Of Summit Yjici
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Red Cross Drive Red Cross Drive Month of March Month of March S7»K Y-r, No. It SUMMIT, N. J.. THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 Letter From France Htochd SwcctttM Privt 1M7 ffcaitme O« Hospital tart Amos Hiatt Again Root Buys City Hall; Pays Thanks Red Cross Elected President $60,000; Adopt Budget Production taps Adolph Root, president of Roofs Department Store at Sine* VJ Day the R«d Craw Of Summit YJiCi. At a meeting of the Board of Summit, bought the City Hall for $60,000 at a public auc- production Coif* of Summit hat tion held by Common Council Tuesday night. Mr. Root waft tten engaged principally is pro- Directors of the Summit Y. M. ducing garmentu for thi relief of C. A. held immediately following the only bidder. His bid was made by bia counsel. Judge destitute European* in the war the annual dinner meeting on last John L. Hughes. The possession of City; Hall ia to be re* ravaged areas. Letter* from the Thursday, Amos Hlatt was re* talned by the city for a period of seven months from tha recipients have shown their re- elected president of the Summit date of the sale, with the exception of a two-atony build* ipcnsc to tlst fjUla, Association for the coming year. ing containing the firehouse and two apartments for which The following letter waa receiv- Other officers who were also re- elected were Fred L. Palmer, vice- possession will be available not later than October 1,1948. ed from a f*enefc lawyer and has president, Holmes A. Cllver, re- The city will arrange to pay; been translated by Mrs. Henry cording secretary, and Robert O. rental for the Fire Department Way. chairman of the Produc- Ntw Nursing Director Peterson, treasurer. quarters and apartments front tion Corps of Summit: "It Is with The annual election of members the date of closing sale. Thf heartfelt emotion that my wife to the Board of Directors resulted rental shall not be la excess of tad I as well as my child thank In the re-election of John B. the yearly* taxes chsxgeabl* you front the bottom of ottr hearts Dougall, Fred L. Palmer, Robert aggalost the entire property and for the beautiful things we have O. Peterson, and Donald R. Vree- the monthly rental shall be fig* received from the American Red land, and the election-of Woodruff ured on such basis. Cross at Summit, New Jersey. My E. LUM, JR. MAJf. NT. MORFORD J. English, Harold T. Graves, Jr., No taxes shall be chargeable family consists of my mother, my of Washington avenue, Chatham, against the property for IMA, Will duties April 1. and Carleton W. Plerson. These wife, age 28, and my little daugh- Don G. Mitchell assume was elected la trustee of Over- Rent for the Fire Department Henry W. Harding look Hospital Summit, at a meet- men were all elected by the Y. M. ter of 4tt* Wo did very badly dur- C. A. membership to serve for a "headquarters will start January L, ing the mobilisation and the oc- ing of the boird held February 21. 1947, based on annual tax fig* Mr. Lum, (who was recently three-year period. Members of cupation of the enemy when we Reports Campaign fleeted President the nominating committee were ured on a monthly basis. Th* last all oar clothes and posses- Herbert Hazetton discharged from the navy after city reserves the right to the pos- having serveck as lieutenant com- Chester W. Sater, chairman, Er- lions. We never had enough to nest L. Fleming, M. A. Solmssen, session of Fire Headquarters to tat and we don't have suitable Goes Over the TopUnited Campaign mander, Is an attorney and coun- October 1, 1943, but may surren- Wins First Prize selor at law, associated with the Daniel Burke and W. A. Klncald. clothing for this cold climate with At a recent meeting of the 1946 Summit is already being organ- der possession prior to that date. ized for the 194? United Campaign 'inn of Lum! Fairlle & Wachen- no beat in the stove Trance was Central Committee for the United The cit> will retain possession, which, while hot scheduled until eld, Newari deprived of everythlnig and now Campaign, Don G. Mitchell, retir- In Bambertjer Show of the frames and doors of two* is lacking all after the occupation ing president, announced that the fall, la already commanding the Herbert Harelton of the Summit He is a Graduate of Pawling Dr. Max Gideonse storage vaults, cell blocks, court' for four years by UM Boache,, who drive had gone over the top, and attention and efforts of the new Junior High School, won a first School and Williams College, class room equipment, all metal par* filled themselves with everything that the goal of $112,500 had been campaign central committee. At a prize at the New Jersey Scholas- of 1927, and Mew York University titlons and furniture not included there was to fill themselves With. slightly exceeded. This ia the sec- recent meeting of the committee tic Art Exhibition now on at L. law school, tie Is also a mem- To Address League in the sale. The fire sirens and ond time in the history of United in the YMCA, Henry W. Harding ber of the board of directors of Accept, Madame, with our Bamberger * Co., Newark; His fire alarm system are not in* Campaigns that this success has of Blackburn place, was nom- entry k a water color in Group L Canoe Brojk Country Club, eluded in the sale and are to re- thanks, th* assurance of our been attained, the only other time nated by Don G. Mitchell, who Chatham Fuh and Game Asso- On British Loan and pictures a football game. It is "Th« British Loan and Its Im- main on the roof at City Hall deepest fteUlags .with lots of being in 1940, under the direction headed the successful 1946 cam- ciation and a member of the shown on another page of the Her- plications In World Trade' will be until October 1. 1948. kisses from our little daughter. of Livingston P. Moore and the paign, and Mr. Harding was board of trustees of the Morris ald. Herbert has done exceptional the topic of Dr. Max Qldeonse, pro- Following a public hearing Feb- Monsieur Le Goffe Charles". unanimously elected to lead the County YMC BeanorLambertsen late Oliver B. Merrill. work in art throughout his school fessor of economics at Rutgers ruary 19 on the 1949 tax and ap- According to Mrs. Varay "such drive this year. Mr. Mitchell, tinder whose lead- years, and expects to make it his University, before the League of propriation* budget for 1916 was letters are our applause and make ership the 1M8 campaign received Mr. Harding is president of the life work, Miss Adele Hepbroa, our work really worth while Pro- Women Voters Monday, March 11, Appointed Director unanimously adopted. the second largest amount df Manufacturers Chemical Corpora- Junior High School art Instructor, Summit's School 2 o'clock, at the Methodist par- In a public sate of land held duction workers are a hard work- pledges since,the inception of the tion and its subsidiary, the Chem- said. ing group, and there la not much ish house. Dr. Gldeonse, who was Of Overlook Nurses on tax lien by the city, Albert H. United Campaign in 1936, is execu- aco Corporation, both located in Herbert's brother, Philip Hazel- secretary of the Economic and Bierman of the Hotel Beechwoed glamour or glory attached to the Miss Eleanor C. Lambertwn, tive vice-president of Sylvania Berkeley Heights, and was for- ton, High-School student, took a Give Social Committee- at the San Fran- was the successful bidder for a sort of thing they do. They are who has been acting director of Electric Products, Inc., in New merly with the General Electric third prize in Division Q, Group 2, cisco Conference and for three lot at the corner of Oak Ridgtt also versatile. They have been nurses of Overlook Hospital since York, and lives in Oak Ridge ave- Company and the Celanese Cellu- in sculpture. The boys, are the years was advisor to the State De- avenue and Elm street "for $2,400, called upon to reupholsfcer chair To Foreran Schools January 1, was appointed Director nue. He has recently been ap- loid Corporation. Educated at sons of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hatel- partment on economic problems, Harry Brenn. a city njechanle teats and sofa cushions for Camp Two moni ago many Summit of the Nursing School and Nurs- pointed a member of the Summit Horace Mann High School and ton of De Forest avenue. 1 returned from London last Decem- waa the successful bidder for tW0 Kilmer, they can produce a row of residents, a •#. of tin real and ing Service on March 2. Board of Education. Hamilton College, Mr. Harding is Donald Geddis. Jr. H. &, the son ber, where he had «e*v«4 as. ad- lota at the corner of Lewis ave- targe Red Cross flags at the drop Immediate for schools la Eu- Miss Ljunbertnen graduated frnm a lay member of the 2*rotestant of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Geddis Of visor to s|r< "Stettlntus on eco- nue and Aubrey street. of a hat. and this year they fur- ropeaa rumfc} »v jgtaf* tte Ove-ldok SteU^'l of "-Uirfc ? Film Commission. He Is treasurer Linden place, wa*s\aw**%* a sec- Munic an/*> *owttl affairs since nished 215 chlnts curtains for started ibuting thr<ftij&<'the pjffftW-n.4 M» *'i''Jto» #*V,iA&.