Boldface Page Numbers Indicate a Major Treatment, While Italicized Numbers Indicate a Color Plate Or Figure
INDEX Boldface page numbers indicate a major treatment, while italicized numbers indicate a color plate or figure. Abe family, 689–90 Yuqi jing abhisekạ and Annen’s Abe no Seimei, 690 commentaries, 774–75 Kūkai born into, 1033 Wuwei sanzan chanyao and, 298 Abé, Ryūichi, 88, 177, 280, 304, 354, 593, see also cakravartin kings; kanjō; 668, 693, 702, 704, 1031 praxis; The Tōji Lecture Hall abhisekạ bodhimaṇḍa ( guanding Abhisekạ sūtra (Bussetsu-kanjō-kyō), daochang, consecration arenas), in the Nara period, 666 according to Haiyun, 287 Acala abhisekạ (guanding) Amoghavajra’s ritual command of, 356 administration of via government Budong shizhe tuoluoni mimi fa, T.1202 infrastructure, 265–66, 330 (secret dhāraṇī methods of Acala), 349 Amoghavajra’s performance of at the importance of cult of in the Zhenyan imperial court, 281, 351, 356–57 tradition, 102 analogues to, in the ritual systems in summary of iconography of, 106–8, the Dhāraṇisaṃ graha sūtra, 23–24 107f.8 appropriation of ritual details into as Vairocana, 106 early practices of, 74–75 Vajrapāṇi and, 102, 106 bestowal of, on Koryŏ kings, 603 Acalanātha Vidyārāja (Fudō Myōō) Consecration Scripture (Guanding jing, cult of initiated by Enchin, 748 T.1331) and, 74, 221, 305 esoteric and tantric practice associated coordination of with triple refuge in with, 15, 134, 931, 1049 MVS, 85–86 the five great mantra kings and, 911 discrete uses of within Indian ritual gomadō dedicated to at Byōdōin, 917 programs, 71–72 images of, 943f.7, 973f.18, 974 as feature of esoteric Buddhism, 5, Kamakura
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