PAINTER. Work, As the Deiail Was Car- Hibah Lodob, Nols.F
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"3T 35X 13 'WPAtssr SAyB-aaiyjsaS- ' 4 VOLUME 1. NEWTOWN, CO'., JAN. 31, W7M. JOHN T. PEARCE, Editor and Manager. Subscription Price, $1.00 A Year PHOFESSIONAL CARDS. There the chase stopped. If I pur. Before leaving the depot I examined A , Trap for Brigands. sued the object much further I was left my Doles. "On the 21t of January Za- WM. O. WILK, M. O., uualdbd to grope la the dark. none, alone, bad engaged apartments in HOW A BAND WAS WIPED OUT. the Rue Physician and Surgeon, Bandy Hook, Ot. Had It not been for one fact I should Racpart. His landlord said be nn.IIHBD ITMI TH0BS0AT. The Vsrdarelll band, so called from have abandoned, In Ihe press of oilier seldom went out saw no company.'' AT FAIRFIELD U. R. LIVE TOO LONG. their cbeif and bis brothers, had for NEWTOWN, COUNTY, CONN. N.BETTS, JR, . TO business, the matter at once. That one I was dumbfounded. The woman, more two committed A. A. Stmeel, - and D It la aad to lie down In the cold, cold grave. than years great Fut'r Vrop'r. fact, which told Die In the imperative then.dropped from the drama Hint night. ditor and DENTIST, When the mind is strong, and the hoart la brave depredations In Apulia, In 8outbern Italy J.T,fne, 1 Jfan'r. Sandy Hoob, Conn. voice of to bring every Into My theories and my It is sad to leave all that is lovely and fair duty faculty conclusions, then, at were allowed to A Year. My Offloe In Brooadeld la Wednes- were until, length they Nubscripllou Price, $1.00 opened every And to to be there. piny, and solve Ihe fate of Zanone, was falsa. I was bewildered. The day (over L. Osuorne'a store) . go the tomb, mouldering form a regular corps, etlll commanded But oh I if 'tis bitter to leave the world's throng, bis possession of the enorsnous sum of mystery thickened. by the same leader, who received a ADVERTISING RATES. K. BAKUER, M. D It ia aadder, far sadder, to livs too loug. 15,000, The mists of doubt and uncertainty monthly salary, and engaged to secure lwk. Iwks. Smos. mos. To see all that once we had doted upon What bas become of it f was the ques- arose about and left Ino. lyeer Omce and Residence, Centre Bethel, Conn. me, me Idly and the which be had so rav- St., Before us to rest and to happiness gone, tion which occurred lo me a thousand provinces long llnch, .71 1.25 2.(0 1.04 6.00 10.00 IPirtl Uauu etui o UtUutditt CAnrek.) hopelessly speculating upon the new from all In 125 7.00 15.00 And to stand, like a wither'd oak, blighted and aged similar attacks future. J Inch, IDS 1M U.00 times day. that now 1.75 I.M 4 00 t.UO 16.0B 10.00 weak. phase presented lUelf. I had In the Jlach, M. D. 1818, remains of this band pre- Ooi 1.00 8.10 4.50 11.00 18.00 15.00 RANK P. CLARK, There, as as the letters been confident The sole tree that survives the mad hurricane'! unmistakably tbut through the woman sented themselves to the com- 14 Col 1.00 4.50 .00 14.00 12.00 19.00 F of general 1 (wreck. fire on the wall, was the clue, the only I would track the victim. I Col 5.00 SUM 13.00 10.00 30.00 50.00 orncB WITH SB. CLASOX. had felt that manding at Foggia, and had an alterca- 0 talk not of life, earth's bright dwellings clue now left me. I was on Special MoUcee, Ten Cento per line lint, and Orer Malittad't Drug Sloit, the verge of discovery when tion with blm. CONN. among, I I Five for each DAHBUBV, must find what became of the money. lo the woman disappears. I'll nu subsequent insertion. For nothing can soothe him who Uvea too long. confess The general finally commanded the OFFICE HOUBS: to to , a. at.; 4 to 4, . m. Once I reviewed the facta. that felt Twiaient advertising payable lu advance. No more I that I had got my match in two leaders to bis own To know that the once echoing trumpet of Fame repair to apart- dead-bee- t taken. advertise-men- u ILLIAJI Unfortunately the same hand had trac- Elise Cameron. I knew advertising learly BURKE, Shall never more mention that valnelees name ; something of a ment to speak to them ; this they objected w ed the letter from Paris. I had to woman's Therefore payable at the end of each quarter. Pro. To know that none cars for hia bliss or his doom hoped cunning. I deter- to do without their de- ATTORN KY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, arnis.which they feanonal and Bueineaa Card ito not more 0 rather I'd ask the cold rest of the tomb. have found it a forgery. Again the light mined to proceed to my dis- clared occupy DANBURY, CONN, apartments, they would never part from ; and When glory has died , and the spirit of song bad left and was miss the mutter from than Are lines) (5.00 a year. Begular yearly Collcciisiu Office Blvck me, I feebly groping my miud for the it is that the r prompt. i.iBudic:'s vanl-he- supposed language Has 'tis bitter to live too long. in the called to aid tbey whose billa amount to 110 or over, will dark. Then I my night, sod enjoy a comfortable made use of iu the course A. evening receive the BENEDICT, il 1)., And I would lie down In my deep repose two in the art of and a sleep before I paper iree. , QELEST experts penmanship. refreshing proceed- of their argument so exasperated the Ere my bosom no longer with poesy glows ; These ed PHYSICIAK AND letters were placed before them. further. that he 8D30E0N, And I would arise to the mansions on high. officer, roughly pushed one of PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. 191 Bute Street (M.irl.k BRIDGEPORT. Every characteristic of the earlier letters Chance led the my footsteps Ere the thoughts that now live in my apirit shall through them back, who was using threatening Ulearicili one from Rue I qflht ThtrapaUic AginU. (die; screed with the letter Paris. The Rampart. passed the door 0 f No. gestures, on which the other fired bis NEWTOWN. omcb uouh.i: Ere the moments have fled, that to manhoood be- experts pronounced the that 100, where Zanone had lodged. Without musket Tuesdays and Ft idays from ft A. at. to $ r. H. chirography at him, but having missed his of the long, same person. exactly knowing why I entered and in- murk, was shot dead on the - FRANK E. And I feel that tie bitter to live too spot by the Italia Open: From the Bouili, 11.10 a. m. and )R- 8EELEY, long. I was baffled. quired for Monsieur laud-lor- completely Suborin, the Ben at the ; this was the .00 e. u. From the North, 12.10 m. and 6.10 p. m. try gate signal DENTIST, From Dublin, Zanone bad to His wife answered: an attack olose-ol- gone for from his companions, that Hails ng North, 10.30 a. at. and 4.45 389 Main Street, Bridgeport, Conn. e. at Londoo. From London, he "Monsieur will be in h. Ooiug Bouto, 11.35 a. m. and 4.45 r. h to therefore, directly." was immediately answered a round A (A'r door Birdtey It Co.) by of ; ..... Z s. Peck, r. M. must have to Paris. Madame v,as but her gone thirty, eyes were musketry from the troops who were CHURCHES. W. M. D. I resolved to return to bright ; she was formed Y BKOiVN, Accordingly, faultlessly ; her drawn out close to them, which killed TnreiT Chubch. Vain Street, Kev. Newton E. Paris by the way of London. smile was sweet and very I 10 Hun-da- encouraging. several, and consternation Marble. 1. D., rector, bervice 3.. a. tt. y PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. spread among 11 Was case in more determined to with ncaool, it. Atteruoou service, al 1. ever a shrouded chat ber until mon- the crowds of who bad as- Eve and Ear diteatet Mticceitfuttv treat-- A Woman's Scheme. sieur townspeople Cokohiuatiosal Mam Bev. complete and impenetrable f returned. I felt that I must make on Street, Jamea P. td. Special attention girtn to J li mat and mystery sembled the spot. Four of the band Hoyl, pastor. Services 10.30 a. At. Sunday School Women Could with an of an excuse of some so I 1 Lung aiieaiei. ltitea$et of and I, experience twenty kind, if who had 11,45 a. at. Afternoon services, i. u. On the morning of the 17lh of Febru- inquired presence of mind to spring up- ana surgical vaiei a ipectaity, discover the circumstances of the she remembered M. who Main Rev. excitement created years, Zanone, had on their horses in different di- Cathouc: street, Father MeCartsn MAIN ST. WOODBURY, CONN. ary considerable was escaped 10.15 a. VI. man's death f lodged with her. pastor. Services, Sunday bchool, the of the dead of a rections out of the town, though follow- 1130 r. m. by discovery body Madume ILL AM COT U Again the voice of reason bade me to blushed very red, and drop- ed and fired at as SOCIETIES.