The Social and Economic Context for Sustainable Management of Juniper Forests in South Kyrgyzstan: the View from the Local Population
KAMEL CHORFI, ENGREF, NANCY, CO-ORDINATOR ith participation of Jean–Guénolé CORNET, Gabriella ROESLE, ENGREF, Nancy Aybek NADYRBEKOV, SFS, Rahat MURZAKMATOVA, FRI & Ormon SULTANGAZIEV, AUB, Bishkek THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONTEXT FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF JUNIPER FORESTS IN SOUTH KYRGYZSTAN: THE VIEW FROM THE LOCAL POPULATION September 2004 Kamel CHORFI, ENGREF, Nancy, Co-ordinator with participation of Jean–Guénolé CORNET, Gabriella ROESLE, ENGREF, Nancy Aybek NADYRBEKOV, SFS, Rahat MURZAKMATOVA, FRI & Ormon SULTANGAZIEV, AUB, Bishkek THE SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC CONTEXT FOR SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF JUNIPER FORESTS IN SOUTH KYRGYZSTAN: THE VIEW FROM THE LOCAL POPULATION September 2004 2 The Co-ordinator: Born in 1964, Kamel CHORFI has graduated in USSR with a “Master in forest engineering” from the Voronej Forest Technical Institute (VLTI). From 1990 to 2002, he successively acted as the head of the Forest Management Department in the Regional Office of Forest Development (ORDF) in Batna (Algeria), as Project Manager in the Hungary-Canadian wood processing entreprise PATELLA in Budapest (Hungary), as a scientific assistant in the Agro-Forest Management Society, SAFA-Aurès (Algeria), and as the head of technical department in the Agricultural Concessions Society (SCA) in Batna (Algeria). In 2003, Kamel CHORFI obtained a “Master in wood science” from the French Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (ENGREF). He is currently scientific assistant of the JUMP project and doctoral applicant at the Laboratory of Forest Policy, ENGREF, Nancy, specialising on the social and economic aspects in forest management plans elaboration. Laboratoire de Politique Forestière de l’Ecole Nationale du Génie Rural, des Eaux et des Forêts (ENGREF) Nancy, France.
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