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SSuunnddaayy iinn tthhee OOccttaavvee ooff EEaasstteerr,, AApprriill 33,, 22001166 Franciscan Sisters of Chicago 11400 Theresa Drive Lemont, IL 60439 630.243.3600 Prayer for the Sunday after Easter: HHHeeeaaavvveeennnllllyyy FFFaaatttthhheeerrr aaannnddd GGGoooddd ooofff mmmeeerrrcccyyy,,,, wwweee nnnooo llllooonnngggeeerrr llllooooookkk fffooorrr JJJJeeesssuuusss aaammmooonnnggg tttthhheee dddeeeaaaddd,,,, fffooorrr hhheee iiiisss aaalllliiiivvveee aaannnddd hhhaaasss bbbeeecccooommmeee tttthhheee LLLooorrrddd ooofff lllliiiifffeee.... FFFrrrooommm tttthhheee wwwaaatttteeerrrsss ooofff dddeeeaaatttthhh yyyooouuu rrraaaiiiissseee uuusss wwwiiiitttthhh hhhiiiimmm aaannnddd rrreeennneeewww yyyooouuurrr gggiiiiffftttt ooofff lllliiiifffeee wwwiiiitttthhhiiiinnn uuusss.... IIInnncccrrreeeaaassseee iiiinnn ooouuurrr mmmiiiinnndddsss aaannnddd hhheeeaaarrrttttsss tttthhheee rrriiiissseeennn lllliiiifffeee wwweee ssshhhaaarrreee wwwiiiitttthhh CCChhhrrriiiissstttt aaannnddd hhheeellllppp uuusss ttttooo gggrrrooowww aaasss yyyooouuurrr pppeeeoooppplllleee ttttooowwwaaarrrddd tttthhheee fffuuullllllllnnneeessssss ooofff eeetttteeerrrnnnaaallll lllliiiifffeee wwwiiiitttthhh yyyooouuu.... TTThhhrrrooouuuggghhh CCChhhrrriiiissstttt ooouuurrr LLLooorrrddd.... AAAmmmeeennn.... Reflection on the Sunday Scripture Readings: WWhhaatt’’ss tthhee WWoorrdd?? MEETING THE LORD WHO HEALS AND FORGIVES US HAPPY EASTER! From now until Pentecost we have an When we live this new life boldly, publicly, ongoing, fifty-day-long celebration of the Resurrection. authentically, something dramatic happens; namely, our I hope you take it personally by listening to the Word togetherness in sharing the Lord's life brings growth to the of God attentively and putting it into practice in your lives, community and gives witness to the reality of his love (first because during this Easter Season the Sunday readings reading). from the Bible have a special structure and a particular What's the implication here for our faith community? meaning for you! First of all, we encounter the Lord of Mercy for ourselves Every Sunday – through the gospel reading – we not by being "doubting Thomases" (finding fault with encounter the risen Lord from a different perspective or everything new or different) but by believing (openness activity; this interaction gives us new life (described in a and acceptance in hope). distinct way in each of the second readings), which in turn This receptivity to the Risen Lord leads us to a new demonstrates the growth of believers or the development of experience of being alive by seeing things from a new the Body of Christ, the Church (as we see in the first perspective: new strategies for the fraternity's formation or reading each week). apostolate, new agendas for our individual and corporate On this conclusion to the week-long solemnity of lives of living the Gospel. Easter, which we call the "Second Sunday of Easter" or This type of newness energizes us and enthuses us to "Divine Mercy Sunday," we meet the Lord of Healing and embrace a renewed togetherness through liturgy and Mercy, Who brings us Peace because of his gift of volunteerism and a revitalized approach to evangelization, forgiveness and new life. especially in the neighborhoods around us. Encountering this mercy and healing of the Lord, in This is what the implication of Easter is all about! If turn, assures us of being truly and completely alive: "I was we are truly an Easter people, it must show in the way we dead, but now I am alive" (second reading). worship and the way we witness. Does it? Fr. Benet A. Fonck OFM Liturgical Observances This Week: instructing the people to observe the true teachings of their faith and to reform their lives. Monday, April 4: Today we observe a Weekday in the Easter Season . Wednesday, April 6: Today there are two options: We remember the Secular Franciscan virgin and martyr from near Bergamo, Italy, Blessed Pierina Morosini (1931-1957), who, like Saint Maria Goretti whose canonization she attended, was accosted on this tenth anniversary of that canonization by a young man who tried to rape her but who fought him off only to be clubbed repeatedly with a rock, dying after two days in a coma. Today we observe a Weekday in the Easter Season . Thursday, April 7: Today, again, three options: We celebrate the memorial of the Third Order religious Blessed Maria Assunta Pollotta (1878-1905) of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, whose humility, life of prayer, and guilelessness graced her missionary work in China and brought her to a holy death. We remember the priest, Saint John Baptist De La Salle (1651-1719), who devoted himself to the education of boys, established schools for the poor, and brought his companions together as a religious congregation (the Brothers of Christian Schools or Christian Brothers). Today we celebrate the great and wonderful Today we observe a Weekday in the Easter Solemnity of the Conception of our Lord Jesus Season . Christ by means of the Annunciation to the Friday, April 8: Today we observe a Weekday in the Blessed Virgin Mary by which the Archangel Easter Season . Gabriel told her of God’s plan for her to be the Mother Saturday, April 9: Today we observe a Weekday in of God, the Word-made-flesh and the God-with-us; the Easter Season or observe a Saturday Mass of called for her acceptance of God’s request; and Our Lady in the Easter Season. We also remember four declared to her that she would then and there conceive friars who were martyred in Armenia, Blessed Thomas of the Holy Spirit. of Tolentine (1271-1321), Blessed James of uesda 5: Tuesday, April 5: Three options again: Padua, Blessed Peter of Siena , and Blessed We honor the memory of Saint Mary Crescentia Demetrius of Tiflis (himself an Armenian or Höss (1682-1744) from Kaufbeuren Georgian), who committed themselves to live and near Augsburg, Germany, who fulfilled proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by conducting her Franciscan vocation within a Third vigorous missionary work in Persia and Armenia and who Order religious community first through – on their way to aid the missionaries in China – were menial tasks in the convent and then martyred by Mohammedans (Moslems). through her maternal affection and holy zeal as a superior and formation director. We remember the Dominican Saint Vincent The Lord Is Risen! Ferrer (1350-1419) from Valencia, Spain, who was a He Is Risen Indeed! respected teacher of theology, an effective preacher who Alleluia! converted many sinners during the time of the Inquisition, and a catalyst through his many travels for ©2016, Benet A. Fonck OFM .