31 TRUE LOVE IIS W. Main Phone TW 7-9907 Vtf COFFEE Bing Crosby and A Grace Kelly GEE! |FIT'STHE600P SINGING THE BLUES RICH CREAM FROM Fran's Gift Nook Gay Mitchell Christmas Cards and GreeUng HimMPHUL DAIRY Cards; Stationary; GUI Wraps; MAMA FROM THE TRAIN l SURE MUST Books; Bibles; Games, Plaquett; Patti Page Toys; Novelties; Saered Records CHINCH ERINCHEE OPEN EVEN'NGS Perry Como ALL DAY SATURDAY One Mile West on M-21 Open Saturday Night North Hide of Koad Frances VanderWeele Radio Service Phone TW 7 70W c30 tf Company R. G. CHROUCH If you got It here. It s gotta be good! 806 E. Main St. Ph. TW 7 «75 Plenty of Rood, wholesome milk Complete and cream adds a lot to every m.-al. We're here to see you get all you want. Plumbing STRAND HlGHLANDHlLL & Heating THEATRE Service Lowell, Michigan M 15 E MAIN ST. Last Times Tonight: LOWELL . Wk I * LYLE COVERT Walt Disney's "Great Locomotive Chase' Ph. TW 7-7M8 Lowell In Color! 'MAMAI ITS TW I'AEW" Everything In Plumbing and Heating Fri., Sat. Nov. 83, 24 This one you have to see from that of a costly car. GMC's ex- and drive. It's the phenomenal ciusivc RSD Suspension* sees to that. Johns-Wlanvllle new GMC Blue Chip light-duty You ride in style, too! GMC Blue Chip Money-Maker for '57. lines are long and low-colors arc dashing It hat 206 horsepower— more engine than - cabs, luxuriously appointed. It's the Phis Cartoon tftpScffr s/msr you'll find in most trucks four times its newest contender for the attention of rated capacity. station-wagon users. Sun., Mon. Nov. 25. 26 Is oasy to apply—coml» only Sunday From 3:00 P. M. par squara foot. So it can handle a tremendous amount Add them up: matchless appearancc — MV of truck-work — do it day in, day out, incomparable roadability—huge reserves without a struggle or strain.You'll marvel of power-stamina for extra years of serv- We Solve All of Your You will be more thankful on at its spirited response —even with a full ice! Inflnykind of truck-work this GMC TV Repair Problems load. is a money-maker! Come see it —now! Thanksgiving Day if your For adjustment or repairs, In fact, blindfolded, you couldn't tell its •SunAstd en Suhu'kan, pplloml al Ui[il tKlra (Ml tm house is Insulated! He's Got Car InsiOTnce with the !•()« call on your TV axperts to serenely smooth and comfortable travel tiller K-/M meJth. Tues., Wed.. Thurs.. put your set In shape for November 27, 28, 29 Integrity of Company top performance. Quality of Coverage! O-. P^S Just CaU Me TW 7-9275 LOWELL LUMBER Yes, Citizens' All-Feature to life GMC CSi TRUCKS for 57 policy passes the test! De- If you got It here, It's golta ftat pendable—covers you in be good! & COAL CO. more lituatlond. Yout See us, too, for IrtpU-Cheiked uteU truiisf "CITIZENS' MAN" is 218 So. WatUastM BRACE WALTER M»oof TW7-9291 Radio Service The ROLLINS COMING SOON: Company "Love Me Tender"' Doyle-Schneider Pontiac Agency "Moby Dick" Ada tiimber & Coal Co. R. O. CH ROUGH -Eddie Dnchii. Story" 7090 Bronson (23 W. Mail St. Lowell. MM* rut t imic OR6-4311 JL I It • - I