1 I N G H a M T Y N E W S 1 NEW C U M PROPOSE for Insurai
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// you seek a delightful People run in dtbt but peninsula, look about you. craid out. —Motto of Michigan, 1 INGHAM TY NEWS 1 Seventy-fourth year, No. 52 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28,1933 12 Pages COMPLETES LONG SERVICE 12 Below Recoi'ded NEW cum PROPOSE LIS NIERESIG NEW YEAR At Disposal Plant The Steam Roller FOR INSURAi COMPANY PfiOMIAXCOLLEl Mason was one of the coldest Governor William A. Comstock called his democratic loaders together NPOLmCAlClfiCLES spots in the nation Wednesday Wednesday for the purpose of urging them to return to their homes ANNUAL MEETING AND ELEC HOSPITAL CHARGES ARE ONLY STATE TO BE BATTLE FIELD BE morning whon the inerciiry dipped and aid tho governor to put the "heat" on members of the Icgislaluro TION MONDAY, JANUARY 15. BILLS UNPAID. to 12° below zero on the offic TWEEN fMAJOR PARTIES. ial weather bureau thermometer at to return to the capitol next Wednesday and put over the administration Ohiirfior Lust Ameniliod In 1922—New Collection Of Delinquent Taxes And the disposal plant. The reading program for public works. "Notify your members that they are stand Alex Groosbock Seen .^s PosHlblo Re- publlciui Choice To Oppose Charter To Bo SlnipIUicdf. Endors Current Levy Aliling Coimty In waa taken at seven o'clock. Most ing in the wny of a steam roller that will crush them," urged the gover ed By Insurnnce OoinniLs.sl()n. Paying Claims. Grtvenior Cninstock. other readings in Michigan were nor to his henchmen. six and seven below zero. In accordance with recommenda Clarence W. Lock, county treasurer, The undersigned is a member of the legislature, lip to date not a By V, J, Brown tions of the state department of in reports that with the possible excep single voter has called or written him on the subject of this PWA pro The year 1934 is certain to present some interesting possibilities from the surance the bonrd of directors have tion of several large hospital bills that gram. If thero is a steam roller hereabouts he has not yet heard its announced that the members of the Ingham county will be able to pay all standpoint of politics and election rumble. Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co, claims allowed by the supervisors De DEBTCOMMinEE contests. In 1932 this country of Ingham county wiii vote on the ad cember 11 before the end of the week. Do the people of the second district of Ingham county wish their witnessed a political upheaval un option of a uniform charter for their JAMES H. SHAFER Payment of delinquent taxes through representative to ignore the constitution of the state, or worse yet ridi paralleled in the history of the nation. Today, 10 months after his inaugural. organization at the annual meeting to Mr. Shafer will complete nino years the Home Owners Loan organization cule it, by declaring an insurrection exists among our people for the MNeFORINGtlAM Franklin Delano Roosevelt is perhaps be lield at Mason Monday, January 15, of service as superintendent of the and the payment of 1933 taxes has purpose of permitting tho state administrative board to plunge the state the most popular president ever to oc According to Louis A, Stid, secretary poor on December 31. He was first yielded tho county enough cash to pay TO ARBITRATE CIJ\IMS OF DEBT into debt to the tune of .¥30,000,000 and then permit the same adminis cupy Lho White House. His daring of tho Farmers Mutual, the state divi elected to tho county office in October its debts. Several Lansing firms ORS AND CREDITORS. approach to economic problems, the sion of mutual insurance companies of 1924. Ho began his duties January which had claims against the county trative board to spond the money on million-dollar additions to tho slate extent to which congress delegated to has been placing considerable stress 1, 1925, William S, lihodes of Mason and at the same time owed delinquent Four Men And Ono Wonuui Chosen office building, ornate administration buildings at the university, bridges on the adoption of the uniform charter taxes have swapped accounts. To Help Debtors And Creditors him its constitutional authority, tho will succeed Mr, Shafer as superin across the straits of Mackinac and similar foolish ventures under tho speed wilh which the executive has and have pointed out that such a tendent. The county's cash shortage was Rcucli Agrecniciils. move is of vital necessity if mutual caused by the impounding of about guise of building hospitals? About lj;i5,000,00O is the last cent which tho acted upon fundamental questions, tho companies are to remain in business. ?185,000 in the closed Capital National Governor William A. Comstock last state can honestly spond on necessary hospital additions. Your repre extent to which he has gone in putting new ideas into practice, has stunned With the proposed charter the bank of Lansing, and other closed week appointed a farm debt adjust sentative is ready to vole for that providing he is not required to declare banks in East Lansing, Holt and Wil his opposition and thrilled his follow company will also revamp the policy ment committee for Ingham county. war to do it. VEIERANOFIRLDIR liamston. A sum of ?145,000 is in the ers. form to conform with the adopted leg Governor Comstocli named four men islative bill of the last session. The Capital National. A 40 per cent pay and a woman to serve. Those ap Do the people of the second district desire their rcprosentative to Within the next throe months policy will bo used immediately after off has been promised for several pointed are Joe Linn of Lansing, a placo in the hands of city and village councils and lownship boards the comes tho tost. Already low mutler- the annual meeting. OlESONCiSIlSEVE weeks taut final approval for the bank former road commissioner and a for right to issue bonds without tho vote of the people and build water ings of dissatisfaction vvith Roosevelt opening has not yet been forthcoming. mer elevator manager in Williamston; policies aro being heard, low mutter- To ClKinge t>I(^elilng Date FIVE CHILDREN LBFf FATHER works, sewage plants, electric light plants, street car systems, subways, The proposed charter provides that Huge sums arc also owed the coun William Bloinkohl, Lansing attorney; ings Of contemplated sabotage and LESS BY PNEUMONIA. canals, etc, etc,? If thoy do lei's hear from tho voters to that effect. tho dale of tlio annua! meeting be ty by the slate. These sums are being Xlfrcd Walters, Holt retired farmer; possible reprisal, once congress gels paid as sales tax receipts mount. Mr. E, P, Kenny, Meridian farmer; and The bill to permit cities to engage with the federal government In in action, A great deal of this rebel changed from the third Monday in Mark L. Morrison, 38, Father Of Five Lock believes that the crisis has pass Mrs. Satio Poxson Bateman, Lansing lion against executive authority conies Januai-y of each yeiu- to tho third Sat OhildTcii, DlcH, Buried With rebuilding slum districts is not so bad. The government takes a mort ed for the county. With township and democratic leader. from vvithin the party of the presi urday of January. Tlie annual meet fMllll.iiry Honors. gngo against the properly as its security. If Washington is so an.xious ing of the board of directors of the cily treasurers making frequent set The duty of the committee is to act dent. Republicans can be expected lo tlements vvith the counly on 1S33 tax to spend its money that it is willing to /nke tlint chance, perhaps it play a clover game of lying in wait to Company will be held on the sooond There wasn't any Christmas for as mediator and arbitrator between collections, with the state paying past- may as well be spent In Michigan as elsewhere. If the governor could take advantage of every turn of the Tuesday following tlio final adjourn Mrs. Mark L. Morrison of Aurelius debtors and creditors upon the appli due items from the sales lax and with political wheel of chance, ment of the annual meeting in Janu and hor five little ehildren for on tho cation of either. The committee is keep his own Wayne county delegation in the senate sober enough to promised bank pay-offs the county ary, night before Christmas the husband charged with tho task of so operating attend sessions this bill would now bo on his desk tor signature. Mluhigiui Dlll'ors should have funds available to meet The charter the members will vote and father died of pneumonia at tho that creditors may receive as much as In Michigan there is a different pic ail bills in the coming months, ho These aro Lhe measures which the governor insists aro vital to the upon is considerably siinplined in Orr hospital in Mason. Mark L. Mor possible of their respective claims ture, indeed. At Lansing the admin points out. security of lhe people of Michigan, form and carries many provisions be rison, .38, a veteran of the World war, witliout stripping the debtor of all istration of William A, Comstock, lieved by tho company's officials to bo was stricken with pneumonia Decem On Individual BasLs that he possesses. Are the taxpayers as anxious for these bills as aro the tnx spenders? governor, has not gotten away to so beneficial to every member. The of ber 16, Ho was brought to the Orr Mr. Lock explains that the county In a letter of instructions state of If so lot's havo your letters or call 275, 238 or 55 on the telephone.