International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in the Kyrgyz Republic 6, Ryskulov Street, 720001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Telephone: + (996) 312 61 24 56 Fax: + (996) 312 61 24 60 Email: offi
[email protected] IOM International Organization for Migration IOM International Organization for Migration МОМ Международная Организация по Миграции МОМ Международная Организация по Миграции МЭАУ Миграция боюнча Эл Аралык Уюму МЭАУ Миграция боюнча Эл Аралык Уюму УДК 314 ББК 60.7 Е-64 E-64 A. Chandonnet, Z. Mamadalieva, L. Orolbaeva, L. Sagynbekova, U. Tursunaliev, D. Umetbaeva. -Б.: Триада Принт, 2016. - 108 p. ISBN 978-9967-28-142-4 - Mission in the Kyrgyz Republic 6, Ryskulov Street, 720001 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Telephone: + (996) 312 61 24 56 Fax: + (996) 312 61 24 60 - publisher. The opinions expressed in this report represent those of individual authors and unless clearly labelled as such All photos by Antoine Chandonnet E 0703000000-16 УДК 314 ISBN 978-9967-28-142-4 ББК 60.7 © 2016 In ENVIRONMENT, CLIMATE CHANGE AND MIGRATION IN THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC Antoine Chandonnet Zuura Mamadalieva Lidiya Orolbaeva Lira Sagynbekova Uran Tursunaliev Damira Umetbaeva This research was realized in partnership with the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic IOM International Organization for Migration MESSAGE FROM THE MINISTRY OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS OF THE KYRGYZ REPUBLIC The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic, in collaboration with various institutions, includ- ing international organizations, is currently devoting significant efforts to study the impact of environmental and climate change on human security, on the availability of and access to natural resources, as well as on the ecological well-being of the country.