FIRST HOME (iAME HERE FRIDAY Red Arrows! NOVEMBER SO . WITH (.OimiN OL Established June, 1893 LOWELL, MICH., THURSDAY, NOV. 22, 1956 Number 3 Many Distinguished Guests Gas Station Ordinance Shoots Deer Near Lowell Opening Day More Books ... Better Service Provisions Repealed Alto Resident, Dies New Elementary Building To Be In 1951, Says Attorney Mrs. Agnes Belle Casper. 90. of Lowell Village and Township to Join Alto, passed away Sunday evening Village attorney. Richard Van- at the Peet Nursing Home in Dedicated Sunday, December 2nd derVeen told the village council Library Service with Kent County Caledonia. Jessup, will play several selections, Monday night that the provisions At the council meeting on Mon- has been paid from fees received The Lowell Board of Education Funeral services were held Wed- as will the high school and grade restricting the building of gasoline day night. G. R, Thompson, chair- by the library. Lowell Township will honor Its president when form- nesday afternoon, at Cross-Miller school choirs, dlrocted by Law- service stations In the village was man of village library committee | has operated a library in the al dedication of the now elementary fur^ral home in Caledonia; mter- rence DeWitt. Ann Mane Alexander repealed by the building and zon- was given authority to complete | township building. school building Is held Sunday. | ment at Bowne Center cemetery. will accompany the high school ing ordinance of 1951. negotiations with the township oh In joining the Kent County Li- December 2. at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. Casper is survived by a group, and Nila Hesche the grade Since no ordinance prohibits this L/iwell to split the cost of joining brary organization Lowell will Carlton H. Runclman. sr.. who sister. Mrs. Sara Stauffer of Alto. school choir. construction, the village will have Village-Township facilities have access to many more books has been a member of the Board and several nioces and nephews. Appropriate fereetings will be ex- with the Kent County Library or-; which are nit a ted between libraries of -Education since 1921, and Its to take no action to allow a major tended by Peter Speerstra. as pres- ganlzation. This plan has been un- in the county. Special services are president the past 31 years, has oil company to construct a new ident of the village, and Stephen der study for several months and available such as a Saturday been honored by the board which station. liOwell Moose S. Nlsbet. sr.. of Fremont on be- has now reached the final stages, t morning children's hour to inter- voted to name the new 5349 thous- Present at the meeting was The library for many years has'est the young patrons in taking and dollar structure "Runclman half of the State Board of Edu- Vem Armstrong who told the | Still Need Toys cation. l»een operated jointly by the vil- advantage of library facilities. A Elementary School." council that he felt Lowell had Dr. Eugene Elliott, president of! plenty of service stations. For Santa's Shop lage and the school, with librarian j selection of movie films are avail- Gerald Rollins, vice-president of Eastern Michigan College at Ypsi-1 costs shared. The village has fur- able for use in the home or for Bob Wolf, chairman of the luowell the school board, will dlticuss lantK and Dr. Clair Tavlor. Super-j nished the building: light and heal group programs. Moose Civic Affairs Committee, "Naming of the School" as a part intemlent of Public Instruction, will Dr, Quirk Gives ; ' | The village and township will be states they still need usable and I of the fine proRram which has also bo called uixmi to speak to| | obliged to provide a building, light, {repairable toys for their "Oprra- Mrs. Addle Campbell. been planned. The HlRh school the dedlcatlon-day audience. Botany Collection | heat and telephone, this yearly band, under the direction of Orval I The main address of dedication tion Santa ciaus" work shop beinc 89 Buried Thursday •cost is estimated at $1,500 shared ' will be given by Dr. Donald Currie. To University matntniiM-d „ both ,ho Roo..Lo,v,u At whtawyvfe Cemetery • on a 60-40 basis with the township. Company and the Lewis Electric who Is Director of Placement at Dr. B. E. Quick, a retired pro- The coun, would shop Mrs, Addle Campbell. a life y provide the 11- Swarthoul Slory j Eastern Michigan College. fessor of biology and botany — 1,1 n 00 18 Persons willing to donate items to resldem of this area, passed away, p™','[if 'j * - i Also listed on the program are and a I/iwell native—has present- 1 Miss Rutherford, the present this worthy annual drive should Tuesday. November 13 in Lowell. ntr .vu.... .um. me ptoctu Has Been Filmed • Miss Marlon Bushnell and Pat ed his outstanding collection of contact any Moose member, or call Mrs, Campbell, who was 89 year.- i™"8"; would ^ JT'"^ ',y Glendon Swarthout, a Lowell Crowe. Miss Bushnell. first grade botanical and biology specimens the Lewis Electric shop for pick- of age, was hon, at WhitneyvUle 'ho In""d <* ^ native, now professor of commun- teacher In the new building, will Hours of the library would be ad- to the University of Michigan Mus- up. Their phone number is TW7- in Cascade township on April 10. ications skills at Michigan State 'make a "presentation", and Mr. justed as the need arises, the vil- eum. 7137. 18fi7, She was the daughter of Crowe, a member of the archi- lage and township would be ob- Unlveretiy. • has l»een writing for Last Monday Mr. VanHaught. This drive, which has been very James and Sarah Sutphen, a pio- a Hollywood film company which tectural firm. Robinson. Campau 10 comi u bead curator of the Flowering" successful in the past, is an as- neer family In thl, locality " <; arrange- jand Crowe, and supervising archl- recently released a picture "Sev- Plant Exhibitions at the Museum, surance of a toyful, joyful Christ- The deceased was married In ,1™','°'; a •vo"r' ,h<: ™'t itect of the new structure, will pres- enth Cavalry". Not only did he and his assistant, called at Dr. mas for needy children, who other- Decemher of 1883 to Charles L V ? W"ih to f" ent the keys to the building. As help write the film story, but he Quick's home and spent hours ex- wise might have a very unexciting Campbell, a farmer a, McCords: ""'k * "'i"i""5' " wouW the final Item on the program. Mr. wrote the original work on which amlnlnR and packing the speci- day. Be sure to cooperate with he preceded her In death In June.^J*"^ "l,h ,h<, ^n,>' . .Runclman will give his speech of it was based: "A Hone for Mrs mens. which they stated were In these fellow townsmen: if it's worth a, 1940 Their only child. John. I t. 'm, """"V . ^ I acceptance. Ernie Fwin looks Just » little proud tm he poned early Thun. n l r,,r> l cf r Custer". excellent condition. fixing, it can be repaired by these passed away In January ,1 1947, a'~ l? » ? | A lour of the new building, and day morning with his kill—an 8-polnt beok that he nhot a ruuple u-j u—j nd have employed a full-time Although Glendon was bom In Mr. Quick, who is 70 years of talented gentlemen, and will make Mrs. Campbell had lived for a social hour complete with re- minute* after 7 o'clock the fintt day of the seafton. Ernie found librarian. Plnckney, he moved to Lowell some child very happy on Tues- sixty-five years at her home inj freshments served from the new ago. stated he desired to give his hlH luck very Rood Just back of hifl home on Foreman road. Hln day. December 25. McCords. A daughter-in-law. Mrs . ... when quite small, and attended kitchen facilities, will complete the collections to the universUy inas- waa the flrwt re portal to uh ia this area. At 7:16 that Hame morn- Lena Wood, has lived with her | ond school here; in 1939 he received dedication program. much as he feared that they could ing Ben Ayertt shot a 12-polnt buck out in the (irindle drive and his bachelor of arts degree from not Im? cared for in his home in Montcalm av. area. Morrln Rlazo, unMiccewful In his northern Bears Sad Tidings to ' and cared far her the last nine: Busy Woodworicers Meet the Univenity of Michigan, and the proper manner, and—if any woods hunt, returWd Sunday evening and Monday morning xhot [years. | Mrs. Mary tot, 75 Lowell Congregational is ts Also surviving are a brother-in- The Little U omen and Busy later his master's. value should be where they an H |Mdnt buck junt a little ways from his Gulliford dr. farm. Dies Here Friday; law. Gerald Kimberly; and a sis- Woodworkers 4H clubs met for their Just recently he received the could be seen by persons interest- Doug, Steve an/! Mel Hartley, and WaHar Hall, came home Mon- The Lowell Congregational fi^s, w 1,er ter-in-law. Mrs. Hattie Sutphen. of >| meetings November 8 doctor of philosophy degree at M. Former Cafe Owner ed In botany and biology. day morning with lour alee de«r draped Over their car. They were church heard sad news from Dr. 3 Belding; and several nieces, neph-. ' ^Prgeiines town hall. i Among his donations were col- bunting In the Upper PenhMUla. Harold Skidmore of Lansing, when S. U. He has done advertising 1 lc Mrs.
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