PORTLAND DAILY PRESS labor with literary seminaries in this way, and all those of which I have knowledge have INSURANCE. MISCELLANEOUS. • sooner or later failed. It is not too much to BUSINESS i$ published at No. 81* EXCHANGE STREET, _INSURANCE. __MEDICAL. CARDS. say, that except under very peculiar circum- LITTLE’S in FOX BLOCK, by stances, they always will fail. Now is it not BH.OWN’8 JOHN C preposterous to suppose that any of our col- Fire & Life Insurance PROCTEB, N. A. FOSTER A CO. Agency. leges would ever consent to enforce on their Portland Commercial College. Real Estate and students so large a portion of their labor as Established in l©f the the year paper will ba discontinued. suit the general routine of the The College, Cincinnati, Ohio, the llr.t and oldest in the college. United States. and Grain and Single oopies three cents. farm will allow no such Western My teaching plan, are modern, Floor, Meal, intermeddling with Insurance Co., most Feed, and the improved and approved, as the Jirst Th* MaixbState Press is published every Thurs- its wants. But how could a OK PITTSFIELD, MASS. No. lOO Commercial corps ol profess- clast business men have and will testify. Street. day at 82.00 per annum in advanoe; 82.26 ors in a itself a Cash and LIFE ARABIA! FROST. morning, college adapt to such state of Capital Surplus.fwf qqq INSURANCE. &TPractically tauykt.s* followsBook-Keeping ADD1SO* FRT*. if within six months; and if bo as that? Navigation, Commercial Law, Native, Business and paid 82-60, payment things Would either the system or 4. 1968. Ornamental Writing. Commercial Arithmetic. Cor- Portland, February eodtf delayed beyond the year. the farm yield? Most the farm Fire Insurance certainly City Company, New Life Insurance respondence. Card Marking, Ac. Teaching from could as little OF England not; likely is it that the college HARTFORD, CONN. printed writing oopies and text books are avoided. would. Cub Capital and COMPANY, Each Student receives separate instruction. Intri- OF FREE AND MIDDLE STS., Boys, Boys, Boys. Surplu..S830,000 cate Accounts adjusted. Certain Hates of Advertising: Again, and most important, perhaps, of all, ESTABLISHED.DECEMBER 1, 1848 evenings will be dovoted to Law Lectures, if -DEALER I*- in an school, if it is intended to be expedient. attention riven to CCTTOTQ ul 26 first week; 76 cents week agricultural Merchants' Insurance Or Mr B would refer to a recommendation from 81 per square daily per worth Company Boston. PARTICULARMAKING ROTS' GARMENTS. anything, it is evident that the relations OF HARTFORD, CONN. his .Students of this city, who are acting as business by after; three insertions or leas, 81-00; continuing ev- CASH CAPITAL,ti.372.048 74, INVESTED. of tile teachers to the farm, to all its doings Caah Capital and men, accountants. Ac containing above four hun- Fine Pure A. D. other after first week, 60 cents. Surplu,.$3(0,000 dred a of mar Chemicals, Drugs, REEVES, Tatter, ery day and must be close and con- signatures, part which be seen in print practical pursuits, Company divide* its net to the life in the hall at the Half sqnare, three insertions or less, 76 seats ; one earnings entrance to his Rooms, a few of M EXCHANGE STREET. stant. It is for the farm to flour- THIS holders, (not iu sorfp as some which are as follows. cents impossible North American Fire Insurance policy companies week, 81.00; 60 per week after. Co., do.)in five years. GENUINE ish wllhoot separate teachers of its own, de- cash, every We have been taught by actual that MEDICINES, Portland. Aajr *. 1883. dip head of OF HARTFORD. CONN. Amount of Cash Dividend experience, Under AuuiiKsm, 8^.00 per square per voted to its interests. For these In- paid by this Company the method of instruction pursued by Mr R. N. wholly Cash and in 1868 to Life Members was three insertions or Capital Surplu,.S3SO.OOO Brow*, of this city, in the art of EKLISI, rtUCI Ml illllCM wekk; less, 81.50. terests alone, their duties will be as many and teaching Writing runmi, JOB* T. ROGERS 4c and the complicated series of has CO., as inau would wish to bear. Book-Keeping, Special Notices, 81.76 per square first week, important any Manhattan been eminently successful, and we take pleasure in Fire Insurance $335,000. AND FANCY ITPTI PT*0 1 81.00 week In conclusion, let me say I do not see how Company, publicly our indebtedness to him GOODS. per after; three insertions or less, 81 26; OF CITY. Premiums may be paid in caah, or in quarterly or acknowledging for man can reflect well on the ■emi-annual whatever skill and in accounts we half a three one any large scope payment.,; or when for whole life, ther facility adjusting sqnare, Insertions, 81.00; week, Cash Capital and mar now possess: APOTHECARIES' GLASS WARE. POREIOM an institute of must Surplu,.8375,000 may be paid hair caah. and the balance in caah on 81.26. agricultural high grade* Philip Henry Brown, Jas. Oloutt Brown. LEECHES, SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. without Are years, with internet. Amount taken in one Stephen necessarily have, becoming sensible H. Cummings. W. W Thomas. Jr., Samuel Chad- TRUSSES. SUPPORTERS, RRACES. Hubihebb Notices, in columns. 12 oents Thames Fire Insurance ABC WBOLBSALB DSALBB* IB reading that a connection between such a Company, wick, Augustus Cummings, Jasou John 8. ELASTIC STOCKINOS. ,c. practical OF $15,000. Berry. per line for one insertion. No charge less than fifty and of our is NORWICH, CONN. Russell. Fred. A. Prince, John U Hall, £ school any colleges neither desi- George -ILM- Floar, Provisions and cents. Caah Capital and FREE POLICIES. Thompson. John B Covle.Jr., Fred. H. Small, John ProMaeo rable nor possible. Oxuehlot. Surplu,.8150,000 M. Premiums may be paid in ten years—no forfeiture Stevens, and 300 others. Leoal Notices at nsoal rates. after. 1ST The services of a Sea is secured to VARNISHES, Vo. 189 Commsreisl •See for an account of the courae of Atlantic Mutnal teach Captain PAINTS, OILS, Street, Advertisements in instruction, Insurance Company, WILLARD Navigation, who has had 40 years inserted the Maxes 8tate the practical operation*, and the duties connected PHILLIPS, President. experience OF EXETER, N. H. Bbi»j. F. Stevens, as a practitioner. feb3 d A w3m33 PORTLAND. Mb. PbjgM has a circulation in of with the agricultural school at Secretary. AND (which large every part Urignon, France, DYE-STUFFS, JOBB T. BOO BBS. DBAS. B. BOOBBS. the model school of oar r*PM»l. 8104,000 Policies are issued on the life, or for a the for 88 cents in addition to the perhaps times and the near- term of years, State) per square or ou Janaary Dt. 1868. cat to meeting the wants of our own country, Col- certain contingencies. Creditors may insure NOTICE. KEROSENE OIL, LARD janl a* above rates fbr each insertion. ntan’s "European Agriculture and Rural their debtors on time OIL, Economy," Portsmouth Mutual Insurance undersigned. and Transient advertisements must be for in ad- or Barnard's "Xslionai Education in Co., ”Mv obiect is to call attention to the fact that a f|lHR Importers Commission And >11 other articles paid Europe.” OF 1. Merchant* of nauallr kept in > Dm and JOHN W. PERKINS A PORSMOUTH, N. H. policr oi Life Insurance is the aud safest Portland, in order to make the CO„ vance. cheapest custom of this Paint oatabliahmeot. mode of a for one's port couform to that of all others in WBOLBSALB DBALBBB c»plt»l.#100,000 making provision family.”—Ben- this III jamin Franklin. country, hereby agree—That from aud after this date, they will in all ca*e* vessels State A The undersigned will wait upon persons desiring require by which (V sent for DAVIS k KIDD'S MAG- All communications intended fbr the Grand Mntnal Insurance they ship goods, to receive them along and ET* paper Closing Out Sala Rockingham Co., to effect Life Insurauee. at his office, or at their own may side, NETO-ELECTRIC MACHINES. aodkwtoctl Paints, Oils, Varnishes, to all stevedores’ bills on the should be directed to the “Editor of the Press,” and -OF- OF EXETER, N. H place of business, and assist them in making applica- pay same. The ship- Capital.#108,000 tions. per* shall have the privilege or designating the ste- IKCC8, HI Stem. CLASS t-ioso of a business character to the Publishers. vedore* to be ST 50.000 VAU, KITCHEN FURNISHING in Portland mav be made to the follow- employed. BOTTLES 80LD-E2 GOODS, References Portlaud. 13. 18d8. nr The Portlaed Daily and Maiee State Dwullino*. Store,. Merchandize, Hocae* ing parties: Messrs. H. J. Libby k Co,. Steele k February hold Hares, Ezra Messrs. J. B. Brown k Wellcome'* Remedies! FLUID, KER08EVE Panes Office, in Fox Block. No. WILLOW Furniture, and other good in the Carter, Jr.. Howard k Rtrout, 8ou*. Hersey. Fletcher k Co., Important OIL, *e„ 82f Exchange ft WOODEH WARE, property W city, or country towns, insured on mvormble Geo. Woodman,Rsq., Messrs. John Lynch k Co.. Chase, Brothers k Co., St.John Smith, Street, is at all hours the and eve- highly SO Commercial Thomas open daring day terms for one, three or Hexekiah Packard, Ew|. John Lynch k Co.. A. L. Street, jtre yearn. Hobson, I to Block, ning, from 7 o'clock la the morning to 9 in the Thomas Asencio k Co., J H Haralen, began offer mv remedies for sale I was Fancy Goods and All losses promptly adjusted At office. timid, aud Toys. my JOHN W. MUNGER, H. I. Robinson, John D Lord, WHEN spoke cautiously, fearing I might jal»dkwly PORTLAND. ME. evening. Agent, act the()a«ck. But having them in all W. D. Iffo* 166 Fore head of R. Churchill k Co., Hophui Eaton, proved forma LITTLE, Agrnf. Street, Long Wharf, Geo. 8. of aoch diseases as are to, and nr Joe Priwtieo of every description executed our entire Hunt, Isaac they adapted teeing «toek to be Mid within mehl7 dfcw38 dec 19 Dyer, the effect* of them >M Coat*, the PORTLAND. ME. eodly Phinney k Jackson, Isaac L. astonishing m the cure of the Pant*, Vests, Jackets, with dispatch; and all business pertaining to the of- POSITIVELY,next THIRTY DAYS: Came, moet Isaac Emory, Nat h i J. Miller, diatreaaing ca-es, in all classes of couMtitutiooa. fice or transacted on as tf" would invite nil to cull und and of disease, aud paper promptly application look at our Thos. W. O Brion, Eu ward Hamblin, stages having received thousands -xK. Lsdioo’ goods The will be us of testimonial* of the moat Riding Habit*, 4c., above. prices low. we iutend to close ATLANTIC N. O. Cram. H 8tarr, flattering character, we the business the Brst of George now apeak with Cat, mad* sad trimmed up April. Jonas H. Perley, J. k D. Lord, all boldness, confident that they are by We would above all other*. say to those who are in want of anv Mutual Emery k Fox, A. k 8. E Insurance Spring. The Great Grrxah Cocoa A. D. REEVES, • goods in our line, that this it a rare chauce to bu"v Company, )• Remedy—For Taller, Thursday Morning, March 10. 1863. 51 all diseases the Thro U and — goods CHEAP. Cali soou at Wall St«,(cor. of William)Mew At a meeting of the signers of the above, held at qf Lungs \Ve refer to M York, a few cases. EXCHANGE STREET, the Room of Me*«r* N. Dickson, of Boston. Ms** .; Eid 8 January 27tb, 1868. Counting Chase. Bros. Ik Co., K. SMITH ft BOYD’S, Monday afternoon. March 2d. much Partridge. Whitefield. Me.; Mr. S. Bradlev, V|1 Portlaad. Ainit«. HMS dly An Agricultural indignation enna. Me.; Mrs. T. Her College. was expressed on account of reports circula ed ley, Newcastle, Me.; Mias Under Mechanic's Insurance against Marine and. In- by Amanda Hallo Mr*. D. Hell, Congress iaterosted parties that the merchants would, and Lougee. well, My; N. Kidder. To the Editor of the Press : Bristol. N. Mrs. land some already had, broken an agreement entered into H; Weedon, Holland, Vt; and hun- “Home mcM dtf Corner of Navigation Rieka. dred.* of Will you allow me to make a few remark* Casco Street. for their mutual The others, cured or bad case* of Bronchitis Again!” protection. following Resolu- Eld. A. C. iu to a part of Xk article in the Pres* of tion was adopted: Hodgkins. Vienna; Mrs. B W.*odside. reply Bruno wick; Mr undersigned would laform hi, old friend! on Reeolted, That we will not charter a vessel Joseph Pord. Jefferson. Me; Mary Wednesday last, “The Agricultural Col- Assets, over Seven Million through 8. Bur THEand the public, that attar an absence of LAWYERS OF . Dollars, broker who shall to rough. Provhleuce. R. 1., aud many others twenty. As any propose us as a condition the (tea rear,, he hae returned to hi* lege.” your space is too limited for a viz — cured of the most cases of uative place and loug violation of the above agreement. distressing Phthisic. of or Mrs W W purchaaed Mr. Tbomae Richard, hi* iuterwt ta minute discussion of the matter, I will en- United States and State of New YSrk mch5 d3w Patten. Topaham; Mr*. F. Wmalow, Yarmouth; Mr*. J. H. Conaui, Kiclimoud. Me deavor to be as brief as possible. & Stock. City, Ban* and other Stocks, 9t 616.960 58 .cored Bailey of case* of lutlueuza and wheu With the sectarian of the Noyes Loans secured by Stocks, audo* her wise, 1,446.330 47 Cough evervthlng aspects question Rail Road else failed. Childreu of D. Tarr, Litchfield, of Street Will Publish Real Estate aud Bonds and Mortgages, 288,760 00 Bond*. Capt. Bakery, 1 hare nothing to do; but to come at once to Wednesday,march 18, J. Lawrence. Yarmouth, and more than oth- where will be Divideuds on Stocks, Interest on Bonds of the .econd mortgage Bo ids of the twenty manufactured the varieties of BREAD what I wish to I believe that an OFFICE OF THE ers. cured of Croup, sum** of whose lives were saved found in winilar say, agricul- and Mortgagesand other Loans,sundry HOLDERSKennebec tod Portland Railroad Co., with all eetabdehmenu: fbd be bopas. by A HISTORY by it, all other rmn *die* tailing. Kor common co ds, eloee to tural school should be a strictly specific, inde- Notes, re-insurance aud other claims the intereatoup in* thereon due on the 15th of Oc- application btwiue«, and an endeavor to hoarseness, coughs, sore lung*, fco thousauds testi- merit a■ hare of that Or the due the Company, estimated at 122.888 58 tober. 1502. are herebr to the name pleaM.to patronage pendent institution, and auy attempt to LAW,the COURTS,ss4 the LAW. requeatoil depoait fy it is the best and ever used. Premium Notes aud Mills Receivable, 2,464.