1 . Testimony of Dorothy Melanson, Public Hearing Before the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions, August 30-3 1 , 2004. 2. Katharine Q. Seelye, "Democrats' Legal Challenges Impede Nader,"7J* New York Times (Aug. 19, 2004). 3. The Ballot Project, Inc. IRS Statements. it 4. Jonathan Finer and Brian Faler, "Nader Still Unsure of Ballot Spot in Many ° States," Washington Post (Aug. 24, 2004). <^i r^ 5. Associated Press, "lawyers, Aided by Democratic leaden, Challenge

61. SEIU Political Contributions Report «• 62. RoyPulversBio. O Q 63. Press Release: PA Stays Blue Despite Repeated Bush Visits. i*-.


Exhibit 1

Testimony of Dorothy Mebnson, PubUc Hairing Before the Maine Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions, August 30-31,2004. TRANSCRIPT OF TESTIMONY FROM DOROTHY MELANSON, CHAIRWOMAN OF MAINE DEMOCRATIC PARTY Public Hearing Define the Bureau of Corporations, Elections and Commissions Augusta, Maine August 30 and 31,2004

HB = Attorney Harold H. Burbank n (Attorney for and Peter Miguel Camejo) DM = Dorothy Melanson (Chairwoman for Maine Democratic Party)

•H HB: Good Morning, or Good Afternoon I should say. rH ? DM: Good afternoon. r«.

DM: We had heard from several people who fefo (hat they were somewhat tricked into signing these petitions. We also were alerted to problems in other states—many other states. As I'm sure you're aware...

HB: No, I not aware, but...

DM: So we started looking into the petitions themselves; we started looking into the electors, and just to make sure everything was okay. This is a nationwide process mat many states are going through the exact same thing with the exact same problems.

HB: When you say it's a nationwide process, is it being coordinated from any central location?

DM: Urn...the Democratic Party. The national Party is certainly looking at it. There's also an organization called stopnader.com.

HB: Okay. Are yon affiliate with stopnader.com? DM: I am not at all.

HB: Are you affiliated with the Democratic Party?

DM: I most certainly am.

HB: In what capacity is that? DM: I am the Chair of the Maine Democratic Party. HB: The Chair of the Maine Democratic Party. Do you have any personal feeling or belief toward eitfarr candidate Nader or ffncfffrttg O»"g|> *h«* they personally are unqualified for the office of President and Vice President of the ? T>M-1 «to"*t famw one riling afrnnt the VJM Pyea^gntjfll cmiflidatp Om*jn Ihavenoidea. In my personal opinion, Mr. Nader is not qualified for me. rH HB: Right HI rH DM: In my qualifications. ; O J^j HB: But is he unfit for office in anyway that would disqualify him personally or legally to *T *pply *ff fr« g gmfJJdqtg in Wiy a***? ^M* *^> frim^, ftmi*1, Harem, placed nm vnters tir persons? T 0 DM: There were some states—I don't have the documentation mfrcmt of me now---that 2 many many of his signatures were removed.

HB: Tm talking about Mr. Nader personally now.

DM: Personally?

HB:Yes. DM: I think he's old enough and a citizen, and he meets all me qualifications in the Constitution. HB: You're not aware that he's ever committed any crimes... DM: I'm not aware. HB: That would disqualify him for running for office? DM: No. HB: You're not aware of any campaigns he's run to discredit people on a false basis or lend the air of fraud to the careers of other candidates for public office? DM: I'm not aware. HB: Or mistake or lack of qualification due to anything other than perhaps their public positions—such as policy decisions, election records, that kind of thing? You're not aware of Mr. Nader being disqualified for any reason tfi«t the public can scrutinize through die media, through libraries, through records of any kind, other than peihaps, you know, on a petition basis that you brought your petition on today? DM: There are many states that have the same questions. But other than that, I'm not aware of any fraud that Mr. Nader has committed. HB: Or any other basis he should be disqualified as a candidate for President of the United States? DM: No. ™ •** HB: He has committed no treason gcp*T*f* the United States? rH ? DM: Not that I'm aware o£ rS. (M qr HB: He has committed no other act of national security depreciation that would disqualify

HB: All-everything that's in this box here?

DM: (Inaudible) HB: And you and your attorneys have worked— I mean, you've worked— with them to examine each of these signatures?

HB: And do you have any objections— I mean, are you going to personally raise any objections to some of these petitions or are you going to rely on your attorneys to do this for you? DM: My attorneys. HB: To do this for you. How long have you been Chair— you're Chair of the Maine Democratic Party? How many years have you held this position?

DM: Nine and a half.

HB: And have you ever held a political office prior to this?

DM: I've... HB: Party office? Ml *H DM: Many parry offices out of the Democratic National Committee... (inaudible)... prior to -i that O ^ HB: In the—fro mth e state of Maine?

DM: I moved here when I was a child. HB: But you were raised here? DM: I was. HB: You went to school here?

DM: I did. HB: And you worked here and you've lived here since? DM:UhhhHuh.

HB: You've never moved away for any length of time?

DM: No. HB: Did you instruct your attorneys to make contact with the Democratic Party of the state of th*t tfrey would like to see brought regarding these petitions? DM: No. Opposing Attorney: I'm going to object to this—attorney-client communication. DM: Yeah. HB: Did you contact the Democratic Party in the state of Maine and the members thereof and askthem whether they would like you to bring the challenges we see today in these petitions? DM: Tne question being did I contact other members of the Party and ask them... T r-i HB: Yes. Did you... rH O DM: I did not. r-* ^ HB: You never asked any member of me Deniocndc Party whether >^ucould\ should think ^ about bringing a challenge as a resident citizen of the state of Maine, as to the quality of the O petitions that have been submitted? O >H DM: Many members of the Democratic Party urged us to look. j i HB: My question is did you ask them if you should do it. ' DM: For permission? No.

i HB: Did you ask their opinion if you should do it? j DM: No. HB: You've done this completely of your own volition and will and independent mind?

DM: Correct.

HB: Did you make the assumption that your Party would support your work in this regard?

DM: My Party has supported that work. HB: It is acting in concert to help you? DM: My state party... HB: The state party or the national party—either level. DM: Members of my party—state and national—support this work.

HB: And do they support you? DM: Well they certainly have. HB: Do they contact you personally? DM: Great many members. HB: Do they send you funds? DM: (Silence) Uhh—we get funds from state and national—from our members and from the u\ national party. HI *~< HB: Do you get them personally? c? £j DM: Do I get them personally? *T *JT HB:Yeah. O 2 DM: From the national party? HB:Yes. DM: My salary? b that what you're talking about? HB: Well does the national party pay you fin: this—I didn't realize this was a paid position? DM: It is a paid position. HB:Okay. Did they send you a separate fund to bring this challenge? Did they send you specified monies to pay attorneys to bring this challenge? DM: There has been an arrangement, but it is not with me. I believe mat comes under client HB: I'm asking you if the Democratic Party has contacted you personally and said we will support with money with other supports that as you need them to bring a challenge against the petitions of Ralph Nader and Miguel Camejo in the state of Maine. Has the Democratic Party contacted you personally and asked you to do this? DM: Yes. HB: And have they said they will help you pay for it? DM: They said they would help hi many ways. HB: Did they say they would help... DM: Financially. HB: Did they say they would help you pay for it? DM: Yes. HB: Did they tell you how much money they would give you?

DM: No. CO HB: Did you ask mem? rH 2 DM: No. O isj HB: Are they paying for your attorneys? «T *T DM: They are. O J~ HB: Do they expect that you should make a response to them in your capacity as state Democratic Chair once these hearings are concluded and a decision is rendered by me Secretary of State's office? DM: Are they expected to hear what the decision is? HB: From you personally? DM: Yes. HB: Was mis part of the agreement that you made with them, I mean, I characterize what I've heard so far as an agreement between them and you to perform and to make a response as part of this agreement. Is that correct? In other words, they're expecting a report? DM: There are members of the Democratic National Committee who certainly want to hear what the outcome of mis. HB: They're expecting to hear this from you and from no other person? DM: Or from my attorneys. HB: Well, do you expect that they will call you and ask you to provide this information? Once these hearings are concluded... DM: I'm expecting that I'll probably call mem first HB: Okay. Have they ever promised to in some way notify you of the amount of funds they are willing to spend to complete this process?

DM: We have not spoken about specific amounts. HB: Have they given you any indication they would not limit the funds? DM: We have not had that discussion.

HB: I have nothing further. IX.

Q Disclaimer: This transcript is an unofficial transcript from an official audio recording. r-. r-i

O O O r-%


Katharine Q. Seelye, "Democrats' Legal Cnallengei Impede Nader,N7ife New York 7Imef(Aug.l9,2004). •>. Nrw »iuni:

AngMtl9,2004 Democrats* Legal ChaUenges Impede Nader

By KATHARINE Q. SEELYE on %Asf ASHINGTON» Au& 17-Ralph Nader's efforts to get his name on presidential ballots in *~* WW important awing «tat»i tm» hfmmitig mir^ j«T ^g*1 gha"enfleg ""* ch^B" of *""** fo £[ Democrats who have mounted an extensive campaign to keep him from becoming a factor in this year's ~J election. <=T Recent polls show that Mr. Nader could draw at least 2 or 3 percent of the vote in more than a dozen T states where the race now appears close enough for him to alter the outcome, most likely to the & detriment of Senator John Kerry, the Democratic nominee, and in favor of President Bush. _j With Republicans in several states acknowledging that they are bankrolling and gathering signatures for Mr. Nader, local Democratic parties across the country, aided by a group of lawyers calling themselves the Ballot Project Inc., have initiated mini-campaigns to stop nun, state by state. "The Democrats are making this as difficult and as debilitating for nun as possible, making him expend j blood, sweat and tears for every inch," said Charles E. Cook Jr., a nonpartisan analyst who tracks races ; in every state. "He has only so many hours in the day and so many resources. And to the extent that he's tied up trying to get on the ballots, he's not getting any kind of message across." j i So fer, only three states have closed the door on Mr. Nader Georgia, and Indiana. He seems ' close to getting on the ballot in 11 states, either on the Reform Party line or as an independent, though he could still face challenges in some. He has filed petitions in about 20 others and is awaiting rulings on their validity. He has yet to file in 18 states. Most of Mr. Nader's deadlines come this month: the due dales for 23 states fall from Aug. 2 to Aug. 24, meaning he has had to meet almost daily deadlines across the country while fending off lawsuits. He is entangled in an assortment of suits, many in states that may be the most contested in November. He is in court in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona and West Virginia, and faces potential suits or administrative challenges in Oregon, Iowa, , Nevada and Maine. He is also in court in and Illinois, which are not swing states but where his challenge to state ballot requirement is . diverting his time and resources. The legal strategies in most states are being developed by local Democrats, but the Ballot Project is helping them to find lawyers to work pro bono and share infonnation. "We're doii« eveiything we can to facilitate lawyers in over 20 states," said Toby Moffett, a Washington lobbyist and former congressman, who, with Elizabeth Holtzman, a former congresswoman from New York, is overseeing the Ballot Project Because of federal campaign finance laws, the project cannot coordinate its activities with either the Kerry campaign or the national Democratic Party, but the party approves of the legal challenges, said Jano Cabrera, a spokesman, and is closely monitoring Mr. Nader's progress. In 2000, Mr. Nader won access to the ballot as a candidate of the Green Party in 43 states. Now as an independent, he has to fight his way on in most states. The requirements vary from the minimal in Louisiana and Colorado, which require only that a candidate pay $500, to the more onerous, like Texas, which required 64,000 signatures as early as May 10. "There is no other country in the world mat has free elections that forces a candidate for chief executive to have to wrestle with 51 separate sets of laws," said Richard Winger, an expert on ballot access laws. In Pennsylvania, a major battleground, Democrats have taken Mr. Nader to court, saying that more than O 30,000 of the 47,000 signatures he filed Aug. 2 were of unregistered voters or were forged, fictitious or ™ otherwise defective and should disqualify him from the ballot. f\ G~ l Similarly in Oregon, the Service Employees International Union, which has endorsed Mr. Kerry, said r,j that an initial examination of signatures filed there found that at least two-thirds were forged, had m^

M The fight has become fierce in Oregon, with anti-Nader forces telling people circulating Nader petitions that they could be jailed and fined if they submitted fraudulent signatures. The Nader campaign said that its circulators were being intimidated and that 30 had quit as a result. "Where are the battles?" asked Kevin Zeese, Mr. Nader's spokesman. "Everywhere. It doesnt matter if it's a or a safe state. The Democrats are doing their best to harass us everywhere. Their goal is to divert our resources and bleed our campaign." At the same time, challenging the Nader petitions is "extremely difficult," said Dan Booker, a partner at Reed Smith, a Pittsburgh law firm that helped build the case against Mr. Nader in Pennsylvania. The drive by Pennsylvania Democrats is one of the most extensive and offers a glimpse into what it takes to mount such a challenge. Mr. Booker said that 8 to 10 lawyers in his firm were working pro bono on the case, 80 hours each a week for two weeks, and could end up working six more weeks. The firm also took on more than 100 volunteers. Working with Reed Smith was a Philadelphia lawyer, Gregory M. Harvey, an elections specialist who has been detached from his firm while he organized 70 volunteers at his end of the state. The state required Mr. Nader to submit 25,697 signatures by Aug. 2. To help gather them, Mr. Nader hired a professional firm to circulate petitions. In Philadelphia, he also hired homeless people, offering them 75 cents a name up to 300 signatures, then $1 a name, Mr. Harvey said. Reporters for The Philadelphia Inquirer wrote that they bad observed some of the circulators repeatedly signing each other's petitions and telling passersby that they could sign any name they wanted. On Aug. 2, the Nader campaign filed about 47,000 signatures in Harrisburg. The Democrats responded with the equivalent of a statewide bucket brigade: Officials mHarrisburg,iinder the auspices of H. William DcWecse, the House minority leader, photocopied fhe 47,000 signatures aiid tnicked them to Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, where volunteers began examining them line by line. They had one week in which to file their challenge. In Pittsburgh, software programmers and data-entry volunteers occupied three conference rooms at Reed Smith, where they created a database of the 47,000 names that were checked against the state's list of registered voters. In Philadelphia, Mr. Harvey sent volunteers to the city board of elections, where they compared the signatures from the petitions with those on voter registration lists. In one week, the teams produced a two-foot-high stack of pleadings showing what their court papers called "a wide-ranging and extensive pattern of false and forged entries." rH



The Ballot Project, Inc. IRS Statements. Political Organization

Notice of Section 527 Status OM3 No. 1545-1693


,udZ!P< WaeMnfon. DC 20036

bn: ,/Fftaal

Kl feDefeji 4b Detect f\ 06/02/2004 07/21/2004

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^ WillienCOIdBkcr 818 Connecticut AVOHMW NW Suite 1100 O O ,~l 7» NaaMofcMtM WillkmCOidaker 818 Connecticut Aveoue NW Suite 1100 Wuhiqlon, DC 20006

e). 't HNHi HQIVMICFI 1730 Rhode laleed Avenue NW Sute 712

Wuhu^too. DC 20036

NONE Nonfloflllon of Ctahn of

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Dirador, ASecrctay 6368 Englkfa Ivy Wiy SprfagfiektVA 22152

LB 2PrtAv New York, NY 10016

AodKNvJ.Moflta.Jr. Director nd Praudcflt 499 Soutb Capitol Street, SWSuhe 600

•M Wuhmgtoo, DC 20003 HI o

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A FirlbtpofMbMjInMf 06/02/2004 mtmB* 06730/2004

hAkl report _ flanr of •ddreM _ Amended report _ Final report

Focw on Billot QuIHIcition Inc. 20-I079M6

i (PA b« «r MHbcr, 1730 Rhode AvcHBNW Bute 712

WilnmCOkfakcr 81 8 NW Sute 1 100 O O M •b WilHnCOkUur 811 CaUDotiM Avowc NW 1100 WMbinftoa, DC 20006

:NW Bute 712

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S10000 lap MM nwviky N/A 924 WoMood Blvd. *700 Lot A*cfa.CA 90024 $25000 outer 06/24/2004


O O Form 8072 (11-2002) | Schedule B MdZIPctd* lef •df-cnptapd S2000 6361 EnfKrii Ivy Way IMteT SfnvBdd,VA221S2 06000004

N/A $4000 102S Ai>fe.NW Sake 205 Ml* N/A 06/30/2004

FaabrMnrioe O-J I ZIP tef Robert I •df $3000 ® 1730 Rhode IdMd Aw. NW Suite712 Drttof fr. WMUnpJan. DC 20036 06000004

O O Political Organization F«,8872 (NOMmber 2002) Roport of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1698 DtpMrant of •• TtaHury

A tolB»f*rio«iejpH»j| 07J01/2Q04 udcodbf 09/30/2004

Iiiiiol report ^_ Cbufjc of odonoi ^_ Amended report _ Fhw repuit

INMOOf The Bdlot Project, toe. 20-1079846

1730 Rhode Mud Ave NW Ste 712 «> ^ (M CKyorlM M WaUngtoa. DC 20036 hSi 06AJ20004

— wuimwHwr SIIComecticutAvcNWSleHOO O Waduntfon. DC 20006

WiDwnCOkkker 118 Connecticut AvtNWSto 1100

1730 Rhode IitadAveNWSte 712 il ZIP i Wufaingloo, DC 20036

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I Hi ZIP BOmMBIjl -. • •* SQNNA^L__-_^m^ Land Space nd 944FiflhAvc Now Yoik, NY 10012 S10000 Dm* S10000 07/13/2004

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NmvY«k. NY 10003



1730Rhod>IdndA«0NW 8niie7l2 WHhJMMM, DC 20036

i ad ZIP LflUJte yd IJKItlUg Miffrllii CQMUCDO| bm cflbM 51 Friendly La«e Jericho. NY 11753-2330

i Hi ZIP LfafclLi 5405ShmrPtaeeNW Wwlwfloa, DC 20016 aaaauGiinm -* f •DO R enorAL^bKa SIOO Ditoi SIOO 09/13/2004 I ZIP

375 WM End Aw. Apt 10A AMUtOf New Yoik. NY 10024 OOHflUCDnj ^i g •DB ». fllMl_*t^.i S2000

S2000 09/16/2004


§90 SJL 434 North AlMBOMe Spring. FL 32714 IZIPcMk NUM«T« JoteHiM nfe 330 N Sprint MiDRd CartrthhM'i m^rthi Am*** Vilhnow. PA 19015 -1737 Mind S 12500

$12500 07/130004

I ZIP i UFCW.AFLCK) AFL-OO 1775K8T.NW CMtribMtfucc^iHii AMHtcT WHhk^H. DC 20006-1S9I Unk» $25000

$25000 09AW2004

ZIP OOdl NMMCfl CWACOPE ConmunicrtoBi Worian of America SOITUdST.NW Q W«hii«M. DC 20001 K1 »H O fs.

O O Form 8872 (11*2002) I Schedule B

Old-far, Bid* A Bdiir. LLP $3705 ITMRhadBbhBdAwNW to 712 Dtfeef Attonwy 09/17/2004

IZIPi t«r •df SI 1329 6361 EMU Ivy Wry dptadl Drttef 8priMfldd,VA221S2 090272004

HI ifbrFtariditt-nd Kl HI 4N i Mi ZIP toff O •df $3000 1730 Rhode bind AvcNW Suite 712 DM* of P". Public AflUn 09/23/2004 toft

O O Biobrthl •df $490 HOBnjnSt Duaicf BraaUyn.NYU2l7 Anaraay

IZIPi JotaC.VwOaon •elf $4025 P.OBox69 Driteff TUldNwee. PL 32302 09/27/2004

Florida mdbdukv PL bnmub

•elf $1000 4217S.3filhSt Drteeff Ai«-Mj-n,VA 22206 09O60004

dfk IZIP4 Vtayil •df $300 4704 46th St,NW Dui , DC 20016 09^9/2004

I OP DoaWkoer Mir $1000 41 Waurfenl Cirefc Apt 207 Dum ,W153719 09/29/2004

I ZIP •df $1000 131930ASLNW Itane WuririM-aa. DC 20007 09/29/2004

I i IZIFi I if . McCncken. Walter A Rho«ls S6000 Dt*«f Attorney OM3O004


IMBMinSt Brooklyn, NY 11217 AHHBCy

t«f •df $2000 Kl dph DMiff Attaraay 01/180004 r-| a

•df $3000 6361 btftt Ivy Wiy IM DMt o Adoncy 01000004 a

IZIPl BISC $6000 102S AveNW Suite 205 DMi« AUumcy 01030004

Tobyl The UviafMn Group. Int S32S2 4MSQvilolStSW Duteaff 08OSO004

1ZIP4 Mir $1604 1730 Rhode bhadAvcNW Suhe712 DvBteJf iAfSUnCoowhant 08/300004


I ZIP i Wohmfni Pint Bank S2S I300K8LNW Date if ,DC 20005 OtV31O004

Win Tnodbr Fee lap Bnwl nd COM! IOTA Trwt Bfo«i ud CMC! KJTA Tn* S10000 215 SMoaroeSt Suite 400 IMtef lUlihuiBi.FL 32301 AttomeyiitLiw 01/310004

Florida talk* IZIPw* Broad and CaaMl OTA Traat Broad ud Castd IOTA Truat $25000 215 S More St Suite 400 DMecf ,FL 32301 Attorney! it Law 09/03/2004

.Florak ballot

I IOTA Truat BnMd nd CUM! IOTA Treat S10000 215SMonrocStSute400 Date of ,FL 32301 Attorneys* Law

Florida ballot

WMbdRflttiPntBnk •df S2S ISOOKStNW DM WMhhainn. DC 20005 OMB/MM

S2S dpto Date oT 09/08/2004


IHflZIPl Wuhin^oaFintBnk $75 1SOOKSLNW DMeoT Bmk 09710^004


Bmd and GHH! IOTA Tim Bmd and CHM! IOTA Tiwt $25000 215 S Monroe St Sate 400 Date if Tallihinrr. PL 32301 AttomeyietUw OW10/2004

t tabor. Floridi ballot

1ZIP« landCMeellOTATruBt lOTATiwt $30000 215 SMomeSt Suite 400 DMicfi AttomeyittLiw 097100004 cfi Uor.FloridftUlot t*r Bmd nd Cmd IOTA Tnut $50000 215 SMooraeSt Sate 400 Drtecf Attorney1! «t Law 09/10V2004

t labor. Florida ballot IZlPi aeir $2200 6361 EoflWi Ivy Way *ftja*t Dateef Spra^fldiLVA 22152 Attorney 09/13/2004

Florida navel IZIPi URitiM; People ferVkuy Uniting People fcr Victoiy 530000 1730 Rhode hfedAvcNW Suhe712 DBtotf 09/150004

MHy Moflott •If S200D 1319 30* St. NW Ditefli WrtlnjMin, DC 20007 09/15/2004 •fl •boj^ MOB lor MivkCi

•Cjf $500 S«M7I2 Dtftrf OWIS0004 o

I ZIP* COHOUCMMJ DBJt CnDIti DMS4>t O 09/15/2004 o

I ZIP i B^h^t ^b^^^HiMHl J S3000 1730 Rhode bind Avef4W Sute7l2 DMiflT Pubbc AflUn 09/16^004

IZIPl MvyMofflea •df S02 131930*StNW Data* 09/16/2004

Fedn.FEC I ZIP nil •df s« 1730 Rhode bbodAveNW S«te712 DM Mmmeotnd Publk AlbhO OWI6/2004

IZIPl JbHL.litapn.CSR $39 DMi cooduftiHg bgt cfluiti 09/17/2004

iiad ZIP i •df S7630 6368E^liihIvyW«y Dnirf Spria|fidd.VA22IS2 07/07/2004 I ZIP i S10000 Date of Political RcscarehGioiv 07/140004

IKnloir •If 1926 Wwkapn Rod Sate 310 Glcavimr.IL 60025 Attorney

|MViOB>IOjrifiMi dpfa i Mi ZIP < $3000 Ut 1730 Rhode AvcNW Site 712 tan* Kl PubUeAflkkiCoowkMt 07/15/2004 »H O rx IMiZIPl l of idf S6227 6361 FnjMi Ivy Wiy •id Me of Spiflffldd.VA 22152 Attoncy OMB/2004 O O

••»!•!'• « •< ZIP MictedKreMT •df ssooo 1926 Wofapn DMi«f Oknview.lL 60025 Anomey OB/D3/2004

IZlPi Chock! S54 1330 Aofadi Pike IMC N^»vifc,TN 37013 01/190004

IZIPi si 1SOOKSLNW Datorf , DC 20005 (W01/2004 •f win

$25 1SOOK&NW Dtf 09/14^2004


SI ISOOK8LNW ItateoT Wuhiattan, DC 20005 09/14/2004 I ZIP $8 I OV1SO004


O O HI 8872 Political Organization (NowmbvZOHl Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1686 tortMTMuy

UMH/2004 MiMilH 10/130004

— Amended report _ Ftailropon

Tl* Bite Project, tac. 20-1079846

1730 Rhode bhad Avc NW Ste 712 dty«r ZIP

HI O 4 Di rx 06*20004

WiUMCOktakcr 81ICoaaecticutAveNWSto1100 O O ikCa WilknCOUriur 111 Comeetkul Awe NW Ste 1100 WahtaiM. DC 20006

7M 1730 IitandAveNW8le7l2 dtytr

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^ FlntquMonyTCpoft •H Monthly report for the month oft (due by April 15) (due by the 20* diy ibUowinf fte moolfa ihown above, except the ^B Soccnd ^uHtcrty report Doomtarreport ,whic h » duo by Jnunry 31) (due by July IS) j£ Pixlectiop icpoit (due by the 12th or 15th dey beftnc the olectiuii) _ ThM ojuilMly raport (I) type of election: fooenl (duebyOctotelS) (2)DMBof«keiioK 11/02O004 P)FordteiMBoC DC (daebyjH«y3l) i report (due by the 30* ty after general election) (2) For UK sMe ofi

9 Trtili ihiMfiA).— ...... S 10000

ItTMrii ChMWvB)-...... 10. S 24029 Undy pjimKs of pirjuiy. 11 d»cl«ii ttut I htv> mmlrMd thisrapor tIn c (•nd stUMntfiBb wd to Uw bMt of my knowtodgc 0nd MMf. R b HUB. convct. Mid coniplMi. WlDtamCOkhkor 10/21/2004 Sign F Signature of aiMhoriied oHldal Date Font 8872 (11-2002) Schedule A IZlPi AFLOOFXC 113 SOUND* St tef WMu^oa, DC 20006 S10000 Ditoef S10000 IO/KO004

Kl HI O rs.

O o Form 8872 (11-2002) | Schedule B

•Of $08 1730 Rhode btaodAvcNW 8*712 DMtef 10/120004

lap AllMl.1 AmmaUntonty $20534 9219 Vilta Drive ItaHefi ,MD 20117 10/120004

Mtrid.1 • iif flue, hold, rcnlu OH i Hi ZIP ( O StBV«IUikk Mlf S2887 IX 6368 Enflkh Ivy Wiy D>te* Sprh«fWd,VA 22152 Attomoy 10/120004 (Nl

kpl •avieeiMdicMbiHHd o O 8872 Political Organization (November 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB NO. 1545-1696 mnt of ttw Ttatuy

A FerflMietied 10/14/2004 eedndhf 11020004

lnk»l report _ Chayof report _ Final report 1 Nine eft The Bdk* Project. Inc. 20-1079846

1730 Rhode AveNWS»e712 0 CKjrer ZIP

O 4 IX rvi 0(M»/2004

SISComccticttAvcNWSfellOO O O HI Ml FlUMMCNtM WiUiMCOhtaker SIBConaoctkulAvcNWSte 1100 , DC 20006

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W«h«fltoo, DC 20036

• Tjppt «T npwt icfeMk «4r «•

_ FintqgMErtynpart _ Maaddyrepor tfa t the rnoojfa oft (due by April 15) (due by the 20ai diy foOowins the north ebown above, except the rtorly report DeBomber raport, which it due by JeouHy 31) (due by Joly IS) _ Pre

of perjury. I declere that I heve mimlned thb report mdudk>g t npmylng sdwddes vid atttemems, nd to the best of my knowledge K IB Butt corract. end cojnplMB. 12O2/2004 «gn Slgneture of authorized official Data Form 8B72 pl-2002) _ iConMbuMont | Schedule A

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O O Fom OB72 01-2002) I Schedule B

•df $500 2010 Old tap Rd dptatt Date* AkMD*ta,VA2230l 10/14/2004

-PR I ZVea* VtdyiKntnmntky Klf $500 470446*St,NW DMtef 10/14/2004

(M *r to-PR »H dph I ZIP $122 o 101 MvkctSL Suite TOO Belief IX SHFnociMO,CA 94105 10/21/2004

O riph IZIP« O WonknlLovy.PC $394 DMtoT Adoraeyi 10AW2004

IZlPi tef •df $3000 IMieff WMhtafOB. DC 20036 11/03/2004

Fieri* • ifirid tef •df $1000 Data of 11/09/2004


rifta IZlPi tef •df S225 1730 Rhode bind Aw NW Suite 712 DMtef DC 20036 I1/1S/2004

I ZIP < MidMdKidofT Mir $2000 1926 WwkapnRdSlB 310 IM DMtef OkBviow.IL 60025 Attorney IOA90004

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O IX. (M

O O Political Organization Form 8872 (November 2002} Roport off Contributions and ExpondKuraa OMB No. 1545-1696 toTtaTraMuy

11/23/2004 MdeadfcH 12/31/2004

lartial report — CheBjcof ^ Amended icport ^ Fnel report


2 PHHlf •••MS |PiUL bOX eC HHHI 1730 Rhodo blend Awnue NW Sto 712

WMbk«too. DC 20036

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A PVfeperiedbegbjri* 01/01/2005 Hdeifl* 060012005

_ bridal report _ Change of Aanded report _ Find report

The Ballet Project. Inc. 20-1019046

1 730 Hindi bind A NW SB 71 2 LA CHjrerf «T Waatieglon, DC 20036 r-f O 4 IX. 06*2/2004 (M

WiUtanCOhWter SIBComeetfcutAveNWSte 1100 O WHhingtoa, DC 20006 O

WillM COIdBkcr 818 CoMMCtJcnt Ave NW SSte 1100 Wahinpoa, DC 20006

7 •• 1730 UMdAveNWSte7l2 dty mr ZIP

Pint ojuarteny report ^_ Monody report tot we DMOBI of! (dneby April IS) (duo by be 206) day following the •ondi ibown ibovc, except die Decemberreport ,winc h • due by Janury 31) (dee by Jury 15) _ Pre-etoctioB report (due by (be 12tfa or 15th (by before the election) (l)T>po of election: (dMtyOdobcrlS) (2)DMDofdeGlion: H YB (3)Ferneittieoft « Poal-gBnenloleetiOBiGport (due by lfaB30lho^ after general eloc^ Midyear report (NoD-election (DDMeordeetion: (2)FerdMitttoo£

9 Teteli i (Mel SO

i petal ei B). 10. S 13796 Under peneJDes of perjury! I declare diet I have examined this report, kw npenytag: iendst«iemarits.andtothebettorrnyluiowledge and beaaf. k b eve, cornict. and complete. William Gutter 06/01/2005 Sign Signature of auttwrizad official I Data Form M72 (11-2008) Schedule A

O o o Fdnn8B72 (11-20021 Schedules I ZIP < tof Uatt«PBaple for Victory $13796 1730 Rhode UlMdAveNW fate 712 DMilf 01/140005

O rx fsl

O O 8872 Political Organization (Novambar 2002) Raport of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 t of «• Tranuy

07/01/2003 12/31/2005

BChKk hatial report _, Chmacof _ Amended report M Final report

Toe Ballot Project, Inc. 20-1079846

1730 Rhode Utad Awe NW Ste712 00

O 4 IX 067020004

O WiDiMtCOUWur IIS Avonino NW Sate 1 100 O

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• 1>pi «T np«rt (dHck triy MI bn)

•• Pint ojwrtBrty report _ Monthly report fcr the month of (aueby April IS) (duo by dw 20th dty fcHowii^ the i itthihi cptlfae vhkhbducbyJanuuy31) (due by July 13) _ Pn-ekcdoa report (due by the 12th or I Sth

f TMdi ((total A)...... f. S 0

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. . , I dadara that I hav rtnad thb report. IndudhQi inylng schaduta andtothabestoffnyknowtodge i • • trua, corracL and compMff. WiDianC 01/29/2006 Stan Signature of amhortzad official cr> *T HI O


Eihibit4 Jonathan Finer and Brian Faler, "Nader Still Unsure of Ballot Spot in Many States," Washington fast (Aug. 24,2004). woshingtonpost.com •»*(**»». •*-•—

PdntTMi KtedM- 8HI Unwre of Ballet Spot hi Many J

VMHVnlPBn PDs* ^BjBJPJ vWHEvv Tuesday. August K «»4; Page AOO Ten WM!B bcfara the 2004 pmdcntul election, Rilph Nt MOST VIEWED mind m m •doom nrank to |d hit one on the WlM hi • tat O of met he conwHd four yens vpo. ui •-i Nidrt petittoo to be on the billot tc n O •Poat-flMI Driva Eariier in the day. a federal court FEATURED ADVERTISER LINKS in Illinois denied Nederi

O • filial* *%«•••••> hostile to independent O R8SNEWS FEEDS June2l deadline tori a petition to get oa the ballot ii entry other slsuDoggrd by an WhatniRSS? AHRSSI ndlepli bytheD«nocnlkPSflynd raVMi pom •wraant voting hsMQaTy lioni 1C WMno tedisiluicMdidKywiU DUB___pU_ — «•_nc_ m§nin| •' c• •conw io mod britot in AIUOM. CUilbnw. GBoqpt4niinoii.lnaiiM. OkUwm South Csrolint and Tnac, He faces other eUkMB tobjspttilionsuii ; 17 more sue filing ft wHMtunmtM tarty 30ttt canliirv that the itfas aHawlno manbsn to Hew many votss wens laeuhed to •WewaiiedMnatfnliaeliis p* .byforchighnnto "^ (draw.-Ml TobyMofleti.alobbyisti«d I Ballot Project Inc., ClnrtiVg»

Donate efforts to Ikwirt Nader, his csnpni|n aid he wfll likely Mccecd in seven! closely cunifstcd MM, fKhidnisj Fluids, where he received 97jOOO votes in 2000. white Boh bnrt Dmocnt by • ten hundred votes. "We believe we will be on the billot ta the wt nojonty of s mitvi fet otherwise, and vosn donlt let to hesr sbout only the bsllot access fifhts. In 2000, we didrt hnett so much tine feadmf off dirty tricks." In his Ion ran lor president, Nader WM naniinMd by the Green Forty MM recoivM 2.7 pctoont of the vote. Tbis yoor. ot the unjuujor tho Domocnti nd mony fonwr Nodv bockon. the pvty> which

IO*III• ---- ! --| >lNMBa JaTa I m^D .UMUMI --- * ---Q • WIOIBnniJBaBMab M ^^m^^ i*^ to td en the balktt tfM «my flam MB to SMK


ta sevn•M•••M••l •••§•i BHBS• flb^ Uaiiai. ma e-• -DDUD I oupue• ••••_«s •nnv —--•-c, IUIDH--.Ijfc I nnRy, win slwjes nnpsnt rnud. snd Under nmsin§ the pnrty of using dirty tricks to keep Mm off the boJIot. Moflettioyihugnu|)DSsrHStdDboiMSIOO.(XX)ton^Nsderii^ isnlyin|on probono work non lowysnocroni the country who hove esmribulsd opt o S onllm worth oftabor .Th e Nndsr i would not disclose •

InOnajonhwi i pnskod the hnlTsnd thsn declined to Bin AH InDBWinul hint HfinitillDl A feMf iMMEBnnll nMnnnV lluVt. HH o^nnRlMMB must colleci ISJOO siponins by todny. snd it hss sccused local Donocnts snd •non ofncnns of thnstBiinsj petinon | jail nine if they turn n nsssm thnt prove ItaduknL

hove filed suit eUesjinsjthoi the Konnuyority OBB ftnmhih*nL Two new choHcnojci were nude yestetdoy to NoscA peiinani. b Maine, when hefile djus t 121 not Asa therequisit e4.00 0 simnniiB. siti-Nnkr Ktivisti on hoping to disqindiiy hnn. In West Vnwjnia. sMe Attorney Genonjl Dndl V. McOnjw Jr. (D) filed • iMMBIUf •lIpMIIMB l^^tf IHHH^^ MllkM4lH« •••••^•IIMH fiw tl^ i^^Mlfa^^te employed nKtks ~ inckidlng cooccolinsj the fln that the petition WM fiv l^rfflr llul viidtfMl M HI Kvcnl other cutes. includnig New

In MKOnjini Nedef wos lotccd tome foe iQCOsjoition is the RenMin Po^ ondidme. oiler sane oflkUi nded in July that the pnnyi 2000

In nsoponkinttemot tosjot an the bdlot dm. he sibmittodi petition to nn m on independent, not it •rneriedtlMt 45.040 of the RtpuM'TiPf Tim iintffiqiiifMcond"^^ iff fifflltift 30.000 i to be pieced on the bnltol

A *- ' -*•••—• Lu ^_ft_ f^-^.^—^-.- -,' L J^^ >!•«U; n UnCI IIMB DJr 1BJB UWJnBRWa Wia n IDE MKnUBHi Mends thnt petitions ciiralnkRl by Repubhans wor I -ptid lor by Noaor for Pivjideat 2004." which the brief I mu^Mfnc." nd ihtf •••¥ of Ike IMM»^ H^M| M not MfjisHnd vottn. end their signntMKS on thenfliR nwnlid.

.ukMwnwkn ibDAM A^^^^I^^M!^nuMMinDD^r ktf^^MDooml wu^nM evnimm^^tmyl mfJADDHtI on ualBavtlKBWINIIUM^ ••v%* DLUU BMM.*MBIi the petUon. Thnt meant Neder moil mike his cose in court to run •§

s slid the ctmptign to fbctned on msking Nnov the Rdbrm Prty indwi ) support in KNM nutionol polb hui teflon • tow oo 2 to 4 pomet hss toned juri over Si .5 million • of Jon 30. towing him with tojs cosh on head then ominiglotrd debts, peaking to the Center far Rcoponste Pottles. Noder hos yet to ran • teteviaon od. Slop Nader - hovt him. The Ntfei heter will tawidiaMeviiMiriMftyii New Mexico nd r is •tiMnu B0etaK^ n which • voio»

WWh RepubbcBM do not deny oflenn§ logitfiBil support to Ne

LA Tlii . oo fir os 1 know to how • major party <-1 I o condiddo flMi SHBpJy being oMo totun . O tk JnA ^l^^nugnd ka^flnunA tk^^BKHMI ^•B *m• e ^M^AB^eionion^ ,• m^••A! tM^mmmnonym If^^^mKiaKym .m O^B •Homey for the Conmudte for • Uofflcd Independent Pony. • think look thothoi filed iteownFH:rni«pl»nl.«JiaicigDBmocrattof improperly using public (tools tony to stop Nodor in oevoal stoles.

O Print ThlmArtieto O

MMHtaM IS) •H o



Associated Press, "Lawyers, Aided by Democratic Leiden, Challenge Nader Petitions," (Aug. 10,2004). AXIOM @CMS gNOjjM 0MOPPM8 ®MIYAttLL


JFK High Ridgemont School High School teH«ol tt«r« Pittsburgh MyPyMJVE Membora: Lopin, Join Now, Subscribe

Tuoaday, Jmufjy 17.2006 TRIBUNE-REVIEW IT

Lawyers, aided by Democratic leaders, O challenge Nader petitions rx Fayette By The Associated Preu Took Print this artide O Washington O Other nawe ^A^enAi NaaiBM^Mn^ Naoerfcl^^A^^s ponoonsiogeK^^m^^A *— _^Ai on Penraylvenb/s Nov. 2 bant, aleglng that thousands of the signatures SubicrbftJoJhfi are forged, flcHoui or legaly flawed si olhtf ways. IT PttUuiyh Invyfjr Eftwn M. Oral, who on bohilf . MM In hh ilng that moM lhan ttw gJgnn wtjn SllllSLYlhk* vofen •• more thin onouQh to p o gjggJ PnMldontButfiandDijnocrallc nlneo John Ktrry tor POTnylvinlit 21

THbpjn. Gregory M. Harvey, a PhsadajphJa lawyer who conduct veto, said he found-swUe-nMiojrigsndertsnstopet^ through deception of signers and whole pages of outn^lbrged signatures." Tha lawtym, who wan aldad by DanKKratfc laadara In tna atata Houaa of In a vMMuunKA^B^kk^BMBflgB mna^^*^^*mwm 0^M1 &|M^M^ Naoar^a ^^£MmM—^ paononB— ^M^ii m^o fl^ui^ a— GnBaanga• •• ^_i n _^^A aan^ a^%^|^_^_^|^ uonvnonwaanH.^M^J|k n oAflnt oonai^•fc^jgi o^^^^^I^B^Mr wvaia!i nonraua^B^kJ^La^Ji voaHBK^B^K^H i n&|oA namnk^i^t^^Kg^ wa•••• §• anmooanaq^^I^H^^^^I^^f. acnM^^Ma

Took) Ctwokyouramal Both hwyara atao dad axamptoa of dupfcata aiynaturaa, HagMa slgnatunM or addnwaaa, • Contact U» other alagad defects that may aaU tnvatdata t RSSFaad aaiToola dtomleaad tha atagatlona aa " ThayYa graaplno at Mnrnw." ha aaU yaatanlay In a TilDuna*RaMaw tahjphona Intanjlaw from Waahlngton. PMabunjhTrib •aid tha Nader campalgr id the

DalyCourtar Mtavt •a^aMnavrf laMuaJiu faaaABa^wiBiftiiaii UA >Mf^iiiWAa^M4fVJw4 finding "man tan we would Hha to have found." but mdapandant maintained that tham remained mom than enough UadarTlmw vaU Ugnaturea to gal Nadar on tha ballot iDhabal a Iw atacMoHi Nadar Is on tna bant hi New Jecaay and Nevada, and ha la to be Mad aa the Reform Party nombwe In eh other state*. He hopes to quaHy in more than tha 43 state hi which ha competed aa lie Gram Party* piMldarriW nonanaa hi 2000. m Penmyhjonto. Nader aupportara turned hi mom than 47.000 tlonatunM. acceding to the lewtult--far SklEnoJnaAMi mom than ttw 254B7 that am required. Under atria tow. people who KgnthapeHHonamuatba PHatunjh i^k^a^ Mebh^ ^m^^*» aa^^A BA^^M^ -- •• ----- • a^Lfl ^ KQVRadto nouoing mviy mn wn gnnMsa oy • contractor who paid paflbon drajurton 75 oanta and$1 parHgnature.thalawyareiald. TrwIswyeresubmioMsffldBvlts from people wtw toproepeclh»slgnsn*«uch4»telngthOT weM^BsA MAMMMMMMnocsBMiy* ^noraeK — — J_- r AWiw. AftkA^morMn Aiogoiereps*BBoncBnj— M^A — •^M^^rfH^dlfltflB d^BMi . Democrat* hsvs Mid they sro oonoamad tnst Nadu's prssencs on the baftt could drain owey support mmA^A^Mi mwAkA^r ow^Ma^nM nonwiM--- • — — —. •n--- a• p/cmwu^-- * -- »•—••.f _ CO--- Ma kl^nuHn ^ •^^B^M onicw| k^JI^BM^^B onMBrouna ^M^a ^A^^ ••^ •B

.wiirablngoBinpltlilyoDtni*oi«t our Intantlom.OurgoallttDhtlptlectJohnKtfTyre MM prwktart of tw IMM SMm.m nU tftfe HOUM Mhorty LMdw H. WMwnMMMM. Anlra.»poridsnt(Mrv*>scUrvtfersttypoQcon^^ In ttw iMBi 49 pwwit to 42 poroBnl, hi • tMMHMMy raoo.Addbi g Ncdw to ttio oquotlon showwl Iton/i support dmilndhig to 46 psrasnt. oompsred to 41 psresnt for Bush snd 6 psresnt for Nsdsr. Alhough IMMbaw s^ Is^orly WNp MUis^ ilncB bateni they were fl^.Gt** snd HsroeyisMitieylhsnMeK^iB^^ p*sreeidoTd1hBlegslwoftforfjesJ^^ l/'i ragMsied voters snd psM some of Vie copying expenses. ^ CcpyngW 2008 >tosoriatod fYpss. >Uf ng/ifs AMerved. TTw matertrt may not be published, bfosdcBtt, mtiritt/sn of ndistributBd.

cy i. Fsn fecoveriria from i. j

fumble 4. Prtsulsi Mlstshen klenmv 4> MeBon Is rotUno on the vines lD«nv«ftidMtiidlQutoutefc»v McGuInn must oo •L Denver tickets sen out auiddv

rt Heslh CHcs ProvkMng CrMcsl AM to EWBOSNS.

lmegessndtexlcopyrigWC2(X)6byTr»eTribune^tovlew Pubfchh^Co. ^ ^^ Reproduction or rouse pfoNbnsd wtthout wnnsn consent 11 Advertise wtJi us I List sll lavaurhomstiMelTefmsofSeivlcs 0) o r*.


Exhibit 6

Julian Borger, "Fmiten Your Sefttbdto," The Guardian UK (Dec. 7,2004). Guardian

Qo to: | Guardian Unlimited home Go Son in • RMliter

Guardian Unlimited™** UK Business Audio Wortd dispatch The Wrap NswsMog Tslk Search The Guardian World News guide Arts Special reports Columnists Technology Help Quiz Fasten your seatbelts He is one of the last true radicals in American public life and the man who single-handedly created the o politics of consumer rights. But he is also, for many IX Democrats, the man who cost Al Gore the

Bert place to buv

FMna off the shelves at

Posh Porsche Weneedtortart Where the tooth fairv oeta her money

Wat the Plena inquiry a waste of money?

What America wants In black and white

screaming, mouth open in a howT

Twin Tower* project names boo © Soacavahfuoaoirtna You might think such a political annihilation would destroy fx critics the confidence of even the most thick-skinned politician. But Nader, one of the last true radicals In American public In short life, thrives on this kind of setback. In an interview at his O Washington offices, he shows not a flicker of self-doubt or O David WTIIetta self-pity. He feels sorry instead for the American electorate and the liberals who deserted thorn. He fears they may be Does heresy belong In sick. "They became anyone-but-Bush," he recalls. "We the 21st century? called them viral liberals • liberals whose brain closes Brain food down to any kind of tactics, strategies and alternative ways of defeating Bush other than letting the Democrats decide. la » OK ...to QO ana It was an absolute brain-closing - a state of being a cruite? political zombie." The athlral jhoppar Nader is now 70 but appears to be in top form. In a CamoaJon of the weak campaign office still buzzing with enthusiastic young volunteers, he lolls in a plastic office chair, doing what he Good lives never tires of - dissecting America's political culture in both amusement and outrage. The rookie George Bush and John Kerry both took holidays after the h/a found David Cameron s election. Not Nader. He leapt immediately into his next battle - calling for a recount In Onto. He thinks Kerry may An Introduction to have been robbed of the presidency there. The Kerry Democrats decided the day after the election that the Ohio margin was too great (more than 130,000) to challenge And the Oscar doesn't oo to... realistically. But in Nader's eyes they are just too gutless to stick up for themselves. "You donl concede something like that We are the ones doing what the Democrats should be doing," he says contemptuously. Asked whether he had taken anytime off lately, Nader appears not to understand the question. He thinks for a moment and offers that he likes hiking and sees the occasional film. For Nader, there is nothing outside the ceaseless campaign. He has never been married or had children. He does not play brash, risky sports like Kerry, or hole up at a ranch Nke Bush. He has none of the usual politician's hinterland. His causes, the often lonely battle against the mega-corporations and their dominance of American politics, and his quixotic, four-yearly tilts at the presidency, are all there is. "Its a ftiH commitment. That was decided a long time ago," he says, adding a favourite slogan: "The forces of injustice never take a day off." Nader could once daim a legion of and admirers in the world of American progressive politics, of which he has been the patron saint for more than three decades. He single-handedly created the politics of consumer rights with his campaign against the ropy Chevrolet Con/air, and his 1965 book Unsafe at Any Speed revolutionised the car industry, forcing manufacturers to install seatbelts and stop building death traps. 0* At campuses across the country Nader inspired young 1/1 people to form their own public citizen's groups holding £l corporate America to account. Since 2000. almost all that ^ extended family offollo wtraveller s has deserted him. Half CT splitting the progressive vote and allowing Bush to reach ^ the White House. Four years on, the other half of Nader's Q circle pleaded with him not to run. The Green party, which O nominated him in 2000, tunned cool on him, and even the «H liberal Hollywood elite made their excuses and got on board the Kerry campaign, "inere were so many of them," Nader sighs. "Jackson Browne called apologetically... , Willie Nelson, Ani DiFranco, Paul Newman, Michael Moore - there was a real viral." The maker of Fahrenheit 9/11 campaigned fiercely for Nader in 2000 but this year joined the chorus of calls for him to stay out of the race. All this made no difference, of course. Universal opposition only encourages Nader. It simply reflects the depth of the rot he has to scrape out of the American body politic. That is how corrupt the system is, that good people turn against you," he says. "Our political system is an idiocracy. Its the laughing stock of the western world." Nader's campaign pledge to drain the sea of corporate cash from party politics, withdraw from Iraq and slash the defence budget attracted 7% support in the volatile opinion polls. He walked into the Kerry HQ on May 19 and offered a non-aggression pact. If Kerry left Nader alone, Nader would spend 90% of his campaign time attacking the president He would take the economic populist approach and focus on Bush's immersion in big-business Interests - a line mainstream Democrats generally shy away from for fear of accusations of class warfare. Nader refused to bow out of the swing states, but insisted he would not cost Kerry votes. Instead, Nader's participation would boost the leftwing turnout and both men would gain. To this day, Nader insists It was a good deal. "I said 'If I get a million voters out, you'll get 66% of them. Once they get in the voting booth they are going to want to be with a winner.1" To Democrats the logic seamed counter-Intuitive, to put It mildly. They remembered Florida, where Gore lost to Bush by 537 votes while Nader took 97,000 votes. At the May meeting, Kerry kept his thoughts to himself. Nader emerged thinking they had had a "noncommittal but cordial" session and describing Kerry as "presidential". Meanwhile, Nader's enemies on the left wore gathering. Three pro-Kerry groups emerged over the summer dedicated to keeping Nader off the ballot in as many states as possible. The ballot war was nasty, a struggle of attrition fought in the courts over signatures and the technicalities of state law. After Florida in 2000, it was the next stop In the transformation of American elections into a gladiatorial battle between rival armies of lawyers. 10 For both sides, means justified ends. Toby Mofrett, an old 2 friend and dlsdpte of Nader's who has long since parted Jp ways ideologically, spearheaded the ballot access ^ campaign against him. He says ft had to be done. "I talk *y about ft without any glee because we lost the greater *x battle. If s a ridiculous little asterisk of history. But I think O we had a rote in the ballot challenges. We distracted him 0 and drained him of resources," Mofrett claims, but adds: *H Tdbetessthanhonestlflsaidltwasallaboutthelaw.lt was all about stopping Bush from getting elected." Nader accuses his foes of "constitutional crimes" for their efforts to keep him off state ballots, accusing them of intimidating his signature gatherers with spurious threats of jail terms. "Not In a hundred years has anyone received the kind of ballot-access attack that we received," he said. "We showed that by stressing the Democratic party, the mucus, the pus and the political bigotry all came out." Under pressure, and short of signatures supporting his candidacy in key states, Nader made some compromises of his own. Ho sought and won the nomination of the Reform party, a quirky and faction-riddled group united principally by Its antipathy to immigration. He also accepted signatures collected by Republicans only too happy to help his cause. Nader insists that the Democrats' tactics left him IHtie choice. For Mofrett and many of Nader's former admirers, his presidential campaigns have been an ego-driven vanity project that has sullied the legacy of decodes of activism. "At the end of the day, ft really appeared to be all about him. Thafs what people will remember. Its a very sad thing," Moffstt says. A handful on the toft hold a more charitable view that, long after the unpleasantness of the past two elections is forgotten, Americans will have reason to think Nader whenever they strap on a seat-belt "Nader's admirable accomplishments as a whtetieblower and exposer of corporate greed win be remembered In history as far more Important than his presidential aspirations," Howard Zinn, America's pre-eminent radical historian, argued in an email exchange. Nader himself professes not to be very interested in his legacy. His eyes are instead on the next flght After contesting Ohio, he plans to assemble an anti-war coalition that will seek to impeach Bush for leading the country into war on false pretences. After that, the 2008 presidential race beckons, and another opportunity to infuriate mainstream liberals. Nader says he has not made up his mind whether to run for the nation's highest office once

If he is asked by enough people, he will consider it, but whether he does or not he argues, someone wHI have to raise a banner to the left of the Democrats. "If every four years the progressive agenda Is not placed before the electorate, then It atrophies," Nader says. "You have to keep the flame alive." OJ o o ,_! Full coverage US elections 2004

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2 Caroline Adlcr Email and Bio; Jack Corrigan DNC Phone Script. MAIN PARTNERS PRINCIPALS FUNCTIONAL LEADERS SENIOR FELLOWS a People rsi *r Caroline Adler o o New York A^^^M Contact Related Wor Education and Experience: a\fwnaW4iB l^f Caroline graduated from Harvard with a "I'm an idealist. I don't Extraordinary degree in Social Studies. Her thesis know where I'm goingf but exploredpotcnt»lCxpl«i«tionttorthe fm on my way." popularityofrealhyTVamongAmerican -CariS»ndlmi» •HiliHtu^M TmiiiiJLiliAljil— aAvr i^Jlaiin Caroline worked in the CEO's office of the Democratic National Convention in Boston and then with the legal team of the Keny campaign in Washington, D.C. K|P|L Projects: Since joining Katxenbadi Partners, Caroline has been doing industry research and application development fora large media company. Insight into Caroline: Even though Caroline misses the warm weather, spectacular geography and relaxed lifestyle of her hometown in Southern Califomia, she has grown to love the east coast. In addition to the wau^-evervwhere attitude and exdting pace of life hi New Yoric, Caroline is eager to explore the array of museums, parks, and delicatessens in and around the chy.

CO006. Ksfesflbech Partnara LLC. Ai righto rewvsd. CO »-l o

O o SCRIPT FOR NADER PETITION SIGNERS (fill out for each signer) Name on Petition: Address Locality

1. Hello, is this {Name on petition}. This is {Caller} I'm calling to check whether or not you signed a petition for Ralph Nader. Record _ a. yes IA »-tfi b.No ^o c. Signed something, didn't know it f%j was for Nader *X * IF "YES", THANK YOU, JUST CHECKING, AND HANG UP. g IF "NO", OR -SIGNED, BUT DIDN'T KNOW IT WAS FOR NADER, ^"2 i PROBE AS FOLLOWS: 2. Your name is listed on a petition submitted by the Nader campaign. Do you recall signing any kind of petition? Record response: Yes No Don't know/remember a. If yes, what were you told you were signing? RECORD RESPONSE VERBATIM:

b. Can you describe the person who asked you to sign? (male, female, young. Old, beard, etc.) RECORD VERBATIM.

3. Would you be willing to meet with one of our volunteers to give a statement? Yes NO If yes, thanks. I'll have someone get in touch with you right away. Do you have a cell phone as well, hi case you're out? ID Hi O o o


Jack Corrigan Bio. Cor rittan A Levy LLP J •

• bout contact | bios |

Jack Corrigan practices in the areas of criminal law, government OT relations, admmistrative and regulatory law, and elections law. • Jack is a formerDeput y Secretary of Transportation for , and also served as Chief of Operations for former Massachusetts Governor Michael S. Dukakis. He was an Assistant O District Attorney in Norfolk County, Massachusetts from 1989 ^ through 1997, and baa been in private practice since 1997. Following the aooo presidential election, Jack helped organize the Gore/Lieberman recount effort in Florida and was part of the legal team representing Al Gore and Joe Liebennan before the Florida Supreme Court In 2004, Jack was John Kerry's liaison to the Democratic National Convention hi Boston.

Since 2003, Jack has served as a Lecturer at Harvard Law School, teaching Introduction to Advocacy. He is also the commissioner of Brookline Youth Basebafl.

Jack is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School, and is admitted to practice in Massachusetts.

[email protected] Pe f 0' Read Jeffrey L. Levy's bio * in 8Q6 Bos

Al uun* it 02006 Comoro a Uvy. UP DnlgnbyHlghGtalrdMtonhMn 0) r-| O

«ar o o


Progressive Unity Voter Fund "About Us" and FEC Filing. The Unity Campaign

About Us Our Mission • Mission The Unity Campaign is a project of the Progressive Unity Voter Fund, a poNtical coi the Federal Election Commission. The Unity C^wpaign unites, mobilizes, and infon • Bios beat Buah - and to counter the threat posed by Ralph NadertiijMalve candidacy. T 2004, eapadally In awing atataa, hi this IncredUy doae election, and wtth so vary ft Progressives can make the drffarance. We OTdelfceMCe^ the presidency, and g; table baaed on victory and reautta - instead of pious complaint, more electoral failui catastrophic years of George Bush. The Unity Campaign is a successor campaign to RalphDontRiin.net, which no doul moat successful "failed" Internet campaigns hi American political history. It drew 30 in six weeks, and reached 60 mMon Americana hi four days via pervasive media cc CO candidacy announcement Sadly, against the advice of nearly all those closest to h •H running and apparently in the race to stay. Other projects of the Fund include Dortf O PoHWatch04, and lha "Ralph, TaN the TmBV internal petition drive. IX Our theme la unity among progressives of any description. Look at just a few of tho (M Nader in 2000. but who aae that thta year is cruciaUy dMerant: Noam Chomaky, Bei Phi Donahue, Ronnie Dugger, Jim Hightower, Robert McChesney, Michael Moore, lad, one la hard pressed to think of • single prominent Nader supporter from 2000 O 2004. Are we all members of Nader's derided •liberal intelligentsia?" Or is the Bush such a disaster that we realize mare is only one iMponabb action for real progres.- O Nader's inevitable disagreement, we dorft think everyone la out of atop but Ralph. The Progressive Unity Voter Fund is notaflMlated with any candidate, party or orgai John Pearce and Kathy Cramer, with Flash development by Paul ErakineofTurtiel Francisco; Flash and movie development, measurement and delivery technology b Newton, MA; website development and technology consulting torn Aaron Murphy; fromGbria Toflan, Executive Director of Pro > Majority, and Jeff Cohen, fbm Director of Kuoinich for President We invite your comments at infbQdontvoteralph.net, and urgently request your coi our work by credit card, check, or PayPal. AH contributions wil be applied entirety fe campaign and its further promotion. Thanka for your Interest and partkapetion.

Bios John Pearce la the founder ofTheUnJtyCampaign.org, and previously created the I citizen initiative. He has appeared on CNN's Inside Politics, the CBS Evening Newi World Service and CNN Radio, and has placed OpEd articles hi a host of leading n the Journal ft Constitution, , and San Jose Mercury New» and for 16 years Chairman ft CEO of MsJaMap. a madia research and software a 8 reuBiiuiia—• —»i ia_,j_._*_ inoimy. .*^—s mo—r «_ I_D •• MKBMMIP• Jl««ii••• , i^s»ion—n wonw1-^-«a &* ID~T m^Jjft^ uiymJ C^BB^»«^h^k^ cquapniBn^ Oi •vxHpcvau ••• * c i p.-Mass), and hi the U.S. House and Senate press galleries fo Kathy Cramer, John's wife, is a creative force in The Unity Campaign and Raft* D founder and former Director of lha National Vv^* Family Alliana (now the Alliance

Paul EreUno is founder and principal of Turtle Rock FHms, a digital video productic Frandaco. Paul's credits Include dozens of corporate, entertainment, and political r encompassing video, Ive action, animation, and graphic design. He to creator and new filmmaker's showcase program for the Bay Area. ClnameMxJnc.istheo^vetoperofttwNet^^ intelligent delivery, data capture, and performance evaluation of Dont Vote Ralph Ir Cinemetrix can be reached in Newton, Massachusetts at 817-830-0200 and on the www.cjnemalnx.ooni. Presented by the Federal Election Commission

Committees And Candidates Supported/Opposed o I**. PROGRESSIVE UNITY VOTER FUND rH O Party: No Associated Party


[ Recipient1! Name Date | Amount | Image Number |~ INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE AGAINST THE CANDIDATE NADER. RALPH 10/20/2004 1830.00 24981726282 NADER. RALPH 10/27/2004 I 6547.001 24981726283 INDEPENDENT EXPENDITURE ON BEHALF OF A CANDIDATE 1QERRY.JOHNF~ |l 0/20/2004 | 1830.66] 24981726282 KERRY. JOHN F 10/27/2004 6547.00 24981726283




Exhibit 11

The National Progress Fund IRS Statement!. ,., 8872 Political Organization (Nawmbv 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696

Ahrttopvtod 03/04/2004 Mdeadbf 0501/2004

— iBhkl report „ On^eofaddrai Amendedrepor t • Flaal report


PO Box 57154

WtAtaftoo. DC 20037

CD fx

DividW. Jones PO Box 57154 O O WHhmfton. DC 20037

DtvidW. POBo» 57154 WuhtafKn, DC 20037

PO Box 57154 Oty «r tam, itata, nd ZIPi WHUMM. DC 20037

• 1)pi «T npwt (ctock w^jr «H

_ Pint qi«to^y report ^ Mondu>repor tfa r the moalb of M^y (due by April 15) (due by the 20* dty fbltowi^ the month ibown above, except dw _• Sooood ojMrtoriy report Doonberraport , «Wch • dae by Jnuny 31) (due by July 15) „. Pre-deetion report (due by tho 12tfa or IS* d>y bdbre die ebctkm)

_ V (3) For the Me oft port (due by die 30ft d«y after genciri election) (DDtfeofdootkn: yew only-due by July 31) (2) For the MM oft

(total A).., S 202227

(total .It. S 125391 of pif|ury. I dfrdOT> Uiot I hiVB nMrtnodttri sraport .(nckidbi g i • •ttui fcomet * ino confipHtt. DnridW. OJ/18O005 Sign Signature of authorized official r Data Forni 8872 (11-2002) 1 Schedule A


N/A S200000 ABV Ifctorf S200000

N/A N/A $445 AV $200445 OS/21/2004

Kl IMiZIPl N/A hs 2000 M Street NW <-i N/A O AV IV S20227 (M

O O Form BB72 01.2002) HH^^E | Schedule B I ZIP i ExcfcnfNewTednolotiei N/A $10500 Ditoefi New Yak. NY 10019 N/A

lef N/A $45000 Den of N/A 05/05/2004

i Mi ZIP ceil S7SOO 1701 16AStn»tNW D^cci OS/DSJ2004

o I ZIP o N/A $10500 2979 S.Uk«ridae Trail dpb Detoef N/A 05)05/2004

N/A S10000 72715th Street NW Data of P» N/A 05/180004 i of

I ZIP N/A $35000 Dtfcefi N/A 05000004


lef tef Self employed $4500 21IOPwlBdwinTonw dp«-»4« FiDiCh«h,VA22043 ConuItMt 05/21/2004

i Md ZIP fete $1500 170116di Street NW DBfee Wuhi«taa. DC 20009 05/21/2004

I ZIP lef N/A $891 16 North CMlmAvSc dpk DMtef N/A 05/18/2004

Vidoe PfoeuGdoD Political Organization Form 8872 Report off Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 Of «• TMHUiy

06/01/2004 wdtadbt 06000004

•• laniala*Ja4ViI upoaia^MMn* ft^tiaMM^ \,i»njcoiaoiMCiA 4»eT*iljeBHiaM»i •£f . A^M^M^^MAnMoooaicpoc! ^^K^^ t ^ BMArnaiicpo! ^^BKJ^M n


PO Box 57154 L/l dtyorl WaririnfttB, DC 20037

4 05/04/2004

lifl Z-* DmUW.Jonei PO Bon 57154 p Wuhtoftan. DC 20037

•r« DtvidW.Jonoi POBo» 57154


• Typo of npwt (cb«k «•> «M bn)

_FintqiMriy report / Moodilyrepor tfo r tfac month of. Jane (doe by April 15) (due by the 20Ad^(blkn^ the rnomhAowi above, ace|itt^ _ Secoid quarterly report December report,whic h a due by Jamaiy 31) (doe by July 15) _ Pre-dectk»repor t(du e bytho I2A or 15* diy before the election) M ThMqaMHtyicpon (1) Type of election: (due by October 13) (2)EMeorekction: it (3) For the i«e oft (doeoyJtouty31) — IN^jerorri electkmrepor t(ouco y the 30Ui

10 Tital mttmt nf rmirtif mnnrillirti (tital fria •• Mtnrhoi BrJirtlBlai B) 10. S 64910 Undor pjenaMM of perjury, I dactofittiatltnvo ournlnad thb)report .Includin g accompanying schadukn and slataiiiaiiti. nd to the best of my knowledge

David W. Jam 05/1872005

Signature of authorized official Ff Data Fomi BB72 (11-2002) Schedule A

iForJbta N/A

W«hfagtoo. DC 20036 K/A I2500° S 227227 06/01/2004


6l42Bhn McLe«,VA2210l $5000 Duial $3000 06AH/2004 ••< Pf MiadyKatowitz Media N/A 9l2Peo*ytaa«AveSl WeriuBtfon. DC 20003 N/A $7840 Drte« S7MO Ofifl2/2004

PO BOR K of Lot Alto. C A 94203 $25000

$25000 06/10/2004

MMDO bind. FL 34145 N/A A0 $1000


,MD 20854 Prindptl S5000

$5000 06O4/2004

NMMtfceHrih Robert Savoie SEAAMetan l59EM(M Mearie.LA7000S $25000

$23000 06/23/2004

KmlyLnrOffiBei N/A 115 NflrtfalM Sonet AlkMBwn. PA 11104


S 1000

Lymi' 312SPaInDr of BcveriyHilb,CA90210 $5000 Dntef 06030004 Self 27J4 Rhone Dr CM Mm BoMh (Mm. FL 33410 Attorecy AOT SSOQO

MikMOoU 16 North OnliMAvSe r.MC2MI3


O fs. •M

O O Forni 8872 (11-2002) I Schedule B tefl UiM Fend Service N/A $1138 PO Be* 57154 •erlphati'iiii •»•!!•• Detoefi N/A 06/03/2004

PHcol Delivery ••* m Mi TIT i ill NaH«fradplMfi«q)toyw Amtmt* N/A $1000 FOBoji 57154 IUripl«ti*i •wipedua IMteff N/A QV22MOM


O Quart en Ktieirxli N/A S29000 r^ IQGSimtNE lUdplnrti'iitMpittoa DMtef N/A 06/21/2004

United FKed Service N/A $100 2000 M Street NW Hin^lwii'HrriipiMiB Drtttff N/A 06/28/2004

Tt'i Sclf-Enploycd $7500 1701 16A8BMNW Rir^Jimt •»•?•«!• DMtaf , DC 20009

CMiKelUi Self-Envloyid $4500 21IOPMlEdwiiT«nKC nii»liiH1 Hup"*" FtIUCh.di.VA 22314 CoowltBl 06/1172004

Eidttaf NewTecteoJoffei N/A $5000

NewYotk, NY 10019 N/A 067180004 •r Sct-Up

Sclf-Enptoyod 11500 170116th Street NW lUtljiliiIrt •mepeBM Detoef 06/1872004

UohedPiiGd Service N/A $35 2000 M Sheet NW BicWMiAecciprthMi WHhi«toB, DC 20036 N/A 06/18/2004

Ovenafbt Deliwy Service •idpd I ZIP JmrnyTnoM Sclf-Enpbyod $4500 7039Stmdm Data* ChmyOMM.MD20llS OftZSOOM

t«r _ N/A $1990 Dtfarf NortHk,VA 23502 N/A 06/24/2004

dpi! t«f i pug yfag N/A $1945 °* 270PajkAvanue IMttT I*** New York, NY 10017 N/A 06V01/2004

O Untonaed Phooc. Advertising. Offioe Supplm, Rdcnnx Nfataral, and newi nrvioo.

I ZIP i NOP! N/A $940 55JOS GoHDGbeut A¥D N W Drttaf W«hfflfto.DC20015 N/A 067090004 O O

NMMOfl N/A 16 North Cmlh»AvcSE WMhfagta. DC 20003 N/A

IZlPi N/A $4898 PO BOB 721066 DMttf i H* NY 11372 N/A 06V24A004

E-Mail Lilt

N/A 200V«Hyi NewYotk,NY10M5 N/A

Credit Card PreccaM* Fee (Dodu

iniZlPi N/A SI4 200V«wy fed Data NewY«k.NYI02t5 N/A 06723/2004

Credit CvdPreceaHit Foe (Dodu

LMy $2500 SI6 Ave NE Date* 06VD7/2004 ^8872 Political Organization (NwambaranZ) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB NO. OapMnantorihtTNaawY

07/010004 07/31/1004

_ hrital report _ ChMgeof Arandcdrqport M Fiod report

NatfaMlPrafraFund 20-1017481 o PO Box 57154 Waiha^on, DC 20037 rx IN 05/04/2004

DmdW. PO Box 57154 WMhagton. DC 20037

I Tff* ^ npHt (ctak M|y «M bw}

_ FfntquMteriynport £ Mooftly report for Ac mou* oft July (due by Ac 20th cfcy Mtawiti the mooA thomi above, except the Dcceaber report, which is due by Jtamry 31) _ Pre-dcctioo report (4ic by the 12* or I Sib day before the election) (1) Type of ejection: (due by October 15) <2)DtfeofcbctiaB: • C (3)ForltaeiMeor- ^ Poit jcucnl ekxtioD report(du e by the 3tth d^y iflcr (cneral election) Miu*fttt MpOTt(NOIKlOCUOII (l)DitDofeloction: yevonIHoebyJiily3l) (2) Far Ac Mto oft

• I A). ..•.$46105 NTMdi ..10. S 46219

UndyjgJMUm of pirJMnfJ dKbM Ihtt !.!*"• «»n»ntd thb report InduJng i npmykigsGhi k and stitaments. and to the bail of my knowledoe •nd MNf, ft to truti ccfrcct. wid compHNt. David W.Jone* 05/lt7200S «gn Signature of authorized official Date Fomi 8872 (114002) _^^^____^^^^^^_^^______^_^______^^_^_ | Schedule A

S25N.Hmb«CkyBlvd Mdbotne, PL 32925

WMbinftoo, DC 20006 N/A $23000 Drtctf 07/23/2004

I ZIP ' Munjy KMowitt Mcdh (Refold of Mcdk Buy)

HI Wattoftov, DC 20006 N/A ^_" $5305


Sheet Mart Woikcn N/A l750NowYockAv«NW CoM Q WMUmioa. DC 20006 N/A SIMM O s 15000 07/210004

LueyOBriM 39Mebc Moatekir, HI 07042 $500 Form 8872 (11-2002) Schedule B t«ff N/A $5000 lUd Danef N/A 07/25/2004

I ZIP i The N/A PO 57154 N/A

I ZIP I NUM ef ndphaf • eHpbjiw O UN N/A $2064 POta 57154 DMcef N/A 07/01/2004

O I ZIP 4 O $5000 PO Bo* 57154 DflteoC1 WMhiafkm. DC 20037 07/120004

I DPI lef CHcFintBlwCmi N/A S324 MO lit Street ME fed DMtef N/A 07/01/2004

The Media Ouyi N/A $3700 7436 E.SMn Drive Itod IMtirf Soattekle,AZ852Bl N/A 07/01/2004

I ZIP N/A STOOD 110117* Street NW Drti« N/A 07/02/2004

IZIPi CHI Pint BbeCroei 07/D2O004 S1324 8401ttStteetNW DMie 07/02/2004 07/13/2004

IMiZIPl lAipi N/A S 11000 1440 New York AveNW Drtttf N/A 07/22/2004 I ZIP i briFriMh N/A $1500 1101 Ifth NW Deled N/A 07/22/2004

I ZIP I IMMdPnd Service 07/02/2004 ZOOOMStmetNW WMUetfen. DC 20036 07/020004

Ownic* Delivery

I ZIP* "• CfebCefleta N/A $301 00 Deteef rl Silver Spring. MD 20901 N/A 07/24/2004 O K. E>pc

I ZIP •ptojn tif N/A $2500 POB8BS71M dpfcMrt O N/A 07/N0004 o

dph I ZIP I N/A S808 DUi N/A 07/06/2004

Credit CM PreccwncFoci

I ZIP i N/A S18 200V«eySatet Data New York. NY IQ285 N/A 07/I2O004

Credit CM PTOOCMV Fee (Deducted dnctly ftom Contribution) ^8872 Political Organization NowmbwlOOQ Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1000 (tapMmnt of ita TMBiy taMMlllMIIUtSmlBt A ftoltop«MMfbjab| OUD1/2004 udttdtaf 01/31/2004

B Chock ippOkHH BHS ^_ nttDBi report ^_ ChuncoiMUfO ]£ ABKDOOH input ^_ Fiml report

i FUnd 20-1017481

FOBM 57154 *T GHywlMfltitatatuiZIPi CO HI 4 OSAK/2004

*7 DkvidW.Jonoi POBn57IS4 O WaAinfloo, DC 20037 O •r DtvidW.JoM FOBo»57l54 Wadunftoo, DC 20037

Otftri Wariunftoa. DC 20037


Monthly report for Ac month oT Augwt (due by April IS) I quMoriy fopon DKcnbcrnport,wbiGhiidiiBbyjiniMy31) »lhtchctkjuitpuit(dittbyttel2tfaorlStfadyocfan;tfacekction) , Tbhri quMBriy report (I) Type ordectioa: (due by October IS) (l)Mtoofckctioa-. (3) For ne IMB oT ^m PoM*(EnBnd flection ivport (due by the 30th o§y wlcf yrfuml owctno) Mid-yovnport(Non-etoetian (l)DMeofoloction: y«e» only-due by July 31)

A)... «. „.. t. S 0

I iff rapwM iipMflhiiM (total •*• •• MtadHd nibjrtila B) _.»> 10.1 84597

Under DtraMet of porjury. I dodart But I h«n i imlMdtnhnjiorLhcludlngaccon^ •id MMfi R b) trud convcti and compMc. DtvUW.JbBM 05/18/2005

P SJgnatureofaulhortzedofflciai ~~" f Data Font! HI2 (11-2008) | Schedule A

O Ix.

O O Fom M72 (11-2008) Schedule B

DWJOONSULTINQ N/A S8000 2000M8TREETNW RHl Da* WASHMGTO. DC 20036 N/A 08/82/2004















dpta I ZIP I CORPORATE VISIONS N/A S729I 2000 M STREET NW RMl Diterf WASHINGTON, DC 20036 N/A 010072004






dptafl lap JACKSON GROUP N/A $4700 206 N. WASHINGTON STREET Dtfi ALEXANDRIA, VA 22314 N/A OBAD2/2004


VERIZON N/A $603 PO BOX 26132 Dilc HALETHORP.MD 21227 N/A QM2O004

TELEPHONE BILL I23P N/A 705 Stood AkundiH.VA 22314 N/A

Vidoo PRMOCDOB IBPi NMMrfradplMfi N/A $w 22SINL fedphrtrtMOpa Dttto WA 01/03/2004


V4QO^^M»JIR* ^^^VBQJ ^^.....l—riDOGHBIM| B^I"00^ i |UOOUOQ^^-J . Q• QBCGflJl___*i_y. ^^_Iraff_ l OOnDIDIIIlOQj-••---.•_-> .

N/A $304 00 lbltay Drive iMi r-i ROMOH.VA 20191 N/A 08/02/2004 O

S37S TOM D*it O Chevy Owe, MD 2011S Ogni/2004 O Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 Dapauiiam of tt» Tiaaaay (Mamal Mama Sanaa OMM/2004 Mdaria* 09V30/2004

_ Initial report _ Change of addreai Amended report — final report

National Pnfnaa Fund 20-1017481

PO Boa 37154

M Wuhia^on. DC 20037 O 4 05/04/2004

5aNMM«T David W. POBMS7IS4 Wathkglon, DC 20037

fit NhBMafcM David W.JooH PO Box 57154 WMtwfkn. DC 20037

Utahhtfoa, DC 20037

_ nmquMflriyrapon Moodily report for the iwolh of: (dueby April 15) (due by the 20diday fbUowiot the Djootta shown above, except the _ SocoodqiHrtaly report rJooembcr report, which » due by taaary 31) (dueby July 15) IVcx)toctioniODOrt(duBbyO«12lhorl5thdaybdbretiKcfccti^ _ Third qwrtorty report (DTyocofetoctton: (due by October 15) (2)Datoordectioa: — Yeir-end report (3) For the «*c oft (duebyJ«Mry31) , Poat-foncraldoction report (due by the 30th d^ after general election) • Mid jm mpurt (Nba-elcctioB y«roii]y-duebyJuly31) (2)Forthciotteo<:

t A). f. S 96300

!• TfH (l B) .U. S 42412

ft b m», comet and comptoM. David W.Joooi OS/IW200S Sign P Sgnaiure of authorized omclal Fonn OB72 (11-2003) CoiiUMMiUutim | Schedule A laelZIP POBonK I of CA 94203 $75000 Da* of S100000 09/27/2004 i eel ZIP

701M Eta i tof Beverly HOKCA 90210 SSOOO Dofeef ssooo 09/27/2004 i ud ZIP c«et O Council 171 Old Field Rowl tof , NY 11733 SIOOO DMtvf SIOOO OW27/2004

N/A 115 l«h Street NW tof Waridngtae. DC 20005 N/A S10000 O Dettof O S10000 OMOO004 IZIPi TWRBhiDr tor Beverly Hilk,CA 90210 ssooo Dote of S10000 09/27/2004

IZIPi 74FlonBBiA«e tor ArlhHJM, MA 02746 SIOO Dole of $200 09721/2004

i art ZIP < NlBNOT Allen MoBride 12IChrkLa AptC OekRld§B.TN 37130 $200 DM* or S230 09/ODY2004 Fonn 8872 (11-2008) Schedule B ZIP i N/A POBORS71S4 WtthtfM. DC 20037 N/A

HwUfalM $500 PO BOB 57154 Data Wi*ta|taB, DC 20037 09/17/1004 on HI I ZIP I Ve N/A S277 o PO BOB 26232 Dttt is. Hilcthocp,MD 21227 N/A 09/IW004 or Bill O I ZIP i O N/A S9M HI fed DMi N/A 09/130004

Hnkh I ZIP (OMViH N/A ZTOPrtAve Ibd New York, NY 10017 N/A

dph I ZIP i N/A N/A

1Z1P N/A S279 2001 EdmadHilky Drive DMi ReMn.VA 20191 N/A 09M4/20M •r Bid


DwidnvahlMD2103S N/A


IMMlZIP 9 B^KMcyJ * o nwucooBB^^k^.^ft5MM_i N/A 705 Pmoc Street Akundri^VA 22314 N/A I ZIP i tef Self $1500 170116th Street NW RK) Did of WMfafe0on. DC 20009 CoMtdtut OMM/2004

i Mi ZIP < t«r N/A S331 MOIMSMNE MB of WHMMM, DC 20065 N/A OMMO004

dpta I Mi ZIP < N/A $217 PO Box 26232 fed Dnii N/A 09/10/2004

O PhoneBiD K i Hi ZIP i (M ContoatoVWaai N/A $100 90QOM8MMNW dpM Dntvf N/A 09/JW004 O O HI dph UukdPnelSavicc N/A S21S 2000MSmrtNW Ditorf WMUafto, DC 20036 N/A 09/13O004


Norfolk, VA 23329 N/A

dpfatfl NMM tt radptMTi vntayMr DWJCaowkint N/A $7000 20QOMInetNW D*c« WHUqiM, DC 20036 N/A 09/17/2004

I Mi ZIP OnKoAnU Self $7300 2llOPMdBdvhiTGRMe DMi« FdhdHduVA 22043 09/17/2004

i Mi ZIP ( S4S95 206N.W«bintonStnet DttJCf N/A 09/28/2004

Media Buy I ZIP* N/A $4966 vcNW N/A 09/28/2004


t*o*i I ZIP* toff N/A $54 Dftfcof Li§Vcpi.NV 89128 N/A OMB0004

Credit CvdPnxMNBf Fees

IZIPMdt tor N/A SI Kl 200VeMyi IMioT New YoA. NY 10285 N/A OW27A004

•i unnoumi** - •• -• n* j.

toff N/A SI 200VoHy8nei Do* of New YoA, NY 10285 N/A 09/27/2004 O O CrtdMC^ftwao^ Fee (DedactidDnwtly from

toff N/A S991 200VoMySti«t Now York, NY 10285 N/A

Cradil Ovd PMMHWB FM (Doduoid Dirad^y ftmn Contribution). Political Organization Form 8872 fftawmbvZOOQ Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1896 toTtaTraMuy

1M1/2004 10/13/2004

MB ^« InlnH ICpOlt ^_ CfelMJB OTMdRM AflNDBOQ ICDflft _ Full ICpOft


2 ro L57154 Off «r Mm, MM^ Mi ZIP on WubBftoa. DC 20037 r-l O 05/04/2004

SaNaBfrf DtvidW. PO B« 57154 O WHhtnftoa, DC 20037 O

DBvidW, PO Bra 57154

TO BOB 57154 Cky w ZIP i

i FntQuvtoriy nport _ Monthlyrepor tfo rth e month of: (due by April 15) (due by the 20di cky fallowiBS the montfa ihown •bove, except UK Second qurtcriyrepor Docemborreport ,wbJc h • due by Jnury 31) (due by July 15) / Pre-eloction report(du e by the IMor IS* o*y before tbecloetioo) TMM quBltny raport (l)Typeefekdion: flBaenl (due by October 15) (2) Due of election: 11/02/2004 (3) For fee MM of! DC (duebyJ«uMy3l) _ rXMt-fleoen] electionrepor t(dueb y the SOdio^y ifler •eneralekedon) Mid-yew report (N«v«loedon (ODtfeofeleclion: yew only-due by July 31) (2) For fee Me of:

A).. S 30000

MTtlriMM CMrifrMiiBi N.S 43629

v PMMHM of p^Jury. i ttadm OKI I hm« mmlnid thbraport .todudh g( lMM. ktstnM.amct David W. 05/18/2005 Sign Stanatur* of authorized official Date Form 8072 p 1*2002} Schedule A

525 RHaibof City Wvd PttrickAFB.FL 32925 S10000 Itatorf io/M/2004 IBP SHmFotFoodi 777 IFlHfar Drive We* Mm Bach. FL 33401 S10000 Data* S10000 10/08/2004

LSI I ZIP 0> tMotu Woiun N/A rH 1750 New YoikAvoNW CM WSHU«kiB, DC 20006 N/A S10000 O DMeaf h-, S 25000 1008/2004 fM

O O Fonn BB72 (11-2002) SchadutoB t«f N/A $3000 Red DMerf N/A 10411/2004

I ZIP N/A $1750 POB«57I34 •id DMtrf W«*b|loa. DC 20037 N/A 10/04/2004

kzir N/A $3000 POBOK 57154 Dfttec WMhinftoa, DC 20037 N/A IOASA004 CM Pwpmvf

IZIPi o N/A $6220 o DMtof N/A 10/100004

dpk-fi ItT i Group N/A S372 206N.WHhfa*onSticct IMtflT N/A 10/04/2004

IZIPi [OnoVM N/A $4650 270P«kAve IMttT Now Yak. NY 10017 N/A IOAWO004


I ZIP trf N/A $282 tod ItatovT ,VA 20191 N/A 10/04/2004

IZIPi t«r JmayTiM Sdfdnploycd $150 7039! DMitf Chevy ChM8,MD 20115 10/05/2004

IZIPi t«r N/A $20000

N/A 10AKO004 iGmp N/A $3850 206 N.WMUnftoo Start Ririplirt'toccipiriM Drttrf N/A 1007/2004


•dMtoBiOiniSBvfca N/A $346 ItehlMrtiumllM DMicT LnV«*NV »I28 N/A 10/04/2004

Fipre» Tnvcl Rctoted Sovica N/A $9 200Ve«ySlnel Ul New York.NY 10285 N/A 10/12/2004 rH O

o o 8872 Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 orttwTfMuy

10/14/2004 11/220004

^ butnJ fopoit m^ ChnnfjD of •ddfooi AiBodod report _ ^ Funlicport


2 MbBJta|aidnai(PAbHari PO Box 57154 00 Md ZIP < Wrtifciglnn. DC 20037 O IS, o EtevidW. PO Box 57154 o W«bintkM. DC 20037

DtvidW. PO Box 57154 WMhinftoa DC 20037


•Type of npMl (chMko^jr tM koi)

^B rim OjHMtony nport — Moodily repon for die mondi of: (due by dw 20A o>y fcDowiof Ac north ihown above, except Ae •^ Sooond o^Hrtcny icport Dcccnbcr report, which it due by Jaiiayy 31) (duo by July 15) ^ Pve^ecdon report (due by the I2dior ISoidiy before the election) _Thitdqi»neriy report (l)Typc of election: (due by October 15) (2)DMeofelection: ^B Yov^ndvoport (3)FordKiMeof (duebyJn«y31) ^ Po»jCM^ekcbwiqiort (due by o» 30ft doy ate general eteclion) • Mid-y«tfiqiuit(Nnn nlnrlinii (l)DMeofetoetioK 11/02^004 (2) For Ac Mto of! DC

9 Tktala i A).. ...«. S 26777

!• Total) i •).... .It. S 57954

Undar panaUos of penury.1 dacan that I htvo eumlnodthb report In I scheduftn and atatamniSb and to (ha bast of my knowtodQa •ndb&.KfctnJoVcomct«ndcompM«. David W.J 05/1*72005 sum Stanature of authorized official Dale Form 8B72 (11-2002) | Schedule A eat ZIP < RmeiptoLeMThui200 N/A PO Bo* 57154 lef We*keJaB. DC 20037 N/A S16527 AST DetoeT SI6S27 11/22/2004 i led ZIP* NewtitUni Group 14591th Street PMB167 SnFmic»co,CA 94107 SSQO Dete S800 10/14/2004

LEilMODutfaM 2335 E dory IndCirele lef LnVBeKfa,CA 90103 S700 O IMteT $2350 10/14/2004

I Ml ZIP DntiM Power 2335 BCheny tad Ctade O .CA 90005 Ewntfiw O $2350

Duthfe Power 2335 E Cherry lad Ctade tef Loaf Beech, CA 90805 EMGUOVO $1000 AB«I Denef $2350 10/27/2004 »u«zir< TbiMbyEM North American Software LLC 435 S.Hifh Street fMfcJ^^ll'1 •liM^JM DBBWO; CO 10209 $1000 Deltel 11000 10/14O004 Newer Criii Fehher 521 E^Knolli Hoed ,NY 10538 Attorney korepkceiliMlM $200

Vive* Fork 1959 tadl Start , NY 11710-3221 Truck Driver AOT $200

Vieeeai Ferris Premier Wk» l959R»MllSbert Bdhean. NY 11710-3221 Truck Driver A«n $200

tFem rramw•—•- r~ WD ••••_M _ 1959 RiBMll Start .NY 11710-3221 Track Driver $200 i ZIP i

^^' r.OOM904 Phyocia $100 DM) of $300 10070004

iiaiZIPcooi NuMOf ^•••^•iwiuVi •—•muH— B• 11/m.^m^JwvoM«mn IMO^^HVMIOMMOTUM C> NewYoA,NYJ0028 PioidM $500 r^J $500 10O7O004 o ^. .. lOPcoit NuHofc NewYoffcUnivonky 325 Rivcnido Drive ApL 52 Cutribolor'i occopottoi AoNMt of New Yock. NY 10025 Studctt $250 Q $250 10/170004

DmUMilBMI Sdf.E^>Ioyed & Pad. MN 55126 MUHOH $500 $150 10/21/2004

I ZIP COOt NMMOf DwidMocbeD Sdf-enploved 950Scene Drive CMMbMrti StPouLMN 55126 MUHGM Afjn $150

I ZIP* David MitebeD Sdf-Enployod 950 Scouc Drive ft.Pttl.MN 55126 Muriekn $150 [ZIP Retfaod tof Seonk,WA981l5 Retired $500 Dote < 10/17/2004

I Mi ZIP COO* NMMOf ABM NMBOHOT The KiMbner-Locke Conpony rof iBeKh.CA90266 Executive $50 $350 IO/I4O004

AUeeNeuhmjBBr TteKorii 1466 life Street IMMBM BM*. CA 90266 Eric MIAKnfecrt taFmciNo.CA94l10



7IOOF«MUII ttf fa* ROH.CA 95404-1219 SIOO Drttrf S200 ions/2004

I ZIP RklwdWn 135 WUkmhook Drive Ftortoh Valley, CAM02I

O $550

PUhddphta, PA 19130


I Mi ZIP I MUEDq^kAInkiaB^ aoC!M«JB» IunnrcnB *-• - '- j * n^^Judnx*i •10 Rate* $200 IMitf $200 IO/1CO004

I ZIP Philips Eloctranci North Ancm 130 ESuFaranio Street Phi 5 CMMbvlM^i MnpitlBB SMJOH.CA95II2 SyMomiAailyrt $200 iMi $200 10/19/2004 Fcmi 8872 (11*2002) I Schedule B

DWJCmfcini N/A 2000MStn*.NW Wi*Mi0on, DC 20036 N/A

MIBDJF lutawra N/A S 944 901 Pen»ylv«i« Avenue, NW ItiflpJMh'nic^ii DMief WMhnftoa. DC 20003 N/A 11/05/2004

r*j I » IZIPcefc O Capon* VUoat N/A $1600 rv 2QOOMSD86I.NW Date* WHhtagta. DC 20036 N/A 11/10/2004

O IZIF Graiv N/A $1250 206 N.WMhnition Street Ibd Din* Alandrk, VA 22)14 N/A I IAB/2004

DBH^M? N/A P.aBu 26232 lUdpI ltataDtape.MD 21227 N/A

ZIP N/A S10 P.a Box 26232 Ited DUtef HM*orpe.MD21227 N/A ll/DtV2004


I of N/A $1000 Dili if Akwkta.VA 22301 N/A 10/17/2004

MBNA Bukcwd Service N/A S6324 11333 McCorMckRnd DMitT CoebymOe.MD 21030 N/A HAM/2004


ScM^Employed 1701 16*Straat,NW W«hkgk», DC 20009 I ZIP Jenny Tma $300 7039 Stnten Mt Chevy ChM.MD20IIS 10/14/2004

IMdZIPl t*r UnfadFMcel Service N/A SIS 20QOMStreetNW DM of N/A 11/08/2004

N/A S2S9 2001 EtendHilky Drive Date O r-j •MOB. VA 20191 N/A UAN0004 0 Phuneiaviui K.

BukOaeVw N/A 270PrtAv«qoe O New York. NY 10017 N/A O

N/A S46S 22SIN. BI«d Date i N/A 11/03/2004


N/A $53 200Ve«y! Dili if New Yoik, NY 10215 N/A II/D3/2004

I Fec§ (Dodudod DuccQy ftonCoalributioii^ I ZIP tofthcTwinCitiei N/A S943S yCMiIU Itato Eden hum, MN 55344 N/A 11/01/2004 Political Organization Form 8872 (Nownbor2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1686 loftaTiMuy

11/2W004 1 Ml/2004

_ mid report _ CbjBjeof Amended itport _ Fioil report

PnfMFuod 20-1017481

2 T>lillonddiMi(rn I PO Box 57154 a ™ o 4

Si DfevidW.Jona POBmS7IS4 O WMfatafton. DC 20037 O

DMidW. POBOTS71S4 DC 20037

DC 20037

MI ba)

•_ Flnt ojuirtcny report ^ Monddyrepor tfo r Ac noon ofi (duBbyAprtHS) (doe by Ac 20* dqr following the monih dwwn done, awcpt the December report, wbidi is due by JtauMy 31) "(due by July 15) — Pre-dectiaorepor t(du e by the 12th or 15th dty before the ckcdoa) (OlypeoTebxlioK (due by October 1 5) (2)Dtfcordectioa: YM> end report (3)Forthotttoofi H Po*lBi>ei»l electionrepor t(c ^ by tteSCtofl^yiftergBic^ election) (^ Ijl.MMI^Vt ..^M ^ •«••••inpon• / (DDneofckaion: ye»o^y-duebyJii]y3l) (2) For the me oft

9 Tttell .91 S 200

lOTMdi ttfnpi , 10. S 46533 •fptraUn of pvjwyt I doctarattu tI hovo omrarMd Hiraport ,fe n \ md stiMnnntSi •ndtoUwbostof myhnowtodgo bflMi.i R It Ko mimi d d ooiractooifoci MB complMOi DmidW. 05/18/2005 Sign Signature of amhorlzad official Data Fann 8872 (11-2008) Schedule A


ifi O (M O

O O Fan 8872 (11-2002) Schedule B tdT NEXTEL N/A $902 2001 EDUMND HALLEY DRIVE Rid DMtrf RHSTON.VA 20191 N/A 11/300004










HEALTHCARE IZIFi N/A $6000 tod D«»«f N/A 12/150004

I ZIP« N/A $15 22S1N.lnc«rtBM tod Dttltf LMVCPB.NV 19128 N/A 11/23/2004

N/A S87 Itate O N/A I2AVM04 ™ O

IZIPl AmerkmExpitHTravdRchled Services N/A SI 200 Vocy Street D O New York. NY 10285 N/A 1I/26V2004 O I Fee(Doducted Diractly ftwnComribgtion).

I ZIP N/A SS40 2000M NW IMi N/A I2/1S/2004 Political Organization

(Nommbor2002) Report off Contributions and Expenditures OMB NO. 1545-1698

01/01/2005 Md«*| 06Y30/2005

box! £ iBitU fCport ^_ CDIQBJB of •doim ^_ AIMDODB nport ^_ FHH raport


2 Mo8k*o**nn(F.O.bKori POBox57IS4 09 CkyorliwB.ilMlBiUiZlPi O WMhintfaB. DC 20037 f*\ --» 05/040004

Sb *3T DmvidW.Jonc* PO Bo* 57154 O O

DmdW.Janei PO Box 57154 WHhbvftM. DC 20037

PO BOK57154


^_ MooBuy icpmt roc QIC iHomh of. (dno by April IS) (dneby the 20th (hyfcikiwiiif the monAAownibove, except Ac ^. Second ojMrtorty icport December icport. which is doe by January 31) (duebyJnlylS) _ Projection report (due byte I2A or IStidiy before the election) ^ Third qwrteriy report (1) Type of election: (dneby October IS) (2) Dale of election: ^m YOT

i A). .». 8 5250

.10. S 6350 Undor pomlttn of porfury. I dochn thot I htv> cuminod Msreport .Indudbi g •ccomptnylng sctwdutes nd stiuuwnts, Mid to dw bast of my knowlodgo •nu. DOMikJlMfl. t•e BIm BUB m^m£, UllOU^^^^^^&i MIO• COmpMn• . r ^ -r * ^ • • DAVID W. JONES 07/25/2005 Sign Signature of audioriiad offldal rf Data Font M72 (11-2002) Schedule A


O> O r*j O rv. (M

O O Fomi M72 (11-2008) I Schedule B



IZir SKADDENAPR5 N/A S1000 1440 NEW YORK AVENW HM»li«HliMni»rtiM WASHINGTON, DC 20005 N/A OMB/2005

O LEGAL A ACCOUNTING FEES rt SKADDENAPRS N/A S2000 W 1440 NEW YORK AVENW Biifrliilrt •ctaprtha Drttrf ^ WASHINGTON. DC 20005 N/A Ofi/15/2005

5! LEGAL* ACCOUNTING FEES Rvdptaalf • •*•>! ••Rtai iMiMi ••! ZIP cidt NuMcfrac^lMl1! ALEXANDER RADAY SELF-EMPLOYED $500 ISUM^tarCT •nUihrtrt m^iHii IMi< WASHINGTON. DC 20001 WEBCOUSULTANT OMW2005



WASHINGTON, DC 20001 WEB CONSULTANT tefi INTERNET FUNDRA1SINO ^8872 Political Organization (NoMmber2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 DJapMiMHI ef tta TMMy

A nilfciiiiiMiajlaaaaj 07/01/2005 wdMdtaf 12/13/2005

_ Initial report ofaddicu _ Find report

Nation* PIOBJM Fund 20-1017481

1274thStiMt,SE 0* er I DPi DC 20003

O 4 IS, 05AM/2004

SB Naawoffi David W.Jone* 127 44 Street. SE O O I Off CM DmidW.Jaaci 127 4ft Street, SE . DC 20003

1 Ni

^B MonttqTropuc tforfl x niooihon (due by April 15) (due by ifac 2ftL dsy ibIluwiQi the iiiuulh ibown ibovd y aftsr fcaenl election) (l)Dtfcefdecdon: (2) For the Mte of.

f Trtdi .(total A)

MTtteli tfrtoJ ..10. S 019 pajMy. I dadamihai I «wt eamlned thin»port.ln( \ and MilHiiMitii Mid to ttw bnt of my knouriadgt ft b irWi tiunUL and conipMa. David W.Jonoi I2/I3/200S Sign agnature of Btuhorlzed official Fom 8872 (11*20021 Schedule A

OJ o K,

O O Fora 8872 (11-2002) I Schedule B tor DWJ CONSULTING N/A $819 2000M3TKEETNW Drttof WASHINGTON. DC 20036 N/A 10/18/2005



O O 8871 Political Organization July 2008) Notice of Section 527 Status OMB NO 1545-1603 *•» Qmral Information I Nwrfi TMoMlPrafTMFund 20-1017411

1274th an* SB

OS/042004 12/31/2005 O

faNUM* Cb DnridW, 127 4th Street. SE O O 7b DnUW. l274tbSoeet,SE WMhinfton. DC 20003


NONE of Claim of Exemption Rom FHna Cartrin Form« (see instructions) ItsUl i «r local


11 bfl 9M(«rf9f-EZ),IUtmef TM, •§•«•»• «ri •rlMricflkWi? Y«_Ne£

TcrariMMd 1201/03 140 N«ntolf*«id«tty I 14c AddrnT


DkvidJon 127 4th Street, SE

WMhiajoa, DC 20003

of p^ury, I dMhra thtf ffit agMtatfan nvrnd In Pvt It ot ob t fei MdtonBTaflto in ri RMmui Oxto, nd tat I hn« wmbNd Mi nobcx, Indudra •ooampi •nd to KM bMt of niy knowtodpi HW DNM| I • tRM| OOnVB^ MB OQfflpMlB> I UmNF tDMQn •VH ivportt MB I Mivpnlno oy •ntHlRQ my

DwidW.Jnai 03/07/2006 O Sign

O O OMB NO. 1545-0047 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Undtr Mellon SOlfc), 527, or 4047(«X1) of the Internal Revenue Cod* (except Mack lung benefit trust or private foundation) *• The orginbatlon may have to UM • copy of this return to satisfy itate reporting requirements. A For the 20041 ier year, or tax yeer beginning JANUARY 1 . 2004. and ending DECEMBER 31 .2004 B CNe%* wp'-catic j C Name of organization 1 ~" ----- j JiATJONAL PROGRESS FUND 20 =1017481 _: Mama chanoa •mior; Nunbar and Mraat (or P.O. box K mad * not dellvarad to rtraat addraaa)Room/auKe [Llliitwlraturr PO BOX 57154 ( 202 ) 833-4330 ._; r-ra mum ; Ctyv town. Mala or country, and ZIP* 4 EZ! Cun D Accrw> L_- Arrandwl irt-jm •M. (WASHINGTON, DC 20037 v/ D OtMrfapacNM »> Lj ApgKatwi pvio-ng •DIMM and4S47HC1) H and fare not appfcaba) to aadiaA 527 orgenaaNons. »A (Fonn HO or HO-EZ). w < 0 Wabaltac > VWrW.THENADERFACTOR.COM H|a)lf Vaa, amernumDerorafflllalaaK» O HM AreilaflUataamdudod? GNO J Organization type (chock only one) » D SO'.teH )<« Pnsartno) G 4947Wnior 0 527 (II 'No.1 attach a I*. Set inetmctionB.) K Cr-nrk iwv fr LJ * ttw nrganaatan't gpreu '•cvptt wt nonnaAy not moro thin S25.000. The HM kWsaaaparaleiatiniFladbyin orojnirtton naati no! fcto a ralvn wfth ttw R& but •• tin arganBatlan racahad a Fami 090 Padua* orQanuationcova>ad by a group ruing? DYaa l_iMe •i in« mat. 4 *ouid In a >Mluin without dnaneial data. Senw Malaa »•*• a 1 Qroup Exemptloii Number M Checks Q it the organizanon la not required 0 L Grow Add line* 6b. 8b, 9b. and 10b to fine 12 + 518,33443 to attach Sch. B form 990.990-EZ. or 990-PF). O and Changes in Net Assate or Fund Balance (See page 18 of the instructions.) 1 Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received: a Direct public support .... 1 ) 7 0.00 i 8s G^oss amount from sales of assets other ^ Sacuniiaa noawr i{ than inventory ...... 0.00 8• 0.00 I h LBBS: cnst or nthnr hasia and malas avpciif^ ^-*? . 8b 0.00 j e Gain or (Ian) (a«ach «r.h«riiiU.) . . , __. _. 0.00 flle 0.00 ; d Net gain or (loss) (combine line Be. columns (A) and (B)) . 8d 0.00 j v opecw evsnw ana scnvnies (auscn scneouie). IT any amount B tram gaming, cnecK nere p* L_I ' a Gross revenue (not Including £ 0.00 of ! contributions reported on line 1 a) SIB 0.00 b Less: direct expenses other than fundraising expenses . *Ib 0.00 | c Net income or Qoss) from special events (subtract line Ob fromine9a) Oe 0.00 1 10a Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances . . 11Da 0.00 i b Less: cost of good, sold . . . , , JiOb 0.00 I c Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory (attach schedule) (subtract SnelOb from MnelOa). 10c 0.00 11 Other revenue (from Part VII. line 103) 11 0.00 1 12 Total revenue (add lines id, 2. 3, 4. 5, 6c, 7, 8d, 9c, lOc, and 1 1). . . . V/./ . . 12 518.334.43 13 Program services (from line 44, column (B)) . . . .;;< . . 13 0.00 .14 0.00 I 14 Management and general (from line 44. col'imn (C)) ..,•- 1 15 Fundraising (from line 44. column (D)) .- 15 0.00 d',16 Payments to affiliates (attach schedule) 16 0.00 (17 Total •XP««IM> (add Knes 16 and 44. column (A)) .... 17 513.027.70 a 18 Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 1 7 from line 12) 18 3,306.73 ;• j 10 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line 73. column (A)). . . . 19 0.00 J! 20 Other changes in net assets or fund balances (attach exptanatl on) 20 0.00 j 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of year (combine lines 18. 19. and 20) 21 3.308.73 For Privacy Act and Papw Act Notice, see the < rate bietmetlona. Got. NO. 11282V Form 990 17004) i sao ,- 3 if you are following SOP 98-2. *k LF~J lTe Yma * K7J1 N Otin if -Yes." enter (I) the •ggngnte amount of thest joint costs S . ; (H) the srount allocated to Program wvic«L.< • (III) the amount allocated to Management and general S ; and (M) the amount allocated to FundraJaino S •aiTBBUl Statement of Program Service Accomplishments (See page 25 of the instructions.) What is the organizations primary exempt purpose? *.?!!fla.0« Mftl«e}|on«!aMd.w^Jty.f^*e jurjoee ... Program Service Expenses All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achifllelMKr¥^iOTnWi^^ State the number (RiqvMdlorNilcWind of clients served, publications issued, etc. Discuss achievements that are not measurable. (Section 501(cX3) and (4) (4)eifL ndWiiili mats ttd opbonj tw organizations and 49<7(a)(l) nonexempt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others.) «h§r»(

a See Attachment "B"

(Grants and allocations $ ) , 513,027.70 b

(Grants and allocations S ) c .. .

(Grants and aiiocationa $ j d ..

(Grants and" allocations' S j e Other program services (attach schedule) (Grants and allocations $ ) f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services) *> 513.027.70 Form 990 CC04| 'TU--'.i Piga 3 liDIISI Balance Sheets (See page 25 of the instructions.)

Note: Where required. attac/ied scnedufes and amounts witNn the description (A) (B) column should be foi end-of-yeer amounts only. Beginning of year End ol year : 45 ' Cash— non-interest-bearin g 0.00 45 3306.73 : 46 Savings and temporary cash investments . I 0.00 46 0.00 1 0.00 • 47a Accounts receivable 47at • b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . i*7bi 0.00 *7c 0.00

i48a Pledges receivable •*§§_ 0.00 0.00 48c 0.00 CO b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . 48b ; 40 Grants receivable 0.00 40 0.00 i 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees ! (attach schedule) 0.00 50 0.00 O ; 51 a Other notes and loans receivable (attach 5; schedule) [61a| 0.00 i b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . Sib 0.00 51c 0.00 1 52 Inventories for sale or use 04)0 52 0.00 j 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges . . . 0.00 63 0.00 O 54 Investments— securities (attach schedule) . . 1+ GCostDFMV 0.00 54 0.00 O ' 55e Investments— land, buildings, and !flquipmant :haat a ... . 55a 0.00 b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach Bchadula) ...... 55b 0.00 55c 0.00 56 Investments—othe r (attach schedule) 0.00 56 0.00 57a Land, buildings, and equipment: basis . |67a 0.00 b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach j BcrMdule) ...... 67b 6.00 57c 0.00 ! 58 Other a*Mts (describe e» 0.00 \ 58 0.00

!5B Total aaaate (add lines 45 through 58) (must equal line 74) . . . 0.00 69 3306.73 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses . . . 0.00 60 0.00 61 Grants payable 04)6 61 0.00 ' 62 Deferred revenue OAO 62 0.00 J 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and keyemployees (attach m' schedule) 0.00 63 0.00 3 i 64a Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule) . 0.00 64a 0.00 3 i b Mortgages and other notes payable (attach scheclule) .... 0.00 64b 0.00 i 66 Other liabilities (describe •» 0.00 1 65 0.00 : 66 Total liabilities (add lines 60 through 65) . . . 0.00 66 0.00 Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here S* Q and complete lines 567 through 69 and lines 73 and 74. 67 Unrestricted 67 68 Temporarily restricted .... 68 i 69 Permanently restricted 69 5 Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here •> 0 and if complete Knee 70 through 74. o* j 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds 0.00 70 0.00 •B j 71 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund . 04)0 71 0.00 5 1 72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds 0.00 72 0.00 « j 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 or lines 2 70 through 72; column (A) must equal line 19; column (B) must equal line 21) . . 0.00 73 3306.73 74 Total liabilities and net assets/ fund balances (add lines 66 and 73) 0.00 74 3306.73 Form 990 is available for public inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a nartir*! >lar nmanif atiftrt U«iu> Mia M .Mix nnri-miMttr- wi «MN««n«*M(n !«t •> i«4i r*o*ae mau Inm tlmlntlllitimi\ hu Mia iflfnrnnatinn rwACAntart on its return. Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III, the organization's programs and accomplishments. P.B.4 rjeamvatm Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited 1™™™ Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements with Revenue per j Return (See page 27 of the instructions.) Return a Total revenue, gains, and other support a Total expenses and losses per per audited financial statements . ft* a 516,334.43 auditedfinancia lstatement s . . ft* e 513,027.70 b Amounts Included on line a but not on b Amounts included on line a but not line 12. Form 990: on line 17, Form 990: (i) Net unrealized gains (11 Donated services « i inwMtmwitf S 0.00 £ A OO (2) Donated services (2) Pfoysv adjustments and USA nf farilitiAA S 0.00 reported on line 20. (3) Recoveries of prior Pnrm OOP S 0.00 year grants. . . S 0.00 (3) Losses reported on (4) Other (specify): !'"» 20, P«?"" 990 » *iP. 0.00 (4) Other (specify): $ 0.00 Add amounts on lines (1) through (4) ft* b 0.00 ' " " $ 0.00 Add amounts on lines (1) through (4)ft* b 0.00 c Line a minus line b ft* c 516,334.43 c Line a minus line b ft* c 513,027.70 d Amounts included on line 12. d Amounts included on line 17, O Form 990 but not on line a: Form 990 but not on line a: O (1) Investment expenses (1) Investment expanses not included on line not included on line _ __ Bh Form 990 $ 0.00 aw »- — aan S 0.00 (2) Other (specify): (2) Other (specify):

$ 0.00 ft 0.00 Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) ft* d 0.00 Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) ft* d 0.00 e Total revenue per line 12, Form 990 e Total expenses per Irie 1 7, Form 990 (line c plus line d) ft* e 516.334.43 (line e plus line d) ft* e 513,027.70 List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each one even if not compensated; see page 27 of the instructions.)

l (C) Companiatian • nCffMutmto ! (OExpenn IHIMI Nomnomnn an HPdQ addm•conn* " w§g* "°k ^^f^*"' •*•'••f te poifto' ***»n• PWftfoctpg,^ rvty«t*n«X9nl •ccounl ind olnv et*l9lWVHt» •lowancvs

David W. Jones i»,ia.iJi-«tiT«..ii«rfjiii 127 4th Streei SE Waahlnflton, DC 20003 PrealdefitfTreaaurer(40) 121,250.00 0.00 0.00 ,i

Tricia Enrlght i ^^ nn% pr§iWwrt 15.000.00 0.00 0.00 1701 16th Street NW Washlgnton, DC 20009 ', I"""""") (™) ! i I


i I i j : . 75 l>d any officer, director, trustee, or key employee receive aggregate compensation of more than Si 00.000 from your oiganization and afl related organizations, of which more than $10.000 was providsd by the related organizations? .ft* UYes 1/jNo If "Yes," attach schedule— see page 28 of the instructions.

Form 090 (20C4I »::i 390 Page 5 Other Information (See pace 28 of the instructions.) No 78 De t-.e organization engage in any activity not pronely reported to the IRS? If -YtB." attach a detailed description of each activity. LJ8J ,_/_ 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? TJ \— / It "Yes." attach a conformed copy of the changes. 78a Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of S1,COO or more during the year covered by this return? 78a b If -Yes. 'has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? 79 Was there a liquioalior., dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction diiring the year? Mfc Yes,'attacha statement 79 / 80a Is the organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc.. to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? . . 80a / b If -Yes." enter the name of the organization > and check whether it is D exempt or D nonexempt. 81 a Enter direct and indirect political expenditures. See line 81 Instructions . . I*1*! b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? 81b CM 82a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or facilities at no charge / O or at substantially less than fair rental value? rx b If "Yes." you may indicate the value of these items here. Do not include this amount (M as revenue in Part I or as an expense in Part II. (See instructions in Part III.} . __ Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? 83a_j / b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions?. . O 84a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? 84e / O b If "Yes," did the organization include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible? 85 SOJfcM. ft or (ty organizations, a Were subttantiaHy all oues mxxleductibte oy memberi? I88a b Did the organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of S2.000 or less? L85b If "Yes" was answered to either 85a or 85b, do not complete 85c through 85h below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year. c Dues, assessments, and similar amounts from members. MSL d Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures 85d e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(eX1KA) dues notices. . f Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e). g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line 85f? -MB! h If section 6033(e)(1)(A) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount on line 851 to its reasonable estimate of dues allowable to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year? 85h 86 501 (cXT) orgs. Enter, a Initiation fess and capital contributions included on line 12. b Gross receipts, Included on line 12. for public use of dub facilities .... 87 50HCH12) orgs. Enter: a Gross income from members or shareholders . . . b Gross income from other sources. (Do not net amounts due or paid to other i sources against amounts due or received from them.) 88 At any time during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater interest in a taxable corporation or partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections 301.7701-2 and 301.7701-3? If-Yes." complete Part IX 89a 507«:j(3) organizations. Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under: section 4911 > : section 4912 P» ; section 4955 > b 50Hc)C3) and 501 (cM orgs. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction i dunng the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If "Yes." attach I a statement explaining each transaction LJ c Enter Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified persons during the year under sections 4912. 4955, and 4958 *» fL22. d Enter: Amount of tax on line 89c, above, reimbursed by the organization t» —!L22 90a List the states with which a copy of this return is filed > .P***!l.fi!.93fW*l.a b Number of employees employed in the pay period that includes March 12,2004 (See instructions.) I**! ? __ 91 The books are m care of s* P»yW W.^Jones. Telephone no. *(..?P.2..i*?9-?83.1. Located at ^ 2000 M Street NW, Washington, DC ZIP +• 4 P* . ?9 .... 92 Section 4947faJW nonexempf charitable trusts Wing Forni 990OT/»e uo f Fonn 1041—Check here »> G and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax year. . . i» 1 92 1 Form 990 61004) Fc-" Pago 6 of Income-Producing Activities (See page 33 of the Instructions.) Note Enter gross amounts unless otherwise j Unrelated business hnconw EKMtf by section 512. 513. or 514 (E) tncf'ca'ecr. (B) 1C) (D) exempt function Exclusion coda Amount 93 Program service revenue: Busmen carle Amount income a 527 Organizations Do Not Complete h This Section. 1 c _. d a _ f /Medicaid payments g Fees and contracts from government agencies 94 Membership dues and assessments . . . 95 interest on savings and temporary cash investments O 96 Dividends and interest from securities . . 97 Net rental income or (loss) from real estate: a debt-financed property b not debt-financed property • 98 Net rental income or (loss) Irom personal property 99 Other investment income o 100 Gam or doss) from sales of assets other than inventory o 101 Net income or doss) from special events . 102 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory 103 Other revenue: a . _ _ , . . h c . . . d • 104 Subtotal (add columns (B), (D), and (E)) . . 105 Total (add line 104. columns (B). (D). and (E)) ...... l> WS plus line Id. Part I, should equal the amount on lino 12. Part I. " Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See page 34 of the instructions.)" Line Ho. ; Explain how each activity for which income is reported m column (E) of Part VII contributed Importantly to the accomplishment T ' of the organization's exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes). .' 527 Organizations Do Not Complete Thle Section \

• JHIall' lirforrnatton Regarding Taxable Subsidiaries and Disregarded Entitles (See page 34 of the instructions.) (Aj i n "~"~i " I i a Name, address. andEINof corporation, I Percental,. .. (C) (D) End- partnership, or disregarded entity . ownership interest Nature of actrvtties Total income


| Information Regarding Transfers Associated with Personal Benefit Contracts pee page 34 of the instructions.) (a) r>tiVieorpni2atiOT.duwg the year, recm . CJYei 0No (b) Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? G Yes R] No Note;/f-VBS-fofbJl/He Form 8670 and Form 4720 (see instruction*). Under penalties o1 PBJIJIV. I declare that I have enaimned Ova return, ndud ng accompanyg scheoulBi and tiatemants. and to the belt of my Knowledfp and raWef. jl la fewjOVNicy end ooniele. Dedaration of preparer (attw than officer) h band on al information ol Please Sign ^ W ^\£ yy ••X-mJi^ L5L Here David W.Jones Pi & Treasurer r Type or orht narre and into. •Checkif W> Paid aetf- rnl Preparer's empioved » LJ. f-nm'6 Rome (or yours UseOikV nKmm. and ZIP * 4 ! Phont no. Form 990 eaoti Schedule B Schedule of Contributors OMB NO 1545-0047 (Form 990,990-EZ, or 990-PF) Supplementary Information for lino 1 of Form 990, 990-EZ and 990-PF (sta instructions) 04 Name of organization Employer Identification number National Progress Fund 20 i 1055152

Organization type (check one):

Filers of: Section:

Form 990 or 990-EZ D 501 (cX ) (enter number) organization

D 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation

Q 527 political organization

Form 990-PF D 501 (cX3) exempt private foundation

D 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation

D 501(0(3) taxable private foundation

Check if your organization Is covered by the General rule or a Special rule. (Note: Onfy a section S01(O(7). (8). or (10) oryanftatton can check boxfec) tor bom me Genera/ nifa end e Specie/ rule - see instructions.;

General Rule -

H For organizations filing Form 990.990-EZ. or 990-PF thatrecehied . during lie year. S6.CKV or tmre C« morwy or property) from any one contributor. (Complete Parts I and II.)

Special Rulee -

Q For a section 501 (cX3) organization filing Form 990. or Form 990€Z, that rriet the 3313% support lest of the regulations under sections 509

Q For a section 50i(c)(7). (B). or (10) organization fling Form 990. or Form 990-EZ. that received from any one contributor, during the year, aggregate contributions or bequests of more than $1,000 for use exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. (Complete Parts I. II. and III)

D For a section 501(cX7). (8). or (10) organization fling Form 990. or Form 990-EZ. that received from any one contributor, during the year, some contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc.. purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than S1.000. (If this box is checked, enter here the total oontributione that viare received during the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc., purpose. Do not complete any of the Parts unless (he General rote applies to this organization because A received nonexdusivaty religious, charitable, etc., contribution* of $5.000 or more during the year.) p. $

Caution: Organizations that are not covered by the General rule and/or the Special rules (to not file Schedule B (Form 990. 990-EZ. or 990-PF). but they must check the box in the heading of their Form 990. Form 990-EZ. or on lino 1 of their Form 990-PF. to certify mat they do not meet the filing requirements of Schedule B (Form 990.990-EZ, or 990-PF).

Cat. No 30613X Sclwduto B (Form MO. •IQ-SZ. or MO-PF) CHOI) ••••.hvJiiU- B ir win 000. MO EZ or KO-PFi ,2001| Name of organization Employer Identification number National Progress Fund 20[1055152 Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

(a) W (c) (d) Nam*! •ddnii ind ZIP + 4 Aggregate cQnJributiom Tvoa of contribution J*> :1 Person IA! i? i: •; Payroll Q ! * 25.000.00 Noneash i—i i (Complete Part II if there is ! e noncash contribution.) O (•) i (c) (d) .NO [i Aggmgate contrlbutfpna Tvoe of contribution 14 Person & Payroll C e 5.000.00 Noncash O (Complete Part II if there is o a noncash contribution.)

(a) ! (c) (d) No. Aggregate contribution* Tvoe of contribution

Person D Payroll O Noncash LJ (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (e) (d) —6ta i— ; Aggregate contributions Tvoe of contribution Person O Payroll U 5 - Noncash _ 1 i (Complete Part II if (here is i a noncash contribution.) i (a) (c) (d) Mn i Aggregate contnhutions I Person G i ! Payroll G

.M Noncash l_J i S i (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) i (c) (d) NJL» Aooreoate contributions Tvoe of contribution 7 1 Person C Payroll d e Noncash L. I (Complete Part II if there is 1 • noncash contribution )

Schtduli B (Form NO, 190-EZ, or 190-PF) (2001) i..• A ii- u« w, wr. rz w MO-PFI 120011 Name of organization Employ tr identification number National Progress Fund 20J1055152

Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

(a) ' (b) | (d) Nffi ' ' NllMiaddnMs and ZIP + A Aggregat' e contrihutlgns Tvns of contribution

7 Person S Payroll U e 100,000.00 Noncash G (Complete Part II rf there i»

9_ Person £1 Payroll D • 25.000.00 Noncash i (Complete Part II if there is a noncuh contribulion.)

(s) (c) (d) NOr Aggreoata contributions Tvoe of contribution

JO Parson 02 Payroll G e 11.000.00 Noncash i J (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribulion.)

(c) No, Aggregate contribution* Tvoe of contribution

_ji_ Person Cfi Payroll G e 25.000.00 Noncash Z) (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contnbulion.)

(s) (e) (d) -Jbi... Aggregate contributions Tvoe of contribution

12 Person (X Payroll C • 5.000 00 Noncash C- (Complete Part II if there is i a noncash contribution.)

Schidull B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2001) WOf-7

(b) (c) (d) Name, address e,nd 2J|p + 4 Areate contributions Tvoe of contribution

Person US Payroll G 10.00000 Noncash Q (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(c) (d) Tvoa of contribution

2 Person JSI Payroll D 5.000.00 Noncash U (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.) j (c) (d) Areate contributions Type of contribution

Person US Payroll D 10.00000 Noncash D (Complete Pert II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(c) (d) cantrlbutlona Tvoe of contribution

Person Payroll 225.445 48 Noncash (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (c) (d) Aggregate contributions Tvoe of contribution

Person 5l Payroll G 5.000.00 Noncash (Complete Pert II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(c) (d) ...jCto, J Areate contributions Tvoe of contribution

Person 00 Payroll D 10.000.00 Noncash D (Complete Part II rt there is s noncash contribution.)

Scfwdul* B (Form 9N. MO-EZ. or «80-PF) (2001) ATTACHMENT "B"

National Progress Fund EINrf 20-1017481

Pan III Line a tf7Jt The National Progress Fund recently completed a comprehensive, successful effort ^ detailing the support Ralph Nader received from the right-wing Bush supporters in their Q hope of dividing progressives. Through TheNaderFactor.com website and paid television ^ advertising, the fund focused nationwide attention on Nader's divisive candidacy and the r>j assistance he was accepting from Bush surrogates.

National Progress Fund F.IN* 20-10174X1

Part II Line 43 b fx rvi r*i Temp.Staff/Consultants 56243.25 O Website Development/Hosting 57304.09 Internet Advertising/Blogs 10631.29 Media Buys 76192.20 Research & Polling & Databases 38441.95 o Credit Card Processing Fees 3826.95 o Bank Fees 320.60 Fax & Email Service 15023.58 Internet Access 479.65 Audio & Video Production 19770.57

Total Une 43 b 278,238.13 00


Americans for Jobs IRS Statements. 8871 Political Organization •R*. -M,LW Notice of Section 827 Status OMB NO CHvwtnw* d ft*

Anwricofw for JODB 80-0081307

2000 M 81 NW 8*1800


O 11/13/2003

O0 • ^ Timothy L 432IMn8liMt.PMB13e El »M-^mm mmfm i PL iMrOD - OMO

7« Nnw Contact pcraon^B MddraM Tliiiulliy L. RsNs 432 Mrin Street. PMB138 8848

of 432 MWn PMB136

WHnOWIIMM, FL 34788 - BB4B


Notffloatton of Claim of Exemption From FBng Certain Forma (see Instructions) Ita !• Mo oiganlMttuii nMiitog •••mMlun frem tiling Form 8872, FoHMi waqualtttod


11 tothta< from fling Fom MO (or MO^Z), Mum off

To ocBuHf faflhoptaponof mppotHnj jobxid huHhcuB (see instructions)m

14« Mama of tutted tntty | 14b RdrtJonrtiip | 14c Address

Urt of Ai Officer*. Director*, and Htahhf CompenMted Employee! (see instructional _ J 1«b TWi_ | 16o AddrMs D«*JJorm EMOUlMDhwkir&TraHurar 2000 MStrwtNW #800 WtaMntftan, DC 20036

TbnoliyLRrth PwWertiCEO 432 Main Stwt. PMB 136 WMannam. FL 34786 - 8848 O

I t»n> mminKi tN> nottot, inoludfciQ •nd boJWi ft • tniOi uomui, ond oomptaoi. 1 further dntai VMt I MMtt woffio M •uthortsod to 0)071 ihto nport, ond I om olgnlno by ontaring my nomt Tknottiy L. Rollto 11/14/2003

O Sign f NvMofauihoitndofllew F 8871 Political Organization -At* : Notice of Section 527 Status

Gofwral Information


nd room or Mta nmnlw) 2000 MStNWSto 800

VtfHhtoglon, DC 20030

Kl 4bDMiaf O 11/D7O003 03AD4O004

O o 2000 MSI MM aii 800 WMhhoion. DC 20036

2000 M 81NW Sli 800 WMhmgton, DC 20036

2000 MStNWSli 800

CNy or town. MMb and ZIP WMringkm. DC 20036



NoHflorton of CUrtm of Exemption From FBng Certain Fonm (see instructions) wotn nHn| Pwin 6672t PoMcw uaqiMOftod

i HIM wW MM!) UnMffV VM)

11 to fling Form 666 (or MO-BE), RMum of OigMtaiHon from Ineonw To, w • (

12 DflBBfeB MB D1HDOBB Of HM (


t of AM Officer*. Directors, and HMhhr Cornoenteted Employeennlo»8M* (sefee e eInstructionsIr a ) I *«18^O ^HM IK» W I .••| ZIO C• .1 1 nBOTHl.ia«- B ^^^


tat DM agwUHan nnHd h tat It at ob e trariri « • I hi Motions/of HM p»m>no (N Itt otnW i convct, Md coraplMk I kirtMrdMlM tut I MI thvoffloW Miraport ,en d I Mi^onbioj by cntaring my miw O DmUW.Jonw 03AW2004 IN. ^ Sign 5 Nvra) of wthorind oUcU o O - 8872 Political Organization WaMffibv 20021 Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 IfcpaimnN tf ihc Tianwy MniMlRiwmuftSOTlco A For toe period beginning: 11/07/2003 andanolng: 1213112003 . _ . ^_. j ^ _. . _. .. —Change of oddraoi «. Amended repor t _ nrkial report 1 Nanoof ovBeMBanQiK Amencene tor Jobs

• MellnQ edBiieee ^PJOm DOM or 2000 MStNWSti 800

CNyorl Wartngton, DC 20036

KH 4Di (M 11/07/2003 O DovtdW.Janw 2000 MStNWSti 800 WMWnglon. DC 20036

O DmUJonw 2000 MStNWSta 800 O WMrington. DC 20036 (If, 2000 M ft NW 8li 800

WMNngton. DC 20036 •portfc MoniWy report for »» month oft (due by Apt* 15) (du* by ttw 20ti (tay fallowing tt» monti show iptttw DMMnbtr rapofl, wNch to dw by Jmuvy 31) "(due by July 18) "^ Pre-etocllonrepor t(o ^ by lhe12ti£»lSthd^brfor»ln««tocoon) _ Thhdquerterly raport (l)TVpeof (duebyOekjber15) £ Year-end raport (1)DMof«tocHon:

9 Tctt amount rfr«poiMoontribu*m(krtfcOT 9. S 863000 10 Total vnount of rapoftad wpancttunM (taW Itam afl •ttKhad SchoduhN B). 10. S 628841 Underjonaitiw ot pCf^iry. I declare UurtJ have mianuncd thb leport Including i rpanylngschoduteMidsi*eiTionls.andloihobett und biwf. It Is tnn. coiracl. and cornptaM. David W. 03AMO004 Sign Here Signature of authorized official Dale harm 6872 (11 •2002) "itwmtesd Contributions ~ 1 schedule A ofcorrtributor^omployi •Jfant -...-— 166BMMoSvoot ConMbubx^occupotlon ' Amount of Cambridge, MA 02138 Pieattent $25000

9Cflnn 12fDB/2QQ3 NMM of CUveCummm Sa*Cumm»EpawlnfcGrouPC Irv¥"jnnjnBAl^M^OM^^i won«onDUiOr4*JA_fl^^ka^«^V^ OCCUpflDOfjj _ l MinounABBkMB^BBij o^^r cwiviuHiiuiA^^BOHlBu •$&•»•i• NeworkNJ 07102 Attorney $5000 iof< 12/17/2003

KonZMeji ZMn BHenhem Dranoe A Fncher 1026 RUgedolo Avenue Contributor>eooci»iollon Amount of contribution Beverly HMO. CA 00210 Atoney _ $5000

Kl SfiOOD 12/12/2003 d ^^ rx BOW Machine* Piece ConMbutor1* ^j Upper Mertboro. MO 20772 MA ' $50000 Dotiof 12/10/2003

5 TimportWoftmUntori N/A O MVwjBtEndAwj Contributar1* occupation Amount of rH Now York. NY 10023 MA $20000 Dote of OMMM 12l1O/2Oaa

111W.Wo»hlnuton8Treet C*ntrlbulor1e occupation Amount of Chmno.lL 60602 AVanwy $10000 ifWWM " 12X1B/2003

I Of I AUn Gump 9nwe» Heuer A Fold UP 1333 New HomporriroAvoNW Contribmofe occupetlon Amaantofi WMDnglon, DC 20036 Attorney $5000 PnmwmlvBemHOvAtfowmwBowBnMBkl McioMwMmHBfllowJtmfJ6JVpW6mramHlJllVi •fJBB^6)oejowHml^VB^Csmww^wwFJWl •P^OWWUHwftI ^Fflo>f •^•^••v^v^p^v^I^Dl^llfwnUDBiw l 12/10/2003 NvmofeonMbimi M. AM^flMofm* . «oJ» IMMMMHMOMM iraniiponofrMa IVU/AA 1750 New York Awe NW Contributor^ occupation Amount of WooNngton. DC 20006 N/A $25000 ^

i end ZIP Loboronlntl. Union $90000 DeJeof

of contribute TontaoBForSeneti ^'V. ^__^_ AiMiMKrf^MirBiiitbin 14 E. 606i Street 91002 Conblbolorii oooupaba Mn 555SS? •"••••«*••" New York. NY 10022 N/A Mh^eonWbutlon UDOHL! juflaaooa Of I Hft^mM BraVWmOO6B^^Amk^MmM^M«OA C^^M DOBlVniM69«Jl^MOHk^&^MW^ n«"lklJ!a\ i , ,. ^,,__ 2722MerMoAve Contributor^ cccupetlnn AmmmtofeoimlDUtion

W*i.VA22,»1 NM ^5?i«rt**B jam uoaana. YESNrtwonXllC N/A 405LMlnglonAw Ntw York. NY 10174 $100000 Dote of o t lonnno 11/111/9009 NMM of coral Aton PMrtoof 630 Pork Avonuo PttrtGOftCo. Now Yofk, NY 10021 $1000 lOfconMbullon tioon 12/12/3003

6642 Elm tor McLMn,VA 22101 S15000 Mtoof Ut 12/DS/9009 Kl i of Shragv, ri 2001 MNtot Start W ,»...*...... , pA 191Q3 Attorney $2000 Orito of oonMbutfon 12ffM 42009

Dufly DuHyBwdo lEAB Amotvtf of contribution O UntancWa, NY 11501 N/A S 50000


JHkGulinwi StaMyftFRMHchLTD 444N.McMgm CMnoo,IL 60611 $2600 IMtofi 12/02/2003 Nmtofcon RfchwdRavfeti RmMchRin 156 W. 56n 5VMI NMrYonX NY 10019 $5000

BomordScnwwtz Loral 600 3rd A«« Amount oft NowYonX NY 10016 $15000 of conlribiitlon <19000

RkhMdOufeto 107 SVwtMf Lmo N/A $6000 A Dobi of ctmtriputlftn 12«1O003 * and ZIP Longi N/A 1Mb Now York, NY 10004 N/A $50000 Pobjof cunblhuBon 11/28/2003

John Monto ITOEoMHOriM PMtonnt.CA 94611 $5000 of CUIlUfcUMOH JLSOPA 2905 SMI QrivW StiMt Amount of oonlribution Au*n,TX 78705 S2500 ^ OMB of contribution 110112003

J.McOonridVWbmi 2001 ROM AWRM TX 75201 150000 Mi of 11191/2003

Antony Kurtz IVMtowTnNRW Uanta.NJ 07066 $10000 Date of CM ci) 11/21/2003

S.OMMAtahm HMMiFuudfeof Anwrtw rt 777 Souft FhgtorDriw tof u' WMlPtfmBoKh. PL 33401 $100000 Ovtoof 11/13/2OD3

O O Form 8872 01-2002) Schedule B Amount of ExpondHur Star Itend* * Mods Account N/A S15000 imChMkwiSkwt Dote of i PNhdripMi, PA 19103 N/A 120672003

NHM of njdplMin MnptoyMr N/A $2500 1111Uttc«CWe Mtofmpondttuni Bouhtor, CO B0304 N/A 12/17/2003

ftodptanhnm ofiMdptonft f*-- Tim $1800 N| 6355 Data off AJ Orlando. PL 32835 Corautant 12/12«003 O PmpOMOf

ofradpl N/A S1813 3202 HOnwwood Roid Ofllv o N/A 12/22/2009

ofradptanft NGP N/A S2S83 MM MBOl WMNno^on, DC 20008 N/A 12T22/2003

Amount of bpondttun Staddon Alps SMi MMghor & FtamLLP N/A S5000 1440 New Yont Avwut NW WMNngkxi. DC 20005 N/A 12108/2003

LMftfil Amount of DWJGonMMng N/A S15000 2000 MStNWSti 800 RK Wtahlngkn, DC 20036 N/A 12/05/2003 Purpowof EUDdOUDO.

N/A $10000 1440 Now York AMMMW NW RM WMhtogton. DC 20006 N/A 12/050003

UOfttfl i and ZIP cod* Nuw of radptanTi oinployw N/A $6780 DMofoxpondNura Orlando. FL 32836 N/A

NMM of raclplonft onptoyor VlHl N/A $3006 PO Box 16021 RMdDMmb/*oocupotlon VWfrtnoton.DE 19850 N/A 11/26V2003 ofradphnrsomplayor Amount of DWJConwJHng N/A $25000 2000 MStNWSta BOO I WMUngton. DC 20038 N/A 11/21/2003

RodptonTv iwnwi NMMng •ddnjM ond 28? codt MMfwofracMonTvoinployor Amount of NGPSoftWM* N/A $2415 5039GonmdlGutAvBNW fedptonoft occupation Di WoMnglon. DC 20008 N/A 11/21/2003

(off radptanft oraployor • Amount of ExpondNuni Topical nuM«rhLLC " N/A $44000 •/, IHIUbcaCWt ftKlplMbftoeeupritoii IMtofo^ondKura 1 CO 80304 N/A 11/21/2003

Qj PlVpOBOOf IV. EBBDB cf Robert Gfcb. SoV $9000 j", 3737KoHrAwoniM ^ ^ AhHMdrta.VA 22302 ConwNng 12/180003 O O

afradptaiftomplayw Shoir A AMOcMMModta Account N/A $50000

PMMMprai, PA 19103 N/A ^^ 12/1BC003

of racfplonfi omptoyor AnwunlofEKpoiidMun StarjIAMoeMMModtaAaoaimr K/A^ _ $26000 1B31 Cnvoinui Sinol NBO^HMB • oooupoHon •'• I, PA 19103 N/A 12/11/2003

Amount of ExpondHuni _ _ IHICMnutShMl reiclplinti'oooeupotlon D«li»ofoiyondw»« l. PA 19103 N/A 12/10/2003

_^^ NameofraclpltiifoMBloyMr Amount of Exponditura Shor & AModilM Mndh Amount " SJ?im..M.^...ir.«^in« MtoS PhMvphta. PA 19103 N/A 12W/2003

of ExpondMura

1831 " ""' PhftMWphhi, PA 19103 N/A 12»1/2003 PurpoMof<

Short AnocMnModtAooourtl N/A 1831 PNtaWohki, PA 19103 N/A 12f1«2003 Short &AMOCMM Modi Account N/A $100000 1631ChMtnutS*Mt toctptontrt occupation Dofcofi N/A 12/KV2003

i of MBlptaift •inuiofy Amount of ExpMdMun ShofrftAoMCMwMadiAccount N/A ^_ __ $167064 1031 CnOMnutSvMt RMlpMiib/B oocupoHon Dniofi PNtadriphta, PA 10103 N/A 121010009

0) Kl r^ji © a a HI ^8872 Political Organization (November 20021 Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB NO. 1545-1696 DopMincm of ir» Tntauy httnMl RMMUB&rctoD

01/01/2004 01/31/2004 InNM raport _ Chonga of _ Amondad raport _ Rnal raport Amortaona tor Jobs mdPngraHlwVHun : 80-0081307 2 MaPJnj oddraoo (P.O. DOM or nunbor) 2000 M 81NW 8*800 dbjarl

Q off 4 .com 11/07/2003 O DovMW.JoiMO 2000 MStNWSto 800 WHhblQlon, DC 20038

•o Homo of O DMUJone* 2000 M SI NW Ski 800 O

2000 M SI MW Ski 800 CNy or lawn. oM% «nd ZIP

I "Hfpo ofrapor t (chock only ono box) ^ Rrat ojuortMqf raport ^ MonMy raport for fto month oft Jomwy (duo by Apr! 15) (duo by «w 20tti doy fooawlne •» morth shown obovo. onopt «he • Qouundquortortyroport Dooombor raport, «Mch to duo by Jonuoiy 31) (duo by July 15) _ Prailit«uiiiopDrt(duobytfio1»iir15lhd^botprathoolocll(in) __ TMrdquortorty raport (l)Typoofotodtan: (duobyOdoborlB) (2)Dooiofoloo1lon: _Yoor«nd raport (3) For t» note of (duobyJonuorySI) « PooKgoiioiol ihcBnn raport (duo by the 30lh doy onoi ytitutt ulorHon) (l)DobJofotadkjn: yoor only dm by July 31) (2)FarltooMoof 9 Tc«al amount of rapwtadcorrtutton^tolBl from al A). 9. $ 387000 10 Total arnounl of raportad B) 10. $ 81566

UndorponaltiM of perjury. I declare that I hme examined liferepor tindudn g accompanying schi n andttttemonte .in d to Iho test of my knowfodgu vnd baM. ti K uui. correct, ond oomptott. DovMW. 03/D4O004 Sign Slgntturo of authnrirod official Date " tarn BB72 (11-2002) Schedule A of contributor* ompk DoboranPool 8eV 2905 Son GobrW Auoflon,TX 78705 $2500 DotoofcanulbuHon L2BQL m/IK/2004

RtehjnJQuUo N/A 107 afroriorf Lane Btodojbunj.VA 24080 $5000


FMMMnMi N/A OOOOItadtinMil Con Upper MMtxmiL MD 20772 N/A $60000 Dl O1 O CuftiwiVMuw 7674itfAveniM Conlribulor^ooBupi Now York. NY 10017 $50000

01408/2004 O O S.DanW Abraham WMtPoknBoodi, FL 39401 $100000


EMT.Wolw 25ZbwCL v^Mi wOTmtimMflh^^^dharfi^Mfnt SLLouli. MO 63123 $5000 of

John! Pyioiirid ConMnKfton SLLouto, MO 63101 $12500


ofeontr JohnSMhn Pyramid Coratmooonlna 906OIMNOO a.Loute,MO63101 $12000 Doloof coi OlfflB/2004

I Of Lohndatiurfn r.LomboRtootoL ^11A11A^ rVnnBynMraD^iM^Bdi^HB^ Contributor oc«*ou KMMS CXy. MO 84111 $10000


> of contributor* ompk iMorgon 312 Woods Ml TtiraoflLn. ifjujprtoccup Amount of« ChortwIWd. MO 83017 RM| EibjBi nvoBtor $10000

VnMm H. Jonei VMbjyBonk Bo»132 Amount of< $10000

OUPMDM SomHomm sov 3027 9L **>•*• Dr. Amount of $1000

Kon nHHon HofflOJon IflMoknonoi 3566Culpopporfh07 Amount of i SpnngMd, MO 66604 Owmr $10000 Aflgngo • loom 01/12/2004

Mortc E. Gvcfeior Conridiool, Goidnw ol ol. 1643E.Mopoti $3790 ttatoof 13750 011120004

londZIP AJbort A. Rtodow 1100MrinS««ol«l2BOO Amount of O KmMBCMy. MO 04106 S10000 O1/12COD4

1010MKtatSti1650 O SLLouto, MO 63101 910000 O Dotoof O1MSf20D4

I ZIP ThofflM J. Corinn 205W.W*KJtAv»«2 Sprinoflokl, MO 66606 Attooioy $3750 01/12/2004

nptayi Ptenbora 4 PlpoMkn N/A 12386 LjrimonjRd Con tof aLLouto,M063136 N/A $1000 ft mm O1/2O/20D4

> oo Nowonc N/A 406Lnlnok)nAiM Con Now YoA. NY 10174 N/A $29000 lOfCOf

NOHMO* Qolop Johnoon A NoMffnon N/A 101S.Hontay Amount of SLLw*. MO 63101 N/A $2500 Dotoofooi 011110004

12676 RMora HoIgMi Rood HotoSummR. MO 69043 $2500 Dotoot 01/1112004 Form 887201-2002)

RMGommuntarttani 641 SOU Start KmnBCfcy, MO 64112 N/A PurpOMof

and ZIP StaddnAqn « Ron UP $10000 1440 Nw Yak Avtnu* MM WMNngtan. DC 20005 01/17/2004

i MHghw & Rom LLP N/A S11486 1440 NMT Yorti AM NW Data of WtaWngton, DC 20006 N/A 01/06/2004

N/A $500 1641 OobmHi Ro«l NWff201 WMiinglon. DC 20000 N/A 01/27/8004

ofradplnniMptoyi RM Oommuntallam 83100 6415BBi Start DflAB fl KwwMCtty, MO 64112 N/A 01/20/2004

Corpora* VWons N/A 81400 MM Mt

NMmef Iptanhmi N/A $70 2000 MStNWSli 600 Mi N/A 01/17/2004

OWJConuMnglnc. N/A $15000 2000MStNWSto8DO DMfttj flff WnMnrton, DC 20036 N/A 01/15/2004

DWJi $28000 2000M8INW8t*800 Drttof , DC 20036 N/A 01/21/2004 - 8872 Political Organization (November 2002) Report off Contributions and Expenditures OMB No 1545-1696 DffBMimmi 0> tt* TtaMWy Marml Mrwonup Sentea A For ftepeitod beginning: 02(01/2004 BMlenoIng: 02090004 ^^_ _ _. _. ^ ^_ . ^ •_ CtunQBof MdnMB ^ Amended report ^ FbiBliBjpoit • NMWOTOfpjntnllon: AmntomfDrJobi D.^yerlc.K^cMlonnumo^ 80-0081307

2000 MStNWSej 800

CUf or loiPJit etBle, end ZIP WeeWngton. DC 20036

4 11/07/2009 O

DmUW. 2000 M8tNW8kJ 800 Wnliliigluii. DC 20038 O ••Nmwof O DmUJanN 2000 MStNWSto 800

(If Hfr rtwwn above). •nd room or MI Mi

or town, etate, and ZIP >, DC 20036

•I Mo»^ report for tie monlh of: Februery i by the 20ft day (blowing the month ihowi _ Second quarterly Nhtah BJ due by January 31) (dutbyJulylS) t (due by the 12ti or 1Sh dey before the election) ThMqwrtvtyrapoit (1)Typ,o!( (dM by October 15) (2)CM»ofetMtlon: raport (dwbyJmniySl) report (due by the 30ft day after general etocfcn) Mn-yw•••-* ----r laDo,., ....n. j (NoirOTCDofilmi -I ill IIn .i (2) For ttw 9 ToMvnountofrv>oilKJoonlribulan«(lDWftomal«ttKdi^ i. S 0 10 Tott amount of i*MMaKpindhjiM (Me) 1^ 10. S 15000

UndoruummiM ol pcrjury.1 Oochuo lint I have citaminod lh»rapan .induin g «e< npanyng aehedukn and MMomcnb. «ncl to Iho bast of my •nd bNcf. ft Is HUB. correct. Mid comptaM. DBVkJW.JonM 03/1B/2004 Sign Here SignBturn of authornred afflciMl Darn turn 8872(11-2002) | Schedule B sf raolpnmv •nptoyvr OWJConwttlnglnc. $11000 2000MflM,NW Data oil nfe 020712004

DMUConwMnQlnc. n/a $4000 2000M3tnMt.NW Date of WtaNngton. DC 20036 02C7/2004


O O ,,8872 Polttlcal Organization (November 2002) Report off Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 DopMimn of *w Ternary Mvwl*NanirS«vtoo 03/01/2004 03/31/2004 BChMk Wbal report — Chang* of address _ Amsndad report _ Flnsl report

AiMricans for Jobs numbsK 80-0081307

MaailbftM •BflsUaM^iM /IB ft IMMM «•• t ••••Illlp •BQTvOT |r-UL BQK UT 2000 M 81 MfV 8*800 CNyortown,

CO 4 11/070009 O •• NMMOf DtvUW.Jonn 2000 MStNWSM BOD

tor O DtvU JOINS 2000 M Si NW 8to800 O (Ifl 2000M8INW8*iflOO Cttyor . DC 20036 • iypvO Trapoi i(chsc k only ono IMK) — FlralquoriHly report report far th» month oft Mvch (dwbyAoillS) (dut by ths 20h o«y (blowing flw month stawn alx . SKondquartsrty report rt, which Is dut by Jnwy 31) (but by July 15) _ PitslscHoi it (du* by Mw 12ti or 15th day before He •todtan) — TNrdqusrtwty report (DTVpsofstoctfon: (dwbyCMobsflS) (2) Dab of «_ Ywr-snd report (3)ForffMsMiof: (diMbyjMUMy31) ^ MM yorrepor t(No n elBcUmi y««onry-dusbyjuly31) ». $ 0 10 T<)M amount of r»ponMsxpsndMiaBs(tDM (tarn •• attached Scn^ 10. $ 0 Under ponaMos ot PBjMy. I declare thai I Have examined the report lndudlnaaccompanyngschodulo& and sutemoms. and to iho best of my knowkxkiu and bawl, it Is true, coiraul. and cofflplata. DavtdW.Jonw 04OOO004 Sign Signature of autnori/ed official Date - 8872 Political Organization (November 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1606 Ohpammil nf me Ti ivwy ftmriMl Qcvcnur Scnfeu

(WOV 2004 04000004

8 Cnicfc Hbol raport _ Chongoof _ Amondod report _ Final raport AmoriGOMfarJobB

•nd rawn or wHv mmbv) 2000 MStNWSta 800

3 E-nwril of i.oom 11W7/2003 O So CuotadlonV DovU W. JOINS 2000 MStNWSta BOO WWringkn. DC 20036

Oo Gunuwt pMMH*B O O DovUJonoo 2000MSINW3ti800

|lf onMnMik lioin imnlng 2000MStNWSIieOO

CNy or town, ololo, ond ZIP eodo Wsohlnglon, DC 20036 rt (ehoek only om box) _ FMquortoriyraport /MonWy raport for Vwrnonlh oft April (duo by ttw 20ii d^ Wowing tw month oHown obowo. oMopt 8w quortorty raport Dooombor raport, «MCh fc duo by Jomwy 31) (duobyJiiylS) .. Pra-otacUonrapor t(du o by «• 12lh or 16th doy tanra ttio otodtan) «ThW quortorty raport (l)Typoofotocbon: (duobyCttoboMS) CQDObiofoloolon: . Yoor«nd raport (3) Forth* stone* (duobyJonuory31) _m_^__ . PosHionon^olocfcnioport{duobys^30lhfl^oftoro^noraloloc^ ^ IMo^yoorraport (Non^taotfon (DDsteofalBGtkin: yoor onyduo by JWy 31) 9 To«omour«ofr«poi« nlit>utoro(loW ...... 9. $ 0 10 ...... 10- » 3B7B2

V.ldoctecthBtU^ •nd t is HUB. coirKt. ind camplMB. DovUW.Jomo 05000004 Sign Signatum of authored offlnM DMA Form 8872 (11-2002) | Schedule B ofradphmftomployi 117 2000MStNWStaBDO iplintrtoccupiaoi Dvltof •xpondKm WMhhgton, DC 20036 N/A 04/01/2004

Amount of ExpMNttluri Coraorak) VWoni N/A $127 2000 MStNW 8*800 MM Data of < WHhIngton. DC 20036 N/A 04/06/2004

Nmefi Amount of ExpwidHim ~ NPGJ N/A $900 ^T S30BConnoclcutAv»NW

Kambtr Group $811 1775K8mNlNW idptonbl'soccupMon OolB WMhlngton. DC 20036 N/A 04A«2004 O O

lofradphi Amount of ExDMtdttura N/A $9037 ^^^^

N/A 04/19O004

NMW off radptonn vinploysf Amount of fxpundnun FunoTngPartnemLLC N/A $2500 B200 ftodptanbi'socouiMtlon LMV00M.NV 89146 N/A 04O3O004 PurpOMoff

dph Amount of Expondniini CMyB^muth «o^— n»• »empnyv — • — o• $2500 1701 letiStraotNW IMiofi WMNngton. DC 20009 Consultant 04090004

Amount of ExpcndNura rAFtam N/A $19990 1440 Ntw York Av«NW WMhhglon. DC 20005 NVa 04A1/2004

-^ "——' Political Organization

(Novtmbtr 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures 1S4S.1G96 DnpMimoni of nut liMNiy Memri Rmonuo Suraco A FtTBMpgfMi•la-lit OS0U2004 M-JadhM OS/31/2004

Hf ^ butU report _ ChnveofiddnH _ Aneodod report / Final report I HMMrf AmcricnlbrJobi 80-0081307

2000 MStNWSte 800

Ul•"•UB-^Mf ITH f DC200M

-_- -„ 11/07/2003 Ps ^

DividW.JoiM 2000MS(NWSteNO WMfanftoo. DC 20036

DevidJoM 2000 MStNWSte 800

2000M8tNWSlBfjOO I ZIP code

• Type -f npert (check Mly we few)

_ Pint qu-iteriy report ^ Monthlyrepor tfcrtb emont h of MV (dne by April IS) (dKbytemtyMbiwto'H^*™*^ ****** _ Second quuteny report Dei»Bbcrnpoft,wfaicbuoucbyJain»y3l) (doe by July IS) _ Fir chrtionnipBrt(deebydn 12th or 15th o«y before the election) _Thkdqu«ieriy report (1) Type of election: (due by October 15) (2)DMBofe)KtioK _Yorcndicpoit (3)FordiBttBBofi (ducbyj«nmry3l) _ Port-f« _ Mid-ye«rcport(Non-cfcction (l)DHBofi

MOM •frapuiiJ npanltom (Mil ftwt •• •ttKfejdSchjdihi V)...~...-...... ~...~~~...... 10. S 204251

Under panMles of port^ry. I declvo ihM I IWM eundnrt Un IMM and briHrf. ft ta tn». cnmci. «nd complelR. •—->'-•> DkvidW.JoMi 06/18^004 Sign Signature of authorized official F Date Political Organization Form 8872 [November 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMBNn 1545-1696

A Far tfce parted 06/01/2004 06730/2004

_ tetial report _ Cheap of _ Amended report / FIM! report


2000 MStNWStc 800 Q Otyertowa, state, ZIP«

O 4 11*7/2003

David W.Jone* 2000 MStNWSte 800 O O CbCi DividJoiiGi 2000 MStNWSto 100 Wuhington. DC 20036

2000 M Si NW Sic 800

Wuhnqfon. DC 20036

I l^fpt tf nptrt (ctack N|y «M bn}

^ Fm quMoriy report Monthly report far die mondi oft June (due by April IS) (due by the 20th (toy (Ulowini fte month ihown above, exeept the December report, which it due by Jnuery 3 1) (due by July IS) Pre-efcctioo report (due by the 12th or 15th d«y before the election) _ Thiid qwrtcriy itpon (DTypeoTckBtion: (duebyOeUberlS) (2)DHeofcketHM: __ Yar-endRpan (duebyJinuuy3l) _ Mid-yorrepor t (Noo-ekctlon (1) Due of election: y«r only-due by July 31) (2) For the ttlc o£

t Tottli I A).— ...... 9. S 0

ItTcteli 10. S 29697

Unde—• ^r -fc_pondUo« »• s«.,. ol per|ury.i -^ng. —1 dodv—. e Mii-l ^I hav e eummud the* reporr t Inchidta•g accompanyinT • •g K!^ •in iMMii • r» nun. i^nivUi ano cumpwre. David W.Jona 07/20/2004 Sign Htm Stanalura of authorised ofTicial Form 8872 (11-2002) Schedule B

DWJComalfr* N/A S4697 ttOOMStnttNW Hid Date* WHhbtfon, DC 20036 N/A 06AJI/2004

N/A S25000 PO Box 57154 IMttT W«hinfloa. DC 20037 N/A OMDI/20M


O O 2949017809512

OMB No. 1545-0047 Firm Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax

sz7f or 4M7fij|*f of vw Internal Revenue COM fHoopi black lung

imy have to me i copy of this return to sauafjf slate repojtfiiy leojufcenients. i £f nu vpgf bafltanbiD. January 1 31 a 03 C NaitM Of OfQjBfliMBDfl Americana for Joba 80:8081307 lor P.O. box IT ml brat RoofnAuto 2000 M Street, NW 800 202) 371-7007 Cfty or town. »»• «•county, and ZIP * 4

ant not ajjpMtaftaj to sacttan 527 uroaiaiatitaHs. ft tea group rawn for afllatai? Una Una

nd IQb to lint 12 »• to«tttcriSch.B(Fofm990.990-EZ.Of890-Pn. id Changes In Not Assets or Fund (See page 18 of the instructions.) O Contributions, gifts, grants, and similar amounts received: O Direct pubfic support la fl883.0001 b Indirect pubac support 1b c Government contributions (grants) . 1C d Total (add Unas la through ic) (cash $ noncash $ 1d 2 Program service revenue Including govei tent lees and contracts (from Part VII, Una 93) 3 Membership dues end assessments 3 -0- 4 Interest on savings and temporary cash Investments 5 Dividends and Interest from securities 8a Gross rents b Less: rental expenses c Net rental Income or (toss) (subtract Nne fib from line 6e) 7 Other investment income (describe VQSMUHM «0tt«r than inventory 8a b Loss: cost or oth •es expenses • 8b c Gain or floss) {attach scheduletel.) . . . ac d NatgalnwOoss)(cofTib*TeUne8c1coli«ins(A)and(B» • Special avails and activities (attach schodilo). if any amount b from oanung, chock hare a Gross revenue (not Including $ of on line le) b Less: direct expenses other then fundraising expenses c Net Income or (toss) from special events (subtract Ina 9b fromfe wOa ) lOa Gross sates of Inventory, less returns and allowances Less: cost of goods sold llOb c Gross praflt or (toss) from sales of Iriventory (aoach schedule) t 11 Other revenue (from Pert VII. line 103) 12 Totalrevenuefaddllnesld, 2,3,4,5,6c, 7.8d.9c, lOcand LL' N/A 1 13 Program services (from line 44. column (BJ) . . Z 14 Management and general (from tine 44. column (CD N/A i 15 Fundreblng (fromftn e44 , column (DJ) .... N/A C 18 Payments to affiliates (attactii schedule) .... N/A C? 17 Total emeniei (add ft 16 and 44. column (A» 828,841 IB Excess or (deficit) for the year (subtract line 17 from line 1 36.159 IB Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line i20 Other changes In net assets or fund balances (attach exple mm U»» or fun- d- -balance - s at end- of- vaar (combine Ikies IB-_. 19. and 201 21 38.180 For Paperwork CM. No. 11Z82Y Forni 990 (2003) *g*2 mm camps* column pg. Oobrm A (Q, and Onrequi«ltorsactkviSOl^and(4)(vgtnlzadon5 art swbn «41ft(0 Do not include amounts nported on Sn0 \ w 60, Bb, So, lOb, or 16 of Parti. (A) To* m^jgn rsr OFundraUng 22 Grants and aflocattons (attach schedule) . . • (CMh f mnrMh t ) H -0- BJU 23 •1 94 Benefits paid to or for members (Math schtdute) 24 •!••BBlB•B^Hal 25 Compensation of officers, directors, etc. . . 25 45.580 26 Other salaries and wages 26 5,000 27 Pension plan contributions 27 28 Other employee benefits 28 28 Payrol taxes 28 Kl 30 Professional fundrelsing fees 30 31 32 Legal fees 32 15.000 33 Supplies 33 34 Telephone 34 35 Postage and shipping 35 36 Occupancy 36 37 Equipmentrenta lan d maintenance .... 37 O 38 Printing and puHcadons 38 O 38 Travel 38 3.906 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings . . 40 41 Interest 41 42 Depredation, depletion, etc. (attach schedule) 42 43a B See Attachment 1 43b 557.355 e 43e d 43d 44 43e i±±i2^^^^^^2r^ 44 628441 JoM Goals. Check * D V you ere (blowing SOP 98-2, Are any Joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fu ctattanreporte dI n (B) Program services? . * DYes DNo tf-Yes," enter •) the aggregate amount of these JoM costs $ 01 *• amount tBocated to Program services $ ; i the amount aBocatad to Manapenient and Qenenl $ ; and Oil the amount alocated to Fundraislng $ >roaram Secvtee Accompieh ante Bee page 25 of the Instructions.) What Is _,. i Ini acBarand concise manner. 5W» the number of clients served, publications Issued, etc.' Discuss achievements that are not measurable. (Section 501 (cX3) andj4) i trusts must also enter the amount of grants and atocattons to others.)

(Grants and elocetlons $

(Grants and allocations $

(Grants and allocations $

(Grants end allocations $ Oth /tees (attach schedule) (Grants and allocations $ f TMal of Program Sarvk (should I Ine 44, colurnn |BX Program services) 626J41 form 890 (2003) Fonn MO (2003) Page 3 Balance) Sheets (See page 25 of the instructions.) Note: Mftar»i»ojia>eelatOMfterf scried^ column should ott /br ond-of-yttr tmounoj only. End of year 46 Cash~-non-interest-bearing .... 46 Savings and temporary cash Investments

47a Accounts receivable b Less: allowance fex doubtful accounts

48a Pledges receivable b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts 46 Grants receivable SO Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) 51a Other notes and loans receivable (attach O b Lass: allowance for doubtful accounts . . 62 Inventories lor sale or use 61 Prepaid expanses and deferred charges Investments—securities (attach schedule). O B6a Investments—land, buldbigs, O equipment basis schedule) 66 Investments other (attach schedule) S7e Lend, buddings, and eojuipnienL basis . . b Lass: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule)

66 Total (add Unas 45 through 58) (must equal fine 74) 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses 61 Grants payable 62 Deferred revenue 66 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach schedule) Ota Tax-exempt bond labilities (attach schedule) b Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) 66 Other labilities (describe *• )

68 To 60 through 65) Organization* that Mew SFAS117. cheek here 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74. 67 Unrestricted 66 Temporarily restricted 66 Permanently restricted Organizations that do nottoOo wSFA S 117. check hare P» 0 and complete lines 70 through 74. 70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds 71 PekJ-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund . . 72 Retained earnings, endowment accumulated income, or other funds 73 Total net mete or fund balances (add lines 67 through 69 or lines 70 through 72; column (A) must equal line 19; column (B) must equal line 21). . . 74 Total BabBjUoa and net aaeeta / naid balances (add Unas 66 and 731 36,186 Form 990 Is avalable for pubflc inspection and. for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of Information about a particular organization. How the pubic perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the Information presented on its return. Therefore, please make sure the return Is complete end accurate and fully describes, in Part III. the organization's programs and accomplishments. Form 9900003) Pay 4

Return (See page 27 of the instructor a Total revenue, gains, and other support Total expenses and losses per per audited financial statements. audited financial sta b Amounts included on Ine e but not on Amounts Included on ana a but not Hne 12. Form 990: on line 17, Form 990: (1) Net unraalzed gains (1) Donated services on Investments . . anduseoffacMes (2) Donated services (2) Prtor year adjustments and use of facHdes reported on In 20, (3) Recoveries of prior Form 990 .... LA year grants . . . (8) Losses reported on LA (4) Other (specify): line 20, Form 990 . * (4| Other (specify): ™ O Add amounts on lines 0) through (4)ft» Add amounts on toes (1) through M* c Line a minus Fine b, Line a minus line b d Amounts Included on Hne 12, Amounts Included on Hne 17 O Form 990 but not on Ine a: Form 990 but not on Ine •: O (1) Investment (1) Investment expenses not included on line not Included on Ine 6bi Fora 990 . . . s. Ob. Form 990. . . * (2) Other (specify) (2) Other (specify):

Add amounts on tries (1) end (2) Add amounts on Ines (1) and (2) *» Total revenue per few 12. Form 990 Total expenses per line 17. Form 990 ffna c plus Una d) ...... t» (Ine c plus line d) List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees (List each one even If not compensated; page 27 of the Instructions.) J

Tlmothy L Raflls, 432 Main '''''

75 Did any officer, director, trustee, or key employee receta aggregate compensate of more tr^ _. organization e«Jal related oroartzBtkxis,^ > LJYaa If "Yes," attach schedule see page 20 of the Instruction

Form 990 (2003) Form 990 J2003J Othaf Information (See page 2B of the Instructions.) No 78 • 77 Ware any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but notreporte dt o the IRS? . . . If "Yes." attach a conformed copy of the changes. f/A * 78a DW the orgartationhaw unrelated business g^ b K"Yte;ha5fcniedataxreumic)nFonn990-TfortnlsyeBr7 79 Wa5therealo^lQ^lon,tfssoUJtioat8fi^ 80a Isthe organization related (ottwitan by asso membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempt organization?. . . b If "Yes,0 enter the name of the organization > and check whether It to D exempt or D nonexempt 8la Enter direct and InoTrect political expendkures. See line 81 instructions , . . liliJ b Did the organization file Form 1120-POL for this year? 82a Did the organization receive donated services or ttie toe of matan^s, eqiiipment or fadHtte at rw chaige irt or at substantially less than fair rental value? r*j b IfYes," you may Indicate the value of these Hems here. Do not Include this amount O as revenue hi Part I or as an expanse In Part II. (See Instructions m Part III.) . .|«2bi rx 81a Did the organization comply wtti the pubic Inspecttonrequlrernents for returns and exemption ap^ : section 4912 s» ; section 4955 > b 507fc*3; and 501fcW orgs. Did the organization engage hi any section 4958 excess beneftt transaction during the year or did It become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If'Yes," attach a statement explaining each transaction e Enter Amour* of tax imposed on the organteatkw sections 4912. 4955, end 4958 > N/A d Enter Amount of tax on lneB9c, above, reimbursed by the organization > N/A Ma List the states wkh which a copy of this return b filed > Niimber of enrptoyees employed In tne pay perto l**J - £ - 91 The books are hi care of §> J?*»^.*.9.!!9Sf...... Telephone no. »>(..2«2..1?7J:7?P7...... Located at > J^J*K.Yfi*AY»^ ...... ZIP + 4+ ...... 3PH??...... 92 Sectfcn 4M7(ajpi noTMtve^ ...... »» D 1 the amount of ta«-«Mmot IntaiMt Mcaluad or accmad during ma iax vaar . . ^ I 92 Form 990 (2003) Lutlon !• • Bactlaa 527 organism! that not file) with tha IBS. Form 980 (MOD Pay 6 AnaNals off Income-Producing Activities (See page 33 of the instructions.) BduhdfrMCbon512.511.orSH El Notts finer 0ros$ Amounts unless othontiso BWatador OH AHwnpt function 0001 Amount 93 Program service revenue: code Amount EMufi

f Medfcere/Mediceld payments g Fees and contractsfro mgove r nt agencies 94 Membership dues end assessments . . 96 Interest on savings and temporary cash Imestmei 99 Dividends and interest from securities , . tn 97 Net rental Income or Ooss) from real estate: rsi a debt-financed property O b not debt-financed property 99 Net rental (ncome or Ooss) from personal property 99 Other Investment income 100 101 Net Income or Ooss) from special events O 102 Gross profit or Ooss) from sates of inventory . O 103 Other rnwenu*- • b c d • 104 Subtotal (add columns (B), (D). and (EM . . .BH 101 Tblalladdlne104.columns(B), (D), and(EJ) •• snoultf ague/the amount on irie 12, Part/. PuiiK>«e«(SeeDao»34oftheinstructk)ns.l UneNo. RD ney for vMhtefi hcoma Is reported In column ff) of PmVlcoi

Entities Bee paoe 34 of the instructions.) (CI End-Sywr Nature of acnvUes TotalI InuMiw

(B) DWihieminlBB^du^thByev,renr«e^ . . vtas 0No ft)) Did the organization, during the year, pay prerniums, directly w fcxlrectry, on a p DYes 0No If "to-to & Re Form 8870** Form 4720&e Instructions). tadn IMI I MM onnlMd (M§rattni iIndudki g Moomp . end Ufuma^tnt to DMao«u . •n•IMof tfWM^H^^fl^HnMiHM. i^K^ranDl^^i^^a^flbMBn um&i nraim^M^MK^^r^ pm&^^.^vM m|AMm^ UHHH^J^l^M/ on •• Infonradon oT whjph praoijv hn my knawtodgt. Sign DevU W. Jonte. Traemirar and Eiwcuttve Dlractor / > Type or print nomt and Uto. Chock r or PTH (5« Gn. M. W) Paid Prepi D W EM >_ UwOnJ| IV F Form 99000031 Schedule B OMB No. 1B4S-0047 (Form MO. MO-EZ, Schedule of Contributors orM04»F) OtpvMnl ol ItaTkMwy 1®03

NWIM Of IMyMMJUNMNI 80 J0081307 Organization type (check one):

Filers oft Section:

Form990or990-EZ D 501(cK ) (enter number) organization

D 4947(8X1) nonerampt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation 00 B 527 political oiganization

° Form990-PF D SOIfeX?) exempt private foundation h* ™ D 4947(aXl) noneKempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation

!J D S0l(c)(9) taxable private foundation O O ^ Check if your organization b covered by the GenafaJ Rite or aspect organization can cnecfc boxfesj far ootn the General Rub and a Special Rub—& Instructions.) General RUM—

El For organizations fiftng Form 990.990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year. $5,000 or more Qn money or properly) from any one contributor. (Complete Pans I and II.)

D For a section 501(cX3) organization Ming Form 990. or Form 990-EZ, that met the 33%% support test of the regulations under sections 500feXiyi700>)(lXAMvQ and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of $5,000 or 2% of the amount on Una 1 of these forms. (Complete Parts I and II.)

D For a section 50l(cX7), (B), or (10) organization fling Form 990. or Form 990-EZ, that received from any one contributor, during the year, aggregate contributions or bequests of rnore than $1,01)0 for use eMCiusA^ scientific. Horary, or educational purposes, or the prevention of cruety to children or animals. (Complete Parts I, II, and III.)

D For a section 501(cX7), (8), or (10) organization fling Form 990, or Form 990-EZ, that received from eny one contributor, during the year, some contributions for use exdustvetyta religious, charitable, etc., purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than $1XXX). 0f this box Is checked, enter here the total contributions that ware received during the year for an exdusbety religious, charitable, etc., purpose. Do not complete eny of the Parts unless the General Run applies to this organization because It received nonexdusively religious, charitable, etc.. contributions of $5.000 or more during the year.) t» $

Caution Organlxattom that** MX cwen* by ttoGen^ 990-EZ. or 990-PF). out toy mutt check the box In the heading of the* Form 990. Form 990-EZ. or on One 1 of their Form 990-PF. to certify that they do not meat the im^ requlremer^ of Schedule B (Form 990. 990-EZ. or 990-PF). SciNdute B (Form MO. 990-EZ. or MO-PF) (2003) P«Bi_L-lo,j_oTP«rtl NMIW of organization Employer idantlflcatlon number Americans for Jobs . 80:0081307 DID Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

W (b) « (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP * 4 A99'tt9''"''''"^biitions lype of contribution

1 Parson (El Payroll LJ | 25,000 Noncash D Comptate Part Uff Owe Js i noncash contribution.) cr> Lft (a) (4 (d) rj No. Aggregate contributions Type of contribution 0 fx 2 Person (? r*i rayroP-H-r.lNt L— «T $ 5,000 Noncash L-

3 Person 0 Payroll D $ 5,000 Noncash D - (Compteta Part I If than is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (c) (d) No. Type of contribution

4 Person (• rayro•* — --a• L- £ 50,000 Noncash L (Complete Part H« there « a noncash contribution.)

W « ' (d) No. Aggragrta contributions Type of contribution

5 Person 0 PayroB D $ 20,000 Noncash U (Complete Part II V there is a noncash contribution.)

(•) (c) (d) No. Aggregate contributkNis Type of contribution

6 Person 2 Payroll ... $ 10,000 Noncash L (Complete Pan n IT there Is i

WHMH^^j Sch«IUtoB(Fom»taMO-EZ.orS90-PF)(2003) Schedule B (Form 990. MO-EZ. or 99Q.PF1 (2003) Page of Peril Name of organization Employer Identification number Americans for Jobs 80:0061307

Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

W IB) Mo. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

Payroll 5,000 Noncasn (Complete Part n If there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) No. B contributions Typt of contribution

25,000 Noncash U (Complete Part II (f there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (0 No. Aggregate contributions Type) of contribution

50,000 Noncas^•— n*_ L^ (Complete Part II IT there Is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (c) (d) No. Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

10 Person Payroll 50,000 Noncash (Complete Pan B if there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) w - (d) No. Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

11 Parson Payroll 5,000 Noncash (Complete Part II If there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (c) (d) No. Aggregate contributions TVpe of contribution

12 Payroll 100,000 Noncash (Complete Part II IT thoro Is a noncash contribution.)

B (Form SM. MO-EZ, or MO-PF) (2003) Schedule B ff Ofm MO. 990-EZ. or 990-PF) (2003) NMM of orojantaatlon Employer h Americans for Jobs 8010081307 Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

W M (c) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

13 PayroH 1,000 Noncash (Complete Part II if there is • noncash contribution.)

(a) (c) . No. Aggragate contrtbutk Type of contribution

14 Person 0 Payroll D Noncash D (Complete Part II If there to a noncash contribution.)

(a) (c) W No. Aggragate oontributk Type of contribution


Payroll ••^ 2,000 D (Complete Part IIV than is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (c) (4 No. Aggragate oontributk Type of contribution

16 Poison Payroi 50,000 Noncash (Complete Part II If there Is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (d) No. Aggregate contributions Type of contrfcution MB^wHUB^^^^^^L^^B^MMM^^^^^^M^MMHrt^B^^

17 Person !•! Payroll D Noncash D (Complete Part U If there Is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (d) No. Type of contribution


5,000 (Complete Part II If there b a noncash contribution.)

B (Form 890. MO-EX, or NO PO 0003) SctwdUto B form 990. BBO-EZ. or MO-PF) (2003) Name of organization Employer Uertffication number Americans for Jobs 8010081307 Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

(b) (c) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

10 Person 0 Payroll D 15,000 Noncash D tonptop Part II If there Is a noncash contribution.)

(a) W No. Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

20 Payroll 5,000 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(c) (d) No. Aggregate contributions Type of contribution


50.000 (Complete Put Htf there b e noncash contribution.) w Ma Aggregate contributloi Type of contribution

22 Parson I Payroll I 5,000 Noncash I (Complete Pert IIV there Is a noncash contribution.)

w fc) ' id) No. Aggregate contrib'utk Type of contribution

23 Person 2,500 (Complete Part II tf there Is a noncash contribution.)

W (c) No. Aggregate cunuibutlon Typ^ of contribution


50,000 Noncash U (Complete Part II tf there Is a noncash contribution.)

SctMdute B (Fonn MO, aaO-EZ, or tfO-Pf) (2003) ScneMe B (Form 990. MO-EZ. or 990-PF) (2003) 5 to 5 Emptoyar Identification number Americans for Jobs 80!0081307 Contributors (See Specific Instructions.) (•) «

25 Person B Payroll D $ 10,000 Noncash D {qomptataPaitllirthorols a noncash contribution.)

W fc) (d) No. Aggregate contributions Type of contribution

26 • Parson 0 PayroH D j 100,000 Noncash L_l (Coniptaia Part II V thm is • noncash contribution.)

(•) (b) (c) (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions Typa of contribution

Parson Q Payroll D $ Noncash D (Complete Part II If there Is • noncish contribution.)

W W tc) (d) Na NamOf address, and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions type of contribution - Parson LJ PayroH D $ Noncash D (Complete Part It If lh«r« is • noncash contribution.)

(a) (b) M • (d) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 ^loflrocMvB contnouoons Type of contribution

Parson U Payroll D $ Noncash D (Complete Pan II If there Is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (b) (c) (d) NOkin. name, Moress, inc ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions KMIM nf

Parson D Payroll D $ Noncash D (Complete Partlj If there is a noncash contribution.)


Shorr&Assoc Television $501,064.00 1831 Chestnut St Buys Philadelphia, PA 19103 Topical Research Polling $46,500.00 111 1Utlca Circle Services Boulder, CO 80304 Administration Management Services Databases $1,813.00 3202 Homewood Road Davidsonville, MD 21035 NGP Software $4,978.00 CO Databases rvi 5309 Connecticut Ave NW O Washington, DC 20008 Windermere Communications Website $3,000.00 6355 Metrowest Blvd. #260 Production Orlando, FL 32835 O O TOTAL $557,355.00 OMB No. 1545 0047 Fo-m 990 Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax Under McHon 501(c). 527, or 4047(4(1) of Die Internal Revenue Cod* (except Mac* hing bonoflt trust or private foundation) The orginization may have to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements. A For the 2004 calendar year, or tax year beginning JANUARY 1 . 2004. «nd ending DECEMBER 31 .2004 B ChKk.< acetate: C Nine of organizatan UN MS _! Add'tss changa MM or AMERICANS FOR JOBS ft HEALTHCARE 81 ': 0081307 print or Number and *eat lor P.O. bw i! mari « not dehvorad to rtrwt addr*n)l Room/suite E TGwpnov w nuniQoW ^_" Name cr-anoa IIP*. II Initial rttir- sw 2000 M STREET NW, MOO j f 202 ) 833-4330 ST. P4MU return iMtaio- Oiy or town, ittta or country, and ZIP • 4 FtoaaaHiMim EZIcnh Gtaroii SOM. WASHINGTON, DC 20036 7 < G OftarfcpecHV iP - ong • laiiSiin IOl(oK3) orBjnbaaana and 4t47W(l) H«nd I an not appteabJt to secton 527 onuneitions. BonvtaMd Setaduto A fFotm 900 or 9IO-E2). HW litHsigrotp wtumtof affiliates? UVta CNO G Webstafc* Hfj) H -Vss.' enler number of efflBUM »• O K. J OfQiiizatton type (chtch only ore) >» DsHtall M linaeit noj G 4947 ) 7 0.00 uritlM mother Be Gross amount from sales of assets other ^*.^? thiin inventory ... '•" Be 0.00 b * e»v cost o* other basis and sales expenses 9^5. Bb 0.00

« ftair. «r (I/«R) (ffttp^h «r^«rt.,U.) 0.00 Be 0.00 d Net gsln or (toss) (combine line Be columns (A) and (B)) Bd 0.00 9 Special events and adMtiss (attach tcr^ui*) Jf any arrwunt is from oamkBi , check here » D a Gross revenue (not including S 0.00 of contributions reported on line 1s) . . 8a 0.00 Bb 0.00 ! e Not Inrmr A rv flruuri fmm unArial nvantft fmjhlract lina Bb fromlim)9a) Be 0.00 1 10» Gross sales of inventory, less returns and allowances . . 10a 0.00 b Less: cost of goods sold . 10b 0.00 c Gross profrt or (loss) from sales of irivwitory (attach ichstiule) (subtract ttns 1 0b Ir^ 10c 0.00 11 Other revenue (from Part VII. line 103) 11 0.00 12 Total revenue (add lines Id. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6c. 7. 8d. 9c. 1Qc,and11) 12 337,000.00 13 0.00 14 Mnrmi im i mi ii anH nMifwaJ ffrnm linn 44 mlnrrvi fO)l . 14 0.00 16 0.00 i18 Paymenta to affiliatea (attach schedule) 16 225,445.00 17 Total expenses) (edd lines 16 and 44, column (A)) 17 368.159.00 ! 18 Excess or (deficit) for. the year (subtract line 1 7 from line 1 2) 18 -31,159.00 18 Net assets or fund balances at beginning of year (from line '72. ctrfumn(A)). . . 18. 36,159.00 20 Other changes In net assets or fund balances (attach explaiistiorI) 20 4000.00 i• 21 Net assets or fund balances at end of vw (combine lines 18. 19, an4201 21 0.00 For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, eee the separata taetruction*. Cat. No. 11?B3Y horn 990 I3004i Statement of A9 o^aniratani mist complete COUTH iA|. Counns (& (Ci. and (D) are requited for ncnon50i(c)i31 and (41 orqarviaiians Functional Expenaea ard KrtcKi 4947J«1l nunewnpt chantatfe toon but option* for other*. (See page 22 of the hrtructionij Do nor include amounts reported on //ne (B] Program (A) TOW (C) Mancgwmnt (D) Fundraiamq 66. fib. 96, JOb. or 16 of Part 1. MTVKMS andgerml 22 Grants and allocations (attach schedule) . . inch S 0-00 nflrpadi S 0.00) 22 0.00 23 Swcific assistance lo individuals (attach schedule) 23 0.00 24 Benefits paid to or for members (attach schedule). 24 0.00 25 Compensation of officers, directors, etc. . . 25 50,687,00 26 Other salaries and wages 28 0.00 27 Pension plan contributions 27 0.00 28 Other employee benefits 28 0.00 (JO 20 Payroll taxes 28 0.00 CO 30 Professional fundrateing fees 30 2,500.00 ™ 31 Accounting fees 31 0.00 o 32 Legal fees 32 43,363.00 rv. 33 Supplies 33 0.00 34 Telephone 34 811.00 35 234.00 36 Occupancy 36 1527.00 37 Equipment rental and maintenance .... 37 0.00 Q 38 0.00 O 38 Printing and publications 39 Travel 30 746.00 40 Conferences, conventions, and meetings 40 0.00 41 Interest 41 0.00 42 Depreciation, depletion, etc. (attach schedule) 42 0.00 43 Other expenses not covered above INemize): • 43a 0.00 b TEMP. STAFF 43b 3.000.00 c MEDIA CONSULTING 43c 29.810.00 d DATABASE PURCHASE 43d 900.00 v Banking Charges 43e 117.00 44 Total tofloaleipiiaiil^ 44 142,714.00 Joint Costs. Check ft» C if you are following SOP 98-2. Are any Joint costs from a combined educational campaign and fudraising solicitation reported in (B) Program services? . •> C Yi El No If "Yes." enter (I) the aggregate amount of these joint costs S ; fli) the amount allocated to Program services S I the amount allocated to Management and general S ; and PV) the amount allocated to Fundraising S Statement of Program Service Accompiiahmatita (See page 25 of the instructions.) What is the organization's primary exempt purpose? J».EnQajB fo .tJPJtfte^t^.fFjtfyfty.t fr. PH JMKBSfa. . «» Servlc* All organizations must describe their exempt purpose achiflleilWlDflrVKto OHI*M tu soMsuai u* of clients served, publications issued, etc. Discuss achievements that are not measurable. (Section 501fcX3) and (4)| organizations and 4947(a)d) nonexsmpt charitable trusts must also enter the amount of grants and allocations to others.) { a The organization engaged In election-related activity for the purpose of supporting jobs, healthcare and other progressive leauee and expended all remaining fund* in 1he furtherance of said purpose.

(Grants and allocations S" j 368,159.00 b

(Grants and allocations $ ) r.

(Grants and allocations S j ri

(Grants and allocations $ J e Other program services (attach schedule) (Grants and allocations S ) f Total of Program Service Expenses (should equal line 44, column (B), Program services) •» 368,159.00 Forn 990(2004) p.* 3 Balance Sheets (See page 25 of the instructions.)

Note: Where i toured, attached schedules and amount! within On description column sJiou/d om lor onti-ot year amounts only. Beginning of yur End of year ,45 Cash-non-interest-bearing j 35.159.00 45 OJJO i46 Savings and temporary cash investments ... I 0.001 48 ' 0.00

: 47a Accounts receivable [47ai 0.001 • b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . 47b| 0.00' 47e 0.00 i 48a Pledges receivable 48al ; b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . l48bl 0.001 [48c[ 0.00 '49 Grants receivable S fl-0°l 49 I 0.00 : 50 Receivables from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees j (attach schedule) 0.00 50 0.00 D ; 51 a Other notes and loans receivable (attach ix schedule) LSIaj r-i ; b Less: allowance for doubtful accounts . SSI 0.00 |S1c| OJ|0 5 J52 Inventories for sale or use PJIO _52 0.00 1 53 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges ?JH> _gj g.00 O : 54 Investments—securities (attach schedule) . . > U Cost D FMV OJOLHl 0.00 O ! 55a Investments—land, buildings, and | equipment: basis [SSa 0.00 j b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach _ __ I schedule) !_55bJ °J?°_j (SScJ 156 Investments—other (attach schedule) 0-001 56 I 0.00 |57a Land, buildings, and equipment: basis . |57a| 0.00 i b Less: accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) ISTbl 0.00 57c 0.00 I SB Other assets JdescribeV 0.00' ) I J8 0.00

.69 Total assets (add lines 45 through SB) (must equal line 74) ... 36,159.00 59 •. \ 0.00 ' 60 Accounts payable and accrued expenses ' PJ5. SHwitF ! 61 Grants payable [. PJW. Jl I 62 Deferred revenue 0.00 L62 0.00 8; 63 Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and key employees (attach ii schedule) . TV. . . 0-0°. 63 | 0.00 «I 64a Tax-exempt bond liabilities (attach schedule) PJHL 64aj 0-00. 3 . b Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) I °-°Q Mb. 0-00 I 65 Other liabilities (describe *• 0-00 ) ! 65 0.00 ! j 66 Total liabilftiee (add lines 60 through 65) j 0£0 jej 0.00 • Organizations that follow SFAS 117, check here t» D and complete lines i ' i „ - 67 through 69 and lines 73 and 74. j 8 j 67 Unrestricted : -*L 68 Temporarily restricted 1I 69 Permanently restricted —L69 j Organizations that do not follow SFAS 117, check here > IZ and J complete lines 70 through 74. fc'70 Capital stock, trust principal, or current funds | _ZL | 71 Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, building, and equipment fund . { fLPJL -TJ-i °^5- .72 Retained earnings, endowment, accumulated income, or other funds j °-°° n 0-°° S^; 73 Total net assets or fund balances (add Unas 67 through 69 or lines 21 70 through 72; ! I column (A) mint equal line 19: column (B) muet equal line 21). . | 36.159.60. 73 j OJ)p_ • 74 Total llabPmea and net assets / fund balances (add lines 66 and 73) I 36.1594101 74 ! 0.00 Form 990 is available for public Inspection and, for some people, serves as the primary or sole source of information about a particular organization. How the public perceives an organization in such cases may be determined by the information presented on its return. Therefore, please make sure the return is complete and accurate and fully describes, in Part III. the organization's programs and accomplishments. ~irr 'V.. i Page 4 Reconciliation of Revenue par Audtted Reconciliation of Expanaaa par Audited Financial Statements with Expenses per Return (See page 27 of the instructions.) Return revenue, gains, and other support a Total expenses and losses per udited financial statements . > a 337,000.00 audited financial statements . . > a 368.159.00 mts included on line a but not on b Amounts included on line a but not 2. Form 990: on line 17, Form 990: nrealizeo gains (1) Donated services Mfttrmnts S , 0-00 »nriM**«ffar.UitiMi S 0.00 ted services (2) Prior year adjustments i«. nf f?n,.iti£.o S 0.00 reported on fine 20. ----«» varies of prior PnrmQOn . $ -5.000.00 00 gwrt. S 0.00 (3) Losses reported on • C0 r (specify): line 20, Form 990 . S 2±?_ CM (4) Other (specify): O s 0.00 rx amounts on lines (1) through (4)*» b 0.00 $ 0.00 fM Add amounts on fines (1) through (4)t» b -5,000.00 a minus line b . ...*»• c 337,000.00 c Line a minus line b > c 373,159.00 unts included on line 12. d Amounts included on line 17, O •. 990 but not on line a: Form 990 but not on line K O isnent expenses (1) Investment expenses nciuded on line not Included on line orm ana S 0.00 RhPnrmQOn $ 0.00 r (specify): (2) Other (specify): s 0.00 $ 0.00 amounts on lines (1) and (2) > d 0.00 Add amounts on lines (1) and (2) > d 0.00 revenue per line 12. Form 990 a Total expenses per Rne 17. Form 990 coJus lined) > a 337,000.00 (line c plus line d) > a 373,159.00 List of Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Kay Employees (List each one even if not compensated; see page 27 of the instructions.) CorppanHtai nGvttutvilo PQEvpenM (A) Nam, and addnntt | "^S^'ftXSrT not piwL wtw nahpiMMNlplinil account and aihtr P ^J AMManmiv •lowanew David W. Jones President/Treasurer^) 59,697.00 0.00 0.00 127 4th Street SE Washington, DC 20003


i 1 i


75 Did any officer, dcector. trustee, or key employee receive aggregate compensation of more than SI 00.000 from your organization and all related organizations, ol which more than $10.0W was provided by the ratatod organization*? > LJYea uQNo If "Yes." attach schedule—see page 28 of the instructions.

fonr. 990 IZQQJi Page 5 Other Information (See page 28 of the instructions.) No 76 Die t-r organization engage in ny actr/ty not prewu&V rtoorted to the IRS? If 'Yes." attach a derailed description of each activity. L76 77 Were any changes made in the organizing or governing documents but not reported to the IRS? . . . 77 i If "Yes." attach a conformed copy of the changes. 7Ba Did the organization have unrelated business gross income of S1.000 or more during the year covered by this return? LTJe b If "Yes." has It filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? -TBb 79 Was H'jfTt a liquidation, dissolution, termination, or substantial contraction during the year? If "Yes," attach a statement L79 , / 80s is ire organization related (other than by association with a statewide or nationwide organization) through common membership, governing bodies, trustees, officers, etc., to any other exempt or nonexempt organization? . . I Boa I / b If'Yes." enter the name of the organization > O> and check whether it is D exempt or G nonexempt. 81 a Enter direct and indirect political expenditures. See line 81 Instructions . . !«B1«I CD b Did the organization file Form 112Q-POL for this year? [Bib CM 82a Did the organization receive donated services or the use of materials, equipment, or fad I / O rx or at substantially less than fair rental value? . 182a b If -Yes."1 you may indicate the value of these items here. Do not include this amount (M as revenue in Part I or as sn expense in Part II. (See instructions in Part III.I . |B2b_L 83a Did the organization comply with the public inspection requirements for returns and exemption applications? [B3al b Did the organization comply with the disclosure requirements relating to quid pro quo contributions?. . 83b _/_ O B4a Did the organization solicit any contributions or gifts that were not tax deductible? l84al / O b IT "Yes," did the organization Include with every solicitation an express statement that such contributions or gifts were not tax deductible? |84b 88 SOffcM ffi/. or (b) organiations. s Were substantially all dues ncxKieductlble by members? B5a b Did The organization make only in-house lobbying expenditures of S2.000 or less? L86b If "Yes" was answered to either 85a or BSb. do not complete 85c through BSh below unless the organization received a waiver for proxy tax owed for the prior year, c Dues, assessments, and similar amounts from members, d Section 162(e) lobbying and political expenditures. . . e Aggregate nondeductible amount of section 6033(eX1)(A) dues notices. . . lB5e f Taxable amount of lobbying and political expenditures (line 85d less 85e). g Does the organization elect to pay the section 6033(e) tax on the amount on line 85f? h If section 6Q33|e)OMA) dues notices were sent, does the organization agree to add the amount on Ine 85f to its ' reasonable estimate of dues allocate to nondeductible lobbying and political expenditures for the following tax year? BSh 86 501{c)(7) orgs. Enter: a Initiation fees and capital contributions included on line 12. b Gross receipts, included on line 12. for public use of club facilities .... 87 SOHctfl?) orgs. Enter, e Gross income from members or shareholders . . . b Gross income from other sources. (Do not net amounts due or paid to other . sources against amounts due or received from them.) BTbl 88 At any time during the year, did the organization own a 50% or greater Interest in a taxable corporation or partnership, or an entity disregarded as separate from the organization under Regulations sections ' 301.7701-2 and 301.7701-3? If "Yes,-complete Part IX }_BB / 89e 501(c}(3) organizations. Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization during the year under. I section 4911 > : section 4912 > ; section 4955 > j b 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(4) orgs. Did the organization engage in any section 4958 excess benefit transaction I during the year or did it become aware of an excess benefit transaction from a prior year? If "Yes," attach ' a statement explaining each transaction c Enter: Amount of tax imposed on the organization managers or disqualified parsons during the year under sections 4912. 4955, and 4958 •»• d Enter: Amount of tax on line B9c, above, reimbursed by the organization > 90s List the states with which a copy of this return is filed > .P1*^1.0!??111"?1*1* b Nurrber of employees employed in the pay period that Includes March 12,2004 (See instructions.) ISPJLl 0 81 The books are in care of > 9*YM YK-J .?n.**. Telephone no. M. Located at s» .?.P^'^?.?r^^.^yy!..^'*r?'nirt?n.|P?? ZIP •»• 4 •* 92 Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990 in lieu of Form 1041—Check here +• D and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the tax veer . . . » I 92 I t-onn 990 fflOOJj ••:•* 9"»0 uif Page 6 isjEiasmia Analysis of Income-Producing Activities (See page 33 of the instructions.) Note: Enter gross amounts unless otherwise Unrelated business Income ' Erckriid by section 512. 513. or 514 (E) Rented or inflicatea. (B) 1C) (D) exempt function 93 Program service revenue: BUS-OIK code Amount •xckjsjon code Amount fficome , 527 Organtaatlons Do Not Complete b This Section. c rJ „ ! • f Medicare/Medicaid payments g Fees and contracts from government agencies O 94 Membership dues and assessments . . . rx 95 Interest on savings and temporary cash investments Note; Line 105 plus line Id. Part I. should equi/ me amount on tine 12. Part I. •JH1HIII Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes (See page 34 of the instructions.) Line No. : Explain how each activity for which income ie reported in column (E) of Part VII contributed importantly to the accomplishment T j of the organizaBoa's exempt purpose! (other than by providing funds for such purposes). 527 Organizations Do Not Complete This Section

Information Regarding Taxable Subsidiaries and Disregarded Entities (See page 34 of the Instructions.) rJanw address, and EIN of corporation, ! Percentage of (O P) End-of-year .—KIsn^^HL or dlsregatdgd entity • ownership interest Nature of activities Total Income assets

N/A T- KKHaBaT" Information Regarding Transfers Assodatsd with Personal Benefit Contracts (See pegs 34 of the instructions.) (a) Did ins organizawn, durrg the year, receive any foite. drectly or rdredlyJo oiy premiums on a psfsonal bene^ . Dves 0 No (b) Did the organization, during the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? G Yea 12 No Note; If -Yes* to (b), fl» Form 8870 and Form 472O free instructions). ithat I IWVB Mammad this mum. ndudng accompanying ichcdulm and itctamvita. btft of my knowledge iMta. Owlvition at pnipwir (other than oMcv) m biMd on all automation ef w v has any Imowladge.

fy! •'«-*• SKjnaMro of officer David W.Jones P & Treasurer

m Pnonr'iSSKarPTINISHGvi.lnsi Wi Paid iPieoarar-sk \°* iChacHil i "enat""' f 1 lOTpfovad^D Preparer*] : Fiim^i name lor yw« ^ Use Only EIN > : 1 aderm. and ZIP » J f Phona no. » • Form 990 0004 Schedule B Schedule of Contributors OMB No 19454)047 (Form 990,990-EZ. or 990-PF) Supplementary Information for line 1 of Form 990,990-EZ end 990-PF (eee Instructions) 04 Name of organization Employer Identification number Americans for Jobs & Healthcare 80 I 0081307

Organization type (check one):

Filers of: Section:

Form 990 or 990-EZ G 501 (c)( ) (enter number) organization rH f^ U 4947(a)(1)norwxempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation OJ i—i ~2 UQ 527 political organization

^ Form 990-PF D 501(0(3) exempt private foundation ™ ^ D 4947(aXl)nonexemptcharllab1etnjat treated as a private foundation <3T O O S01(c)(3) taxable private foundation O «H Check if your organization it covered by the General rule or a Special rule. (Note: Only a action 501(c)(7), (B). or (10) o/garuzaffon can cnec* ocurfecj for both Me Genera/ rufe and a Spec/aV raw - see instructions.)

General Rule -

09 For organizBHona filing Form 990.990-EZ. or 990-PF that received, during the year. S5.000 or more On money or property) from any one contributor. (Complete Parts I and II.)

Special Rule*. D For a section 501(c)(3) organization filing Form 990. or Form 990-EZ, that met the 331 3% support teat of (he regulations under sections 509(a)(iyi70(b)(1XA)(vi) and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of S5.000 or 3% of the amount on line 1 of theseforms .(Complet e Parts I and II.)

G For a section 501 (cX7). (8). or (10) organization filing Form 990. or Form 990-EZ, that received from my one contributor, during the year, aggregate contributions or bequests of more than SI .000 for use exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific literary, or educational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. (Complete Parts I. II. and IH.)

D For a section 501(0(7). (8). or (10) organization filing Form 990, or Form 990-EZ. that received from any one contributor, dunng the year, some contributions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc.. purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than S1.000. (If this box is checked, enter here the tola! contributions that were received during the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc.. purpose. Do not complete any of the Parts unless the General rule applies to this organization because it received nonexdusivery relgious. charitable, etc., contributions of S5.000 or more during the year.) p» s

Caution: Organizations that an not covered by the Genera/ rule and/or the Special rules do not file Schedule B (Form 990. 990-EZ. or 990-PF). but they must check the box in the heeding of their Form 990, Form 990-EZ. or on line 1 of their Form 990-PF. to certify that they do not meet the riling requirements of Schedule B (Form 990. 990-EZ. or 990-PF).

CM. No 3M13X Sclndtito B (Form NO, tSO-EZ. or SSO-PF) (2001) jji* I. .• -un .-or. ov-o rz « OOO-PI Pago L» 3of Parti Name of organization Employer identification number Americans for Jobs & Healthcae 80 j 0081307

Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

(•) (b) (c) (d) arne addrasa and ZIP + 4 Areciate contrihuflonB Tvoa of contribution

Person 121 Payroll D 100.000.00 Noncash Q (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution)

(c) (d) TVDC of contribution

O Person S Payroll C 50.000.00 Noncash C (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.) o o (c) (d) Araata cortributiona Tvoe off contribution

Person 1X1 Payroll D 50.000.00 Noncash U (Complete Part II If there is a noncash contribution.)

(c) (d) Araate corlbiitlona Tvoe of contribution

4 Person LXI Payroll LJ 10.000.00 Noncash D (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) ! (c) (d) raate conributions Tvoe of contribution i 5 , Person Payroll 10.000,00 Noncaah (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(c) (d) Araata contribuflona Tvoe of contribution

Person Payroll C 10.000.00 Noncash L_ (CompletaPartllifthereis a noncash contribution)

Schtdul* B (Form 990. StO-EZ. or 990-PF) (2901) -V.ho-l.ii: 1} .1 .vi «/» 900-El or MO Pf . !?C011 3o* Parti Nam* of organization Employer Idantlflcation number Americans for Jobs & Healthcare 80 10081307 Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

(a) : (b) (c) (d) No, | Name, address and ZIP + 4 Aggregate contributions TvDt of contribution

7 Person 03 Payroll G e 10.000 00 Nonenh CD (Complete Part II if there a a noncash contribution.) rx. (a) (c) (d) fNi J*SL Aggregate contributions Tvoe of contribution O .-..8_ rx Ptrson IS Payroll -J fM • 25.000.00 Normfleth i 1 (Complete Part II if there is • noncash contribution.) o o (a) (c) (d) ...NQ*. Aggraaate contributions Tvoe of contribution

9_ Person Bl Payroll D * 5.000.00 Noncash (~1 (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(a) (c) (d) N9. Aoatvoata contributiona Tvoe of contribution

_1p_ : Person (A

: Payroll L i 10.000.00 Nnnriath I i (Complete Part II if there is i e noncash contribution.)

— - 4 w \ (c) (d) ..Jte*.... Aggregate contributiona TVoe of contribution .~1L ! Person S i Payroll U 10.00000 Noneash l_J (Complete Part II if there is i a noncash contribution.)

(a) i (c) (d) t& i Aggregate contributions Tvoe of contribution

12 | Person Si ~° ' ' ! Payroll D 25.000.00 Noncash LJ (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution )

Schedule B (Form 110,190-EZ. or 990-PF) (2001) •-•• h* «N.I £ fwu 9W Name of organization Employer identification number Americans for Jobs & Healthcare BO10081307

Contributors (See Specific Instructions.)

(a) j (b) (c) (d) -JfcvJ Namf , iddnfft a.nd ZIP +4 Aggraoate contributions Type of contribution

Jl Person S Payroll D 5.000 00 Noncash U (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

IX. (») W (c) (d)

Person H Payroll D S Noncash U (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution.)

(•) (b) (c) (d) NSL..^ Name, addrau and ZIP + 4 r\ClflnKaaalitt GOfliriiHIuDfU Tvoe of contribution

""" Person D Payroll U s Noncash U (ComptelePartllifthereis a noncash contribution.)

(a) (b) (c) (d) _..Mo._.. Name, address and Z|P + 4 Aggregate contributtan* Type of contribution ! i Person G Payroll U s Noncash L.J (Complete Pan II if there is ! a noncash contribution )

"(Vf"! (b) (c) (d) .MEL. [ Name, address ajjd ZIP + 4 AflonKUtR contributions Tvoe of contribution

Person 13 Payroll D s Noncash _J (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contnbution )

Sehtdiri* B (Form 980, SM-EZ. or ISO-PP) (2001) AMF.RICANS I:OR JOBS & HEALTHCARE 80-0081507

Parll Line 16

• Political Conlrihulinn National Progress 1*0 Box 571 54 1 S25.000.00 Affiliated h\ Sharing ' Fund Washington. DC 6T04 ihc Same Treasurer ' 20037 a .! I*., Political Contribution National Progress PO Box 57 154 S200.0UO.OO AtViliated h\ Sharing , Fund Washington. DC saw the Same Treasurer 20037 1 Political Contribution National Progress PO Box 57 154 S445.00 Affiliated o> Sharing a 1 Fund Washington. DC 5-21 '04 the Same Treasurer a 20037 i 1 " "I TOTAL \ S225.445.00 .x'Pi ANATIOV


Parti l.inv 20 Explanation

ti> A conlrihuiioi) received during C'ulcudai ":'cur 2

O O D hs. r-i


Eihibft 13

The Nader Factor About Us/Mission Statement zip code

Horn* About Your Stories Newa The Facts Watch TV Ad* Poll Watch Watch Our TV Ads Our Contact Information

TheNaderFactor.com c/o National Progress Fund P.O. Box 57154 Washington, DC 20037

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Our Team Contribute CHRIS KOPINIS Dr. Koflnls was one of the leaders In the Draft Wesley dark movement - the Tell Your Story first successful grassroots draft campaign in presidential history. Later, he would become deputy policy director/advisor for the General Clark's Presidential campaign. Dr. Koflnls was also a professor at the Department of Political Science at California State University, Northridge, and the School of Tell A Friend Public Administration, at California State University, Northrldge. He holds a PhD In Political Science and an MA In Public Policy from Claremont, an MA In Political Science from the University of Nevada, and a BA with Honors from Queens University. Dr. Koflnls Is the co-author (with Dr. Stella Theodoulou) of The Art of the Game,' an exploration of the America political and policy Ballot Access Roundup process (October 2003).

JOHN HUNKO Let Ralph Speak! Long recognized as an Innovator on the grassroots engagement front, John Hllnko rounded and led •DraftWesleyaark.com,' one of the most successful Nader Watch grassroots movements In American political history. Started In March, 2003, the effort generated nearly $2 million In pledges for a Clark candidacy, engaged tens of thousands of volunteers, earned massive coverage In national and international print, television, and online media, and prompted General Wesley dark to run for President. Following the effort, Hllnko was named as the Director of Internet Strategy for the Clark for President campaign, and awarded the prestigious ?Rookle of the Year? Polite, an award for excellence In public affairs. A veteran of numerous other activist efforts, including MoveOn.org and ActForLove.org, Hllnko holds a BA from Westeyan University and an MA in public policy from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.

KARLFRZSCH For the past 8 years, Kart Frisch has worked on, or consulted, scores of campaigns In every region of the country. At the local, state and national level, he has worked as campaign manager, spokesman, finance director and Held director. Most recently, he served as Multimedia Communications Director for the Dean campaign, accompanying Governor Dean to some 45 cities in 30 states, producing all video content for the campaign. Karl has been a guest on MSNBCs Hardball and MSNBC Uve, as well as appearing on CNN's Inside Politics and cable's Week In Review with Bill Rosendahl. He has been featured In The Advocate, GQ, George Magazine, Career World Magazine and several newspapers.


David W. Jones has been a national fundraiser for US Senators Tom Harkln and Max Baucus, Congressmen and Charlie Range), President . Vice President Al Gore, the DCCC and the DNC. About The Nader Factor The Nader Factor is dedicated to building a dynamic grassroots community of former Nader voters, Nader supporters, progressive Democrats and others who are uniting to change the destructive White House policies. K The stakes are extraordinarily high. As former Kudnlch aide Jeff Cohen said,

Chris Koflnls Chief Strategist Our Mission To be honest about the Impact Nader will have. We?ll keep folks up to date on polls and other key news and developments about the Nader factor. And, we?1l talk about the real, fundamental and stark differences between the Democrats and Republicans. To harness that power. We are going to work hard to reach-out, to change minds, to create a real Interactive community where a new wing of the Democratic party - Nader Democrats - can help change the direction of this country and the policies of our party. Whether Its television ads, blogs, or carrier pigeons 7 we will use any means to create this new movement and force for change. And channel It. Let there be no doubt. In the end, this group has one goal ? to bring progressive change to America.

Small tt> nage to

rVt§A_Bv^ •^•kIIHH •••vy• Bl§Aflmv>j BlaBAlaKBBlBBIWMIMIl •^•MMBB^BflBBrlVfJiMavA Bba^•rlHIfJ^k W^lflI nipB ^^BMB^Hklffjit^ftvOnlllinVOTA ft aWv ••«»•ItwC> •UUIUTIBiJt•• -ataV—•—•^Jl •*•Vy« ••••»•••T• Ndaral eandMata or party conunltta*. r-i a

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Exhibit 14

Katharine Q. Soelye, "Convictioni Intact, Nader Soldien On,1* 7*« New York Thus (Aag.2,2004). •t WTC»

Ai|Mt2,2Q04 Convictions Intact, Nader Soldiers On


^ Correction Appended

^ SANTA MONICA, Calif., Aug. 1 - To Ralph Nader, the Democratic convention in Boston was a O hollow charade that made Senator John Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee, seem more like ^ President Bush than ever. He said it gave him no reason to drop out of the race, even if he costs Mr. Q! Kerry the election in November, as many believe he cost Al Gore in 2000. T Q "This isnt unity," Mr. Nader scoffed in an interview here on Saturday, referring to the message from O the Democratic convention. "This is repressed conformity in order to create the show." *H He called the Democrats a "decadent" party and, in a reference to Mr. Gore's populist war cry in 2000, accused Mr. Gore of "taking my language away from me" and "costing me more votes than I cost him." Mr. Kerry, he noted, voted for the war in Iraq, would not put a deadline on withdrawing American troops, voted for the Patriot Act and, he said, "wont touch the bloated, corrupt military budget." So Mr. Nader, who does not concede that he has little chance of winning the presidency, is preparing for battles ahead - for ballot access in most states (he is on the ballot in six states so far, including Florida), for credentials to the Republican convention this month (he was denied credentials to the Democratic convention), and for a seat at the table in the fall debates, which requires a standing of at least 15 percent in national polls. Andrew Kohut, the director of the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, said that Mr. Nader, who won 2.7 percent of the vote in 2000, was polling at about 3 percent in most national polls now but could spell trouble for Mr. Kerry in some swing states. While Mr. Nader digs in his heels, the Democrats are trying to sideline him. The party has enlisted , the former governor, who has declared an "extraordinary emergency" to stomp out Nader votes. And some former associates of Mr. Nader are organizing an extensive, well-financed national campaign against him. Organizers include Toby Mofiett, a former congressman from Connecticut and onetime "Nader Raider," who lost a close race for the Senate in 1982 after his former boss endorsed his opponent Mr. Mofiett, now a lobbyist in Washington, worked against Mr. Nader in six states in 2000, an informal effort that he now calls amateurish. With that experience under his belt, he said, "we're vowing not to let it happen again."

Mr. Mnflfett and ntKoro frrtm laKnr and feminiaf nrganiratinng «pgnt their time at the riemneratie convention coordinating six or eight anti-Nader groups. Calling themselves United Progressives for Victory, they are raising money through an independent political committee known as a 527, named for the section of the I.R.S. code that governs it, and are working with other 527s that are already identifying sympathetic voters. (By law, such committees can raise unlimited amounts of money but cannot coordinate with the Kerry campaign.) The group is aimed with a poll conducted by Stanley Greenberg, who was President Bill Clinton's pollster. The group includes Roy Neel, a former Gore associate who worked for Mr. Dean and is now preparing the computer model for finding the 2.8 million people who voted for Mr. Nader in 2000 and might vote for him again. Mr. Moffett said there was no chance that Mr. Nader would drop out, so the only way to stop him from throwing the election to Mr. Bush is to discourage his supporters. H) Mr. Nader's determination to stay in the contest was evident on Friday night in , when Michael Moore, the filmmaker, who backed Mr. Nader hi 2000, appeared with him on the HBO pj program "Real Time with Bill Maker." Mr. Moore and Mr. Maher dropped to their knees to beg Mr. ~J Nader to drop out, with the audience cheering them on.




Janice Dv Arcy,-Anti-Nmder Forces Coordinate Strategy," Hartford Courant (July 27,2004). courant.com Haitfrrft C0UTjnf I Subscribe i Newspaper Services I Courant Extras HOME NEWS SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT JOBS CARS REAL ESTATE SHOPPING CLASSIFIED WEATHER TRAFFIC

Jobs DocuifMnt Cars Real Estate Mortgages Start a Hew Seanft 1 Previous Results Apartments Other Fonnela: o AMna O FMITBS ^prvMrFnandN Classified ANTI-NADER FORCES COORDINATE STRATEGY ^Shoppin^ m^rr*f mgm Saies/Oeals /3 NORTHWEST CONNECTICUT/SPORTS FINAL Edition] Place en Ad Hartford Courani - Hertford, Conn. 10 Coupons Author JANICE D-ARCY 0& Date: Jul27,2004 Rente Start Page: A.1 n«J Secbon: MAIN (A) O Connecticut Text Wort Count 868 Towns yt i Document Teal OJ Latest News <5T Education (Copyright Tike Hertford Count* 2004) Health Cti tha 1Sh loor of • Hold^ Im Just offa (»nstrud^ MB Mavmlna* O I«C •"••"JflMHiVE empty party room Monday momng. ony one reporter came. Politics _ -• i*1 Specials Wortd/Natton

• a^_ relationship with Repubica^ n — II has never been more of a tweet to the DemocraBi. The FourSeaeona group, which does not necessarily want to piJs^lMSatsarthat Nader wal siphon off onjclel voles in swing ststse, is spsertieeding an atts^ on Nader that promises a new ooonjnason and aophM^^ It is using the Democratic convention as a way to combine Us previously Independent elfartserid focus them more effscltvely. •Walre not going to art Mm do it again,- aaU Toby Moliell, a former Connecac i end former Nadertte who Dining is now working to coonJnate the anti-Nader groups thrtriavetpmrig up after the 2000 etecowL^^Ml (Jo whoever rl Movies takeawlhinlhalew." Music Mo^wMarnc^thiwgatneredettrMFourSe •hart bwebaftavfl OaaawwMlBV* •mletfttf* Nightlife Stantay GnNnberg; former New York congresswoman Liz Hoftzman; Roy Neel, for r campaign manager for Howard Stage Dean! end Arienna Huffington. TV/Radio Behind dosed doom for mom than an hour, they shared th*researrfiarristnjteojee to urriem^ Inatanoa, to worldng on voter models that hsto ioonrtyexactrywrxitorkelytovotetbrNwJer. "Ife now our Job to find those voters and educate mam." eekJ Neel aflar the ntees^lCBnyan^Edwaidadorrt have tti Yellow Pages •me or reeouroes for Ma targetsd approach. We do." Maps They aho discussed the mauls of poBng that found when they pubflctohlaoSB ModernB s acceptance of money and help from Traffic RepuMcens, ft erodes his support.

Site Map K» a dabn Nader and Camajo eel overstated and mWeadkig.TheysaythBarnourilofrnoT»eyti^^ Repubaeans is far leu then donaHonsfro mtrediterialB^rr t arid Independent votara. RSS Feeds The Nadercampalgn also defends the Repubican elbrt in a fswstslaa.euch as the ewkig elate of Michigan, to help them colect signatures to get on the baaot. Subscribe ^rvel accent ttie halp of any n^islanvi cflbw vino v«^ B^ the attacto aaem to oe woililng wfth volara. PoHB Archives percent rujoonaty to some surveys. Search Saved Search tic anger toward Nader to at toast four yeenioW, the oukslemmsig from the tissus^Wnm About the Gore and George W. Bush in states wham Nader won a amal but sJc^iirkamriumber of vom. Archive Whan Nader announced ha would nn bi this election, toe i Search Tips Pricing Thm win Uoggara a^ nolllonil Dam^ teutCtttzens Action FAQ owes much of his own poWcal career to Nader, who chose tie young Moflett to need the G My Account GfavwNchaBivedtolaurichhiBCo^ Help to convince hfen not to run Ms yesr. Terms of Thfcyeor. MoJfell Mid, the Democrats have to be sinsftsr by woffdngtogMer. They see the convent^ Service pJeUunn to do so. The newly rnobJbsd sntt-Nedsntss plsn to fsn out et the nnvanion srid brief the DanKXBWfc delegations instates Extras where vwir rosoorch shews Nedsr may heini Kerry most: Arizona, Florida, lows, Michigan, Nevede, Oregon, HCJobs , •*vwja* -- »i %J^^M^^VRUHSB_ en-- -o* »» wsKXtns• ----- i—n _. er_ e_ Me l ___concerns_ . Reprints Pix Reprints our poster*; (hey M our meetings. They teevefyNngeeycen.' Browse Ads OmU Cobb. wtio belt otf Ntfir to become the Green Psity piv^ View Page 1 rt the Morrtay press ooniM«rioe.orlBr»dSfWBda^ Media Kit Rspublosns neve oonsplrad to creels besot eooeis Isws to pnwsntelsnTeJh^vDloes. Btit whet the DernoQsts ere Services The offlcieJ perty Ine is that eMhough the Dsmocrelic Netktnel CommUse BIJO^

00 TnlB week, ttw most oambsove swing the ONC tooketNedefwsstod«iyrBmsikwp««tothecoriwwition.

Abotnwt (Document Summery)

The Four Seesoiw gnxip. wMoh dose not neoesssnly wem votse In ewlng stslee. to spesrtieeaing an Mack on Na^ using the Democratic convention as a way to combine its previoijslylno^perrierit efforts and fecuss^em more

Behind dosed doors for more men en hour, they shored their reeMrcharriatnrtatfea to unoamiineNao^.[r^Neel]. tor Instsnos. Is working on voter models triat help IdartHyejojcoy who is sWy to vole for Nader. Thaniweieblopjerssridtn nelDeiitoaellc There were eJao tormar Neder devotees such as [Toby .. i much of hla own poNNcal career to .wh o chose ine youn_ g_ Moffstt to heed tie Connecticut CBBBmActa Group wNoh served to leiirA presNlenttal bkJ and bled to convince hfen not to run this year.

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David Postman, "Nader Foes Seek Funding from Democratic Donors," The Seattle Times (July 28,2004). MuUiCare Offers Carec *aj MuKCareJQ

Ttw SMttla ThnM Company NATION 6 WORLD Your account Today's news index Weather Traffic Movies Restaurants Today's events NEWS/HOME NATION/WORLD Wednesday, July 28,2004 - Page updated at 12:00 A.M. NEWS LOCAL SEARCH BUSINESS/TECH Nader foes seek funding from Democratic NATION/WORLD POLITICS donors * Today ."Archive to CONSUMER Advanced search EDUCATION Tlmu chltfpolitical reporter OBITUARIES SPECIAL BOSTON—Aa Democrats move PROJECTS toward nominating John Kerry to run OPINION agakiat George W. Buah, an Independent group to lobbying party More$$$ SPORTS member* and donors to launch a ENTERTAINMENT for research HEALTH candidate Ralph Nader. TRAVEL/ Trying to team from what they aay Ralph Nader calls effort a smear OUTDOORS want mfatakM hi running a campaign. LIVING low budget casual campaign rainforest against Nader four yean ago, B E-mail this article PACIFIC NW organizers are pitching Dan * Print this artlde flijmtmflBaBBl *—*~"— •!••• aB^B^M •maMMaWa I— aaaiaiaM» MAGAZINE uuiHJia, luuuyiig sma pany waoars 4 Seairh archive COMICS/GAMES on the convention floor and pramlalng • protaastonal operation * Mart tead articles PHOTOGRAPHY guided by rejaaarch from one of the % Mott e-mailed artldas NWCLASSIFIEDS NWSOURCE pollsters. Many Democrats btame Nader's 2000 Green Party run for Help find Democrat Al Gore's loss to Bush, saying he pulled Itoeral votes from SHOPPING the vice prealdant In key states. the cure SERVICES Major donors hare for the Democratic NaflcfwJCcnventton ware given a briefing on the art-Nader effort this week, said Toby Moflett, a former Connecticut congressman and Nader protege who Is among STOP the leaders off the group. The donor* were shown poling on what SWEATSHOP drives voters to Nader, what turns them away the quickest and which public figures can beat make the case against the consumer activist LABOR Anti-Nader groups have) been organized for months. But the efforts have taken "a huge move" recently in fund raising, research and a -a-- ll_ J amftAa».a«l» ••JaKoi MaxaaaaaM aiaalaj Endithe U01BIHJU anacai pawi, muiiau aaio. Injustice! "Thte guy to aHH a hugs threat.11 ha said. "We're Just not going to make the same mistake wa made In 2000." Money wiN be raised by an Independent political committee that can accept unlimited donations, referred to as a 527 group for the section of the IRS code that governs them. Democrat-ailed 527s have raised about $200 mUaon so far this year. A memo given to potential supporters said Moffetfs group, Untod Progressive* for victory, will do research, community organizing, media outraMh and Internet marketing aimed at weakening Nader's EVERETT I HI- VMI II I- I Last night, reader catad it a imear campaign and said, Tithe Democrats' undemocratic attempt" to quash third-party candidates. The honorable thing to do "When John Kerry said he wants to take away my votes by taking away the ieauea. thefa the honorable thing to do,' Nader said ina telephone interview. "When he says. 'A vote for Nader is a vote for Bush.' that Is an attitude that the two parties own the voters and everyone else stay away." ada vague pledges of retalatfon if Kerry repeats that claim. o TmwaiingforhimtosayitorK^morearKJIwIlunfurimyepithet 0> against him that wl stick lor the rest of the campaign," Nader said. *Jlki UIMBQA * rude• • r group Citiyen Action in the before hftinfl •tacdMfl fn four terms in the O U.S. House. He o works far a D.C. lobbying firm. Robert Brandon, another former Nader acolyte, pitched party ieeuerI——.I—,is- nunJL__i. Including Washington, where Nader to seen as a threat They want to have an organization in full operation for the final two months of the campaign. UP for Victory will organize arp*l>Tn^T by Iboral figures, celebrities and former Nader associates who can counter his message. At the top of the list is former President Jimmy Carter. The polling, Moflett said, showed that Carter to immensely popular among Nader supporters, even more so than former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who has been seen as a key draw for Nader leaning liberals. The group's poMng, by former BUI Clinton pollster Stanley Oreenberg, shows that economic issues most attract voters to Nader. "We ware worried about attacking Ralph," Moflett said, but no more. The polling found that Nader support drops precipitously when supporters are told "he Is in bed with Republicans," a reference to the OOP helping to get Nader on the ballot in some slates. Only Keny can fix problem Nader replied: The only way they can provide cover for their dirty tricks is to cry out that Repubacans are propping us up, and that attracts the media's attention." Moflett said that, m the end, only Keny can fix the Nader problem. He said Kerry needs to address the issues of Job loss and the economy in a way that resonates with those voters. Washington stats Democratic Party Chairman Paul Berendtsaid poling ha has seen shows Nader's candidacy to be "me difference between being a safe state and a state that is in play for the Bush campaign." David Postman: 360-943-9882 cyctoQfrfmaffttsefltttetfmes.com Copyright C 2004 Ths Ssetfls Tknes Company

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Exhibit 17 The Nader Factor Television Advertisements. wNaderFKtar.com http://wcb.archivc.oig/v«b^O(M 1009123 759/www.thcDadcrfactor.c..

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Home About Your Stork. New* The Facts Watch TV Ads Poll Watch Watch Our TV Ads Television/Radio Ads r/i One Question (60 Seconds) cr» CM Watch the ad now: O High-Speed rx Low-Speed rvj Watch Our TV Ads «T There Is one question George Bush does <=T _ - — — „_ .1^ not want to be asked. O I." .. -. .-.-..: »-—AMg It Is the one question that will define his O presidency. Contribute HI "Are we safer now than we were four years ago?* Well...You decide.... Every day the bloody chaos in Iraq grows Tel, Your storv AIQaeda still threatens us at home and abroad T America's ports. Its borders - our dties - remain Needlessly vulnerable to terrorist attack And after three years...Osama Bin laden, the murderer of thousands of Tell A Friend innocent Americans...is still at large... Are we safer now than we were four years ago? The answer, Mr. President...is no. Your policies have failed us. Ballot Access Rounduj

Let Ralph Speak! Bush-Nader, '04 (60 seconds)

Watch the ad now. Nader Watch High-Speed Low-Speed •Something strange Is happening in American politics. George Bush's right-wing Republicans are now helping Ralph Nader. If s true: Bush supporters are now giving Nader tens of thousands of dollars. Republicans are helping Nader get on the ballot...in Oregon, Nevada. Michigan, Iowa, New Hampshire, New Mexta>...even Florida. Why? Because the right-wing i believes that helping Ralph Nader helps George Bush. But now, even though j Republicans have tried to destroy the very progressive cause he has fought I for, Ralph Nader is taking help from the right-wing. Strange, Isnt It? Bush and Nader. Nader working with Republicans. Who knows-maybe i Republicans and Nader know something we dont. Visit TheNaderFactor.com and tell Ralph Nader to stop taking help from Bush supporters." i

I of 4 heNaderfactor.com htt-7/web.an*ive.<)rftve^

Annie Lou Bayly (30 seconds)

Watch the ad new: High-Speed

•Four years ago, I supported Ralph Nader. On the Issues, I usually agreed with him, but by supporting Nader, I actually helped George Bush. Now we are In a war we shouldn't even be fighting, and Dick Cheney's cronies are making a fortune <3- on the $87 billion dollars we're spending to rebuild Iraq. I made a mistake. 0) By supporting Ralph Nader, I actually helped George Bush." rsi O fx r^j qr Jay Hardin (30 seconds) *y O Watch the ad now* O . High-Speed r-i DlahUp

"Four years ago I supported Ralph Nader because he was talking about Issues I care about It was a mistake. My support for Nader actually helped George Bush and now Bush and his cronies have put everything I believe In at risk. There's more pollution. Jobs are going overseas and we're In a war based on lies and Incompetence. Because of what's happened on the Issues I care about, I made a mistake supporting Ralph Nader."

Bob Schlck (30 seconds)

High-Speed Dial-Up

"I'm Bob Schidc, and I'm a high school ... __ .—..-=* English teacher whotove sworkin g with JET. -.*.v>*x. A ••. NVA^MwriftlS young people. One of the reasons I supported Ralph Nader Is because I love my country, and I reft that a vibrant, diverse nation like ours deserved more than two viable political parties. But now I know that Ralph Nader's candidacy In 2000 undermined all the Issues I care about — education, a clean environment, and a sensible foreign policy ~ and actually helped put George Bush In office."

Jeannle Schlck (30 seconds)

2 of 4 heNaderFactor.com http://vwb.arcWve.org/web/20041 (W

Watch the ad now:

Low-Speed •Four years ago I supported Ralph Nader, but when I see what the Bush administration has done to our country, I know I made a mistake. They trashed environmental standards, and they are letting the big corporations and special Interests just run wild. It seems like we're heading In the wrong direction. Because of the issue X care about most, I feel I made a mistake supporting Ralph Nader—because It helped George Bush."

"Used" • (60 seconds)

CLICK HERB Radio Ad : Right-wing Republicans will do anything to stay In power. Remember Florida and the 2000 election? Well the same right wing Republicans that are anti-choke and anti-environment - are suddenly pro-Nader. Right wing extremists are even trying to help Nader's campaign *T in Oregon, and... Yes... Florida Again! Even one of President ST Bush's friends and top donors, billionaire Dick Egan, gave money to Ralph O Nader. And other Bush donors are pouring tens of thousands of dollars Into O Nader's campaign. Why? Because the right wing knows that helping Ralph *H Nader helps George Bush. As one right wing group says... "Nader could peel away a lot of support from Kerry... Let's give Nader what he wants and just watch what happens. After all the good he has done, Ralph Nader's legacy could be reduced to (bur more years of George Bush. Mr. Nader: Declare your Independence from the right-wing extremists. Visit TheNaderFactor.com. Paid for and authorized by the National Progress Fund and not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.

In The News...

Nader Factor on Fox "News"

O8/24/O4: Watch a spirited discussion between David Jones of TheNaderFactor.com, and Nader Campaign Spokesperson Kevin Z It High-Speed Olol-Up

Nader on ABC's This Week

Watch the Interview now; CLICK HERE 05/23/04 : On ABCs This Week with George Stephanopoulos, Ralph Nader was asked to watch and discuss TheNaderFactor.com's new television ad.

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3 of 4 (0 Of* (N D o a

Exhibit 18

The Nader Factor Post-Election Thank You. •Email Addi

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Honw About/Contact YourStoriaa Nawa The Fact* TV Ada PollWatc

Watch our new ad now:

High-Spaed Version (M Low-Speed Version O Bush/Nader in '04? Well, not quite but you may be shocked IV. to learn who Ralph Nader Is getting help from. Here at TheNaderFactor.com we've put together a comprehensive Watch Our TV Ads report detailing the support Ralph Nader has received from O the right-wing Republican establishment and George W. O Bush's well financed friends. Contribute Have a look at the report, check out the coverage from news publications over the past few weeks and then sign the petition asking Ralph Nader to reject the help he's receiving Tell Your Story from the right-wing Republican establishment. MEMORANDUM Continued Bush Assistance to Nader's Struggling Campaign Tell A Friend

November 12,2004 THANK YOUI Ballot Access Roundui CNN is reporting that Nader gathered 400,706 votes, down from 2,882,955 in 2000. The AP Is reporting that he received 0.3 percent of the vote, down from 2.74% In 2000. Mapping Out 04

Thank you to the 2.4 million Americans who voted for Nader in 2000 and who saw through his fraud-riddled. Bush-supported, attention craving effort Nader Watch in 2004. Also, thank you to the thousands of donors and members of TheNaderfector.com. These two groups of citizens stood in solidarity with Wlnona LaDuke, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Michael Moore, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robblns and the millions of Greens, Democrats and progressives fighting to end the extremist Bush agenda.

Posted by David Jones at 10:03 AM I Permallnk | TrackBack (0) I Comments (11)

November 03,2004 RALPH NADER'S twilight

CNN is reporting that Nader received 394,824 votes, down from 2,882,955 In 2000. The AP Is reporting that he received 0.3 percent of the vote, down from 2.74% In 2000.

CLICK HERE for an insightful article from the USA TODAY Posted by David Jones at 06:56 AM | Permallnk | TrackBack (0) | Comments (30)

October 31,2004 NADER'S RAIDERS agalnst...Nader. United Progressives has released a letter from over 70 of Ralph Nader's friends and fellow consumer advocates. In the letter, these Nader associates make it dear that ending the extremist Bush agenda Is priority number one, not furthering Ralph's political ambitions.

CLICK HERE to read the letter In .pdf format

Posted by DavU Jones at 02:55 PM | Permalink I TrackBack (0) | Comments (14)

October 30,2004 No Difference? Think Again.

First of alt, if you haven't done so already, please make sure you:

1. Sign our petition calling on Ralph Nader to give back his dirty Swift Boat cash by CLICKING HERE.

2. Make a modest donation to help keep our new ad on the air In swing states by CLICKING HERE.

3. Check out the latest Nader Poll Watch update by CLICKING HERE. Back to the business at hand... Thnk there is no difference between John Kerry, George Bush and Ralph Nader? Read out latest memo and think again. CLICK HERE.

Posted by Karl Frisch at 11:43 PM I Permallnk I TrackBack (0) | Comments (1)

October 27,2004 theLAST CHANCE TO STOP NADER I write you this blog post with an urgent request. State after state continue to show Bush & Kerry In a virtual tie with Ralph Nader making up the difference. This may be our last chance to STOP Natter and Buah from perpetuating the destructive policies of this White House.

DONATE NOW - CLICK HERE Over the next few days wo must raise am additional $20,000 to put our new ad targeted at Nader supporters up on television In Important awing otatoa. If you have not yet seen the ad, please take a minute to view It now:

Watch Our New Ad! High Speed: CLICK HERE Dial Up: CLICK HERE

With less than a week to go we must show swing state Americans that Ralph Nader to deceiving them when he says there is no difference between Bush and Kerry. Tho stake* are too high In 2004 - there are

With George Bush as President (thanks for 2000 Mr. Nader) thousands have been killed or injured in Iraq, more and more Americans are falling below the poverty line and millions have lost their jobs and healthcare. With George Bush In the White House our environment and dvll liberties face daily threats. With George Bush making judicial appointments, we may end up with the most conservative Supreme Court of all time.


Still, day In and day out, Ralph Nader criss-crosses the country telling 0, anyone who will listen that there Is no difference between Bush and Kerry. 0) Porhapa ho'a Just too oohomod to face the truth.

Q Since 2000, Ralph Nader's myopic campaign of deception has allowed rj George Bush's White House to destroy many of the causes he has _ championed for more than 30 years... aomothlng no one should bo ^ proud of.

Q With the help of thousands, TheNaderFactor.com has been able to expose Jr Ralph Nader's ties to many of George Bush's most loyal contributors and ^ supports. Just last month he was caught red handed accepting money from donors dooa to the discredited OOP front group "Swift Boat Vat* for Truth."

DONATE NOW - CLICK HERE Thafs just the tip of the Ice berg. After making your donation, please be sure to check out our recent MEMO detailing Ralph Nader1* strange alliance wtth the right-wing of the Republican Party by CLICKING HERE. In 2000 few thought Ralph Nader would have the Impact he ended up having on the election. In 2004 wo know bettor and this Is our last chance to show we will not be duped again. Please take this final opportunity to give what you can - $40, $80, $150 or even $1000 - any donation you make will go a long way towards assuring our presence in the swing states this week.

DONATE NOW - CLICK HERE Thank you for your past support... together we can make certain the right-wing policies of the Bush White House are stopped and The Nader Factor Is nothing more than a blip this fall.

Posted by Karl Frtsch at 02:12 PM | Permallnk | TrackBack (0) | Comments (6)

October 25,2004 Mora Fraud In the Nader campaign(agaln) First, Pennsylvania, then Virginia, now Ohio. OH Secretary of State Ken Bladcwell cited •massive fraud" by Mr. Nader's campaign In Ohio as the reason for rejecting his petitions. The OH Supreme Court confirmed Blackwdl's decision by a 6-1 vote.

CLICK HERE FOR THE REUTERS ARTICLE Why, after 40 years of fighting for Justice, is Mr. Nader fighting to get forged signatures counted?

Posted by DavW Jones at 05:25 AM | Permalink | TrackBack (0) I Comments (7)

October 24t 2004 Nader's "big lie" exposed! Ralph Nader, and many of his staff and RM on this site, continue to push the false notion that somehow what remains of his supporters would split equally between Bush and Kerry If Nader were not running. The fact that Ralph would mate the case for this absurd notion is beyond explanation. Any Ideas? Q Last week, kn The New York Times, the respected Zogby International Polling O Co.'s spokesperson, Shawnta Wafcott, said Zogby polls showed Nader i Kl drawing far more from Kerry. She said the polls, aggregated from March ] O through September, showed that, If Nader were not an option, 41 percent of i rx his supporters went to Kerry, 15 percent went to Bush. rj cr Also, recent research from the non-profit Nation Institute confirmed this qr with extensive new information. O The Nation's research says One-third of Nader voters don't have a second O choice for president, but the two-thirds who do pick Kerry over Bush by HI 49-17 percent, with 11 percent undecided.

CLICK HERE FOR THIS IMPORTANT RESEARCH RALPH, you spent years fighting for truth...why are you now spreading these blatant falsehoods? Posted by David Jones at 06:14 AM | Permalink | TraekBack (0) | Comments (6)

October 22,2004 NADER at the scene of the crime-FLORlDA Greetings from Florida-Ace, the conscience of Penn State, and I travelled last night to a sparsely attended Nader speech at the University of South Florida at St. Petersburg. Once again, Ralph is pushing the "big lie" of his candidacy: that there is no difference between Kerry and Bush. We, along with a great duo from United Progressives, spread the word about Nader's hypocritical acceptance of funding from "Swift Boat Vets' and the •volunteer* assistance he Is getting In Florida from Ken SuhMa, George Bush's attorney. A few of the Pat Buchanan supporters from the Reform Party showed up to show that they actually do exist In Florida. A number of attendees in the crowd said that the just could not support Ralph in good conscience and urged solidarity with Greens and Democrats. Sadly, Nader seems to care more about personal attention than he does ending the extremist Bush/Cheney agenda. On a personal note, we went to see the great reggae band. Steel Pulse, after the speech. CLICK HERE for the the St. Petersburg Times article

PWted by David Jones at 08:31 AM | Permalink | TraekBack (0) | Comments (6) o Kl O N.


United Prograuvci for Victory About Us. Home Who We Are Get Involved Get Informed Press & Media

United Pregraeslvee far Victory to • group of Americans who believe that me reelection of George Bush in 2004 would be e disaster tor American et tome end abroad. We represent e spsctrun of progressive cortsftuefx^ in the UnM Barnes, Tnafiraoy Gen

VW^H • TOm We are progressives concerned met Ralph Nader's candidacy net the potential to undo hie legacy end help re elect George Bush by dividing the progressive vote We believe that a mm «fc - • M^^^k fnn nwmr^f AJLJ IA* • IMnnBmm r •OODI, rQunOot. HHO WT untod progressive vote for Kerry wi empower the progressive agenda end alow us to hold a Kerry admlnlstialkm accountable to progfessive interests. • PWri Booth, /V5CME i Ctnptlyn tot Many of us have worked ctoeery with Ralph Nader in the pest We lepitmajrit concerns for the environment, women and people of color, consixnsfadvocaaM, workers, dvNtoerUee. Bab BnHHJen. Robert Brsndbn e Intemational security and global eiigagemer* In meny ways, cwr work on tWs project ie a league of CO/MA testament to the contribution Ralph Nader has made in IrapHng and training ao many actMeto DeOiaaee, OtrtartorAimt and organbers over the yean. This effort Is aln^ at prornoting everything that Ratoh Nader has said he has stood for during the pest forty yeers.TTw best way to sisjportNaoVs agenda this year is to oppose his candidacy for President • Gloria Fektt.Phmi Our mobilizing effort is designed to convince Hu^ Nader supporters that ths dangers of a • Carat Foisann, Consumer fiadfe eecond Bush administration are too great far any of us to <»tsthrowaway protest vote in Food PoHcjf AuHuSf 2TJ04. The destriictionajKi long-term damage to progressive the last three yearn ia, simply, shoclu>xi. For the sake of the country arxi the world, we need to • BcuU Oeedetete, Punk voter unite now to keep Bush from winning sriothsf four yeara in the WhesHouss-four years • 9M*yQi*Hb. Founder of SAP* wrridi would furtner separate lie from as^s.ertcoura^ • Man OroowKOnoek, Women L« abBty to buU a safe and batter world. • Devidlls»eite./mofnay UP for Victory la serving as a nationally coord/naiad network, aharing lachnles information, and other resources among coalitions of progressives in targeted • Nlfcfcl HaMepriam. Heidepnlm I

Progressives across America need to unite in common purpose to defeat Bush. JOIN US AND • na§§riuaafft Campaign for Aff, HELP PROTECT THE PROGRESSIVE AGENDA. • Lte HuHiiiMM, rumar Hwnoar c

• Olnay Hunt. Generation Oean • Patrick

• Aaw aiaaca, Amtrictn IbrDtm

• Jolm haana. Count*fa ra LJvtb

• T!anyUemBjii,£MrriOGnjCtoacflv

e MM Hayir, HJaMajrtem A Uugt • Jim MMzM./MMS. • Bbn MUM1! TontPtm.oofn • Tuliy MuChU. FormtrUemboro

• KiranHidhwMr.MuffwuMror ritor,VIUwmwMBrwi|

Piwy NMbtti Aalcun Hutoiy 10 CMbajt CMtago o Kl O


O Count* tor mLiv* O TottM, AopfMwv mffo

AtlXstbons tatod far ido/itH only

ilvwforVletoiy 1730 Rhoda Wand Avwiue NW, Suite 712 Wnhington, DC 20038 Phone: 202.463.7530 Fi Our Privacy Policy o Kl O


Exhibit 20

Uniting People for Victory IRS Statement!. Political Organization F Mill 8871 Notice of Section 527 Status OMB N* IM; it*

»«n» Sum* Gwwral Information I NeeMtfi Unhh»jP*iptofcrVfctoy 20-1391393

1730 Rhode htaod Aw NW 8*712

O «•!»• 4bDntetf |i/j| 07421/2004 0

fa Nut off Helen Hint 1730 Rhode bhnd A«e* NW. Sake 712 o Wuhtaftao. DC 20036 o

Helen Hunt 1730 Rhode hlmd AV&, NW. Sake 712 WMhinfkn, DC 20036

I Bvtw 1730 Rhode City ejr lewni tfertBt onnl ZIP Wn*ta|kn. DC 20036



NotMotlon of Claim of EmmpBon Rom R»ng Certain Form* (see instructions)

Hfctol eiinnlinllin? Ye>_ N» £

10% IfYe^'l

11 hftb«i ItfBBMt

u in upcomhii ekctkw nd to «w«e ta other political activity thtt •tawfti lan d win the pupom of« political uipniinllnn under Section 527 of the IRC. 14« MOTH of rrtattd •ntlty n41.4fow ranonini^—•—*^»^afcfp— 14c Addran

KricAuhm 1730 Rhode bind AWL, NW. Suite 712


MctadHcdcy DbOCtOT MM SflCRHy 2040SSBMIINW WaAkifkM. DC 20009 tfl

(now pmRiM of piri^iy, 1 BKHM Hut Mw o^Qintoillon MRMd h S t nd •MmMta. nd to Vw bOTl ol my knowtadn* O •id bdM, Nt oinM i comet, end comptoto. 1 IbnfMr dtctara dMCm 1 «•M officW wOwrtad to *lgn H1e nport, ind 1 m riytAiy by onlHlno my WIN

Here O O ^8872 Political Organization (November 2009 Report off Contributions and Expenditures OMO No. 1545-1696 OnpmmrtoTthi Imwy inumel Ranenuo Scniua

A FerflMperteieeejBBBet 07/21/2004 eedee«a« 09/300004

BCherii Ininelieport — ofeddicei _ npoit ^ Rnel leport I NeeBtef« UHium People IbrViciofy 20-1391395

2 MeHeig aidraei (FjQ. eei er i 1730 Rhode Uead Ave NW Ste 712 O*/ er tew* eerie, eeri ZIP cede O WeriiiHjlen. DC 20036 Kl O

1730 Rhode Ueod AM NW Ste 712 O WMhinglDO, DC 20036 0

HeknHuoi 1730 Rhode bleed Aw NW Ste 712 WuMnflhn. DC 20036

l730RboOEbkiidAvoNW 7l2

Wuhinnoo. DC 20036

0 T>pe eTnpert (check eet/ eee few)

^ Pint quericriy nport i^ Modhlyiepott nrAe (dwhy April IS) (due by Ihe 20* oiy faUowinf dw month ihown •bove, euept the ^m SBBBBB ejuerteny nport Deceoter report, which ta due by Jenuery 31) (due by July IS) . Pre-dccboo lepert (due by Ihe 12A er ISA dey befcic the efectioo) x. Tbifd ouertcny rapoit (l)TVpeofekctioo: (due by October 15) _Ycer-cnd report (3)FordKeMeof: (duebyJinuuy3l) _ rtw-teot^chelioo report (d^liy the 3<)did^ after Booi^etoctOT __ Mid*ycerrapeit(Nbn-ehBlieB (I) DM of election: yeerooly-dutbyJulyJI) (2)FortfaeiMeof:

9 Toteli i (Mel I lAl.... ._«. $ 50000

MTeteli lOetell • •V.. .10. S 39586 UfKtarpenelries of perjury. I dedem that I nave examined rtm report, including accompanying acheduwn end MMemenrs. and to the best of my knowledge end boMt. N is Imo. cotrecu end cojnpkNo HeMDHeni Sign Here Siunatue of authorized official DtiUt torn 8872 (11-20021 Itemized Contributions Schedule A I ZIP) RhboRcmb 16060 V«hnHv& Swle 105.PMB189 Endno,CA 91436 S 23000 DBtccfi S25000 09/11/2004

Mito Rubin 3035 Ctain Bridge RowtNW WMbhigtaD. DC 10016


00 O Ki O

O O Fonn 8B7Z111-2002) Schedule B

Into* SS4 P.O.Box34328 RodptetrtMcatflM Scettle, WA 94124 PriDtim Co. 08/1*2004

AMomGiMhici «^nr $3500 22SV«riokSbTCt niitalMli'i OHIO New York. NY 10014 Fritting Ca 09/30/2004 •Mtfaaai iiadflyan Of) Ml PickawUHmon nlf S3000 11m m9r 4•••*• • Pko•••••• eM«H 2nB d• >«MFloon r •••••IjPBBiHIlUdpt V- • 'VWIvlBIHHfllR "H MB~—* ^PB- Vi^ejl O Brooklyn, KY11231 conwltut OBJ03O004

_« wcbntc ooniuibjn

NT RMtptartTi MiMt •dtagj •ddnH i>d ZIP ••••. Q ElHRjnin> idf ~ $2500 m 109rtari*Driv. •M^hMi'kMnpMlM DM* ^ SHAoJonio, IX 71216 coonltmt OB«V20M r"l

OcmocnriicCaiB HUM $30 499Soolha|Mto)Straet Soilel04 Iliilplaii'urr•»«!•• IMttf W«hin«Km. DC 20003 MOO 01030004

IZIPt Vman HIM $ 132 PO Box 17577 BiltinMra.MD 21297 -OS13 phoMWvioe 08/25/2004

phone iiMBdhuou no MIVIGO fee

Vcrino ••« • S172 POBoKlTST? llirhjlHlilMrropiflM D^« Bdiimefe,MD 21297-0513 phone wviee 09/30/2004

Uated Telephone Co. wnc $198 i Chtntilry.VA20»5l phone itpur.ioibdbDon 09/17/2004 •r fee

IJ•AIT BTVClfnnVrnoMOnHMBMltva ^nHtvAniBBo•BpHyvBit AlMnV•^••••^••wt BvH« The Billot Project wnc $30000 8l8ConnocticuA«.NW Ret«jiarti'ioea» d i K!!,±u MRM M M 09/10/2004 Political Organization Form 8872 Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 Dopmmemaftfn Iromry Interne) AmenMoSonfce A Per 1001/2004 10/13/2004

fated report _ Cbenteof -_ Amended icnort _ Fndnpoit I NeOMOfl UntofFtcpk for Vtaory 20-1391395

2 Mettnf e«Vnei(PjOLbMerMi 1730 Bkode Utaad AvcNW Sta 712


4 07/21/2004

HdcnHHtt 1730 Rhode blind Aw NW Sto 712 O O

Helen HIM 1730 Rhodi bind AvcNW Ste 712 WMbiatjloa. DC 20036

1730 Mnde Idiod AvcNW Ste 712 CHy cr Md ZIP

I Type efrepett (check oriyeM fen)

«. Pint quarterly raport — Moodily report for the of. (due by April 15) _ Second Quarterly report hich ii due by Jnuvy 3 1 ) Pr«Vxtkmreport(d«bythel2*orl5lhd^bdbreibeekction) 1 hiiil ojiMtoriy (l)TypeofekGlioB: fcnand (dut by October IS) (2)DWcorcloction: II/02O004 Ye»-cnd report (3) For ihc Mate of. DC _ Po«^aBenleleeiiooroport(o^byU»30dio^aftergnerdelo^ Mid-jeer upon (Non-ejection (ODMeof year only-due by July 31) (2) For the Me of.

f Tetel

10 Total

UnderDerwMia o» porjury. I dectore thej 1 have OMmlntd this roport. Inckxfcig i nylng KhKUM and UBtements. and m the beat of my knowtadge •no bONii il it true, corrocl, end comploto- HdcoHom 10V2I/2004 Sign I Signature or aulhori/ed official Dale ^ Form 8872 (11-2002) Contributions Schedule A

SE.l*fa8hMt,2adF1. New Yotk. NY 10003 $20000 DM§«r $20000 10/07/2004

HMlMwi ODGvtalCoipanliM C/OdptolCttpontion GO QfM CoipantoO. VA 22101 S10000 ccndurtimbatcffcm IMB«T S10000 KMW2004

•H PUriGkltaw f*i condudMf bcrtflfiuiti pry conducting be* efBBtti. DC 20002

O S10000

O o Form B87Z (11 2002) Schedule B

VidytKrinwnulhy «lf $2031 470446tfaSt,NW Bit Iplnlil iriBpillHi OMtflT Wohfaftoo. DC 20016 conwhut-public raUtion 1001/2004


llMlpiMt1iMBMbMlta(ridnBiMdZlPMrite NHM United Till phunn Co. MM ~ SM rCT. RMMMttMOMllM !Mi*f •me 10/07/2004

KH MuWmedaSyiteiMlnc. umc $200

P Exeter. NH 03833 MM IOW2004

O CMniHndi HM $22 O 9135dtSL.NW LowcrLwtl riiljila^i irr«prti« IMc«T ^ WMUDftoa. DC 20001 DdhwySwieB IO/I2O004

•VFpV•bHM^BWA deliwiy

^RWB' W M^ I^H^M•—• —n M^NJV- r A^i^BBf«^^P«"» ^ Robert Bnodon •• AHoctatej idf $171 1730 Rhode bind Ava, NW. Suite 712 IO/I2O004

IIVIVMMl «•• ^BA W HlMBVM«HT«^*bLHB>l«aMBHnMHMI^BW VI raB^HMV • ••••••^•r ABMMWt ttf «VH«w^m« «• •df SIOO The Attn Roam 105 WMhinglaa, DC 20052 conrollirt 10/13/2004

PMPCNIN OpM nycrii^lbrfiJmi

indZIPaii NnM«f ZacfaFrkdmu iclf *« 6633 Kin^buiy Blvd. Apt #1 Wea PirtplteJU'UMrapBHQB Vni StLouk. MO 63130 comunai IO/13O004

qyattal fcr film pfomotion .8872 Political Organization (Novembcf 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 MpmmniefdH liwwy MMml RMonuoSVMto ^ MO MpMflMO •MVIUdOMi A Fwttopvfcdbt*uhf 10/1472004 mlmi^ 11/22/2004

report ^» CbnfiofiddnM •_ Amondpd report ^ Fml report

I NMMtf Uwtim People for Victory 20-1391395

1730 Rhodo bind Aw NW Ste 712 jj-k CHJT W MWB| itBiBi ••• ZIF

•H K1

—o V • ••«l«^P_«>'->^-^n~«VKIi 4 r iHfb9upbmeioryxD« 07/21/2004

M NHBSOI CHHOIH •• ncMVi So Helen Hum l730RhodebtadAv«NWStc7l2 Wnbtaflton. DC 20036 O

O -M^rf Helen Hunt l730RhodoblndA%eNWSte7l2

1730 Rhode hhri Aw NW Ste 712 ZIP i

• Type ff nport fchttkc^r «M bn|

_ fimquuleriy report _ Mondilyrepor tfo r the inoodi of: (due by April IS) (due l>y OK 20lhd^fdUowmgteinonhih(rini above, except the . Secondqunttrtyreport Dma*GritpoR.wbJehiiduebyJtanvy3l) (durbyJidylS) ^. ftr nlir»iuuMpuii(dBBby*el2ihor 13thd«ybcibrotn«electton) — Thkdqunt^y report (l)Typcc/ekction: (due by October 13) (2)DMeofekclkiD: _ Yev«id report (3) Forte MB of. (duebyJnwry3l) / Poitimmlclectiooieport (due by the 30>fa diy after genaml dcctjon) « Mkl-yewrepor t(Non-electio n (I) DMcofehctwo: 11/02/2004 yew only-due by July 31) (2)ForftiiMec4: DC

... M..m...... -._...... ^ j Mrt tf repttMtxpt^k*rv(tMUfewal *t»M gchifcln B). It. S 103304 Ivpiiniililn of perjury. I dMHrath^ I boHol. H n tfuo. correct, wxl compJow HehnHuM 12^0272004 Sign I k k Her* I Y Stynaiuro of authorised ufllcial V Date Pom 8872 111-2002) H>into>d Cotitfibutiom Schedule A

! LCVy*HltllC IIS HM toe. MK JIM New Yak. NY 10022



10IEHtS2DdSt 94Floor New Yoik, NY 10003 MHifavDhectar S4000 IMi $4000 \mtnaM


O O Form BB7Z (11-2002) Schedule B nr<

101 MvfcetSt Suite 700 Smnncnm,CA 94105

dph I ZIP SB 1SOOKSLNW M 10/31/2004

beak Mivice dune Lft idpta lof Stcphnw Btfky $500 S9SEMToranSL«14 Date of Columbus OH 43215 11/03/2004

I ZIP O Bdf $1000 IIBwyCouRSt IMtrf LoudoovUlc,NYI221l 11/0672004


«¥*• I ZIP Nlf S700 2005 Pn Am Cbck Sate 200 Drttof TMM.FL 33607 II/08A004


LZIPi OO»«-«P- rruuam illinmnna Nlf $500 230MvtinSl D*to Reno. NV 89509 II/DBO004


Faith KkUa •df 360l40lhA«cSoUb


AiMbaKin* $750 122 tan St Sate 200 DMi MMUMO.WI 53703 II/W2004


IZIP< NHM «f ndptartt Mptoyw •fEipaditan •elf $250 FOB 764 Drt* ScHborauih. ME 04070 1I/DW2004

fee-field ME Stephanie Mooft idf $1102 IS2IOjibMTnil Dnt .Ml 49006 11/10/2004

KinbariyBradcrick self $300

Orindn, PL 32816 11/11/2004

MM Miller idf $500 2700 Uuetyat Blvd IMttTi . PL 33137 11/11/2004 Kl Q flyenng

K. ^ iMdZIP SSOO 35ISSW3fthBM.Apl.26C DM of Ckintvilfc, PL 32608 oontaltnt 1 I/I 1/2004 O O

H idf SSOO 1 1726 CdJcicPKk Trail Apt J IMitf (Mndo.FL32l26 11/11/2004

ludZIPi KmNulad nlf SSOO 6629BeMhBhd. jKkMOviIk.FL322l6 **11/11/200• 4


ofniUjhiftMplifi PMriekRiaMl SSOO 1215 30* St D«* Da Mam. IA 5031 1 11/11/2004

Kir $2000 20100US*|BlU. AlnudHi.VA2230l 10/14^004

t fee-PR I ZIP $2400 2010014 SB* M. D*»«T Akmdrii, VA 22301 11/17/2004

t fee- PR ZlPnde NeBWflf racMeM'itMlcyv ABBHtflfCipeBdltMV VidyiKmhranwthy edf $750 470446thSt,NW Rfldplarti'ioeeiptffM Deleir comultut 10/140004

t fee-PR

edf $1400


Mm fee-PR

Julia Wattbey tdf $1250

,H Frederick, MD 21703 ooradttnt 10/I4A2004 Nl p^p,,, Cjl oonmltaiit ft^i- fwbl

dZIPcvdv NftHcvf iwhhBft MMtarcr AflMHrtflTCipMdlBra ^J Julia Waohey tdf $1750 ^" 5435feepwi1kLii. lnl|il»

O coo«ihMt««e. field

FutfaKiddcr K|f $800 360140ftAwe.Sou* rnlplMlMiLL , lln DeJeef MhmMpoU^MNS5406 eooedMt IO/I4O004

fcB" field MN

AheviehGleMr Mlf $1400 1735WiIlwlSt,NW#6 iritejlHUtempBlto DtJe 10/14O004

AbiviikGluer wlf $1750 l73SWiBedSl.NW«6 Per^eiBit n i iprtlna Deaeof U/OV2004


$602 107E.HoJdenHtD •ecljbalAfccepMlM IMe E-Uncing, Ml 48825 fmneriteit 11/11/2004


I ZIP ode •df $1000 5440 OMB Avc.«05 irerejle , Ml 41202 couuHani 11/11/2004

flycrin|(twoi gfEip«iuHut» AiuboKi* •df $500 122 SMc St Safe 200 D*c .Wl 33703 I I/I 1/2004

Qycring t»r TnmWrifht •df S300 1103 Wot Gvfieid DMi«f Milwaukee, Wl 53205 1 I/I 1/2004

Qyotai IZIPn* •TEspoditin •elf $500 Drtt 11/11/2004


LZVi ROM Meyer •elf $500 2330 VieteyPkwy.Ste 100 Dito Cncbnti, OH 45206 I I/I 1/2004 O O izir •df $500 595 E. Town St #14 DMt( ColiMnbia,OH432l5 11/11/2004


MTI $500 ctoJmTamho 944JoltaDr. DMi I I/I 1/2004

•df $500 IZICnioAve. Duterf Kent, OH 44240 11/11/2004


I ZIP. JtdNDRopn •df $500 2490 LccBtvd. Data I ML, OH 441 It I I/I 1/2004


AiMVBtcf Eipndkvn HdcnV.Hum Nlf $790 1730 Rhode bhDd A«e^ NW, Suite 712 I I/I 1/2004

Mvd to Wl ffifht and cw rental SttpbenMohood l odf S169 HBtfiyCourtSt iriihjhalM ine|iellie Dote of Loudoovittc, NY 12211 ooMuhent 11/11/2004 on • cellphone

lOMdZIP S72S 121S North CoraBmNE OffloiAieociolB 11/11/2004

Ro)MtM.BnndaaMlAaociMH xlf $6000 01 l730WwkU«lAvt,NW,8uile712 Hii»l»l|-| icciprtii rH WMlihuHin. DC 20036 iiiiinlliK 10/14/2004 ro O

zi« code NooMOincojeiBnrBooBiloMr AeoooBior CT Room M. Brandon •adAewcielBi odf $7500 j! l730RhodohhndAvfc.NW,SoJle712 nirhlioli'i n I opalleo Dote of oNT WMbJogton, DC 20036 eomidttnt 10080004 o

1730 Rhode l«knd Ave^NW, Suite 712 Btilph»

conutaot fco-(

iDTAaam tdf $480 POT 764 ItehjlMBj'itaapiclM Date of Sorboroufh, ME 04070 oonwltut 10121/2004

fcc-field ME

•ii telMft MOM, pjrthit aoMioa Md af cida PfaoMofini|ilii«'i Stephen Mihood .df $800 IIBuiyCounSt nnhjlojli'i •napilho DMtoT Loudooville. NY 12211 coanltant KV21/2004


ZIP ode NBOMofrKktafio^toyer AaMMtoTEipwdltirt SnhCoppi idf $560 2005 PttAaCiRlc Suite 200 nulpliiiri inipillli DMtoT TcBn.FL 33607 coowhnt 10/21/2004


Rodoteafi OOOM, ojeilhoj eddrioi ood ZIP code Noojeof letloioort leojliyir AOMO.O! of EKpoodHort AmdnKias w|f $600 122 SteKSt Sate 200 • WIS3703 amdteot ' 10/21/2004

fiM-fieUWI > and ZIP code NaMrfradphrttMpwytr AaaaatafEipiadltart BobFudkcnon idf c^gn 230MartB» ItiLlplani'i Rmo,NVt9S09 coMBtaat ' IOO1O004

fe-field NV

AiT ajHBjv^BBH^MiVlfli ^---i^g^-g^-M •YHBMHBBMB) a*aT VviajVBaUfaMaBj EvanMoM Mlf $2000 2231PacflcDr. Radaharti'iaecBiiallaa Dateaf Coraudd Mar, CA 92625 onultnu IQO6O004

•elf $500 w——™^ w*v* '-•-^•^ •••••^BHlBJjav at WataBBHJHBBJV•fl J •vaBVai V> ^*"f/ O eoadHedBsbattcflbm, DC 20036 mnidiaBi IQOflOOM

Kl O

AaneNicholno idf $3000 DakfT 10OIO004

O enBllltaDlfcc,omBB

luiZIPcodt Don Wiener wlf $1000 4»WaterfcrdOr:le,Apt207 Rn»iaiaft mapaUM Dataaf .WI53719 eenahaai 11/03/2004


I ZIP EchaDMoLLC mH $5140 POBoK 50002 RidalaBlrtaraMllM Arlhitto«,VA 22205 wcbdorifDireiv II/05O004

•• liMaipNllv CMpHyaV •^•••••aW KareaMiaVaKr vdf $2063 1730 Rhode band Aw., NW. Suite 712 Ka

IHPi Variaoa me S593 P.O. Bex 1915 RccMcati'i ifMaallH .MD20704 Mine 11/09O004


IZIPt SprtetPCS lime $40 PO Box 219554 ffiihlailrt uraprtH tChy. MO 64121 ana* II/09O004

odlphowbin-Kareal Ftith Udder •df S376 360140* Avc, Sou* Dote off uocadUr* MUMPOUI.MN 35406 11/09/2004

I ZIP. Iff WdhpnvM8dH.be. $1278 4l9PtakA<«.S. 20*Floor Dttttf Now YoA. NY 10016 11/09/2004


dpfarfi Oring Hindi SI4 9ISSthSL,NW Lower Level DMetf I1AMO004 Kl O ddivoy IN. IZVodi Cid AdvHBfjc BuiiBGH Cnd SIMS oonductnij bcH c(Rm iMi« cooducdi^ bott cflbm. DC 20036 II/10O004 O O

IZVi •df SS27I 1730 Rhode Ueod Avc, NW, SuHe 712 . DC 20036

cooeultuni fccBi mu (Ma)

IZlPi HtkaV.Ham •elf S4000 1730 Rhode Mend Aw.. NW, Sri* 712 DntecT Wnnunjaan. DC 20036 11/08/2004

coneulieni fee-field

Kmnl 1730 Rhode hdond Avc.. NW. Sake 712 WoMojpa. DC 20036

Oet end Nov. ineoow- fee far I ZIP < MeiyMolte •elf $1000 131930*1 WnridntM. DC 20007 11/15/2004

t fee-pert time office hdp

lUdZIP •fEinendlhiri MvyMoffett •elf S4I 131930*i Drt Weehhnjton, DC 20007 10/21/2004

flyer I ZIP. trfbpodtan Atari* QhMT idf $512 1735 Wilted SI NW«6 Date < 10/21/2004

i^^nlvMMhJ ^fc«^^»^^ 1 A^^^ **^l • •KMKIUipaaii GXpCnKv II^DI« wCil |MNJIW

$2500 2000PSMNW MitT Wahmgtoo, DC 20036 10/21/2004

(MdZlPi JoeNicholna S276 MPtnhDr. Dfttoi WikninftoaDE 19903 KV21/2004

O iisiiiuwncBMMHltaHHAj a- cxpovc- - M!^HM -•8_rl___ pml c mra

•elf $6 FOB 764 SaAoroufh.ME040TO 10/21/2004 O O .8872 Political Organization WQVMnbjV 2002) Roport of Contributions and Expendtturas OMB No. 1545-1696 OnpenmoMornt iraeuiy Men* Revenue Servu A For the jetted iijhiht 11/23/2004 marital 1201/2004

• <*fc-J. — •— M- ^— . ^ l-ki.l__— . M »_JJ A J_l . gi— 1 . ..

UuQnjPbopk for Victory 20-1391395

1730 Rhode bind AvcNW Sic 712 Kl ZIP (M WMhmgion, DC 20036 hri O 07/210004

IfcknHimt 1730 Rhode bind Aw NWSte 712 O WMhnftoo, DC 20036 0 HeknHunt 1730 RbodB bind AVI NW Ste 712 WiJiiiijI ..... DC 20036

• efiUprirtluiQfd 1730 Rhode IAwNWte712 Oly v IMIB, MMt, nd ZIP

Fntquerterly report _ MonJhlyrepor tfi xth e niondi of: g^AprillS) (dm by the 204 diy foDowinf the onotfa ibown •bow, except tbe DeceoAer report, which ii dm by Juuvy 31) (due by July 15) _ Preelection report (due by the 12th or 15th d^beijrc the election) Thira ojuBrtcny report (DlVpeofeleetta: (due by October 15) (2)DMeofdeaioK Yev^cod report (3)FortheiMeor (dnebybnmy31) ^ FoMF§DMnl eJoEtioiirepor t(do e by the 30th diy lAer genenl rleclioB) Mid-yeer report (Non-ckctwo (2)For*eeteleoF.

9 TMli tofnpi

UTettli •heBV •rpviMIn of |Mrjui^ ilKdmt^ bolofi II w VIM, cofrocli Mid oonipJoio Helen Hunt 01/31/2005 Sign Hero Slgnaun of authoriod ofTicial Dale ^ Form 8872 (11-2002) Schedule A

5E.lfthSt,2ndFL $5278 New Yoik. NY 10003 Mi« $25271 12090004

Kl O K iM

O O Form 8B72 (11-2002) Schedule B

$9 P.O. Bon 371461 ITiil»l«Jl|-| •Ki|iellM Deto ef Ptebuftt. PA 15230-7461 ddnayeavice 11/24/2004


WV ^HAe^ek M^^MA ^^ ^•^••B^^M^IM ^^H^J^W^M A«BBMB«BHBM| ••? eweier wvlBej I^BeM M •vOBeveH • •••WnT MlWelBvl •• Workio|ABMt> tone S234 cbe nirhlMti'urreiidiB dM. DC 20036 pbOBeconoMy II/24A004

Uli I ZIP cede NeMeftvdphBfteejplej PJitnhf iriend tml M ^tnr If tit mne $1500 r, 1120 Conn«tkutA*«.NW Suite 1200 Rcdptarti-iece^MDMi DelitfeipeBdHMC U' WMhrnfton, DC 20036 office rental 11/24^004 i^J

ZIP code NuMoTradBke^MpIeyw AmMtofn*»uidlleu O Robert M.Bn«da. " edf ' S7500 Q 1730 UiodeUend'Avb.NW. SuMc 712 IHefljIeiBrt ifrepattoe DeM - •' ,DC20036 coBHRM I2M1/2004

oomoltiB| tec •

MoleinMBeMVO •BlT»^p4V.I*lBiBl*flTeTvDpBflH i •l •••••^BetanlnBOJRfJpRfJPffjPr AiBMnfl»»«i«"»*^«it» «•flf• FeittlCiddEr idf $238 360140(faAvc.SO IriibjIertrtliioiieilH DeMoT MinBeepolk.MN 55406 eaantaM I2A&O004

• pindphoMbiD ZIP cede NoiMcffvciDiOBt'iOBUloyor AnBMMei Verina Mlf S192 cbe nirlpkXi'nneyeilue DMtf cbe. DC 20036 phone co 12/03/2004 ParDeMti phoeebiU

KmMuOiuecr «clf S6500 1730 Rhode UlendAvB,NW. Suite 712 ludplMli'ieca^edea D^« I2A3/2004

IZIPi USAkw-y, •» S3« cbe.DC20036 airline 11/24^004

ritoFL lOfltaNjeddneiead ZIP cede ftawwndpieBn . . mt

cbe.DC20036 eWne 11/24/2004

left peJdfbrtnroutjiCitiAdiiieipCC.agtrtlDWI IZIPttdt $207 I90ILSLNW OMii Office Supplia 11/24/2004

pud for taw* Oti Advnttp CC office «pplki i Hd ZIP ode BoukfcrWecUylac. S63B 6MSoukLHUeyLi DM Boukto. CO 80303 II/24O004

pud for tfnu|b CM Advm^e CC.

BoukkrDtilyC«Mn $1476 DMi« 0) Boukfcr, CO 80303 11/24/2004

Kl pwd fw thnuih CM Ad«M«e CC.«

K dpfa IZIPi WeD«kylnM $946 1805 N We* Shore BKd OM Tunp^FL 33607 11/24/2004 O o pud fat thrall* CW Adv^tap CC. hold in PL !MiZIP( MMH CHd $493 POBm6309 iMi TbcUlw,NV 18901-6309 H/2V2Q04

CM $4554 POBOR6309 IMitf TkaUM.NVIMOl-6309 11/24/2004

,a»e^TKirtX M Mr octvwfci far $100 to Ccakr in Si Pwl, MN ^8872 Political Organization (Nowmb* 2002) Report of Contributions and Expenditures OMB No. 1545-1696 Oopetdnenioriin lionuy inum Revenue Sunka

A ftarthoBjofMhoBJBBfcBj 01/01/200S •tfoBdhBj 06000005

• Check iiiiHriHiboKi £ IntlW report _ a-nf,of«fck« _ A—"repor t ^_ nn§i report I MM^MH mf B^^MH|^^^|BM «T 1« •• •••• •• ft Unitio«PDopfe far Victory 20-1391395

1730 Rhode AvtNWSta712 Chyon WHhfafttn, DC 20036 Kl O

fcNHHCTC Helen Hum 1730 Rhode Uwl A«c NW Stt 712 O Wafaingioii. DC 20036 O Helen Hani 1730 Rhode bind Aw NW SK 712 Wuhhttjoo, DC 20036

1730 Rhode Island Ave NW Sk 712 City orlMiB, ital*, ud ZIP t Wuompoa. DC 20036

9 Tyft •• nport (chock ooty MM bn|

^ rmtojuortcriy rapoit Monthly nport fcr te flnmh of: (due by April IS) (duo by fee 20th d*y fcllow«f die moaJh ihown above, except the Deconber report, wfajebtodw by Jeoouy 31) (due by July 15) Pic-ekction report (due by die 12* or 154 dey before Ac election) •^ Hani ojurtcriy raport (DTypcofekctioii: (doe by October 1 5) l _ YB C3) For the MM oft , rtirt^ena^ckcttoa report (cue by Ae30didiy after ra^ Mid-ycv report (Non-ff4ection yevonly-dyobyJoly3l) (2)ForlhBiMiof.

f Total u -...« . A S 7634S

lOTiviH rhidOrhMtaliilQ M. S 84327 UndorponiiHK of parjuy .1 dectaro thot 1 ran* « mJMMomertfcWrttolhobiiilofn^knowtartgo •nd bcnl . II Is irm coirocL ond comploio Helen KM 08/08/2005 Sign L L Hw» f Siynalura of aUlharUed official F DaUt

\m\ John Hartal. TTEE JOHN HUNTING AND ASSOOATE3/ENVIR CbMfcctinfBort Efforts Gnnd topi*. Ml 49503


I DPI CWA-GOPEPCC 50l3riSt,N.W. t*f 1 -2797 NA S5000 Dttfrf $5000 01/24/2005

(••IZIPcodt Fncndi of John Kcny* si ic S»NE $5000 DMiC 03/01/2005 Ki I ZIP EMILY'S L*-NF Find O ll20ConwcticalAvoNW. 1100 AiMUtoT WMbkittoa. DC 20036 NA $500 CNI AH DMBlf $500 03/290003

O ^^ ^i CBMBHiliin HMI Elloiti ^ WoQdHOB.CA 94062 S10000 D^t«r S10000 06/16^005

I ZIP I NA 2131 k«HW NA $730 Dtfi $730 02/01/2005 n*t I ZIP* Voica ferWwkintFi NA H8l6di>tNW,4difl NA $3030 DMilf $3030 03/01/2005 Form 8872 (11-2002) 1 Schedule B I ZIP. ACORN NA SIOOO 739SdiStSE Datarf NA 01/25/2005

Tirol I ZIP. Self SI500 1730 Rhode bknd Ave. NW. Suite 712 , DC 20036 03/01/2005

Q ReiaAuned for peri-tin* coflnltinifcei I ZIP n| TobyFifctn BatEflfbm SS65 MCI ^ NA. NY 10000 CaaductmfBflrtEflbm 01/27/2005 IN Twvel

I ZIP tor O usSA NA $643 Q 14l3k«NW.Mifl MM DM if ^ WMhinfton, DC 20005 NA 01/25/2005

Travel I I ZIP i Self $3304 1730 Rhode nlmd Ave, NW wile 712 D>te« 03/01/2005

I ZIP NMM of ndphilfi HclcnV.HHtt $2000 1721 Hwy 130 E DMi« ShclbyvilKTN 37160 02/23/2005

Consulting Pea IZIP< Cvta|HMidiSavlea.lM NA SI8 9I5MSL.NW Drt . DC 20001 NA 03/140005


NA S9 915 5* St. NW DMiof Wuhincton, DC 20001 NA 04/11/2005

I ZIP i EcfaoDiaoLLC NA $1501 RK Itatet Arih*m.VA 22205 NA 02/01/2005 Sun Ann $520 3Gnanwj D** ftoUnxTX 77046 CoodnctimBatEflbrti 01/24/2095

fcrcopic* •dZV Helen V. HUM $2500 172IHwyl30E DMtaT SMbyvillo. TN 37160 Dinctor 03/01/2005

Sdf $9000 1730 Rhode Iibad Aw. NW Sahe 712 Dfltevf Wufainftoa. DC 20036 06O2/200S K1 Kl OanultiniFwi O IV. AMMOM tf Expcadtarc Robattl NA $5000 1730 Rhode hind Aw. NW, Suite 712 UK Datorf* WahBgtoa. DC 20036 NA 06/22/2005 O O

Robtitl NA 1730 Rhode bbnd A«e. NW. Suite 712 •H NA

CaawWniFca «¥*• IBP MJM.AP. NA S54998 Itodpii DHB vf Liattkura Hd^tt, MO 21090 - I9S2 NA 01/16/2005

! Center i

NA $421 500 Simla Drive Dtttfe FraniafbHii.MA01702 NA 01/2672005


Vc NA $143 P.O. Box 1915 Drtttf Betovinc,MD 20704 NA 01/07/2005

NA SM 101 mufael met. tote 700 Dnief Sen FT»chw,CA 94103 NA 01/19/2005 IZIPi Wotting' HA S99 101 BMtemtct wile TOO Sea Frew*. CA 94105 NA 02/23/2005

IZIF< Naa* •frarlpli.fi Vcra NA $8 P.O. Box 1915 D* BdUvilk.MD 20704 NA 03/25/2005

none Service

IZIPi Vcrim NA $9 P.O. Bo* 1915 RM M Betovilk,MD 20704 NA 04/11/2005

Phone Scivicc O iar WofkinfAaels NA SS 101 NMcet Street Sute 700 Suid FmciMO. CA 94IOS NA OMOOOOS O O Phone Service