Lincoln and Emancipation: a Man's Dialogue with His Times
DOCUMRNT flitSUP48 ED 032 336 24 TE 499 934 By -Minear, Lawrence Lincoln and Emancipation: A Man's Dialogue with His Times. Teacher and Student Manuals. Amherst Coll., Mass. Spons Agency-Office of Education (DREW). Washington. D.C. Bureau of Research. Report No -CRP -H 1 68 Bureau No-BR-S-1071 Pub Date 66 Contract -OEC 5-10-158 Note-137p. EDRS Price MF-$0.75 HC Not Available from EDRS. Descriptors -*Civil War (United States),*Curriculum Guides, Democracy, Government Role, *Leadership Qualities, Leadership Styles, Political Influences, Political Issues, Political Power, Role Conflict, Secondary Education, Self Concept. *Slavery. *Social Studies. United States History Identifiers -*Abraham Lincoln. Emancipation Proclamation Focusing on Abraham Lincoln and the emancipation of the Negro, this social studies unit explores the relationships among men and events, the qualities of leadership. and the nature of historical change. Lincoln's evolving views of the Negro are examined through (1) the historical context in which Lincoln's beliefs about Negroes took shape, (2) the developments in Lincoln's political life, from 1832 through 1861, which affected his beliefs about Negroes, (3) the various military, political.. and diplomatic pressures exerted on Lincoln as President which made him either the captive or master of events, (4) the two Emancipation Proclamations and the relationship between principle and expediency, (5) the impact of the emancipation on Lincoln's understanding of the conduct and purposes of the war and the conditions of peace, and (6) Lincoln's views on reconstruction in relation to emancipation, Inlcuded are suggestions for further reading, maps. charts. and writings from the period which elucidate Lincoln's political milieu.
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