I Breckinridge Long, • Retired Diplomat, Dies
THE EVENING STAR. Washington, D. C. A-10 IDM Samuel Kauffman, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER »¦ Bratb« Breckinridge Long, • Comdr. Harry C. Dobbs, Jr., LONG. THE BON. BRECKINRIDGE i Pioneer Grocer W ' L&'tS: llmmlimj Bratlta husband of Christine O Lon* and Navy Officer, Civil Engineer father of Mra, Arnold WUlcox. At Market Here AND FLETCHER, WILLIAM A. On Tuei- may Oawler'a Chapel. •All. IDA JOSKPB. There will September Frlenda call at Retired Dies 1958, Diplomat, Oraveside services will be be an unveiling of memorials for ¦ der. 23. at Freed- 1768 P* ave. n.w. IcourtjMv Bark- men's Hospital. WILLIAM A. ing opposite), iarvlcat will be held Samuel Kauffman, 80, one of p.m. Monday ¦¦¦ held at 1 In Ar- FLETCHER of S3* Que at. n.w. at the Washington Cathedral. Mount Breckinridge Long. 77, retired < :• A.v grocers b dtkA firf.ffjss of Alice Fletcher, on Monday. September the first wholesale at lington Cemetery am., at th, Ada, farael Hebrew beloved husband Roy. it Athens, for Comdr. Conaracatlon Cemetery. 1488 Ala- father of Ella Briscoe. Edna 29, at 3 pm. Interment private ; diplomat who served as an As- the Union Terminal Farmer*’ Harry bama av, i t Relative, and friendY Elienora Harris. Alberta. Oeorae Friends who M dealre may mnke Clarendon Dobbs, Jr., a Invited and Raymond Fletcher: hratbgr of contributions to th* Children'! Hos- sistant Secretary State dur- Market here, died yesterday at naval officers many years Bertha Johnson-Sadie, Edith, Susie pital. 28 of for and George Fincher He atoo is Washington Hospital Center. a Metropolitan HITT. RACHEL.
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